#annie chattaway (bradshaw)
wexhappyxfew · 4 months
hey!! could i request "enjoying the sun that's warming their face" for whichever character/ship you're feeling? thank youuu 💕
hello anon! thank you so much for stopping by the askbox! and thank you even more so for sending in a prompt - i really loved getting to work with this prompt so so much and it honestly led me to a (1) new OC for MoTA and (2) writing with a new character from MoTA that I wanted to try some writing for! :) SO, i hope you enjoy the first introduction to WAC, Lieutenant Annie Chattaway from Mankato, Minnesota!
It was a wonder to Annie what a Lieutenant bar did to a man.
Not only did she watch men seem to hastily salute in her direction, or shove each other quickly to their feet, but they watched her with a shaky gaze before she kept on moving past.
The bright sunlight above seemed fit for arrival, her transport having dropped her by the entrance to Thorpe Abbotts, with Colonel Harding taking her in for introductions, hand-shaking and flattery. Now, with her belongings sorted out and her bearings gathered, she was in search of a few select names that Harding had graciously offered up.
"Looking for something special?"
The rumble of a military-grade jeep, fumes and all, pulled up beside her in a hurry, screeching to a halt, the breaks in need of a good oiling, and a smiley Major in the front seat. Annie halted for a moment there on the tarmac and offered a sweet smile, from behind the Raybands and her cap and stepped to the edge of the jeep.
"Depends on who's asking." she told him with a smile and a nod, before saluting.
"John Egan, uh, Major Egan," he said, another smile spreading on his lips, tilting his head to the side, "Bucky if you like." More widening of the grin.
"Pleasure to meet you, Major Egan," she said, dismissing his grinny self and stuck out a hand forward, "Lieutenant Chattaway, just in from Fort Des Moines. I've been assigned here, as a translator."
Major Egan made a show of raising his brow from behind his own pair of Raybands and leaned forward, arm up over the passenger's side of the jeep, hand on the steering wheel and smirked.
"Sounds like you got yourself into a nice gig," he said, "….translator, huh?" Annie stared at him from behind her Raybands. Right.
"Can I ask where your mess hall is, sir?" she asked him, side-stepping the translator question, "Colonel Harding mentioned it after introductions."
"Wanna hop in? I could give you a ride over, chat over coffee, hey, I'll even show you where the officers' club is." he said and then scooched back to his side and nodded to the seat, smiling, "Take it or leave it." Annie watched him for a moment and debated her options - ride with Major Egan, possibly get some coffee that he definitely knew the location of, or continue to wander around base looking like a sorry excuse for a bull in a china shop.
Annie turned to behind her, following Major Egan's line of sight, and found a Captain walking towards them, his eyes squinting in the bright sunlight, saluting Major Egan and then turning his eyes to her. He watched her for a moment, before she quickly saluted him, watching him quietly from behind her Raybands - tall, large stature, soft eyes.
To think he was a pilot by the way his peak cap covered his head, seeing all the war the planes brought to the air and the sky around.
"Brady, just in time," cooed Egan, jumping up from his seat in the jeep and coming towards the Captain - Brady - wrapping an arm around his shoulder and nodding, Brady slowly looking towards Egan with a tired look.
"This is Lieutenant Chattaway," Egan said with a nod to her, "didn't find the time for a first name, but I know it's there. She's gonna be translating." Brady eyed her for a moment.
"Pleasure to have you here, Lieutenant Chattaway." Brady said, nodding firmly, a quick itch of a smile on his face before disappearing and looking over to Egan, "Major Egan, I've been meaning to discuss with you-"
"Later." Egan said, clapping Brady on the shoulder, "right now, we gotta show Lieutenant 'No Name' Chattaway to the mess hall. Get her some grub." Brady glanced her way again - she stared right back at him through her Raybands and cleared her throat.
"It's fine really, sir," she said quickly, "I can find my way." She smiled slightly.
"Nah! Nah, c'mon, Lieutenant," Egan said, "look, here, Brady and I, consider us your personal tour guides-"
"C'mon, let's roll." Egan said and then gave Brady a clap on the shoulder and a wink and then moved back towards the jeep. The two watched him go before standing in silence.
Annie looked back towards Brady and found him already watching her; when he caught her eyes on him, he offered a small smile.
"You doing alright?" he asked her, the smile on his face soft, the sunlight bathing his face in a golden light; looking up towards him she put on her best smile and nodded.
"Yes, sir." she said firmly.
