#annunci bl
Nuovi annunci boys love da parte di Planet Manga!
Si tratta di due manhwa coreani tanto amati e soprattutto anche tanto attesi!
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newsintheshell · 3 years
Star Comics: gli annunci per il primo compleanno della collana Queer
Ecco le prime cinque novità in arrivo nel corso del prossimo anno.
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Durante la live per il primo compleanno della collana Queer di Star Comics, che ha arricchito il catalogo della casa editrice umbra di tante storie Boys’ Love, Girls’ Love, seinen e josei, è stato festeggiato l’evento con l’annuncio di cinque novità che vedremo arrivare in fumetteria, libreria e store online nel corso dei primi mesi del 2022.
BOY MEETS MARIA di Kousei Eguchi
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Taiga è un liceale scapestrato, fin da piccolo appassionato di supereroi. Un giorno, assistendo allo spettacolo del club di teatro della scuola, s’innamora perdutamente di una talentuosa ballerina e attrice, che si rivela poi essere un… ragazzo! Come si evolveranno le cose fra i due studenti?
Una piccola perla nel panorama fumettistico giapponese firmata da PEYO. Una storia d’amore oltre i binarismi di genere che non potrà non conquistare il vostro cuore. In arrivo ad aprile 2022.
GUNJOU NO SUBETE di Nagisa Furuya
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Kei e Ren sono due buoni amici e fin dalla prima media sono sempre stati in classe insieme. Tuttavia, all’ultimo anno delle superiori, Ren finisce in una classe diversa da Kei e dal loro gruppo di amici. Questo evento scuote il cuore di Kei, che fino a quel momento aveva custodito dentro di sé un segreto… Quale piega prenderà il rapporto fra i due amici? La risposta la si trova scavando in fondo al proprio cuore.
Dopo il successo di YOU ARE IN THE BLUE SUMMER e THE BLUE SUMMER AND YOU, Nagisa Furuya torna in Italia a marzo 2022 con un nuovo volume unico immerso nel blu!
CUPID NI RAKURAI (Box) di Minta Suzumaru
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-Contenuti espliciti-
Shingo è un liceale che lavora come "cupido" nella sua scuola. Su richiesta, cerca di scoprire gli interessi dei ragazzi più ambiti dalle compagne, così da favorire la nascita di storie d’amore in cambio di… cibo! Un giorno, alcune sue compagne gli chiedono di scoprire la causa della cicatrice che il misterioso Ao ha sulla fronte. Quale insolito destino colpirà il nostro cupido?
Dopo NON VOLEVO INNAMORARMI e GOLDEN SPARKLE, Minta Suzumaru torna con una nuova, dolcissima opera! I due volumi autoconclusivi Cupid ni Rakurai e Cupid ni Rakurai Tsuigeki arriveranno racchiusi in un prezioso cofanetto. In arrivo ad aprile 2022.
SECRET XXX di Meguru Hinohara
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-Contenuti espliciti-
Fin da quando era piccolo, Shohei ha sempre vissuto circondato dagli animali e ha sempre avuto una particolare adorazione per i conigli. Nonostante una sua particolare allergia che li riguarda, decide di dare una mano nel negozio di animali dove lavora anche l’affascinante Itsuki. Riuscirà Shohei a mantenere il suo segreto nel posto di lavoro?
Ecco a voi l’opera d’esordio della grande promessa del Boys’ Love, Meguru Hinohara, che ha poi dato origine anche all’acclamato spin-off THERAPY GAME! Il volume unico è in arrivo a gennaio 2022.
THERAPY GAME (Box) di Meguru Hinohara
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-Contenuti espliciti-
Shizuma, il serio e premuroso fratello maggiore di Shohei, e Minato, l’esuberante fratello minore di Itsuki, una sera in preda all’alcol finiscono a letto insieme. Quando Shizuma si risveglia non ricorda assolutamente nulla della sera prima, così Minato si ripromette di fargli tornare la memoria, preparando una dolce vendetta…
Dopo il dolce e divertente SECRET XXX, Hinohara-sensei torna a svelarci i retroscena di alcuni dei personaggi secondari più amati della sua prima opera.
THERAPY GAME è una delle opere Boys’ Love di maggiore successo degli ultimi anni, una serie pluripremiata ai Chil Chil BL Awards.
