#simp party angst hours
h0rr0rsaxo · 1 year
Okay so I have another ocv idea...hope you don't mind. So this is where cp Anni ends up in the oc-verse.
Fang and Viper are freaking out, Kellin and Vince are sitting there like dude....this human is kinda cute, Varrick is standing there holding onto Anni and quite literally is about to kill anyone who tries to touch or get too close and ocv Anni is being unreasonably aggressive, insulting Anni and threatening her, saying things like... "If you were smart you wouldn't be here. You are weak and pathetic and could get us all killed ! In fact I hope some demon catches you and decides to eat you."
"I won't fucking hesitate to kill you. In fact i'd relish in it." which is making Varrick tug her closer to him. Once everyone calms down they realize that human Anni is very much human and smells like such so they have to get rid of the smell. Fang offers to use a spell but Varrick practically jumps at the chance for affection and scents her by hugging her, rubbing his face against her, kissing her cheeks and neck, ocv Anni is seeing this and is just glaring, she feels jealous and kinda lonely but says nothing and sits there with her...."cat". Human Anni even tries to pet her "cat" but Azrael goes into his actual form and screeches, unhinging his jaw and scaring the piss out of poor cp Anni, and Varrick just shields her and glares at ocv Anni and her "pet."Then cp Anni just looks at her other self and narrows her eyes and says, "Why are you such a bitch? This entire time you've been sitting scowling and sulking, so what the hell is your problem?"
Ocv Anni: "YOU are my problem. You shouldn't be here!" and the arguing goes on until it gets to cp Anni just completely calling out ocv Anni.
"Oh whatever, you're just jealous and you know what, I know what your scared of. Your scared of being close to people, your scared that if you get close to anyone like you did with Ris, something bad will happen and you'll get hurt again....you and me may be different but we both have the same fears. So stop acting like you're all high and mighty."
(I am so so so sorry this is so long, no pressure, feel free to ignore this or change and get rid of/add anything you'd like and if you have any questions then feel free to ask!)
[ jealousy. || simp party. ]
Warnings: none.
Tags: @insane-horror-movie-addict
A/N: Never mention Ris around her...-- also, not really proof read?
Word count: 2,769
Fang and Viper found themselves in a dimly lit room, the flickering torches casting eerie shadows on the stone walls. The room was filled with demons, their glowing eyes fixed on the two of them as they entered. Fang's heart raced as she realized the gravity of the situation. She had messed up, and now she was in the presence of Enid and her shadow-proxies. She could feel their stares piercing through her, and her mind raced with thoughts of what kind of punishment Nightmare would inflict upon her.
"Oh no, Nightmare is going to be so angry with us," Fang whispered, her voice trembling with fear. "We're going to be in so much trouble! We allowed them to bring another human— you know how much Nightmare fucking hates humans?! We're all going to be fucking executed by her fucking proxies!" She paced back and forth in a panic, her heart racing as she began to sweat
Viper, who had been calm and collected up until this point, suddenly became more forceful. "Fang, pull yourself together!" she yelled, her voice echoing off the walls, she jumped up and grabbed Fang by the shoulders and striking a palm on her face to get to snap out of it, "We knew this was a possibility, and we have a plan. If we handle this correctly, everything will be fine." Fang nodded, trying to steady her breathing. She knew that Viper was right, but it was hard to shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in her stomach.
Fang looked at Viper with wide eyes, her breath coming in short gasps. "How the fuck would you know?! You're the one who got us into this mess!" she asked, her voice trembling.
Fang's eyes blazed with fury as she confronted Varrick, the large demon who had brought a human into their world. "How could you be so fucking idiotic?!" she yelled, her voice echoing off the walls of the cavernous room. "You know that Nightmare will punish us all severely for this! And if we manage to escape death like that, then creatures from all over are going to TRACK her scent down just to get a taste of this human!"
Varrick looked sheepish, his eyes darting around the room as if he was searching for an escape. "I didn't think it through," he muttered, his voice barely audible over Fang's angry tirade. "But I know I didn't make a mistake— she's so precious.."
Fang shook her head, her long black hair whipping around her face. "You never think anything through," she snapped. "Now we're all going to suffer the consequences of your stupidity!" Everyone's eyes fixed on Fang and Varrick as they argued. Fang could feel their collective tension and fear, their bodies tensing as they braced themselves for the wrath of her furious state. "Varrick? Are you even listening?!"
Varrick, a large demon with rippling muscles and a fearsome countenance, looked down at Anni with a tender expression. He had always been fond of the small, fragile human, and he couldn't resist the urge to show her affection. Gently, he reached out and traced his fingers along her cheek, marveling at the softness of her skin. Anni looked up at him, her eyes wide with wonder. "You are so delicate," Varrick murmured, his voice low and rumbling. "I must be careful not to hurt you."
Anni smiled up at him, her face glowing with happiness. "You're always so gentle with me," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Varrick leaned down and pressed his forehead against hers, his large, calloused hands cradling her face. "You are precious to me," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "I will protect you, always." Anni felt a warmth spread through her body as she gazed up at him. Despite his fearsome appearance, Varrick was always so gentle and caring with her. She felt safe and loved in his arms. Varrick pulled her close, his massive arms enveloping her in a warm embrace. Anni snuggled into him, feeling his heartbeat steady and strong against her chest. For a few moments, they stayed like that, lost in their own world of love and affection. In that moment, nothing else mattered. They were together, and that was all that mattered.
Finally, Varrick leaned back and gazed down at her with a soft smile. "You are my treasure," he said, his voice filled with reverence. "And I will cherish you always." Anni smiled back at him, feeling her heart swell with love. She knew that with Varrick by her side, she could face anything that the world might throw at her. He was her protector, her guardian, and her love— he was nothing like the other Varrick back at home. When Vince tried to walk up to the human, Varrick started growling— glaring at his brother with disdain.
"Seriously, can you stop touching that human? It's fucking pathetic to see you that desperate for attention, Varrick." Ocv-Anni bit at him, clearly angered by his irritating display of affection towards her alternate self. Kellin snorted with a chuckle at her behavior, but quickly shut his mouth when he realized she had been glaring at him with vicious intent. "I can't believe you can even be considered a proxy with this behavior."
Ocv-Anni grunted and rubbed her head, a headache suddenly eating at her brain. Clenching her eyes shut, she moved towards her alternate self that was being smothered in affection, "And you. You pathetic little human. I can't believe you're even a version of me! Why are you so weak looking? I could kill you right now!"
"And I can't believe even when my alternate self is some badass asshole, I still don't get any taller." Anni said bluntly— looking at the angered woman with a completely flat-tone while saying that. "Why are you even trying to threaten me? You're like 5'3…at most." Anni narrowed her eyes.
Ocv-Anni felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment as the room erupted into laughter.
The laughter continued, growing louder and more raucous with each passing moment. Anni could feel the weight of their amusement pressing down upon him, suffocating her with its intensity. Finally, one of the onlookers spoke up, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Yeah, Anni," Kellin said. "Why are you threatening her? Varrick could easily just pick you up…and put you on top of a fridge so you wouldn't hurt his treasure." Kellin's tone was laced with mockery as he snickered and teased both ocv-Anni and Varrick.
Ocv-Anni's embarrassment turned to anger as she bristled at the insult. "Shut up," she spat, her voice shaking with annoyance. "I could kill you right now." The room fell silent, the laughter dying away as her threat hung in the air. He felt a pang of regret, knowing that he had probably ensured that ocv-Anni was going to kick his ass later.
"And you." Ocv-Anni was sharp with her words, but she managed to spit them out. Her colorless-eyes were venomous with her, letting the human know she wanted absolutely nothing to do with her, "If you were smart you wouldn't be here. You are weak and pathetic and could get us all killed! In fact I hope some demon catches you and decides to eat you— in fact, I hope a crawler comes to tear you apart. Limb by limb."
"You know what? I don't need those creatures to do the job." The much more dangerous version of Anni paused to look at her, her eyebrow raising and it was enough to send her little human heart leaping from her chest- but she smirked shortly after. "I won't fucking hesitate to kill you. In fact I'd relish it. It's your fault for being stupid enough to decide to come here in the first place."
Varrick, the large demonic man, could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he surveyed the dimly lit room. He knew they were in danger, and he would do anything to protect Anni, the young human girl who was with him. "Anni, come here," he said, his voice low and urgent. He pulled her closer to him, his massive arm encircling her protectively. Anni looked up at Varrick, her eyes wide with wonder. She could see the worry etched into his face, and it made her so curious— why was he so worried? Would that other version of her actually go through with her threats?
Fang, the only other human, let out a low groan as she surveyed the group of people gathered before her. She couldn't help but shake her head at the tension in the air.
"Can we cut this soap-opera act and come up with a plan, please?" Fang said, her voice dripping with annoyance, "Do any of you have a plan to cover up Anni's human scent before the crawlers come to hunt her down? Or are we just going to let her be a sitting duck?" The other demons looked at Fang with a mixture of annoyance and confusion.
They knew that Fang had a tendency to be sarcastic and snarky, but they couldn't deny that she had a point, "The moment she steps out of this place, crawlers are going to surround us. My magic has been lacking as if recently, so I'm not certain I can hold them all off. These things can't be killed with regular weapons, people."
"We could use some of the herbs from the forest," suggested Vince tentatively, a look of concentration as he carefully set his finger on top of his chin, "They might help mask her scent."
Fang rolled her eyes. "Oh, great idea," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Because I'm sure the demons won't be able to smell the human girl walking around with a bunch of herbs stuffed in her pockets." Vince quickly flipped her off, while the others were unsure of how to respond to Fang's biting comments.
"Well, then what do you suggest we do, smart-ass?" Kellin rolled his eyes at the snarky woman, his azure-eyes trailing to her with annoyance.
Fang let out a sigh, her expression softening slightly, "We need to be smart about this. We need to find a way to protect Anni, or else we're all in trouble." She said, "I guess I can cast a spell on her temporarily but—"
"Let me do it." Varrick quickly interrupts— an adorable yet goofy smile as he grinned down at his little treasured human. Anni certainly was confused on what they had been talking about, this entire situation as a whole was confusing— I mean, until now, she didn't even know other worldly travel was possible— like at all. She didn't even know she had an alternate self, with differences that she'd never begin to imagine. Anni's eyes widened even further, and she instinctively moved closer to Varrick. She could feel the heat radiating off his massive body, and it was comforting in such a difficult moment.
Anni felt her face getting warmer. She hated to be the center of attention, and at this moment all the girls were piercing her with their curious eyes, making her sigh. It was all irritating to her, until she felt a chaste kiss being pressed against her soft skin— that was the one thing that hadn't changed about Varrick, he wasn't ashamed to show her affection— at all. A soft smile crossed her lips without her realizing it, her eyes glued to her intertwined fingers resting in her lap while he continued with practically rubbing himself against her. Smiling sheepishly, she turned to run her fingers through his hair, enjoying the way his large fingertips slipped alongside her skin, abnormally warm fingers drawing random patterns on her skin while he pressed kisses all over. Placing her hands over his, she slightly bumped her head against his chin, receiving a kiss on the cheek in return. Giggles were spilling from their throats, and Ocv-Anni felt sick.
Ocv-Anni sat serenely on the plush velvet couch, her long fingers delicately stroking the soft fur of her magical feline, Azrael. The feline purred contentedly, arching her back in pleasure at the sensation of her owner's touch. Ocv-Anni's eyes were narrowed, lost in the moment of pure jealousy that came from watching Varrick throw himself at somebody new, as soon as they gave him the attention he craved. As Ocv-Anni continued to pet Azrael, the room grew quiet, the only sounds being the soft purring of the cat and the gentle rustling of fabric as she shifted position. Anni approached the couch, a look of curiosity on her face. She reached out to pet Azrael, but as her hand made contact, something strange happened.
Azrael's fur bristled, his eyes turned deep red, and his body began to contort and twist in a grotesque manner. His once-soft fur became spiky and sharp, and his purring turned into a low, menacing growl. Anni recoiled in horror as the creature before her continued to shift and change, growing larger and more monstrous by the second. Varrick's face fell as he realized what was happening. He had forgotten to warn Anni about Azrael's tendency to shape-shift when she was agitated or startled. He quickly leapt to his feet, grabbing Anni's hand and pulling her towards the door. As they fled across the room, the monstrous creature that had once been Azrael let out a deafening roar, its sharp claws raking the furniture as it began to unhinge its jaws— before it turned back into a small feline, jumping back onto Ocv-Anni's lap as she snickered.
"Why are you such a bitch? This entire time you've been sitting scowling and sulking, so what the hell is your problem?" Anni heard her alternate self scoff under her breath, while her feline followed her lead. Anni was already prepared for her alternate self's disgruntled stubbornness— quickly flipping off her and her terrifying cat— which only caused the feline to hiss even more.
"YOU are my problem. You shouldn't be here!" Ocv-Anni's nails were buried deep in the palm of her hands, creating moon shapes. Her fists tighten, shivers running through her spine and her arms shaking uncontrollably, "You're causing nothing but problems, once they find out an ordinary human is here, we'll be killed. If not by the hundreds of crawlers tracking us, it's gonna be by the same damn goddess who killed the only fucking person I've ever cared about!" Varrick felt oddly offended by that statement, he narrowed his eyes slightly and sadly buried his head into Anni's neck, pulling the human closer to him for utmost comfort.
"Oh whatever, you're just jealous and you know what, I know what you're scared of," Anni could feel the power of her alternate self, a few meters away from her and her friends, like she was just by her side— her aura was terrifying. It was like her hands smashing her body, pushing her to the ground. Just standing there was hard, and all she could do was repeat the same phrase; 'please don't kill me for saying this,' "You're scared of being close to people, you're scared that if you get close to anyone like you did with Ris, something bad will happen and you'll get hurt again....you and I may be different but we both have the same fears. So stop acting like you're all high and mighty."
Ocv-Anni's heart accelerated. She observed her fingers. They were the same as when she had stretched them towards Ris, seconds before her life was taken by the blue–haired devil. Anni could still see her eyes being engulfed by black— smoke even emitting from them. She could hear her voice echoing her name, the pain she felt once she reached the floor alone. And the darkness, "DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT NAME! YOU DON'T GET TO SAY HER NAME, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO LOSE SOMEONE LIKE THAT!" Her fist struck the wall near them, causing the unstable wall to collapse beneath the strength of her fist. The entire house they were hiding in almost collapsed, with most of it already being obliterated. Light steam emitted from her fist, from the pure strength and velocity from the punch.
Everyone watched in sympathy as ocv-Anni hyperventilated, smoke still engulfing her fists while she glared at her freckled alternate self. Vince glided his hands to her shoulder, in an attempt to calm the shadow proxy, but she only shoved him off and turned on her heel, towards the forest.
"I'm going out to let off some steam."
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ratskcoreddie · 1 year
finish what you started
(bully!eddie x fem!reader)
introduction: eddie had always been so mean to you growing up and had been getting progressivly worse with the coming years. now a senior you celebrated your last homecoming at a party you unwilling attended. you just hoped you wouldn't run into the man you dreaded most. [WC: 10k] this started as a request but developed into this monster. it wasn't really proof read and is all over the place but i really love it. check out the request @honeybelle99 sent here!
tropes: enemies to lovers. porn with plot. oblivious to love.
warnings & tags: 18+, bully!eddie, fem!reader, slight angst, self doubt, strong language, suggestive language, swearing, drinking, teasing, smoking, sexual tension, dominance, eddie is mean in a teasing way, nicknames, eddie being a simp, confessions, intoxicated sex, unprotected sex, this isn't proof read.
parings: bully!eddie x fem!reader.
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you shouldn’t be here. you didn’t like parties in the first place. it was your boyfriend that had convinced you that you deserved a night out after a successful homecoming at hawkins high. it had been a long busy week for all the students and apparently now it was time to “let loose”. there were parties being hosted everywhere throughout the small town but the real rager was being thrown at steve harrington’s. anyone who knew someone, who knew steve, got in. it was why you had an invite. 
you yourself didn’t know steve much, but you had been a victim of his long time best friend, eddie munson. that awful man doubled as your sworn enemy. 
class of ‘86 had grown up together from pre-k to senior year. eddie had always been a year ahead of you until recently when he was held back. you dreaded that he had been pulled from graduating. the first three years of your high school career the asshole would pick on you. you thought you would’ve been free by now but you had underestimated his laziness and his determination to make every day for you living hell. you hated eddie munson. you hated how he treated you and his peers, how loud he was, how confident, you despised him. you couldn’t believe you still had an entire semester to go. and in the spring? you would be required to walk the same gradation stage as him. 
his sadistic personality towards you was awful. each of his actions had become a blur but you loathed the recurring events the most. between classes he would slam your locker shut in your face just to hear you let out a pathetic whine at him. he’d pick on you at lunch time by pulling you to the side and saying the most vulgar things in your ear. after a few sentences you would lose your appetite and he’d steal your lunch. always casually walking away with a statement of “love that i can count on you, babe”. in shared classes he would steal your answers or convince you to let him borrow your notes (only because he needed to copy them for a test).
besides the thought of his looming presence, the party was grand. there were jocks running up and down the stairs with paint on their bare chest, girls were on the kitchen counter letting strangers do body shots off of them, trashy red solo cups littered the halls, and you heard someone announce that ‘king steve’ was about to take on an entire keg by himself. grand it was, the environment was still to busy for you. further deducting you to someone who absolutely did not like parties. to make things worse the taste of liquor on your tongue wasn’t muffling the impact of the overstimulation one bit. 
you took another shot before you moved to the back door of steve’s home. you made an exit hoping to catch some fresh november air. regain your composure before going back inside to bum a ride off of anyone. your boyfriend had been missing in action for over an hour. pulling open the door gave you a sense of relief, as you pushed it shut the sounds of the crowd muffled. you took a step out onto the grass. it helped that this new environment was quiet, better yet, it lessened the chances of bumping into eddie. 
so you thought.
you should’ve known you would’ve found him there. eddie wasn’t a fan of parties either due to his social class. he was sitting under a tree across the yard with a freshly lit joint in his mouth. you watched him from a few feet away. his sudden presence had made you wish to turn and run from him. he lifted his head slightly at you and gave you a sick grin. you could only stare. it was just the two of you in the dark yard. how reserved you both were from the rest of the student body made chills run up your spine. rumors weren’t sparse when it came to the devilish boy and he was always such an asshole to you at school. because of his behavior, a feeling of dread always sat at the bottom of your stomach. you couldn’t help but wonder if what you overheard was true. you had to face that reality being alone with him. part of you grew excited at the thought of being able to lash out at him now that he didn’t have his friends or a crowd of onlookers to perform for. the idea of giving him a taste of his own medicine pumping adrenaline through your body. 
he grinned like a cheshire cat. his eyes sparkled at you under the moonlight. eddie continued playing with the joint between his teeth, rolling it with his tongue every once in a while. “what are you doin’ out here, sweetheart?” he laughed at you. “get lost looking for someone..?” he paused, “or were you looking for some trouble”. the lighter he must’ve used to light his smoke was dancing between his fingers. light from the moon was reflecting off of the silver as it sparkled. the object looked so small in his big hands.
you were quiet on your feet as you walked closer. you watched as the once seated tall dark figure moved to stand. he was just a shadow when you spotted him from the backdoor but as he moved the light of the house illuminated him. it wasn’t on purpose that you found him, it was more like fate. your curiosity urged you to find out what he was doing at the far end of the backyard. your mind raced as you began to think of what to say to him while you both slowly inched closer. before you even had time to think he was in front of you. he crossed his arms and snapped his lighter shut. you jumped. the action made him chuckle at you. the sound was low and from the depths of his chest. he puffed out his chest. 
you puffed your chest back and glared at his nonverbal teasing. you thought you had caught a glimpse of nervousness on his face at your actions but that couldn’t be true. the two of you stared at each other for a bit. you couldn’t tell because of his hard exterior but eddie’s heart began to race. he had been drinking throughout the night too and being intoxicated always made his brain a little hazy. “hi, eddie”, you barked at him. 
he liked the way you said his name in that tone. it was why he always pried and picked on you. you noticed his suggestive glance as he looked you up and down. a predatorial glint was swimming in his eyes. he wouldn’t ever admit it but he was hoping he would see you tonight, and god he was so glad the stars aligned. you were wearing a cute outfit. a swallowing brown patterned sweater on your frame, and hip hugging blue wide cut jeans. a jacket that was lined with fleece to keep you warm sat rested on your shoulders while your big boots tied the look together. eddie never understood what came over him when you were around but it was almost like you boosted his testosterone levels. the need to have dominance over you was astounding. he felt overly confident.
his adrenaline mixing with the alcohol in his body was dangerous. 
“hi, pretty girl..” eddie bent slightly down to your eye level with his words. as he moved he puffed smoke out of the corner of his lip at you. you swatted it out of your face and coughed away from his direction to shield your embarrassment. after you had regained your posture you looked up to find the man leaning over your frame and laughing.
“hey!” you jabbed him in the chest with your finger to warn him to back up. he didn’t move an inch. “you’re such an ass, eddie. i wasn’t going to run away from you and give you the satisfaction this time. i wanted to be nice”. he giggled, “oh, baby i'm so so sooo sorry i’ve ruined your plans of being nice to me” he teased. “you wanna start over, doll? we can try again. promise ill be good for ya this time”. he smiled stupidly while standing up straight and waiting for your next greeting. his irises were dark and shielded by his eyelashes as he stared.
“i.. what are you doing out here?” you questioned him instead of offering a greeting like he thought you would. “oh, now you’re interrogating me? can i remind you that you were the one that walked out here and to me? i didn’t even have to whistle you over here”. he said the last statement as if you were some pet to him. “no, i'm not interrogating you, eddie. unless there’s something you shouldn’t be doing out h-...”, your words slowly died on your tongue as he raised an eyebrow and pulled the lit joint away from his damp lips. he laughed at your speechlessness, your body tensed. 
“mhm”, he let the lit smoke fall to his side as his fingers pinched it tight. “wanna know a secret?” you slightly nodded. “i think you wandered out here to me because you’re nosey… you wanna know what the town's misfit gets up to when he’s not picking on his favorite girl, baby?” he gave you a wolfish smirk. you sent him a death stare at his gross pet names. “oh, don’t look at me like that, you know i love when you’re all pouty for me..” eddie lifted his hand to take his third or fourth drag of the night. 
“god, you’re so gross. i'm so glad i won't have to hear your stupid insults when you leave next semester..” you tone was a whisper though you meant it. eddie acted overly insulted. “oww, words hurt, you know? it’s really rude to say something like that to someone that’s been such a constant in your life”, he smiled. you pushed a flat palm into his chest with as much force as you could muster. “oh so it’s fine for you to call me names?? but as soon as i do it your act crumbles?” you knew he was being sarcastic with his comment but it set you off, you continued, “i hear it almost everyday, ‘baby’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘doll’, and what about your favorites huh? ‘whore’, ‘slut’. what about those words, eddie?” each vowel you said was a blow to his chest. he stepped back from you but not before he grabbed your wrist to stop your assaults. he pulled you into a close proximity with his burning grip. 
eddie had subtly and secretly pulled his hand holding his joint away from you, careful not to inflict a burn on your delicate skin. he would hate himself if he caused an accident like that but he didn't let his tenderness for you shine through his knives of assertion. “hey! you watch it!”, eddie growled at you. his tone almost shut your body down. you could tell he was mad now. “i only call you a whore because you deserve it. always fucking sucking face with your piece of shit boyfriend. i think you need the judgment. maybe if i keep it up i’ll see it less and less, hmm?” you cowered under his gaze and trembled in his grip. “oh i know why you came to find me now, you wanted to get me alone so you could take it all out on me didn’t you? wanted to give me a taste of my own medicine”. eddie read your mind. his grip loosened on you but you didn’t dare move. “whatever … an- and.. he can’t fucking kiss you anyways, such a slob with you”. he mumbles.
eddie didn’t elaborate his statement but he let it linger. it hung in the air over the both of you as he glanced at your lips. you caught him but he didn’t care, he studied them. they were damp with your hot breaths in the cold, almost winter air. he was breathing in what you were exhaling. he could smell your pretty perfume and shampoo. you felt your heart begin to race and your cheeks heated up the space between your bodies. he couldn’t shy away from his own doing the same. you wiggled against him to shift your body weight onto your other foot. he didn’t like your struggle. you felt him move his own feet with yours, eddie’s big boots boxing you in even more. you felt his hard metal belt buckle dig into the side of your hip. his cuff of his leather jacket was cold on the exposed skin of your wrist he continued to hold.
eddie smiled childishly at you. the new expression was something you hadn’t seen from him before. you moved your chin down to avoid his stare but as you pulled away, he just as easily let your wrist go and instead gripped your chin. with his thumb and pointer finger he held you. you fought to keep your eyes away from him to the best of your ability. eddie huffed, he pinched your face harder. “look at me”, as soon as you did you wished you hadn’t. his look was determined and sultry. his bangs framed his face messily. you had never been this close and his features were easy to get lost in. he was pretty, which was such a huge inconvenience for you to realize now that you were alone, it was dark, and he was this close. “don’t go shy on me after having that burst of attitude. c’mon you wanna give it to me? then give it to me, baby”. 
your thoughts raced back to your boyfriend. you shouldn’t have been talking with eddie like this. you pulled away from him and turned your head back to the sliding glass doors of steve’s house. they looked so far away. when you looked back at eddie your eyes were wide. you noticed his tongue twirling the joint between his lips. waiting for a response from you. you dared to indulge. his gaze fell to your lips again. his cheeks burned red when he felt your stomach slightly bumping into his own. you stole a look at his lips like he had moments ago. you watched him nervously wet his lips. your cheeks blushed even deeper. eddie smirked at you and tested the waters of your new expression. he stuck out his tongue further and licked his sharpest canine tooth. you were mesmerized.
your stomach flipped. you wondered what he was thinking. “what do you know about kissing?” you blurted out without thinking. eddie coo’d at you “i know far more than your stupid boyfriend, i guarantee it.” eddie said with confidence. he crossed his hands over his chest, now that space was granted between you. you mirrored his actions and your forearms grazed his. you shrugged his suggestive gesture off. you were certain he was just bluffing. his rough exterior surely scared any girls he tried to smooth talk away, as he had tried many times with you. 
but now you weren’t scared, now you were looking to pick a fight. you decided to ignore his comment about his kissing skills to avoid yourself from growing more hot. this conversation could easily take a more suggestive turn if you urged him on, and you weren’t going to let him win the stand off. you wracked your brain for ways to shut him down before speaking again. your next sentence tried to change the subject, but it definitely fell short.
