#anon should i call you bunny anon or is there a different designation youd prefer?
the-genesis-caveat · 2 years
Hey, it's me, the anon that wanted to know about creaturae! :)
I checked out the tag and I absolutely ADORE your writing!! And overall the story just sounds super good! But I think my favorite thing is the name's of your characters- I always struggle giving names to mine that suit them but yours just work really well??
Okay but I'm not just here to compliment your work as I actually have a question/request! Could you tell me how old your characters are and maybe some more things about them?
- 🐰💖
:DDD thank you!!! I have a pretty weird and arbitrary way of naming characters but it tends to work out :3
This is gonna be super long btw also I'm typing it on mobile sorry for any errors o_0
Ok ok! There's a lot of them and ages are difficult cause time is kinda fucky on creaturae. At the very least they're all adults. There's also no natural death on Creaturae and most people just stop aging at some point. Let's see...
CC is probably technically the oldest? In terms of within the story they've been around since the universe of Creaturae began. They're easily the most powerful being in the universe but they rarely actually appear or do anything, content to just act as an audience to whatever is going on already. They're suspected to have some sort of influence over the parallels however, and when they do show face it's usually to cause trouble for the main group.
Parzival, Genesis, and Iden all refer to the same character at different points in their story. They were the first self insert I put in Creaturae but they're story and backstory have changed a lot since then. Parzival started out as an avian (basically just a person with bird wings lol), grew up with Rev and Emi in a small village, found a magic pencil in a grove that was connected to CC and got creation related powers, ended up accidentally joining a death game sometime in her teen years, became a death god (and got shape shifting ish powers) and ran around with Dorian for a while until the planet formed, created the island that most of the plot occurs on, and was the catalyst and main antagonist of the first parallels arc. When she was taken down and imprisoned she took the name Genesis, and after another arc and his release, he took the name Iden. Currently he's part of the main group, though due to what amounts to a purposeful mental block he's largely depowered.
Rev is a dragonling who was born in the same village and developed a bit of a complex after one of their closest friends Parzival got random magic powers and ran off to "pursue her destiny." They relentlessly sought after and learned all the magic they could, studying on a magic-based fragment for many years. At some point shortly after they became an adult, the universe became unstable due to the lack of anything really holding it together. In order to gain enough power to help, Rev joined and won a death game, becoming a death god and using their new power to piece many of the fragments together to form the planet of Creaturae. They immediately got dragged into Parzival's shenanigans and formed the agency of TAHVA to help monitor the universe and prevent any threats (and also shut down the death games because they were being run by capitalists who wanted personal death god assassins). Currently they run TAHVA from what used to be Parzival's Castle on the island and now servers and the Hub of Creaturae.
Emi is a character I rarely talk about, he's human, lives in the one large city on the island (New Coma City), and tries very hard not to be involved in the plot. He usually succeeds. Fun fact, Emi was supposed to be a placeholder name but I ended up liking it too much XD. Emi, Rev, and Iden are all about the same age and look to be in their mid/late twenties.
Rupee was a war god summoned by Parzival during her villain arc to grant her power. Due to the nature of their agreement, he ended up stuck with Genesis during the prison arc, and afterwards got his own body. Rupee is technically a nickname, his full name is Red King Parzival. Since he mirrored Parzival's personality early on and it mostly stuck, he figured it fit well enough. He's a lot more chill than he used to be, and mostly hangs around the castle helping Rev with TAHVA missions that require a bit more force.
Jay, Lucien, and Adrian are three characters from a story I'm co authoring who show up on Creaturae after their story ends. They're married and I usually tag stuff involving the three of them specifically as #neapolitan trio (yes like the ice cream). Because of how they ended up on Creaturae they were reset to their physical prime, so they look late twenties/early thirties. Jay is usually the most relevant to the main plot, but Lucien and Adrian are typically around whenever she's involved in things.
There's a group called the Jay Syndicate made up of Jay and some of her doppelgangers from AUs of her story. The main ones are DarkJay, Whit (White Crow), DJ (Daylight Jay), Jayden, and Hailstorm. Each AU had changed to major plot events and whatnot that mean they tend to have differing power sets, personalities, and motivations. DarkJay and Whit have the most direct involvement with plotlines in Creaturae, as well as Hunter (Whit's Adrian) and DarkJay's Lucien.
Fafnir is Rev and Parzival's kid, and due to growing up in the Labyrinth he's in his early twenties. He's half dragonling and half avian, and as such has mismatched wings and can't fly. He spends most of his time in his library/hoard, occasionally playing semi important roles in the plot.
Dorian was the first other death god Parzival encountered, they met right after her death game. He's a few years older than her, and they travelled together causing trouble along with his friend/patron Basil for a while before the planet was formed. Once it was, the Labyrinth was also created, and Dorian took up residence there. He has the most influence over the semi sentient (and rather malevolent) labyrinth of beasties and spends most of his time partying it up. He's one of the most powerful characters, but like CC he's usually content to stay in his corner and not cause trouble.
Baron is a character who came from another story through complicated means, and mostly hangs around the castle helping out where he can. He's a few years older than Iden. He's a big fluffy piglin and I love him very much.
McKenzie was originally a demon of sorts but now looks more like some sort of enderman hybrid. They're a Story Collector whose job is to travel Creaturae and collect stories of all the worlds that ended up there. It's a rather important job, and Story Collectors are usually respected highly. He's friends with Mixtape and the main group and helps them our a lot.
Mixtape is I think the newest character, and my current self insert. As such, they're my age (19ish). They have a nebulous connection with Creaturae as a whole but their powers change drastically depending on what's influencing the world at any given time. They showed up sometime after the first few arcs and mostly stay in the castle so they don't get kidnapped by the current antagonists.
Petals is the second youngest character, probably no older than 21. He's a dogboy because yes and he's only been relevant so far in the current arc (tma crossover). His backstory is kind undefined but he used to be friends with Dapper, one of the current antagonists.
Dapper is one of the current arc (tma crossover) antagonists. His backstory is largely irrelevant other than he used to be friends with Petals. He looks to be around the same age as Iden etc but his actual age is unknown.
Patchwork was created by CC and looks like an amalgamation of Rupee and Iden designed purely to fuck with them and Rev. She doesn't really have much personality beyond chaotic and causes problems on purpose.
Hailey is a dragonling born with two tails, a rare genetic mutation marking her as nobility. She was raised as such and is a bit stuck up because of it. She's also a crossover arc antagonist working with Dapper and Patchwork and is in her mid thirties.
I think that covers most of the main characters? There are a few minor recurring characters as well so I'll give shorter descriptions for them :D
Verne is Rev's personal research assistant and a member of TAHVA, he's from a Scythe trilogy fanfic I never ended up writing and appeared in Creaturae due to his story being abandoned.
Lux is Fafnir's partner. They along with their parents Alex and Nick are from the same story as Neapolitan trio! Alex and Nick are a couple years younger than Jay, and Lux is about the same age as Fafnir.
There are also characters in Creaturae that aren't my ocs that have major and minor roles in the story! Most of them belong to @night-dragon937 (who also asked to be tagged in this post when they heard I was making it lol here ya go).
If you've got any more questions about Creaturae in general or some of the stuff I talked about here lmk!! I also made another Creaturae related post earlier today if you haven't seen it yet :3
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