I due volumi che compongono la serie saranno raccolti in un prezioso cofanetto. Disponibile a febbraio 2022.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
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portraitsofsaints · 3 years
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World Art Day April 15th
Letter to artists from Pope John Paul II {website}
Bl. Fra Angelico c. 1395 - February 18, 1455 Patron of Artists
Blessed Fra Angelico, born Guido di Pietro was an Italian painter.  He joined the Dominicans in 1407 taking the name Fra Giovanna. He was initially trained as an illuminator. The Dominicans noticed his artistic talents and commissioned him to paint frescos in his convent of Fiesole. Fra Angelico then was moved to the friary of San Marco in Florence, where he painted some of his highest artistic achievements; The Annunciation, The Adoration of the Magi, and The Crucified Christ, to name a few. His piety was legendary and his artistic innovations and use of color inspire artists to this day.  He died in Rome and is buried in the Church of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva and was beatified in 1982 by Pope Saint John Paul II.
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theraccolta · 5 years
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I was taught many things. Mary was given the grace of interior knowledge. The Blessed Virgin knew that she had conceived the Messiah, the Son of the Most High. All that was within her was open to the eyes of her spirit. But she did not then know that the in Him by the Lord God, was a supernatural one; nor did she then know that the House of Jacob, over which He was, as Gabriel declared, to rule for all eternity, was the Church, the congregation of regenerated mankind. She thought that the Redeemer would be a holy king, who would purify His people and give them victory over Hell. She did not then know that this King, in order to redeem mankind, must suffer a bitter death. It was made known to me why the Redeemer deigned to remain nine months in His Mother’s womb and to be born as a little child, and why it was not His will to appear as perfect and beautiful as the newly-created Adam; but I can no longer explain this clearly. I can, however, remember this much—that it was His will to reconsecrate man’s conception and birth which had been so sadly degraded by the Fall. The reason why Mary became His Mother and why He did not come sooner was that she alone, and no creature before her or after her, was the pure Vessel of Grace, promised by God to mankind as the Mother of the Incarnate Word, by the merits of whose Passion mankind was to be redeemed from its guilt. The Blessed Virgin was the one and only pure blossom of the human race, flowering in the fullness of time. All the children of God from the beginning of time who have striven after salvation contributed to her coming. She was the only pure gold of the whole earth. She alone was the pure immaculate flesh and blood of the whole human race, prepared and purified and ordained and consecrated through all the generations of her ancestors, guided, guarded, and fortified by the Law until she came forth as the fullness of Grace. She was pre-ordained in eternity and passed through time as the Mother of the Eternal. [SeeProv. 8.22-35.] At the Incarnation of Christ the Blessed Virgin was a little over fourteen years old. Christ reached the age of thirty-three years and three times six weeks. - the Annunciation from the visions of Bl. Anne C. Emmerich
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medusascans · 4 years
Cos'è uno scan team? È un gruppo di persone che traduce per passione i manga e li rende disponibili in scan.
Cos'è un warez? È uno di quei siti che si appropria anche con mezzi violenti dei capitoli degli scan team e li usa per fare soldi, tramite gli annunci pubblicitari che si aprono a ogni click che possono anche essere dannosi per il vostro PC.
Noi siano un gruppo di team di scanlation che non è qui per promuovere il proprio lavoro, bensì per sensibilizzare gli utenti che amano leggere i loro manga preferiti in italiano, perché a causa dei warez i team stanno morendo. Da questo "lavoro" noi non prendiamo nessun soldo e non ci piace quando gli altri si approfittano del nostro lavoro per farne una fonte di guadagno. È vero che avere tutte le scan su un solo sito può essere molto comodo, ma vi basta qualche click in più per trovare il team di riferimento e sostenere chi ci ha davvero lavorato. Sappiamo che molte persone non sono nemmeno a conoscenza di questa situazione perciò vi prego, se siamo riusciti a toccare la vostra sensibilità, parlatene con i vostri amici, soprattutto con chi ne sa di meno. Una volta che sarete informati ognuno sarà libero di fare la propria valutazione e agire di conseguenza.
