#annoying ass theatre girl. of course i fell in love immediately
darkaac · 4 months
tm opera o is so obnoxious <3
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spaceskam · 5 years
23 + davenzi
sorry this was late as hell. special thanks to this soulmate au idea
warning: mentions of suicide
Matteo didn’t know what he was expecting.
He’d heard his whole life of this magical day where, when the clock struck midnight on his 18th birthday, his world would freeze and only he and his soulmate would be unfrozen, free to spend their day together and unbothered.  Of course, everyone else would go on with their day.  It was like the universe would put you and that special someone on a whole new plane of existence.
However, no one really talked about what happened if you didn’t know your soulmate at 18 or couldn’t find them during that day.  He’d searched on it for weeks leading up to the day, reading forum after forum of horror stories.  He’d read more than one on clinically depressed people who spiraled, 24 hours of being absolutely alone with their own head being far too much.  Or anxious people who panicked until they couldn’t take it.  He even read a few who had attempted suicide.  Matteo was hoping he wouldn’t end up in that state of mind.
Still, as he looked around the party that Jonas had thrown and invited the whole school to, he desperately wanted to see someone as unfrozen as he was.  A lonely, pathetic part of him looked to Jonas, hoping he’d be moving.  But he wasn’t, he was frozen with a giant ass smile on face while looking straight at Hanna.  Of course.
“Anyone else unfrozen in here?” Matteo called, a last-ditch attempt at seeing if his soulmate was here.  He wasn’t.
A sigh pushed out of his chest, glancing around as he pushed himself towards the kitchen.  He really started understanding how people could feel so overwhelmed and paranoid by this.  It was disturbing, something out of a horror movie where everyone was so fucking far away from him and he couldn’t do anything about it.  He was alone.
He hoped whoever his soulmate is was coping with it.
Matteo moved sluggishly as he got a cup of water and made his way to his bedroom. He really just wanted to sleep the day away. Maybe if he slept long enough, he could wake up and everyone would be unfrozen again.
So he went to bed.
Matteo woke to the sun rudely shining in through the window. With a groan, he reached for his phone to see it wasn’t even noon yet.  He groaned louder.  He continued to lay there for a moment, hoping to will himself to sleep again so he won’t have to spend the day with everyone completely frozen.
It was one thing to isolate yourself. It was another to be forced into it.
However, he could only take so much before he got too hungry.  So, he had to get up.  He didn’t bother getting dressed outside of adding a pair of sweats and a jacket and he didn’t bother staying inside either. He didn’t like staring at all the frozen people, but, since they froze at midnight, there shouldn’t be many people on the street.
It was the quietest Berlin had ever been and Matteo hated it. He usually loved the quiet, but it was too quiet. Overwhelmingly quiet.  Which was really fucking annoying.
Still, he made it to his favorite 24-hour sandwich shop and walked right in.  There wasn’t actually anyone there except an employee who was frozen in the back, so he let himself behind the counter.  He crafted a sandwich as best he could and left the money on the counter.  He didn’t know exactly how this worked if they’d even notice anything was gone or if they’d get any money, but it subdued his conscious and that’s really all he cared about.  Well, that and actually eating.
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?”
Matteo froze, his eyes casting up with his sandwich partially hanging out of his mouth. In the doorway stood a guy who was staring him down with fuck-me eyes paired with a little smirk on his lips.  If this was his soulmate, and that’s what appeared to be the case, Matteo couldn’t say the universe did him dirty.  The guy was fucking hot.  Coffee colored skin, septum piercing, stunning… everything.
Everything seemed to slow down. He was way too perfect.  Mind-numbing, mouth-watering, body-aching type of perfect.
Then he bit his lip and his face slowly broke out into a wild grin, his entire face beaming. Matteo nearly fainted right then and there. Who the hell was allowed to go from that hot to that cute that fast?  And why the hell were they his?
“Sorry, sorry, that was bad. In my defense, I thought I had some time to come up with a better pick-up line. Go figure that you’re older than me,” he said, stepping further into the shop. Matteo was frozen as he watched him.
This was fucking insane. How was someone that looked like him supposed to be Matteo’s soulmate? That didn’t make any sense.
The guy was still grinning as he leaned on the counter across from him, “I know you’re not frozen.”
Suddenly, Matteo remembered how to blink.
“Sorry, sorry,” Matteo said, swallowing the bite he’d taken and wiping his mouth. Maybe he should’ve actually tried to look nice.  “Uh, hi.”
“Hi,” the guy chuckled, “I’m David.”
“Matteo,” David repeated, seeming to roll his name in his mouth and Matteo felt chills down his spine, “Nice to meet you.”
“You too,” Matteo murmured, taking him in once more before holding out his sandwich to him. David grinned but shook his head.
“I’m good, thank you.”
“So, uh, not to sound rude, but how did you find me? I mean, literally could’ve been anywhere,” Matteo pointed out. David shrugged his shoulders.
“I figured I should go to places I would go and hope for the best,” David explained, “I got lucky.”
Matteo gulped, “Yeah.”
“I just moved here too, so,” he paused, looking him very obviously up and down in a way that made Matteo’s stomach tighten, “Really lucky.”
They fell into a small vat of silence, staring at each other without any sense of shame as Matteo finished his food.  He could get used to this. David wasn’t overwhelming, he was just a calming presence that was apparently all his. He’d known that your soulmate was supposed to be calming, but Matteo hadn’t realized he would actually be getting one.  Well, he knew, but he didn’t know know. It didn’t feel real.
With David staring at him, it still didn’t.
“Wanna hang out?” Matteo managed to ask after he finished.  David blinked so slow Matteo wondered if he was fantasizing without realizing.
“That’s what we’re supposed to do, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, but if, if you don’t want then‒” Matteo stopped himself, taking a deep breath. Jonas had told him that he just had to be smooth and the girl that the universe chose for him would fall for him immediately. Of course, Jonas was missing the giant ‘queer’ sign that hung over his head. Still, he had a point. Matteo dug in his pocket. “Fancy a joint?”
David glanced him up and down, “Yeah, sure.”
Matteo gave a grin, tucking the joint behind his ear and led the way outside. They leaned against the outside of the shop and the moment he lit up, he could feel the tension slip away. No more making a fool of himself in front of his soulmate.
His soulmate.
“So, what brings you here this close to the end of the school year?” Matteo asked.  David raised an eyebrow.
“You’re my soulmate apparently,” It was the first time either of them had said it out loud. Yeah, still insane. “Probably should get to know you.”
“Mm, maybe,” David said, tilting his head back against the wall. He brought the joint to his lips and suddenly became the cover of a magazine.
“You not gonna tell me?”
David turned his head to face him, “Killed someone. Had to go into hiding.
Matteo grinned helplessly, “Brutal.”
“I know.”
David was easy to talk to. That was obviously a good thing since they were soulmates. This was his person.  And his person was witty, hot, nice, and so much more that he would get to learn over a lifetime. He was so lucky.
“Wanna go see a movie?  I may or may not know how to work shit at a theatre,” David said, scrunching up his nose just a little bit when he gave that wide, wide smile.
“Let’s go.”
Within twenty minutes, Matteo found himself in a theatre alone with David and a movie he’d never heard of. He didn’t mind. Nor did he even really watch it.  He spent two hours with his head thrown back, staring at David and memorizing his face.
In that time spent memorizing, he also was faced with the reality that he didn’t really have a choice but to come out now.  His soulmate was a man‒and it definitely did not feel like a platonic soulmate‒and he wouldn’t be able to hide that for long.  Maybe he could lie for a while, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to.
Maybe he wouldn’t have to even really come out. Maybe he could just introduce David as his soulmate and let everyone form their own opinion. He didn’t want to have to tell everyone, that just seemed so unnecessary. It’s his thing. He didn’t want to announce it to the world. He just wanted to say “this is David, he’s my soulmate” and have people roll with it.
Once the movie rolled to an end, they got back to talking.  He found out David was an artist, that he liked to dance, that he loved movies. Matteo couldn’t think of anything interesting about himself to share.
“So basically you’re super fucking interesting and I’m a boring ass, let down soulmate, okay,” Matteo said, laughing slightly. David rolled his eyes, shifting to face Matteo even more.
“No, you’re not boring, you’re… quiet and you’re funny. You… you’re a lot of things, I don’t know, I don’t think you’re a letdown,” David said. Oh yeah, he definitely got lucky in the soulmate department.
“Did you have anyone in mind of who your soulmate might’ve been?” Matteo bothered to ask. As much as he enjoyed hearing David say that he wasn’t a letdown, he also wasn’t one to enjoy being showered in compliments. That was enough to reassure him that David actually liked him.
“No, not really. Did you?” David asked. Silence fell over them once again as Matteo debated telling him about Jonas.  It felt like something stupid to admit since Jonas wasn’t really an option, he was more of a stupid hope.  However, this was his soulmate and what was the point of lying?
“Uh, kinda. My best friend,” Matteo admitted, looking down, “But I didn’t know if it’d be a platonic soulmate or not, I didn’t know what I was going to have.”
“I thought I was going to have a platonic soulmate,” David admitted.  Matteo furrowed his eyebrows as he looked up to him again.