"He can be…." Brady trailed off and looked over her shoulder and nodded, "….yeah."
"It's fine, really, sir," she said, "seems like a fun guy." Brady grinned at her comment and nodded, before looking down.
"Probably best if we get in the jeep, before he starts well…." Brady smirked, "….you can probably guess." Brady imitated a little circle beside his head - before he starts going crazy, she seemed to finish it off in her mind. Annie smiled.
"Captain John Brady," he said, holding out his hand, "I know Major Egan introduced you as Lieutenant 'No Name' Chattaway, but that's-"
"Annie." she said, meeting his hand - warm as anything, encasing her own, firm, "Annie Chattaway." A loud beep-beep and a rumble of an engine appeared beside them with a slightly, pathetically disgruntled Major Egan in the front seat.
"C'monnn, let's goooo," he said, clapping his hands in front of him, "days changing to night, I think the first leaves of fall have come down." Annie looked back over to Brady and watched the small smile dart onto his face.
"What? Are you going to turn into a pumpkin, sir?" Annie questioned turning to him and moving towards the passenger side, before climbing right in the back, looking over to Egan who was smirking at her - she glanced then at Brady, "Will you be joining us, Captain?" Brady looked to her and then offered her a smile and climbed in the passengers' side.
"What would happen if I turn into a pumpkin, huh?" Egan called over his shoulder, "You hear that, Brady, she thinks I'll turn into a pumpkin!" He started up the jeep.
"I think a pumpkin is being generous, sir!" Brady called back over the roar of the jeep as they moved towards the barracks. Annie smirked to herself and admired the life around base - the Land Army women, the townsfolk, the pilots, the airmen, the ground crews, the sky, the sun, the trees. The world as they knew it.
"So, Chattaway, where you from? Wisconsin? Harding mentioned something or other..." Egan called over his shoulder, "They make cheese right?"
"Minnesota, sir!" Annie called back, "Mankato!"
"Never been!" Egan called over his shoulder, "Should show me how to make The Bootleg - you know….. they said F. Scott Fitzgerald would sip on some of those."
"Really." muttered Brady unenthusiastically from beside him.
"Oh, cheer up, Brady, you could be getting The Bootleg tonight - you'd be thanking me for it, too." Egan called as they pulled up to the front of mess, "Right, we're here." Egan turned to look over his shoulder at her and grinned.
"Liking the view?" Annie offered a smile.
"Thorpe Abbotts is beautiful, sir," she said glancing to the sky, "I'll be excited to see the mess hall." Egan grinned and gave Brady another shoulder slap.
"You'll be pleased as peaches to see coffee," Egan said hoping out and turning to her, laughing to himself, "I mean, I know I always am." Brady moved out and straightened out his pants before glancing over his shoulder and turning towards her.
"It's nothing more than watered down G.I. coffee, but it's something," he said as Annie slowly shifted forward, "Major Egan just gets excited when there's still extra by midday."
"Don't be telling my secrets now, Brady," Egan said pointing to him, "it's a precious commodity, we don't go saying that around here." Annie smiled to herself and then slowly stood, placing her hands on the edge of the jeep before noticing a hand appear.
Looking up, Brady was stood there, watching her with the sun warming his softened face. She smiled at him, gratefully taking his hand, letting him help her step down onto the ground. It was only a few seconds more before the two were dropping their hands and Major Egan was making a show of pointing up to the mess hall and going on about something or other about a beer bottle being thrown at the wall - but as Annie followed quietly behind both Egan and Brady, she noticed the clench of Brady's hand there.
The one that had touched her own.
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wexhappyxfew · 2 months
Silver Bullets Writing Masterlist (a Masters of the Air Fic-Collection)
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AO3 link: coming soon!
OCs Featured: Women of Silver Bullets
Pairings: SB Pairings
Collection of writings of the women of the B-17, Silver Bullets, and their stories through the Second World War, alongside the Masters of the Air men. Features replacement pilot, Lieutenant Annie Bradshaw, stepping into the role of command pilot for Silver Bullets, working to lead a crew of an all-female bomber crew throughout missions out of Thorpe Abbotts, England. Silver Bullets recently went through the tragic loss of their previous command pilot, Captain Birdie Faulkner, which leaves the crew reeling - Annie Bradshaw hopes to do justice to this bomber crew and the war. Follows canon for the most part, an alternate universe with women as a B-17 crew.
-> Current Writings <-
-> to be updated as new writings come out!
