fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
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We are so happy to announce that we are getting married! Bob proposed to me in private but we are ready to celebrate with everybody! We can't wait to become one happy family. Dina&Bob, Kate, Ron, Ann, Kaleigh
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Meeting Kaleigh
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Dina Caliente: Come in, kids
Kate: So, that's Kaleigh?
Bob: Yes, that's your baby sister
Kate: She is tiny
Dina: All baby's are tiny. Don't you remember.
Kate: It's been a while since Ann, mom
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Ann: She is so cute! Aaah, she is sleeping, when is she going to wake up?
Ron: Don't wake her up! She is going to cry
Dina: Shhh
Ann: She is adorable, can I hold her?
Dina: Ofcourse you can
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
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Dina&Bob's mixed family. Ofcourse without his children because he feels like this is his actual family and his children with Eliza are just sometimes there.
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Dina with her mother and sisters, the four Caliente women. Regina still single at home with mom Katrina, Dina married for the second time, four children, Katrina, happily married with Winston Reagan, and Nina, who is happily married with 7 daughters
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Bob with his 'former' children. He is standing there all alone his children holding on to eachother
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Dina with her daughters, her pride
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
The ceremony
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All the guests are ready for the wedding of Dina Caliente and Bob Pancakes.
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On the left is Dina's family, her mother, Katrina, her two sisters, Regina and Nina and Nina's husband, Colton. They aren't thrilled about the wedding but want to support their daughter/sister.
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Bob's children are filling the middle part. They aren't happy at all about the marriage of their father with another woman but must be here, and smile.
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The children of Dina and Don, her first husband sit on the right side. Ron and Ann are happy about their new father. But they miss their bio father. Don hasn't been in touch with them since he left.
The bio children of Dina&Bob sit in front of Bob's children. It's very special for Kate to see her bio parents finaly get married. She is already 15 years old and this is a dream come true. Little Kaleigh isn't aware of the situation. She is the golden child, the cherry on top of Dina and Bob's relationship.
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Bob walking down the aile on his way to marry the woman he had an affair with and left his wife for. He is very happy about this day.
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Dina walking towards Bob. She is very happy with Bob finaly at her side. No matter what anyone says about her past marriage, about her affair with Bob years ago or having another baby before she got married to Bob.
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And then they are married!
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Showing the house
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Dina Caliente: So, Bob, my house is your house from now on. This is the livingroom, kitchen and study in one.
Bob: I already know this place, Dina.
Dina: Haha, yeah, now upstairs
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Dina: Our bedroom, that is your part of the closet.
Bob: I'll put my clothes there as soon as possible
Dina: Now up to the childrens room
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Bob: And this is the room of all the children?
Dina: Yes, we only have to bedrooms so they have to share.
Bob: Alright. But no room for my children to come over and sleep here.
Dina: Eh, no
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Telling Dina's family
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Katrina Reagan: You have grilled this so good, Bob
Ann Lothario: Can we have some?
Dina: Just a second. Bob and I have to share something before we dig in the delicious food Bob made.
Regina: Oooh, what is the announcement? Are you guys getting married?
Dina: No, not yet. We are expecting a baby!
Katrina: Really?
Regina: Wow!
Ron: Really, grandma
Katrina: I wasn't expecting this
Dina: Please be happy, mom. We are...
Bob: And now you all can start eating
Katrina: Don't we have to say thanks first
Dina: Go ahead, mom
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Katrina: It's delishes, Bob
Kate: Well, done, dad
Katrina: Are the children saying dad to you?
Dina: Kate is, Ann sometimes too, Ron doesn't want to call him dad yet.
Katrina: It must be confusing for all of them
Dina: Maybe, maybe not
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Bob&Dina's new place
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Bob Pancakes and Dina Caliente found a new home for their family.
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It has an open floor plan. The livingroom, diningroom and kitchen are all in one open space.
