#anon wanted us to pose this question to the audience. keep it fair.
klainepolls · 10 months
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surrealsunday · 4 years
Hollow Edge Future Ficlet
By request for @sandalwoodhusbands because I have been told I am Canadian and can’t refuse (where is the lie?)... and I guess sort of for @ariavds too... because she’s a brat.
So this all started with an anon (shout out to you, anon!) who sent an ask this morning mentioning Axel’s IG story (which I only found thanks to @jebentnietalleen. Bless you, Tara). I’ll put a gif of it at the end of the ficlet. Specifically it reminded them of HE Lucas post-kids with Eliott. I couldn’t disagree. And so... after some begging... voila.
“Théo, Théo, ssshhh,” Lucas hushes, barely managing to quiet his own laughter, “not so loud or your dad will hear.”
“So?” Théo laughs, shoving at Lucas’s shoulders and going about repositioning his arms. He laughs when Lucas lets his arms go limp, refusing to hold the poses Théo places him in. “Papa! Stop!!!”
“What? I’m not doing anything?” Lucas grins, looking up into the gentle brown eyes of his little boy. Théo has somehow become a perfect mix of Lucas and Eliott despite no shared DNA. He’s as soft and gentle as Eliott, the first to go running to help when his little sister trips and skins a knee, but he’s got a mischievous spirit and eye for trouble that is all Lucas.
“Keep them like this,” Théo instructs, once more bending Lucas’s arms and posing them palm up, away from his body.
“Like this?” Lucas asks, crooking an eyebrow. “And then what?”
Théo huffs as though Lucas were the most frustrating human prop on the planet. The reaction is all Eliott. “Then I lie down like this,” he pats the palm of Lucas’s hands, “and you do push ups.”
“Théo push ups?”
“Yes! Me push ups!”
“Ok,” Lucas agrees, adopting a serious expression. “But we have to promise that when this goes wrong and we both end up injured, we don’t tell dad.”
Théo wrinkles his forehead, looking serious beyond his years. “But daddy always knows, papa.”
Lucas snorts. It’s true. Even before Lucas has the chance to confess whatever shenanigans he and Théo have gotten up to, Eliott somehow already knows. Lucas has suspicions he has spies in the house that come in the form of a brat who just happens to be home from university for summer break. Though, that broken vase had happened long before Emily was back under their roof and somehow Eliott still knew about it despite Lucas and Théo’s most excellent gluing skills. Then again… in the spirit of all Disney princes… he probably has birds and squirrels serving as informants.
“I guess we’re not allowed to get injured then,” Lucas suggests. “Deal?”
Théo nods, a grave expression on his face. “Deal.”
He starts giggling the moment he leans his body down onto Lucas’s hands, perpendicular to the length of Lucas’s body, a predictable downside to the fact that he is just as ticklish as Lucas. And it’s no surprise that contagious laughter plus perilous gymnastic maneuvers does not make for successful stunts. Théo curls his body with laughter the moment Lucas’s hand spreads across his stomach, and it makes balancing him next to impossible. One loud shriek and he thumps down onto Lucas’s stomach.
“Fuck,” Lucas wheezes, making sure to grab Théo so he doesn’t go flopping right off the bed.
“Papa!” Théo gasps, pressing up from Lucas’s chest, which doesn’t quite help the ‘trying to refill lungs with oxygen’ task at hand. “Daddy says we can’t say that word!”
“Yeah, well,” Lucas pouts, making sure to jut out his lip in a practiced expression Théo has come to call ‘papa’s begging face’, “daddy isn’t here.”
Both Lucas and Théo gasp in matched shock at the sound of the voice at the bedroom door. And there, of course, stands Eliott… beautiful and regal… and absolutely about to lecture them both.
“It was his idea!” Lucas yells, sitting up to clamp hands around the sides of Théo’s waist as he squeals with laughter. “You know I can’t say no to him. He’s your kid!”
“Papa!” Théo giggles, wriggling until Lucas allows him to collapse with his head resting against Lucas’s chest with a huff. “You’re stupid.”
“Théo,” Eliott admonishes gently, coming to stand just to the side of the end of the bed. “We don’t use that kind of language.”
Théo sits up, turning to pout at Eliott in a way that reminds Lucas entirely of himself. “But you tell papa he’s an idiot all the time!”
