#anon: ok but technically you didnt answer the second question
endless-season · 2 years
lucien vs. victor and lucien+ victor? :D
Give me two characters in my inbox
Who would win in a fight
Not Hades.
What a dangerous question...
They get caught in a stalemate and end up with a civilized win/win result... but that's a boring answer so....
Straightforward / physical fight Lucien. His evol is too OP and he probably has more relevant experience with combining and making use of them in combat.
Strategic plotting / no actual fighting Victor. I mean, they're both experts but Victor has stronger plot + character armour in this regard. Lucien would slither his way out with some form of win in some sense but Victor gets to be overall winner.
Verbal They take both take turns undermining the other and it's beautiful *wipes tears*
... Emotional: Lucien, Financial: Victor, Domesti-/bricked
How I ship them
Smart, competent, ambitious, hardworking
Notably appreciates smart, competent, ambitious, hardworking people
Angst generator,lacking an appreciation of sleep
Has high standards
Meets each other's standards
Gets things done
Truly the lasting 聪明人 alliance
Victor Side:
He watched Lucien's speech on Miracle Finder and instantly fell in investmentship
Just barges into Lucien's sekret hideout in the literal middle of the night like it's no big deal?!?!
Cryptic one liners
Understands Lucien's cryptic speeches
Knows how to look out for people
Can bring out Lucien's childish trolling side by having such amusing reactions.
Lucien Side:
Snarks tf back
Called Victor tf out when he was being ridiculous
Told Victor about his sekret hideout that even MC doesn't know about?!?!
Cryptics speeches
Understands Victor's cryptic oneliners
Requires feeding /bricked
Needs someone to look out for him /bricked
Can bring out Victors soft side via a completely opposite direction that MC did
Look I just want them to continue interacting and schemeing and snarking and crypticing bc they have such great and beautiful synergy.
Meanwhile Hades
"But he doesn't even go here" Look, I had to give him a dot point bc whenever I think of his failed proposals I get Lucitor feels
Attempts to form a partnership with both of them
Fails to meet the standard of both of them But Lucitor meet each others standards
Gets disposed by both of them. But Lucitor continually scheme and work together even across worlds
*cries at this pathetic failure of a wannabe-but-not-even-good-enough-to-be ex*
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 years
answering anon anti LO asks // S1 Finale
Questions and Answers under the cut, cause this is gonna be long!
(1) Go figure that the LO stans on here are praising Persephone for going evil and killing innocent mortals for PICKING FLOWERS. Do they know by their own logic persephone would murder them too? Over nothing? No wonder the average reader of it is only in their teens, they can’t tell deities are supposed to protect humans, not treat them like playthings to abuse and kill for any minor annoyance. 
(2) Wait, so when LO has Demeter starving mortals we’re supposed to see her as a cruel, unredeemable monster, but Persephone is empowered and in the right for murdering mortals because they picked flowers that killed nymphs she didn’t even like? How does that logic work out? How is that fair? Where the justice? Why can’t this spoiled child be held accountable for her own sins?
(3) I was disappointed in lo finale. Everyone talked how great and creppy it looked and i thought since it was a finale they would put some effort in making it  look better than usual. But this episode was like every episode-art was ok but not great. In my opinion it was worse than most of episodes bc in every episode there is 1-4 really good looking panels but in this one i didnt see nothing. They could put more effort into "persephone crazy killing moment" and in rest of panels since it was final.
(4) I just read finale... it's bad. And confusing. I think Persephone didn't murder the nymphs herself, they just died because of the villagers while she was yelling at them?? The pacing is really awkward in some moments, and the fact that most people seem to be cheering on her is just... ugh. Also some people are getting angry that she probably will be punished but not Apollo (for now), which is just weird because... sexual assault is horrible, sure, but it's not the same as literal MASS MURDER.
(5) Apparently the LO fandom is ripping each other apart on here trying to either justify Persephone's actions or the other half calling everyone awful and toxic because they're blindly supporting evil actions and how she's now irredeemable. You love to see it. I'm getting the popcorn as we speak.
(6) One thing i find so weird about LO is that there's such a weird emphasis on how Hades looks SO much older than Persephone to where she's confused for his kid. First off, why even mention that when so many are already creeped out by the age gap? Second, how can we tell? The character design is not good at showing this beyond making her looking like a ten year old or making him dress all dorky. Third, if he's actually that old looking then maybe Persephone has some daddy abandonment issues.... 
(7) Recently smythe posted on twitter drawing of Hades and giant Persephone wich looked like rhea. Its weird bc its not a first time smythe make persephone and rhea very similliar. For example thanatos description of persephone was perfect description of rhea. Maybe smythe wants to make story more greek by making hades have edyp complex XD
(8) I feel like a big problem with LO is it has no idea what it wants to be. Is it a teen drama? A comedy? A modern retelling? A coming of age story? A giant epic? A romance? A social commentary? Because i don't understand how we're supposed to reconcile Persephone being a naive college sophomore, a future (likely violent and cruel) queen, AND mass murderer all at once. If this was spread over several seasons and a long stretch of time i could get it, but it's only been two weeks in comic!
(1) As people from the fandom are saying, some readers are really projecting themselves to those characters so they will justify anything. Technically, the humans who picked flowers in the sacred place were on the wrong. BUT they didn’t know that picking flowers in this place killed nymphs. Persephone could punish them like a just goddess, but slaughtering them is just... evil. And you are right, those teens don’t treat the Greek gods as deities or even cultural figures.
(2) You should know by now that “plain” protagonist with big boobs = good. This is how pop culture works! 😅
(3) I fully agree with you in every point! Smythe needs help with the comic when it comes to pacing and art. Yes, MORE HELP
(4) Yes, from my understanding she wasn’t the one who killed them. Humans happen to gather flowers at this moment and this killed the nymphs. (which is not a thing in Greek mythology BUT OK). I know that it’s very cruel to “compare” crimes but, unfortunatelly, we have to do it in this case. (Because the narrative will push us to think that Persephone is the more just of those two.) LO Persephone deserves more punishment than LO Apollo for what she has done (if the allegations are true).
(5) I think I should see these posts and have some of that hot tea! It’s interesting to see that some people justify Persephone. “She got very mad!!“ they say, as this this an excuse for killing a whole town of people who did nothing. I also watched them say “marrying Hades will be her punishment for what she did“. In what world marrying one of the mightiest and richest gods WHO ALSO LIKES YOU AND WHOM YOU LIKE a punishment for massacre? Also, Hades is a corporation now so it’s not like she will be locked there if she goes.
(6) In the recent video I posted, which had an analysis on LO, it’s specualted that Smythe has a kink for big age gaps and different sizes of people. Hades would probably look like a man in his forties? (The man whom Smythe would fancy). But I agree the character design is terrible and I cannot tell exactly what age he is supposed to look like.
(7) So THIS is how she chose to include Greek culture into the story 😂 Also, the picture is probably a reference to Blade Runner or another sci fi movie, where the protagonist has lost his AI gf and then he realizes she was just a product, after he watched a AI woman just like her on a big screen talking to him. (Link)
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(8) This is very true. I had these questions inside me but they were under the surface and never bothered me much. But I think the comic has no clear line, atmosphere, audience etc. Young teens and people over 25 are fans of it. But I don’t think it’s deep enough to have social commentary xD We all suspect that the actions of Persephone will be excused in the end.
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