Juin Jutsu Team, NIF Team, BL Traduzioni, Mo Dao Zu Shi Ita, TAM, Akatsuki, Medusa Scans, La Crudele Rubrica della Suppy, GTO TGS, Digital Team
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anastpaul · 5 years
Quote/s of the Day - 1 December - St Edmund Campion and Bl Charles of Jesus
Quote/s of the Day – 1 December – St Edmund Campion and Bl Charles of Jesus
Quote/s of the Day – 1 December – The Memorial of St Edmund Campion (1540-1581) and Bl Charles of Jesus de Foucauld (1858-1916) Both Martyrs
“To be a Catholic is my greatest glory.”
St Edmund Campion SJ (1540-1581)
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“In order to save us, God came to us and lived among us, from the Annunciation to the Ascension, in a close and familiar way. God continues to come to us and to live with us in a close…
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urbanhermit · 2 years
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You may have seen the memorial for Bl. Marco of Aviano called the 'creator' of 'inventor' of the Cappuccino coffee. Do you know The Spiritan Connection to the Clementine Fruit? Brother Marie-Clement — also known as Vital Rodier — developed a species of mandarin that became known as the Clementine fruit. Marie-Clement was born in 1839 in Malveille, France. He joined the Brothers of the Annunciation at Misserghin in Algeria, where they ran an orphanage and an agricultural estate with vines and citrus trees. Around 1894, according to Rene Charrier’s Memoire Spiritaine, Etudes et Documents 1, “He introduced several hundreds of varieties of trees into the country, including fruit trees and ornamental ones …notably a species of mandarin, which won the admiration of connoisseurs and which the orphans baptized the Clementine.” “It was neither a mandarin tree nor an orange tree. Its fruit was redder than a mandarin and had a delicious taste and, moreover, it had no pith." Brother Clement made grafts with slips from this miraculous tree. The operation was successful; the grafts were increased and the new tree was called a Clementine tree. The Brothers of the Annunciation found themselves in serious economic trouble and, on the advice of the Holy See, approached the Congregation of the Holy Spirit. In 1901, Rome authorized the Brothers to join the Spiritans, and one year later, Brother Clement became a Spiritan. He died in 1904. A Duquesne University of the Holy Ghost building in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania was named after Brother Marie-Clement. It was the radio studio for WDUQ NPR Pittsburgh. Note, that the Clementine like Grapefruit can interact with some medications. https://www.instagram.com/p/ChQH4m7pcDU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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Understanding Catholic Teaching On The Blessed Virgin Mary - Part 6
Written by: Tom Perna
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary  into Heaven
Before the Papal Definition
Before Bl. Pope Pius XII solemnly declared (in 1950) the dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary into Heaven, he asked the bishops of the Church two questions: first, is the Assumption definable, and second, do you and your flocks desire such a definition? From the 1,232 bishops asked, 1,210 responded overwhelmingly with an affirmation of yes to both questions. It was the consensus of the Church that this doctrine be solemnly defined.
From 1854, the year the Immaculate Conception was solemnly declared a dogma, to 1946, the Vatican received over eight million petitions from the universal Church asking for this dogma. The Council Fathers of the First Vatican Council (1869–1870) also signed a petition desiring that the Assumption of Mary into Heaven be declared dogmatic.
The Papal Definition
With the complete and total consensus of the bishops in union with the lay faithful of the Church, on December 1, 1950 Bl. Pope Pius XII spoke “ex cathedra” (“from the chair”) declaring,
For which reason, after we have poured forth prayers of supplication again and again to God, and have invoked the light of the Spirit of Truth, for the glory of Almighty God who has lavished his special affection upon the Virgin Mary, for the honor of her Son, the immortal King of the Ages and the Victor over sin and death, for the increase of the glory of that same august Mother, and for the joy and exultation of the entire Church; by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and by our own authority, we pronounce, declare, and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma: that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory. (Emphasis added)
In this declaration, Bl. Pope Pius XII focuses on the Sacred Scriptures, with the primary Scripture verse being Genesis 3:15, given to him by the bishops of the Church as the main verse confirming this teaching. The Holy Father also draws on Sacred Tradition where we see Church Fathers, beginning in the fifth and sixth centuries, writing about Mary’s Assumption and celebrating this common belief in the Eastern liturgies.