Lucas doesn’t quite manage to smother his snort of laughter and Eliott sends him an exasperated look. “I know, baby,” Eliott begins patiently, “but your papa and I mean that word in a very different way.”
Lucas smirks, quirking an eyebrow and mouthing ‘What way?’ when he catches Eliott’s eye.
Théo’s forehead is wrinkled in concentration. “But how?” He asks.
“Just…” Eliott is clearly struggling to find words to explain himself. Lucas leans back with arms propped on the bed to appreciate the delightful sight of him trying. “We say it like… another way of saying I love you.”
And just like that Lucas wants to kiss him. He so badly wants to kiss him. Eliott’s eyes meet his and there’s the same yearning in his gaze.
“Me too!” Théo’s demanding voice immediately interrupts Lucas’s far too romantic musings. “I mean it too!”
Eliott shakes his head, chuckling softly. He looks to Lucas for backup but there’s not much Lucas can do but shrug, smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.
“So what were you two up to in here anyways?” Eliott asks, none-too-subtly changing the subject. The question serves its purpose however, and Théo is immediately distracted.
“Papa’s gonna do push ups with me!”
Eliott’s expression crinkles in confusion and his eyes flick to Lucas’s for explanation.
“Literally with him,” Lucas explains, leaning back onto the bed to demonstrate the push up motion with his arms. Théo nods eagerly beside him, looking back to Eliott for approval.
There’s a twinkle to Eliott’s eyes as he comes to understand their plan. “Ok,” he says, definite challenge in his voice, “let’s see then.”
“Really?” Théo and Lucas gasp in perfect unison.
“Really,” Eliott confirms, looking as though he’s one second from laughter.
Lucas meets Théo’s eye. “Ok buddy,” Lucas tips his chin down, looking at Théo seriously, “you ready to show that dad of yours what we’re all about?”
Théo’s face is all business and the sight of it nearly has Lucas cracking. He just barely manages to keep his expression neutral. “Ok, papa.”
This time around Théo lays himself across Lucas’s hands without even a hint of laughter, holding his body taught and still. He’s taking the task of showing off for Eliott so very seriously, Lucas can’t help but do the same, shifting his hands until he feels confident Théo is properly balanced and pushing up. Théo’s face immediately breaks into a smile the moment Lucas begins moving him, but he doesn’t break his pose, allowing Lucas to push him up once, twice, three times, over and over again.
In all honesty, it serves as a pretty effective workout. Lucas’s muscles burn. His biceps are unsurprisingly under a fair amount of strain, but his abs too are clenched with effort. He pulls his thighs slightly up towards his body as he tires, pushing Théo up one last time with a determined exhalation of breath, before he carefully brings him down again, letting Théo roll onto Lucas’s stomach and then off.
“Papa, you did it!” Théo crows, expression bright and joyous.
“Not bad, hunh?” Lucas smiles, sitting up and offering his hands up for a high-five which Théo gladly receives. “So,” Lucas looks up to where Eliott seems to have frozen while watching them, “what does our audience think?”
“Uh…” Eliott looks slightly shocked to be addressed and quickly clears his throat. “That was… yeah. Good. Really good.”
Lucas knows that look on Eliott’s face. He smirks. “Think so?” Lucas pulls his lower lip into his mouth, reaching down to scratch at his slightly exposed belly where his shirt had ridden up. Eliott’s eyes track the motion.
“Can we show Emmy?” Theo asks.
Eliott’s cheeks are far rosier than they had been moments prior and his eyes go quickly back to Théo. “Maybe later.” He rakes a hand back through his hair, eyes so obviously avoiding Lucas’s own. “Why don’t you go get your younger sister, and you and Julie head outside, ok, baby? Your cousin just got here.”
“Naima!” Théo shouts excitedly, quickly hopping off the bed. He reaches back for Lucas’s hand, dragging him up to a standing position. “C’mon, papa!”
Lucas chuckles and moves to follow before he’s stopped by Eliott’s firm hand on his chest. “No, you go ahead, Théo. Your papa and I will catch up. Tell your Uncle Idriss he’s to look after you guys, alright?”
Théo looks suspiciously between them both for a moment before he seems to realize any further questions will only delay his opportunity to play with Naima. “Ok!” He promptly turns and goes running out of the room, shouting as he goes. “JULIEEEEEEEEE, NAIMA IS HERE!!!”
