endless-season · 2 years
lucien vs. victor and lucien+ victor? :D
Give me two characters in my inbox
Who would win in a fight
Not Hades.
What a dangerous question...
They get caught in a stalemate and end up with a civilized win/win result... but that's a boring answer so....
Straightforward / physical fight Lucien. His evol is too OP and he probably has more relevant experience with combining and making use of them in combat.
Strategic plotting / no actual fighting Victor. I mean, they're both experts but Victor has stronger plot + character armour in this regard. Lucien would slither his way out with some form of win in some sense but Victor gets to be overall winner.
Verbal They take both take turns undermining the other and it's beautiful *wipes tears*
... Emotional: Lucien, Financial: Victor, Domesti-/bricked
How I ship them
Smart, competent, ambitious, hardworking
Notably appreciates smart, competent, ambitious, hardworking people
Angst generator,lacking an appreciation of sleep
Has high standards
Meets each other's standards
Gets things done
Truly the lasting 聪明人 alliance
Victor Side:
He watched Lucien's speech on Miracle Finder and instantly fell in investmentship
Just barges into Lucien's sekret hideout in the literal middle of the night like it's no big deal?!?!
Cryptic one liners
Understands Lucien's cryptic speeches
Knows how to look out for people
Can bring out Lucien's childish trolling side by having such amusing reactions.
Lucien Side:
Snarks tf back
Called Victor tf out when he was being ridiculous
Told Victor about his sekret hideout that even MC doesn't know about?!?!
Cryptics speeches
Understands Victor's cryptic oneliners
Requires feeding /bricked
Needs someone to look out for him /bricked
Can bring out Victors soft side via a completely opposite direction that MC did
Look I just want them to continue interacting and schemeing and snarking and crypticing bc they have such great and beautiful synergy.
Meanwhile Hades
"But he doesn't even go here" Look, I had to give him a dot point bc whenever I think of his failed proposals I get Lucitor feels
Attempts to form a partnership with both of them
Fails to meet the standard of both of them But Lucitor meet each others standards
Gets disposed by both of them. But Lucitor continually scheme and work together even across worlds
*cries at this pathetic failure of a wannabe-but-not-even-good-enough-to-be ex*
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r3almellow · 4 years
MLQC Boys And The Domestic Life
I kept this as PG-13 as possible.  You guys know I can be a little...naughty with my HC’s but I know that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, so I try not to do too much. I apologize if you were hoping something else! Apologies for the typos and such! 
Warning: Slight Spoilers for those who know nothing about their backstories or current events!
Kiro’s life is crazy enough as it is, so coming home to you is a nice change of pace. No cameras flashing in his face, no overly excited fans, and no manager to hound him about what he can and can’t eat. It’s just you and him just the way he likes it.
Your boy is a gamer and will always try to pull you into whatever he’s playing. 
He will buy a lot of two player games just so you can play with him. 
If its a single player game you enjoy watching him play! He’ll even offer to teach you how to play!
Since he’s also a huge fan of comics he’ll talk your ear off about them! 
Bonus points if you’re a comic book lover and/or a gamer too! 
Will fall even more in love with you if you go out of your way to buy things he’s interested in. 
“I got you this limited edition Iron Man statue! Like it?” 
He’ll marry you right then and there! 
Kiro is very playful so expect tons of play fights! Tickle fights, pillow fights, and wrestling which...turns into....you know....
Kiro enjoys going grocery shopping with you. Of course he has to be in disguise in order to shop with you in peace, but he enjoys the company while he buys things that would get him into trouble with Savin. 
However, Savin has nothing to worry about when it comes to Kiro’s eating habits, because while you’re pretty lenient with Kiro and often him join his mischievous activities, you do a great job with following his diet routine. 
You’ll sometimes join him on his diets to support him. Its hard on you, especially when the sight of french fries makes your mouth water. 
“See, honey, drinking a protein shake isn’t so bad!” 
“But I want a milkshake, barbecued ribs and a nice juicy burger!!!!” Poor baby just wants to eat!
You’re normally the one that cooks mainly because Kiro never has time to do it himself and almost always settles for something quick or whatever his nutritionist shoves down his throat.  If he does have time off you both cook together. 
If Kiro ends up breaking his diet you join him on his workouts. Kiro doesn’t mind because there’s something about you being all sweaty and panting heavily that really gets him going. 
 “I’m sweaty and gross...” 
“What a coincidence?! I’m all sweaty and gross too! Lets take a shower together.” 
In the bedroom, Kiro is definitely a cuddler and it doesn’t matter who cuddles first as long as he can feel you against him. 
Because of his busy schedule Kiro becomes extremely needy. Both in the sexual and non-sexual sense. He hates being away from you for too long and calls you almost everyday while he’s away. 
He’ll be in the middle of rehearsals while FaceTiming you and Savin is like “BOY IF YOU DON’T STOP WITH THAT PUPPY LOVE BS AND FINISH THIS DANCE NUMBER I’LL...” 
If your relationship isn’t public yet, Kiro won’t do too much, but he will steal kisses when he thinks no one is looking. You two have been caught fooling around by Savin a few times, which always ends with him scolding you both. 
He wants the world to know how much he loves you and will continue to broadcast it until hell freezes over. 
Will put his fans in their place if they try anything with you. Your sunshine ain’t afraid to lay down the law!
Top 3 Pet Names: Miss Chips, Honey, and Cutie. Honorable Mention: Cookie
As you know, Gavin’s upbringing wasn’t exactly the best and seeing what his mom went through, he never wants to put you through that. 
This man practically worships you! You’re everything he’s ever wanted in a partner so he’ll do anything to keep you in his life and happy. 
Casual dates. Nothing too fancy unless its a special occasion like a birthday or maybe....a wedding proposal?! 
Aside from that, Gavin’s pretty simple and often lets you take the lead which you find infuriating since you want him to have some sort of input in decision making when it comes to little things.
Gavin is the cook of the household mainly because you think he’s the better cook. If you make such claims, Gavin will always say that he prefers to eat whatever you make.
In bed, Gavin likes to hold you tightly from behind with his faced buried in your hair. His favorite position is where you’re hugging him and he has his head pressed against your chest. Its easier to hear your heartbeat that way. 
If you stroke his hair while holding him then he’s a goner. He’ll be out like a light and you’ll just watch how adorable he looks sleeping against you.
Days where you’re both home are referred to as “Lazy Days.” You’ll sit around, do absolutely nothing, and enjoy each other’s company. You may wash Sparky after its gone through a full week of riding through the city, but sometimes the laziness is just too strong. 
Doesn’t help when Gavin has you in his arms. The entire day can escape you when you’re in such a comfortable position. 
As for PDA, this man doesn’t care who’s watching! If he feels like kissing you then he’ll kiss you and he’s all about hand holding. If you’re uncomfortable with such gestures then he’ll refrain from doing so.
Until you say otherwise, you will be getting a lot of affection out in the open! If people glare, then he’ll just glare right back and go back to loving on you. 
Being in love with you and not caring what people think isn’t a crime, right?! 
Obviously, he won’t do anything too wild, but Gavin can be a bit mischievous when he wants to be. 
He’s not as bad as Kiro in the cheeky department, but a lot of the “accidental” touches aren’t accidents at all! 
Always your protector. Is always up for kicking someone’s ass if they look at you funny. He’d go to jail for you or...at least make whatever he’s about to do look like an accident.
Clingy Baby #2!
When he’s gone for long periods of time, he clings on to you and never lets you go once he returns. 
Holding you in his arms while you’re trying to cook, casually playing with your hands as the two of you watch TV, and heated make out sessions that often end in a night of passion. 
No one would have guessed Gavin could turn into a touch starved crazy man. But could you blame him? The things he has to go through on missions really puts him in a mood. He needs your love and affection after a long mission. 
Prefers to spoil you instead of the other way around, but let’s you pamper him. He hasn’t been shown any form of affection since his mother died, so bare with him! 
Gavin has never told you this outright, but you’re the closest thing to a home he has ever had in a very long time. Wherever you are, he wants to be right by your side. 