Furthermore, with the Assumption of Mary into Heaven we see the conclusion of her earthly life that began with her Immaculate Conception and led to her being the Mother of God. The Assumption of Mary is the clear natural effect of the Immaculate Conception.
The Assumption of Mary in Sacred Scripture
Now that we have a primary understanding of the definition of the Assumption of Mary, let us turn our attention to understanding the scriptural teachings of the dogma. There are two Scripture verses that speak directly to Mary’s Assumption into Heaven. Like the Immaculate Conception, the primary verse is Genesis 3:15. In accordance with this Scripture verse, we also have the writings of St. Paul on sin. The secondary verse is Luke 1:28, but also in accordance with this verse is Revelation 11:19 and 12:1.
In Genesis, Mary shares the same victory over sin and death as does Jesus due to their mutual enmity with Satan and sin. St. Paul addresses this victory in Romans chapters 5–8, and again in Hebrews 2:14: “Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same nature, that through death he might destroy him who has the power of death, that is, the devil.” The effects of the seed of Satan are sin and death, therefore Mary had to triumph over sin and death. Through the Immaculate Conception Mary triumphs over sin and through the Assumption into Heaven she triumphs over death.
The secondary verse supporting the Assumption of Mary we have learned about already. Luke 1:28 says, “And he came to her and said, ‘Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you.’” Being that Mary was “full of grace,” the effects of sin would not taint her, which would be bodily death. In union with Luke 1:28, we also have Revelation 11:19: “Then God’s temple in heaven was opened and the ark of the covenant was seen within his temple” and 12:1, “And a great sign appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.” In the heavenly Jerusalem, Mary is the New Ark of the Covenant and the woman crowned and assumed.
There are other Scripture verses that give support to a potential bodily assumption. 1 Corinthians 15:23 states, “But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ” (emphasis added). “At his coming” is in reference to when Christ will return and the bodies of the saints will rise in glory. Matthew 27:52 says, “the tombs also were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised.” Besides St. Matthew’s Gospel, there is nothing written about this in secular history. Verified by many (27:53), we don’t know who was raised, or the length of time, or what their bodies appeared like. Psalm 132:8 prophesies, “Arise, O Lord, out of your resting place: you and the ark which you have sanctified.”
Mary as the New Ark of the Covenant
The ark of the covenant in the Old Testament contained the Ten Commandments, a gold vessel (similar to a ciborium) holding the manna that fed the Israelites in the desert (read Ex 16:34), and the staff of Aaron that blossomed (read Heb 9:4). The ark was the visible sign of God’s presence and protection among the sons and daughters of Israel. A cloud, which also represented God’s presence, would overshadow the ark. This cloud became known as the shekinah, which means “Divine Presence” or “Divine Glory.” At the Annunciation, the Holy Spirit overshadows Mary, the New Ark of the Covenant, just as the shekinah overshadowed the old ark of the covenant.
The New Testament is a covenant that is everlasting between God and all of humanity through the person of Jesus Christ. Mary, the God-Bearer (Theotokos), becomes the sacred vessel, for she is immaculately created by God to carry God Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. Just as the original ark was layered with gold, a precious metal that does not fade, so Mary, the New Ark of the Covenant, through her Immaculate Conception would not fade.
Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the articles that were placed in the ark of the covenant. He is the New Law (Beatitudes) that fulfills the Old Law (the Ten Commandments). He is the fulfillment of the manna come down from heaven that fed the Israelites. Jesus is the living bread come down from heaven (see Jn 6:51) to feed all of us with his Holy Eucharist (read Jn 6:22–71). He is the fulfillment of the staff of Aaron, as Aaron was the first high priest of the Levitical priesthood and Jesus is the eternal and Royal High Priest.
The Assumption of Mary in Sacred Tradition
Even though the Assumption of Mary was not declared dogmatic until 1950, recall that the Church has held this teaching sacred from her earliest centuries.
By the fifth and sixth centuries, the Eastern rites of the Church developed liturgies to the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrating her Assumption in Egypt and Syria. In the middle of the fifth century, the feast of the Anapausis (“fallen asleep) or the Dormition of the Mother of God began to be celebrated in a basilica near Jerusalem, specifically Gethsemane, which tradition taught held her tomb and final resting place. By the end of the sixth century and reign of Emperor Maurice (AD 582–602), this feast had spread throughout the Eastern Empire and was to be celebrated on August 15.