Eliott gently closes the door behind him, turning back to face Lucas slowly.
“Why Princeling,” Lucas begins, tilting his head with a cheeky smile, “if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were planning on taking advantage of my weakened state.”
Eliott advances on him quickly, hands moving to Lucas’s waist, steps not slowing until he has Lucas pressed up against the wall next to Théo’s bed, breath warm against Lucas’s lips. “Do you have any idea how hot you are?”
Lucas expels a laugh that’s more air than anything else. His voice when it comes out is shakier than he would have expected. “My muscles get you going, Princeling. Think I don’t know that?”
“Not just that,” Eliott disagrees, eyes tracking across Lucas’s face. “You’re just…” One of his hand’s moves to cup Lucas’s face, thumb brushing along his cheekbone. “You’re just such a good dad.”
Heat spreads through Lucas’s chest at the pronouncement. “Yeah?” He smiles and knows his face is flushed with his happiness.
“Yeah,” Eliott confirms, eyes landing on Lucas’s lips. He brushes his thumb along the plump lower lip.
“And that does it for you, hunh?” Lucas teases.
A small smile pulls at Eliott’s mouth as his eyes meet Lucas’s. “You have no idea.”
He kisses Lucas as though it were their first time. It’s something Lucas will never tire of… the way Eliott kisses him. As though he’s been waiting years to do so. As though he may never have the opportunity to do so again. Lucas opens his mouth to meet the demand of Eliott’s, groaning happily as their tongues meet. Eliott’s hands move back into Lucas’s hair, gripping the strands tightly enough to have goosebumps rising across Lucas’s skin. He breaches the distance between their bodies, positioning a thigh between Lucas’s legs as he presses him back roughly into the wall. And Lucas is so on board with this plan. So entirely on board, just…
He pushes Eliott back enough to break their kiss. “Eliott,” Lucas attempts, but Eliott is not to be discouraged, his mouth moving down to Lucas’s neck, teeth scraping against the tendon he finds there. Lucas tries again, “You really gonna defile me in our son’s bedroom, Princeling?”
That gets Eliott’s attention. He raises his head, looking confused for a moment before he glances around them. His nose wrinkles with displeasure.
Lucas chuckles. “Our bedroom is across the hall. Think we can make it?” He’s only half joking.
Eliott’s face lights up with a mischievous smile. “No.” But he’s pulling Lucas towards the door with urgency anyways, wrenching it open and pausing to kiss Lucas at the threshold, pushing him back against the door jam.
“Bedroom. Bedroom,” Lucas repeats, and they breathe against one another’s lips.
“Bedroom,” Eliott agrees but makes no moves to disengage himself from Lucas’s body.
Lucas laughs, turning their bodies before shoving Eliott with some force until his back hits the closed door to their bedroom. Eliott laughs delighted, reaching for Lucas’s belt loop to drag him forward as he fumbles behind himself for the door handle.
“Hey!” It’s Idriss’s voice calling from out-of-sight at the bottom of the stairs. They both freeze in immediate unspoken agreement that the less noise they make, the less likely they are to give themselves away and have the unthinkable happen… to be cock-blocked by Idriss. “I’m giving you assholes a half hour before I’m dragging you out of there. Half hour, you hear me? Better make it count!”
Eliott grins, wrapping an arm around Lucas’s waist and pulling him close enough to press a kiss to the tip of his nose. Lucas’s entire body feels as though it’s glowing with his happiness and it’s a comfort to see the same radiance on Eliott’s face.
“Let’s make it count.”
The IG story (gif made by @ariavds​ thank you brat): 
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
You know, if we’re throwing blame around, why isn’t Clover himself responsible for his own death? He isn’t Ironwood’s brainless puppet, he made his own choices that night. And honestly he’s the one who kept STOPPING QROW FROM ATTACKING TYRIAN. Like, Qrow and Robyn played their part in this mess, too. That’s for sure. But Clover set himself up in the end
I’m going to answer this one in as much detail as I can and then save it to my meta page so I can actually return to it when needed, because I think the fandom as a whole has really misinterpreted that fight based on the circulation of leading statements like “stopped Qrow from attacking Tyrian” and “set himself up.” Which isn’t a knock against you, anon. These are claims I’ve seen circulated for months now but (like everything!) they can’t be removed from their context. 