Meeting Annie Chattaway (Bradshaw)
Annie Chattaway (later becomes Bradshaw in rewrites) meets John Egan and John Brady for her first introductions to base. Story is later reworked into Silver Bullets writings and a larger crew.
Sweet-Talking Silver Bullets
Annie Bradshaw heads to the flying club after an introduction to Thorpe Abbotts and an invitation from John Brady - and gets to meet Margie Harlowe, flight engineer on Silver Bullets, as well as some commentary from John Egan.
Package Deal
Bombardier, Carrie Achterberg, falls sick and misses a mission - navigator, Bessie Carlisle, visits her for some well wishes - James Douglass pays the duo a visit.
Introductions and Pleasantries
Bessie Carlisle and turret ball gunner, Judy Rybinski, discuss the future and meet the newest pilot on base, Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal - Marianne Salinger, tail-gunner, sets her sights on letting her orange cat, Frank, get a feel for the newest addition.
Solemn Reminders
Co-pilot, Francis Montez, has been struggling ever since losing Captain Birdie Faulkner those few weeks ago - Annie Bradshaw attempts to get through those layers and let Francis know she's there to stay.
Lie Down Next to Me
Annie Bradshaw's is sure of a lot of things - but sharing a bed with Captain John Brady when things start getting tough is not one of them.
Quiet Reprieve
A mission gone haywire leaves the crews at Thorpe Abbotts in a mental recovery - John Brady attempts to get Annie Bradshaw out of her head. Ken Lemmons offers a few jokes in return.
Next Time I Wake
Judy Rybinski suffered a serious injury after a rough mission, and is joined by Rosie Rosenthal at her side when she wakes.
When All Else Fails
The 9-remaining members of Silver Bullets discuss their newest pilot, ponder their last replacement who went down the drain and the future of their B-17 bomber.
Very Thought of You
Judy Rybinski's in her head. Rosie Rosenthal can see that. He offers her a dance. She finally feels at home.
Crash Landings and All
Annie Bradshaw and John Brady share some coffee in the early morning and discuss their rather embarrassing mishaps of first-time-flying.
Home is an Anchor
Annie Bradshaw reminisces on her miserable youth as John Brady attempts to comfort her. Annie recognizes what it means for someone to be an anchor, as well as a place.
You, Me, and the Stars
Judy Rybinski and Bessie Carlisle discuss life and love. Judy shares a conversation with Rosie Rosenthal and makes a few bolder moves than she would have thought.
Guide and Guard
The crew of Silver Bullets dutifully awaits the signal for wheels up. John Brady makes a visit.
No Hard Feelings
Carrie Achterberg just wants to enjoy breakfast. James Douglass comes asking for a favor. Greenland mention!
I Found You Again
Annie Bradshaw and John Brady share a moment in a bunk, with quiet contention and silent confessions.
You Pinky Promise?
James Douglass visits a sick Carrie Achterberg. Conversation ensues about Dougie's time in the skies under Lieutenant Annie Bradshaw's wing.
Let It Linger
Judy Rybinski gets promoted and thinks Rosie Rosenthal has a little something to do with it.
Bergie Doesn’t Strike Out
Carrie Achterberg and James Douglass both feel they have ‘struck out’ in their own ways. Lingering eyes follow.
You In My A-2
Annie Bradshaw and John Brady share another night in the bunk. A few honest statements seem to slip. A sort of Pt 2 to this piece.
Looking Out For Me
Judy Rybinski grieves what is lost and Rosie Rosenthal tries to offer an olive branch of connection. They share an orange and an understanding.
Run Along Lover Boy
Kennedy Farley and Bucky Egan share a conversation that might just change both their minds about their futures.
Didn't Think You'd Notice
Carrie Achterberg and James Douglass share a dance. And a whole lot more than just that.
A Little While Longer
Annie Bradshaw gets herself into a bit of a fight, but John Brady isn't afraid to step up for the people he loves.
Through the War
Judy Rybinski enjoys the sunshine of the flak house, but couldn’t help but have a conversation with Rosie Rosenthal about the truth of this war.
Ease the Pain
Vivian Ratcliff remains emotionally distraught over not hearing from long-time boyfriend, James Pennington, and Everett Blakey tries to help with that.
Carrie Achterberg ponders her dislike for Greenland, alongside James Douglass, in the pre-Annie Bradshaw era of Silver Bullets.