“I don’t know, just didn’t think I’d ever have someone made for me, like, romantically. Thought I’d have to struggle to find that myself.”
“Well, what if we are platonic soulmates?” Matteo suggested though he hoped that wasn’t true. How awkward would it be to be attracted to you universe-decided best friend for life?
“I mean… Not to be rude, but I really hope not,” David said. His cheeks were tinted red and Matteo could feel his own matching it. “Do you?  Want us to be platonic?”
What is the acceptable amount of time knowing someone before you kiss them?
There was something a lot more peaceful about the world being frozen when you weren’t alone anymore. He had someone to talk to, to joke with, to have dinner with, to walk around Berlin with and not have anyone interrupt them. It was like a getaway without all the bullshit that involved physically getting away. It was simple and easy and he wouldn’t have wanted to spend his day with anyone else aside from David.
As they headed back to Matteo’s place at nearly 10 at night, he was sold. The universe had given him the best gift. Part of him was even a little eager to introduce him to everyone. Just, eventually.  He wanted to keep him to himself for a little longer, to get to know him a little better.
“Holy shit, there’s a million fucking people here,” David said, huffing a laugh as he weaved through the people in Matteo’s apartment.
“Yeah, but my friend’s thought it was a good idea to invite everyone in the school so the girl of my dreams would be there to freeze with me,” Matteo feigned a wistful tone, grinning at David who snorted.
“They think you’re straight?”
“How? You’d set off anyone’s gaydar from a million miles away,” David joked, giggling even more when Matteo shoved him.  They were both smiling as he led him to his room.
“Welcome to me,” Matteo sighed, throwing his arms out and collapsing on his bed.
For the third time since he met David, the universe seemed to slow down as he watched him. David walked around the room, aimlessly touching things as he absorbed the space. Matteo hated having pretty much anyone in his space.
He liked David being there.
He liked it more when David fell to the bed beside him.
“You wanna stay the night?”
Life got a little better when David changed into his clothes.
“I’m kind of going to miss the silence once the world wakes up,” Matteo admitted as David crawled under the blanket beside him, “I like being here with you.”
“I’ll still be here.”
Matteo smiled, “You got a point.”
David scooted closer, tucking his hand beneath his head. It was stupid, but it felt like they’d known each other forever. Everything was so ridiculously comfortable. He’d heard how great it was for soulmates, how everything made more sense.  He hadn’t expected it to feel this good.
He couldn’t wait until David’s 18th birthday so they could do this again.
Matteo reached out, his hand resting against David’s arm and tracing nonsensical shapes against his skin. In less than an hour, life would resume.  He wanted just this. He wanted just now.
“So,” David suddenly said, his eyes anywhere but Matteo’s, “There’s something I should probably tell you.”
“I… I thought I had more time, honestly, and I’ve been thinking all day about when I should tell you.  But you’re my soulmate and I figure starting this whole thing with keeping secrets is probably a bad idea,” David said. Matteo’s eyebrows slowly pulled together in concern.
“What’s up?”
“I mean, I, I have like a rough draft of how I should tell my soulmate typed up on my phone if you wanted me to send it to you, or, like, let you read it. I could read it to you,” David offered, still not looking at him. Matteo thought about taking his hand off him.  Instead, he moved it to grab David’s nervous hand.
“Just say it.”
With a heavy breath, David said, “I’m trans.”
“Okay,” Matteo said, still staring at him. David finally, finally looked at him again.
“Is that okay?” he asked, a mix of confusion and hesitation scattered all over his face.
“Yeah,” Matteo agreed. He paused for a beat. “What does that mean exactly?”
David’s eyebrows instantly pulled together and he searched Matteo’s face a handful of times before breaking out into a wild smile.  Laughter was bubbling out of him as he asked, “You just said you were okay with it without even knowing what it means?”
“Yeah,” Matteo said. Even though he was still pretty confused, David’s smile was contagious and he gave one right back. “I mean, you’re my soulmate, you know? You’re literally specially crafted for me, so I’d eventually be okay with whatever you are. Why should waste time and energy?”
“You are insane,” David said, shaking his head, “But thank you.”
“What exactly does it mean, like, for you?”
“I, uh, it means…” David paused again, looking at him and then looking away. He eventually made eye contact. Matteo added brave to the list of things he learned about him. “I was born in the body of a girl.”
Matteo nodded slowly, “Okay. So that means you’re a‒”
“Boy. I’m a boy,” David said simply, “I just have to try a little harder.”
“Sounds like work,” Matteo said, scooting a little closer. David smiled at him, an easy little smile.
“Yeah, you could say that,” David hummed, “You really don’t mind?”
“I mean, I don’t fully understand all the mechanics of it, but if it’s who you are, then who am I to do anything but accept it and appreciate you not being a dick for me not knowing,” Matteo said, again scooting closer. David pulled him into a hug, wrapping him up in his arms all nice and tight and secure.
“I’ll answer any questions you have,” David said. Matteo shut his eyes.
They fell silent all over again and Matteo found solace in the fact that the only sounds he heard were David’s breathing and his heart beating.  It was better than any pillow he could’ve ever been given.
He had spent years fearing the prospect of a soulmate and he had spent the last few months worrying that he wouldn’t find him and that he’d go insane from loneliness. From what David had said, it sounded like he hadn’t expected much either.  Instead, he got to spend most of his day with this guy who he would get to spend forever with and it was so fucking easy.
This wasn’t scary. This was safe. He prayed that David felt the same way. He had to assume he did.
Eventually, Matteo felt himself drifting off and he couldn’t really have chosen a better place to do so than in David’s arms.  The last thing he heard before time unfroze and they were given back to reality was David’s voice.
“Happy birthday, Matteo.”
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kaywritesthings · 7 years
God and country 4
clyde kissed his lips. "Oh yes, lets get tubes. Less workout with tubes." He giggled. HE went up to get tubes and came back with two. Heather and the girls joined them. After about 40 minutes everyone got out to switch over to the lazy river.
Gabe: Gabe laughed softly. "I don't know what I'm going to have for breakfast yet, honey, what do you want to have for breakfast," he sent back and then felt his eyes widen in shock when he saw the boyfriend pillow Clyde had made. He wasn't sure if he should find that creepy or adorable, so he figured it was something in between. "No, honey, no clubs. I don't even like clubs. I'm just going out to dinner with my married client," he promised. Gabe looked up at Foster and smiled. "I know. He is." He said fondly and laughed gently. "I'm sure she's great," Gabe said and shook Foster's hand. "I guess I'll see you there tonight."
Clyde joined the chat 54 minutes ago
Clyde: Clyde didnt like that he was having dinner with a client, but he figured it was ok. the man or woman was married.He hoped woman. He decided to go out and buy a new phone. He kept his number. He loved it, then realize he was being selfish and bought his friend one too and then he bought Gabe gifts, he bought him new suits to wear and pajamas that matched his. He found out where his office was and orderd flowers. Heather helped him. He had roses sent to his office. "I miss you. xoxoxoxxoxooxoxo." He wrote. He had to work, so he put the card away in the room and went to work. He was on night shift. He had a few people hit on him. He had no idea why he was getting a lot of people on him now. Maybe when you were taken, it made one feel more attractive.
Gabe joined the chat 39 minutes ago
Gabe: Gabe discussed a few more things with Foster before they parted ways, and then he headed back to his apartment really fast to change and take a quick nap before going back to the office and really working the case. He fell into the hard work and felt time passing, and didn't really look up until he saw some roses being brought in. He smiled up at them and took a break to text Clyde really fast. "The roses are beauitful. Thank you, honey. XO" He ordered some food into the office, arragned some meetings for the next day and then went down to the theatre.
Clyde: Clyde missed him a lot. He tried not to. He wonderd if he should ask a couple days off and go see Gabe! That would be a nice surprise and he really wanted to see NYC. He asked his boss and she said yes quickly. He squealed, but had no idea how to order plane tickets, so heather helped him. He worried about his dragon, but heather said she would take care of it. He wondered if Gabe would like this surprise or not. He was a little scared, the airport was big. He put on nice clothes and got his hair done cute and shaggy. He didnt know Gabes apartment or place. He called the office and got someoen named jackson to give him the office address. He wrote it on a piece of paper. Foster greeted him. He took him backstage to meet Hedwig. "She's very famous I guess in some groups. I take it you dont do a lotof theatre? I didnt either until her. HONEY! Are you here? Oh crap, I need to buy her roses. I do it ever show.. Hold on." He pushed an app and abutton and they sent it right away. He needed to put them bak on a time schdule.
Clyde: {also i have an altermative one wher ehe doesnt go to nyc HAAH if you wnt to wait i want to see your ideas too)
Clyde: Clyde sighed and mised him a lot. He worked all evening and went to eat at a salad buffett since he felt he was getting kinda fat. He smiled when he got the text abot the roses he put a xoxo in the text. He didnt want to be too annoying. He laid on his bed with four other girls and watched a movie before they ordered frinks and turned on music
Gabe: Gabe put his phone on silent and stepped into the theatre with Foster. It seemed like a nice place, and he could see why Foster wanted to save it. It seemed to be pretty poplar too, by the amount of people streaming in. He waited for Foster's wife to come out of the dressing room, not wanting to intrude. When she did poke her head out, in full make up and a dressing gown, she looked him over and narrowed her eyes. "So you're the fat Jew everyone tells me about," she said finally. "I told everyone I wanted a fat Jew to do all of that...legal shit," she said vaguely making a gesture into the air. "I told my ex husband he should go into something Jew-y and make us more money but he refused. Impossible man." Hedwig went back into her room and stared to dress. "You can stare if you like, honey, but maybe you should go get a seat for the real show."