Top 3 Pet Names:  Babe/Baby, Beautiful, and Angel
Victor loves taking you out whether its to nice restaurants or out of the country. 
Has no problem dropping thousands on you because you deserve the world. You’ll have to tell him to calm down with how much he spoils you, but he most likely won’t listen. 
Of course he’s not completely insane and has some level of restraint. 
Ever the professional, there is a difference between how Victor treats you at work compared to when you’re home. 
He always wants you to be at your best and doesn’t want you slacking off just because you’re with him.  
At home, Victor is a way more affectionate with you. The first few times he pulled you in for a loving embrace or a kiss, you had to do a double take. This isn’t the cold-hearted CEO who picked a part your report and verbally ripped it to shreds just hours before!
Victor does most of the cooking, but if you want to help him he won’t complain. Just listen to the directions he gives you and he won’t critique you.
He does appreciate it when you cook for him. Sometimes you’ll wake up before him just to prepare a nice breakfast and his heart just swells at the sight of you doing your best to make scrambled eggs. 
“Its a little runny, but edible.” Wow...thank’s, honey. 
Victor loves taking you to Souvenir so he can cook for you. Lunch dates and dinner dates are sometimes had there. 
Sleeping wise, Victor will entwine his fingers with yours and hold your hand over his chest as he sleeps on his back and you sleep on your side. He will never admit it, but he’s a big fan of being the big spoon especially after a night of intimacy. 
Will teach you French if you ask! Will sometimes tease you by throwing out random French phrases and if you figure out what he says he’ll give you a reward!
Your man is a workaholic! You sometimes have to convince him to sleep after he spends countless hours working. Even on his days off his eyes are either glued to his phone or his computer. 
He’ll be reluctant, but he’ll drop whatever he’s doing if you’re adamant about him getting rest or spending time with you.  
If he’s already in bed looking over paperwork you can just snuggle up to him to distract him from what he’s doing. Of course he’ll complain, but all of that stops the minute he wraps his arms around you. 
Victor isn’t one for too much PDA, but he will do small things. 
For example, you’ll be at a company event, he’ll squeeze your hand gently and kiss the back of it just to see you blush.
Speaking of events, you attend all of the banquets with him. Everyone knows who you are and who you’re with. They won’t dare try any funny business with you.
 There is a big part of him that likes to brag about you to his business associates. 
“They saved a dying company through hard work and determination, has to deal with me on a daily basis, and continues to persevere even when the odds are against them. They’re one of a kind.” 
Top 3 Pet Names: Idiot/Dummy, Dear and Darling(Victor normally uses nicknames when you’re in an intimate setting and very rarely) 
Ever since he was young Lucien has known nothing but hardships and just how cruel and twisted the world was. 
Having you in his life really changes his perspective on the world. Who would have thought that a man like him would have someone as precious as you in his life?
Your dates consist of art exhibits, aquariums, and picnics in the park. Honestly Lucien prefers private and more intimate dates with you. It gives him a chance to learn more about you and to really focus on you without the distraction of the outside world. 
You cook together and its pretty much a perfect balance. You learn different recipes together and think of it as a bonding experience.
You often visit him on campus for lunch dates and to work on whatever project you’ve roped him into. 
You’re not sure why, but his students practically adore you. You’ve heard them whisper about your future with the popular professor. Talks of marriage often fills the room whenever they catch wind of you being on campus for the day. 
You find it embarrassing, but Lucien only laughs off the murmurs of his students. 
They have active imaginations, but he’d be a liar if he said he didn’t think of spending the rest of his life with you.
Lucien is fine with PDA. He’ll hold your hand and give you gentle kisses. He’ll tease you a lot!! There’s never a time where he doesn’t have you blushing. 
He enjoys catching you off guard! Lucien will even go as far as to steal a quick kiss while you’re rambling about how much stress you’re under with work. 
Lucien’s favorite thing to do with you is to relax in a nice warm bubble bath. It only turns steamy 70% of the time but Lucien truly enjoys little intimate moments like that with you. 
When it comes to sleeping, Lucien really likes it when you’re sleeping against him with your head on his chest and he has an arm around your torso.
He also likes listening to your steady breaths as you sleep. There’s something soothing about how calm you sound in your most vulnerable state. He sleeps a thousand times better when you’re with him.  
Lucien appreciates how accepting you are of him despite the fact that he’s done a lot of harm in the past. 
You trust that Lucien will never hurt you and while he knows this, he sometimes feels like he has a lot to prove. 
Deceiving you is his biggest regret and if you continue to love him, Lucien will devote his life to making you happy.
Top 3 Pet Names: My Little Fool, Love, and Silly
Done! I really hope you like it! Want to read more of my stuff?! Please go to my MLQC masterlist here!
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shinydelirium · 3 years
MLQC Season 2 Chapter 5 (Kiro) Part 1 [Hunter Game] & [The Game Starts Now] Translation [CN]
Here’s Part 1 translation for MLQC Season 2 Chapter 5 featuring Kiro. 
-Spoilers below the cut-
[Hunter Game]
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The endless red traffic light became a little blurred in the drizzling rain, and I leaned on the steering wheel for a long time.
Since I left the hospital and returned home a few days ago, I have been searching for information about the man in black and the man with dark gray eyes through internal channels.
Five days later, there is still no positive results.
Including that mysterious hunter game, whether it is through B.S. or other gray channels, there has been no news about it.
In a modern society where information is infinitely open, the existence of that man and this game seem to be like a ghost in the fragments of memory.
But I am convinced that they are real. If I couldn’t find it, it must mean that they hid it in such a way that it can’t be explained for the time being.
The red light began to flash and I slowly stepped on the accelerator.
In the face of unknown enemies, I must make adequate preparations for emergencies.
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Anna: MC, morning.
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MC: Morning, Anna.
I greeted Anna and walked into the office. As soon as I sat down, I saw an invitation letter covered with dark lines lying quietly on the desktop.
I froze for a moment and poked my head out of the office.
MC: Has anyone entered my office?
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Minor: I stayed here all night and didn’t see anyone go in.
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Willow: Are you sleepwalking?
Minor: I have been working diligently! I’ll have you know that my eyes are rounder than a light bulb!
I ignored their continuous babbling, frowned and went back to the office, staring at the mysterious invitation letter carefully.
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MC: What is this again? I must be losing my mind.***T/N: Took some liberties with this***
Suddenly someone knocked on the door. I temporarily pushed the invitation letter under a folder and responded.
Anna: Are you busy?
MC: Go ahead.
Anna: I’m here to tell you about the release of the previous Evol short film.
Anna: It’s almost as you expected. Although people are still at the peak of anxiety, it does play a positive role.
Anna: Public opinion on the Internet has gradually shifted to the direction of rational thinking and discussion, and the image of the inverted Smile Film and Television Company has also been slightly improved.
MC: That’s great….
Anna: However, for safety reasons, I think the company should be more cautious in handling Kiro’s itinerary.
MC: Don’t worry, I’ll pay attention.
After Anna left, I took out the invitation letter. I carefully observed that there was nothing suspicious around the envelope and slowly opened it.
“Dear Miss MC, you are welcomed to join this hunter game that never stops singing.”
“You don’t have to know the location, content, or anything about the game.”
“You are the game itself.”
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MC: “Hunter Game”?!
I checked the text repeatedly and my fingers became cold.
This cannot be a coincidence. Is there any omission due to the investigation in the past few days?
I inadvertently gripped the delicate letter until it wrinkled. If this is not some sick joke, then it is not so much an invitation but an arrogant and conceited provocation.
The sudden ringing of a phone pierced my ears and made me tremble.
I squeezed my palms and froze for four to five seconds before slowly picking up the phone.
On the screen, the words “Kiro” were awaited me quietly.
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Kiro: Boss?
The familiar voice came from the other side of the phone and made me slowly relax.
MC: It’s me.
Kiro: Is something wrong? Your voice doesn’t sound right.
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MC:….I’m fine! Just thinking about things.
Kiro: Such as?