Stray Bullets
Kennedy Farley and Bucky Egan share a few words with each other after a terrible mission and an even worse-off interrogation.
Folklore or Whatnot
Annie Bradshaw continues to prove her role in these shoes she must fill after Birdie Faulkner. She proves herself in more ways than one.
And Then I Breathed
Kennedy Farley can't stop her thoughts from ruminating on her final moments before jumping out of the plane that final time. Bucky Egan tries to mend that in any way he can.
My Bessie Marie
Bessie Carlisle lives by fact and truth. Her world turns upside when that’s all off the table and her boyfriend, Thomas McKenzie joins the Marines.
Cold Hands
Annie Bradshaw revels in her reckless youth alongside a battered and bruised John Brady who is in need of nothing more than someone willing to listen to his ramblings.
Lips Itching To Grin
Kennedy Farley and Bucky Egan talk baseball, big bands and their mothers. Bucky also thinks Kennedy would make a great cleanup hitter in the lineup.
Gone to the Earth
The Annie Bradshaw and John Brady reunion piece.
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wexhappyxfew · 3 months
sweet-talking silver bullets
I in fact have never been normal about anything ever so enjoy a hodgepodge of MOTA OCs I've developed just because. You might've met Annie Bradshaw (who was Annie Chattaway) in another prompt request a few weeks back, but I wanted to do some more with her....and then I gave her a new position, changed her last name, and added an intriguing plot for some ideas, so....enjoy the introduction to some of the crew of Silver Bullets, and Annie, who is trying to navigate a crew who is suffering from a heavy loss, plus some John-squared (Egan and Brady)!
"You must be the new LT, huh?" a voice said from her left; turning sharply to her right, she noticed a woman sat at the bar, a cigarette hanging from her lip, and sad, downturned eyes staring at a piece of paper in front of her. Annie looked around briefly, slightly confused by the sudden addressing of herself, but then nodded - the woman couldn't see it evidently but it was out of habit - and stepped forward.
"Lieutenant Annie Bradshaw, just in from Fort Des Moines," Annie said, outstretching a hand forward to the woman, who glanced up from the piece of paper and then quickly shook her hand before turning and looking away again, "I'm-"
"Sorry for your loss." the woman said, glancing her way, "Yeah, we've gotten that quite a lot."
Annie went quiet and shut her eyes for a moment. She sucked in a deep breath before clearing her throat.
"You must be….?" Annie started, trying to see if this woman was who she thought she was.
"Francis Montez," she said with a nod, "Lieutenant. I was Faulkner's copilot."
"From what I heard, you landed the plane beautifully," Annie said with a firm tone, "it was brave of you to do." Montez glanced at her and pulled the cigarette from her lip.
"I didn't have a choice now, did I?" Montez muttered, before folding the paper and standing to her rather tall height and blowing smoke from her lips, "The rest of the girls are around. You'll meet 'em all soon enough." And with that, Montez was wavering away, disappearing between the folds of men in uniform and Clubmobile ladies. Annie remembered seeing the article - the day the 100th lost Captain Birdie Faulkner, the day her 2nd Lieutenant Francis Montez risked every inch of herself to get her, the plane and the crew to safety. The day she got the call to report to Thorpe Abbotts. Annie slowly leaned up against the bar and let out a breath.
"Lieutenant….uh….Bradshaw?" Annie looked up and found a shorter woman, with bright, blue eyes and beautifully curled, blonde hair stood in front of her, lips painted a deep cherry red, a careening smile on her face, "Margie Harlowe, put her there." Margie had her hand stretched out in front of her to shake, pristine uniform on point for all to see, and those bright eyes to match. Annie offered a pinprick of a smile and nodded, shaking her hand firmly before putting her hands in the pockets of the jacket over her own uniform.
"Real name's Marjorie, but…I don't know, Margie became easier to yell through comms thousands of feet in the air." she said with a growing grin, "Really a pleasure that you're here. I know Harding's been trying to get another one of you pilots in for days now. Scrambling and all."
"It's a pleasure to be here," Annie said quickly, her nerves bubbling over at the worst of times, before recognizing her manners, "Lieutenant Annie Bradshaw. Just in from Fort Des Moines, hopped one of the newer birds to get over here as quick as I could." Margie let out a barking laugh and crossed her arms, throwing her head back like it were the best joke in the world.
"Fort Des Moines, you say that funny, where you from?" Margie asked her and then held up her hands dramatically from her chest, "No, wait….let me guess. New England…..maybe Vermont." Margie seemed to understand the look in Annie's eyes and shook her head.
