#anon not sure if you've read the manga or not so i wont go into detail
dreamofimmortality · 1 year
idk if you take song suggestions but totemo itai itagaritai fits nabari no ou so well. its too bad the original vy2 version isnt on spotify, only the human covers (T_T)
oughh yeag this is super nabari like i thought i could pinpoint one or two specific characters this could apply to but this is really just Nabari
linking the translation by vgperson here
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elisedonut · 2 months
can you rec me some f/f fics in the hp fandom idc what ship or rating or whatever i am DYING WHY ARE THERE SO FEW WLW FICS :,)
im going to be real with you anon as much as I do like thinking of f/f and write it occasionally I don't actually read fics much at all
typically when i really want a wlw story I actually jump to anime/manga, VN's or webcomics dsjfasdl
like I've fallen head over for Lavender yeah but unlike Percy where when i first jumped in i would read anything in sight and only in the last few months have grown picky on how he's portrayed
with Lavender i was picky from the very start and my thoughts on her don't seem to line up well with what i have seen from others fsadjfljsd so i think about her far more then i actually seek out fics involving her
Thats not to say i don't have any but just a warning ig
most are short and most are from the rare pair servers flash comps
Also secondary warning make sure to check tags and such
One True Prediction 
Minerva McGonagall/Poppy Pomfrey
The Harry Potter Expert by lumosatnight 
Romilda Vane/Ginny Weasley, Lavender Brown/Romilda Vane
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by venomousbarbie
Fleur Delacour/Ginny Weasley
AWW by AlihotsyTotsy
Hermione Granger/Angelina Johnson
The Coward and the Sneak by MidnightStargazer
Marietta Edgecombe/Pansy Parkinson
Though I will say something that's worked for me in the past when fic hunting when you don't have a specific ship you want is
Going to a character tag you like (or you know just the fandom page itself i normally do this to have less to look at so i tend to do characters i want to read)
filtering out everything except the couple type you want (so in this case everything but F/F though if you don't want gen fic make sure to click F/F in include as well)
and then excluding every popular character
(this is to get to the really fun rare stuff as well as cut out a lot of the people who are annoying and over tag characters
it makes it more likely to pull up fic actually related to the character you want but its a double edged sword since if you do like those popular characters they wont appear)
But overall it really cuts down the list fast and makes the search easier
then you can just add more or exclude more like normal
Like I just did this with Luna
cutting down a selection of 8k where most of the first page didn't even seem to be f/f focused to around 400 with all of the first page being what I was looking for and after sorting by length I got these three at the top
Metamorphosis by WantsUnicorns
Millicent Bulstrode/Luna Lovegood
The weight of surviving by vendettadays 
Cho Chang/Luna Lovegood
(make sure to check the tags before reading) give my name to the abyss by evawrites 
Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Luna Lovegood
I haven't read them so I can't vouch for quality but i think its a good example of stuff you can find
its one of the ways I used to hunt for Percy fics
you do have to tweak what character you use as your meat shields depending on who you've looking for and you'll always miss things but I just think that means you have more to discover later
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