MC: Such as….what are you going to do next time.
MC: You have a good nesting ground of ideas! ***T/N: Took some liberties with this line***
Kiro: Wait for me to show you the mushrooms I planted these days!
Kiro: This one on top of my head is new!
Imagining the mushroom growing on Kiro’s head, I couldn’t help laughing.
Kiro: I wrote a song at home these past few days and I will send it to you when the demo is ready.
MC: In that case, I’m looking forward to it.
Kiro: When my ban is lifted in a few days, I must have a big meal!
Kiro: Do you have anything in particular you want to eat?
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MC: If you’re not afraid of snitching on me to Savin, I choose hot pot.
Kiro let out a little laugh on the other end of the phone. I can already imagine how absolutely loyal this hot pot fan is.
Kiro: By the way, did you receive anything special recently?
My heart thudded. I looked down at the invitation letter in my hand and touched my mouth.
MC: Kiro, have you.....ever heard of a hunter game?
*something breaks*
As soon as the words were out of my mouth, the sound of glass shattering came to my ears.
Kiro: How would you know about this?!
MC: ….I received an invitation letter today. It should be considered the “special thing” you just asked about.
His voice became extremely fast, but suddenly turned sporadic. The sound of static gradually covered Kiro’s words.
MC: What are you saying? I can’t hear you clearly!
I heard a restless and strange, low frequency sound from my right and I stiffly casted my eyes on the wall.
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A silver arc stretched along the wall, making an oval that was exactly the right size for a person to pass through.
I suddenly found that I have lost my strength to move, and my head felt dizzy. In my blurred vision, a man seemed to come out from the other end of the wall.
In the last second before losing consciousness, I struggled to grasp his hand and saw a pair of dark gray eyes and a slate symbol full of thorns.
[The Game Starts Now]
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….So cold.
The cold woke me.
When I opened my eyes, I noticed that most of my body was immersed in water.
The frigid river water made my whole body very stiff. If I had slept for even a few more hours, I might have frozen to death here.
I struggled to get up and knelt on the bank to look around.
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Dark clouds occupy the entire sky and I am in, what looks like, an endless dense forest . Rain is falling lightly.
As I slowly approached the big tree by the waterside, some cold, hard object gingerly brushed my neck.
I stretched out my hand and realized that a metal collar was around my neck.
MC: What is this….
As if responding to my question, the metal collar suddenly glowed. Before my eyes,  a weird projection screen appeared.
A thorny “8” symbol appeared in the center of the screen display. The beginning and the end of the symbol didn’t seem right but from certain angles, they seem to overlap.
It looked never-ending.
Electronic voice: Dear players, welcome to the game arena of the first level of the ninth area of the Hunter Game.
Electronic voice: It is 6:07:19 in the afternoon. You can confirm the latest time at any moment by saying “Current Time.”
Some brisk male voice sounded from the metal collar. Following his introduction, a miniature map appeared on the projection screen with dozens of red dots.
Amongst them, there is a red dot flashing faintly, and its location is just by the river.
Electronic voice: The metal collar is equipped with a GPS positioning system. The flashing red dot is where you are. You can get map information at any time through the command “Open map.”
Electronic voice: The metal collar will record the points you earned, and the rewards gained will also be communicated he--
*something blows up*
An explosion interrupted his words, and faint black smoke rose slowly, diagonally in front of me. Before long, it disappeared into the rain.
Electronic voice: Hunter No. 3 died, his points were cleared.
Electronic voice: Out.
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MC: What happened? What is he saying?
My heart was beating fast, and cold sweat was slightly oozing from my back.
Electronic voice: I hope everyone can listen to the introduction before taking any action.
Electronic voice: If the metal collar is damaged by external force, it will automatically detonate, so please don’t attempt it lightly.
Electronic voice: Here, any consequences of non-compliance with the regulations will be reinforced by you.
Electronic voice: The top 3 players can advance to the next level of game play and get the first round of game rewards at the same time.
Electronic voice: If you fail to advance, there is a chance to leave safely or to challenge again.
Electronic voice: But if you are unfortunately “eliminated” in the game….
Electronic voice: You will disappear from this world.
Electronic voice: We express our sincere welcome to your arrival and wish you victory in the game.
The brisk voice stopped and the bright blue casting screen closed.
My fingers were shaking. I kept taking deep breaths, pulling at my stiff fingertips again and again.
I touched my thigh and found that the anesthesia gun and knife hidden on one side were still there.
In the last second before I lost consciousness, I saw the man with the dark gray eyes, a playful smile on his lips.
This person was not only related to the illegal drugs, but also brought me into this game. He also didn’t seem to shy away from appearing in front of me.
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MC: What a conceited person.
Although it was unexpected, I have the opportunity to get acquainted with this hunter game that lives in illusion.
I knew I was unable to remove the metal collar, so I didn’t try to destroy it, Instead, I dragged my heavy body and walked into the depths of the forest.
The most important thing now is to find a safe place, take a good rest and organize the information that was given.
On the previously displayed map, there are a few red dots that are very close to me.
Are they the other participants?
I only hesitated for a moment, then took another step.
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In the broadcast just now, that person didn’t say how to earn points but….
My pace is getting faster and faster, recalling the picture of Lu Kang running with scars on his body.
The electronic voice said that the player was out, and my scalp began to turn numb.
A bullet swiftly grazed the side of my shoe. I lost my balance, and I instantly fell to the ground.
But I didn’t have any time to hesitate. As I fell, I immediately rolled back to a trunk on the right.
MC: Cough…!!
I immediately covered my mouth with my hand, and couldn’t help but feel nauseous and wanted to retch.
??: Open map.
As a middle-aged man’s hoarse voice spoke, a bright blue light flashed from the lower left corner of my peripheral vision, which was quite obvious in the dark forest.
The heavy footsteps slowly approached where I was, and I gritted my teeth and tried to keep myself quiet.
At the same time, I took out my knife and quietly cut a small piece of clothing.
I gently inserted the piece of cloth into the gap in the trunk, making the illusion that I was still staying in place. And in the next instant, he threw a knife sharply towards the light-emitting place.
??: Shit!! ***T/N: I’m sure this is a curse word from the original CN text XD***
As the bright blue light disappeared, I quickly rolled to the other side.
*multiple gunshots*
A continuous line of gunfire rained down upon the place where I just hiding. The harsh bullets ripped through the air, and I hugged my head and ducked behind another nearby tree.
The shooting finally ended. Perhaps the man ran out of ammunition. The terrible smell of burning trees hung in the air.
The man seemed to be worried that the screen light would give away his position in advance. In order to confirm the result of shooting me down, he didn’t open the map again and walked over.
My left hand tightly wraps around my right hand to keep it from shaking too much.
I know that there is only one chance.
I stealthily grabbed my anesthesia gun, waiting for the sole opportunity.
A man who appeared to be in his forties showed up in my field of vision. He was wearing a vest with a bag on his back. He held the submachine gun on his shoulder as if he was holding a winning ticket.
Seeing the open space littered with only bullet marks, the man was clearly taken aback. When he turned around, he saw me hiding in the shadows and holding a gun.
I didn’t hesitate. The narcotic bullet hit the man’s arm instantly. He held his arm in horror, and ran while pointing the cold gun at me.
It’s a pity that he didn’t have a chance to pull the trigger. In the next second, he fell backward and collapsed onto the ground, unconscious.
Electronic voice: Hunter No. 29 attacked successfully, scored 5 points.
I was panting, trying to stand up, but found that I couldn’t move at all. I beat my thighs repeatedly, gritted my teeth and stood up.
The medicine in this anesthesia gun would bring down even an elephant within 10 seconds.
At this time, I am extremely grateful to this arrogant messenger, and thank him for leaving me a small chance of survival.
I quickly retrieved my thrown knife and checked to see that there were still bullets in the man’s submachine gun. It was a little heavy but I picked it up and ran deep into the forest without hesitation.
MC: Show location.
The screen only appeared for a moment, and then I turned it off. Fortunately, there are no other red dots nearby.