Clyde: "Ah k. Yeah, that's my wife. Sorry she's... she's very vocal and pretty!"He yelled. His son ran from for hedwig and hugged her leg. "Can I wear make up?" He asked her. He wanted hedwig to pick him up. "If you cant be fabouluos, than get out of my face!" He rehearshed. Foster sighed. he took him out of the room and into a seat. "Well the court thing is tomorrow, but tonight enjoy. Her show has a good story if she tells it, sometimes she just wants to insult peopl for an hour and sing. " He warned Gabe. Clyde got off the plane and was scared, he went to gabes office, everything was so overwhelming. He didnt know what to do and cried a couple of times from excitement and fear. He sent Gabe a text. "Where are you?"
Gabe: Gabe didn't really know what to say and just sort of nodded a little, giving Hedwig a tense sort of smile. Foster wasn't kidding. She was really...something. It was cute to see her with a kid though. Something about her almost softened immediately and she reached down and picked him up, setting him down on the vanity. "Of course, my little honey bee," she cooed and smiled. "You look so pretty when you let Hedwig do your makeup," she said and sat down to start doing it, laughing to herself. Gabe let Foster show him to a seat and nodded. "Thank you. I'm sure the show will be great." Gabe checked his phone one more time before turning it off for good and saw the text from Clyde. "I'm seeing my client's show downtown," he typed back quickly. "Aren't you at work, honey? I promise I'll call you back later, I have to turn my phone off now."
Clyde: "Wait, what show? Please tel me.. Please?" He text. New york was amazing and he wanted to bath in it, but he wanted to do it with Gabe by his side. peoplewere shoving red bus tours in his face. A few grabbed his ass... Foster sighed and loved when Hedwig was with his little boy. Clyde sent him another text. "I just want to know, please?"
Gabe: Gabe was about to touch the off button when another text came through. he typed out one quick reply. "It's called Hedwig and the Angry Inch, and I'm so sorry, honey, I have to go. I'll call you when the show is done okay? xoxo." He replied and then shut his phone off for good.
Clyde joined the chat
Clyde: Clyde knew the show ! He loved Hedwig. He couldnt believe he was seeing her! He got someone to help him go to the theatre He didnt carry cash. He gave him his scarf as a tip. They liked it. He went to the theatre. "You got to let me in, my boyfriend is inside. "He begged the ticket man. "He's the lawyer guy, please?" He pouted. They sighed and tried to see what they could do. Hedwig ususally didnt like people coming in when she was on stage singing tear me down. They snuck him in. Foster was outside for a moment looking over paper work, when he looked up to see Clyde, and boy was that man gorgeous. "Hey.. you look familiar." He said. "I do?" Clyde said. "My boyfriend is in there. Gabe..-last name- Foster smiled. "oh, wow yeah. he did well ." He laughed. "come on, hedwig can get mad at me for shining inside light." He opened the door and hedwig was on stage. Clyde gasped when he saw her. "Sorry honey!" Foster yelled.
Clyde: http://www.unificationfrance.com/IMG/jpg...
Clyde: s hair cut he wa busy
Clyde: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6ozo4wLC0pU/U0...
Clyde: what hes wearing, cause its importnar
Gabe: Gabe settled in to see the show and was enjoying what was happening so far, but turned a little when he heard some commotion near the doors. Hedwig heard it too and stopped singing in the middle of the song, shouting something at the band in German and then crossing her arms over her chest and looking towards the open door. "I tell you over and over again, little people in their little red vests, if they can't make it to the theatre on time they don't deserve to see my show!" she shouted petulantly. She heard Foster's voice and let out a long suffering sigh. "Fine, fine, hurry to the seat then, darling, you're ruining my big moment." Gabe looked around and was floored to see Clyde being the one shown to an empty seat near him. "Clyde?" he whispered in surprise. "What are you doing here? How did you get here?"
Clyde: He saw Gabe and squealed. Foster went to ask the person sitting beside Gabe if they would mind moving. They didnt seem to mind as long as they got an autograph.He nodded. "Ok fine, move please." Clyde sat beside him and hugged him with a loud queak. He heard an usher tell him so shhh. He kissed his cheek "I missed you so much, and heatehr helped me find you!" He said. He kissed his cheek. "Are you mad?"
Gabe: Gabe was shocked but hugged Clyde back and kissed him on the lips softly. "Okay, baby no I'm not mad, I think it's great that your here, but we should be quiet, becuase of the show-" he explained and looked up to see Hedwig on stage, tapping her foot expectantly. "Yes, fat jew and his jail bait. I see you." On stage Yitzhak very cautiously offered up one of his boots, in case she wanted to throw something. It was just easier sometimes to have something ready. And so she didn't start throwing the liquor bottles because that seemed so much worse. "No no, they are safe for now, that fat Jew is my lawyer, aren't you honey?" Hedwig smiled at Yitzak. "Why don't you go talk Jew to him and make him pay attention to the show. Maybe put a muzzle on the puppy too."
Clyde: Clyde watched hedwig and waved. He super thought she was cute. He turned to Gabe wh osaid to be quiet. He wondered if he could hold his hand. He laced their fingers together and rested his cheek on his shoulder. Foster sighed and hoped Hedwig would move on with the series. He saw his son sitting back stage side to the stage coloring like he did every night JHe was glad they got custody of him. Clyde perked up. "you got a puppy" He asked gabe when hedwig said his puppy
Clyde: move on with the show not series hah
Clyde: *his son is sitting to the side of the stage, laing on his stomach coloring and humming to hedwig music haah
Gabe: Gabe squeezed Clyde's hand and laughed just a little bit. "Honey," he whispered into Clyde's ear, "You're the puppy. Now shh, we'll talk more after the show." Hedwig findally decided that people were paying enough attention and got the band started up again, and there was a loud cheer in the audience.
Clyde: Clyde whispered to Gabe "Where is the berlin wall? " He asked. He hummed. "And where is germany?" He kissed his cheek. He loved looking at Gabe. He coudlnt tell if Gabe was annoyed or happy to see him. He loved the show. He had never sene a show like this, he loved the music and sang alonga little. Theo came out on stage to do the final song with Hedwig, because he loved to be pat of it. He u sually just danced around the side of the stage in a cute dress.
Gabe: Gabe just squeezed Clyde's hand when he tried to talk after that, and whispered a promise that they would talk after the show. It really was a very powerful piece, and Hedwig was truly a fabulous performer. Clyde did make an 'aww' sound when the little boy stumbled out on stage at the finale and After the song Hedwig went and scooped him up, dancing around wit him as the glitter fell from the ceiling. The lights came up in the theatre and Gabe really felt like he could greet Clyde then. He hugged him tightly and kissed him again. "I still can't believe you're here! Did you make it here okay? You seem okay, you surprised me so much."
Clyde: "It was scary. The plane was scary ." He pouted and kissed his lips "I got ok at work to be here for two days. They knew I missed you so so much." He gave him an eskimo kiss. "The whole plce is big and overwhelming and people are much more touchy here. Please dont leave my side." He pouted. He was glad that Gabe wasnt upset that he was here. "Did you miss me? I skipped breakgast cause I didnt know what you were going to have." Foster came over and smiled. "We are going out to eat, if you two want to join us?"
Gabe: Gabe chuckled a little, knowing he'd been gone only half of a day at this point, but it was sweet that Clyde had missed him so much. "Oh Clyde, honey, I wish you'd told me you were coming. I would have made arrangements to get you at the airport." He laughed softly and stroked Clyde's arm. He looked up when Foster came over and nodded. "Yes of course, that sounds wonderful, right Clyde?"
Clyde: "I am sorry. I shold have. I just didnt think it through." He laughed. He turned to Foster and hugged onto gabe. "YES! We want to eat dinner with you."He said. He saw hedwig and squealed. "I love your retro stories! So awesome!" he shouted. He heard a loud noise and jumped. It was just a truckIt was so loud here and big. He held onto gabe tight
Gabe: Hedwig put on a dress and touched up her makeup before coming out to see Foster and her laywer and his boy toy. He must be good at his job though, to be able to have such a hot young thing. Only rich men got boys like that. "Thank you, sweetie," Hedwig simpered and touched Clyde's cheek. "Let's go I'm starving," she said and walked off to get the cab. Gabe couldn't help but chuckle when Clyde jumped. "It's just a car backfiring, Clyde, I promise it's okay. This is a loud city."
