#anoether life
anoether-life · 5 months
Who was Emmy Noether?
Amalie Emmy Noether (1882 - 1935) was a German, Jewish mathematician and is sometimes called the 'Mother of Abstract Algebra'. She started working in Erlangen and later moved to Göttingen, where in 1919 she became the first woman ever to habilitate in mathematics in Germany. When the Nazis rose to power in 1933, Emmy moved to Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, where she continued working and finally died in 1935.
What is this blog?
I am currently attending a university lecture on the history of mathematics and as an examination performance we were free to choose any topic and medium. And because I am both a Tumblr girly and have massive Noether brainworms of course I decided to make a Tumblr blog.
Starting in April 2024, there will be posts about what happened on that specific day in Emmy's life. Of course there will not be a post every day, but I will try to make as many as possible (and feasible).
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praytojesus · 9 months
Rest in Peace Virgil Abloh. I luv to present u the 2.0 of my "Rest in Piece" collection. Virgil is a big inspiration to me and also for a lot of other people . I searched for the most iconic Virgil picture on the Internet and then quickly realized that his Instagram profile picture speaks the most to me. Virgil showed us how to build a brand just by using social media creatively. He showed us how easy marketing works just by postin about ur lifestyle and doing what u luv to do. The Arabic says "eternal life" 3x. Why I chose arabic? Cause lotta people can't read it and me as a Christian I wanted to show toleration and coherency to my Muslim friends. The QR-Code is a tag alternative. I didn't like a tag from the inside that's why I just put a QR code on the outside of the shirt. All in all enjoy this piece of garment and if u like the shirt, give some legacy to Virgil and help me buildin Anoeth.
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witchywildfire · 6 years
How to strengthen your Aura
So you guys seemed to like the aura posts I have done in the past and as I haven’t posted in a while I thought I would delve further into the world of the aura.
What do you mean strengthen?
So your aura is both a representation of your energies and emotions and is directly affected by them. To put it simly your aura can be anywhere between weak and pale to strong and vibrant. This is directly affected by your general mood and health; mental, physical and spiritual. If you were to compare the aura of a healthy person who eats well, does plenty of excersise and keeps a wel balanced life wih that of a person who is physically unwell, eats unhealthily and is stressed you will find the healthier person to have an aura that is both easier to see and more vibrant and positive. This is a stronger aura.
How do I know my auras strength?
Well there are many ways to test the strength of an aura. The easiest is to simply look at your aura or get anoether to but if this is not a possiblility for you there are other signs. The aura acts as an energy barrier, protecting you from negative energies, illness and even the energies other give off. If you find yourself prone to stress, illness or a general unwell feeling recently then chances are your aura is weak. You can also evaluate what you do or eat on a daily basis to guess the strength of your aura as eating healthily strengthens it.
Ok, so get on with it Lia, how do I fix it?
so there are really simple ways to strengthen your aura, you don’t need to rush to the health shop and buy seven types of medicinal herbs, all you need to do is to look at how your living. Its like shifting through all the layers of your life, you ned to take a serious look at your lifestyle choices and say “do I relly need that? Is it even good for me?(this goes for people too)” Now I don’t want to sound like your doctor lecturing you on the amount of times you head over to McDonalds but this stuff does matter.
Lets start with eating habits:
so eating helthy has an affect on your physical well being, we all know that. But what most people don’t realise is that it affects the rest of your life aswell including your aura. Lets think of it as to groups, the good and the bad. The good things that are definitely good for you such as salad and pasta. The bad is this that we all know is bad for you like take aways or that amazing burger with three types of cheese you had the other day. I’m not saying cut that out of your life completely, everyone loves chips and you should always consider what you personally like, just moderate it a little more.
But where does chocolate and apples come in? well most of you would say its obvious. But is it? When it comes down to it, everything is bad for you when you eat a lot of it, the sugar levels in fruit can be as bad as chocolate and the oil and fats in a portion of deep fried chips can rival that of a block of cheese sometimes. its all about how much of it you eat.
So of course I’m not saying go vegitaian (unless you want to then go ahead) because their eating habits can be bad too, all I’m saying is do your research, everyone has different eating habits, if you don’t like it or you feel negative after eating it don’t eat it again!
Next you need to watch the people around you:
People are a massive part of our lives. As social creatures, humans surround themselves with other humans. But this is a pretty simple one honestly. Look at how you feel when you are with people, do you feel happy or annoyed, excited or upset? Always make sure the people you surround yourself with treat you well and care about your wellbeing. I had to cut some ties with people when it comes to this one so believe me when I say its 100% worth it.
So now you need to find a balance:
Now this one is pretty difficult and longer to do and explain but put simply its something that needs to be done and its different for everyone. You don’t need to find happiness or even contemplation, you just need to be able to say this is how far I’ve come, this is how far I need to go to become who and where I want to be but I’m okay with where I am for now because I’m getting there.
The whole dress for who you want to be thing definitely works, even if you don’t know who that is yet. Just keep trying till you get what you want and remember that this will change on a regular basis if not daily.
You have to find a balance between your work, social and personal lives as well as factoring in time for yourself to just be alone. I know from experience its really very easy to let one take over the others but if this happens stop, look at yourself in the mirror and breath. You need to clear your head and calm the one track mind you will find yourself on. Now I’m not saying quit your job or start skipping school but don’t spend your time alone in you room focusing on homework or on Tumblr, go out, take a breath, spend time with your friends, but also remember that you are allowed to be alone sometimes (although this alone time should probably not be the biggest aspect of your life and definitely shouldn’t overtake everything else) you are also allowed to focus on what makes you happy and decide against going to that family brunch thing next weekend. Just make sure you are never feeling crappy or overwhelmed. These priorities will change for each person for example my friend cant handle being social for very long but i cant be alone for long times. And that’s all okay.
Relaxation techniques like meditation and listening to music can also help find a balance as they can be shown to even out the energies in yourself that will all be jostling for importance. Just take a moment to do what you feel is right in that second. Even if its going for a drive in the middle of the night with your best mates.
Wow, that’s a lot to take in. so what does it all do?
Hopefully you will feel motivated, ready and healthy. Everyone is different though so it might take you a while to find that balance. All you need to know is once your aura is strengthened it will reflect on you directly and you will be healthier and stronger on day to day life.
I hope this helps some of you and remember you can always message me if you want any more advice, help or just wanna chat, I’m always wanting to met new people.
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