The sky is getting darker, and the screen’s light can reveal my position earlier than the electronic map.
I found a particularly huge leaf. After thinking about it, I got under the leaf and heaved violently.
The abrasions caused by the tumbling just now started to hurt. The damp weather and soaked clothes made me cold, and my stomach began to ache.
I smiled bitterly and looked into the sky through the gaps in the leaves. This hunter game is more terrifying and dangerous than I thought.
There was movement along the ground and an inexplicable feeling made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
Someone is close.
-End of Part 1-
-Continue to Part 2-
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all-things-mlqc · 4 years
Boys reaction to MC who never have date before meeting them. Like, the boys as MC's first love.
My first HC on here and I was memeing half the time while writing it. Included what the boys would do after hearing this news as well because why not. I’m not a Lucien fan but lord have mercy on my soul, I couldn’t help making his romantic af. He is the ideal boyfriend/date minus the l i e s that come in the MS and I hate it. All the crossed out stuff is just commentary because I couldn’t help myself. Hope you enjoy~ Thank you for your ask <3
How the MLQC boys react to being MC’s first love below the cut~
Follows with some snarky comment after he calls her “Dummy”.
Let’s be real here, if he doesn’t call her dummy immediately, then something is wrong. Reminds me of when we streamed the first episode of MLQC and we were all yelling “CALL US BAKA” the second Victor came on screen.
While he seems cool and collected on the outside, you can hear the computer shutdown sound play on the inside.
To him, this is a shocking confession.
Victor: I’m not surprised a dummy like you hasn’t been in a serious relationship before.
Victor, internally: How has she never been in a serious relationship before??
He’s not very good at expressing himself honestly through his words but he truly admires MCs hardworking nature.
He finds that very attractive in a woman and is surprised that other men in the line of business haven’t taken their shot with her yet. it’s because they can feel your death stare on the back of their heads, kind sir
One thing he struggles with is being himself. He tries to act like everything is in his control all the time.
Because of this, upon hearing MCs confession, he invites her to a fancy dinner at his penthouse insert Victor’s Dazzling Date because THATS ALL THAT MATTERS. Jkjk haha... unless...
He wants to impress her as much as possible even though he knows deep down that she doesn’t care about what a person has and rather how they are as a person
BUT ALAS. The stress be real for her first boyfriend.
He wants her to know she made a good decision without verbally telling her out of his own bitch mouth I love you, please call me baka so he goes over the top with their first date.
Basically pulls a Mr. Krabs when taking Mrs. Puff on a date. Just add shades to Mr. Krabs to represent Victor’s “I’m calm. I’m chill. I’m all good. We vibin out here.”
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All MC wants from him is his honest and genuine thoughts. and a lifetime stock of pudding because good god a girl has chocolate needs
MC eventually figures out Victor’s intentions with all the gifts he rains on her because hE dOesNt nEeD tHeM he can’t give her anything more than a cup of pudding up front
MC knows this and accepts the secret gifts with a smile.
She sends a gift in return to his office the following day along with a thank you for the wonderful date.
Can you hear that? It’s the sound of Victor’s heart rate slowing to the average persons.
insert pikachu meme
This boy is mind blown.
“How have you never been in a relationship before??? That can’t be true!”
Kiro sees the good in everyone, so hearing that MC has never been in a relationship before him is
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He gives her a bright smile and playfully hugs her from behind.
The two of them laugh together as he whispers genuinely in her ear,
“I promise to make you happy. You won’t regret it.”
He immediately drags her off to Loveland’s Amusement Park, where they spend the whole day together.
Rides, snacks, games, you name it, they did it all.
Kiro naturally spoils MC without putting much thought to it.
It’s like a reflex for him. It’s just who he is as a person. Always wants to share the happiness in the world with the people he cares about.
As for how anxious he is after hearing the news about being MC’s first love, he is screaming at a pitch only dogs can hear.
Almost 100% of the time he has a smile on his face and even convinces himself that he’s not worried about it.
But he is.
It only hits him when he thinks about another man taking MC away from him after seeing her talking with another guy.
MC will catch him without his carefree smile at times and eventually confronts him about it.
He shows her a wide smile and says there’s nothing to worry about.
After a few attempts of trying to get Kiro to open up about it, he gives in and says he’s worried he’s not good enough for her HAHAHHA, GOOD ONE KIRO
MC, however, turns it around on him
MC: I’m afraid IM the one who isn’t good enough for you.
They both smile and embrace each other, knowing they’ll get through any little concerns like this.
He knows.
We’re talking about the boy who has been in love with MC since high school; Who has protected her behind the scenes ever since he laid eyes on her.
He would know if she had been in a previous or current relationship.
It only comes as a shock when she says she’s never been interested in anyone else romantically before. Lies. Have you seen the other suitors, MC. In a world where guys are that hot, you must’ve had at least 1 crush, c’mon sis.
Gavin respected her personal boundaries and never looked into her personal affairs so he had very little knowledge of her views on other guys.
He gets a little bit nervous, since he believes her standards must be high if she hasn’t been interested in anyone else before.
Does the full on soldier oath, bend the knee cliche which includes “I promise to always protect you” and “Nobody will ever be good enough for you”
Mc: Gavin no...
Spoiler alert: You are waayyyyy too good for me, Gavin.
He doesn’t have too much anxiety over the thought of being MC’s first love though since he’s very good at staying true to himself and knows MC is one to admire that about others.
Gavin is a quiet guy in general. He’s more of an observer and watches MC to take note of what she enjoys.
When he sees her eyes shine bright after seeing a delicious dessert cafe, he offers to take her. He makes sure to express how he also wants to go since he knows she won’t accept unless he is interested as well.
Boy literally has no interests the moment he’s with MC. He is essentially that vine
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Doesn’t even wait until the question is over and just “Absolutely. Let’s do it”
MC: But I haven’t even said anything yet...
He isn’t much different from how he is now. Has around the same amount of anxiety just from being in MCs presence.
Boy just wants to PROTECC and is always panicking on the inside but tries to remain calm.
He is very good at calming his anxiety though since he’s had so long to understand what MC values and knows she just loves people for themselves.
That’s all he needs.
His eyes widen slightly at MCs confession.
It’s nothing too mind blowing for him since he knows how refined MC is and how dedicated she is to her work.
It’s still surprising to him that nobody has tried to sweep her off her feet yet.
With how kind MC is, it would be hard for her to refuse a date with a gentleman.
Lucien gently presses a kiss to MCs hand upon hearing her confession.
Lucien: I am honored to be given the opportunity TO WOO to take such a beautiful lady out on a date~ AND MORE PLEASE
Lucien is the definition of a gentleman shhhh we aren’t speaking of current chapters in the main route Lucien. Cover your eyes. Pretend you do not see.
With little to no anxiety showing on his face after the reveal that he is MCs first love, he insists on taking her out to a nice restaurant the most classy and romantic 5 star restaurant Loveland City has to offer as a way to thank her for dealing with his bs (both his bullshit and black swan hahaha I’m so funny oml) being given the opportunity to treat her as a beautiful young lady should be treated.
He’s also more on the less anxious side of being MCs first love.
Lucien is a traditional man and does stuff by the book.
Because of this, he respects and likes the idea of being MCs first love.
He doesn’t go over the top yet isn’t cliche with dates and little actions.
He knows exactly what to say and when to say it. Though he may struggle with being openly honest about his own thoughts and feelings, he tries his best to express himself for MC. a lot of the time he just assumes talking to her about his personal affairs would bring her down.
This, however, gets better overtime as they continue to date.
They spend a lovely evening at dinner together and take a midnight stroll through the city oh god city stroll PTSD
He gently wraps his jacket around her bare shoulders with a soft smile as he thanks her once again for believing in him believing he is worthy of her
Shaw, smirking: Is that so?
Oohhhhh you know what that smirk does to me. DOWN BOY D O W N.
He’s surprised but his reaction is very mutual.