“you’re right. he’s a shit kisser, but that’s none of your business and you don’t have to be mean about it.” the drinks you had doubled as truth serum. he whined pathetically at you, “wasn’t trying to be mean. if anything you’re being mean to me for a change.” you frowned, “seriously?”. “yeah, you told me i'm ‘such an ass’ and then started hitting me.. don’t think i deserved that. you’re so cold hearted, you know?” he giggled.
the playful banter you shared made you both smile. the absurdity of your dynamic was so dramatic. the buzz was hitting your system hard and he was right there with you. you watched eddie as he bent down at the waist to grab his almost empty beer off of the ground. he must’ve been babysitting that while outside by himself. when he raised back up he tilted his head back and drank the rest of the can. you watched his adam’s apple bob up and down while he chugged the golden liquid. a bit fell from the corner of his lips and down his throat. you watched as it dripped down to his shirt collar. when you reached the edge of the garment you noticed a tear. under the rip was his sharp collar bones. his pale skin contrasted against the darkness. you noticed a dark inky black line through the split of the aged t-shirt. it peeked at you. when he was done eddie dropped the can. 
when he connected your eyes to his quicker than you could register, eddie noticed you watching him intently. the fresh liquor in his system gave him another boost of confidence. he stepped to you. the distance between you two closed just mere inches between your bodies in a now comfortable silence. his frame was large, his body casted a shadow that consumed you. you had always thought there wasn’t much of a height difference between you two, but now you weren’t as sure. no matter the inches and centimeters you tried to think about, the numbers didn't help to busy your brain. you knew even if there was a large difference, eddie was sure to make you feel small under him in anyway. that's how it has been your entire life.
you watched his left hand raise between your bodies and to his lips. still holding onto his darling joint. he submitted to placing it once again between his teeth. the hot cherry on the end was slowly dying because of the icy outdoors. you blushed as he caught you stealing another glance at his lips. you seemed so intrigued by him now, not angry or upset. eddie realized you weren’t just looking at his lips for no reason. the tension he craved was there. the tension he thought he would never be a witness to snap. he was always so desperate for you to see how badly he wanted your attention but it was hard for him to express his feelings and he knew it was even harder for you to catch onto his rude ass behavior translating to him flirting. he didn’t blame you for hating him after all these years, he hated himself for it.
your attentiveness caused his body to ignite. you wanted something more now, and he so desperately wanted to provide anything to you. he wished he could read your mind to know what you were thinking. his eye contact didn’t budge from yours as he slowly pulled his lighter back out of his pocket. when his fingers couldn’t quite grab a hold of it his eyes trailed away from yours and down to his jeans.
“fuck.” he grunted.
you felt frozen. the vulgar word was said in just a breathy whisper, it gave you goosebumps. not in a bad way like before, just different. he grabbed his lighter and put it between the two of you. his tone was gentler because of how close he was. making sure that you would know he wasn’t directing the term towards you and instead the inconvenience his overly tight pants were causing him.  his hot breath brushed over the sparked flame putting it out and in its path you felt it on your cheek. he clumsily tried to light it again. 
after the constant spin of the wheel and the strain of his hands, his actions snapped you out of your daze. when you realized he was trying to spark a flame. you let out a sweet giggle. eddie looked at you before watching you take the lighter away from him. he gave you a glare while you continued to laugh at him softly. it was directed at him but he didn’t feel spiteful like he usually did when people laughed at him. eddie craved to have you laugh at him, craved to be the sole reason he heard that sound fall from your lips. 
he was so soaked up in each of your expression  as you moved in front of him with his lighter in your hands. eddie left out a small grunt when his fingers lightly brushed against yours. he wouldn’t have caught it himself if you hadn’t pointed it out, “stop whining, let me help you”. he willingly let you take it into your hands. he was quite possessive over his belongings so him letting you just snag his lighter was a very big deal to him. the contact of your hands made shivers go down his spine. 
his hands were warm compared to yours. the only contrast was his cold rings. in one motion your small thumb sparked the flame of the lighter. he looked back up and your eyes met once again. eddie motioned his hand to take it away from you as he nodded appreciatively, but gave you a confused look when you wouldn’t give it back. you swatted his hands away. you held the lighter in your right hand. the flame burned. you moved your vacant left hand onto his lips slowly. your palm touched the bottom of his chin while your cold fingers pinched the joint out of his mouth. your fingers lingered on his lips longer than they should have.
in an instant eddie’s confidence shattered. he let your motions continue as he was stuck watching you. his cheeks burned a brighter red then the flame. you gave him a smirk as you placed his joint between your lips. successfully stealing it from him. you tasted eddie, the damp end was sweet but there was a touch of beer that laced the end of it. your hands cupped the flame while relighting the smoke for him.
you snapped the zippo shut. his jaw dropped. 
eddie watched you spark a bright red cherry between your lips with your lungs. you inhaled the smoke easily, and pulled it away from your lips. eddie turned away from you to avoid your eyes, he was flustered. his jeans tightened around his groin. he tried to not think about your soft, plush, lips that stole his joint. he felt you pull his chin back to face you with your index and thumb, just like he had previously. your hand on his face startled him, your touch was cold. he almost let a sigh leave his chest, but he held it back. you moved in just a bit closer before a big cloud of smoke left your throat and puffed into eddie’s face. the boy began coughing while you laughed. when the cloud cleared you noticed eddie hadn’t really moved away from where he stood. he liked how close he was. you pulled the joint away from your mouth while looking into his eyes. you spoke in a sultry whisper, eddie barely heard you.
“you know, you really shouldn’t be smoking these. kills your brain cells.” you said softly. “oh, yeah? and what do you know about smoking?” he teased. “far more than you’d imagine, munson. I guarantee it.” you mocked his earlier jab at you about your boyfriend.
your comment reminded eddie of the conversation you previously shared. he gulped, lost in thought while he watched your hand raise back up to your face. you inhaled deeply, the musky taste of the plant covered your tastebuds. when you exhaled you turned your face away from him. eddie was in a daze. his eyes trailed up and down your features. you turned your face back to his, luckily you didn’t catch him that time, he would’ve died of embarrassment. your faces were a little more than inches apart. 
he wished he could have the strength to get closer. to really close the distance. this wasn’t like him. he never dared to come onto you intimately, scared of rejection, and he definitely never expected you to have the courage to stay so near. after he had been tearing you down for years it was surprising. he always knew you were strong willed but this was another level. he didn’t know if you wanted to get to know this eddie munson. the eddie he hid from everyone, the eddie that he acted like a hardhead because he had to. now he couldn’t be mean as he melted at your soft gaze. the poor boy had imagined what he would do if he ever ended up in a position like this with you. on several occasions it was after a long week of classes, in his own bed with his hand between his sweaty thighs. 
his blissful stare gave you the confidence to speak again. you had no clue what came over you but you decided to be alluding. it could’ve been the mood that you two found yourselves wrapped up in. or the unspoken tension. you knew this was bad. your boyfriend that hated eddie more than you was only ten or so feet away, partying in the house behind you. you weren’t the only victim to his constant bullying and degrading speech. and in the stance you were both in if anyone caught you it could be horrific. 
you threw your cares to the wind and continued.
“i like smoking. keeps my mouth busy.” you whispered looking at his lips and taking a puff. eddie paused. all of the blood in his body rushed south. you watched him try to gather himself. his stomach was in knots at your words. he almost short circuited when he realized you were being even more suggestive than before. you were blatantly flirting with him. a growl left his throat. his head lolled to the side. his neck was exposed again. 
your eyes traced his neck with curiosity. you wondered if he was sensitive there. what it would be like to lick your tongue up and down the veins bulging out. he looked down at his hands to avoid your glance. you eyes followed. you watched him clench his fist till his knuckles went white. his sparkly rings glistened under the light the moon supplied. he quickly shoved his hands in his pockets. fighting the urge to reach out and grab you. that's when you saw how his already bulge hugging jeans were swollen. you averted your gaze embarrassingly. you didn’t know he was this easy to get worked up. when you looked back up at him. his shoulders trembled and he let out a deep breath. the whites of his eyes glowing as he closes off more distance between you and him. his voice was drawn out in a low mumble, almost strained. his whispered in the vicinity of your ear. chills rushed down your spine as his grunts made your tummy turn.
“you’re fucking killing me, sweetheart”, he almost moaned. “i bet i could keep your pretty mouth busy all night. even better than your boyfriend”. eddie coo’d. “...you think I'm supposed to believe you know a lot about girls and their mouths, munson?” you mumbled around the smoke. “i’d love it if you’d let me show you…” he paused for a brief moment.
eddie moved his right hand and opened his palm to touch you. his fingers wrapped around to your jawline. his hand was massive when it fully surrounded your face. his touch was slow and deliberate. his rings were cold, the metal almost stung your face. his fingers danced across your features with purpose. eddie’s thumb touched the bottom of your face. your movements followed his direction. his index finger met your top lip and his middle tugged on the corner of your mouth. your lips stayed closed anticipating his next move before you realized he was pinching the smoke out of your mouth just like you had done to him moments ago. you were stunned. 
eddie was tugging at the joint with his delicate fingers. he giggled at how easy you were, but before letting go of the joint with your lips you stared up at him with your eyes. he watched you intently. your cheeks went hollow as you sucked on it and inhaled one more hit. eddie had never been so jealous of a joint in his life. you watched eddie’s eyes slowly roll into the back of his head at your actions before he closed them. he shamelessly moaned. your chest tightened at the noise. the cherry of the joint burned a bright red as he released it from you. 
eddie rushed to inhale the remnants of your taste with his own hit. you both had reached the last of it. he turned his head away kindly to exhale the smoke but his eyes stayed fixed on you and your lips. his fingers flicked the ash of the smoke onto the ground and stopped it out. your eyes sparkled at him. you hummed a soft note innocently before he reached his hand back up to your face. his grip was stronger this time, like how it had been when he was mad at you. eddie moved his fingers from your cheek to the bottom of your lip rudely. his thumb pulled at your bottom lip. you drooled onto his fingers as he blew smoke into your throat. 
he exhaled, you inhaled. 
it tasted like eddie. he felt your spit on his fingertips before he released you. your bottom lip wetly snapped back in place as he dragged his thumb downwards. his eyes stayed fixed on your plump slobbery lips as his irises burned with the smoke rising. he could think of thousands of things he wanted to do to you and your pretty face. his fingers remained on your chin. holding your face towards him.
“oh, you're gonna get me in a lot of trouble. i just know it.” he purred. “why’s that?” you questioned.“...don’t tell me you forgot about your boyfriend already, baby?” he paused.
you heart stopped. the way he called you baby now made your thighs clench together. he smirked as your cheeks glowed red. the strain you two had been sharing always calmed eddie down. it seemed to have the opposite effect on you. all your senses were heightened as it buzzed in your body. your mind was on overdrive. you wanted eddie bad. but as quick as you realized you needed him his hand left your chin. the touch lingered. it was electric. you lost yourself in the moment. your eye’s closed before you let out another soft hum and giggle. the strain turning all your nervousness into making you loopy. eddie raised his eyebrow at you, questioning your motives. you realized you hadn’t answered him. 
“y– yeah. you’re uhm…”, a pause, “right. i should get back to him. don’t want him finding out about this.” you whimpered. “uh-huh, that's right, baby”. eddie laughed at you.
your body stayed still. he brushed some of your hair out of your face to get one last look at you. the quick movement brought you back down to earth. he stared, no, began glaring into your eyes as you looked at him with a fucked out expression. he was leering at the sight of you. his gaze was filthy. you gasped as he experimentally traced his fingers on your skin. his touch started at your lips where he had played before, but he didn’t stop there. he moved his big heavy hand down to your jawline, and then your neck, and onto the collar of your sweater. his touch barely danced on your skin. he listened as you whimpered when he moved one finger down the center of your chest and then it was snuggled onto your hip. 
his grip was needy and harsh. it resembled how your lousy boyfriend would paw at your hips when he wanted something from you. the difference was your body willingly moved with eddie’s grip. you were basically throwing yourself at him. his hand moved under your sweater. his touch was cold on your warm sides. half of his hand stayed fixed on your skin, the other on the waistband of your cute jeans. he didn’t want to seem too eager, but his grip was tight and aggressive. he pulled you into his chest by your waist and your arm gripped onto his big shoulder that was guarded by his leather jacket. his head was almost buried in your neck at the soft sudden embrace he whispered in your ear.
“you should really get back to him. i think it would be better for both of us if i left. what do you think?” he whispered. you couldn’t think. the only thing that was on your mind was eddie and how he was holding you. he infiltrated your thoughts. you arm tightened around his frame. physically begging him to keep you here. he listened to you whimper into his chest at his question. you felt his jeans tighten on your thigh. he whispered into your ear again, 
“fuckkk, sweetheart… you making those pretty sounds for me? barely even touched you”, he teased. things were moving too fast. you slowly broke away from his grasp to ground yourself. he looked down at you with consolidating eyes. if this continued on you wouldn’t know what could come of it. you both weren’t very sober either. your cheeks were almost purple as you looked up at him with a hazy stare. he smiled. you just nodded. scared of what you might say next. 
he figured you pulling away was his cue to leave, so he started to walk back towards the house. the foot of distance that was put between you two helped cut the tension. you couldn’t tell but under his skin he was a mess. eddie was secretly glad that he had a few too many drinks and a joint. he wouldn’t have been able to face you like that otherwise. he heard you let out a small sigh with your exhale. your hand that was holding him fell to your side. 
truthfully he tried walking away. but he felt your eyes watching his back and the idea of moving forward without acting on his fantasies was enough for him to suddenly still. your eyes followed his movements as he turned around. the next actions were fast. his big arm moved past your head and grabbed the back of it. with you in his control it allowed his other hand to wrap around your throat and constrict. the feeling of the tingles caused by the weed mixed with the overstimulation from his touch made you delusional. he listened to you whimpering in fear as he imposed on your personal space again. he let out a devilish chuckle. he opened his mouth slowly to say his next words. they came quickly but you spoke before he could.
“you’re s–” he was cut off. “do you want to kiss me?” you choked out.
eddie paused, the soft question seemed so innocent. he knew that if he did kiss you he wouldn’t be able to stop himself soon after. it would be long and messy. he also couldn’t promise that he could fight off the urge to do more to you. he put some reasoning into his own head. it was totally irresponsible to kiss you right now. you both were standing in a vast open yard, intoxicated, and not in the best headspace. it was the drugs and liquor talking, not you, no way you wanted this. he had to shamefully admit, if he was gonna kiss you and make it count now would be the best moment. 
he felt his cock stiffen as he watched you purse your lips. his mind wandered to how you would feel wrapped around him like that with a pretty pout and puff kissed lips. he wanted to know what you would do if he pushed you up against his body and embraced you fully. he wanted to sloppily lick up and down your neck and hear the noises he could spawn from your throat. his eyes consumed your mouth as he processed what his next move would be. he had thought about this moment just hours before steve’s party. your eyes looked so sparkly as a blush crawled up your neck and onto your cheek bones as you waited for his answer. you wet your lips with your tongue. knots were in his stomach. 
he grunted, “shit.. it doesn’t matter how bad i wanna kiss you”, he paused, “and it doesn’t matter that i think you're the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen. this wouldn’t work. i’ve been such a dick to you. you deserve better than someone like me”. you thought that was funny coming from him considering how much eddie hated your boyfriend.
his eyes continued watching the mouth he desperately wanted to kiss before you started to speak. “tha-..”, he glared at you before raising his index finger onto your lips. he applied a little pressure. he watched as they pushed out and around his finger. he smirked while shushing you. he thought back to how you looked with your cheeks hollowed out sucking on his joint again. his soft hands felt so good on your face. you weren’t going to fight him on this, you never wanted this moment to end. 
before you could stop yourself your lips opened slightly, inviting him in to play with your tongue. he groaned as he felt you kitten lick his finger gently. he didn’t pull away. his dick was sore with how much you two had been teasing each other back and forth. he fought every urge to shove his index down your throat to really feel it. he continued talking to you. his tone was mean and messy, laced with dominance. you loved this eddie, you didn’t care that he was mean. 
“.. shhh… you really do love keeping that mouth busy don't you…”, he teased, “i was right about you being a little whore..  hmm?” eddie raised his eyebrow at you. pulling his wet finger back onto your lips. he played with your top and bottom lip slowly before he adjusted his hand. his thumb was pushing at your bottom lip, testing if you were gonna welcome the other digit into your mouth. you stuck your tongue out fully at him. he placed the pad of his finger onto the wet warm muscle and you took it into your mouth. you looked at him with eyes that put him in a trance. you were successfully distracting him from pulling away from you. he tasted like all the things you loved about a man, but it was uniquely eddie. warm, salty, and a hint of beer he must’ve spilled on his hand earlier. sucking on him slowly he moaned. 
“oh. fuck. me.” whining between words. he watched you for a second before trying to speak again. “do you… do you really want this as bad as i do?” his face was so close. you watched his chest rise and fall as his breath invaded your space. you smelled the musky combination of liquor and smoke on his tongue. he looked longingly into your eyes waiting for you to say something. you continued to play with him. you must have stood in silence for far too long because eddie spoke for you. his tone was heavy. you watched his lips move with his words. while his fingers toyed with yours.
“baby?’ he asked. you just nodded and sucked harder.
he giggled while rotating his soaked thumb on your tongue. “hmm, what’s the matter, that sweet mouth of yours doesn’t wanna be so mean anymore does she? poor thing. how devastating, i love hearing your pretty noises.. and whines… and pouts. you just need something to fill you up, don’t you?”. eddie clicked his teeth in dissatisfaction as your tongue continued to play with his salty finger. you shook your head at him like a child. telling him you didn’t wanna talk and would rather do this. you were scared of what you would say anyways. the man smirked at you before moving closer to whisper something in your ear. as he spoke softly you reminded yourself this was your sworn enemy. never did you think he could make you so hot. never did you think you would let something like this happen.
eddie was fully in control as he spoke to your empty mind. when his lips barely touched your earlobe you could hear his breath. it made your head spin. that was the closest he had been to you. you felt his hot exhale on your neck. his tone when he said his next words were laced with evil. “tell me, what is it that you want out of this? i can tell you’re touched starved.” his breath grazed your ear again, his lips fell to your jaw and he kissed you there. “mhm,” eddie groaned. “your boyfriend isn’t taking good care of you and your mouth is he?” eddie paused. “because if he was, i bet you’d have way less of an attitude with me all the time.”
this was a dangerous game you two were playing.
you moved your hands between your bodies. the tip of your finger grazed the hem of his shirt and slightly pulled it up. you felt the path of hair that guided you into his pants. eddie winced at the action. he pulled away from you slightly to give your hand room to slip into his waistline. you looked down at his jeans, realizing he was about to pop the zipper on them. you wished it was a bit brighter so you could see exactly what he was packing. there was really no need because you could feel him in your hand. he groaned into the skin of your neck and started leaving messy open mouth kisses in his wake. when you curved your hand just right he whined. “ohh… fuckk”. 
eddie grabbed your hand away from his body and instead rushed to pick you up. you yelped and giggled as he drug you back to his bestfriends house. “what.. what are you doing, eddie?” he let out a gruff laugh. “finishing what you started”. his boots stomped on the ground as the pitter patter of your own soles tried to keep up with his. when you both had arrived back inside the party was in its last stage. he rushed you through the doorway and then into the kitchen. bodies were passed out on the livingroom floor. cans were both empty and spilled all over the stairs that eddie was leading you up. there was a door that had a sock on the doorknob in the hall that led to the guest bedrooms of the large home steve and his absent family stayed in.  
he threw open a door to a room he knew wouldn’t be occupied because steve always kept a room reserved for eddie and robin when they stayed over. as he manhandled you he slammed the previously open door and pushed you against it. he looked into your eyes. “..this okay, yeah?” he huffed. his chest raised quickly anticipating your answer. “ye-..”, the reassuring words hadn’t even left you before he was swallowing them down. 
eddie forced the searing kiss onto your lips while he groaned. it was all tongue and teeth as you both fought to taste each other. he grabbed you cheeks to keep you steady while he studied each curve and imperfection of the lips he had always wished to kiss. he traced his tongue though your crevices. you were everything to him. he had secretly been starving for this very moment since he had a sample of your taste from his damp joint you bummed. your spit teasing him. 
though he was rough with you his hands were gentle. he held your face softly and pawed at your hips. it was easy for him to maneuver around you and unbutton your jeans. you were both so desperate, but eddie was pathetic. he was whining and moaning while grinding against your thigh. he pulled away with a soft bite on your bottom lip. he lifted you up by the waist and carried you from the door and further into the room till your back was met with the guest bed. he grabbed your ankles as you fell back and pulled your pants down just enough to where he could see the tiniest bit of your panties.
eddie bites his lip softly, smiling to himself. he had been wanting to get you into this position since the beginning of his toments. eddie crawls up your frame as he slowly pulls your jeans completely down. his arms wrap around and spread your thighs. your head unwillingly fell backwards. the muscles of your neck strained. you felt him leave a gentle kiss on your covered clit. it wasn’t much, but it was enough to drive you insane. he laughed with his face close to your center. his hot breath so close gave you another sensation of how crazy this was. eddie teased you with his fingers over the fabric making your thighs clench together around his head. blocking his view and slowing his moments. 
“ah.. you keep those legs open or we’re stopping… been thinking ‘bout this too long.” he hooks his strong arms around your calves. he forces you into the position easily. eddie wasn’t being dramatic. he had been dreaming about this for years and now he wasn’t gonna let you move an inch. you let him hold you. 
you hated him. you loved this. 
you cupped your hand around your mouth to try to stay quiet. as soon as you did, eddie raised over you and pulled it away harshly. he laid your palm flat and open over your head. “none of that either.. talk to me, doll. let me hear you…” he demanded with a sultry tone. “yes, eddie..” you nodded and then he kissed you. the kiss this time was softer and laced with feeling. 
“that’s a good girl… such a good girl”, he murmurs the words to himself as he makes his way back down. “your boyfriend ever do this for you baby…?” eddie possessively played with the hem of your panties while purposely teasing your lips. you answer him with a small whine. “..no..”, you lean forward to watch him. he grins at you like a devil. eddie slides his fingers under your panties, rubbing your slick around your mess. “oh god.. you.. you were this wet for me while we were out there talking weren’t you?” all you could do was nod. he slowly hooks his fingers onto the straps of your panties and pulls them off to expose you to him fully. his breath hitched, you heard it. the damp fabric moving from your hips down to your thighs and past your ankles makes you roll your eyes back and instinctively buck your hips towards him. as your panties had moved down, his lips now moved up. a kiss on your ankle, a harsh bite on your inner knee, a wet suck and pop of his lips on your inner thigh. 
“gonna make you feel so good, you’re gonna feel so good cause of me, baby. no one else, m’kay?” eddie opens your legs wide again so he can indulge himself. he grunts as he gets a good look at you. he kisses your exposed clit and sucks deeply. his eyes roll back at the taste. soft, messy sounds start to fill the room from your dripping wet pussy and his sloppy tongue. you could subtly hear the grind of his hips against the spring mattress. his tongue worked in firm circles on your sensitive nub, followed by gentle slides of his up your tummy in tender touches.
“god, you soaked through your panties, pretty girl”. you whined above him, unable to answer his statements. you watched him as he collapsed your worn garment into a bundle in his free hand, he stuffed it deeply in his back jean pocket. “gotta save that for later so i know i'm not dreaming…” eddie growled from deep in his throat. the overwhelming and confusing feelings made you reach for him. he giggled and stuffed a finger into you while continuing to lick his flat tongue up your center to savor your dripping arousal. 
the air was filled with the smell of sex and the sloppy sounds of him drinking you down. he worked you open for him. he was silent as he catered towards his own needs and fantasies, still not fully comprehending that you were wincing under him in pleasure.  when he felt your walls clench around his fingers and your pants grow even shorter, eddie began to talk you through your finish. “does that feel good, sweetheart?” his hips rutted into the mattress, hard. the prospects of getting you off was getting him harder than he had ever been before.
though eddie was so fucked out, his mean demonor didn’t stray far away. he slowed his movements just to hear you cry out for him. when you looked for an answer to why he was slowing down, he smirked at you. you watched through your lashes as he flicked his tongue just right and in a dreadfully slow curve. “taste so.. fucking.. good”, he said to himself. then he harshly slapped your clit after your hand had fallen back over your mouth to muffle your moans. “ahha!” you cried. “what did i say? answer me.. feels good, doesn’t it?”. “yes.. yes feels…ah… really good.. don’t stop. please. don’t stop.” you whimpered for him. his chest grew warm, his tummy turned. 
he whispered his words while kissing your clit “mhm… wasn’t hard was it? all i needed to hear, baby.” he continued his faux attitude while you cried for him. he was close to falling apart. he had to be dreaming. eddie moved his fingers over you in an agonizingly slow manner, while he day dreamed. as he mindlessly day dreamed of all the things he could do to you tonight he heard you cry out for him to give you more. you didn’t have to tell him twice. he picked up his pace once again. you trembled, a moan stuck in your throat threatening to rip through you. you couldn’t hold on anymore. your entire body shakes for him as your breath leaves your lungs. his name is a constant curse of how good he could make you really feel. the way you moaned for him was making his cock unbelievably hard. you can feel his devilish smile againsts you as he furthers his torture and fucks you through your first orgasm, not daring to slow down for you to catch your breath. his hips continue to chase friction from the mattress.
a massive tidal wave washes over you. the sounds of your hot cunt leaking for him and down his fingers make him leak through his pants and onto the bed with his own pre. the relief you feel brings tears to your eyes as you cum harder than you thought was possible for a person to. your dripping hole clenched around him like a vice. it continues to suck him back in, he’s not ashamed to give your greedy pussy more.
