standingrockstories · 8 years
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standingrockstories · 8 years
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Sad photo from a friend of the last day of Oceti camp, out services are still available however virtually and through a network of healers and safe spaces around the country. If you can offer a space please fill out this form: http://tinyurl.com/Safe-Space-Offer If you are a healer wanting to offer services to water protectors please fill out here http://tinyurl.com/SR-Offer-Support If you a water protector needing emotional support or a space please fill out this form http://tinyurl.com/Seeking-Emotional-Support-Form You can also contact [email protected] I will continue connecting people to places! Thank you commUnity!
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standingrockstories · 8 years
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Prayers for Sacred Stone today, and all the Water Protectors that have taken a stand for Mother Earth, and sovereign rights. Sacred Stone was the first camp, and the last camp to stand. Today I pray all ends in a good way, and all are able to leave with dignity, respect, and with the knowledge that SS was the spark that lit the friction of change across this planet. Thank you to LaDonna, Joye, Wiyaka, Linda, and countless others for waking us up. We are eternally grateful. -Redhawk
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standingrockstories · 8 years
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4 new prints are now available at www.amodernghost.com. These prints will only be available for 2 weeks. Please allow up to 1 month for delivery (currently only US shipping available). All prints come signed and numbered, and proceeds both help me to keep documenting the fight for Native Rights, civil, & human rights. Proceeds also donated to Water Protectors in need of financial assistance when possible.
If you are not concerned with a print, but would still like to help, it is possible through paypal: [email protected]
(all remaining orders of both “Defend The Sacred” & “Milky Way” will be shipped within the next week)
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standingrockstories · 8 years
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standingrockstories · 8 years
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Oceti Sakowin camp at Standing Rock, my tiny yurt home, one of the most powerful communities to exist! Water is life! Lolly Bee
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standingrockstories · 8 years
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NO SPIRITUAL SURRENDER There was a reported 8-10 arrests yesterday at Oceti. What mainstream media failed to recognize is that a vast majority if not ALL of those arrested were independent & grassroots media taking a stand for the camp, and refusing to allow corporation controlled law enforcement to seize the camp with no documentation. Exercising the 1st amendment, and defending the liberties of this country, this is now a war of information as well as a spiritual war. There is still independent media embedded inside the camp, and they will continue to defend the right to document for treaty rights and the rights of our Native American brothers and sisters. WE ARE THE MEDIA NOW. -Redhawk
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standingrockstories · 8 years
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standingrockstories · 8 years
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Riot Police from Wisconsin and North Dakota chasing down Eric Poemz as he was reporting from the frontline.
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standingrockstories · 8 years
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Just in case anyone is caught up in mainstream media coverage of Standing Rock, the Oceti Sakowin camp was being cleaned responsibly and the burning of the structures was a respectful akcnowledgement of the sacredness of the camp. The eviction is taking place right now, with legal observers being arrested by police in full riot gear.
This morning, Indigenous Rising spoke with Darren Begay who has been managing the Navajo style structures at Oceti. He told us that as This forced evacuation grew nearer, he consulted with elders from his ancestral lands and they all agreed that based on the behavior of the law enforcement in the past, who during raids have broken and thrown away sacred items and who have shown disregard and horrible disrespect to tipis and sacred dwellings, it is best to burn these scared structures instead of having them desecrated by Morton County and North Dakota law enforcement.
Lighting our dwellings on fire is a sign of respect for them. It’s a sign of respect for the purpose they have served over these past few months. They have been containers for prayer and for brining people together. By lighting them on fire we send their smoke up like prayers. By lighting them on fire we ensure these structures go out in dignity.
Indigenous Rising Media
Photos by Stephen Yang and Scott Olson.
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standingrockstories · 8 years
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The fight don't end, we taking our words and action to Washington Deceit! March 7th - 10th, 2017! Check out http://nativenationsrise.org/ for more info! *This is a SYMBOLIC camp, no overnight sleeping allowed, planning committee-approved tipis only* (Website is still being constructed)
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standingrockstories · 8 years
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Tomorrow at 2pm the police will move in on Oceti camp to forcibly remove water protectors from the treaty land that has been home to thousands over the past few months and rightfully belongs to the people of the Standing Rock Nation. I know the courage and the resolve of the water protectors. I honor the community and the prayers. I sense the anticipation and the support. Faith, determination and bravery are burning in hearts like the fires that keep people warm this last night around camp. Whatever happens, we continue to move forward. We continue to stand to defend the sacred. We continue to support one another as a community. We each have our purpose and while it is heart wrenching for me to not be there, I must trust in my guides to lead me to be where I am supposed to be to serve in the best way. This movement has inspired all of us to step up and speak out. For everyone on the ground, you are warriors, thank you. For everyone dressed in uniforms; you can make a different choice. Thank you to everyone who helped clean up Oceti. Thank you to everyone who has braved the winter. Thank you to everyone who has continued to support. Thank you Standing Rock. Mni Wiconi Lolly Bee
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standingrockstories · 8 years
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standingrockstories · 8 years
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standingrockstories · 8 years
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Camp Updates and Water Protector Concerns 1. No one in camp knew about the arrival of the Army Corps today. When they met with the Medics they brought DAPL as well as EPA in a pre-preliminary assessment. While they were meeting the barricades were being moved closer to camp. 2. Morton county claims that they have been in communication with camp leadership, however leaders they did speak with never came close to giving the go-ahead to move the barricades closer to the camp... it was in fact the reverse that was promised, the barricades were meant to go further away from camp. The bridge was supposed to be opened up. 3. Protectors who came up to the site of the moved barricades said "We have a right to be here." TRUE. The gathering was there to witness, to keep eyes on the situation that's moving fast, with an air of calmness, but there is a definite lack of communication from law enforcement. 4. BIA are positioning tonight to control traffic and presence at the 11am meeting tomorrow at the Cannonball River by Rosebud/Sicangu camp. #PrayersUP #Vigilance #MniWiconi #FightForLife #NonViolence ocetisakowincamp.org Photos by MKUltraRE
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standingrockstories · 8 years
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Take a moment today, and reflect. -Redhawk
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standingrockstories · 8 years
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Camp Update Every day we're cleaning. Every night we're gathering and sharing food, songs and prayers. We're on the lookout and we're being watched, carefully. Spirits are staying UP in Oceti, Give a shout out MNI WICONI! #NoSpiritualSurrender #NoDAPL #NoKXL #Prayer #Honor #Respect #Caring #Compassion #Wisdom #Honesty ocetisakowincamp.org Photo by Tracie Williams from the show at 7Gen Kitchen
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