His internal thoughts are more on the line of “Hmm I’m her first boyfriend, aye?” and “OYA OYA”
He very likely most definitely places his hand on the wall beside her head and leans in closely to get a reaction from her as he growls,
Shaw: So that means you really like me, yeah? I’m making this way too hot gdi. Shaw stans please enjoy your food
MC looks up to see that same playful smirk resting on his face.
highkey don’t know how to respond because Im just “ok think of 3 things she would probably say and go from there” while my brain just computer error sound
MC: and what about yourself? I’m sure there are tons of girls throwing themselves at you yet you choose me.
He pulls away and places his hands in his pockets with a chuckle.
Shaw: I’ve had my fair share before.
iVe HaD mY fAiR sHarE bEfoRe MY ASS
I’m convinced he’s had one time things with girls purely for information or he isn’t the least bit interested in relationships because he thrives on stimulation and entertainment and nOboDy iS gOoD eNouGh plus he literally asks what people do on dates when taking mc out in his first date in game SO
Either way, this is a LIE. The man can’t relationship for the life of him so he has no RIGHTS to tease her.
Just let him believe or you can try to tease him about it in hopes of getting a little pouty face out of him.
Honestly, their first date would just be the first date we got in the game and nobody can convince me otherwise.
Shaw is a wild child and doesn’t care for romantic dates. at least that’s what he wants you to think
A little insight on his character: He’s very blunt and easily pushes people away all the while keeping them close enough to gather intel. He doesn’t get emotionally attached to anyone and makes sure it’s mutual on both ends. Personal relationships only drag him down, especially in his line of work. He prioritizes other things before relationships which makes him so damn FRUSTRATING BUT I SWEAR I WILL CRACK YOU OPEN LIKE A WALNUT JUST YOU WATCH ME.
With that being said, after actually being in a relationship with MC for a while and opening up about their personal lives more, Shaw can be very romantic. He may be awkward for a bit at first since he literally doesn’t know what a date is but he gets there eventually.
He’s still full of fun but is also very gentle and makes sure MC is enjoying herself.
I got sidetracked with the actual HC on this one but Shaw stans need food I NEED FOOD
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maomao-words · 4 years
I have already posted this on my other blog @hejer-maomao​ as my first work in the MLQC fandom but I thought it would be best to re-post it here for the sake of order. (Please note that this has been re-posted with a few changes and alternations)
I will be soon opening my ask box and posting my rules for requests (❀╹◡╹)ノ~
Until then, I hope you enjoy these!
Victor, Gavin, Kiro and Lucien: Hugs/Kisses/Special touch Headcannons
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Hugs or Kisses?
Victor is not exceedingly touchy or overly affectionate, at least when it comes to public settings. Tender kisses and warm hugs are often kept behind closed door, as Victor is not keen on displaying the intimate side of your relationship for all to see. You are his after all, and he’s too possessive to let anyone see how red your cheeks get when he claims your lips or how you slightly tremble between his arms every time he tightly embraces your figure.
However, this does not mean that Victor’s affection is absent altogether. It’s subtle, faint but it is still there. It’s a hand on the small of your back to gently guide you among crowds. It’s the soft smile that grazes his lips whenever you smile brightly at him, eyes twinkling in pure happiness. It’s the way he never fails to wrap his long, slender fingers around your wrist every time he senses your anxiety or nervousness, silently promising that he’s there for you and he’s not going anywhere. It’s everywhere. It’s there every step of your way, providing you with the strength you need to move forward and with the reminder that you are loved. Incredibly and passionately so.
Special touch?
Sleepy touches.
Every time you doze off, your head nestled against Victor’s sturdy chest,his hands will automatically seek your skin. As if all of the affection he held off during the day finally broke free, Victor will thread his fingers into your hair, poke at your cheeks, caress your thighs and whisper into your ears. Any exposed patch of your skin will be pampered and spoiled with attention. Victor’s touch is feather-light, not enough to wake you up from your sleep, but unyielding enough to satisfy his hunger for you and maybe even make you softly moan in your sleep. Victor is just too careful not to let you catch him in the act, and you will lose your head trying to prove that you felt his hands touching your body the whole night. This man will deny it with all of his might til the end of the world, but even your suspicions won’t stop him from doing this all over again every night.
Hugs or Kisses?
Gavin loves absolutely nothing more than to hold you within his arms, bury his face in the crook of your neck and stay there even if the world was crumbling around you both. The minute he sees you walking down the stairs of you apartment to meet him, Gavin has already his arms wide open to tenderly embrace you before even uttering a proper hello. The last thing he never fails to do when it’s time to separate for the night is to pull you closer to his chest and rest his head on top of your head, chuckling in satisfaction each time you complain how heavy he is. Hugs allow Gavin to feel your warmth, sense your steady heartbeats against him and your warm breath in his ear. Every time he holds you, Gavin’s tense muscles and anxious nerves instantly relax. You’re there. You’re fine, and you’re with him. And nothing can make him any happier.
Special touch?
Holding hands.
It might sound too mundane and common, but Gavin simply adores holding hands with you. He loves it. He loves how warm your skin feels against his, how your hand fits perfectly into his own, as if it was made just for him. He likes to be connected with you, while walking, while talking, while doing nothing at all. Only when your hand is in his, the wind surrounding you both, gently playing with the strands of your hair, does Gavin feel at peace
Sometimes, Gavin would let go of your hand only to caress your palm, tease your fingers one by one, and tenderly kiss your knuckles. He adores looking at your reaction every time he does it, likes it when you blush and stutter, before entrusting yourself to him, drowning in all of the love Gavin pours for you.
Hugs or Kisses?
This man is in a state of constant thirst for your touch, in any form you offer it. Whether be it soft good luck pecks before he goes out on stage of one of his biggest concerts, or those congratulatory passionate kisses you excitedly give to him each time he wins an award, or those sleepy, sloppy good morning kisses you drop on his lips before dragging yourself out of bed to seek your cup of coffee, Kiro loves each and every one of them.
He loves your tender yet short hugs when you send him off to work, the long and tight embraces you envelop him in when he comes back at midnight to you, tired and exhausted. Kiro feels safe within your arm, loved, appreciated and treasured.
As long as he can touch your skin and feel your warmth on his flesh, Kiro is satisfied.
Special touch?
A soft peck on your nose.
These special kisses are reserved for the days where you’re feeling so down you can barely muster up the courage to smile even at Kiro, the days where your heart feels like it’s being shredded into pieces and your demons come to haunt your every thought, leaving you feeling hollow and weak.
On those awful days, Kiro gently would cup your cheeks with his two warm palms, stare at your eyes for few long seconds before dropping a sweet peck on the tip of you nose. He then watches with absolute satisfaction as you scrunches up your nose, softly chuckling at his actions before tenderly telling him how silly he is, all the while looking at him with so much love in your eyes, the weight on your shoulders suddenly feeling lighter, demons banished from your mind.
You believe that Kiro’s kisses are magical, and no one can convince you otherwise.
Hugs or Kisses?
Kisses. All types of kisses.
Whether it’s a tiny peck on your cheek or a French kiss that steals your breath away, a fleeting touch of lips on your neck or an open-mouthed kiss that sends shivers down your spine, Lucien is constantly pressing his lips against your skin. His kisses come randomly and spontaneously, and you can never predict them. You can receive them first in the morning, when you’re drowning between your work papers or even when you’re crying your eyes out over a sad movie. No matter how good or bad you are feeling, Lucien’s first reaction to console or praise you is to kiss you.
It has become such a natural routine, that you started expecting Lucien’s kisses, turning your face towards your lover once you see him walking up to you, earning you a low, amused chuckle from him as he bends down to kiss you on whatever spot he fancied at the moment.
Special touch?
Hugging you from behind.
Using his height to his advantage, Lucien would come up to you while you’re applying your make-up in front of the mirror, trying (without avail) to cook him a simple dish in the kitchen, or simply staring out of the window as a small drizzle falls from the sky, and embraces you from behind, settling his chin on top of your shoulder. Lucien would hum dismissively at your questioning glance and urges you to resume your work and not pay him any attention. He’s simply content by nestling his face in the crook of your neck, breathe in your soothing scent and feel your warmth surround him.