“eddie! ahhha.. eddie!” you scream out from overstimulation. your needy tone surprises him so he quickly slows down his pace. he calms you. eddie places hot kisses on the hollow spot between your hip and thigh. after he sucks your skin a deep purple eddie sits up a little. he’s letting go of your legs, and placing both of his hands on the top of your thighs. he grips the doughy skin gently to ease your tingly body. the tenderness of his actions allows you to come back down to earth. you look up at him over you. as you made eye contact eddie pulled his shirt off of his chest. his hands worked on loosening his belt buckle. he was so handsome like this. “you’re handsome..” you mumbled in a drowsy state. 
“you.. you really think so..?” he blushed a deep maroon while you hummed when he collapsed onto you. he raised slightly to help you take your own shirt off. he moved desperately. “need to feel you..” he pulls you into a searing hug. skin on skin. eddie raises your back to arch for him before he pops the back of your bra undone. you whine at how efficient he was with it. “eddie..” you whimper. he pulled the garment off of you as he raised himself up. he threw it somewhere into the room with the rest of the now growing pile of clothes. 
then he was working on his jeans. he clumsily moved his knees back and forth to rock out of the tight restricting pants. your hand must’ve made it’s way to his lower tummy while he undressed. he pulled the band of his boxers down and he let his swollen cock bounce free. it slapped the back of your hand. you both moaned at the contact. his tip was bright red and dripping. eddie whined as he grabbed his base. he got a serious glint in his eyes as he let you take it and guided it down to you.  “you think it’s handsome?” "y-yeah," you nodded, sounding a little hoarse. 
you sighed a little at the feeling of him letting you run it through your folds. he was huge and bigger than anything you had ever taken. he grabbed your hips to keep your body from running from him, or worse pushing him into you when he wasn’t composed at all and risking hurting you. he insulted your past experiences to make himself feel better about the fact that he was forsure going to bust early. “never had a dick this big?” he teased shyly. his false confidence died when you looked at him with need. oh, he was so fucked. he had already been so on edge while playing with you using his fingers.
he bent at the waist and kissed you again, right when you least expected it. you felt his hips pull away from your slightly. he whispered “..you.. shit.. are you ready?" he asked you, but it sounded like he was stalling.
karma's a bitch and you were tired of waiting. you were going to win this standoff. the break between your last orgasm and now allowed you to catch your breath. with a huff and a whisper into the shell of his ear, you teased, “are you?”. you broke down all his walls with those two words. "baby… oh baby.. fuck i've been ready for this for years," he choked the confession out breathlessly before plunging forward and filling you with his cock in one smooth motion. eddie shivered as he pressed his hips up to yours, moaning weakly and so completely in love. his eyes were shut tight and his head tossed back in concentration.
when he regained his composure he fucked into you like he was crazed. he grabbed the back of your thighs and threw you into his cock. back and forth. his pace was relentless as he started moving his mouth a mile per minute. just like his hips. “i don’t deserve this. always been… so mean to you and.. you still wanna give me this sweet pussy? god, you’re gonna make me cum, sweetheart. i’m sorry i'm already gonna cum.” he was rambling while he lost his tempo. eddie pulled your legs onto his shoulders as he rotated his hips deeper. he popped his finger in his mouth and licked the digit before he laced it between your bodies and started working on your clit. “it would be really mean.. of me to not let you.. cum again. and.. ahha- fuck.. i need to feel you cum on me. please”. 
your legs trembled, your walls sucking him in deeper. “yes! yes! just like that, baby”, he grunted in your ear. “eddie ohh.. god.. im gonna cum. im gonna cum!” you felt him shake over you while his hot breath painted your neck in a allowed dampness. he bit your neck to suppress his needy whines. he chanted your name but not before dropping an absolute bomb on you. 
“fuck… i love you, always loved you. and i love this pussy shit..” you hardly caught his confession as your orgasms both teetered on the edge. “gonna fucking fill you up, fill my good girl up.. you want that? fuck give it to me… i need it. i need you...” you nodded your head with haste. “give it to me, eddie. please.. you can cum inside me..” both of you crossed the finish line together as the waves washed over you. eddie’s entire body shuddered. his grip his rough hands had on you was so tight there was sure to be evidence that this wasn’t just some sick dream tomorrow. the way your nails had clawed against his back and forearms branding him in the same way. he felt both of your liquids gush around his cock as he slowed his pace and grunted. he didn’t wanna pull away. eddie was too scared of what your reaction would be to his afterglow of the best orgasm he had ever had. not to mention the embarrassment of his loose tongue.
after a few moments of silence he slightly moved so he could look into your eyes. you had a dumb smile on your face. eddie accepted the humiliation and grinned back. he stayed buried inside of you. only adjusting to see you better in certain moments. you allowed his words from earlier to ring in your ears. he looked at you with pure devotion wondering who was going to address what he said first. 
“so-“ he started. 
“we-“ you said at the same time. 
“you.. uh.. you go first.. please?” he nervously bit his lip while adjusting the warm blanket you two had found yourselves wrapped up in. he moved his face to yours. “no.. how about you finish what you started”. 
the boy could only slowly blink at you. oh how the tables had turned.
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vngelicc · 2 months
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⊹ m.list 2 ⊹ halloween (2023) ⊹ navigation
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꒰ა NJ ໒꒱
SUGAR 10.8k
a random collection of soft moments with your boyfriend as you navigate life together hand in hand—the future bright.
˚ slice of life, canon compliant, bf!joon
BAD GUY 2.7k
you get back at your cheating ex by fucking his dad. ‘might seduce your dad type,’
˚ dilf!joon, cheating, taboo themes
JUICY 1.5k
you can’t help but love how big your boyfriend’s gotten as of lately. the size difference goes crazy.
˚ dom!joon, manhandling, size differences
FREAK 1.8k
hoseok can’t help but wonder why his band mate’s sweet—precious—girlfriend missed his album release party.
˚ degradation, rough-sex, bf!joon
MACRO 1.1k
namjoon’s known around campus for being “big”—you wonder if you can take all of him.
˚ big dick!joon, belly-bulge, hook-ups
tender moments with your boyfriend leading up to the birth of your little one.
˚ slice of life, unprotected sex leading to pregnancy, bf!joon
꒰ა SJ ໒꒱
꒰ა YG ໒꒱
yoongi holds a special soft spot for you behind the scenes where not even the cameras have picked up.
˚ slice of life, domestic smut, bf!yg
yoongi being the type to buy his girl a chain cause if he’s iced out she’s gotta be too.
˚ sugar daddy!yg, filthy smut, cum-eating
DEVIL 1.5k
yoongi takes an interest in you, the pretty staff member he wants to corrupt/defile.
˚ corruption kink, fingering/pussy-eating, slight dead dove themes
four times you said ‘i love you’ + the one time you didn’t.
˚ soft smut, marriage, husband!yg
“BABY” 1.3k
yoongi ruining your “innocent” reputation by fucking you in the backseat of his car past dorm hours.
˚ older!yg, idol!oc, corruption/defiling kink
꒰ა HK ໒꒱
NDA 1.2k
you end up being one of the “lucky” fans this year at lollapalooza getting a one on one experience with your idol.
˚ hook-ups, fan-celeb relationships, blowjobs
꒰ა JM ໒꒱
unwinding together on a last afternoon with your boyfriend’s head between your thighs while watching the sunset.
˚ porn without plot, bf!jm, soft smut
WANT 1.1k
you forget all about the movie because jimin has other plans.
˚ bf!jm, domestic smut, riding
꒰ა TH ໒꒱
tae’s all yours for one night after he picks you out from the crowd during one of their concerts in LA.
˚ celeb hook-up, fan girl!oc, canon compliant (PTD LA)
fucking two hotties on the low without realizing they’re roommates was not on your list, how long till they find out?
˚ friends w/benefits, threesome, double penetration
you like pissing off your hot, older sugar daddy.
˚ sugar daddy!tae, spanking, brat-taming/humiliation
your boyfriend wakes up in the middle of the night for some lazy sleepy fun.
˚ domestic fluff, sleepy sex, bf!tae
hooking up with tae makes you realize there are feelings involved—even if they’re one-sided.
˚ canon au, friends w/benefits, one-sided love/angst (minor)
tender moments with your baby’s father in paris.
˚ pregnant!oc, worship, romantic sex
you and tae meet up late at night for some fun in the backseat of his car.
˚ idol!oc, deep-throating, hook-ups
꒰ა JK ໒꒱
he’s not good for you but you can’t help yourself around him.
˚ toxic behavior, car sex, jealous/possessive!jungkook
fucking two hotties on the low without realizing they’re roommates was not on your list, how long till they find out?
˚ friends w/benefits, threesome, double penetration
it’s just you and your boyfriend against all odds, a bittersweet fantasy.
˚ toxic relationship, boxer!jk, angry sex
you find out just how hungry your starved boyfriend is in the morning.
˚ simp!jk, pussy-eating, desperate!jk
one of your students takes a dark interest in you, raising the stakes and leaving you utterly helpless.
˚ teacher-student relationship, cheating, non-con/dub-con
your best friend and you share zero boundaries.
˚ cheating, besties!oc n jk, degradation
your ex boyfriend is relentless in his pursuit, all in the name of love.
˚ stalking, non-con, dark!seven au
“grunge bf lets his cute gf ride him,”
˚ porn without plot, messy sex, cowgirl!oc ;)
3D 3.2k
pictures/videos don’t do you justice.
˚ phone sex, desperate!jk, pussy eating
it’s your birthday and your boss is feeling more than generous tonight.
˚ boss-employee relationship, public sex, stripper!oc
you never meant for it to go this far with your best friend’s dad of all people. lies are told, secrets hidden, and a baby is thrown in the mix forcing you to face the impending consequences of your actions—together.
you meet jungkook.
things were complicated.
2. everything falls apart.
3. a look into the past.
extras ౨ৎ
RODEO 1.9k
you show jungkook how you ride it.
the future as you celebrate your anniversary together.
⋆。‧˚ʚ JOCK!JK SERIES ɞ˚‧。⋆
random adventures of a pretty bimbo and her jock situationship turned bf, turned husband as they navigate life.
𓆩♡𓆪 the intro
𓆩♡𓆪 jungkook works you out with you.
𓆩♡𓆪 you want to put sprinkles on it.
𓆩♡𓆪 he plays his game and then some.
𓆩♡𓆪 you hate using condoms.
𓆩♡𓆪 he’s your munch.
𓆩♡𓆪 you meet jungkook’s friend, yoongi.
𓆩♡𓆪 jennie’s dilemma.
𓆩♡𓆪 the future. <3
𓆩♡𓆪 daddy’s father’s day special.
𓆩♡𓆪 seven days with jungkook.
𓆩♡𓆪 how it started.
life with a annoying, frustratingly handsome baby daddy who won’t leave you alone and a sweet baby boy who won’t stop asking why you call his dad a ‘deadbeat’.
SEVEN 5.5k
another day, another headache.
sometimes moms need to unwind too.
the past: jungkook’s birthday.
feelings get talked about.
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+ reposts and translations are not allowed.
+ refer to carrd before requesting.
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httpsserene · 1 year
i've been looking for weeks and months but can't find a single x male reader fic/au/etc... could u spare sum for the boys too😭🤲
ɪ ᴄᴀʀᴇ ᴡ/ ᴍᴠ33
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📖ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: max is over at daniel’s where they're supposed to be doing whatever best buds do. but somehow, the topic of his father comes up, and it brings max to a…realization of sorts. it also causes the two of you to argue, and for several discoveries to be made in the early morning hours; some of the depressing-kind, and some of the heartwarming-and-life-changing-kind. 📖ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ:  angst and fluff (hurt/comfort). argument. jos verstappen's a+ parenting. no beta we die like alphatauri's engines. 📖ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 4k words 📖ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: max verstappen x male!reader (race not specified) 📖ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: oneshot 📖ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅᴛʀᴀᴄᴋ: ivy • frank ocean
ᴘʀᴇꜰᴀᴄᴇ:  i *usually* don’t write for male readers (as a cis woman idk i think it’s sus? idk, but maybe it’s not since i do support and love mxm ships, so maybe that’s hypocritical?)....but since it is my first request and max’s birthday (when i started writing this) i figured i could spare sum for da boys :)))) i scrolled through the tag and most of it was f1 x platonic!male!reader which is lowkey depressing, the boys deserve to simp wholeheartedly with us girlies ✊🏽  i hope “the boys” enjoy this and it makes the f1 x male!reader life a lil better! (you also didn’t specify who you wanted, so i went with max bc of his birthday) big shout out to the best kitties in the world, jimmy and sassy, for being great sports in this fic ☠️ they were wonderful setting devices!  this is not an accurate description of max’s relationship with his father. we all don’t know what’s going on there, but it did become a wonderful plot point. so, it’ll probably be the only thing jos the boss is good for besides being max’s sperm-donor 🙂.
want to be added to my taglist? or my f1 kinktober taglist? send me a message !
prompts from @forestryprompts and @dumplingsjinson
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it’s 3:23 AM, and you’re brutally jarred out of your sleep by your phone ringing. you’re disoriented–still in that sleepy “where the fuck am i” stage–and don’t quite catch the first phone call. a few seconds pass by without another call, and you’re convinced you hallucinated. usually, there’s only two reasons for you to be disturbed in the middle of the night. number one, when sassy “accidentally” presses all ten pounds of her body weight into your spleen with one paw; and number two; when max returns from partying, a late flight, or streaming. glancing around, you guess sassy is the bengal curled up on max’s side of the bed, gravitating to where his scent is the strongest as max is over at daniel’s; missing her favorite parent. and you guess that jimmy’s the heat source curled against your feet under the duvet, as that’s his favorite spot to sleep and his favorite place to prey on your toes. you lay straight back, head resting on your pillow and shrug, dismissing it as a problem for the morning.
then another call starts ringing through. now, you’re awake enough to start processing the important information. you always set your phone on dnd when going to bed, and there’s only a few numbers that are set to bypass it during sleep. this ringtone in particular, identifies the caller as max, which is peculiar. max doesn’t disturb your sleep unless absolutely necessary, he already feels guilty enough for doing so when traveling. with that thought, you reach for the phone with a reaction time you’d only relate to your boyfriend’s occupation. 
you breathe out, “maxy, baby? are you okay? did something happen?”
a panicked and slightly desperate giggle slips out of the receiver, “heyyyy, it’s daniel, actually–”
“daniel?” you softly exclaim, sitting up in bed, worriedly continuing, “where’s max? did something happen? is he okay–”
“well,” daniel starts, “i wouldn’t say he’s ‘okay’, so to speak–” 
“oh my god! what does that mean, daniel? i’m coming over right now give me like, fifteen minutes–” you say rushedly, already leaping out of the bed. jimmy yowls in shock of being disturbed, panically darting out of the duvet, and sassy shoots up–airplane ears activated and all. 
daniel cuts you off, “NO! uh, no! i’m actually already on the way back to yours with him right now! he’s like- kinda drunk- tipsy i guess, one would say uh- but–”
“are you driving, daniel? if-if you’ve drank you should’ve let him sleep over, or called me to come get him if he’s being a menace!”
“no, uh-” daniel starts whispering, “we’re in an uber. ma- i mean- your boyfriend is kind of out of it, and not in a drunk way.”
“what the fuck,” you bite out, switching to hold the phone to your ear with your shoulder, as you pull on a pair of sweatpants (max’s) over your boxers, “does that mean, daniel?!”
“so, like,” daniel whispers even quieter, “hypothetically, we started talking about ma- sorry, his- wonderful childhood, and i guess me saying that seeing his father stabbing a mechanic with a fork isn't a normal thing to experience, kind of sent him into a spiral.”
“oh, fuck” you pause, while pulling one of max’s championship hoodies on. 
“yeah, that’s pretty much what i’d say,” daniel sighs, “but, then um, he tried to like rationalize it to me? like, he’d bring up different crazy memories, and i’d be like ‘no, mate, that’s not normal either,’ and everytime he’d bring up a positive interaction with his dad, he realized it correlated to how well he performed, and he kind of um-shut down.”
“oh. fuck.” you repeat. sassy, in a rare show of solidarity, winds between your legs and mews gently at you as if she’s letting you know that she’s here. “um, well,” you say, running a stressed hand through your hair, “you should be on max’s list to come up to the apartment, but i’ll call down to give them a heads up. text me when you get here, please?”
“will do,” daniel perks up, “i’m sorry by the way. i should’ve left it alone, or distracted him away from the topic. but you know how he gets, probably better than me.” 
now it’s your turn to let a depressing chuckle escape, “probably not, dan. i’ve known him for fourteen years and dated him for five of those, and he hasn’t done more than agree that his dad ‘isn’t perfect’” you wave your hand through the air, brushing the train of thought away, “anyways, i can get the spare room ready for you, so you don’t have to uber back?”
daniel nervously laughs, “forgive me for saying this, but i don’t really want to be present for whatever conversation is going to happen. or have to pretend like i’m unaware of anything. max would do his best to avoid me for as long as he can if he knew i was around, and i don’t want to risk that…after what happened when i left red bull.”
“yeah, you’re right. don’t forget to text me when you get here,” you state.
daniel’s text comes through when you’ve just gathered the ibuprofen and water bottles. you thumbs-up the message, and go to sit in the living room to wait for a knock on the door.  you plop down on the couch and your leg bounces anxiously. jimmy gracefully hops up into your lap, and he must be an emotional support cat because he sits down on that leg, and leans into your torso butting his head into your chest asking for pets. you indulge him, a shaky laugh erupting, “thanks, jimmy,” and you lean down to press a few kisses to his cheeks. silence overcomes the room, and then three knocks break the still air in the apartment, and both you and jimmy jump off the couch and race to the entryway. you push jimmy behind you with a foot as you open the door, knowing damn well he’ll sneak into the hallway if given a chance. 
max stumbles through the doorway first. his eyes are bloodshot with a cold and unseeing look glazed over them, red-rimmed and looking so distraught at tonight’s realization, that your heart aches for him. you wish you could take his pain away, or at least carry some of it for him. his hair is sticking out in different directions like he was anxiously tugging at it, but the most surprising observation is the tear tracks on his cheeks. max doesn’t cry, like at all. 
well, that’s not exactly true. he’s one of the men that says crying is “strong” and not a sign of weakness when you cry and even encourages you to cry it out on his chest. but, when it’s himself, he refuses to cry until everything gets too much. he’ll come up to you and sit or stand pressed right up against you, grabs at and plays with your hand to let you know that he needs comfort, before he looks at you and softly asks with a cracking voice if he can have a hug. you always set aside what you’re doing as quickly as you can, because you’re not going to let an opportunity of caring for max in a rare vulnerable time pass, and pull him into your chest. even though he’s broader than you, he appears to shrink himself within your arms, and presses his face into your shoulder while he cries. his tears are always silent, but his body is loud; he shakes, and his hands grab at whatever you’re wearing in fists like he’s afraid that you’d slip out of his grasp.
anyways, you’ve never known him to really cry with other people. with a soft, “max…” you reach out to him, but he brushes right past your hand and goes straight for the bedroom. jimmy trots after him, and sassy falls into step from whatever pocket she was hiding in. you freeze, shocked at his behavior while also understanding, he’s had a life-changing realization that he’s never allowed himself to address. you feel guilty that you're jealous of the fact that he had it with daniel. 
daniel clears his throat, still standing outside the doorway, “...you know he doesn’t mean to ignore you like that, right?”
you nod, “when did he start crying?”
“he held it together until we got into the uber, i think. he was turned towards the window the whole time and refused to look at me. i didn’t notice he cried until we got out.”
“are you sure you don’t want to stay the night? it’s late, dan. or at least let me get you the uber back” you offer again with a questioning look.
daniel refuses both options, “nah, don’t worry about it. i’ll make max take me to lunch one day to pay me back. i’d say good luck but that seems redundant. be gentle with him, alright?”
you sigh, “i’ll be gentle, dan. can’t say the same for him,” daniel’s face saddens more, “get home safe alright, dan? text me when you get there.”
“of, course,” daniel nods, “goodnight.”
you watch him walk into the elevator before closing the door. you turn the lock, and step forward until you can rest your forehead onto the cool wood. eventually, you push off the door and turn around to grab the water and ibuprofen from the settee and make your way to the bedroom. max is sitting at the foot of the bed, elbows on his knees and his head resting in his hands.
pausing, you place the water and meds on the nightstand first, then you sit next to him and lightly place your hand on his upper back, attempting to rub between his shoulder blades to provide comfort. max shrugs your hand off. you pause, blinking a few times trying to discover the best course of action. you decide to ignore the second blatant dismissal of the night, and pull his hand off his face and push him to sit up straight. you forcefully straddle his lap, ignoring his grumbles, and grab his face, thumbs resting on his cheeks and directing him to look straight at you. 
“max, you’ve got to communicate with me here. i was terrified, when daniel called me! you refuse to talk about your dad with me, which is fine, okay? but you have to talk to somebody. whether it’s me, daniel, a therapist, christian, or even fucking helmut marko—you need to talk to someone. you’ve repressed this shit your whole life, and when whatever film you had over your eyes when looking at your father slipped away, you shut down completely? that can’t happen again! i don’t want it to happen again…daniel sounded completely fucking terrified—like he was afraid he broke you or something. and if you’re scaring me right now with how-h-how out of it you look, i can’t imagine what it was like for him,” you finish, taking a few deep breaths. max doesn’t say anything, just stares at you blankly. 
you make a distressed groan, both hands releasing max’s face to rub at your eyes and drag down your cheeks. doing so, you continue talking, “max. you don’t even have to talk, baby, not to me at least. i don’t care if you journal, if you meditate, if you go goddamn axe throwing; but, you need to see a professional. cause, how your brain is coping, and how you’re rationalizing it isn’t good. you aren’t the problem, nothing you could’ve done differently would have made your dad change; you are not the problem, max, he is. okay? i’ve known you for fourteen years, and not once have i pressured the topic after you said that ‘you’re fine,’ but, you have to at least promise me that you’ll start doing something.”
max parts his lips, thinking about what to say, as you fully sit on his lap. you look at him with wide eyes filled with worry—with care— and you’re anxiously playing with the hairs on the nape of your neck. 
“i don’t want to talk about it.”
“that’s not an option,” you state, with a furrowed brow, “can you at least tell me what caused the breakdown?”
and, that’s what gets get’s max going. his cheeks flush, and his eyes darken, and he starts talking with a firmer voice.
“it wasn’t a breakdown, first of all. i was just overwhelmed and overreacting. it’s nothing serious, like you’re pretending it is. i don’t need this—this false worry, showing up all of sudden when you know how the relationship between my father and i has been for all of the time we’ve known each other.”
you pull away, retreating off his lap and stand in front of him with your arms crossed over your chest. 
“false worry?? that’s what you think this is,” you start with an exasperated tone, “max, ‘for all the time we’ve known each other’ all you’ve done is deflect from my questions about you two, or tell me that everything is fine when it’s clearly not! and i gave you the space you wanted, because i was afraid that you’d stop talking to me, that you’d stop trusting me. but now, as your boyfriend, i can’t let it go unaddressed anymore!”
“you already did for fourteen years! it shouldn’t be that difficult for you to keep ignoring it.”
“because you asked me to, max! you didn’t want to talk about it then, and you need to talk about it now! i don’t give a fuck if you don’t want to share it with me, but it needs to be with somebody!”
“i already told you I didn’t want to talk about it, yet you keep insisting!” 
“that’s because i fucking care about you!” 
“well, did i ask for you to care about me?”
you’re stunned silent. the room is filled with heavy breaths from the two of you. this might be the most serious argument you’ve had, in awhile, or ever. 
it’s the third blatant dismissal of the night, and you’re calling it quits, daniel did tell you to be gentle, and if you keep going like this you’re word choice will become less gentle.
“you’re right,” you exhale, relaxing your clenched jaw, “you didn’t ask for me to care. and you shouldn’t have to ask for anybody to care. and, for some ‘unbelievable’ reason, i do happen to actually care,” you finish, your words dripping with exhaustion and defeat.
you walk around to the side of the bed, grabbing a pillow off the top and point at the nightstand, “the ibuprofen and water are for you. at least, finish one bottle before you go to bed, please.” you start walking towards the closet. 
“wait,” max calls out, finally standing up with a confused look in his eyes, “why’d you grab a pillow?”
you grab a blanket out of the closet, and sigh, “i’m sleeping on the couch.”
“what? no-no you’re not,” max stutters out, disbelieving.
“uh, yes i am.”
“what, no! no, schatje, i’m sorry, please come to bed,” max utters out, looking absolutely heartbroken. 
