#anon sarah ☼
kavya!! it's me, sarah!! idjdjd we haven't talked in so long, how have you been?
OMG anon sarah hiiii ♡ I’ve been okay! I’ve only got a couple more weeks of school left, but there is SO MUCH to do, so I’ve been kind of stressed. How about you? 
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ahhh I will! I probably already send you some anons in the past hehe, my name is sarah btw :)
omggg yes sarah i remember you 💜 awh it makes me even happier that we’ve talked before!! what has been keeping you busy before the boredom struck???
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lmaaaooo while reading your reply I had barbies "IM JUST LIKE YOU,, YOURE JUST LIKE ME" playing in my head!! we have lots of things in common haha. I love learning new stuff too. I actually started using codeacademy like a year ago but I somehow stopped, I could get into it again! I can absolutely relate to the reading part too, when I was younger I would just go to the library every weekend and literally fill a whole backpack with books. I rarely pick up a book nowadays so I'll definitely visit
library in the next few days. I’ve always loved writing and journaling but Ive been lacking in both lately. My main reason to avoid writing was that I don’t really have any idea what to write so thank you for your recommendations! Last holidays I got into calligraphy and I wishhhh I could draw. Pressing flowers and editing is something I want to try as well. i dont really enjoy meat and am just v v picky + weak in general. All I eat these days is sweets and fast food ://
but at least I dance around a lot haha! Improving my french, baking and shopping sounds great too! Also, since Ive never tried Ben&Jerrys I want to go buy it and eat it by myself sitting by a canal, aaand prepare for next year’s school year🌻 ahhh thank you so much for caring, for taking the time to answer in such detail and for being an inspiration
ahh wow i’m so glad you were able to relate to these things! and i’m thrilled that i could be of some help, love 💖 ((btw making different flavors of ice cream from scratch is really fun! my uncle does it with his kids all the time!)) i hope you accomplish some of those small goals of yours :) 
feel free to message or send me an ask whenever! it seems we’d get along :D
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