Lucien can stay like that for hours upon hours with no end in sight, following you with his arms still around you, as you move around the room completing different tasks. You got so used to these hugs to the point you didn’t mind him hanging off of you anymore, and you simply let him do what he wanted, spoiling him as much as possible.
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they-call-me-megs · 4 years
Let It Be Me - MLQC - Gavin x MC
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Well....hello there.  I’m new to Tumblr (or, new to being back--I was here for a while but fairly quite and then left for a bit, only to return once I realized I still was regularly checking some of my favorite pages/writers!).  I’ve been reading fan fiction for a looonnnggggg time, but have only ever been and enjoyer and not a contributor.  I don’t know if I will ever be a regular writer, but decided to give it a shot.  I saw some writing prompts posted by a writer I really enjoy, and as I was thinking through a request I would like to make and stories I would like to see, I got the bug to just give one a try myself!  So here we are.  I’d like to shout out @hifftn​ for taking the time to read my rough draft and give me some suggestions--this was my first time reaching out to her and she was so kind and amazing and I have been following her page for a good while now, so thank you! I love the MLQC and Voltage fandoms and I’m excited to actually be active now and to give kudos to some of my favorites writers where they are due (because I am convinced that some of the best writers out there are housed here!). 
So here’s my very first stab at writing.  I don’t expect it to be read by many (or maybe any) but I think it’s good for me to try new things every once in a while.  If you do happen to read it and want to give some tips/suggestions/encouragement/anything I’d love to have it!  Here’s hoping the format isn’t crazy--thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
Warnings: some language. No smut...yet ;) 
The boy who everyone seemed to fear when you were growing up—including you. 
The now man who took his job seriously to protect those around him…and as he regularly stated--to protect you.
The one who, after time, had been such a confidant and the one you could always rely on. Through job stresses, and heartbreak and messy break ups and all the ups and downs of life. A firm and steady rock when you felt like the waves—constantly raging. Constantly changing.
The one who you viewed as just a friend until more time went on. And the more you got to see who he truly is—the Gavin that only you seemed to get to see, the more you wondered “what if”.
But you.
You were too afraid of losing the person that meant the most to you, afraid he may not see you that way.  So you decided to keep those “what ifs” at bay and push them out of sight and out of mind, satisfied knowing that he really did mean it, that he would protect you and be there for you forever. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that his words were true. And you were stuck chasing the wrong person and after the wrong person hoping maybe someday someone squash the “what ifs” away.
After a great finish on your latest project, Willow, Kiki, and Anna insisted on a night of drinks and dancing. You weren’t one to typically go for that, but you’d been working so hard and sometimes it really was nice to let loose with your friends. You agreed to at least one stop and you’d take it from there.  The four of you walked into a crowded bar with live music and found a small table towards the back as your home base for the evening. A couple of rounds in, you could feel yourself loosen up and were ready to see where the night would take you. 
“Next round is on me! I’m getting us shots!” you told the girls as you headed to the bar. 
You had been waiting at the bar for a couple of minutes when you “ahem” and a deep voice that exuded confidence. 
“My, my. I don’t think I’ve seen you around before and I know that I’d remember your face if I’d ever seen it. I’m Michael—and you would be?” 
You rolled your eyes as you turned his way, only to be pleasantly surprised.  The man talking to you had reason to have confidence in his voice.  He had dark hair that was just long enough to slick back with a small piece that hung just above his eye.  He was well-dressed--maroon slacks and a button-up shirt that had obviously been tailor to perfectly show that he was fit underneath it all. 
“MC”, you tried shouting back over the music and the crowd noise.
He slid right next to you and leaned in closer to your ear—a bit closer than you expected from a stranger you had never met, but you didn’t immediately blow him off. 
“I didn’t quite hear you, and I want to make sure I don’t miss the name of the most beautiful girl in the room”.
“I said my name is MC, and while I appreciate the compliment and you’re not too bad on the eyes yourself, I’ve really got to get going. I’m here with my friends—have a nice night”.
You gave him a wink and turned to walk away, but he grabbed your hand right before you were out of reach.
“At least consider saving a dance for me before the night is over. I’ll make it worth your time,” he said winking right back at you after pulling you closer.  
You couldn’t help but smirk—there was no lying to yourself. He was an extremely attractive guy with a smile that was dripping with charm. Not wanting to commit to anything while fully knowing you’d end up dancing, you left him with a flirty: “Maybe, if you’re lucky,” and turned to go back to your table.
“Who was that? He was cute.” Kiki couldn’t help herself--she had a radar for attractive men and she was always in favor when you considered chatting one up.
“His name was Michael—he very much so wants to dance with me tonight—I don’t know. He’s cute, I guess. I think he thinks he’s a real smooth talker…maybe a bit pushy, though.”
“Maybe pushy could be a good thing! You’ll get to find out if you actually go dance with him, if you know what I mean. He’s still got his eye on you”, Kiki said smiling at you and nudging your side with her elbow. 
She wasn’t wrong. He was looking your way. And his look seemed to follow your every move.
“He seems a little creepy to me,'' Anna said. “I’d steer clear”. It was from her expression that she was not Team New Guy.
“I’m with Anna,” Willow said. “Besides, I still don’t understand why you even give some of these guys you talk to the time of day when you have the perfect person for you right under your nose”.
They all saw the way you were around Gavin. You tried to play cool but every once in a while, there was a crack in your façade and your friends could recognize the change in your eyes and the way your shoulders seemed to relax in a way they normally didn’t when he was around.  You always got flustered when they brought Gavin in any way that involved you being more than friends--it was easy to push down any budding feelings when it wasn’t brought to your attention. 
“You guys need to give it up. I care about my friendship with Gavin way too much to risk it. And besides—if he was interested in being more than friends with me, he’s had a lot of opportunities to take a shot. He hasn’t, and that’s okay. I’ve come to terms with it. And I’ve also come to terms with the fact that one dance with Mister Following Eyes won’t hurt anyone”. You downed another shot and marched back to the bar to find Michael, confidence coming from you to rival the confidence he had earlier.  You insisted he’d buy you a drink before taking his hand, leading him to the dance floor.
And you danced. You closed your eyes and let his hands wander on your hips and you let your imagination wander into the idea that it was actually Gavin dancing with you, because no matter how many times you said you had come to terms with it, you really hadn’t and you wanted nothing more than for him to be the one touching you. 
 What you didn’t know was that Willow had called Gavin to come out and celebrate your success with you all. And that while you were grinding up on Mr. Smooth Talker, Gavin was walking in the door.
After losing yourself in the music and dancing, you finally “came to” when the house band took a break and lighter music began to play over the speaker. You started to turn back around towards Michael when you caught a sight of Gavin out of the corner of your eye. You didn’t know he was going to be here and you didn’t know how long he’d been there—or what he had seen. Gavin was always the one to let you cry on his shoulder when you’d go out with some guy you met at a bar or on Tinder after he’d stand you up or finally show you his true ugly and awful colors. And he was never critical. And he was always gentle. But that didn’t mean that you wanted him to see you dancing with someone else when you just wanted it to be him.
Michael pulled you out of your head when he grabbed your hand and pulled you back closer to him, this time face to face, moving in closer to whisper.  You could feel his breath on your ear.
“If you move like that with your clothes on, I can’t wait to see how good it is once they’re gone.”
That’s when you knew your time with this guy was over.  You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Why must men always do this? You knew why—because an MC a few more drinks in would entertain the thought of it and might just go home with him. But you were a few shots short and had one set too many eyes on you to agree.  The freedom and fun you were feeling was put back in it’s box to make sure this guy knew you were serious.
“I think you might be moving a bit too fast pal. Thanks for the dance, but I think I’m going to go back to my friends now.”
You tried to push him away so you could leave when he decided to double down and grab your hips a bit tighter, this time in a way that caused the exact opposite of pleasure.
“Come on, MC. We’re just getting to know each other, and I’m not ready for the fun to be over” he said.  He tried nipping at your ear and you felt sick to your stomach.  You just wanted to get away from him.