So what actually happens during that fight? 
What happens is that Qrow starts out in a level-headed and mature place. Despite being pissed at Ironwood and having no desire to be arrested, he verbally tries to keep a fight from starting. 
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Clover, to my mind, also starts out in a level-headed and mature place. I get that the fandom doesn’t like the arrest warrant... but it is justifiable. Team RWBY was given official huntsmen licenses. They were working under Ironwood. They did lie to him and betray him. They did stand against and threaten to attack their general. Clover is a leader responsible for following the orders he’s given. Which I get is another hot-button phrase on tumblr. Only “bootlickers” just “follow orders,” but the fact remains that Clover doesn’t even know about any of the ethically complex details of this situation. All he knows is that his general and kingdom leader has ordered the arrest of the teens he was helping to train, along with their uncle. He doesn’t understand how that may or may not fit into the five second info dump said teen gave over their comms. Something something martial law and Salem’s coming. There’s no reason why he would forsake his loyalty to Ironwood as well as his duties here. Clover has no reason to prioritize Qrow’s ‘But I don’t want to be arrested’ over years of trust in Ironwood and his pride as leader of the Ace Ops. Besides, who wants to be arrested? His job isn’t to listen to every potential criminal who says they’re innocent because, you know, they’d all say that. His job is to bring them in and let the justice system decide that for him. 
In terms of “setting himself up,” all Clover did was begin a legal process that he was justified and responsible for starting. That’s it. 
Qrow, at the start, recognizes this to an extent. He’s hurt that Clover wouldn’t drop all these other parts of his identity to just let him go, but he’s not willing to physically fight him over it at first. 
As said though, “at first.” The second Robyn attacks Clover? Qrow is on board. 
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So does he go after the seething bandit who shot an arrow at Clover’s face despite him insisting that there was no reason to fight? Maybe so that once the powder-keg that is Robyn Hill is out of the way he and Clover might talk like Qrow had originally hoped? 
Nope. He attacks Clover. 
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That’s really, really important because from here on out Qrow has established himself as Clover’s enemy. As far as Clover knows he can’t trust Qrow as an ally anymore. Robyn attacked him. Qrow assisted her. Tyrian is a crazy serial killer. Clover is on his own here. 
Despite this, twice Clover tries to talk to Qrow. Twice Qrow refuses to back down. The first time is on the ship right after Qrow slashes at Clover.
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Qrow might say it doesn’t have to come to this but his words are absolutely meaningless because he’s still attacking. What is Clover supposed to do here? Not defend himself? Qrow doesn’t get to say a version of ‘We don’t have to fight’ seconds after he attacked Clover entirely unprompted. For the record, this is the exact same thing Ruby did to Harriet. She insisted they didn’t have to fight immediately after slamming through two steel doors to start a fight with Harriet. The way RT writes its heroes is by having them say a fight isn’t necessary while simultaneously having them instigate that fight themselves. And of course, it’s only unnecessary provided the other party does exactly what they want. Ruby will only back off if the Ace Ops let them go. Same here: Qrow will only stop attacking if Clover agrees to forsake his orders and let Qrow go, on top of ignoring Robyn’s attacks against him. 
The team-up between Robyn and Qrow is re-emphasized with her line, “You can hug it out once we’ve taken him down!” 
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Again, Qrow is Clover’s enemy here. He attacked him first. He continued that attack. He stood beside Robyn and allowed her to speak for them both about “taking him down.” When it comes to the fight against Tyrian, Clover is attacking both of them because both have proven themselves to be threats. He’s not stopping Qrow from attacking Tyrian because he wants to save the serial killer or something equally ridiculous. He’s making use of openings in a fight where he’s outmatched two to one. 
Before that though, we see the second time that Clover tries to diffuse the situation. After Tyrian gets free and crashes the ship, Clover approaches and tells Qrow that they can get Robyn help if he surrenders. That’s a fact. If you stop attacking me we can get her the medical attention she needs that much faster. Qrow interprets this as “manipulation.” 
