#anon i did nothing but cry today so this cheered me up immensely
biggestqiblifan · 6 months
Be warned, the following content has self-harm and may be upsetting. And I genuinely feel sorry for anyone reading this and finding it relatable. I hope you get through life ok.
Please understand that I'm not writing this to get attention. I have immense troubles with talking to people about my problems. I don't know why, and I just can't seem to fix it. I prefer to just hide it and pretend it doesn't exist. After all, what was the point of admitting its existence? It can't be fixed.
But today, I just feel this need to randomly rant, even though I hope no-one will see this.
Note: Please if you're @moonelight, please, I'm begging you, keep scrolling. I'm fine.
After seeing a post from @tastetherainbow290, I just wanted to let off steam.
If anyone needs to talk, I'm here. Please DM or ask me anon/yourself.
I came home one day from school and just, fell apart.
My brother was playing with a friend, so the house was empty. I was glad. I tried to pull myself together, but it barely worked. I cried silently in the hallway.
Then I heard my brother knocking on the door and it was scary, wait, TERRIFYING how fast I managed to get my shit together, and put my cheerful mask back on, in seconds I was at the door and the two of them didn't notice anything. After helping them and giving them an excuse about homework, I shut the door and went to my room.
After chucking everything onto my bed, I just lay there and tried again to calm myself. It worked. Then as I gazed into my mirror, I realized that I SHOULD cry. I never let myself cry. On instinct. But this time, I felt like I just needed to, after all, there was no-one around.
I'm such a fucking hypocrite. Its astonishing how often and easily I go against my own advice and comforts/comforting words I offer.
So, I cried. Then I began beating myself. I also contemplated suicide and wondered why my life was so fucked and miserable, and how I manage to put on a smile everyday. I just remember telling myself that I just couldn't wait for when it would end.
I've asked several people what they think of me. Every. Single. One said that I was like an unwavering ray of sunshine. Always happy and outgoing. I should've been happy that my facade was working so well, but it scared me instead. I ended up telling my seat-mate in math a secret I only admitted to myself a couple of days prior.
I told her, "you think I 'm always nice and outgoing? Always happy, outgoing, reaching, being the one to take the first step and time to be nice? Well, that's because no-one was like to me.
My past is wounded and scarred as hell. But I live with that.
Anyways, I just needed an outlet, so I went to kitchen and got my hands on the sharpest knife in reach. Since I cover my arms, no-one would know, I cut myself. Dozens of times. Then I shaved the skin on my hand, it was soon red and raw. Sometimes I still feel like I can feel the sting, before it just fades away into nothing.
I remember, every time I did it, I muttered to myself "you deserve this."
Then I remember the horrible laughter that rang from my throat. And every now and again, my mind makes me believe that I can still hear it .
Haunting me.
But really, I'm fine. My friend pointed that out one day. We were sitting in English and she'd noticed how tired I was. Then she caught me out. She said: "You always say, you're fine and that you can do this."
I can't break that habit. If I go on about my flaws, then this will turn into a book.
Sorry to anyone bothering to read this. I didn't mean to ruin your day with sad, self-deprecating sob stories.
After all, I'm just a stranger.
So my apologies, have a cat.
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cherryplasmids · 6 years
☆ after the war ☆
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pairing: daenerys targaryen x reader  fandom: game of thrones—out of television sequence  anon request: Can write a daenerys x female reader explicit smut. Where daenerys just conquered the iron throne and later that nights she's over excited and full of adrenaline. her and the reader have a very eventful night of smut. Please and thank you  notes: first smut and shitty ending, please be nice lol
—check out my other works; masterlist
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         Cheers echoed throughout the ruined halls of the Red Keep and beyond into the city of King’s Landing. Everyone was celebrating the final victory that Daenerys Stormborn had gained. After an extremely extensive battle against both Cersei Lannister and the Night King, she and her allied forces came out on top. This would cement her claim as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms who would continue the legacy of her ancestors.
Now everyone celebrated in her honor, hoping for a prosperous and peaceful future under her reign.
You couldn’t help but stare at the particularly beautiful assets of your Queen. The red and black fabric clung to her every curve, accentuating her semi-large bust and the small bump of her ass. Her radiance increased ever since she sat upon the Iron Throne and gave her victory speech. It made your ecstatic observing her finally doing the things she was born to do.
However, there was a selfish side to you. Yes, the rebuilding of the cities and the immense responsibilities of becoming Queen were incredibly important. But those duties could wait. Perhaps after an entire week of commemoration. Instead, you wanted her to retire to her chambers with you beside her. Then she would release her body into your custody in which you would pleasure her in all the ways you desired. You wanted nothing more than to rip her battle gear off her and fuck her until she forgets everything but your name.
“Attention.” A delicate voice called out while hitting a metal spoon against a goblet. You shook away the rather nasty thoughts before giving your attention to Missandei. The former slave was glowing as well, looking healthy despite the dirt and grime that covered her body.