“Stop it, Michael. You’re hurting me. I don’t know you and you obviously don’t know me if you think aggression is the way into my pants. So if you could kindly back the fuck up, I’d appreciate it,” you said, pushing him harder to get him off of you.  You were all for having a good time and had had your fair share of one night stands--but they were on your own terms and they didn’t start with a guy trying to suffocate you with a handful of red flags to get you to cave.
“Stop being such a bitch—I buy you a drink and show you a good time and this is how you repay me?”
A clearing of a throat came from behind you and you saw Michael’s face change as you felt a familiar hand on your shoulder.
“MC—is this guy bothering you?”
The sound of Gavin’s voice and the anger in his eyes was the encouragement Michael needed to finally ease us his grip on you.  Thank God he was stepping in to help you. But also, oh shit—because Gavin did not act kindly to asshole dudes who wouldn’t leave you alone.
“Hey buddy—why don’t fuck right off and mind your own damn business?” Michael said, annoyance clear in his voice and on his face.  He had no idea who he was talking to.
And then came the crack. And a howl. And an asshole falling to the ground after Gavin decked him for not giving up when you asked him to. Gavin grabbed your hand and started walking towards the door. Anna, Willow, and Kiki met you there.
“MC, are you okay?” Kiki asked.  She was worried about you, and you could tell she felt bad about encouraging you to talk to Michael after the initial introduction.
“I knew that guy was a creep,” Anna said with crossed arms. She always seemed to be right about these things.
“How about we all go outside and I’ll call us an Uber,” Willow said, pulling out her phone.
“You guys take care of getting yourselves home,” Gavin said, handing them some cash. “I’ll take care of her—my apartment isn’t far from here”.
You felt awful--what was supposed to be a night of fun had turned into a nightmare. “Sorry for ruining the night guys. Maybe next time I’ll learn to just dance with you guys,” you said with your head downcast, taking the helmet Gavin handed you before patting the back seat of Sparky. You knew the drill. You hopped on and wrapped your arms around Gavin’s waist as he told you to hold on tight.
“You’re soaked,” Gavin said. “Go hop in the shower before you catch a cold. I’ll never forgive myself if you get sick because I chose to drive Sparky instead of my car. I really didn’t know it would start raining. I’m sorry MC.”
“Why are you sorry?! You saved my ass back there when that guy wouldn’t leave me alone. You’re always saving my ass. I don’t mind waiting—you can go first.” 
“No—I insist. I’ll be fine. My hair will dry fast anyway. You can use the bathroom in my room. Feel free to use anything that you need. Once you’re in the bathroom I’ll just come in to grab something from my drawers and I’ll be out so you can have some space.” He spoke to you with gentleness and care in his voice. You could see from his face how concerned he was for you, even though he was the one that just punched a guy.  That was so typical Gavin. Always putting himself last. Always taking care of you first. Never showing any sign of frustration or anger at you.
A quick 5-minute shower to clear your head of the evening’s events and you were done.
“Shit—I thought I had some clothes in here.”
This wasn’t your first time at Gavin’s place—you had become a regular here for movie nights and after it led to you falling asleep on the couch a few times, Gavin suggested you just leave a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt at his house so you could always feel comfortable there. Apparently, you forgot to change out of them the last time and brought them home with you, leaving you scrambling for something to wear. You panicked for a moment before looking through his closet and found the biggest t-shirt you could find and threw it on before heading back into the living room.
Gavin was in the kitchen making you a hot tea (your favorite) when he heard you come out of his room.
“Listen, MC. I don’t want you to ever feel like I’m trying to tell you what to do or how to live your life…I’m just trying to understand what it is about some of these guys that you find…”
It was at that moment that he walked out of the kitchen and saw you standing there looking through his movie collection, reaching to grab a DVD from the top shelf, causing the shirt to ride high enough to hit just shy of your ass. His shirt practically cradling your ass.
“Ah...are you wearing my shirt?” There was a bit of hesitation in his question that made you give him a soft laugh. 
“Ha...yeah—I’m sorry. I thought I still had clothes here, but I guess I brought them home, so I had to borrow some of yours again. Just another thing you’re having to do for me. Clothe me. Pick me up at any hour of the day when I need it. Scare off the sleazy guys I always end up getting mixed up with. You’re the one thing I can always count on to be the same for me.”
“But what if I don’t want to stay the same?”
The hesitation he just had disappeared and he looked at you with a resolve in his eyes that he’s never seen before and you thought you saw his eyes go black for a moment. You wanted to think maybe he was messing with you, but Gavin wasn’t much of a joker and there was only seriousness in the way he was keeping eye contact with you.
“What?” You felt your breath catch in your throat. What was he trying to say? Was this moment where he had really had enough and didn’t want to deal with you anymore? You stood frozen and just looked at him as he slowly walked up to you…not quite touching but closer than he normally got outside of your rides on Sparky together. He reached out and lightly ran his thumb and his index finger across the hem of his shirt—the one you were wearing.
He kept his eyes down, watching his fingers on the shirt and you felt his grip on it tighten, pulling the shirt flush to your chest. 
“What if I don’t want to stay the same with you? What if I don’t want to be the guy that scares off the sleazy guys you dance with? What if I want to be the one dancing on you. The one touching you.  What if I don’t want to be the guy that just loans you clothes anymore when you come over? What if I want to be the one that takes them off of you?”
There was a moment of silence between the two of you. The only thing that could be heard was the rain falling on the window and low music playing from Gavin’s record player he must have turned on while you were in the shower. You saw his Adam’s apple move as he silently gulped, still too nervous to look up, continuously moving the hem of the shirt between his index finger and his thumb.  You couldn’t believe what you were hearing--you wished that you could stop time to give you a moment to process what was happening.  This was what you had wanted to happen for so long, resigning yourself to your wants believing it would never happen.  But it was. And it felt real. And you made the decision to not hesitate or ask questions or wonder what might happen next because you would be damned to do anything that might make him change his mind.
“Then do it.”
He finally looked up at you with his beautiful amber eyes that were full of wonder and surprise and a fiery lust that was thirsty to get out when you broke the silence. His gaze refused to leave yours when he opened his mouth to speak again.
“What did you say?”
You grabbed his free hand and guided it to the bottom of your shirt to join his other. Locking eyes with him and bringing your face as close as you could without touching, you slowly lifted your arms above your head.
“I said, if you want to be the one that takes my clothes off, then do it.”
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op-peccatori · 5 years
The Spider and the (Butter)fly | MLQC Lucien | Kinktober: October 20th
Prompts: Deep-throating || Roleplay || Object Insertion 
THE THIRST IS ALIVE! Submission number 5 for @alloveroliver​’s Kinktober celebration!!!! 
Fandom: Mr Love: Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Reader/Lucien
Rating: 18+
Word count: 3700
Warnings/tags: explicit smut and language, oral sex, deep-throating, fingering, role-play, teacher and (college) student 
a/n: I forgot they were role-playing halfway into it. also I made a moodboard!!
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You stand outside the office, eyes squeezed shut and folders clutched to your chest with nervousness.
There aren’t many people in the building at this time, but it isn't completely deserted. There are students who pass you by, some flashing you sympathetic smiles and others not seeing you at all. A professor looks quite puzzled at the sight of you. 
Technically, you shouldn’t be here. But, the thought of going back home with your failure terrifies you and you have to at least try to avoid that. So you’ll stand here for the next two days if that’s what it takes, and use whatever weapon is available to you. 
With a quick glance around, you whip out a compact mirror to check on the state of your lipstick, deciding it was a good idea to forego the highlighter after all.
The echo of his footsteps reaches you before he does, and you look up at him with a sheepish smile. “Professor!” He blinks at you, giving you a quick once over, the suspicious glint in his eye immediately giving way to comprehension. . You keep your expression innocent, even as fear makes your heart dance to a terrible tune.
“Ms. ___. Still here?” he asks. His expression is neutral, but slight exasperation bleeds into heliotrope eyes. His dark hair stands out against the pale walls, his thin lips pursing at having to delay his departure for the day.