Clyde: Clyde went over to Hedwig and talked her ear off about canada and if shes ever been. He could see foster and her looking at him. He knew they wondered how he was with gabe. Most people were curioys about why they were togehter, but they rationalied it as money. He took gabes hand and kissed his knuckles. He hoped Gabe didnt thik that, even if he spent like so much money. He sat down and looked at the menu "What are you gettig, Gabe?" He asked. Foster sat down. His son was asleep and had his head on hedwigs shoulder and arms around her neck sleeping.
Gabe: Gabe was glad to be holding Clyde's hand again, even if it was still overwhelming tha Clyde was here at all. But it was nice, regardless. He kissed Clyde's cheek and sat down at the table, looking over the menu. "I think I'll get the sirloin steak," he said, pointing at the item on the menu. Hedwig seemed much calmer now that she had a sleeping baby in her arms, and she held the boy expertly with one hand and took little sips of her drink with the other, leaning over to chat softly with Foster about what she wanted to order.
Clyde: Clyde ordered the same as gabe even if he wanted the pasta. He thought it was time to let Gabe pick the meal. He told the waiter to make it exactly like Gabes and the sides the same too. He didnt evne hear gAbe's sides. Foster looked them over and lifted a brow.He ordered country fried steak and potatoes. He loved that hedwig loved his son so much, their son. The little boy loved hedwig more than his own mother. and (probably father) "so uh, Cylde is it, what do you do?" Clyde blushed, he didnt have a fancy job. "I .. I life guard."
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft sigh when Clyde ordered the same thing, but gave him a smile anyway. He had hoped that was only a breakfast thing. Maybe there was some way to get Clyde to budge on that thing. "And he's going to start going to school for Graphic design, right?" he said and smiled, nudging Clyde's shoulder lightly. "He's going to be fabulous at it."
Clyde: "Right maybe I am not very good at it." He pouted. "I rather work with dolphins and train them, but there is no ocean. " He smiled and shrugged. "But gabe think si could be a model. "He spoke up. "Oh yeah, you could. " Foster nodded. "We have theo in modeling.. He likes it. Ic an talk to the agency." He said. He looked at Hedwig. "Right?" He wanted her to confirm it was a good idea.
The message.
"Gabe. It's Jackson. Listen, we need you to be here tomorrow. We have a client who requested you. Their business is under attack and they want the best. They are willing to pay a lot. we wouldnt ask unless we are desperate.. Come in asap. I sent you tickets for tonight or early am.. Thanks This is jackson
Gabe: Gabe did feel some kind of relief about the whole thing. It was a relief to know that he made Clyde visably more happy than he had been, enough that people that knew him noticed. He chuckled. "I don't really want to drown tonight. I have too much to live for," he said and smiled, leaning in to kiss Clyde again, losing himself in his lips and gently rocking with the waves lapping against him. "Do you want to get some tubes?"
Clyde: clyde kissed his lips. "Oh yes, lets get tubes. Less workout with tubes." He giggled. HE went up to get tubes and came back with two. Heather and the girls joined them. After about 40 minutes everyone got out to switch over to the lazy river.
Clyde: Gabes phone rang a total of 6 times before a message was left on the phone. Jackson called the hotel a few times.
Clyde: "Gabe. It's Jackson. Listen, we need you to be here tomorrow. We have a client who requested you. Their business is under attack and they want the best. They are willing to pay a lot. we wouldnt ask unless we are desperate.. Come in asap. I sent you tickets for tonight or early am.. Thanks This is jackson
Gabe: Gabe was having a pleasant time with Clyde just floating around the wave pool and then over to the Lazy River. He liked how nice the park was less crowded and seeing the lights of the city and the stars overhead. He liked being close to Clyde overall, and wished he could stay forever. It was nice not to be permanently attached to his phone or chained to a desk. Even if he was the CEO of the company, he had people acting like he was an employee still. It was nice to have some time to forget all that.
Clyde: Clyde smiled as they drank frozen lemonade on the laxzy riger. He held Gabes hand so they wouldnt lost contact. He kissed his lips and cheek when he looked his way. Clyde for once felt safe. Settled. Happy. He hoped it would last him forever. He wanted Gabe to fall in love and really keep him.
Gabe: Gabe yawned a little as they went around the lazy river, and Gabe felt old for feeling tired already. He squeezed Clyde's hand. "How are you holding up?" he asked. There had been a lot of really late nights in quick succession with Clyde and Gabe was starting to feel his age. He didn't want to rush Clyde though, if he was having a good time.
Clyde: " I feel good. Do you want to go? ARe you tired?" He asked. "We can go home and cuddle and watch movies?" He suggested. He wanted to make Gabe happy. Gabe was an old man. "You look tired. But, God I hope not of me" He laughed. "I know your gay friend wants to see you... I will try to be less selfish. Hes just attractive, you could easily see something in him."
Gabe: Gabe yawned a little and tried to stifle it. "I'm sorry," he said and let out a tired laugh. "You could probably go all night." He chuckled. "Well the sex alone could put most men down for the count, and we didn't really take a nap after." Gabe kissed Clyde's cheek. "I am becuase of you in a good way. Your hot ass did me in." He sighed. "Clyde, honey, Johnny isn't after me like that. We're friends."
Clyde: "We can go baby, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didnt take care of you?" He pouted. He kissed his lips "Plus, I need to shave my legs anyway and arm pits." All lifeguards were suppose to even the boys. He took his hand. "We are going to go. My daddy is sleepy." Everyone cheered at his words. "Go get laid!" Soemone yelled. Clyde smiled and turned to him. "Let's get our stuff and jet!"
Gabe: Gabe gave Clyde a happy smile and leaned in to kiss his lips gently. "Thank you honey," he said and kissed him again. He flushed and ducked his head when Clyde called him daddy in front of everyone and was blushing all the way back to the lockers to get their stuff. He noticed that he had a lot of messages on his phone and waited til he got to the car to listen to them. He frowned and sighed heavily. "Damn it," he whispered under his breath. "I have to call the office when we get back to the hotel room. Some kind of emergency."
Clyde: "oh, no. .What kind. Someone die?" He asked. He was worried for Gabe. "It's ok baby, we are gonna burn sage later. That rid bad spirits" He smiled. Jackson called again. He really needed an answer. He sent a text. "Gabriel Please. Pleas call me back. We need you ASAP. They are willing to pay half a million dollars for you1" He text. "That's a big deal." He wrote. Clyde drove them to wal mart and parked. "I need shaving cream and more lube, since your cock takes so much." He iggled. He took Gabe's wallet from his pocket and kissed his cheek. He left to go inside. Since it seemed Gabe needed to call someone, even if it wasnt the hotel yet.
Gabe: Gabe shook his head. "No, no one died. A client," he said. He didn't bother replying to the text. He was still the boss anyway. He would call him back when he got to the hotel. "No Clyde, honey I need to go to the hotel. Right now," he told him. "Please. Right now." He grabbed Clydes wrist and dragged him back to the car. "We need to go to the hotel, I need to make a call and I can't do it from my cell phone, I need to be in my office so I can be o the laptop."
Clyde: "I need shaving cream." He pouted. "I will be back." He giggled and ran inside. He grabbed lube, cheetos, apple juice, a new lap top cause why not, he bought socks and big shirts and shaving cream. He came back with a half cart full of things and put them in the car. "Sorry, I have to shave my legs." He could see Gabe was upset or something. "Anyway, whats the rush, you said no one died!"
Gabe: Gabe was anxious and he didn't know why Clyde didn't see that. Or why he dind't care if he saw it. He couldn't do any work from the cell phone, not that needed to be done. He sat and stewed in the car while he waited for Clyde. "Just drive," he said his jaw clenched. "Just drive. I told you it was important and you didn't care, Clyde. You ignored me. I need to work, I told you. And you didn't care. Just get me to the hotel. Now. Or I'll call the car and doit myself."
Clyde: "You said you were sick of work. I am helping you not think abotu it. you said at the pool that you were glad for me to help you not worry about it all the time, and you are worrying." He said and drove to the hotel. "I can drive you there, but I need to stop for gas. I cant help it" He said as he stopped at a gas station. He saw a friend from work and hugged. " I got to go, hes in a mood." He said a she filled the tank and got in. "Sorry." He said and drove to the hotel. He parked the car. "Can we call bell hop to get my stuff? " He asked
Clyde: *drove towards the hotel
Gabe: Gabe was so furious he could feel a vein bulghing in his head. "Clyde, do you know I own and run this company? It's all up to me. It doesn't matter sometimes if I want a break or even if I need one, I have to do it. When its a big deal like this, I have to do it. That's how business works." He didn't understand why Clyde was bieng so inconsiderate. "Yes, fine, I don't care Clyde, I need to get up there. I needed to be there 40 mintues ago when I told you but you didn't give a shit," Gabe said, swiftly going up to the elevator and keying in the code.
Clyde: "I did give a shit. I just know you want a break. I am your favorite part of life. Your new life. You are going so fast." He said. He pouted when Gabe went ahead of him Hmmpf/ He still had Gabes card. He ordered a bell hop to take his things up. He got to the door and went inside the room. He tipped the guy 20 dollars. The guy smiled and left. He sighed and sat on the bed. Jackson was on the other line tellin ghim about the client "His name is Foster Ashley. His spouse is having legal issues and they requested YOU!"