“i’m going to sleep on the couch, max,” you repeat, “if i go to bed, i won’t be able to not talk about it, and we’re clearly going to talk in circles about it. both of us are tired, frustrated, and mad, and we’re going to end up even angrier, so i’m going to sleep on the couch.”
max, crossing the room quickly, grabs at your waist with his large hands, and pleads, “if you’ve made up your mind about it, you can at least take the bed, i’ll sleep on the couch, schat.”
you, grab his hands off your waist, having to fight him a little bit for it (you may be a man, but your man is a professional athlete, you’ll be outmatched any day) and press them into his chest, “you’re still pretty drunk, max. i’ll let you take the bed so you can be comfortable, you seem like you’re going to have a pretty bad hangover, i can smell the alcohol on you still.”
max looks upset, but eventually concedes. you press your lips to his cheek, “i’ll see you in the morning, babe. then, with clearer minds we can talk, ‘kay?”
sassy baps jimmy on the face before nuzzling in between max’s legs, while jimmy makes to follow you out as you shut the door gently.
situating yourself on the couch, you squeeze your eyes shut. usually you’d be hugging max’s arm to your chest but tonight, jimmy is benevolent enough to leave his usual spot at your feet to fill in for max. even with the comfort the bengal’s purring body provides, you know you’re only in for a fitful night of sleep.
you wake up a few hours later, your body not able to keep you under for long you guess, as the early morning sun has barely started lightening the room. you take a minute to get your bearings, not used to waking up on the couch (in the past when you have accidentally fallen asleep on the couch, you magically wake up in bed laying on top of your boyfriend, how weird), and jimmy is no longer laying with you. he’s with max, who’s sitting on his floor below you, with his back facing you.
you rub at your eyes and whisper, “max?” he startles, and turns around to face you. his eyes have fresh bags underneath, his hair is still slightly damp from a shower, and you can tell he hasn’t gotten any sleep. even though you got a couple hours of shut-eye, the matching bags under your eyes prove that your sleep was restless.
“hey,” he whispers back sheepishly, “i know you told me to go to bed, but i couldn’t fall asleep. i only came out here a few minutes ago though, and i was just going to wait until you woke up in the morning.”
you sit up straight, and pull max onto the couch with you, “max, what? you could’ve at least layed down on the other couch, and not sit on the–”
max cuts you off.
“i just…couldn’t go to bed alone tonight, okay? i still feel raw–i think is the word for it. i’m exhausted and cried out, and the only person who can make me feel better is you right now. so i was just going to sit here, and be next to you, without disturbing you like you wanted, because being in your general vicinity already makes me feel better, even if you're mad at me.”
your mouth is left gaping, and you feel guilty now, your chest aches. leaving max at a time where he was vulnerable, even if you were right down the hallway–
“and, don’t feel bad about your decision to sleep out here. you decided that space was the best course of action for you, and you are probably right, because i was ready to argue with you,” max continues rambling, “honestly, you sleeping out here made me realize that i never want you to be angry with me like that, ever again. at first, i was scared that if i opened up about my relationship with my dad you would think i’m weak, or that you'd judge me for it, or that you’d leave me. but when i was in the shower earlier, i got really…scared.”
he pauses, taking a few deep breaths and you don’t make to interrupt him.
“i got scared because i thought you left me right now. that you lied to me about sleeping on the couch, and you were actually planning to leave. and, obviously you did not, you are still here right now but, it made me realize that i do need to talk to you. and that the reason i thought you were leaving was because of how i thought i scared you away with my issues. but i realize now, that the way i’ll scare you away is by not talking about my issues,” he turns to look at you with an earnest expression.
“so, if you are okay with it, i will talk to you. about everything, even though it may take me some time to work up the courage. i am uncomfortable with talking to a…professional, but i will, if you truly think it will help me. but i do not want to risk the chance that my refusal to communicate costs me a lifetime with you,” he ends.”
you stare at him blankly, and max begins to fidget at your silence. you lean forward and pull him into a hug, tears gathering in your eyes. he nestles his head in the crook of your neck, and presses gentle kisses into your skin. 
“max, all i want is for you to talk to me about it. i want to share the burden you feel, and understand you better than the back of my hand. most of all, i hope having somebody who understands you to that depth makes you feel lighter, and validates your emotions.”
max says something, but it’s muffled by your body.
“what was that, baby?”
max pulls away to look at you with bashful eyes and pinkened cheeks, “you know i can’t imagine my life without you.”
“likewise,” you respond, just as meek.
“no, really. i've fallen in love with you,” he continues.
“max, you told me you loved me years ago,” you say laughingly.
“no, like, i’ve fallen in love with you again. everytime i think i can’t fall any deeper, you manage to prove me wrong,” he says intensely.
you pout at him, hands coming up to feel at your heated cheeks, “oh, max! stop, you’re going to make me cry. that’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me. i fall in love with you again, everytime you finish a race, and come home to me. that you chose me as the man you want to see after a tiring race weekend, regardless of the outcome. 
max smiles all teeth, “there’s no other person i want to share my highs and lows with. well, hopefully more highs than lows. i have the ring for you already, but i at least need to win eight championships before i retire so you’re able to marry a record-breaking champion. i am proposing to you this year though, i cannot wait any longer.”
you stare at him unseeing for a minute, and he looks awfully confused for a man who just announced his plans to give you his last name. 
“max,” you start shakingly, “what do you mean you already have the ring?”
max’s carefree expression drops, and becomes pale, “what are you talking about? i never said anything about a ring–”
“you literally just did?! the part before you said you were proposing to me this year, and before becoming an eight-time world–”
max claps, cutting you off while standing up. he offers you his hand, “alright! we should go to bed now, right? together, yes that’s a great idea.”
taglist: @saintslewis @cherry2stems
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© httpsserene 2023
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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[ all credits of the Neteyam pic go to the incredibly talented @cinetrix ♡]
Champagne Problems
Part 2
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x female!human!reader
CW: neteyam is a simp for reader, black cat gf/golden retriever bf "trope", a whole lot of angst, beach party, use of alcohol, some romantic comedy vibes, neteyam acting a bit cocky lol, reader is a tiny bit of a meanie towards neteyam, sexual language, sexual content, reader is a bit antisocial, flirting, emotionally unavailable bc of trauma reader, unrequited love (neteyam is the one having the unrequited feelings), sexual tension, commitment issues, exophilia, size kink, interspecies relationship, bad words. Hit me up to lemme know if I forgot something ahaha
Synopsis: Neteyam has had his eye on you for long but you always kept him away, at a safe distance. You have no feelings for him after all, you only think he's really attractive... right? What happens when he starts flirting with you at a Metkayina beach party and he just won't give it up? Will you finally give him a chance to show you how he feels or will you keep hiding behind the armor that you have for a heart? Neteyam is known among the na'vi as persistent and everybody knows he doesn't back off from a challenge. And you're his favorite one.
Reader is slightly older than Neteyam, for only 2 years.
Neteyam and Reader (AI Art)
Do you guys remember the story inspired by Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift that I promised like ages ago? Well... The first part is here? 🤓 A lot of people seemed to be excited to read this when I posted that sneak peak. Hope you guys like it! kiss kiss 💗
Slightly proofread.
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Part 1 : Say Yes to Heaven
If you dance, I'll dance
And if you don't, I'll dance anyway
Give peace a chance
Let the fear you have fall away
I've got my eye on you
Say yes to Heaven, say yes to me
Say Yes To Heaven (Lana Del Rey)
"It's not like you're not gonna break me in half if we try to get down and dirty." You laugh a bit too much, the alcohol invading your brain slowly, making you care less and less about behaving in a "socially acceptable" way. Though you wondered if your not-a-bit-elegant-honesty mattered at all to Neteyam Sully, the na'vi boy sitting in the maroon leather couch, by your side, his huge size making the couch look ridiculously small. He was na'vi, after all. Totally different culture. The na'vi were way more upfront about their real thoughts and feelings.
Neteyam had been talking loudly, almost yelling, at your ear for the past 40 minutes, trying to make his voice sound louder than the party's music, so you could hear him try to convince you to hook up with him. As if the loud uplifting songs that echoed in the salty air of that Metkayina beach were not enough to bug your tired head, now you had Neteyam helping your headache get worse.
"That doesn't mean you can't let me take you home. Or even let me make you my mate, eventually, if we end up falling in love while we fuck under the starry sky. You might like laying with me in my hammock and letting me pleasure you more than you think. Maybe you'll want to be my girl once you get a taste of this na'vi spice" He was joking around with you while flirting.
His thick, muscular but still fleshy thighs were spread on the sofa way too much to your liking. It was almost like he was trying to show you how masculine or desirable - some bullshit like that - he was. You know, that kind of thing a lot of guys usually do when trying to seduce you.
You knew Neteyam was aware he was handsome, that his body was attractive. He had always had girls - na'vi and human - all over him since he was a teen, drooling over his beauty.
But if he thought his loverboy flirting that must have worked so easily with just way too many girls before was gonna work that easily with you, he was mistaken.
Okay, you had to admit he was being pretty insistent, though. Neteyam had been there for almost an hour already. You did not understand what was making him insist that much on you if you had an armor as impenetrable as the one of a human warrior of the Middle Ages, back on Earth. And those armors were really hard to get under.
"Listen" you took a last big sip of your champagne and put the glass cup on the wooden table next to the sofa "When you gonna give up, honey? It's not gonna work. I'm not hooking up with you." You looked him in the eyes.
Goddamn, were his orbs big compared to the ones of a human. 
They were beautiful, though.
Damn, (y/n)! Focus, girl!
"I'm known among my people for being disciplined, focused and getting what I want because I fight hard for it. You're my focus now, tawtute." (human) I'm not giving up on you. You're like my Ikran. You're wild and hard to get but I'll conquer you, sevin tawtute." (pretty human) "On the first try."
"Cocky much?" You smirked and shook your head in disapproval "No, but, seriously, Neteyam, are you out of your mind? Have you forgotten about tsaheylu? I don't have a neurological queue, babe. I know I have many braids in my hair," You pointed out your hairstyle "but they're all regular human braids. None of them have little tendrils on its tip. Sorry, Neteyam. We're Romeo and Juliet. And Juliet doesn't even love Romeo in this story. You're deemed to heartbreak." You said, like you could not care less about his attempts to win you over, sipping on your sparkling champagne, that went down your throat comfortably, making you feel cozy and safe. It wasn't gonna work, anyway.
You liked champagne a bit too much... you had to admit it was very possible that you had a bit of a drinking problem. Alcohol made you feel warm inside. In an emotional way too. It felt like someone was hugging you, when you would not let many real people hug you because you just were not exactly enthusiastic about having physical contact with just anyone. You only let your closest friends and some family members, like your little sister, hug you. 
Some people would often call you "cold" and say that you acted "like a queen, above everyone else", behind your back, but that could not be further from the truth. You actually hated how low your actual self steem was.
"Why don't you look at Munì?" You mentioned the curvy, tall, blue eyed Metkayina girl who clearly had a mad crush on Neteyam. She was incredibly pretty. Nobody could deny that. "She has been drooling over you ever since you got here. Give the poor girl a chance. She's such a cutie. If I liked girls, I'd easily do her. Look at those beautiful, long, toned legs. Look at her wide hips. Damn, she's yummy!" you were drinking too much, your honesty getting way too out there.
"I don't want her. I want you." He spoke, like he really meant it. "My hammock will be hanged between those two big trees you like to collect fruits from. I'll be waiting for you, if you want to meet me."
With that last line being said, Neteyam got up from the sofa and walked away, swiftly finding his younger brother Lo'ak and tapping on his back, like men usually do. Both brothers started what looked like an interesting conversation.
You were left alone wondering how Neteyam could say those words and walk away so nonchalantly. 
"Phew! I thought he'd never leave, girlie." Adeline screamed, coming closer to you.
She was your best friend. You guys knew way too much about each other, but that only drove you closer and made you two have a beautiful bond that felt unbreakable. She was one of the few people in the world you trusted with many of your secrets. But not even she knew everything about you. Yes, talk about trust issues…
"God, I was about to call his sister to take him away! Kiri is much more chill and quiet compared to her siblings. She's a sweetheart." You said, finally letting your guard down and being able to relax your body language, laying back on the couch and resting your bare feet on the wooden dark brown table in front of you
You cursed yourself while you walked towards Neteyam's big light brown hammock, hanged between two big beautiful trees that reminded you of the Palm Trees that used to exist on Planet Earth.
Why were you doing that, anyway?
"Tawtute! You came." Neteyam smiled, relief all over his face 
You sighed.
"Yeah, but I'm still wondering why I did."
"Ouch!" He put his huge four fingered hand on his chest and frowned, like he was in pain
You rolled your eyes at him.
"Stop that, silly." Crossing your arms, you walked towards the big tropical tree in front of his hammock but still a little far
"Hey! Where are you going?" Neteyam almost screamed as you were already further away from him than you should be if you were actually gonna have sex with him
It was like you were running away from and showing up to the "job" at the same time. Go figure out.
You rested your back against that large tree, feeling the rough edges of the wood harassing your skin.
Neteyam was already almost there where you were. His long na'vi legs helped him walk faster than you anticipated.
Neteyam got next to you. You felt a little fear but a bit of excitement, simultaneously, when you realized your head only reached his hip.
Fuck, he was a giant next to you… why the hell did that turn you on?
"Are you afraid of me, yawntutsyìp?" (little loved one) Neteyam said in a lewd, low voice as you looked at him, feeling like a pathetic little ant looking up at a human
Was that how ants felt?
"No, silly, I'm not." You looked away from him and tried to focus on the way the eclipse had beautiful violet and blue tones
That almost worked. If it wasn't for Neteyam using his huge alien hand to stroke your hair softly.
"You're so pretty, tawtute." You could feel his gaze directed at you, you could feel his heat burning your skin. The desire he felt for you was almost freaking tangible. 
You kept your eyes on the stars.
"You're not gonna look at me, yawntutsyìp? Lemme see those pretty eyes, hmm?" Fuck, he was turning you on so much, your pussy felt good already and there was a tight knot forming in your lower belly. How did he do that to you with so little effort?
You looked up at Neteyam's face, your neck hurting. You did not expect to see a big bulge under his navy blue loincloth, though. Neteyam was so huge you could not help staring and your face totally betrayed your surprise.
"C'mon, I wanna feel your tiny body on mine." He paused and his big blue hand traced your collarbone and your shoulders "You're so small, tawtute… Hmmm…" he let out something between a moan and a growl "So soft too." Neteyam squeezed your arm, feeling your soft human flesh against his slender fingers "I love how different from na'vi girls you are. I'm so lucky to have you all to myself tonight."
Your breath was now labored and your pussy was soaked. Your poor panties were all wet.
"I'm dying to squeeze those titties. They look incredibly soft. But I won't do anything that intimate before you say "yes" first, yawntutsyìp."
@yeosxxx (u asked to be tagged in all my writings so I'm tagging u here hehe)
Comments are very welcome. I love all of you who take time to read my writings ♡ Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart. If you wanna be added to the taglist, just leave a comment down below <3
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grimreaperschild · 1 year
guitar practice 3
summary: this is for all the enid simps
a/n: short chapter gearing up for chapter 4, there’s gonna be some backstory and probably some more angst ;) happy reading-🦷
you crack your eyes open slowly wincing at the bright light that shines through the tree branches, you’ve fallen asleep head in enid’s lap, again you smile at the feeling of her hand brushing your cheek “well good morning sleepy head” you peer up at her a grin overtaking your face yokos head pops onto view above you.
“so, y/n what’s the deal with you and addams” a smirk is staring to form on her lips “because she’s sat on the other side of the lake staring daggers and has been for the last” she checks her phone “half an hour” you groan begrudgingly sitting up and leaning yourself back into enid her arms curling around your waist “i don’t know what her problem is we’ve been broken up 3 weeks” you sigh the pale girl being the last thing you want to talk about, you watch her carefully from enid’s arms her eyes softening when they meet yours her face morphing into one of disgust at your position.
“and what about you and sinclair” yoko waves her hand “what’s this arrangement” you feel the tips of your ears burning as you snuggle backwards “me and wolfie don’t have to answer to the likes of you, grandma” you wiggle your eyebrows as yoko puts both hands over her heart “that hurt me y/n that hurt me right here” pointing to the right side of her chest enid cocks her head “isn’t your heart like not beating” you chime in “and it’s on the other side” yoko gasps “im not going to be double teamed by a wolf and a pyromaniac, oh and ajax is throwing a party you guys better be there tonight” you nod as she stands “i’ll see you love birds later”
enid giggles as you turn red at the statement, pulling you impossibly closer, you turn your head pressing a kiss to her cheek “i don’t want to move but i suppose we have to start getting ready” she hums in acknowledgment untangling her arms from you. you stand offering her a hand she takes it intertwining your fingers “oh before we get ready i have something i wanna show you” she smiles as you pulling you towards the school.
“enid why are we at the nightshades library im part of the club i’ve seen it before, remember?” she doesn’t say anything pulling you down the stairs, you flick on the light and are met with balloons and tinsel strung around the room your mouth falls open at the sight of your friends stood in the middle of the room ajax, kent, yoko, xavier and bianca are stood side by side all holding signs that read out “me” “+” “you” “+” “raven” enid walks over and picks up the last sign “?” you know you have a shit eating grin on your face as you stare “well” enid gulps nervously shuffling from foot to foot “yes you idiot of course i’ll go to the raven with you” the room erupts into cheers as enid throws herself into your arms squealing as you spin her around ajax breaks you out of your bubble with a shout “last one to my dorm has to take the first shot” it’s every man for themselfs as you all clamber up the stairs racing through the quad laughter following you down the winding corridors and all you can think about is how great tonight’s going to be.
taglist: @allison-iloveyou
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miupow · 7 months
because im a simp for my followers im redoing the controversial poll...
OPTION ONE: \enemies to lovers, college au, frat boys!txt, loser bad boy!beomgyu, good girl!reader, stoner!txt, frat parties, angst fluff and smut , cocky dom!beomgyu, unbearable sexual tension, beomgyu is bad at feelings
OPTION TWO: strangers to lovers, big perv!beomgyu, cutesy hyperfeminine!reader, cofee shop au, barista!beomgyu, obsessed and lovesick beomgyu, a little nasty and toxic, smut and fluff, beomgyu doing unholy and disgusting things on work hours, big loser!beomgyu!!! subby service top gyu
im only giving this one 1 day so pls vote!
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vxntagedior · 2 years
i'll be home for christmas
summary | it’s your first christmas when your newborn and now your first christmas without eddie
pairing | eddie munson x fem!reader
warning | angst, fluff ending, eddie is a simp for his wife and baby
word count | 1.5k
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“Can you try to put the star up, bubba.” Your eight month old baby, Liza, was in your arms with the Christmas star in her hands. It was the first weekend of December and that was the time that you and Eddie would decorate for Christmas. 
Though you weren’t tall enough to reach the top of your overly large tree you chose this year, and Liza’s arms were still so small, so the star ended up on a branch, a couple inches from the top. 
“Good job.” You cooed, Liza babbled, pointing towards the star. “That’s right.”
The house was quiet, Eddie was the second leg of the tour for Corroded Coffin. It was his first tour back since Liza was born. After hearing that he would need to leave the day after Thanksgiving, for 3 months it broke your heart a bit. 
Hearing the phone ring, you set Liza down in the living room, with all her toys around, keeping an eye on her as you answered the phone. 
“Hey baby.”
You melted at the sound of Eddie’s voice, and though he was only gone for a week, you already missed him. If you were correct, he was in Las Vegas for the second night. 
“Miss you.” You whispered, “I set up the tree with Liza and got her to put up the star.”
“That’s great honey.” His voice was wavering. Eddie hated being away from you and Liza. Since she was born, you could tell that it changed his whole world. “God, I wish I was there.”
You didn’t know what to say, starting to change the subject, “You get any photos with Begas showgirls?”
When you heard that the band was gonna be in Vegas, you started teasing about unleashing his inner rockstar hoe phase, something he completely denied because he had a beautiful wife and daughter. 
“Yeah, totally.” He said sarcastically, “Went up to them and told them all about you and Liza and how I wanted a picture to put up on the fridge.”
“Oh my god, really?” You were just beaming at this point.
“No.” Deadpanned. 
“You’re no fun.” You giggled. “I wish I could stay on the phone, but Liza is about to put something up your nose, love you!”
Eddie kept the phone to his ear even after you hung up, slowly bringing it back down. Going back to the bed, he looked at the photo of the three of you that he brought into the hotel when they checked in the night before. 
It was Liza’s one month old party, something that your family did, a way of letting everyone meet the baby for the first time. Three of you were all color coordinated and Robin had snapped the perfect photo where Liza had her eyes open and was looking at the camera. 
Looking back at the tour schedule, their last stop before Christmas was in Nashville, about 5 hours away from Hawkins. Eddie went back and forth with the band’s manager, Zack, trying to reschedule the Nashville show so the last show would be in Indianapolis and he would just take a bus back to Hawkins.
Zack loved you, he remembered how when he first met you, in the Hideout way before the band had any stardom. He could see how much the two of you were in love and how you were basically the band's manager before he came along. 
“I wish Ed.” Zack sighed, “It’s too late to cancel and reschedule.”
Leaning back in his chair, Eddie looked up at the ceiling not wanting to cry. “Yeah I get it, I’m gonna turn in.”
They’d be on the road to Nashville tomorrow, only a mere few days before Christmas. Zack was able to send all the places they were staying so you were able to send a few photos to the hotel of you and Liza all geared up for Christmas. 
It broke him when he saw the matching pajamas the two of you were wearing. 
Coming into rehearsal when they reached Nashville, everyone could tell he was out of it. He was grumpy throughout rehearsal, getting into heated arguments when anyone who was willing to talk to him negatively. 
Zack couldn’t help but feel like it was his fault. He always listened to Eddie talk about you and Liza constantly, saying how much you missed being away from the two of you especially during the holidays. 
Being able to pull some strings, Eddie was able to switch some dates after Christmas so Eddie and the rest of the band could go home and spend time with their families. 
Coming back into rehearsals, after getting off the phone with the rest of the management team, Zack saw Eddie getting into a screaming match with one of the people who controlled the lights. 
“Eddie man!” Zack exclaimed, pulling Eddie away from the stage. “Let’s go out and take a breath!”
Pulling him outside, Eddie let a frustrated scream. “Fuck!”
“Hey, hey.” Zack grasped Eddie’s shoulder softly, “I know you want to go home and I couldn’t cancel the Nashville show but I was able to reschedule a few tour dates after Christmas.”
Eddie’s face morphed from anger to shock, looking at his manager.
“The next 5 tour dates have been rescheduled for after the new year, so after Nashville, we’ll drive up to Hawkins, hopefully we’ll be there by Christmas Eve and we’ll leave for North Carolina on the 8th, about 2 weeks with the family.”
Eddie could cry, saying nothing, he wrapped his arms around Zack, squeezing him tightly. 
“Thank you.” He said sincerely. 
Now he needed to tell you, he wanted to run to the nearest phone but once the rest of the band heard the news, they all said they should surprise everyone. 
By the time the concert had started, Eddie was giddy, making it clear to everyone in the audience that by that time tomorrow he’d be home with his wife and daughter.
When Eddie didn’t call after the show, something you didn’t mind, knowing how brain was after any show, but when he didn’t call the next morning you were starting to get a little worried. 
Soon it was noon, and still no word. 
“Zack.” You said the manager’s name. “Is Eds okay, he hasn’t called.”
“Oh I’m sorry honey.” He said sincerely, “The guys went out for drinks last night, and they didn’t come back til god knows who, he’s probably sleeping, let me go check on him and I’ll let him now to call.”
Letting a sigh, knowing that he wasn’t in danger, you said a quick goodbye. 
Christmas Eve, and here you were, worried about Eddie. You were sad, but you didn’t want to cry in front of Liza, though she was still little you could tell that she was grasping quickly onto her emotions and yours. 
“Let’s hope daddy is gonna have a good Christmas, just like us.”
You were in the kitchen, Liza perched on your hip as you started to make her bottle when you heard someone knocking on the door. “Hmm, Auntie Robin might be early.”
Unlocking the latch, you opened the door expecting to see Robin ready for the playdate. 
“Oh my!” Your hand went to cover your mouth, your eyes wide. Eddie stood on the porch, all in his glory. “What are you doing here?”
“Couldn’t leave my girls on Christmas.” He smiled, tickling Liza’s stomach, letting out little giggles, before wrapping his arms around you. 
“Oh, this is amazing.” You could cry. Bringing your other hand up to his cheek, letting you caress his skin, you leaned up kissing him softly. 
Feeling left out, you felt someone tapping on your cheek. 
“Do you want kissies baby.” Eddie smiled, placing his hands under Liza’s arm, getting her your grasp, peppering kisses all over your face. “Dada missed you.”
Coming back inside, you couldn’t believe that he was home. 
“How did this happen, what about the rest of the tour?” The three of you were cuddled on the couch, an old Christmas movie playing in the background softly. Since her dad came home, Liza was hyper to be with him soon passing out after her last bottle. 
“Zack scheduled the next couple tours after the new year so the band could go home. The past couple days were rough being away from you even though we just started the tour but I didn’t want to miss Christmas with you two.”
“Well I like this present.” You smiled, snuggling into his chest. Resting your head on his chest, your eyes start to flutter softly. 
Looking down, Eddie saw you and Liza now both passed out, both of you resting on him. Running his thumb over Liza’s forehead, Eddie leaned down to press a kiss to the crown of your head. 
All the concerts, all the tours, nothing could compare to being home with his girls.
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h0rr0rsaxo · 1 year
Hello....I am here for more angst. Part two to the Anni leaving fic....and I have ideas. Could you also do the before the other request?Unless you already started the other one.....but Buckle up. So you can use the info from discord, I don't want this ask to be super long....