After appearing in Egypt, the tradition of the Dormition of Mary made its way to France in the sixth century and was celebrated on January 18. During the pontificate of Pope Sergius I in the late seventh century, the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God was commonly celebrated and eventually became known in the West as the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. By the twelfth century, the doctrinal teaching of the Assumption of Mary was accepted and celebrated in the universal Church in both the East and West.
The writings of St. Gregory of Tours, St. Germanus, Patriarch of Constantinople, and St. John Damascene also wrote about the Assumption (and Dormition) of Mary.
When speaking about Mary’s departure from this earth in De Gloria Beatorum Martyrum (late sixth century), St. Gregory of Tours says,
When finally the Blessed Virgin had fulfilled the course of this life, and was now to be called out of this world, all the apostles were gathered together from each region to her house . . . and behold the Lord Jesus came with his angels and, receiving her soul, entrusted it to the Archangel Michael and departed. At the break of day the apostles lifted the body with the couch and laid in the sepulcher, and they guarded in awaiting the coming of the Lord. And behold the Lord again stood by them, and commanded that the holy body be taken up and borne on a cloud into paradise, where now, reunited with (her) soul and rejoicing with the elect, it enjoys the good things of eternity which shall never come to an end.
In Praise of the Holy and Venerable Falling-Asleep of our Most Glorious Lady Mother of God Mary ever Virgin (pre-AD 730), Patriarch of Constantinople St. Germanus speaks about the appointed time of Mary’s falling asleep:
When Christ had willed that His Mother, she who had borne Life Itself within her, should be taken upwards to Himself, He tells her, by the message of an angel who was already known to her, that the time of her falling asleep is now at hand. And this he did so that through the imitation of Her coming death, she might not be troubled at departure from the living; as will happen to the rest of mortal men. For we know that the separation of the soul from the body can bring distress to the spirit of even strong men. Therefore, lest death, coming unawares, should trouble the natural instinct of the body, and so that His Mother might know beforehand of her own departure, He Who knows all things sent an angel to her, to give her strength of soul . . .
Speaking in his second homily of three given in Jerusalem on the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin, St. John Damascene says,
This day the Immaculate Virgin, unacquainted with early affections, and nurtured on heavenly affections, has not returned to earth; but, belonging truly to the life of heaven, she has taken up abode in heavenly dwellings . . . it crossed over to it by way of an earthly tomb. And first it was taken through the midst of the city [by the Apostles], like a bride in her beauty, but she is adorned in the unapproachable radiance of the Spirit, and thence it was born to that most holy place, Gethsemani, angels overshadowing her with their wings, going before and with her and following after, together with the whole assembly of the Church.
Paragraph 974 of the Catechism states, “The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, when the course of her earthly life was completed, was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven, where she already shares in the glory of her Son’s Resurrection, anticipating the resurrection of all members of his Body” (see also 966).
Did Mary Die?
From what the early Church Fathers have given us, now arises the question that has been debated for centuries and is still debated today: Did the Blessed Virgin Mary die? There are two positions on this question, one from the Mortalists and the second from the Immortalists. (1)
The Mortalists position is that Mary experienced a temporary separation of soul and body but without bodily corruption. Her soul would have assumed directly into heaven and her body remained on earth for three days [like her Son]. Pope St. John Paul II favored this position when he said, “The fact that the Church proclaims Mary free from original sin by a unique divine privilege does not lead to the conclusion that she also received physical immortality. The Mother is not superior to the Son who underwent death, giving it a new meaning and changing it into a means of salvation.” If our Lord endured death, then so did His mother.
The Eastern rites of the Catholic Church (and the Orthodox churches) celebrate this as the Dormitio or Dormition. When time had come for the Theotokos to pass from this life to the next, the Apostles, including St. Paul, traveled, gathered, and briefly spent time with her. St. Thomas arrived three days after Mary had fallen asleep (a term we use when someone passes into death) and wanted to see her. When the Apostles went to the tomb where she was placed, they found that it was empty. An angel of the Lord appeared to them saying the Theotokos was assumed into heaven. By the fourth century, the majority of the East celebrated this feast.