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His immovable stance that he cannot and will not be arrested has justified everything else in his mind (despite arrest being the easiest and currently only way to talk to Ironwood like he wants...) To Qrow, a potential arrest is so horrific that it warrants him attacking Clover. Clover wants to peacefully take Qrow back to Atlas and hold him somewhere until they can work out whatever is going on. Qrow wants to attack Clover until he is defenseless and then he can... what? Leave him in the deadly cold? Take on the serial killer alone that he couldn’t handle less than a year ago? Somehow get medical attention for Robyn even though he’s a wanted man? Their motivations here are in no way equal. Clover is being fair within the bounds of his laws. Qrow is being a chaotic mess that’s (shock) going to get someone killed. 
This is reinforced when Clover insists that they don’t have to fight. Here, unlike when Qrow says it, his words mean something because Clover is not attacking him. He’s actually giving Qrow the chance to lower his own weapon and end this. Qrow responds emotionally, insisting that they’re not friends and “this is how it always ends.” Qrow has allowed his self-hatred, pessimism, and depression to blind him here. He literally has someone going, ‘There’s a better option where we both come out happier’ and he goes, ‘NOPE it can only end in tragedy.’ That’s been his experience and thus that’s what he insists on. 
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Qrow rejects the possibility of peace between them even though it’s being offered, right here, right now. He established himself as Clover’s enemy by attacking him first and he then re-affirms that position by insisting that they can only cross weapons. Qrow is Clover’s bad guy now. He insists on trying to hurt him. So Clover is going to defend himself any way he can. That means that when Tyrian arrives and Qrow turns to attack him, Clover makes use of his unguarded back and snags him with his hook. Why wouldn’t he? Why would he suddenly think, ‘Oh, Qrow is on my side again and we’re teaming up to take out Tyrian’? Qrow has given no indication of that. It would be an entirely different situation if, after Tyrian shows up, Qrow growls out something like, ‘Fine, let’s deal with him together and we’ll settle our problems later.’ But he doesn’t. All Clover knows is that now Qrow and Tyrian are both fighters he has to take out somehow... so yeah, use whatever advantage you can get.  
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We get a shot of Tyrian’s gleeful expression when he sees Clover attack Qrow. He knows now that they’re still fighting each other like they were on the airship and he’s already planning how to use this to his advantage. 
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When Tyrian next re-enters the fray, his moves work to defend Qrow. Eventually he succeeds in pushing Clover away from him entirely. 
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While Clover is out of earshot and picking himself off the ground, Tyrian poses his offer: let’s take him out and then the two of us can finish that unsettled score. 
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Qrow charges and, as I’ve mentioned elsewhere, it’s impossible to know who he’s charging at. Tyrian and Clover are both ahead of him. He’s attacked each prior to this moment. Clover is just as likely a target as Tyrian so, again, when he sees his opening he takes it. We can assume this is Clover interrupting an attack against Tyrian, but it would just be that: an assumption. Neither the audience nor Clover knows Qrow’s intentions here but, thus far, his intentions towards Clover have not been good. So he takes advantage of this moment where he can snag Qrow’s weapon and get a hit on Tyrian. 
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At this point in the fight Clover hasn’t a single reason to trust Qrow to have his back. Even if he wanted to still believe in him that hope is obliterated when Tyrian once again gets between them and pushes Clover back. 
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They share their look. This is Qrow agreeing with Tyrian’s proposition to take out Clover together. 
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And they attack. 
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We then know the rest of the fight. Clover is overwhelmed, his aura is broken, and Tyrian slams Qrow’s weapon through his stomach. So to answer your actual question, yes. Clover has agency... but I honestly don’t think he did anything wrong here. He never “set himself up” to be killed. He certainly never “stopped Qrow from attacking Tyrian” in the way most people mean the phrase: foolishly stopping an ally from attacking an enemy. What Clover did do was: 
Adhere to his responsibilities as a huntsmen by trying to arrest Qrow 
Insisted on this happening peacefully and emphasized that they’d work this all out later on 
Was attacked by Robyn
Was attacked by Qrow
Tried to talk Qrow down and get Robyn medical attention and was unambiguously rejected
Defended himself against Qrow and Tyrian both, first under the (correct) assumption that both were his enemies in this fight and then again with them working as a team 
Was ultimately killed by them both 
If we really want to play the ‘You attacked a (former) ally instead of Tyrian’ game then we also need to acknowledge when Clover succeeded in subduing Tyrian and instead of helping him, Qrow a) deliberately left his weapon unattended (you can see him look to it before running off) and b) broke Clover’s aura. Both actions led directly to his death. 