But to summarize, Anni works for the FBI, she gets involved with a huge case involving Slender and the others and Anni has to play dumb. Slender finds this out and tasks Varrick to watch her since Varrick knows her the best. Now this is where you can use the inspo from the clip I sent you on discord...but Anni is trying to talk to someone about the murders and turns out they aren't keen on talking and Anni ends up having the worst day of her life and she gets peppered sprayed, almost killed by the person who maced her, but she manages to shoot them before anything happens and she ends up in the woods. Varrick finds her and asks why she didn't expose them all and she says she'd never do that and then they start talking and she ends up saying, "I always loved you Varrick, in fact..I don't think I ever stopped....but just let me go...I mean if you really are happy with Amber...then i'm happy for you.." Anni saw Varrick's phone at the diner and connected two with two.
Then speaking of the devil, Amber was spying on them, she was wondering what Varrick had been doing in the human world so much and Anni says some funny insult. "Oh, your still alive. Then again i'm not surprised, you always reminded me of a roach, nothing is ever able to kill them.." and Amber tries to kill Anni, punching her and then using her own gun against her, but Varrick stops her and tells Amber that he'll kill Anni he points the gun at her and Anni says. "I don't blame you...just go ahead..." and Anni actually gives up for once. Varrick just looks at her, his face unreadable and he kills Amber instead.
The rest is up to you....I love how I said I didn't want this to be a book and yet I still wrote a book...sorry, if this is too much then don't worry about it..and if you have any questions then shoot them over to me.
[ remnants of smoke. || simp party. || p2. ]
Warnings: Violence, death, it's somewhat implied that Aris is obsessed with her and angst.
Tags: @insane-horror-movie-addict
A/N: I hate Amber for realz. She's such a bitch. Also, this didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it to? Sorry about that--
Word count: 3,773
Anni walked down the snow-ridden yard with two escorts by her side. Her hair was pinned up on the back of her head and she wore a tight black skirt along with a white blouse with tall, black high boots clasped on her feet. A pair of slightly thick rimmed, sunglasses glasses situated themselves on the bridge of her nose and a soft glare of pink lip gloss glistened off her lips. She came to a halt when police tape covered the house and one of her escorts pulled it up. The three entered the scene and Anni pulled off her glasses, setting them down on a table cluttered with papers and books. Anni walked up to a man clad in a gray suit staring through a one sided window of the house,
"Good afternoon, Leon." She placed her coat down on the table next to her glasses. Leon looked over his shoulder and turned with a smile,
"Ah, Anni, good afternoon." The two shook hands and Anni walked to the window, staring at her , "You're early."
"I thought that I should get here early for a good start. I was reading over his file last night again before bed, he's quite the handful."
"Aris Hexton, AKA what is known as a "Giggler", possibly responsible for twelve deaths. We can't take him until we've proven that he was involved with these sick cases. He is just a piece of what we have so far on the 'Slenderman file.', or whatever it's called." He looked over at her and his face held solemnity and concern, as she pretended not to know a Giggler was. "No other member will observe him; you are brave to take him on yourself, and the first woman." A small smile formed on Anni's lips as she nodded,
"I'm not scared."
"Are you ready to go in? I'm going to send three officers in with you for your safety." Anni shook her head and looked over at Leon, a piece of hair falling in front of her face,
"No, sending in officers this time won't let me try and complete my duties. I need to earn his trust, get inside his head, or I won't gain the information I'll need to interrogate him." Leon walked over to a car and pulled out a journal book. He handed it to her, complete with a pen, with a smile,
"Here, your own journal to record your findings. I know you're incredibly good at recording information in your head, but just in case." Anni took it in her hands and smiled,
"Thank you." She walked through the next layer of police tape around the house and pulled it up, stepping into the room. She turned and put her hands down in front of her, staring at her patient. His head hung low with his eyes closed and she noticed his hands were cuffed, "Hello again, Aris." His hand let out a small twitch and his head rose, a pair of pink eyes staring straight at her. She walked over to the chair across from him and placed her notebook on the table, the pen right next to it. He watched her every movement and the movements to him were as if time stood still. Anni stared at him, retaking all his features.
He had pink occupying his face from weeks and months of being unable to shave or handle a razor. He had Akuma's symbol on his forearm. The one thing that scared Anni about this guy were his incredibly piercing eyes. They were pink, no pupil and no iris coloration in them whatsoever. She was trained to read the eyes of the people she interrogated, their motives especially. But she could see nothing in his eyes, only an unknown lust.
She felt those pink eyes stare right through her soul.
"Anni……what are you doing here?"
"Just came to talk Mr. Hexton,"
"N—no, you c—came HAHAHA— to try and get inside my delightful mind, isn't t–that right?" Anni tapped her pen on the table as she thought for a moment, contemplating on where to start first. She put the pen down and clasped her hands together, leaning forward on the table with her elbows resting against it. Aris narrowed his eyes as he fumbled with his fingers, his movements becoming slightly erratic,
"Well, I didn't get to talk to you much last time; your self-induced seizure got in the middle of that."
"I wasn't feeling very good that day. Didn't feel much for talking." His pink eyes began to glaze over and they widened at her features. Anni took a breath,
"Well, are you going to comply with me this time?" She asked politely and heard him chuckle lightly a smile creeping along his cheeks as he stared at her,
"I'll do my best." His husky voice echoed in the room, causing a small shudder to go down her spine. Anni opened a notebook and began to jot down a few words,
"What was your family like when you were younger?" She asked and his eyes moved down to his hands, his face began to twitch slightly. There were a few moments of silence before he spoke,
"Not much to my family. I wouldn't be here if we all lived happily ever after. I don't remember them."
"Just give me a brief decree on what it was like so I can help you." Aris stopped and looked up at Anni with a snarl that had turned into a smile. He laughed a bit and fiddled with his hands, picking at the scabs on his skin as he licked his lips. Slowly, his pink eyes stared up at Anni once again, making another shiver go up her spine with unease,
"Let's talk about you, Anni…." Anni's eyebrows knitted and her eyes narrowed,
"Why would we do that? This interview is about you." He snickered to himself and looked back down to his hands,
"Do you know what's so great about killing, Anni? It's the adrenaline, the excitement, and the liberation I get when I listen to my victims' plea for their lives. Oh, and when that blood hits my hands… it's like sticking yourself with meth for the first time… it's the greatest high I can get." He clasped his hands together, leaning forward as his black eyes glistened, clear excitement washing over his face, "But I'm sure you know that. You know that all too well. Weren't you a Slenderman proxy? I remember you." He smiled and Anni shifted uncomfortably from where she was standing. She didn't really realize what she was in for, "I remember you so well… you bleed so, so gorgeously and gracefully."
"We're not talking about me, Mr. Hexton. Please, stick to my questions."
She asked politely once again and he leaned forward even closer to Anni. She looked up from her journal and saw the evil smirk across his face,
Everything seemed to move faster than Anni expected and shock filled her body, rendering her completely defenseless and unknowing to what was going on. He charged at her and had pulled out pepper spray, spraying her eyes and throwing her to the ground roughly. He didn't have much time to try and end her life as much as he wanted when Leon and Chirs entered the scene to stop him. Aris then gripped the handle of the knife and jammed it down as hard as he could, feeling the guards grabbing him. Just as they yanked him away, he forced the knife down further into her body and it cut through her shorts, meeting with her skin and slicing deeply into her hip. She gasped out in pain as Aris shouted and fought against the grasp of the guards, "L—let me go! I-I-I want to w—watch her bleed! She left me! She left us! You can't do this to me— YOU CAN'T RUN FROM ME FOREVER." They hadn't questioned what he was saying about Anni, they assumed he was being hysterical.
The men dragged him out of the house he had been staying in and Leon ran to Anni's side, "Anni-!"
Anni slightly pushed him aside— stumbling her feet in the snow and limping as her hands tightly grasped her eyes, squinting and desperately trying to blink the pain from her eyes. She ran into the forest, as her vision blurred drastically.
— . — . —
Varrick was about to leave the human world when his eyes caught a familiar figure in their line of vision. For a second, he remembered when he thought had gotten it wrong but there was no way he would mistake the face he had missed so much – hers. Anni looked so healthy, so happy. Gone were the days when her aura emanated a certain fatigue, gone were the days she was hurt because of the mansion— because of proxy work— because of him. Anni looked so much better than when she was with him. It was understandable, really. He had been a prick to her after all; she deserved the happiness after all he put her through all those years ago. Leaving her at the mansion to fend for herself, to overhear her cries while he worked with Zalgo, to see her become victim to the slender-sickness. Perhaps this all was punishment to him— punishment for his cruelty towards her.
He remembered how his free hand clenched into a fist as he watched her smile, with a man that was not him.
Before, his father was the only person he could think of when he unconsciously craved such support.  
Before her. 
He saw her, wherever he went, with the slightest flash of brown hair or the gentle tint of auburn eyes that anyone carried within their features. His mind would piece together these diminished details and morph together her face, even if the person that bared the slightly similar traits looked nothing like her. And when Amber would kiss him, his eyes would close and he would be unable to focus on the lips against his, he would try to trail his thoughts elsewhere because he knew that if he let himself fall into the feeling of the kiss...he would see her instead of his girlfriend. It was bad. It might have been one of the reasons why was he so anxious in his relationship with Amber, because somewhere inside he knew that she was not the one he wished to hold.
Granted, he knew he didn’t deserve her. Not after all the shit he pulled in his younger years. The tears she shed were wasted on the likes of him. On scumbags like him.
Varrick became conscious of the value that his luck, the privilege to be loved by her, back then held. The feeling in his chest suffocated him. I deserve it, he thought.
Although he was selfish to no end, he recognized that she definitely deserved someone better than him.
Someone who treasured her more than themselves,
Someone who treated her right,
Someone who would and could give her their entire world if needed,
Someone who managed to grace her face with a smile instead of tears,
Someone who didn’t break her heart.
Someone who wasn’t Varrick Smith.
Tears ran across his face. Her words resonated deeply in his heart. As if he could feel the pain that she had gone through because of him, he broke down, sobbing uncontrollably. The realization came too late.
A thousand words – no, not even a trillion words of apology could reverse the damage he had done to her.
Loathing his existence and what his younger self had done to her, the broken man found himself sobbing even harder. Eventually, Varrick fell depressed with crystalline tears dropping from his eyes.
He wanted to feel the calmness that came with her touch, so much so that sometimes it would manifest in his mind and play tricks on him to make him believe the memory was real, that her touch was real. This was something he was so used to. When he had nothing else to think of when he held Amber's hand or held her in his arms when he became too angered and needed to calm down. So it was no surprise that, as he walked through the forest, he saw her. 
From the bottom of his heart, he wished for hsr happiness. And if her happiness meant him never appearing in front of her eyes ever again, he would gladly do so.
The gentle gaze of her scarred skin, the sudden wave of peace as if he suddenly felt like it would all be alright, the disappearing self-doubt, it was something he had imagined plenty of times during his time back home. But this time it was different, in place of the false reality his mind had created of the calming but cold touch was a real sensation. The warmth of an actual human hand and not the replacement of a memory. He stopped, snapping his head around quickly and looking back, trying to confirm to himself that this was in fact real.
The intonation, the leveled voice, the formation of words, it was all exactly the same and yet somehow so different -but he would recognize it anywhere. Varrick took a slight step forward, leaning his weight to the side a bit to try and examine the face of the speaker. "You...Anni? Is that…you?"
At this the figure's head lifted, allowing light to fall over the shadows her hair casted over her face. His heartfelt as if it suddenly began clenched as if he had skipped a bit as the gentle features of the familiar girl came into view. She seemed different, and she was about to speak when something came over her face. Anni sighed, "Yeah…it's me."
It felt like hours had gone by and the cold air bit at Anni's skin through the open front of her jacket. Her eyes burned like an intense fire and her chest grew incredibly sore from her over working lungs. Softly, the first peeks of the daylight began to paint the forest around her as she mentally thanked the morning hours. For the first time in a while, she could see where she was going, but to her misfortune, she didn't know exactly where she was. All the trees began to mesh together as she jogged down an old deer path, her feet crunching against the leaves below her feet. Her panting was steady and tiring as she slowed, looking over her shoulder and seeing she had gained some distance between her and a small strain of her co-workers that continued to search for her.
Varrick's face haunted her mind and the look her had when she jumped over the face almost made her break out in tears once again. 
"What the hell are you doing here?" She looked up when she heard Varrick's scruffy voice aim itself towards her. He stared down at her with his amber eyes, leaning down and grabbing her journal from off the ground. 
"I got pepper-sprayed while working. Ended up here, I guess." Her voice was soft and frail from the pain in her body. The wound she suffered from was still not completely healed and her weak immune system constantly made her sick. Varrick's eyes took notice to her shivering skin and he quickly stripped off his jacket,
"Here, take this."
"No, Varrick, I'll be fine-" He yanked her stained jacket off her and slid his jacket over her shoulders, silencing her with the sudden heat. His warm skin incubated the jacket and she shuddered from the sudden warmth, gripping onto the flaps and pulling it closed. Her eyes were thankful as she stared back at him,
"Come on, there's a bed in there with your name on it." Her thumbs rubbed up against the soft leather of Varrick's jacket and a flash of the angel wings burned through her eyes. Anni attempted to atand, cautiously stepping up the snowy steps of the path leading back to her co-workers. Her foot caught an edge and she tripped, sliding across the snow and feeling the stinging cold of ice eating at her skin.
"Are you alright!?" She felt warm hands on her shoulders and turned to meet his eyes, seeing her crouching down to help Anni to her feet. "Give me your hand." Varricj gripped Anni's hand tightly and her weak muscles strained to get back to her feet. With whatever sickness she was suffering from, it made her very weak and tired.
"Get that jacket back on you before you get sick." Anni looked down to see Varrick's jacket lying helplessly in the snow. She narrowed her eyes and she quickly retrieved the jacket, smacking all the powdered snow off and resting it over her forearm. The jacket has succumbed to the snow's wetness and was no longer useful in warming her skin.
"You….you got hurt for…us." Varrick started, anxiously biting the inside of his cheek as he narrowed his eyes at the bright snow, "Why?"
"I didn't—" Anni attempted to skillfully lie through her teeth, before Varrick irritatingly shook his head.
"You did. I know what your new job is looking for, and who you interrogated. I saw it all. And yet…you didn't say anything about what you actually know. You didn't even give them a lead on the Gigglers, because you knew they'd eventually find out about the mansion— you must have known it would eventually get you hurt. So….why?" Feeling a set of incredibly warm hands latch onto hers, she opened her eyes to see Varrick knelt down in front of her. He cupped her hands in his and breathed slowly onto her skin, trying to warm her hands up. Goosebumps fluttered up her arms as his hot breath managed to break through her cold flesh. His lips made her hands tingle and his presence made her feel utterly secure. She curled her fingers and he looked up into her brown eyes as he leaned her up against a tree.
"You know I'd never do that. You guys..were like family to me." She whispered and he slowly dropped their hands into her lap, staring into her eyes. He caught himself quickly and stood back to his feet,
A tear immediately slides down your left cheek, and you didn’t even realize you were on the verge of tears until Anni finished speaking. He can’t even properly respond to her, "Then…why did you leave all those years ago? You left us all, without a word— and never seemed to look back."
"I wish I could give you a solid answer. But things like these…they're more complicated than that, things don't just…happen— they build up. It's not like I left just because I felt like it, it was more to that," Anni takes the time to inhale a huge breath, oxygen exhausted from her trying to speak through her hot and sad tears, "Just because I left, it doesn't mean I don't care. I don't see why it would matter to you. You should be happy with her, Varrick. Just…move on." 
"What? What are you talking about?" The words feeling foreign to him as he whispers them. He cocks his head in confusion at her words.
"I'm not stupid, you know. I saw who kept calling you at the diner. I always loved you Varrick, in fact..I don't think I ever stopped....but just let me go, I mean if you really are happy with Amber...then I'm happy for you.." Wiping her eyes quickly, Anni sees Varrick giving her an uneasy but still costive expression. Varrick doesn’t make any movement, not knowing what to say, and she decides to end it here for him, "I don't have the heart to ruin the nice thing you have going with her. I've ruined enough." 
"Damn right. And if I were you, I'd run back to your little job before this gets fucking ugly." Amber appears out of literal norwhere— clenching her jaw tightly and grinding her teeth. Her teeth clenching as a wave of emotions wash over her, her boyfriend only stares at her in shock. She refused to lower her voice under any circumstances but here he was on the receiving end of it.
"Oh, you're still alive. Then again i'm not surprised, you always reminded me of a roach, nothing is ever able to kill them.." Anni smirked. Amber could feel her hands beginning to tremble. Not from shock, but from utter rage. She kept it internal the best she could. Somehow, she had always managed to stay alive, and Anni was bound to find out how she did so. Like Anni always said, Amber was far too stubborn to die.
Amber growled and moved her arm up, charging at her and reeling her fist back, before nailing it into her face.
"Amber, stop it!"
"I don't blame you...just go ahead..." Blood cascaded from her nose, little droplets of blood falling against the snow as Anni looked up at her, eyebrows slightly furrowing as Amber only smirked.
"Gladly." Amber sneered. Anni finally managed to take a breath of fresh air as the onslaught of punches to her face halted, her brown eyes opening and taking a look. Her fingers grew numb against the influence of the cold snow, Anni leaning up as she stared down the barrel of her own gun. A sly smirk brewed on the lips of the demon as she watched Anni look through the barrel of her gun, seeing no sparks of fear in her eyes. Anni choked down whatever was in her throat, nothing but Varrick, Cassie, and the rest of her friends flying through her mind in her last seconds of life. Her jaw tightened and he gritted her teeth, closing her eyes and just waiting for it all to be over.
Amber's sharp cries echoed through the air and Anni's eyes popped open, seeing her fall to the ground and blood seeping out of a back wound. Anni looked up at her savior, watching as none other than Varrick ramming the wooden hilt of his knife against the back of her head, knocking her to the ground before literally stabbing in the back— then the head. A bloody knife was cradled in his hand, his chest heaving in pants as his golden eyes stared back at her. Anni couldn't believe how undetected he was; the way he came out of nowhere at the last second to save the day. In her last dying moments, he glared down at her, "I'm breaking up with you."
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haileybeehappy · 1 year
Award Winner
Authors note :This fic was inspired by the lines "It was always you," but they didn't make their way into the fic. Oops. But this is the longest fic I've ever written. So I hope y'all like it :D
Summary : New to the music industry you make fast friends with global super star musician Harry Styles and create a close bond. Leaving you wanting more. Unsure of how he feels for you.
Word Count : 4.6K
Warnings : Fluff, Fluff, Fluff, Simp Harry if we're being honest, drug use well mention I guess, Drinking, slight angst if you squint, self concious reader, I think that's it.
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Waiting in line to get onto the red carpet is always the most nerve wracking part of the night. The anxiety and pressure built to the top. Heart beating a mile a minute and trying not to let the worry show on your face. The second you step onto the carpet the cameras snap at lightning speed. Flashes blinding you as frenzied hungry photographers yell at you to 'look at me look at me!' 'give me a smile honey!' 'over here over here' coming from all directions. A smile plastered across your face and the mantra of 'don't fall, don't fall, don't fall,' repeating over and over in your head. A small voice eating at you telling you that you're not supposed to be here. You're not good enough to be here. There's someone out there that deserves to be here more.
The walk down the corridor of cameras is done in a flash but feels like hours all at the same time. Taking in a deep breath as you make your way through a back passage way to get to the stairs of the event. Heels clicking with the roars of the crowd creating a white noise. Your hands wringing in front of you. Pulling and twisting your fingers as you get closer to the roars of the people. Opening the doors you are thrusted into the theatre of an award shows. Shown to your seat by a small woman wearing a headset. She motions to your place card and you sit. Looking at the cards sat on wither side of you. A unknown name on your right and the lovely Harry Styles on your left. The table empty besides yourself with the other tables around you filling slowly. You sip at your glass of water before the seat next to you is filled. You look over at your friend and give a smile.
"Harry!" You smile and he raises arms to hug you. His long arms wrap around you and you find calmness in his embrace. The pressure of his hold grounding you and relaxing your heartrate for the seconds of the hug. He pulls away, his hands not leaving your arms. Dancing down to your elbow and hold your forearms in his grasp.
"I am so grateful I am sitting next to you," His smile wide an his hands clammy. "I don't think I could make it if I didn't have my drinking buddy," he chuckles. You throw your head back in a laugh. Remembering your last encounter at a Met Gala after party hiding in a corner taking shots and laughing all night. His hands touching and grabbing at you in the way he does all his friends. A very touchy drunk he is.
"Let's maybe not drink that much in front of the cameras tonight," you wink at him. "We can save that for the after parties," He squeezes his hands and releases his hold on you.
"Yes of course," he sits back in his chair. "How was the carpet?" he asks. You shrug.
"It was okay I guess," your hands finding each other and twisting your rings. "Was over in a flash but seemed to last an eternity," his hands come to cover yours. Grasping your fingers in his.
"I get it honey," he nods. "I think over the years it's just become part of the job but I still get this voice in my head that calls me a dumbass and tells me all sorts of names," he smiles shyly.
"Yeah, kinda like that. I just feel like I'm not supposed to be here," the two of you sit in silence before someone sits next to you and you quickly pull your hands from him.
"Hi," they speak quietly to you as an artist you recognize sits next to you, along with someone you assume is their date. You give the both of them a wave. As the table settles in you direct your eyes to the stage. As the show progresses and awards are given you and Harry share small conversations exchanged. Mostly about the winners and the show itself. As the category for "Album of the Year," Comes up your eyes lock on Harrys. One of the many awards that he has been nominated for and the last one left for him to win. His hand quickly grasps yours and squeezes your fingers in his. His rings cold against your skin.
"You got this," you whisper. "Four for four right?" you smile at him. His face is displayed across the screen as you wait for the announcement to be made. His face settled into a frown, eyebrows furrowed in anticipation.
"Harry Styles!" The announcer yells. The crowd uproars and you stand to your feet. Pulling him up to stand along with you.
"I told you!" you scream. His arms wrap around you again. "I knew it." you whisper to him as his head settles into your neck. He pulls back from you.
"I am so glad I get to have you here with me here for this," The smile on his face filling your heart. The same smile displayed on your face. To the point where your face hurts. He turns to walk to the stage. Holding your hand out with him as he walks away. He pulls you back quickly leaving a kiss on your cheek before he makes his way to the stage. shaking hands and giving hug on his route to the podium.
"Thank you so so much," is what he starts with. Standing behind the mic with the award in his hands. "Thank you to everyone here who made this possible. To all of you working so hard to make this show run and make this evening possible. Thank you to my amazing team who helps me create beautiful art. And a wonderful thank you to my peers and amazing nominees who deserve this award as much as I do. And most of all thank you to my amazing, wonderful and absolutely stunning fans who make living my life possible. Thank you Thank you Thank you," He raises the award above his head and the crowd screams as he thrusts the gold encrusted gramophone into the air.
He waltzes his way back to stage with a closed smile on his face. The trophy is taken from him before it makes it to the table to be engraves and places with his others. He slots himself next to you.
"Bloody hell," He sighs. "I can't believe that just happened," the smile still on his face.
"I can," you say smugly. "You deserve it," he grabs your hand and the two of you sit like that for the rest of the show.
As the night concludes you and Harry make your way through the waves of people. His hands not leaving your body in fear of losing you in the crowd. His fingers entwined in yours or his hand placed on the small of your back while he guides you towards the cars. Stopping occasionally to small talk and except congratulations from others.
Your driver comes into view.
"I'll see you at Abbeys?" you ask as you drift towards your driver. Referring to the club that one of the many After parties will be.
"Of course love," he winks and turns to find his own car. Your driver, Philip, opens your door and you step in. Pulling your dress in behind you.
"Thank you," you voice to the man before he closes the door. The worlds instantly becoming quieter. Still hearing the hum of the screams outside the black suburban. The roars amplified again as Philip gets into the car and closes the door behind himself.
“To the hotel?” He asks.
“Yes. Outfit change then to Abbeys,” you smile at him.
“Sounds like a plan,” he shifts the car into drive and you wined through the streets to get to the hotel. Pulling up to the hotel you hop out of the car and are ushered up to your room by your manager and friend Raini.
“Okay so we have a few options for you. I know you liked the green dress but my in at Gucci found a beautiful floor length back sheer dress that I think would suit you so well?” She states but comes out as a question.
“No harm in trying it on,” you shrug. The two of you get on the elevator.
“Awesome,” she nods. Then there’s a lil of silence. “So Harry?” She asks. You look at her curiously.
“What about Harry?” You question back.
“When did you two get close?” She has a smug but curious look on her face.
“The after party for The Met,” you shrug. “We talk a. It here and there but nothing crazy,”
“Nothing crazy,” she laughs. “You two were making eyes at each other all night and were constantly holding hands and shit!”
“Whatever we were not,” you smile as the elevator rings and you step off at your floor. Walking quickly to your room where your trusted hair and makeup artist was waiting to give you a whole new look.
“You so were!” Raini yells after you. You shake your head. A smile still on your lips. As you open the door your makeup artist screams your name.
“You did not tell me that you and Harry were an item!” You roll your eyes and turn around. Glaring at Raini. She holds her hands up defensively.
“I didn’t say a thing she did that all on her own,” you turn back to Daisy.
“What?” She asks. Perplexed.
“We are not a thing. He’s just my friend,” she gives you a look as you spin around so she can unzip you from your gown.
“Pretty touchy for just friends,”
“Well we are just friends so whatever,” you respond as the dress drops off you. You step out of it and walk to the dresses in their bags hung up on the roll away hanger. You pull the black dress out and unzip the bag. Raini helps you get it on zipping you into the gown. The fabric digging into your sides. Wrapping into your ribcage and pushing the air out of your lungs. The sleeves are itchy and you can just FEEL it all over your body. It’s a beautiful dress but you can’t breathe.
“I don’t think so Raini,” you wheeze out pulling at the cups of the dress. “I know beauty is pain but I can’t be beautiful passed out,” you laugh. She nods.