Gabe: Gabe went right into his office in the penthouse and closed the door, pulling up the offical law office servers before he called Jackson back, so he could look over the legal records while he was talking to Jackson. He nodded along, already anxious and trying to deal with this was making him more anxious. "A lot of people request me, Jackson, I wouldn't be where I was if I wasn't good at it," he said a little petulantly. "Just fax me the information. Is there any reason this is critical enough I need to be there in person? I can conduct a lot of business over the phone and internet."
Clyde: -insert reason why he HAS to be there in person.. maybe its big news because hedwig?- clyde pouted when he was shut out of the office room. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He wondered if he should get another room and stay there. He didnt really want to do that. He went to the bathroom to start a bath and set the shaving cream and razor up. He had a new 600 dollar lap top! He would open later.
Gabe: Gabe spent a few minutes arguing on the phone with Jackson, who really did get too big for his britches when Gabe wasn't in the office, even though he was the junior partner and not the top dog at all, and finally said he'd call the client in the morning and schedule a flight back. But that for now he needed a good night's sleep so he could actually work. He said goodnight to Jackson and heard the water running in the bathroom. "Clyde?" he called gently, and knocked on the door before poking his head inside. "I have to go back to New York tomorrow. Just for a day. Maybe two."
Clyde: Clyde was singing to old retro music Britney spears circus. He loved that song. He shaved his leg and got out to pat them dry. He put his new expensive lotion on his legs and came out of the bathroom. He saw Gabe. "Are you done being upset with me for wanting to love you?" He asked. He sat down and handed him a brush. "Will you brush my hair, the back of it. It gets tangled." He said. "And I need to give myself a manicure. Is your work ok, it sure does maek you grumpy old man1"
Gabe: Gabe sighed. "Did you even hear what I just said?" he asked, the frustration still present in his voice. "No it's not okay. I need to go back to New York in the morning. For a day or two. I just said that." He pursed his lips. "You calling me a grumpy old man isn't really going to make the situation any better he said, but took the brush anyway and started to brush Clyde's hair.
Clyde: Clyde startd to get tears in his eyes. First from the meaness in his voice. He had never been mad or upset with Clyde before. He then felt a rush of panic when he said he was going back. He put his face in his hands and started to sob. He couldnt help it sometimes, it was trigger. "Well you dont have to be so mean to me." He pulled his head away so he wouldnt touch his head. "If you wnt to break up, you can, but dont make me feel bad." He shouted.
Gabe: Gabe was shocked when Clyde started crying. He dropped the brush and wrapped his arms gently around Clyde. "Honey, you haven't been listening to me. I told you something was important to me and you ignored it. That was very mean to me. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm asking you to listen to me and try to understand. I don't want to break up with you, Clyde. That's the last thing I want to do."
Clyde: He pushed out of his arms and went to look out the window. "You are leaving and I have to go back to my place.. and you'll not come back. Two days will turn into never coming back." He sighed and leaned over the balcony. "I was listening to you. The real you. At the pool. You were sick of work, you wanted me to rescue you and I did, and now you are mad at me for listening to the firs t you."
Gabe: "No," Cldye said, confused. "No of course you're not going back to your place. I want you to stay here, in the Hyatt. I'll leave you a credit card so you can get anything you need until I get back." He stroked Clyde's shoulders. "Honey, please just listen to me. Please. You aren't listening. I can be tired of work, and need to be recused from it and still have to do it. Those can both be real. I'm leaving you in the hotel room, with my credit card and all of my things. I'll just bring a briefcase with me. I'll have to come back. Not for the things, but for you. I just want you to know that."
Clyde: Clyde started to cry cause he didnt want to say bye to the hyatt yet, he didnt prepare. He stopped crying when he said he could stay here. "Ok, but will you leave your shirt that smells like you and text me what yo uhave for breakfast?" He asked. He wiped his tears. "What if you want to cheat on me? Will you tell me?" He asked.
Gabe: He closed his arms around Clyde and held him close, trying to rub his back and get him to stop crying. "Yes, Clyde of course, please, please don't cry. I'll leave whatever you want." He kissed Clyde's forehead. "I can text you whenever you want, okay. I would take you with me right now but I know you'd need more notice at work. But I'll be back in two days." He kissed Clyde's cheek. "I won't cheat on you. Why would I? You're amazing and I love you."
Clyde: "You cant love me. you dont know me. you just think you do." He cried on his shoulder. "I dont want you to leave. cant you just face time?" He asked. He pouted. He rested his chin on his shoulder. "Like why do they super need you more than I do. I need you the most" He hugged his neck. "Even if you are royallly annoyed with me. I am sorry. I needed to shave my legs." He sighed. "And more lube for you, I didnt need the laptop, but I wanted it. For graphic stuff." He said. "And I didnt think you would care anyway."
Gabe: Gabe reached out and stroked his hand up and down Clyde's back, trying to calm him down. "Honey, I can't this time. I tried to make that work, but it won't." He ran his fingers through Clyde's hair. "I am a little annoyed, but it's alright. Nothing that can't be fixed." He kissed Clyde's temple. "I don't care, I want you to have things you need. But one of the things I need is to go into the office for a couple of days. And then I'll be back."
Clyde: He rested his cheek on his chest. He felt misrable. "Ok." He said. "I guess that's ok. " He removed his shirt and pants and goes to the bed. He takes his hand. "And I can keep the room and order food?" He asked. "I have the next day off. Can I invite heather over?" He asked. "Will you promise to textm e?" He said as he sat on the bed. "Wil you miss me?"
Gabe: Gabe laughed softly. "Yes, you can stay here. I want you to stay. And you can order as much food as you want." He took o fhis clothes and slid into bed himself, yawning a little. He cuddled up to Clyde's side and nodded. "I'll text you. I promise. And I'll miss you every second." He smiled. "And yes you can have Heather over. Just no boys. I'll get too jealous."
Clyde: "No boys. I wont even let boy bus boys in I will request they all be girls." He smiled. He really would. He kissed his lips. "I dont like when youare mad at me." He confessed. "It's not a good feeling when you are." He sighed. He laid his head on the pillow and looked up at him. "When do you have to leave? Can we have breakfast? Oh! can you go get me the menu so we can order it.. I didnt mark this one.."
Gabe: Gabe couldn't help but laugh out loud at that. That was probably taking it a little far, but Clyde seemed to think a little too far. It was endearing when it wasn't interfering with what Gabe needed to get done. "I don't like being mad at you either," he said gently and rubbed at Clyde's chest. "I don't want to be mad at you. But we can always make it okay." He laughed a little. "My flight leaves at 8, so it would have to be a very early breakfast. Do you want to get up that early?"
Clyde: "I want to be with you." He poute. He touched his cheek. He got up to get the menu and brought it back "Ok let's get two orders of toast, and two orders of the daily breakfat." He smiled. "And I wrote the measurements so they get it the same on both plates." He wrote one cup eggs, 12 potatoes on each plate, 2 toast on each plate and two jars of the same cute jellies. He wrote coffee needed to be the same cup mass. He ran out of room with his details. "And we should get vanilla flavor milk things." (creamer)
Gabe: Gabe was starting to get a little tired of the identical breakfast orders since it was making breakfast a little difficult to eat, but he didn't want to start an argument. He just nodded along and let Clyde do what he wanted. "That sounds fine," he said with a smile. "But we need to have it come at 7 o clock so I can go catch the plane." He chuckled. "And I think you mean creamer there. French Vanilla creamer."
Clyde: "Yeah the French cream shots. I love them." He put the menu out and laid beside him. He rubbed his chest. "What will you wear tomorrow, so I can wear the same color." He said as he looked up at him. "Maybe wear your green shirt and I will wear mine. " He kissed his lips. "Are you annoyed, you seem annoyed." He pouted. "Did you and Johnny ever make out? "
Gabe: Gabe sighed heavily and closed his eyes. "Clyde, honey, I can't think of what I'm going to wear right now. I'm just going to get up and go jump on a plane. If you want me to wear green I can wear green." He kissed Clyde back. "I'm not annoyed, honey, I just want to get some sleep before tomorrow. And of course Johnny and I never made out, oh my God. We were friends, Clyde. We're just friends."
Clyde: "Get some sleep." He said as he laid beside him. "What if you dont come back? Will you tell me?" He asked. He kissed his cheek and lips. "This might be the last time I see you." He told him. He started to tear up again. He got up to get sage oil and put a couple droplet son his thumb. He turned his thumb to Gabe's forehead and ran a line over his head. "This is so you have a good life." He said. "With no demons." He kissedh si lips. He set the oil down and reste dhis cheek on his chest. He sighed and turned off the lights. He looked out into the darkness. "what are you thinking about?"
Gabe: Gabe was stressed out and he closed his eyes, hoping to get some kind of rest, but Clyde didn't seem to be able to turn it off for long enough for him to go to sleep. He sighed softly. "Clyde, I'm giong to come back. You're going to see me again." He tried to close his eys but fel tdrops of oil on his forehead. "Babe, I'm going to be back before the end of the week, there's no need to be dramatic." He pursed his lips and tried not to let out a heavy sigh. "I'm thinking about sleep," he said. "Please just hold me and we can go to sleep okay?"