“It has been a long fight, my friends. But together we have made it through all adversity in order to make prodigious dreams a reality.” She looks at everyone for a brief moment, smiling once she connects eyes with Grey Worm. Then, her chocolate eyes meet with Daenerys violet pair. “However, none of these achievements would be made possible if not for the Mother of Dragons and Breaker of Chains.”
Missandei places the goblet and spoon down and walks toward the center of the room where the crown lied upon a velvet pillow. She cautiously picks it up before walking towards Daenerys.
“We the people crown Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the Second of Her Name as Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms.”
With that, the entire hall erupts into overwhelming amounts of shouts. The crown sat comfortably on Daenerys head and it made you extremely proud.
You gazed at the Queen until she looked at you. She appeared a bit startled once she did see you because the only apparent emotion that radiated off of you was complete lust. And it made her pussy wet, especially when your red painted lips twisted into a knowing smirk because of her constant squirming. You raised your finger, beckoning her. She stared, not sure of the message she would be sending if she disappeared.
But you didn’t care, you wanted her now. So, you shrugged and threw a wink at her before walking away from the hall into the Queen’s chambers.
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Daenerys quickly walked towards her chambers, her strides fast paced in order to meet you. The wetness of her vagina increased as she began thinking of what would happen when she did reach her room. Every time she had intercourse with you, it was a different experience. You loved to experiment, especially with her emotions. You tested her beyond her emotional limits, so you could witness every type of sex possible. There was angry sex, sparked by her aggravation of you smuggling yourself aboard her ship when she sailed from Essos to Westeros. There was jealous sex, caused by your insistent flirtation with Ellaria Sand. Occasionally, there would be love-making instead of the usual roughness. That simply made Daenerys weak.
But the fire in your eyes prior to your dismissal only meant one thing. She would give into all your wishes as you took claim over her. For today, you would be Queen and she would be a mere mistress.
The halls appeared the stretch itself. The never-ending corridor elongated with every step she took. All the time it took for her to walk down made her core tense up with stress. She needed to be relieved of the aching feeling, only wanting you to be the release. She needed your fingers to insert themselves into her, pumping at different speeds that would make her moan and beg for more. Just thinking about it made her thirsty for the time to come, prompting her to run towards her chamber door.
Bursting through the door, she finds an empty bed. Observing the area, she finds no trace of you. She walks further into the room, removing her cloak and crown, setting it aside on her nightstand.
The door shuts behind her, startling her. She whips around to see you, fully naked with a devious smirk on your now nude lips. The sight overwhelms her, provoking her to let out a soft moan even before you touched her. That’s how magical she believed you to be. And how fucking grateful she is that you were hers.
Without so much of a word, you push Daenerys down to the plush bed, straddling her waist. Hurriedly, you begin roughly stripping her of all her clothes. And once all her clothes are off, you pull her into a bruising kiss, grinding your pussy onto her own. She gasps into your mouth, eyes rolling shut as your grind yourself faster. You could tell she was close to the edge which occurred much quicker than you expected. So, you removed yourself before she could let loose, sparking a loud groan from her. You smirked before moving your kisses down from her face to her body.
Each kiss prompted a low moan from the Valyrian descendant. You reached her breast, pinching one rose colored nipple with one hand and removing your mouth from her lips to suck on the other. Daenerys relished in your touch even when you bit down hard on the sensitive region of tissue. But, she wanted more. She wished for you to suck on her wet genitalia and penetrate her with your fingers.
“Please,” She gasps out, causing you to look up. Your mouth was still sucking on her breast. You continue until she speaks again. “I need you to fuck me.”
Removing your mouth from her tit, you press your body over her own, and place your hand on her neck. The slight squeeze causes her violet eyes to meet your own. “And who said you were in charge, hmm?” You question seductively, watching her squirm slightly underneath.
Her lips moved to speak but no coherent words formed. Without a moment’s notice, you shove two fingers into her wet folds, prompting her to release a loud gasp. Her hand automatically grip your shoulders while she squeezed her eyes shut. As you pumped your fingers into her, she whimpered over and over again — utterly transfixing you and provoking you to insert a third finger. And oh did that send her over. Daenerys began moving her body along the rhythm of your plunging. Her moaning increased in sound and consistency, making her out of breath.
This action triggered you to move your hand faster and after another moment, she let out a noisy cry of pleasure as she convulsed under you. Tugging her hair toward you, you capture her lips to silence her moans.
After another few minutes, Daenerys relaxes and you laid yourself next to her. With a smirk, you pull her on top of you and whisper in her ear. “My turn.”
As soon as she hears this, she quickly gets to it because she needed to pleasure you. You deserved it, especially after the war.
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word count: 1,336 published: jan 28, 2018 edited: n/a
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