“It’s definitely not our usual style,” she clicks her tongue. “Let’s try the red and then we can do the green if you don’t like the red okay?” She speaks quickly as she unzips you and moves to get the red dress. You drape the dress across the hotel room bed when there’s a knock at the door. You and Raini look at each other. “You expecting someone?” She asks and you shake your head. She moves to the door and you grab the red dress from her and slip into it and Daisy comes behind you to tie you into the corset back dress.
You hear Raini and a man exchanging words before she comes back into the main part of the room holding a HUGE bouquet. Roses and babies breath exploding out of a large crystal vase. Your jaw drops. You reach out and pluck the card tucked into the flowers. You read aloud.
“For the most beautiful woman at the Grammies deserves a beautiful bouquet,” no name. You look up at Raini and she shrugs.
“The guy who delivered them said he doesn’t know who sent them,” you flip the card over. There’s no name anywhere. You flip it back and forth a few times willing a name to show up.
“It’s not gonna change,” Raini laughs. Daisy chuckles with her. You drop the card down into the bed.
“What the fuck?” Is all you say.
“I don’t know man,” Raini starts. “I think the red looks good though!” She fluffs the ends of the short dress out.
“I like it a lot too!” You sigh as you twirl and the ends fluff out. “I think this is it!” You nod. Daisy guides you to the chair. She strips you of your heavy makeup and applies a light Smokey eye to your lids. High lights your cheeks and adds lots of blush. Just how you like it. She paints your lips a pinky red and finishes with falsies. You look refreshed. Raini’s phone rings and you pop out of the chair.
“Ready she asks?” You nod grabbing your phone off the desk and shoving into the small studded black clutch and follow her out the door.
You arrive at the party. Still in the back of the car. Waiting for Philip to open the door for you. As you get out you thank him. Your security is not far behind you as you walk along the street. The occasional paparazzi and fans here and there as you make your way to the club. The entrance is packed with press and cameras. You walk into the barricaded lines. Weaving through people as you work your way closer to the door. Cameras flashing and people screaming. You wave at the flood of people and are barely catching what they’re screaming at you.
“Are you and Harry together?”
“How long have you been with Harry?”
“Is your next album about Harry?”
“Is Love on the Loose about Harry?” They scream in reference to your most recent single. You ignore the questions but your heart is racing. Did everyone think you were with him? That was your first public sighting together. Why would it be jumped all the way to 100 so fast? You glide your way through the clumps of people and straight to the bar. You order a very strong drink and try to look for familiar faces in the crowd but you don't see anyone you know well enough to approach.
You sip at your drink. Standing in a rather empty area of the club. Being relatively new to the music industry you don't know what to do or how to act among the A list musicians. People you grew up admiring and looking up to. So you sit and watch. You can then hear the screams and yelling of the fans and people outside over the pounding of the music. You can see the entrance as the man who caused such an earth shaking reaction from the people on the other side of the walls comes into the building. Of course it's Harry. You doubt they asked him about you because he's a man so he doesn't get tied down to questions as shallow as 'who are you dating and why he's still single.' You watches as he is stopped by troves of people shaking his hands and patting him on the back. His eyes scan the crowd jumping from person to person. Looking for someone or something. You settle back into the bar and find a seat on a tall stool. You turn to the sound of your name and see a recognizable face.
"Charlie!" you exclaim as you reach out to the man. His arms wrap around your back in a tight hug. He pulls back. He hops onto the stool next to you and you fall into nice conversation with the one and only Charlie Puth. The only other musician outside of your team that you have had the pleasure to work with.
"I wasn't expecting to see you here!" he yells. Trying to be heard over the bass pulsing through your bodies.
"I know! I usually stick to the Beverley Hills house parties but I thought this could be kinda fun to," You shrug. You take a long drink of your beverage while be talks.
"I don't usually come to these things! I like to go home and chill with a box of pizza after those shows," he shrugs. "But I figured I should have a bit of human interaction before I lock myself in my studio for a bit. Gotta make those deadlines," you smile at him as he talks.
"I get that, My manager likes to make sure I get seen. Need a little more exposure," you explain as you stir the ice cubes in your drink around. He nods along. "Especially with my next album coming out soon,"
"Yes!" he yells and smacks his hand down on the bar. "Are you gonna give me a sneak peak of that or do I have to wait with everyone else?" he smirks. His scarred eyebrow raised questioningly. You shake your head with a shy smile.
"You can come by the studio anytime. I always need another listening ear to help me out," the smile on his face gets bigger.
"I will count you to that," He then finally orders a drink and raises it to toast. "To you," he taps it against yours. "I have to go find some people but I'll see you around," he gives you a quick side hug and disappears into the sea of people.
"See you," you yell out to him and turn back to the bar. As you finish off your drink a shot glass full of an amber liquid is placed in front of you. You look to your right where the hand that placed the glass in front of you. Attached to that hand is Harry.
"Hey drinking buddy," He smiles. Lifting the shot up and gesturing for him to grab yours. The smile on your face so big you can already feel the ache in your cheeks.
"Hey four time Grammy winner," you greet him and slam the shot back. He drops himself into the stool next to you.
"Glad I found you. I was beginning to think you ditched me," he laughs. You respond with a shake of your head.
"I could never!" You play with the now empty shot glass in your hands. rolling it on its sides and spinning it around. He gestures to the bar tender for two more and looks at you. His cheeks rosy and pupils wide.
"Are you high Styles?" you ask with a laugh. His eyebrows shoot up he brings his finger to his lips in a shushing motion, and the two of you burst into a fit of laughter. You laugh with him until your stomach hurts. The alcohol in your system making the situation far funnier than it really is. As two more shots are placed in front of you Harry turns to grab one and your knees end up bumping. He looks down at your legs before he adjusts himself so your legs are slotted between his. The shimmery maroon suit almost the same color as your dress.
"We almost match," he looks at you proud.
"Almost," you laugh. He pushed your shot towards you and swallows his down quickly and you follow suit. "I think that's a good start," you laugh slamming the glass down onto the bar.
"So how was your first Grammys award show?" he asks. Squeezing your legs between his. Your body flushes at the simple contact.
"I had a lot of fun. It was amazing to see you wipe the floor!" he just smiles in response. Shaking his head shyly. "Seriously Harry that was amazing, I am so happy that I was there to experience it with you," you reach out to him and grab his hand from where it was laying in his lap. His hands fidgeting with his rings.
"Thank you," your name leaves his mouth with a sigh. "I really am happy that you were there with me. And Hey!" he looks at you with wide eyes. "Next year it will be you," he says with a mischief laugh.
"Whatever," you say jokingly and throw his hands back into his lap.
"No seriously. You're the next big thing. You're gonna fly past me and become the worlds biggest star. I just know it," His fingers finding your knee and rubbing back and forth comfortingly. You let out a shaky breath at the contact. His skin warm against your own.
"I don't think so Harry but I'm thankful. That you think I could do that," you reach out to his leg and run your finger along the scratchy fabric of his sparkling suit in the same pattern he is yours. Your heart is racing a mile a minute. Your breath is shallow and you can't seem to focus.
"I believe it," He whispers your name. "I know it, okay," he nods. He moves his hands up and grasps your chin between his thumb and index finger. Your heart skips. Then all you can hear is the blood pumping through your veins. "I can see it. In you. In your eyes. I can hear it. In your music. You are amazing," his eyes not leaving yours for a second. You blink slowly and tell yourself to breath. You open your mouth to talk but nothing comes out. You don't know what to say. Your brain shut off. "I may be drunk," your heart stops. "But everything I said is completely true," he smiles. Your finger begins to draw shapes on his leg again.
"I really appreciate you Harry," is all you can get out.
"I mean it yea?" you nod. "I really do," he orders you more drinks and the two of you make it further back into the corner where the DJ booth and stage are. He had convinced you to do karaoke with him. Were they doing karaoke? No, No they were not.
"Harry how are we going to do karaoke when that's not an option they have ever had!" you yell at the back of his head as you wined through the people. His hand was grasping yours as you trailed behind him.
"Charm love!" He says as you approach the stage. "Good old British charm he says as he looks down at you. He takes a step or two up the stairs and begins to talk to the DJ. You can't quite hear what they're saying, but they are both smiling genuinely. After a few minutes they're eyes shoot down to you.
Harry looks steps up to the DJ booth and waves down the DJ.
"Hey man I love what you're doing up here!" he practically screams. "Really amazing!" The DJ nods along with his words.
"Thank you man! Thanks a lot!" He reaches over to shake Harrys hand. "I'm Jordan nice to meet you!"
"Harry pleased to meet you," he emphasizes the last word. He looks down at you. "You see that beautiful woman down there in that stunning red dress," he motions down to you. The DJ looks at you with a smile and nods.
"Yes sir," He nods at you.
"I would really love to serenade her," he laughs jokingly. "And I was wondering if you could help me out with that?" the DJ smiles even harder and nods.
"I'm sure I can work something out," he says as he reaches down and grabs a mic from the stand. Handing it over to Harry. Harry looks back at you and raises his eyebrows at you. Your jaw drops. "You know what you wanna sing man?" He asks Harry nods his head. Telling the DJ and dropping down to the floor with you.
His smile the biggest you've ever seen.
"You did it!" You exclaim. He then hands a mic to you. Raising the two mics as the music lulls. The DJ begins.
"For your listening pleasure for one night and one night only," he announces your name. "And Harry Styles!" You listen patiently. familiar melody plays over head. A smile bursts across your face. His eyes meet yours and he brings the mic up to his face.
"Don't go breaking my heart," Harrys voice floods the speakers. Reaching out grab your hand.
"I couldn't if I tried," you sing back at him. Swaying with him as he dances.
"Oh honey if I get restless," He raises your intertwined hands and spins you around.
"Baby you're not that kind," You flare out arms stretched.
"Don't go breaking my heart," The smile he has painted on his lips in enough to erupt a fire in your stomach.
"You take the weight off of me," you two continue dancing around each other.
"Oh honey when you knock on my door," He comes up closer to you.
"Ooh, I gave you my key," he smiles as he gets up in your face. You scrunch your nose and give him a joking glare. Still smiling. The night goes swimmingly. You sing quite a few more songs and drink a lot more drinks. Before the two of you find yourself heading out to your cars. Harry guiding you to your car. He motions for Philip to stay in the car while he opens your door for you. You try climb in without falling and succeed landing on the seat with a huff.
"Did you get my flowers?" He asks as you turn to him. Your breath halts in your throat.
"The flowers?" you asked. Shocked.
"Yeah, the roses?"
"Yeah I got the roses," He leans over and grabs the seat belts and moves to buckle you in. He smells of vanilla and alcohol. Maybe some weed too. "I hope they were good. I know you'd like something more colorful but I feel roses are more traditional," he shrugs as he drops himself down onto his feet again.
"I think they were perfect," Your cheeks hurt because of the permanent smile attached to your face. "You didn't leave your name?" you question him.
"I forgot," he laughs and steps back. Hand attaching to the door. "I had an amazing night tonight. It was, the best night I have had in a long time," You nod in agreement.
"Me too," your hands are playing with the latch on your clutch. "I think that we should do something like this sometime," you look up at him. He is shuffling his feet on the ground.
"I would like that," he says meekly. "And I know this wasn't technically a date but I'd really like to kiss you he says quietly as he steps closer to you. You widen your eyes and slowly nod your head. He smiles. "I wanna hear you say it please," he's so close you can feel his breath on your face. Fanning across your lips.
"I would like it very much if you would kiss me," you whisper back. Your voice almost inaudible. As the word kiss leaves your mouth he attaches his lips to yours. You reach out to grab him and you feel the seatbelt hold you back. His hands find your face and he pushes you back against the seat. You lose count of the seconds your bodies are meshed together. He pulls back and looks at you with a smile. His thumb moving to graze your lips.
"Have a good night Ms." he lets your last name fall off his lips. "I hope to see you soon yeah?" he grabs the door and starts to close it.
"Definitely," the door closes and you roll down the window. He waves at you as Philip pulls out of the parking by the street. You wave your hand at him an his comes up to the same.
"Soon!" he yells as you pull away.
"Yes!" you shout back. Closing up the window you look up at Philip.
"Home Ms?" He asks. A smirk on his face.
"Yes Philip. Home," you smile at him.
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demoneyecandy · 2 years
Lust and Love - Part 1
Work: Lust and Love (Part 1)
WC: 6.4k Relationship: Asmodeus x Reader, Asmodeus x MC AFAB reader, she/her pronouns and gendered terms used for reader Warning: Explicit, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Yes, my Asmo is probably ooc, do I care? Not really. He’s my poor little meow meow and I’ll decide why he’s crying.
Description: Asmodeus is having trouble with self-destructive habits, as usual, but this time M/C is there to break him out of his spiral. He shows his appreciation in a very on-brand way.
The fifth-born knew that people talked about him. How could they not? He was simply the most interesting being in all three realms, who could blame them? Some would call him flawless, confident, and sensual – he wasn’t prized in the Celestial Realm for nothing. Others called him vapid, self-absorbed, apathetic, loose, among other nasty comments. If anyone asked, he’d reply that he didn’t pay any attention to the haters. Why would they matter when everyone else knows he’s perfect? And if anyone noticed that after a day with more insults than usual Asmo would be tanked within half an hour of leaving the house? Well, that was just a coincidence. They all know he loves to party, don’t make it a bigger deal than it needs to be.
With the introduction of social media to the Devildom his behavior only spiraled out of control. Devilgram served as a permanent reminder that no matter what he did he would not be universally loved. For someone like Asmo, that was his weakness. The insults cut a lot deeper than he would ever show. His whole identity was based around being desirable. He was the Avatar of Lust, not a scumbag or shut-in like his brothers.
Though the people leaving those comments kept their voices down when he passed them in the halls at RAD, the anonymity of the internet emboldened them. The negative comments were quickly reported by his fans but that didn’t stop them from being burned into his mind. From the more basic “whore” and “stuck-up bitch” to the more involved, “Who does he think he is? He’s not that cute”, “Idk why this loser has so many simps”, “bet he only has this many likes on his posts because he fucked them all lmao”, he had gotten all types of negative comments on his social media posts. When he would complain to his brothers in his usual over-the-top fashion, eyes full of tears and voice several octaves higher than it needed to be, they would shrug him off the same way they did when he told them about his favorite hair product line being discontinued or missing a sale at Majolish. In a way, that was probably his fault – if he gave two things the same weight in the way he presented the problem, of course his family would assume it was just Asmo being dramatic again.
Sometimes at night, when memories of the war haunted him, he would open his phone and scroll through the comments on the Devilgram posts he’d made that day. Anything to occupy his thoughts. The positive ones faded into the background – he knew he was beautiful; he knew he was a fashion icon, and that his skin was flawless. He also knew he wasn’t worth the attention he received, and yet he craved it more than air. He’d re-read every nasty thing that had been said about him, letting the words sink in and join the swirling torrent of self-hatred in his head. He genuinely didn’t know why he did it – maybe the same reason he’d go out and indulge in his sin every night he could. Diavolo had once tried to get the brothers to speak to some counselors after they fell, and his counselor had said his behavior seemed like a form of self-harm. That was the last time he saw that poor excuse for a therapist – how in the world could pleasure be harmful? Of course, there were the times where pain was involved, but that was all consensual. He’d never allow anyone to mar his gorgeous skin. He had already spent ages trying every suggestion he’d ever received to make his scars fade to the point that they were nothing more than barely-there pale lines from cuts and missing spots of pigmentation from burns, he certainly wouldn’t risk adding more. He felt like everyone could see them, like everyone was staring, but he knew rationally that they were only noticeable to him.
When the exchange student had first arrived and he had discovered that she was immune to his abilities, he wasn’t ashamed to admit he had spent a few nights making his way through the highlights of his little black book. His booty calls were proof that he was desirable in the form of men and women writhing in his sheets until the early hours of the morning. When he realized that she liked him anyway? That was the best he had felt in a long time. On the outside of course he played it off, keeping up his flirtatious banter with the human. But to realize that there was someone who liked him, not because of his charm? Or because he could make them feel good? It was exhilarating and terrifying. Sure, she likes him now, but what about when she realizes what everyone else has? That he’s nothing but a bed warmer with a pretty face? He dreaded that day. It was coming sooner or later, he knew it, so he would just do his best to keep the human from seeing any of the cracks he covered up with product.
It was one of those nights tonight. He broke a nail and the visible imperfection sent him into a tailspin until he could get to his room and fix his manicure. As he waited for the polish to dry, he was scrolling through the comments on a selfie he had posted during lunch at RAD. M/C had said he looked cute, so he wanted to believe it, but here he was. Giving so much weight to the opinions of people who couldn’t even say shit to his face.
His spiral was interrupted before it could really get going by a knock on his bedroom door. If it were anyone else he’d yell at them to go away, but he knew from the pattern of the knock that it was M/C.
“Just a moment, darling” he called.
Jumping out of bed, he walked over to his vanity to be sure his hair was perfect and his lip gloss didn’t need to be reapplied.  As satisfied with his reflection as he could ever be, he put on a smile and made his way to open his door. Leaning sensually on the doorframe, he gave M/C his best “fuck me” eyes as he greeted them;
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the most delectable human in the three realms. How can I help you, dear?”
M/C’s face lit up and she laughed at the demon’s antics.
“I’m having some trouble winding down for the night, and I thought I could relax here for a little bit. It’s so calming when you play with my hair”.
Asmodeus was both relieved and frustrated as the human walked past him and settled onto his bed. On the one hand, his spiral had been interrupted before he could do anything particularly self-destructive. On the other hand, it meant he was all amped up with negative feelings and no real outlet for them. There was none of the catharsis that comes along with making bad decisions. It was like that dread and anxiety and self-hatred was sitting in his gut, but he certainly wasn’t going to let M/C see him crack if he could help it. He slowly shut his bedroom door and sat next to where his human had made herself comfortable on his bed.
His eyes roamed her body, lingering just a bit too long on her plush thighs and the peek of skin where her pajama top rode up. It took her a second, but she realized where his eyes were lingering, and she quickly pulled down her shirt. That was fine by him, all it did was expose her collarbones, which he took in just as happily. She blushed and turned away, hoping to regain her composure before he noticed the red tint in her cheeks. She had no such luck, but it was cute that she thought she could hide anything from him.
He did his best to keep the predatory glint out of his eyes. The demon knew that if he came on too strong she would back off, like she had on the few occasions he’d run into her after a night out and his confidence got the best of him. The next morning he would pretend he had blacked out, but he treasured the memories of the trembling of her frame beneath his hands when he’d come in close to whisper in her ear some of the naughty thoughts he’d had about her and the startled noise she’d made the time he slapped her ass on his way up to bed. It had been just his luck that Mammon had been at the end of the hallway, so he’d gotten quite the talking to from Lucifer the next morning. Something about not taking advantage of the exchange student, how he had to show more respect, the reputation of Diavolo’s exchange program, blah blah blah. The only thing he had cared about was that it hadn’t been M/C herself who’d told Lucifer, it had been a jealous brother. He had, in fact, felt a lovely spark of lust rise up in his human on every occasion he’d gotten bold from the (frankly, impressive) amount of demonus in his system. After all, he’s a demon, not a monster. Sexual assault is anathema to sexual pleasure and therefore unacceptable at every level for the Avatar of Lust. Sometimes late at night when he’d touch himself he’d remember how she’d looked like a deer in the headlights, so afraid of his touch but so desperately wanting it just the same. Other times, when he was feeling more sentimental, he’d think of her laugh, her smile, the way her eyes softened when she looked at him.
After she thought her face was back to normal (it wasn’t, but he wasn’t going to be the one to tell her that when she just looked so damn cute), she moved around until her head was in his lap and her body was stretched out in a pile of his softest blankets, grabbing his hand and placing it on her head in an unvoiced demand for him to stroke her hair. His heart melted – this was all she ever asked of him. At the same time, a small voice in the back of his head spoke.
You know why she doesn’t try to fuck you, right? You’re not good enough for her and she knows it. I’m sure she’s fucking one of your brothers instead. She’s found someone who could satisfy her in a way you never could. After all, you’re nothing but a placeholder. Easy and good enough for a night, but why would she want you when she could have them? Why would she want damaged goods? A vapid, self-obsessed, pathetic excuse for a demon. You were a shitty angel too.
He shook his head almost imperceptibly, trying to will the thoughts away. He busied himself running his hands through M/C’s hair, carefully untangling any knots he found along the way. Her eyes had closed, letting herself sink into the feeling. There was a gentle smile on her face, and she raised her chin to lean into his touch, leaving her neck completely exposed. Vulnerable. She was allowing herself to be entirely vulnerable with him, a being who could slit her throat in an instant, or tug her hair hard enough to pull her head clean off her body. He felt tears well up in his eyes at her trust, but the thoughts kept coming, taking him back down into that bad place he had been heading for before M/C came to his door.
You’re nothing. She knows you’re nothing, and that’s why she isn’t afraid. Your pact makes you useless, you couldn’t hurt her if you wanted to. You’re a declawed kitten. Pathetic. Why would she want you? She has her pick of suitors in the Devildom, you wouldn’t even make the top-10. She pities you, that’s why she lets you touch her.
M/C had thought it was strange that Asmodeus had been quiet, but she figured he must have been tired, so she wasn’t going to bug him when he was already doing her a favor by calming her down for the night. Truthfully, she had just wanted to see her favorite demon. He had been more withdrawn at home for the last few weeks, spending more nights out at The Fall locking lips with anyone in arm’s reach and chugging demonus like it was water. She was mildly concerned for him. His brothers had said that he got in moods like this sometimes, but at least he wasn’t bringing home a new demon (or demons) every night. M/C wasn’t going to admit it out loud, but she was a little jealous hearing about his past behavior. She knew it was silly, it wasn’t like she even knew him then, and she had no say in what he did in his spare time. It wasn’t like she was a virgin either. Still, Levi had looked at her knowingly when they’d told her, recognizing the envy welling up in her.
She realized that something was wrong when she felt wetness drip onto her cheek.
“Asmo?” M/C opened her eyes, greeted with the most disheveled version of the Avatar of Lust that she’d ever seen. Not that that said much, she rarely saw him with a single hair out of place, but seeing his eyes puffy and tear tracks down his face was enough to seriously concern her. She sat up slowly, reaching to grab his hand from where it had paused in her hair.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen?” her thumb gently stroked across the back of his hand. Rather than the gesture comforting him, as she’d hoped, he made eye contact only to begin audibly crying. Still unsure what was happening, she pulled herself up onto her knees to face him, bringing her other hand to his face and holding mimicking the motions she was making on the back of his hand along his cheekbone. She tried to keep the movement steady, methodical, to give him something to focus on so he could calm down enough to tell her what was happening. He leaned into her touch, grabbing her hand with his free hand and holding it there like he was scared she’d disappear if he let go. She shushed him quietly, reminding him of her presence whenever he seemed to be retreating into his own head.
Neither of them know how long it was before Asmodeus’s sobbing turned into pathetic little hiccupping, his eyes long since dried out. They sat in silence for a few minutes, each of them too afraid to drag them back to the present moment. M/C spoke first.
“Can I get you anything? Some water? A washcloth?”
He nodded, avoiding eye contact out of sheer embarrassment and fear of what would happen next. The one thing he didn’t want to happen above all else had happened, and now she was going to steer clear of him. He was sure of it.
Reluctantly, he let go of her hand as she went to his bathroom in search of what he needed. Now alone on his bed, he felt so small and so fragile. He had only known M/C for a very, very small faction of his very, very long existence, but somehow he couldn’t imagine going back to the way things were before he’d met her – especially as she continued to live in the House of Lamentation and develop her relationship with his brothers and the residents of both the Demon Lord’s Castle and Purgatory Hall. He knew she was kind and patient, but all his mind would let him see was her laying under some nondescript body, laughing about how pathetic the fifth-born was as she was pleasured by someone else, letting the world know how weak and inadequate he was. That he was an embarrassment to his title. He would have kept crying at that point, but he wasn’t sure his body even had that much water left. This was going to do such a number on his skin, he’d really need to step up his game with his skincare routine. Going through his plan of attack was enough to focus his mind and calm him down in the few minutes it took M/C to find a drinking glass and a washcloth in his enormous bathroom.
The human handed him the glass, waiting for him to drink half before she took it from his hands to place on his nightstand. She gently wiped his face with the damp cloth, knowing he’d feel better without the salt staining his skin. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had been so delicate with him, treating him like a valuable rather than something easily replaceable. The thought made his heart hurt, and brought with it a new wave of thoughts about how he wasn’t treated like that because he really wasn’t valuable. That his human was mistaken and she’d know it soon enough. She’d seen the first crack in his façade, it wouldn’t be too long now before she saw the rest.
As she went to get up to place the washcloth back in the bathroom, he made a little noise and grabbed for her hand.
“Asmo, I have to put this away. I’m not going anywhere, I swear, I just don’t want to leave something damp on your bedsheets”.
Reluctantly, he let go, and she went back to the bathroom as quickly as she could. Asmo had always been needy, this wasn’t news to anyone, but rarely had she seen him so desperate. Sometimes, when it was just the two of them, she could see peeks of the Asmodeus he wanted to hide from the world. She knew the fall had been traumatic for all of them, but she wouldn’t pretend to know the extent of that kind of trauma. It wasn’t something that was her place to draw attention to, because no matter how much she loved them she knew that just love wasn’t enough when it came to dealing with something of that gravity. They needed to share at their pace, if they ever felt comfortable sharing at all. All she could do was hope that this was some kind of turning point for him, and that he was ready to be open with her. Well, as open as was healthy. Baby steps, right?