Clyde: Clyde listen to him speak. He didnt think what he was doing was dramatic. He was saving him. He was protecting him. He let out a heavy sigh. "Well, you know what I am thinking? I am thinking about how rivers run. And how the change of path leads to the ocean. the meaning of life is where we go and who we meet." He said. He rolled over and hugged him. "I send peace upon your flgith, the eagles wings guide you into new york. Jewish God will seek out for your fear." He yawned. "Goodnight, my soul mate."
Gabe: Gabe closed his eyes and sank into Clyde's arms, but he still felt that sleep was a long way off. "Hmmm," he replied and sighed a little. "That sounds nice," he murmured. "Thank you," he breathed. "Can we go to sleep now?" he asked finally and leaned up and kissed Clyde softly on the lips. "Good night. Now shh. Sleep."
Clyde: "Sleep." He gave permission. He fell asleep himself, feeling his brain moving at a face pace. He didnt take his medcine his aunt gave him. He needed to find it. That would calm him down. He slid from his arms and went to find it. He found half in his bag at the bottom. He brushed crumbs off and took it. The thoughts calmed down as well as his body. He sighed happily and went to slide back in his arms. He fell asleep
Gabe: Gabe closed his eyes and tried to sleep. He thought he could feel Clyde moving around but finally he was able to fall asleep despite it. He woke up with a start when his alarm went off, and quickly rolled out of bed and into the shower, knowing he didn't have much time to get ready to go.
Clyde: Clyde was sound asleep. Breakfast servers kept knocking on the door. But Clyde was out of it. He didnt budge. The phone rang in the room, and he was still out of it "Mr. gabes last name " the server called out. "breakfast!"
Gabe: Gabe rushed out of the shower to go get the door when he heard it being knocked on repeatedly. "You know I told your staff to just come in and set everything on the table if I didn't answer, don't you?" Gabe said with a hint of frustration, trying to push the shampoo back from falling into his eyes. He tipped them hastily and went back to the shower. "Clyde, breakfast is here!" he called as he passed.
Clyde: Clyde saw it was here and sat up "ok." He yawned. He sat up and slid out of bed. He went to measure the food. They did a perfect job and he smiled. He put the covers back on and went to put Gabes a green shirt out. He unpacked his bag looking for it though and put everything on the bed looking for the green shirt.He laid on the bed as he waited for Gabe to come out. "breakfast is getting cold."
Clyde: food covers back on*
Gabe: Gabe sighed heavily when he came out and saw one of his closets mroe or less emptied on the bed, but he didn't have time to deal with it. He only needed his briefcase really, he was just going to the office and back to his apartment. "I know, sorry, I'm trying," he said, and quickly got dressed and sat down and started eating. "I need to go in a few miutes. The car will be here in half an hour."
Clyde: He grabbed his meal and started to eat what he was eating. "ok. Slow down. I cant keep up" He said as he stuffed potatoes in his mouth. He didnt like to eat fast. He took his time. "You are in such a hurry to go." He said as he ate his eggs next after Gabe took a couple bites. He set his tray down. He could monitor the bites when he left. That would be better really. He went to bring him coffee. "I got you the green shirt and black shorts!"
Gabe: Gabe didn't have time to slow down. "Honey, I have a plane to catch. I don't have time to really eat everything delibrately," he said and took a sip of his coffee. "I'm not in a hurry to leave, I just can't miss my flight. Do you understand that?" he asked gently. "Yes, I can wear the shirt but I need to wear slacks, honey, I have to go right into the office. But thank you."
Clyde: "Ok." He said. He put on Gabes shorts and stretched them out. "Look. I look like a diet commerical after." He smiled cheesily. "Sorry." He realized he was calling Gabe fat. "I will miss you so much. Can you call me on the airplane and we can talk for a long time? " He asked. He kissed his cheek "you didnt shave. Do lawyers not shave?"
Gabe: Gabe looked up when Clyde was putting on his pants, and the joke actually hurt his feelings a little, and he felt his throat tighten. "Yes," I guess you do," he said softly and finished getting dressed and grabbed his briefcase and everything else he needed. "Clyde, I can't talk on the airplane. I can turn on the wifi and text you that way, maybe. But I do have to get some work done on the flight over." He rubbed his cheeks. "I'll shave on the plane. I don't really have time now, i have to go check in."
Clyde: Clyde sighed "You are leaving me with bad vibes. " He pouted. "ok, fine. Your plane is so important." He fell sidewise on the bed. "Have a good flight." He said and put the covers over his head and sighed deeply. "I will be ok. Dont worry. Just go.. GO!" He shouted.
Gabe: Gabe sighed heavily. "I'm not trying to, Clyde, but you're making it very difficult for me right now," he said, pulling out one of his credit cards and setting it down for him. "Clyde honey, I'm very sorry, but ehres my card and I will text you when I can. And call you later today when I land, okay?" he said. He leaned over Clyde and kissed his temple. "Please try to understand baby," he breathed, and then kissed him again before leaving.
Clyde: "I understand I do." He sighed and looked around the room. He started to cry when he was alone. He sat up and looked at the card. He called heather to go with him to go shopping and to hang out. She said she would in an hour. He went to see if he coudl work, but they didnt need him today. He went to the mall and texted gabe a few times "Going to the mall.. Got my car in the shop. You know you can use sky wifi? Go to airplane mode and like connect. You have no real excuse." He bought a lot of new clothes and ate at a fancy place near the mall that served filet magnon and rice. He went to the pet store and followed his ancestors to his perfect pet! Which was a bearded dragon lizard. He bought the cage and al that he ndded and crickets. He set it up in the hotel. Heather and him ordered a mocie and watched it. She braided his hair. He painted her toe nails They spilled juice on the bed and had to get new sheets. They invited four more people over. He sent another text. "I only have girls over, and I got a new lizard!" He sent a photo.
Clyde: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/image...
Gabe: Gabe only just barely made it to the plane on time, and had to hurry onboard. He sat down, feeling exhausted alredy and took out his laptop as soon as he was able to and started to do some work that he needed to do. He didn't get to check his messages until they were landing several hours later, and was alittle overwhelmed at the amount of messages he had, and the fact that Clyde had bought a pet. "He looks nice," was all Gabe could think tho text back. "I'm glad you're having a good time. Be safe, honey, okay? I'm getting in a cab to go to the office now."
Clyde: 4 people turned into 6 people.. turned into 10 "Oh my boyfrind will be mad if i have any boys, no boys!" He said, so the place was full of girls. Three in the hot tub, a few doing make overs in the bathroom and everyone eating cake and tacos he bought from the menu. He had his car in shop until tomorow. He said he couldnt go out in case there was a chance he might cheat. He got a text. "ok! I have a few friends over.. ALL GIRLS. I miss you so much xoxxoxoxo. Bruno says hi. He's the lizard. He's asleep. "
Gabe: Gabe was a little curious what Clyde was up to, since he thought he had to work today, and why he was hanging around the hotel, but he figures as long as Clyde was happy it was okay. There really wasn't too much damage he could do. Gabe textd back the he missed Clyde too and hoped he had a good time unitl Gabe could come back. He told him he woudl text back later, and went into his required meetings, trying to put all of that aside and focus so he could get all of this done and hurry back.
Clyde: Clyde missed him and put his shirt on a pillow and hugged it. He printed out a photo of him smiling with his mouth open. Some of the girls thought it was an odd photo, but he put it on the pillow anyway. "Dont call my boyfriend weird" They all giggled and had a pillow fight. He had work in the morning, so they all came in on the bed and watched a movie. They fell asleep all piled on each other. *** Foster came into Gabes office. "Thank you for meeting me. My wife. we .. are newly married. She is having a lot of media and her busiess that was once owned by her sort of manager.. He's trying to sue the company, and we have proof he never paid his taxes. " He put it forward "Hold on, she's calling me now. sHes not a patient woman. Hello? Hi.. yes, no Hedwig. Honey, you turn the oven on and let the wter sit, it doenst just boil. Why are ou doing that anyway? Honey, please... just order something instead? ok.. Im with our lawyer now.. good , yes good bye. I love you too. Kiss Teddy for me." He hung up. "Anyway, you think you can help?"
Gabe: Gabe honestly didn't do this kind of law, it wasn't his forte and probably would have been better handled by another firm. He took the records and started to look through them, and couldn't help but snort a little at hearing the one end of the phone conversation. It reminded him a lot of Clyde. After a few minutes he thought he had it figured out. He explained to Foster that this wasn't what his company usually handled- that it was usually mergers and compromises, and mediations between businesses, but that he would help with extracting the business from the other owner. Taxes wasn't going to be the issue though, they would have to prove that Foster's wife had the rights to take full ownership of the business. He promised he'd do his best to make sure everything came out in their favor and would put on pressure necessary to make sure the lawsuit went away.