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We even get to see the split second Tyrian realizes that Qrow has chosen to continue attacking Clover instead of helping with his capture. Remember how stupid Robyn’s agreement with Tyrian was? If you’re doing what the crazy, Salem worshiping villain wants you to do, then what you’re doing is wrong. 
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I adore Qrow, but he was entirely in the wrong here. Every decision he made from deciding to help Robyn attack Clover, to breaking his aura after Tyrian was bound, to blaming Ironwood for it all was just a Grade A Stupid Choice. To my mind, the only knock against Clover is the argument that he shouldn’t have tried to arrest anyone in the first place which, as I’ve made clear both here and elsewhere, I find to be entirely unpersuasive. Clover was the victim. He tried to do his job in the most peaceful, empathetic way possible and was murdered for it. That murder was assisted by someone he thought he could trust and who he considered to be a friend. 
No, no one was a “mindless puppet” here. They all made their own choices. The difference is that Clover’s choices were based in responsibility, legality, hope, and compassion. Qrow’s were based in recklessness, illegality, pessimism, and hatred. Those choices simply aren’t equal.  
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deveharrington · 6 years
I think David's family vacation was about damage control for his image. His tour isn't even sold out and they aren't big venues. It sure wouldn't hurt to be seen with Tea. At least he had some quality time with his kids instead of always being with someone that can't spell potatoes.
Disclaimer: all theories ahead.
1. I really really can’t imagine him doing something on that level just for publicity, or purposefully doing something that his kids don’t like/makes them uncomfortable/breaches their privacy, at least not for this purpose (PR? for the “tour”s ticket sales??) that hasn’t really been addressed in other ways that would be much more straightforward. Also, actually, I feel that there still seems to exist a separation between the identities of Family!Dave and Rockstar!Dave, I feel he is just that type to become different people for different audiences. 
Despite his current shit, I still think he wouldn’t do THAT. 
2. As for “quality time”… D has said things in the past about that, hasn’t he? But he’s also pretty much eaten every single word he ever said, hasn’t he? :l 
3. He is in a dreamworld: Also, he seems to believe that he is a “celebrity” who is above PR somehow ?? Lmao you never know with this dude. ????!!!?!!?! 
He is in a dreamworld 2: I’m saying he thinks he can live several separate lives and reap the benefits of all of them with no consequences :-)
He seems to not give a shit what people think, and I think this is a good characteristic, but David takes it too far. He has shown that he is flippant about the opinions of people WHO ACTUALLY MATTER is what I mean. Example: his children…
He is in a dreamworld 3: I could even believe that his kids don’t actually tell him how they truly feel about his current shit and David just believes that they’re being “supportive” (if he can fall for Scammer Brad Davidson’s lies, he can fall for anything…). Or if they are honest, and I hope they actually are, David also once said that he doesn’t ask for his kid’s opinions, and I really fucking hate that he said that but maybe I am just taking that statement out of context by bringing it up for this argument or maybe he was being sarcastic no fucking clue but anyways it is something to consider. Because even if it were sarcastic, I saw that as a red flag. I just see it as crude, flippant, meant to be “funny” but not funny at all - a typical “???” statement that comes out of his mouth and eventually leads to a sour truth somewhere down the line. And I’ve already asserted (but its just my opinion) that he actually does tell the truth when he jokes or uses sarcasm. Sorry for this tangent but what I mean…
… is that, hasn’t he demonstrated already that he can live different lives (evidence: just like he can get up on that stage and transform into… that… uhm creature(strike) persona that can flail around as it does)? 
How would pics of his kids cringing at paps help his image?
Also, I don’t see any posing, just awareness of the cameras. 