The demon visibly relaxed when she came back towards him. Climbing over him, she laid down on ‘her’ side of the bed as Asmo called it jokingly (it wasn’t a joke but he was pleading the fifth on that question). She made grabby hands, and a relieved Asmodeus rolled into her side, resting his head on her chest and winding an arm around her waist. She set her chin on top of his head and wrapped her arms around him as best she could. She knew he needed to feel completely safe if he was going to talk about whatever had just happened.
The two laid together for a bit, the sounds of the house creaking and his brothers going about their business throughout the house breaking up the quiet in a way that made it palatable. Finally, Asmodeus spoke in a voice lacking all of his usual bravado and charm.
“So, I’m guessing you’d like to know what that was about”.
“If you feel comfortable sharing. I’m here for you, Asmo, you won’t scare me away. You just have to trust me”.
A beat of silence passed before the man took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was definitely going to be a painful conversation on his end.
“I… I’m not sure where to start. You know what they called me in the Celestial Realm, right?”
A nod.
“The Jewel of the Heavens. My face, my body, my charm, it was something our Father truly valued. I was beautiful, and that’s how I earned my keep. I was an ornament. I didn’t mind it much at the time – why would I care when it was nothing but a positive? Even Lucifer loved to show me off, his beautiful little brother. The pride of the Celestial Realm”.
M/C maintained eye contact, not daring to interrupt but wanting to show she was listening. She moved one hand up to stroke his hair, like he had done to her a million times before.
“When we fell… I don’t think there’s any kind of corollary in a human life. I went from an admired figure, praised for my beauty, to nothing when I made the decision to rebel with my brothers and Lilith. I don’t regret my decision, don’t get me wrong, Lilith was one of the most wonderful beings I’ve met in my life. I still miss her even now”.
The demon broke eye contact, trying to hide the quiver in his voice as he thought of his dead sister. The pain of that kind of loss never actually goes away and it’s harder some days.
“The point is, as a result of that decision, I lost everything that I knew about myself. By the end of the war, I was covered in big, ugly scars, stripped of my status as an angel and turned into a demon - a being that I had been told since I was created was inherently evil, wrong, and unlovable. It took me years before I could look at myself in a mirror again. I wasn’t Asmodeus, Jewel of the Heavens. I was Asmodeus, a vile, unlovable Thing. I had to feel something again, I had to be someone again. That’s how I ended up like this – I found a way I could feel loved again, even if just for a night”.
Or, he thought to himself, more often an hour in a nightclub bathroom.
He continued speaking, too scared to look up at his human’s eyes and see disgust or contempt in them.
“I will never be the me I was again. Never. Even thousands of years later that isn’t something I’ve fully come to terms with yet. I feel broken and wrong. On good days I really do mean what I say – that I’m beautiful, irresistible, absolutely perfect in every way”.
His voice took on a lilt and a small smile twisted the corner of his mouth as he remembered the feeling of power that comes with his moments of genuine confidence. However, as he began again, his voice sounded unsure again and so very small.
“On bad days, it’s all I can do to get out of bed. If I’m not beautiful, if I’m not wanted, what’s the point? What’s the point of any of this? Sometimes, when I make them chase me, when I let them put their hands on me, I feel like I’m wanted. Just for a little while, and that’s enough. What more could I ask for? After all, I’m not Mammon, can’t get too greedy”.
He tacked on a joke at the end, complete with a clearly forced laugh, trying to lighten the atmosphere that had settled over his room. He felt M/C press her lips to the crown of his head, still stroking his hair softly. She wasn’t quite sure how to respond, and she knew she had to be careful with the next thing out of her mouth.
“Asmodeus, you are worth so much. To so many people. To your brothers, to all of our friends, to me. I’m so proud of you for sharing that with me, it can’t have been easy”.
As she looked down, seeking his eyes, the demon saw only compassion in those eyes. It was a strange sight for him, and it made him feel something inside that he knew he had felt before, but he couldn’t quite remember when. It felt like there were butterflies in his stomach. There was some tension between them. Though it had an element of lust, it was moreso the unidentified emotion. He didn’t know what to do about that, so he decided to go with what he knew best- lust. Acting on muscle memory, he reached up to pull M/C’s head down to his. Surprised by Asmo pulling her down into a kiss when moments before he had been so vulnerable, M/C gasped and froze, allowing her pactmate to gain the upper hand.
The kiss was hungry and desperate from the start, definitely not how she imagined their first kiss beyond a casual peck on the lips, but it felt too good for her to dwell on that for long. With his tongue exploring her mouth he moved from his spot curled up on her side to get completely on top, pinning her in place. He held her wrists firmly above her head and his knees kept her thighs in place. His grip on her was somehow delicate and firm at the same time. The two let out little moans and pants between kisses, each losing themselves in the feeling of the other’s clothed body on their own. When Asmodeus separated their mouths, she followed his lips as far as she could, needing more. He shot her a look as though telling her to stay put, and she obeyed. His eyes were blown wide, glowing like a sunset. It was more out of habit than anything else since they knew his charm did nothing to her but it was undeniably beautiful.
The demon traced down her neck with messy kisses. If he weren’t a demon, she’d think he seemed like a man possessed. Between little nibbles and sucking, he panted out everything he was thinking, as if speaking it into her skin would make it so. When she concentrated, she could make out some of what he was saying over and over, almost like a prayer.
“I’ll be so good for you. I’ll make you feel so good, you won’t regret this. This will make you love me, I know it”.
She didn’t like to use her pact, but he was too lost in her body to listen if she asked nicely and his grip was too strong for her to break.
“Asmodeus, stop”.
He froze, a confused and hurt look on his face.
“Did I do something wrong?”
His eyes glowed brighter, as if subconsciously trying to fix whatever mistake he had made.
“Let go of me”. She tried to keep her voice even and maintain eye contact. She wanted to convey that she wasn’t upset, but he was clearly panicking inside his head.
The demon released her wrists, placing them on his own thighs. He tried to look away, ashamed, but the human gently directed his gaze back to her with a finger on his chin. She sat up against the pillows, trying to seem as serious as she could with disheveled clothing and red marks blooming all over her neck.
“Do you think that this is out of pity?” She desperately hoped that she had been reading into it too much, that he knew what she had been afraid to say. Her fears were confirmed when he cast his eyes downward and to the side, staring into space rather than meeting her eyes.
“Asmodeus, I can’t possibly imagine what you went through. You are so strong for going through that and still managing to be the funny, caring, genuine person that I know. What I do have some experience with is needing to feel wanted so badly that I’d let people touch me even when I wanted nothing more than for them to stop. I also know how absolutely garbage it feels when it’s over and they leave without so much as another word, I would just feel so used”. M/C’s eyes teared up as she remembered the feeling, but she blinked them away, willing herself to focus on the man in front of her.
“I never, ever want you to feel that way again. Not if I can help it. I love you, Asmodeus. Let me show you how much”.
A smile finally crossing his lips, albeit a small one, Asmo nodded. This time it was the human who brought their lips together, though their kiss was just as passionate as before. She caught the demon by surprise, rolling them over so she was the one pinning him to the bed. He looked up at M/C with pure adoration in his eyes, electrified by the love he saw reflected in hers and the lust he felt emanating from her soul. Finally confident that they were on the same page, M/C poured all of the affection she could into every touch, every kiss. She felt his hands travel up from their place on her waist to cup her breasts through her pajama shirt, moaning at his touch. Her sounds spurred him on, letting him regain some of his confidence. If there was one thing he knew he was an expert on, it was pleasure. He played with her nipples through her clothing and treasured every noise he was able to pull from her. Each gasp, every sigh, just emboldened him more. By the time he had stripped her of her top, he was fully in his element.
“Asmo”, she begged, “please, let me touch you too”.
She shifted her weight back onto her knees to make room for her demon to get out from under her. Readjusting so they laid side-by-side facing each other, they took the moment to stare into each other’s eyes. M/C’s smile was contagious, and Asmodeus couldn’t help but smile back. She hadn’t even touched him yet and she was already better than his fantasies. He hadn’t dared to let himself imagine her loving him, and he was going to treasure every second he got with her.
Her shaking hands made their way from his abdomen up to his chest, tweaking his nipples just to hear the noise he’d make before she got to work unbuttoning his pajama shirt. The more she teased him with brief touches, the more he squirmed for her. He was this close to ripping it off himself, and he really liked this pj set - he thought it brought out his eyes. Before he could finish deciding if it was worth popping the buttons off and maybe even a few seams, he felt the soft skin of the other’s hands finally trail up and down his torso. The demon made a noise almost like a purr, reminding M/C of his inhumanity in a thrilling way.
“Touch me”, it came out more as a breathy whisper than a demand, but she listened all the same.
Leaning over him to kiss down his neck and chest, the human used one hand to support her weight near his head and the other to trail down his body, stopping to cup his growing erection through his pants. An unexpectedly loud moan cut the air as she bit gently down on his nipple and began to stroke his cock.
“Shhh baby”, she said in a voice he’d never heard from her before, “You don’t want your brothers hearing and coming in here to stop us, do you?”. It was only then that he remembered he hadn’t locked his door earlier. From the grin spreading across her face as she looked towards the door, she knew it too. Asmo had never seen her look more mischievous in the whole time he’d known her and he was living for it. He was pretty sure he was witnessing the creation of a monster and he had no regrets, except that they hadn’t done this sooner.
Taking his silence for agreement, she got up only to kneel on the floor at the edge of the bed. She motioned for him to sit up and strip, which he did gladly. She took in the sight of his cock hungrily, eyes glazed over imagining what it would feel like in her pussy. He had seen that look many times and knew exactly what was going through her mind. Still, if he didn’t tease, would he even be Asmo?
With his bottoms thrown towards his laundry hamper, he spread his legs enticingly and grabbed the base of his cock. He stroked himself slowly, seeing M/C’s eyes fixate on a drop of precome on the head.
“Do you like what you see, my dear?” She could hear the grin in his voice. It was comforting to hear him sound like his usual confident self again.
“Very much”. Her hands began to rub along his thighs, appreciating the lean muscle she felt underneath her fingertips. “Can I taste you?”
“I thought you’d never ask, darling. Show me how you worship me in your daydreams”.
Her face lit up bright red. He couldn’t know, could he? He was just guessing, it was just dirty talk… right?
Swallowing the embarrassment she felt at the idea that Asmo knew the content of her fantasies, she began to rub soothing circles into his skin and kiss up and down his inner thighs.
“Oh sweetheart, I know you do more than that in those dreams of yours. How about you keep going, and you let me know if any of this rings a bell”. At this she began nipping at his skin every few kisses, soothing over any bites she made with her tongue.
“Let’s see, I think one of my favorites so far was in the library the other day. It was you, me, Satan, and Levi studying for the upcoming Seductive Speechcraft exam. About the time we were doing our individual reading, I recall you having some particularly interesting ideas. How did it start again?”
Her hand replaced his own stroking him, placing gentle kisses on his balls. She didn’t want this to end too soon and, honestly, she was curious if he actually did know what she had been thinking or if he just picked up on her getting horny that day and was trying to mess with her.
“Ah, yes”, his breath hitched as she dragged her tongue up the length of his dick, swirling around his head, only to kiss back down his shaft. “We were studying together, the same four of us that were actually there, but Levi and Satan got up to get a snack for us all. Once they left, I turned to you and told you how beautiful you looked”.
M/C’s hand sped up, and she leaned down to start sucking on the tip of his cock, keeping a steady pressure, and feeling proud at the flush in his cheeks. Slowly, she began to take him inch by inch in her mouth.
“I think after some flirting it took a rather raunchy turn, so let’s skip to the good part. I distinctly remember you dreaming of me sticking my hand down your panties and fingering you open, whispering sweet nothings to you the whole time”. M/C’s moan was muffled by the dick halfway down her throat, sending vibrations up Asmo’s cock. The sound of pleasure he made in response caused her to rub her thighs together, her own arousal obvious.
“What happened next? I think I lost my train of thought..”. M/C had gone down on him as far as she could, her nose nestled in the well-trimmed pubic hair on his pelvis. Asmodeus threaded his hand through her hair, pulling it up into a makeshift handle. She moaned, knowing what was about to happen. Asmo giggled, appreciating how eager she was for him to use her.
“That’s right”, he stared down at the woman with hooded eyes and his cocky grin, clearly back in his element, “you begged me to fuck your face”. Gripping her hair, he pulled back and thrust back into her mouth, hard. He let out a delighted gasp as her throat constricted around his dick.
“Darling, you feel so good, you’re such a good girl for me”, M/C’s eyes rolled back at the praise and as Asmo picked up the pace of his hips, she could do nothing but relax into his grip and let him use her. As his hips stuttered, she could feel him approaching his orgasm. Asmodeus made the most erotic sound the human had ever heard as he pulled her face flush to his body and released down her throat. M/C quickly swallowed, eager for more of him. He panted gently as he came down, relaxing his grip and transitioning to slowly smoothing her hair. The pair sat there for a moment to catch their breath.
“Holy shit”, M/C was the first to break the silence.
“Holy shit is right”, Asmodeus replied with a hungry grin. He reached a hand down to pull M/C up from her knees and into his lap. The two embraced, and Asmodeus felt himself hardening again at how he could taste himself on her tongue.
“Your turn now, sweetheart”, the demon cooed. Before M/C could say a word, the world spun and suddenly Asmodeus was laying on the bed and she found herself on her knees above his face. He licked his lips in anticipation before lowering her onto his face.
Maybe it was a demon thing, or maybe it was an Asmodeus thing, but the way his tongue moved on her clit and between her labia was like nothing she had experienced before. His mouth was hot, and wet, and almost electrifying as it managed to pinpoint her every weak spot. Every time she ground her hips into his face, embracing pleasure instead of running from it like she had with so many other men before him, he rewarded her with a moan, sending vibrations up into her body. The closer that M/C got to the edge, the harder she pulled on his soft curls, forgetting her own taunts about his brothers hearing and getting progressively louder. She came with a desperate cry of his name, squirting onto his face, which the demon excitedly lapped up with his tongue. M/C rolled off of his face and flopped bonelessly onto the bed. Asmodeus wasted no time climbing on top of her and bringing their lips together yet again, this time with a ferocity she had only imagined in her most erotic dreams. The feeling of his hard cock on the soft skin of her thigh made them both shiver in anticipation.
“Are you ready for me?” Asmodeus began, “I meant it before when I said I’d make it good for you. I want to make you cum harder than you’ve ever cum before”.
“Well,” M/C said breathlessly, “mission accomplished”.
“Oh honey,” the demon laughed and his eyes began to glow again, “you have no idea what I’m capable of”.
Let me know what you guys thought! I’m going to write a second part if there’s interest. Cross-posted to AO3 with the same username. Thanks for reading <3  
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skibasyndrome · 11 months
Finally making a pinned post, hope I do this right
my name is Simon, you can call me that or skibasyndrome or any variation of either that you can think of
25-y/o university student with a passion for literature and languages and everything surrounding that (hmu, I will talk about it for hours)
me and tumblr go way back (like... 2012 way back), but it's only through my very recent discovery of Young Royals (August 2023) that I decided to get back into online fan spaces after a long break (best decision ever btw)
I'm gay and a trans man
I mostly just write fics (or talk about writing)
Feel free to reach out and talk to me about anything and everything, I love talking to people :)
things to note about this blog
I will simp about Omar Rudberg. Sorry, I'm just too gay for whatever it is he is doing 24/7
there's almost always a party in my tags because that's where I go to voice my opinions or just be... emotionally affected by things
hope you like Young Royals, because there's rarely anything else on here these days
personal posts are tagged "simon.out."
should go without saying but fuck right off with any -isms or -phobias
See my Young Royals fics below the cut (or at skibasyndrome on ao3)
It seems a place for us to dream (T, 1.8 k)
Or: The things going through Wilhelm's head during that S3 snippet.
You crave the Applause / Yet hate the Attention (E, chaptered, 4/4, 22.3 k)
Or: How Wilhelm realizes that maybe, if you squint a little, he might have a praise kink.
But I'm a vampire smile, you'll meet a sticky end (E, 4.1 k)
Or: Simon's vampire-esque makeup is really doing things to Wilhelm that he didn't expect. A Halloween fic.
In This Together (T, 3.5 k)
Or: Wilhelm tries — and fails — to surprise Simon with hot chocolate. Simon doesn't mind. Contribution to Wilmon Secret Santa 2023.
It's in the water, baby (E, 4.9 k)
Or: A sweet and spicy story sponsored by the infamous Lake Still (TM) s3 promo pic.
Never Letting You Go (E, 5.7 k)
Or: The infamous Hallway Smut (TM) Scene as briefly seen in the S3 trailer and (re)imagined by me. There's light angst, sex, and so many feelings.
Lavender Haze (E, 13.3 k)
Or: Wilhelm spots the most gorgeous man in a nightclub. He's wearing a lavender shirt that makes Wilhelm's head spin and imagination run wild. And a smile that does things to his heart he's not quite sure what to make of yet.
All this shit is new to me (E, chaptered, 3/?, 24 k)
Or: After meeting and hooking up with Simon at a club, Wille needs to figure out what exactly that means for them (or whether there even is a "them" to figure out). A sequel to Lavender Haze.
Wille's Month 2024:
Day 1 (Sandwich): Vegan butter, two slices of Gouda, a few slices of cucumber (G, 1.6 k) Day 8 (Wedding/Engagement): Roots of Love (T, 1.2 k) Day 9 (Riding): Close, Closer (E, 1.3 k) Day 25 (Hands): Got my Hands all over You (E, 7.1 k)
Simon's Month 2024:
Day 2 (Food): I could eat that boy for lunch (M, 7.9 k) (co-written with @iwouldnevergetintofanfic & @pagegirlintraining) Day 14 (Senses): Kyss mig med dinä röda läppar (or, affectionately: the cherry fic) (T, 3.4 k)
Flash The Camera, You're A Star! (T, 10.1 k) (co-written with @pagegirlintraining)
Or: the one where Wille is an even bigger simp than usual and Simon can’t quite stay mad at him.
Or: people send me a sentence, I write 5 or more sentences to turn it into a ficlet. wild variety of stories ranging from dark to fluffy to (slightly) steamy (always open for these types of prompts)
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the party doesn't start until i walk in LCBAB reaction let gooooooo
He put on a nice sweater, one without holes in it, and fluffed his hair a bit. He wanted to look nice but also not make it apparent that he had made some effort.
oh alec you virgo (is there gonna be any reaction to your fic where i stop mentioning alec virgo ass? maybe not)
It should be normal to think constantly about your friends 24x7 without it having any romantic intent.
the word alec is looking for is obsession. it always romantic feeling with friend and never a job
Alec wanted to meet the person who introduced the word beautiful. He wanted to ask that person what or who made them use this word and then tell them that beautiful was nothing compared to what Magnus looked like.
dont raise the dead just so you can be a simp its against the death code, dead ppl HR gonna have your head
Magnus jolted awake at that and started screaming. He took out the knife from under his pillow and launched it at Alec.
“Don’t come near me or I will kill you.” Magnus shouted.
when magnus keep a knife under his pillow its revealing detail on him and his background. when i keep a knife under my pillow im a danger to society????
“2nd May.”
no way in hell magnus is a Taurus at least pick a Scorpio date
And Alec was just—Alec.
and water makes things wet. we all know this
“I’m sorry.” Magnus said earnestly and it was all it took for Alec to forgive it.
alec needs to STAND UP i know he can. no virgo should forgive forget that easy stand UP
“Are you really using your childhood trauma to get out of being punched for saying stupid shit?“
Jace pretended to wipe fake tears from his face. “Is it working?”
the fact that you are making me relate to jace...evil?!?!?!?
Because how the hell was he supposed to survive without talking to Magnus for an entire week.
stream midnights by taylor swift it such a good album i know right
“Why does it matter to you? What the fuck does it matter when it is?” Magnus asked angrily.
me when im writing every essay. alec should have replied with "nothing" purely for the aesthetic
i was gonna make a joke about birthday as birthslay but my brain not functioning
Magnus held his face gently and Alec leaned into the touch. “I love you, Alexander. I’ve been in love with you since the day you had that law test and you forced me to quiz you for 48 hours and I hated absolutely every minute of it but I still did it. I love you more and more every day and I don’t know how to stop. And even if I knew, I wouldn’t want to stop.” Magnus breathed.
again stand UP
Alec was 32, and if he was being honest, he didn’t know why people had to work too.
actually nobody knows this it is another Bermuda triangle
“He is in a meeting with Abigail, right now. But he should be free any time now. I’ll just check in.”
um the amnesia au tease? are we okay?
Alec was fine with other people having a thing for Magnus. As long as they don’t act on that desire.
oooh amnesia au gonna wreck alec, serve him right for being a simp we cant be all too lovey-dovey around here
“I tried for ten years and these three convinced you in one night?” Alec said petulantly, bringing a chuckle out of Magnus.
maybe if u stop thinking with emotion and start thinking in strategic mode
this fic is just angst + trauma + alec being mega whipped to the point he can start a whipping cream brand + ari being the cutest + tease for hiadt when alec got dumped and his ex-husband moved on with his ex gf. again LAYERS
“Don’t raise the dead just because you want to be a simp” sent me. Your reactions like always are superior anh>>> I cracked so hard at the entire thing
Simp Alec would never stand up for himself and if you think it’s bad in LRHWY, wait till you read about HIADT Alec getting walked all over himself lmao. Also yes!!! Loved throwing that lil bit of amnesia au tease lmao.
I have honeslty no idea how this fic ended up being as angsty as everyone is saying it was lol. That’s what I’m saying—I can never tell which chapters or fics are going to be angsty and which ones are not. I’m in this with you homies jsjssjsk
P.S. Ari really do be the cutest I am love only one girl
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bananami · 3 years
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character/s: eren jaeger x afab!reader
SYNOPSIS: eren isn’t very happy to sit back and watch his best friend, who he is very much in love with, date another man. everyone has there breaking point, you were his. (4.2k)
WARNINGS: 18+/mdni, cheating (not on reader or eren), slight angst, praise kink, fingering, penetrative sex, no condom (remember to wrap it up y’all), heavy cursing, a little bit of soft eren mixed with simp eren, some mean eren sprinkled in there, a dash of pining, mocking, technical exhibitionism, some degradation, i hope i don’t miss anything
A/N: i seriously don’t remember sitting down to write this, also eren finds literally any and every way to insult your boyfriend
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It was pretty obvious to everyone around you how awful your boyfriend was. The problem was that you were just too forgiving of a person. It irked every single one of your friends how he took advantage of you and your never ending kindness, but there was one person it pissed off the most.
Eren hated the guy. Ever since you’d introduced him, the little shit had always rubbed your best friend the wrong way. It just got worse the more he fucked you over. At first it was small stuff, things that you easily brushed off and Eren could only roll his eyes at and make snide comments. Like canceling plans last minute even though you had taken damn near an hour to get ready and looked so good Eren couldn’t help but think about what would happen if he were to bend you over the countertop, rip off your panties, and suck on your little clit until you were pushing his head away because - can’t, ngh, Er-Eren, too much.
Or the time when you were all hanging out at his and Armin’s party and your asshole of a boyfriend had up and left without even telling you, claiming he wasn’t feeling good and didn’t wanna spoil your fun. Only for you to find out through Connie that he’d shown up at their frat party later that night high as hell. Eren had seen how ruined your mood was after that and had offered to drive you to classes in the morning and told you you were welcome to stay the night. You two had a lab together later that day anyways and he could take you home after. But fuck if he didn’t think about how you would ask to wear some of his clothes to bed. And how good you would look in his sweatshirt and those tight little athletic shorts you’d worn. You’d thanked him for being such a good friend and slept in the guest room right next to his. And no Eren is definitely not a good friend because a good friend wouldn’t think about how fucking fantastic your ass looks in those shorts, a good friend wouldn’t wonder what kinds of little sounds you would make and what you would taste like if he kissed you - shoved his tongue in that innocent little mouth of yours and gripped the back of your neck to hold you to him until you were so dizzy from the lack of oxygen that you could barely stand it. And a good friend definitely, definitely, did not fuck his hand in the room right next door to you while imagining it was your tight little cunt milking him, begging you - pleading with you - to cum, cum all over my cock baby, all yours, all fucking yours-
It was ridiculous, absolutely fucking absurd that Eren had to watch this clown apologize time after time only for you to fall for his bullshit and take him right back. He didn’t deserve you, fuck if Eren did either - in fact he firmly believes he doesn’t - but he knew that at least if you were his he would make you a top priority and not bullshit around like the slime you were dating now. But he’s not. Dating you that is. And yet you’re still a top priority to him.
So much so that when you go out with Mikasa and Jean every week he tells you to make sure you text him if you need a ride, or if Jean drops you off at your house to make sure that you text him and let him know you’re safe, and he calls you when he’s at the grocery store because he knows that you’re dumbass always forgets at least one thing, or why he orders an extra thing of fries when you guys go out because it doesn’t matter what you say, you’re going to want some of his fries. It’s why when you call him at three in the morning balling your eyes out because your boyfriend made plans on your birthday weekend to go out with a bunch of his friends, he’s over at your place in less than fifteen minutes.
Armin likes to call him a simp when you ask Eren to do something for you and he doesn’t even hesitate, because you know what he is a fucking simp and Armin can suck his ass. He didn’t care what everyone thought, just you. And if him letting you steal his favorite band t shirts and driving around at 3 am blasting music and staying up late watching horror movies makes you happy then you won’t hear a peep out of him.
The straw that really breaks the camel's back comes on a random weekend at his place. Armin was going somewhere for the whole weekend with Connie and when you found out you felt bad about Eren being alone so you offered to stay with him. As innocent as the request was, Eren was now fighting for his life every other moment of the day as he watched you help him clean his house and walk around after showering in just his t shirt and your hair all tied up in a towel, legs on full display, and now cooking for him after telling him to just go sit down and relax and let someone take care of him for once - something no one has ever said to him before. It was all so domestic that he could feel himself clenching to keep from getting hard. At one point during the day he had to run to the bathroom to pump one out as quickly as he could because you’d simply leaned over to get the laundry out of the dryer. And just now he’d gotten half hard again, the image of you on your knees in front of him, tongue running up the base of his cock mumbling those same words lemme take care of you Eren, wanna take good care of you, want you to cum in my mouth, make you feel so good.