Clyde: Foster seemed tired. IT was hard to be with Hedwig sometimes. She wanted the business now and didnt understnad why she didnt have it now. It was legal stuff, she didnt want to hear about because it was dull and old people stuff, even if she was older than him. He never told her he knew that though. "Thank you. I heard you were in branson. I tride to take my wife there, but she sort of pissed everyone off there.. She means well." He sighed. Clyde texted the lyrics to Baby come back to Gabe and sent photos of him pouting. Gabes phone made a loud flute noise that only belong to clyde, because clyde put it there. "You once helped us before, well sort of.. And you ad good and you are gay, its why we wanted you. Hold on." He picked up the phone. "you cant wash your whites with colors. Sweetheart we have a laundry service, you just .. dont even need to do laundry at all.. ok? " He got her to speak in german and he hung up. "want to grab lunch and talk more.I got everyrhing figured out money wise. I am an accountant."
Gabe: Gabe smiled a little and nodded. "It's fine," he said kindly, though looking over it now, he could have done all of this on the phone. But he understood that clients felt better having a face to face conversation and this was a high end client by what he could read from the system. He jumped when he heard that sound go off, bcause he didn't recoginze it. It took him awhile to realize it was his phone, and hastily turned off the ringer. "I miss you too," he texted back quickly. "I'm in a meeting right now. Be good." He looked up at Foster. "Well that's good, but of course, our people will look over everything," he said and smiled. "Is there any other problems you need to discuss?" he asked, as they left the office. "I need to do some research on your case before I can give you a really solid anxwer one way or the other."
Clyde: Foster sat down at a bistro and went over. He said he would take him by the theatre to show him around and to show the booking He even invited him to one of her shows. Her last one unless they won. He sighed. "I know this seem nuts, but I love her very much and want her to have this. She wont take any other theatre. She wants this one. " He sighed. "And I think she should have it, from that guy who used her for stuff.." He didnt want to talk about it. "Surely you have someone youd do anythign for, right?" He asked. He had plea in his eyes. Clyde missed him and sent a sad face to his phone every 5 minutes. He went to go to the water park and play for a bit, but came back home with only four girls "Are you coming home tonight?" He asked forgetting the time line.
Gabe: Gabe sat down with Foster and tried to focus on what he was saying. It was clear to him that Foster was very passionate about his wife and her buisness and it did touch him. But then his phone was buzzing in his pocket about every few seconds which made it hard for him to really focus 100%. He finally pulled out his phone. "I understand, Mr. Ashley," he said finally and smiled, pulling out his phone and showing the text of Clyde's sad face. "I think I have someone very much like your wife right here. You don't mind if I send a few texts, do you?" he asked, making sure Foster said it was okay before texting Clyde back. "I'm coming home tomorrow evening, honey," he texted back. "I have to make sure I get this case almost finished before I come back. I have to meet with opposing counsel tomorrow and hopefully wrap it all up." He sighed and texted again. "Are you doing okay?"
Clyde: "I have to work tomorrow. I dont wantto miss you. What are you going to have for breakfast? Are you sure you are coming back?" He sent a photo of him holding his self made boyfriend pillow. He took another photo of thegirls all over the bed with him. "are you going to clubs? They watn to, but i dont want to go somewhere with boys and a chance to cheat. " He texted. Foster smiled and nodded. "oh wow, he is very ... pretty If you dont mind me saying. I can see why you want to get this over with. I dont blame you. My wife is really a male. I think he jut feels more comfortable as a woman, but he is a knock out male when he isnt trying too." He said. "Love makes one do crazy thing. " He stood up and set a couple tickets down. "You should meet her. shes kinda scary at first, but if she knows your good people, she'll be nice.. eh, somewhat."
abe: Gabe laughed softly. "I don't know what I'm going to have for breakfast yet, honey, what do you want to have for breakfast," he sent back and then felt his eyes widen in shock when he saw the boyfriend pillow Clyde had made.  He wasn't sure if he should find that creepy or adorable, so he figured it was something in between.  "No, honey, no clubs.  I don't even like clubs.  I'm just going out to dinner with my married client," he promised.  Gabe looked up at Foster and smiled.  "I know.  He is."   He said fondly and laughed gently.  "I'm sure she's great," Gabe said and shook Foster's hand.  "I guess I'll see you there tonight."
Clyde joined the chat 54 minutes ago
Clyde: Clyde didnt like that he was having dinner with a client, but he figured it was ok. the man or woman was married.He hoped woman. He decided to go out and buy a new phone. He kept his number. He loved it, then realize he was being selfish and bought his friend one too and then he bought Gabe gifts, he bought him new suits to wear and pajamas that matched his. He found out where his office was and orderd flowers. Heather helped him. He had roses sent to his office. "I miss you. xoxoxoxxoxooxoxo." He wrote. He had to work, so he put the card away in the room and went to work. He was on night shift. He had a few people hit on him. He had no idea why he was getting a lot of people on him now. Maybe when you were taken, it made one feel more attractive.
Gabe joined the chat 39 minutes ago
Gabe: Gabe discussed a few more things with Foster before they parted ways, and then he headed back to his apartment really fast to change and take a quick nap before going back to the office and really working the case. He fell into the hard work and felt time passing, and didn't really look up until he saw some roses being brought in.  He smiled up at them and took a break to text Clyde really fast.  "The roses are beauitful.   Thank you, honey. XO"  He ordered some food into the office, arragned some meetings for the next day and then went down to the theatre.
Clyde: Clyde missed him a lot. He tried not to. He wonderd if he should ask a couple days off and go see Gabe! That would be a nice surprise and he really wanted to see NYC. He asked his boss and she said yes quickly. He squealed, but had no idea how to order plane tickets, so heather helped him. He worried about his dragon, but heather said she would take care of it. He wondered if Gabe would like this surprise or not. He was a little scared, the airport was big. He put on nice clothes and got his hair done cute and shaggy. He didnt know Gabes apartment or place. He called the office and got someoen named jackson to give him the office address. He wrote it on a piece of paper. Foster greeted him. He took him backstage to meet Hedwig. "She's very famous I guess in some groups. I take it you dont do a lotof theatre? I didnt either until her. HONEY! Are you here? Oh crap, I need to buy her roses. I do it ever show.. Hold on." He pushed an app and abutton and they sent it right away. He needed to put them bak on a time schdule.
Clyde: {also i have an altermative one wher ehe doesnt go to nyc HAAH if you wnt to wait i want to see your ideas too)
Clyde: Clyde sighed and mised him a lot. He worked all evening and went to eat at a salad buffett since he felt he was getting kinda fat. He smiled when he got the text abot the roses he put a xoxo in the text. He didnt want to be too annoying. He laid on his bed with four other girls and watched a movie before they ordered frinks and turned on music
Gabe: Gabe put his phone on silent and stepped into the theatre with Foster. It seemed like a nice place, and he could see why Foster wanted to save it.  It seemed to be pretty poplar too, by the amount of people streaming in. He waited for Foster's wife to come out of the dressing room, not wanting to intrude.  When she did poke her head out, in full make up and a dressing gown, she looked him over and narrowed her eyes. "So you're the fat Jew everyone tells me about," she said finally.  "I told everyone I wanted a fat Jew to do all of that...legal shit," she said vaguely making a gesture into the air.  "I told my ex husband he should go into something Jew-y and make us more money but he refused.   Impossible man."  Hedwig went back into her room and stared to dress.   "You can stare if you like, honey, but maybe you should go get a seat for the real show."
Clyde: "Ah k. Yeah, that's my wife. Sorry she's... she's very vocal and pretty!"He yelled. His son ran from for hedwig and hugged her leg. "Can I wear make up?" He asked her. He wanted hedwig to pick him up. "If you cant be fabouluos, than get out of my face!" He rehearshed. Foster sighed. he took him out of the room and into a seat. "Well the court thing is tomorrow, but tonight enjoy. Her show has a good story if she tells it, sometimes she just wants to insult peopl for an hour and sing. " He warned Gabe. Clyde got off the plane and was scared, he went to gabes office, everything was so overwhelming. He didnt know what to do and cried a couple of times from excitement and fear. He sent Gabe a text. "Where are you?"
Gabe: Gabe didn't really know what to say and just sort of nodded a little, giving Hedwig a tense sort of smile.  Foster wasn't kidding.  She was really...something.  It was cute to see her with a kid though.   Something about her almost softened immediately and she reached down and picked him up, setting him down on the vanity.  "Of course, my little honey bee," she cooed and smiled.  "You look so pretty when you let Hedwig do your makeup," she said and sat down to start doing it, laughing to herself.  Gabe let Foster show him to a seat and nodded.   "Thank you.  I'm sure the show will be great."  Gabe checked his phone one more time before turning it off for good and saw the text from Clyde.  "I'm seeing my client's show downtown," he typed back quickly.   "Aren't you at work, honey?  I promise I'll call you back later, I have to turn my phone off now."
Clyde: "Wait, what show? Please tel me.. Please?" He text. New york was amazing and he wanted to bath in it, but he wanted to do it with Gabe by his side. peoplewere shoving red bus tours in his face. A few grabbed his ass... Foster sighed and loved when Hedwig was with his little boy. Clyde sent him another text. "I just want to know, please?"
Gabe: Gabe was about to touch the off button when another text came through. he typed out one quick reply.  "It's called Hedwig and the Angry Inch, and I'm so sorry, honey, I have to go.  I'll call you when the show is done okay? xoxo." He replied and then shut his phone off for good.