Under the cut: I don’t see any other effort being made to address the low ticket sales, and discussing how David seems to actually be doing the opposite of progressing creatively by…. wasting time on a new distraction: a “documentary”… and why does the guy need a documentary???? …Another gimmicky souvenir (DVD) for Scammer Brad to “sell”/shill??? lmao…..
thx anon, as for the “potatos” thing…. yeah :l………………………………….. :)
I don’t see any other effort being made to address the low ticket sales, example: no heightened promo since the initial announcement. And if there were, I would expect it to be music related. Why not take this time to make a music video, or put music on the radio, collaborate, or even just keep posting on social media where it would be easiest to just post whatever….??? I also think that people mostly separate his family role from his nonsensical-bullshit-“rockstar”-ego-audience-energy-siphoning-creature role and so far it looks like David is doing the same. It seemed like he always kept those two things separate (?? well he sings about Tea + his kids idk maybe the songwriting, his one contribution, comes from him but the rest….). 
How would pics of his kids cringing at paps motivate people to buy a ticket to his “concert”??? lmao.
And here’s the thing.. I actually suspect (and this is just my own perspective) that he might not actually be aware of any issues in terms of the “touring”!!! OR: if he has any questions (I don’t think he does lmao but if he did…), Scammer Brad just smoothes it out with bullshit, empty promises, new distractions/“projects” so as not to lose David’s faith. I think it would be in Scammer Brad’s best interests to do everything to assure him that its all smooth sailing, its just also hilarious that Scammer Brad literally can’t do a single thing in a professional or logical manner… including hiring actual professionals for specific tasks…….. LMAO wtffff…..
The theory in Point #3 just comes from an interesting parallel of David just being like “yah, somewhere down the line I believe BFD will be made someday somewhere a place for usssssss lalalala”. 
Going off of the point #3, in terms of distractions and new gimmicks: evidence: This “music” documentary… like… Don’t get me started on the idea of “music” documentary like… dude… why do you need a documentary?? LMAO. We know why you are doing this and the truth ain’t pretty!! This is a new level of “David’s mere presence is the gift alone”. But yeah Idk maybe they need to spin some gimmicky new merch (right beside the vinyls) or try to squeeze out more ways to commodify this “touring”. If it is just a documentary just for the sake of one then I still must laugh because… how many times has David said that he’s not a musician/singer/performer and thats fine but he’s also never demonstrated that he’s even wanted to improve, choreograph, or change what he does/how he expresses himself. What I mean is that, fair enough, what he does is fine and it is his right, but I’m talking about the dearth of any creative, artistic, innovative, even just progressive aspect to all of this that you know, would typically be the focus of any documentary on an actual artist (like, he writes the lyrics but doesn’t create the melodies/engineer the sound… I know that those processes can be separate but shouldn’t the actual documentary then be about his songwriting process and not about how much David is soooooo ~loved~ across the globe??? Like, I’m sorry to say it this way but I don’t see much else to the performative/“touring” aspect of all of this that would warrant a documentary… he’s never even made a music video… his music hasn’t even hit the radio…. its not like he’s created a stage persona?? wait, has he???? lmao…. come on, Dave.) 
To try to say it quickly lmao: (just my perspective) David clearly has no purpose even to his lyrics other than to sing about himself. He has no integrity behind anything he does. The point of a documentary would be to look behind the mask, the curtain but there is LITERALLY NOTHING THERE. AHHAHAAHAH they’re selling us nothing… and the sad thing is is that there is evidence that that has been done in the past!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But there IS a documentary warranted on how his very talented young band members create their music and persevere through David’s onstage performances without falling asleep. They are genuine artists and genuinely talented so here’s hoping that shining star David can allow them some precious seconds of face time on the documentary and I’m not talking about time spent talking about and aggrandizing David lmao….
But actually, this “documentary” move makes a lot of sense in terms of David’s history of you know… FLIP FLOPPING on his own words and being defiant of the labels others place on him/ he feels he is being subjected to while at the same time trying to squeeeeeeeze out as much as he can from those labels/the attention of others.
To conclude, It seems that David wants to separate family life from his work and thats good. To David’s credit, maybe I actually don’t see him as buying into his own “celebrity” “status” (at times..)… that is, until he sees an opportunity to use that “status” to get something he wants/needs to feed his ego (he acts like he might die if his ego ain’t nourished), but that is technically his right since he technically “earned” that “status” (its just my perspective, and my perspective includes the argument that he switches the goalposts a lot and doesn’t hold consistent to any sense of morals or character so… things can go both ways for him). Though I feel like he mainly owes that “status” to being at the right place at the right time, and he definitely owes his “status”/“success” to Gillian as well :-) I’m gonna end this response on THAT note lmao. 
0 notes