God, you’d be begging for him to hold the sides of your face and fuck your throat until it was sore and you were gagging and choking on his cum. And you’d touch yourself, dripping all over his carpet while he told you how fucking sweet you were, how much of a good girl you were to him, how your shitty little boyfriend couldn’t give you want you needed like he could.
At the thought of your boyfriend, Eren’s fantasies stopped. He couldn’t help himself from letting the words slip. “Too busy taking care of you since your boyfriend doesn’t seem to wanna do it.” He pauses and waits for your response, cringing at the fact that he just couldn’t keep his goddamn mouth shut and let sleeping dogs lie. You were in a relationship, you clearly liked this loser enough to continue to give him chance after chance.
But Eren never lied, not even in his fantasies, you were so sweet. You rarely got mad, so when Eren opened his big mouth and spilled the truth, you just sighed and gave him a sad smile. “I probably seem pretty pathetic, huh?”
To some people it did seem pathetic, but to Eren what was even more pathetic was the fact that he was sitting here fantasizing about someone who clearly did not want him the way he did them. If you were pathetic, then what the fuck was he? To that he muttered words that may have been more for himself than for you, “you’re not pathetic, you’re just in love.”
He wallows in self pity for just a moment. Your little shrug stops him, but it’s your response that makes his head reel. “I wouldn’t call it love. More like infatuation. Barely that anymore.”
It was more open than you’d ever been with him about how you really feel about your relationship. Eren was practically falling off the edge of his seat waiting for you to continue. Fuck, he really was pathetic because one little glimmer of hope and he was running right back, pining away at the idea that he there was still a chance he could seduce you away from that douchebag you called a boyfriend.
“Why stay with him then? The guy is a total fucking loser.”
He watches you ring and squeeze your hands together, a nervous tick he could always pinpoint. “Who else would ever want me?” That breaks his heart more than any fucking rejection from you ever could. He would rather you yell, fuck even laugh right in his fucking face at the possibility that someone like him could ever think they had a chance with someone like you than for you to ever even entertain the idea that someone other than that lowlife could never want you.
For a second he’s sad, but the more he thinks about it the angrier he gets. “Did he fucking tell you that? Is that why you stay with him?”
Your eyes get big, rimmed already with tears, and it pisses Eren off even more. Of course your shitty ass boyfriend would try and tell you you weren’t worth anyone else’s time, because how else would he keep you from leaving him.
“He- not exactly, he just said-“ You were a bit of a blubbering mess trying to get the words that just wouldn’t formulate in your brain to come out of your mouth.
“What the fuck did he say to you?” Eren tried to reign in his anger a little bit for the sake of calming you down. His hand reached out to pull you in between his legs as he moved to sit down on the couch. “Breathe, baby, breathe. I need you to stop crying and talk to me. What the fuck did he say to you?”
He waited patiently as you caught your breath, your eyes refusing to meet his. “It’s embarrassing.”
“I don’t care, I’m about five minutes away from finding your soon to be ex boyfriend and ringing his neck until his head pops like a water balloon.”
“That is graphic and unnecessary.”
“And you are refusing to answer my question.”
You huffed, and a strangled sound came from your throat. “It’s this, this is what he meant.” Gesturing between him and you, you still refused to meet his eyes.
“What is ‘this’ exactly?”
One of your hands yanked itself out of his to cover your face but he was quick to tighten his grip on the other. You were exuding a range of nervous energy and Eren was having a hard time remaining patient, wanting to know now what kind of shit your boyfriend had been spewing and why.
“I…” you barely feel him pull you closer to the edge of the couch, “he doesn’t like that you and I are so close.”
“Well he can take that up with me if he has such a fucking issue with it.”
Your hands jokingly cover his mouth and you scold him like you have a million times before. “Such a dirty mouth.” He wants to show you just how dirty of a mouth he has but that wasn’t exactly the point right now. Instead, he brushes a whisper of a kiss against your palm as he moves it away, moving it to rest against his shoulder.
“What would us being close have anything to do with no one else wanting you?” And as he says it, it’s like a lightbulb clicks on in his brain. Fuck wanting an answer, he needed one. Needed you to tell him exactly why your boyfriend would hate Eren being around you so much. Did he see Eren as a threat? Did you give him any reason to believe that Eren might be? Or did your boyfriend just see the way Eren stared at you with a longing for you to just open your eyes and fucking pick him instead.
It took you a few more seconds to compose yourself before you let out a shaky breath and speak so fast he barely catches all of it. “He was upset because I said your name while he was going down on me.”
Now the last thing Eren wanted to think about was your shitty little boyfriends head between your thighs, but the thought of you saying his own name instead? He was pretty sure his brain had stopped working. His head fell forward against your stomach and he closed his eyes to compose himself, the thoughts running through his mind going straight to his cock.
You, on the other hand, were freaking out. You weren’t sure that it was a good idea in the first place to tell Eren the truth about what had happened but he had been so persistent. There was always a part of you that believed maybe he felt a portion of what you felt for him, and your boyfriend had become very aware of that very quickly. You’d always made excuses, told him you and Eren were just friends. Then why is he always trying to hit you up and be around you all of the time? And why do you seem so ready to be at his beck and call? And what’s with all the inside jokes that only the two of you understand? And why do you look at him like that? And why do you think anyone else would ever want you like that?
“I’m sorry,” you begin to apologize, “I know it’s creepy and totally weird that I would think about you-“
You’re cut short when there’s a yank at your waist and suddenly you’re on the couch, knees spread and calves pushing against Eren’s thighs. He surprises you when he buries his face into your neck, hand on the other side of it, his thumb running along the bottom of your jaw and cheek, leaving opened mouthed kisses all along your neck. “Pretty baby had to think about my mouth to cum ‘cause her boyfriend couldn’t do the job? Must’ve been so fucking lost in that fantasy to say my name right in front of him, huh?”
You could barely breathe at how good his lips felt against your skin, the same fantasy from the other night flooding back into your head. He wanted to know exactly what it involved. “What’d you think about to get off, doll? Squeezing my head between those pretty thighs? Fuck, did you yank at my hair and try to grind your perfect little pussy against my face?” Eren stops assaulting your neck and grips your cheeks in one hand, forcing you to look him in the eye. “Did you think about the same things I do? Riding my face until you’re crying and squirming to get away?”
Eren’s hand quickly slips past your panties and against your clit where it rubs tight figure eights that make your breath catch and your eyes flutter. “Thought about you every single time.” His words are desperate, like he’s the one being teased, on the verge of one of the most mind blowing orgasms of his life. “Every time I fucked my fist,” the words made you jump, “thought about this sloppy cunt fucking me instead. Wanted to cum so deep inside you baby, wanted to split you open on my cock. Watch you get yourself off while you ride me. Cum for me, cum all over my fingers so I can taste it baby. Give me what I want. Let me see if you taste as good as you do in my fantasies.”
Two fingers sink into your heat and you're seeing stars as your lower stomach clenches and your legs shake. Eren’s thumb hasn’t left your clit and you feel a pressure build again.
“Please, Eren, please-“
“Please, Eren, please,” he mocks you, “you beg me in your dreams too, doll? Don’t worry sweet girl, I’m gonna do exactly what your boyfriend was afraid I would. Now cum again.”
That’s all it takes. Your brain is still a little fuzzy as you come down from your high, but you watch as Eren pulls his hand from your panties and sucks his fingers into his mouth. The sound he makes is that of a starving man finally feasting. “Better than I imagined.” He adds some pressure to the end that holds your cheeks and forces your mouth open. “You’ll take what I give you and be grateful. Keep your mouth open for me baby.” And suddenly his tongue is inside your mouth and you can taste yourself. His hand that isn’t holding your cheeks moves to your throat, not squeezing but just resting there, waiting for permission. You take his hand and add a bit of pressure, until you can hear the blood pumping in your ears. Eren’s mouth leaves yours before he releases the pressure on your neck, watching you gasp for air with almost a sadistic smile on his face.
“Did so good for me, so fucking proud of you, doll,” Eren guides your hand to the front of his sweatpants to show you just how hard you make him, dick practically twitching, “now be a good girl and show me how you take my cock.”
Your panties are off within seconds, Eren’s hand ripping them down your legs and tossing them across the living room. Eren makes a mental note of where they are to grab later, a little souvenir to prove what was happening was real and not just some fucked up fantasy his brain had conjured up. And if this was it, if this was just a one time thing - fuck, he hoped not - then at least he had something of yours to beat off with later. God, he really was pathetic. But for now you were real and spread out under him on his couch and he was going to make sure every second of it was burned into the back of his brain.
His hand grips your cheeks again, squeezing them so he can delve into your sweet little mouth again, missing your taste already. “Gonna fuck you like you deserve, baby. That what you want? Want me to fuck you dumb?”
He watches your face change as you begin to beg - “yes, please, want you” - and suddenly you’re a blubbering mess, his dick only halfway in and you’re already going cross-eyed. “Eren, too-too much.” 
Eren’s lower lip pulls out like he’s pouting and his voice comes out whinny and mocking again. “Oh baby, I know, I know. Too big for you tight little pussy. Be good, relax and let me make it fit. Thought you wanted me to fill you up? Don’t I deserve it?” He slides in little by little, rubbing your clit so slowly it makes you wanna cry. And judging by the tears beginning to form, you might just start.
“Made me wait so fucking long, had to watch you hang all over your little boyfriend, listen to you complain about how he can’t take of you. That’s all you want baby, just want someone - fuck - someone to take care of you.” His breath catches as he bottoms out, completely enraptured in you, hitting so deep he’s afraid it might actually be too much for you to take. But then you whine and grind down on him. His laugh is deep and teasing, and he pulls out and begins to thrust - long and deep ones that make the tears at the corner of your eyes begin to fall.
Eren’s lips come down on your neck, up your cheek to your lips where he whispers his vulgar adoration. “Only time I wanna see you cry is when you’re all choked up my cock, got it?” Your head shakes like you’re agreeing with him, small noises leaving your lips with every thrust of his hips. “Not over some fucking prick who can’t make you cum. Doesn’t” thrust “fucking” thrust “deserve you.”
Suddenly, the two of you are flipped, you on top and him sprawled underneath you. And somehow you feel him sink deeper into you. His thumb reaches up to brush the tears falling down your face. “Show me how much you wanted it to be me. Ride me, doll.”
Your hands lay flat on his chest are you move your hips against his. Hands grip your sides and pull you up and down, helping you out more and more the shakier your legs get. One hand reaches up again, this time stuffing two fingers between your lips.
“My baby getting a little too drunk on my cock?” His eyes flutter and he throws his head back as one particular thrust hits him just right. “Fuck, close baby. Tell me when your close, don’t think I can take that.”
Your head shakes and you mumble around his fingers, “inside.”
It takes him a second, his head far too cloudy from your pussy squeezing him so tight to register your words right away. But when he does, it’s like the snap of a rubber band. “Inside?”
“Want you to come inside me,” your voice is breathless and needy, something equal to the way it makes Eren feel. Like his heart is a split moment away from combusting inside his chest. “Never let anyone else, only you.”
Say fucking less.
Eren is close, so fucking close to release that it’s almost painful. And then the phone rings. At first you two ignore it. But then it rings again, and again, and again. And finally Eren huffs, reaching toward the coffee table to pick up your phone and see who can’t take the fucking hint - all the while still urging you up and down his shaft.
His jaw clenches at the name on the caller id. Of fucking course. It would be him. Eren is moments away from chucking your phone across the living room when the idea that hits him makes him pause. He’s always had a bit of a sadistic side.
He meets your eyes with a look that tells you you better do what he says. And he brushes his lips against yours, his words practically a growl, “don’t you dare fucking stop,” before he’s answering the phone and putting it on speaker.
“Hello?” A voice on the other end speaks. Your boyfriend. “Babe?”
You can barely think, let alone speak, yet somehow the word “yeah?” makes its way out of you, albeit breathlessly. 
“You ok? You sound weird.” You’re about to respond the same as before when Eren’s mouth wraps itself around one of your nipples and you practically wail. “Babe? What the fuck is going on?”
“Gonna let him hear you baby?” Eren worships your breast, biting down just a little before pulling back with a soft pop. “Let him hear just how good I can make you feel?” He picks up your phone and you have no doubt that your boyfriend can hear him clearly now. You’re not sure if you really even care, not as long as Eren is so deep in your heat that you swear you can see stars. 
“That’s what he was afraid of, right? Saw how much I wanted you. Afraid you’d want me back?” He lets a groan slip out, a little louder than is necessary. “Tell him how I make you feel, doll.”
“F-fuck, so good. So, so good, Eren - wanna cum all on your cock,”
Your boyfriend’s voice is livid over the phone. “Oh, you are such a fucking-”
“Good little slut for me, baby,” Eren praises you, his own hips thrusting from underneath you, trying to give you time to match his pace, but he’s finding it harder and harder to do with every squeeze and stroke. “Gonna let me fuck my cum into you? Dirty little slut wants to be all fucked out, huh? Go ahead, sweetheart, use my cock.” You can tell from his voice just how close he is. “Gimme a kiss.”
You could never say no to him, lips smashing against his.
“Tell me you love me.”
“Love you, ‘Ren,” your voice shakes and your words slur together, “love you so much.”
“So good for me. Now cum on my cock.”
You feel yourself break apart from above him, collapsing onto his chest as his arms wrap around your back and one of his hands holds the back of your head to keep you against him as he continues to fuck himself deep into you. It doesn’t take him long to fall apart either, praise and affection moaned out directly into your ear. Feel so fucking good cumming around me, make me so fucking happy baby, did so good for me, love you so much.
You both forget about your boyfriend on the other end of the phone when he shouts out “you can have her, Jeager, fucking slut,” before hanging up.
Eren’s face is one of bliss and satisfaction when he pulls you into another long kiss, tongue licking a line across the roof of your mouth. “Like I needed his permission.”
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maleficent-cannoli · 2 years
Timelining KP (part 2)
Now that we know VegasPete gets to happen over the last 4 episodes and there will be discussion of Vegas’ trauma I am on CLOUD FUCKING NINE because this means I get to stretch this out as much as I want to.
Approximately 10 minutes after I wrote that and I am once again anxious about pacing, but for other reasons. Anyway, here we go.
General Outline-ish:
Episode 11 - VP episode, “fuck where’s Pete,” Porsche’s birthday (34 - 36)
Episode 12 - more VP, Kittisawasd family angst, funeral/Return of the Pete (36 - 40)
Episode 13 - post-VP, KimChay is a disaster, karaoke scene (yay!), parental issues, conversation re: Vegas  (42 - 44)
Episode 14 - more drama, boss battle, party (44 - end)
Episode 11:
So I’ve been talking with the lovely @secondtime20, and we’re hoping for a solid 50% VegasPete next episode
In terms of the preview, I definitely think we’ll get to see a VegasPete scene BEFORE Vegas makes the decision not to kill Pete and to hide him in his room instead, or at least a later flashback to it, just to allow us to understand why he would make that conscious effort to keep Pete when we’ve already seen how easily he’d shoot pretty much anyone point-blank
We could potentially start to see more of Vegas’ vulnerability outside of the highly controlled lens of its usage in manipulating others, more of the ugly truth, this could be the episode where we’ll see more of the inner workings of the minor family
I’m also hoping they get more into the REAL family dynamics between Vegas and Gun, as well as MAYBE with Macau, but I’m not sure yet
This is also probably the episode where PETE gets to see Gun for the abusive homophobe that he is
Unhinged time!
I want to see Vegas on his fucking KNEES
I think I speak for many of us when I say simp!Vegas PLEASE 
Also Pete’s hip tattoo… I don’t think I need to say more about it than that
Also maybe the shaving scene?
In any case, this is (hopefully) where we’ll see Vegas start to fall, and I want to see him fall HARD (I could literally spend hours talking about just this, but a lot of people already have and that would have to be a completely separate post)
Probably cut in with some main family drama 
KimChay reveal, mayhap?
I want to see our baby boy show his FANGS
But yeah I was a little put off by the fact that they so easily glossed over the fact that Chay is pissed and gave Porsche a whole-ass ultimatum at the end of episode 10
Maybe also trying to get Chay moved in with the main family for safety reasons because clearly the house is not safe anymore (they’ve literally had 2 kidnappings happen there, no more chances should be taken)
Obviously some Tankhun commentary would be amazing
Place your bets here as to whether or not Chay remembers Kim’s involvement in his rescue!
Yeah I think it’s going to be a total trainwreck and I am so here for it
But like I said probably mostly VegasPete and the development of their relationship
I could see the phone calls happening and the much anticipated “are you hungry?” happening here.
Depending on how they want to do it, we could maybe see some more romantic implications, but I don’t think Coco just yet
I am also wondering about Nop and whether or not he’ll exist in the show, although I think some people spotted him in the background of a number of scenes
And of course I have to say the obligatory “maybe this time we’ll get the pool scene” but like…
Anyways, I think I could see this being a slightly chiller episode, at least on the KinnPorsche front since they’re already been dealing with shit and yeah
Is angsty filler a thing? Because if it’s pretty much all VegasPete, that’s what people will call it. Idk man I’m barely coherent at this point.
Episode 12:
Wrapping up the main VegasPete arc + Pete escaping and, as much as I keep, for whatever reason, thinking of this as a VegasPete episode, probably other things will also happen
Honestly at this point I’d be inclined to call episode 12 our big VegasPete episode, but like I said there are other parts of the plot that I have to remind myself not to forget about now that we know we have more time 
(Probably) lots more VegasPete in this episode, *happy noises*
More phone calls
Maybe the shaving scene if it hasn’t already happened
Basically they’re falling in love and we’re all going to spontaneously combust
We’ll probably get the funeral scene and the Return of the Pete (because I will take any and all opportunities to make a LotR reference, even where it clearly does not belong), which will be absolutely hilarious, maybe at the end of the episode?
Bonus points if we get to see Tankhun dump a soup tureen on Vegas for finding the funeral funny
This is probably the episode where we’ll get to see the infamous love scene that was apparently intense enough for Bible to need an inhaler
I am REALLY hoping we get the Coco scene, or at least something like it
Aside from just VegasPete, we also might get some really fun KimChay stuff, and by fun I mean lots of crying and dramatic stuff
There was that scene from the trailer where he was crying so (could also be in episode 11)
Methinks Chay will be moved in with the main family by the end of episode 12 because reasons
Also this is kinda unrelated but I am struggling with the fact that I want Chay to be friends with Tankhun and the bodyguard trio but at the same time I also want him to have secretly been besties with Macau the entire time…
ANYWAY, I am also anticipating a whole boatload more angst on the Porsche front
As I was recently reminded, “you shag him for what” still hasn’t happened yet and it was in the trailer and sounds important so maybe it’ll happen here (I do apologize again for my general lack of brain cells)
But yeah the uncle needs to be back to stir up shit and just generally be a dick
A lot of the post-VegasPete drama will happen more in episode 13 because the show is just spicy like that
Episode 13:
A lot of post-VegasPete stuff, probably, because what else could we possibly need other than even more emotional damage?
The very enjoyable dumpster fire that is Pete trying to process the whole VegasPete arc while Vegas and Porsche do some sleuthing into Porsche’s dramatic Batman backstory
Or, as I like to call it, everyone is a hot mess (again) but this time they’re actually doing an okay job at figuring out what the fuck is going on
The karaoke scene, also known as the gathering of mafia wives (Tae’s words, not mine) which many may know is the scene I am most anticipating, will probably be in this episode
Chay is hilarious– WAIT. THOUGHTS HAVE ARISEN. What if the reason he’s pissed at Kim here isn’t because he thought he was cheating on him but because of the fact that he lied to him and used him for information??? (not going to edit this out later because who cares)
I love Tae, and Pete is doing not great
I especially want to see the part where Vegas ambushes Porsche in the bathroom to talk about Pete because “I love him and I can’t live without him” and yes, that is a direct quote
But yeah a lot of this is just digging into what happened to the Kittisawasd parents
I think we might need to start coming up with detective name puns for Porsche and Vegas in anticipation of this episode
And Vegas has both mommy AND daddy issues, the whole package
Also Vegas being all worried and asking Porsche about Pete to make sure he’s ok
Plus increasing tension between the major and minor families in the run-up to what I’ve been referring to as the boss battle
Episode 14:
The boss battle, the final showdown, the big dramatic fight scene, whatever you want to call it, that’s this episode
I don’t think there’s much else to say about that part
Basically wrapping everything up
The party from the end of the novel
I’d love if they did some of the stuff from the VegasPete special chapters, and by that I mean I want to see baby Venice Theerapanyakul
Probably ending on everyone’s favorite chess aficionado doing some ominous foreshadowing via some complicated metaphor that may or may not actually make sense (apple/knife metaphor who?)
So yeah. That’s what I’ve got. It has taken me WAY too long to make this, and I’m pretty sure some sections of it don’t even make that much sense, but whatever. Let me know your thoughts
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yamagucji · 4 years
How they get your attention
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ft. kenma, ushijima, aone
note. ugh i love these quiet boys they need just as much love but have trouble asking for it sometimes
warnings. like.... a crumb- no, just a dust of angst, use of petnames/love nicknames
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says “pay attention to me” in his mind and calls it a day. if you don’t notice then that’s on you
okay but if you’re in public and kenma needs a bit more attention from you, he’d tug at your sleeves with a pout on his face
“i want to go.”
“hm, why? are you not feeling okay?”
his brow furrows. “its not that...”
“then,” you pulled his grip away from your sleeves, gently intertwining your hand with his. “what’s wrong?”
“i want to go home... and cuddle.”
kenma go >:( *grabby hands but very subtly*
he can be patient though
when you need a bit more time to talk to someone, kenma would sit somewhere close and just play his games
by play i mean — glancing up at you every few minutes while not really committing to the game
you know that thing where you’re at a party and you don’t know anyone there so you just go on your phone and hop from one app to another?
yeah that’s literally kenma
but if you’re talking to someone, say kuroo or lev, he’d be more comfortable to just coax you away instead
you: *talking to kuroo* ☺️
kenma: *standing behind you and staring daggers at kuroo* 😐🧍🏻
kuroo: 😟😰
if it’s lev then kenma’s already tugging at you to go home gkfjdhd
when you get there, he’d be so needy and DEMANDING
“no — here, i want you to put your hand here,” he mumbled, pulling your hand over to his hair
“now brush it... please” 😭✋
“like this?”
“yeah,” he let out a hum
all he wants to do is cuddle with you and don’t even dare suggesting playing games wit him now because that’s not on his priority list
“kenma, wanna play animal crossing?”
“no.” gkfjdhd PLEASE
“just... stay here with me, please.”
but if you really wanted to play though, he’d let you because at the end of the day, he doesn’t want to force you into doing something you don’t wanna do
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would be a little conflicted at first
because you’re doing homework and he respects that!! but why does he get the need to just... be close to you
“are you doing alright with your work?” ushijima asked, turning away from the t.v screen
(he’s watching a movie on low volume, while you sit on the further end of the couch with your assignment)
“hm,” you glanced at him, careful not to lose your train of thought
“...need any help?”
and thus starts the repetitive questions throughout the span of an hour
time seems to go by just a bit slower when he’s not with you— feeling like he’s slowly being dragged into boredom
so without noticing, ushijima will turn to you and check in every 5-10 minutes or so 🥺
the movie has nearly ended (he paid special attention just like you asked him to) and you’re still buried in work :(
he pouts a little bit as he watches you
ushijima moves by instinct this time, laying his body on the couch and putting his head on your lap
“i hope you don’t mind,” he mumbled, and you shook your head
okay now where are his headpats 🧍🏻
ushijima would lay there idly, a little dejected that your hands are still preoccupied instead of giving him the usual headpats
a moment passes, then ushijima gently places his hands over yours
“if you’re not so busy, i’d like you to rub my head, please”
it’s practically the same when you’re in public too
you’d be busy talking to someone or doing something when ushijima suddenly shows up by your side
he just stands there like this: 🧍🏻
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would be a little hesitant, while asking you really nicely🥺
“how long will you be playing?” he asked, steering his eyes off the screen and on to you
“hm, i don’t know,” you mumbled, much of your attention stuck on your game
he’d sit patiently beside you on the couch and just... watch
if you’re one to make commentary, aone will make sure to show you that he’s listening
“ah, i see,” he mumbled, readjusting himself a bit. there’s still a bit of distance between you two, but aone has a bit of yearning to be more closer to you
so he waits it out a bit more, until deciding to ask you,
“is it alright if i sit behind you? i won’t bother you or anything,” 🥺
and when you tell him he’s free to do so, he’ll very gently place himself behind you
he knows he’s a quite a big person, so he’s really careful when maneuvering himself when you’re still playing the game
then he asks again. “will you be playing for a bit longer?”
“hm... maybe?” you gave him the same response
so aone sits quietly some more. you’re a bit startled to feel something on your shoulder— aone’s face, tucking itself on the crook of your neck
you glance down to a pair of droopy eyes :(
“angel...” he mumbled. “i know how much you like that game, but is it okay if we take a moment together?”
cupid the writer over here just needing to yell at u to give this man his attention
despite being tired, aone would muster up a bit more energy when you finally come to cuddle him
PLEASE TUCK HIM UNDER A BLANKET he is very sleepy but fighting it to get a bit more time with you
“takanobu,” you hummed. “you’re more important to me than video games.”
and he’d cuddle you just a bit tighter, nuzzling his head against you
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