The Immortalists position is that Mary with body and soul intact was assumed into heaven. Timothy of Jerusalem does not think Mary died and argues by saying, “Wherefore the Virgin is immortal up to now, because he who dwelt in her, assumed her to the heavenly regions.”
Between the two positions, the position of the Mortalists is the stronger theological position. Most of the theologians and doctors of the Church, from St. Augustine of Hippo to Venerable John Cardinal Newman, conclude that Mary did suffer death, but without bodily corruption. It was not a painful death, as some have claimed that she was martyred (Simeon’s prophecy), but as St. Francis de Sales says, it was a death “due to a transport of love.”
The four Marian dogmas should in no way take away from our relationship with Jesus Christ. Knowing these dogmas of the Virgin Mary will only increase and strengthen our relationship with our Lord each day. If you want to get to know a person, spend time with his mother. This is exactly what we need to do with the Blessed Virgin Mary. The more time we spend with her and learn about her, the more we will come to know and love Jesus. Don’t be afraid to study Mary! Having a relationship with her will only improve our relationship with Him.
1. The two terms were used by Dr. Mark Miravalle, professor of Theology and Mariology, in the class Mary in the Modern World at Franciscan University of Steubenville.
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Nuovo annuncio BL da Blue Links che vedrà animata l’opera “Il ragazzo dietro la mascherina”, edita in Italia da Magicpress!
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autokm0us · 4 years
auto km 0 - NUOVA 508 BL BLUEHDI 130 S&S-GT LINE 27499EUR
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NUOVA 508 BL BLUEHDI 130 S&S-GT LINE Cambio: MANUALE Anno: NUOVA DA IMMATRICOLARE Chilometraggio: 0 Carburante: DIESEL Posti ... Pubblica oppure trova annunci auto km 0 in tutta Italia
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newsintheshell · 3 years
Star Comics, gli annunci dell’Hanami Manga Festival
In arrivo la Perfect Edition di Inuyasha, Rosen Blood, One Room Angel e Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!
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A quanto pare, oltre a quelli annunciati giovedì sera in occasione dell’apertura degli STAR DAYS 2021, c’erano in caldo altri quattro titoli in casa Edizioni Star Comics. Di seguito trovate le novità svelate durante l’Hanami Manga Festival di AnimeClick.
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Kagome è una studentessa delle medie la cui famiglia gestisce un tempio shintoista. Il giorno del suo quindicesimo compleanno viene improvvisamente aggredita da un terribile demone, che la risucchia all’interno di un pozzo nei pressi del santuario, catapultandola indietro nel tempo di diversi secoli, fino nell’epoca Sengoku.
Nel tentativo di sfuggire alla creatura, la fanciulla cerca rifugio in un bosco, e lì si imbatte in un affascinante mezzo-demone dai lunghi capelli bianchi sigillato in un sonno magico. Risvegliato da Kagome per difenderla dal mostro che la sta minacciando, Inuyasha riconosce in lei la reincarnazione della sacerdotessa Kikyo, custode della preziosa Sfera dei Quattro Spiriti...
Inizia per il duo un emozionante viaggio tra passato e presente per cercare di proteggere la sfera dalle grinfie di spietati demoni e crudeli nemici.
A grandissima richiesta, ritorna finalmente uno dei più immortali capolavori della maestra Rumiko Takahashi, in un'imperdibile Perfect Edition che farà la gioia dei suoi tanti appassionati.
Serie di 30 volumi, conclusa - Novembre 2021 - In fumetteria, libreria e store online
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Midori, Sayaka e Tsubame sono 3 liceali completamente diverse fra loro: Midori è un maschiaccio scapestrato che sogna mondi immaginari e li appunta con disegni meticolosi; Tsubame è una modella altolocata con la passione per le animazioni; Sayaka è un'inquietante, cinica e venale amica di Midori che vede nel fortuito incontro Tsubame un'irripetibile opportunità di business. Sfidando tutto e tutti, l'improbabile trio darà vita all'Eizouken, un club studentesco con l'obiettivo segreto di realizzare – fra maestosi e improbabili sogni a occhi aperti e furbeschi sotterfugi – un anime. Il favoloso mondo dell'entertainment non è mai stato così appassionante e imprevedibile!