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Upstairs are four bedrooms. Kate, Ron and Ann all have their own bedroom. The fourth is for when Bob's children will come over.
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Downstairs is the masterbedroom. Dina is in love with her new, big, bedroom.
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Dina&Bob, the sequel
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ring, ring
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Bob: He, Dina
Dina: He, Bob, do you want to come over?
Bob: I'll be there in a minute
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Bob: Dina! Hi!
Dina: Hi Bob
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Ann: Hi!
Kate: this is our livingroom, that is my sister Ann, and there is my brother Ron.
Bob: Hi Ann
Kate: Upstairs we have two bedrooms. One for mom and one for me and my siblings
Bob: That's nice
Ann: Do you want to read a story?
Bob: Ehhhh
Kate: not now, Ann!
And the end of the day....
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Dina: So, the children are asleep
Bob: Finaly
Dina: haha, yes, they are quite loud but you are used to that, aren't you? How many do you have?
Bob: Nine, but Eliza cares for them
Bob: Come here, Dina
Dina: finaly
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Bob meets Dina
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Dina Caliente is in the parc with her children, Kate is on the monkeybars, Ron is in the ship and Ann is about to build a sandcastle. Suddenly, Dina sees a familiar face.
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Dina: He! Bob!
Bob: eh
Dina: Bob! Here! Dina, you remember me right?
Bob: Oh, he, Dina! That's been a long time since I saw you
Dina: It sure is, over nine years ago, I think
Bob: Really? Has it been that long?
Dina: I think so. Do you have time to chat?
Bob: Sure
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Dina: How are you doing?
Bob: Good
Dina: How are Eliza and the kids?
Bob: Eliza just delivered twins
Dina: Wasn't she pregnant with twins nine years ago too?
Bob: Yeah, this is our second set
Dina: Wow! How many children do you have by now?
Bob: Nine
Dina: men, you must be working all day before you have enough to feed them all.
Bob: I work hard, but Eliza isn't easily pleased
Dina: haha, why are you staying with her? You two are the worst match ever
Bob: Better then you and Don!
Dina: Don't talk about Don. There are not good words to describe him
Bob: alright then. Let's talk about my daughter then. How is she?
Dina: Ze is a sweetheart that will charme everybody, including you. She loves animals at the moment and really wants a pet. It's hard to say no to her.
Bob: She sounds wonderful
Dina: She is
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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Dina: We are so over!
Don: We are not!
Dina: You have been sleeping with other woman, not just one, mutiple!
Don: So!
Dina: How do you think we could be together while you are cheeting on me all the time!?
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Dina: you can go, bye!
Don: Where?
Dina: You will find a place.
Don: This is our place, I'm not leaving.
Dina: Yes, you are. And I'm keeping the children and the house.
Don: fine! Have it your way. I'm not seeing you ever!
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Dina: Bye!
Dina is in tears and goes staight to her mother to cry on her shoulder.
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Dina: Oh, mom. Don and I have seperated. He has been cheeting on me
Katrina: Oh, my dear. How could he do that to you?
Dina: I don't know
Katrina: Come here my child
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Late, but just in time
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Dina is in labor. She is about to deliver her third child. But she is alone. Her children are to a friend but her husband, Don, isn't there.
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With one of the last pushes, Don, finaly is there.
And then she has her little girl, Ann Lothario
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When she is done cuddling her little girl (for now), she has a serious conversation with Don.
Dina: Where were you!?
Don: Just out with friends
Dina: While I was in labor?
Don: I didn't knew you were in labor.
Dina: Then check your phone!
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Don: I did
Dina: No, you didn't. You didn't check your phone and you where probably with some other lady. I know you. You don't have a problem with sleeping with other woman while you are married to me.
Don: I didn't
Dina: Oh, tell me something else. You have been gone so much lately. On bizare times. You are sleeping with someone else.
Don: Like it's so much fun being at home with you. You are always complaining
Dina: I was pregnant!
Don: So...
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