"Nah, gotta be midwest, you're sweet as peaches." she said, "Iowa?"
"Minnesota. Mankato." Annie offered with an attempt at a smile.
"Ah! You must've heard - Major Egan, he's a Wisconsin guy. 's a wonder that he's so chatty." Annie laughed at her words, "I assume you've met him then?"
"Out on the tarmac. Showed me the mess hall. Well….officers' club." Annie said and Margie seemed to get a kick out of that and nodded.
"Yeah, he's real sweet until you gotta start having to actually sweet-talk him." Margie said, noticing Annie's gaze again, "Don't ask." Annie smirked.
"So, you met Silver Bullets yet? She's a beaut." Margie said, with a gleam in her eyes, "Flies faster than you can bet on her with." Something passed over Annie's eyes and Margie seemed to notice it, the smile crinkling the slightest bit. Silver Bullets. The B-17 that Captain Faulkner had piloted on various missions and had died in as well.
The B-17 awaiting its newest pilot.
"Nah, not yet." Annie said, "Met Lieutenant Montez though…..said I'd find you all around here."
"Yeah, Monty, she's….she's not doing great. Well, after everything," Margie said with a half-hearted smile that looked more like a depleted frown, "she had to get the thing on the ground with Birdie's body next to her." Annie watched as Margie sighed and shut her eyes and seemed to shutter.
"We're really glad you're here," Margie said quietly, looking up at Annie, "It's been…..weird, without Birdie here. Everyone trusted Birdie, all the other pilots, Operations…..her being gone, I don't know….they don't like the thought of us going up with just anyone." The words 'just anyone' seemed to strike something deep inside of Annie as she stood there against the bar and she nodded. Just anyone, she thought to herself.
"I intend to prove our worth here," Annie said quietly, "you, me, the whole crew. Silver Bullets." Margie smiled at her and nodded.
"Really, though, we're glad you're here, ma'am." Annie did feel her nerves settle for a moment as she stood there, just hearing Margie's words directed at her with consolation and comfort all at once.
"Lieutenant 'No Name' Bradshaw," a incredibly distinct voice said from over her shoulder, Margie's eyes darting upwards and Annie slowly following her line of sight, "can't believe you actually came." Major Egan grinned.
"We were just talking about you, sir!" Margie exclaimed, jumping in with wide eyes, "Just near about summoned you like you were God."
"Don't inflate his ego," muttered a brunette coming in from Major Egan's side, "it's bursting the bubbles at this point." Annie looked to Major Egan.
"Captain Brady invited me." she offered towards him and he raised a surprised brow.
"Oh leave her alone, sir," Margie said with a scolding, but playful look, "just because you can pull all that sweet-talking with Farley here-"
"Hey." grumbled the woman - her assumption that it was Farley was evident.
"Don't go pulling it with Bradshaw alright, she could probably take you out swinging, sir." managed Margie and Major Egan chuckled.
"Dancing? Oh I'd love to." he said, with a nod, "Want to give me a spin, No Name?"
"Leave her alone," Farley said from beside Major Egan, "Kennedy Farley, gunner on Silver Bullets."
"Pleasure to meet you." Annie said with a quick smile, before noticing Major Egan was watching her again, "Is Captain Brady here, sir? I meant to go thank him."
"He's somewhere," Kennedy offered instead, "but don't mind him-" she swiftly pointed to Major Egan who was grinning as proud as he could, "-this is just Major John Egan for you." Quite the sentiment and statement about a Major in the 100th.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw," Annie turned from Major Egan, Margie and Kennedy and found Captain Brady there, removing the peak cap and tucking it under his armpit, before sticking out a hand, in what she assumed as a friendly reintroduction.
"Well, No Name, seems he came right to you," Major Egan said with a chuckle, as Annie reached forward and shook Captain Brady's hand firmly. He raised his brow and Annie felt her cheeks burn.
"I meant to thank you," she said quickly, crossing her arms, and smiling up at him, "for inviting me. I was going to look for you." Brady smiled, his eyes lingering on her for a few seconds longer than warranted, before he looked behind her.
"Not giving the 100th's newest pilot too much trouble, huh?" he asked, seemingly to mainly look at Major Egan, who, when she glanced over her shoulder, smirked proudly and gave a bow.
"Wouldn't dream of it," he offered, as Brady stepped to her side, with a smile.
"C'mon, let's get you a drink."
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