Nominato nel 2018 ai Taisho Awards e nella selezione di «Kono manga ga sugoi!», il graffiante e acclamato manga di Sumito Oowara ha anche ispirato una pluripremiata serie anime, un film cinematografico live-action e un tv drama.
Serie di 5 volumi, in corso - Settembre 2021 - In fumetteria, libreria e store online
ROSEN BLOOD di Kachiru Ishizue 
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Rimasta sola al mondo, Stella si mette in viaggio alla ricerca di un lavoro, ma finisce coinvolta in un incidente. Per sua fortuna, un uomo affascinante e misterioso interviene e la trae in salvo, per poi portarla con sé alla sua magione, una seducente villa circondata da rose velenose. Levi – questo il suo nome – vive lì con altri tre uomini dalla straordinaria bellezza, e Stella, che non ha più un posto dove andare, si offre di lavorare per loro come cameriera per saldare il suo debito. La ragazza ancora ignora quanto possa essere rischioso mettersi al servizio di quattro... vampiri!
Passione, intrigo e atmosfere gotiche e decadenti in una mini serie scritta e straordinariamente illustrata dalla talentuosissima maestra Kachiru Ishizue.
Serie di 3 volumi, in corso - Dicembre 2021 - In fumetteria, libreria e store online
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Koki ha trent’anni, è single, non ha né amici, né hobby. Vive in un appartamento lurido, ha un lavoro misero e conduce una vita senza sogni e senza troppe pretese. Una sera viene accoltellato da un delinquente e proprio quando sta per morire… un angelo appare davanti ai suoi occhi!
La maestra Boys’ Love, Harada, torna in Italia attraverso un’opera molto diversa rispetto alle sue serie precedenti. Una storia matura e commovente, che rappresenta un vero e proprio elogio alla vita.
Vincitore anche del primo premio ai Chil Chil BL Awards 2020.
Volume unico - Novembre 2021 - In fumetteria, libreria e store online
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Autore: SilenziO)))  - Twitter @s1lenzi0
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digitalteam · 4 years
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Cos'è uno scan team? È un gruppo di persone che traduce per passione i manga, realizzando materialmente le scan disponibili in rete. Cos'è un warez? È un tipo di sito che si appropria anche con mezzi illeciti e/o violenti dei manga tradotti ed editati dagli scan teams, usandoli per fare soldi tramite annunci pubblicitari che talvolta possono anche essere dannosi per i vostri dispositivi (PC o cellulare). Noi siano un gruppo di teams di scanlation. Con il seguente messaggio non vogliamo promuovere il nostro lavoro, bensì il nostro scopo è sensibilizzare gli utenti che amano leggere i manga in italiano sulla questione warez, perché a causa di questi siti, oggi gli scan teams si stanno estinguendo. Da questo "lavoro" noi non prendiamo nessun soldo, il nostro unico obiettivo è quello di divulgare i manga a quanti più appassionati possibile, permettendo loro di superare le ostiche barriere linguistiche che altrimenti confinerebbero le nostre passioni ad una nicchia. Pertanto, riteniamo fortemente ingiusto che i siti warez ci strappino il frutto del nostro lavoro dalle mani, approfittando delle nostre passioni per un illecito profitto economico. È vero che avere le scan di più manga su un solo sito può essere molto comodo, ma vi basta qualche click in più per trovare il team di riferimento e sostenere chi ci ha davvero lavorato. Sappiamo che molte persone non sono nemmeno a conoscenza di questa situazione perciò vi prego, se siamo riusciti a toccare la vostra sensibilità, parlatene con i vostri amici, diffondete questo messaggio, soprattutto con chi ne sa di meno. Una volta che sarete informati ognuno sarà libero di fare la propria valutazione e agire di conseguenza. Juin Jutsu Team, NIF Team, BL Traduzioni, Mo Dao Zu Shi Ita, TAM, Akatsuki, Medusa Scans, La Crudele Rubrica della Suppy, GTO TGS, Digital Team #StopWarez #HelpScanTeam P. S. Ragazzi, io non vi sto dando una direzione da prendere, vi chiedo solo di essere informati sulla questione e se in base alla vostra personale valutazione volete darci la vostra solidarietà, condividete il post in modo da diffondere più possibile la consapevezza di questa realtà. https://ift.tt/37G68WM
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anastpaul · 6 years
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Blessed John Henry Newman cleared for Sainthood!