Clyde joined the chat
Clyde: Clyde knew the show ! He loved Hedwig. He couldnt believe he was seeing her! He got someone to help him go to the theatre He didnt carry cash. He gave him his scarf as a tip. They liked it. He went to the theatre. "You got to let me in, my boyfriend is inside. "He begged the ticket man. "He's the lawyer guy, please?" He pouted. They sighed and tried to see what they could do. Hedwig ususally didnt like people coming in when she was on stage singing tear me down. They snuck him in. Foster was outside for a moment looking over paper work, when he looked up to see Clyde, and boy was that man gorgeous. "Hey.. you look familiar." He said. "I do?" Clyde said. "My boyfriend is in there. Gabe..-last name- Foster smiled. "oh, wow yeah. he did well ." He laughed. "come on, hedwig can get mad at me for shining inside light." He opened the door and hedwig was on stage. Clyde gasped when he saw her. "Sorry honey!" Foster yelled.
Clyde: http://www.unificationfrance.com/IMG/jpg...
Clyde: s hair cut he wa busy
Clyde: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6ozo4wLC0pU/U0...
Clyde: what hes wearing, cause its importnar
Gabe: Gabe settled in to see the show and was enjoying what was happening so far, but turned a little when he heard some commotion near the doors.   Hedwig heard it too and stopped singing in the middle of the song, shouting something at the band in German and then crossing her arms over her chest and looking towards the open door.  "I tell you over and over again, little people in their little red vests, if they can't make it to the theatre on time they don't deserve to see my show!" she shouted petulantly.  She heard Foster's voice and let out a long suffering sigh. "Fine, fine, hurry to the seat then, darling, you're ruining my big moment."  Gabe looked around and was floored to see Clyde being the one shown to an empty seat near him.  "Clyde?" he whispered in surprise. "What are you doing here?  How did you get here?"
Clyde: He saw Gabe and squealed. Foster went to ask the person sitting beside Gabe if they would mind moving. They didnt seem to mind as long as they got an autograph.He nodded. "Ok fine, move please." Clyde sat beside him and hugged him with a loud queak. He heard an usher tell him so shhh. He kissed his cheek "I missed you so much, and heatehr helped me find you!" He said. He kissed his cheek. "Are you mad?"
Gabe: Gabe was shocked but hugged Clyde back and kissed him on the lips softly. "Okay, baby no I'm not mad, I think it's great that your here, but we should be quiet, becuase of the show-" he explained and looked up to see Hedwig on stage, tapping her foot expectantly.  "Yes, fat jew and his jail bait.  I see you."  On stage Yitzhak very cautiously offered up one of his boots, in case she wanted to throw something.  It was just easier sometimes to have something ready.  And so she didn't start throwing the liquor bottles because that seemed so much worse.   "No no, they are safe for now, that fat Jew is my lawyer, aren't you honey?"  Hedwig smiled at Yitzak.  "Why don't you go talk Jew to him and make him pay attention to the show.  Maybe put a muzzle on the puppy too."
Clyde: Clyde watched hedwig and waved. He super thought she was cute. He turned to Gabe wh osaid to be quiet. He wondered if he could hold his hand. He laced their fingers together and rested his cheek on his shoulder. Foster sighed and hoped Hedwig would move on with the series. He saw his son sitting back stage side to the stage coloring like he did  every night JHe was glad they got custody of him. Clyde perked up. "you got a puppy" He asked gabe when hedwig said his puppy
Clyde: move on with the show not series hah
Clyde: *his son is sitting to the side of the stage, laing on his stomach coloring and humming to hedwig music haah
Gabe: Gabe squeezed Clyde's hand and laughed just a little bit.  "Honey," he whispered into Clyde's ear, "You're the puppy.  Now shh, we'll talk more after the show."  Hedwig findally decided that people were paying enough attention and got the band started up again, and there was a loud cheer in the audience.
Clyde: Clyde whispered to Gabe "Where is the berlin wall? " He asked. He hummed. "And where is germany?" He kissed his cheek. He loved looking at Gabe. He coudlnt tell if Gabe was annoyed or happy to see him. He loved the show. He had never sene a show like this, he loved the music and sang alonga  little. Theo came out on stage to do the final song with Hedwig, because he loved to be pat of it. He u sually just danced around the side of the stage in a cute dress.
Gabe: Gabe just squeezed Clyde's hand when he tried to talk after that, and whispered a promise that they would talk after the show.  It really was a very powerful piece, and Hedwig was truly a fabulous performer.  Clyde did make an 'aww' sound when the little boy stumbled out on stage at the finale and After the song Hedwig went and scooped him up, dancing around wit him as the glitter fell from the ceiling.  The lights came up in the theatre and Gabe really felt like he could greet Clyde then.  He hugged him tightly and kissed him again.  "I still can't believe you're here!  Did you make it here okay? You seem okay, you surprised me so much."
Clyde: "It was scary. The plane was scary ." He pouted and kissed his lips "I got ok at work to be here for two days. They knew I missed you so so much." He gave him an eskimo kiss. "The whole plce is big and overwhelming and people are much more touchy here. Please dont leave my side." He pouted. He was glad that Gabe wasnt upset that he was here. "Did you miss me? I skipped breakgast cause I didnt know what you were going to have." Foster came over and smiled. "We are going out to eat, if you two want to join us?"
Gabe: Gabe chuckled a little, knowing he'd been gone only half of a day at this point, but it was sweet that Clyde had missed him so much.  "Oh Clyde, honey, I wish you'd told me you were coming. I would have made arrangements to get you at the airport."  He laughed softly and stroked Clyde's arm.  He looked up when Foster came over and nodded.  "Yes of course, that sounds wonderful, right Clyde?"
Clyde: "I am sorry. I shold have. I just didnt think it through." He laughed. He turned to Foster and hugged onto gabe. "YES! We want to eat dinner with you."He said. He saw hedwig and squealed. "I love your retro stories! So awesome!" he shouted. He heard a loud noise and jumped. It was just a truckIt was so loud here and big. He held onto gabe tight
Gabe: Hedwig put on a dress and touched up her makeup before coming out to see Foster and her laywer and his boy toy.  He must be good at his job though, to be able to have such a hot young thing.  Only rich men got boys like that.  "Thank you, sweetie," Hedwig simpered and touched Clyde's cheek.  "Let's go I'm starving," she said and walked off to get the cab.  Gabe couldn't help but chuckle when Clyde jumped.  "It's just a car backfiring, Clyde, I promise it's okay.  This is a loud city."
Clyde: Clyde went over to Hedwig and talked her ear off about canada and if shes ever been. He could see foster and her looking at him. He knew they wondered how he was with gabe. Most people were curioys about why they were togehter, but they rationalied it as money. He took gabes hand and kissed his knuckles. He hoped Gabe didnt thik that, even if he spent like so much money. He sat down and looked at the menu "What are you gettig, Gabe?" He asked. Foster sat down. His son was asleep and had his head on hedwigs shoulder and arms around her neck sleeping.
Gabe: Gabe was glad to be holding Clyde's hand again, even if it was still overwhelming tha Clyde was here at all.  But it was nice, regardless.   He kissed Clyde's cheek and sat down at the table, looking over the menu.  "I think I'll get the sirloin steak," he said, pointing at the item on the menu.  Hedwig seemed much calmer now that she had a sleeping baby in her arms, and she held the boy expertly with one hand and took little sips of her drink with the other, leaning over to chat softly with Foster about what she wanted to order.
Clyde: Clyde ordered the same as gabe even if he wanted the pasta. He thought it was time to let Gabe pick the meal. He told the waiter to make it exactly like Gabes and the sides the same too. He didnt evne hear gAbe's sides. Foster looked them over and lifted a brow.He ordered country fried steak and potatoes. He loved that hedwig loved his son so much, their son. The little boy loved hedwig more than his own mother. and (probably father) "so uh, Cylde is it, what do you do?" Clyde blushed, he didnt have a fancy job. "I .. I life guard."
Gabe: Gabe let out a soft sigh when Clyde ordered the same thing, but gave him a smile anyway.  He had hoped that was only a breakfast thing.   Maybe there was some way to get Clyde to budge on that thing.  "And he's going to start going to school for Graphic design, right?" he said and smiled, nudging Clyde's shoulder lightly.  "He's going to be fabulous at it."
Clyde: "Right maybe I am not very good at it." He pouted. "I rather work with dolphins and train them, but there is no ocean. " He smiled and shrugged. "But gabe think si could be a model. "He spoke up. "Oh yeah, you could. " Foster nodded. "We have theo in modeling.. He likes it. Ic an talk to the agency." He said. He looked at Hedwig. "Right?" He wanted her to confirm it was a good idea.
Gabe: Gabe gave Clyde a small smile.  "I'm sure you are.  And if you want to train for that, we can find a place you can do that too."  Gabe put a hand on Clyde's leg under the table and squeezed his thigh gently, trying to be comforting.  Hedwig looked over Clyde for a moment, like she was assessing each and every one of his flaws and then after awhile shrugged.  "Yes, I think he'd do fine.  He'd book enough work I think."
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