Pope Francis on Tuesday 12 February, authorised the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, to promulgate 8 decrees including those of Bl Cardinal John Henry Newman and Blessed Sr Mariam Thresia and thus, cleared the way for their Canonisation.
The Pope received in audience Cardinal Angelo Becciu, the Prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints and authorised him to promulgated two decrees on miracles for sainthood, a decree on martyrdom and 5 on heroic virtues.
Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman A miracle attributed to the intercession of Cardinal Newman has been recognised, clearing him for canonisation.
Born in London on 21 February 1801 and died in Edgbaston on 11 August 1890, the noted theologian and poet was first an Anglican priest and later a Catholic priest and cardinal, who was an important figure in the religious history of England of his time.
He was one of the leading figures of the Oxford Movement that originated at Oxford University in 1833, that sought to link the Anglican Church more closely to the Roman Catholic Church.
He is revered by both the Catholic as well as the Anglican Churches.
As a Catholic priest, he founded the Oratory of St Philip Neri in Edgbaston, England.
Pope Benedict XVI beatified Cardinal Newman on 19 September 2010, in Birmingham, England.
Perhaps the hymn and poem that Blessed John Henry is best known for is, “Lead kindly light.”
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Blessed Sr Mariam Thresia Pope Francis also recognised another miracle, clearing the way for the canonisation of Indian nun, Blessed Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan, the foundress of the Congregation of the Holy Family (CHF). The nun belonging to the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church was born in Puthenchira on 26 April 1876 and died in Kuzhikkattussery on 8 June 1926.
She is known for her extraordinary charity, especially a preferential love for the poorest of the poor. She was declared venerable on 28 June 1999 and was beatified on 9 April 2000 by St Pope John Paul II in Rome.
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The other decrees on the causes of saints are as follows:
– the martyrdom of the Ecuadoran Servant of God, Victor Emilio Moscoso Cárdenas, a Jesuit priest. He was born in Cuenca (Ecuador) on 21 April 1846 and killed, in hatred of the Faith, in Riobamba (Ecuador) on 4 May 1897.
– the heroic virtues of the Hungarian Servant of God Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty, Archbishop of Esztergom and primate of Hungary.   Born in Csehimindszent (Hungary) on 29 March 1892, he died in Vienna (Austria) on 6 May 1975.
– the heroic virtues of the Italian Servant of God John Baptist Zuaboni, a diocesan priest, founder of the Secular Institute Society of the Holy Family.   He was born in Vestone on 24 January 1880 and died in Brescia (Italy) on 12 December 1939.
– the heroic virtues of Spanish Servant of God Emanuele García Nieto, a Jesuit priest.   He was born in Macotera (Spain) on 5 April 1894 and died in Comillas (Spain) on 13 April 1974.
– the heroic virtues of Italian Servant of God Serafina Formai (born: Letizia), founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Good News.   She was born in Casola Lunigiana (Italy) on 28 August 1876 and died in Pontremoli (Italy) on 1 June 1954.
– the heroic virtues of Colombian Servant of God Maria Berenice Duque Hencker (born: Ana Julia), foundress of the Little Sisters of the Annunciation.   She was born in Salamis (Colombia) on 14 August 1898 and died in Medellín (Colombia) on 25 July, 1993.
(via Blessed John Henry Newman cleared for Sainthood!)
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Annunci gratuiti Batteria Nokia BL-5H nuova originale
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Batteria nuova originale Nokia BL-5H per Nokia Lumia 630, Lumia 635. Vendo causa errato acquisto, pagata €25, ho lo scontrino. ... Clicca il link e pubblica annunci gratuiti
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Proprio così! Di recente è stata annunciata dal Do.7 Store l’arrivo dell’edizione cartacea coreana del manhwa BL “Shutline” di KYOU!
In occasione di questo bellissimo annuncio, è stato rilasciato un video promozionale (anche abbastanza hot) per sponsorizzare il manhwa in arrivo!
Trovate il link per vedere il PV cliccando sulla news! 
Corri a vedere!
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