“Yes, Professor. I was uh, wondering if I could talk to you about something,” you say meekly. Your eyes remain glued to his cap-toe derbies, still a shiny black after the long day. It says a lot about the man himself. You have never seen him lose his composure, not even when a student tries their best to get under his skin - which is uncommon. Most students adore him, or as you like to put it, they're happy to linger in his web. You can't blame them.
There's an intimidating man behind the smiling eyes. Brilliant and charismatic yes, but there's an unnerving quality to him, in your opinion. Being in his presence, on your own, is intoxicating. It always leaves you on edge, feeling guilty for the filthy thoughts it brings. You glance up at him for a moment only to see him peering down at you, eyes cloudy with tiredness behind clear glass.
He nods and goes into his office, closing the door behind him. You wait for a whole minute before it opens again. 
“Come in.” You watch him take a seat behind his desk as you walk through the door. His office is always clean, his things stacked neatly and in their places. His jacket is draped on the back of his chair, leaving him in a simple white button-up, sleeves rolled up to the forearms. You’re very aware of your own carefully selected outfit, the makeup applied with painful precision, the confidence you weaved with your own tongue in anticipation of this meeting. He barely gives you a look, however, and it leaves disappointment swirling in your stomach. “Take a seat.” 
You hurry to do so, sinking down into the chair across from him, the safety of his desk between you both. The first two buttons of his shirt are popped open, and you have to put more effort into not staring at the patch of milky skin than you'd like to admit. A glimpse of his collarbones is enough to dry your mouth, and you curse yourself. 
“I’m so, so sorry, Professor. I know it’s getting late–“ He waves of your words with a careless wag of his hand, and your eyes dart to his long fingers before you exercise some of the self-control you pretend to have. 
“Yet, you’re here anyway. So, what can I do for you, Ms. ____?” He laces his fingers together and rests his chin on them. You’re struck silent by the exquisite picture he makes, for a long moment. 
“It’s about my grade,” you say weakly. He does not look surprised at all. “Professor, I’m not the first student to come talk to you about this, I know. But I really, really must ask if you can reconsider.”
“I understand, Ms. ____. However, maybe you should’ve studied harder instead of giggling during class with the captain of the basketball team. Perhaps then you wouldn’t have to be here, hmm?” He doesn’t even look at you, seemingly studying an open file in front of him. 
You sputter, a mortified blush painting your cheeks. It’s true, you usually partner with Kyle in his class. Cute, funny, charming Kyle who always tries to make you laugh and succeeds most of the time. But to think Professor Lucien has noticed it enough to point it out like this...it’s embarrassing, yet something to consider. Once you're home.
Ugh, and he’s getting snappy. Maybe it was a bad idea to try this now. It doesn’t seem like it’s going to be any easier to convince him just because the man is tired. 
“It’s just – I did work really hard on this assignment. I don’t understand how I...” 
He sighs heavily at the flustered response. “It’s not the end of the world. You still have time to make up for it.” 
“But Professor, it's still going to affect my overall–“ He snaps the file shut. 
“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do. Just work harder next time.” The tone of finality freezes your heart. You feel lost, scrambling to think of something, anything to persuade him.  How do you convince someone like him? Unfazed, poised, formidable are the words thrown around when he's the topic of conversation. You're an average student barely passing his class. The idea comes to you in a burst of desperation, something you laughed at when Willow suggested it as a joke, something you only dare to think of in daydreams, where he usually comes to you with seductive words and clever fingers as his primary weapons. You never do resist too much even in those reveries, always too quick to drop your skirts, eager to feel him touch you where you allow no one else.
But you’ve come here with a plan; if you think back to all the times you’ve caught him looking at you, it doesn’t seem that ridiculous. You know the difference between wishful thinking and reality; there's no way you imagined the cold glare flashing on his face when he saw you giggling at Kyle's antics, his lingering stares when you wear that white sundress. Or maybe you’re just flattering and digging yourself a cold grave...but it’s worth a try. 
Your back straightens, shoulders rolling back in an effort to relieve tension.
“Nothing?” The way his brow cocks should be branded as illegal. 
“Ms. ___?” 
“There’s really nothing I can do?” you ask, voice dropping low and suggestive; you bite your lip, gazing at him beseechingly. He swallows, following the motion and you smell blood. “I'll do...anything you ask, Professor.” 
“Ms. ___.” His voice is sharp with a warning. But he hasn’t asked you to leave. His eyes grow darker, framed by inky bangs and square frames that he takes off to fold and place on his desk.
“Professor Lucien, please.” You stand up, eyes wide and all too ready. “Just-I’ll do anything, I will! Whatever you want.” 
He looks at you slack-jawed, your breath quick and anxious. You’ve crossed a line, you know that. But will it get you what you want? The question of what you really want grows more muddled with every second, distorted by the flashes of darkness slipping past his composure and your own desire.
He watches you from beneath thick lashes. “Anything, you say?” You nod with slight hesitation. “Do you realize what you’re suggesting?” 
“I do.” 
His eyes slip down to the bare skin of your thighs before he, with visible effort, shifts them back to your face. “Ms. ___, I understand that you’re desperate. It makes us do stupid things. Which is why I’ll forget this ever happened. Now, leave before I...find myself less inclined to be so kind.” His eyes close in a clear dismissal. But he doesn't look angry, he looks like a man who can barely control himself, barely restrain himself from touching something he shouldn't.
He’s going to have to let you be the judge of that.
Nodding to yourself, you don’t say a word as you walk to the door, your thoughts assembling in place like a round of Tetris that you’ve just won. You hear him sigh and lean back in his chair, thinking you've come to your senses. You don’t say a word when you turn the lock, your heart pounding in your chest, the want now outweighing the desperation. 
There’s a heavy silence in the room, punctuated by more glimpses of something wild behind his mask.
“Alright then. Come here.” Your stomach clenches at the command; his pupils are blown, his hand patting his thigh. He rolls his chair back to put some space between him and the desk as you walk over to him, this time to stand in front of him. Your knees brush his. “Sit.” 
He parts his legs so you can sit delicately on his thigh, his hand coming to rest on your waist. Neither of you looks away from the other. You feel as if you’ve walked into the spider’s web, ready to be consumed. 
“You’re a lot bolder than I thought, Ms. ___,” he murmurs, husky enough to send flashes straight to your groin. The smirk curving along his mouth is knowing, and your hand curls over his shoulder, broad and real. "I never took you for a risk-taker."
“I’m...sorry, Professor. I had to try,” you say, timid and unsure but privately turned on. You’re entranced by the effect his low chuckle has on his face, squirming slightly on your seat.
“It’s not a bad thing,” he assures you. But he doesn’t do anything. His other hand just rests on your leg, rubbing small circles into your skin, your mind going into overdrive at the touch. “Just pleasantly surprising. Tell me...are you really that desperate for a better grade?"
You can't bring yourself to form a response.
"We could find another way. Or maybe, just this once, I could change it..." he suggests, withdrawing his touch, much to your displeasure. "You're a hard-worker, I know that."
"No! No, Professor, I...I want to. Work for it. Like this."
"I see." He looks pleased by your hidden admission.
You adjust yourself on his lap, watching him watch you. He's patient as he weaves a net of desire around you, but you don't feel trapped. He waits for you to make the first move, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering chaotically at the thought of finally touching him.
Your hand cups his cheek, thumb tracing a sharp cheekbone. It traces the slight curve of his lip, and then you lean in, breath stuttering as you press your lips to his chastely. And again and again, in light brushes - it feels like the slow rush of a sweet drug, a fog settling around your thoughts before his fingers tangle in your hair, and his tongue begins to chart the lines of your mouth. You moan and your lips part to invite him in. You taste coffee and something that is very intimately him, flicking your tongue against his with increasing enthusiasm. His arm winds tighter around your waist as he holds you to him, plundering your mouth with more greed than the pirates of legend. 
You have no thoughts to spare for grades, only for ways to make him touch you more.
"You taste so sweet, Ms. ___," he breathes, hot and damp on your lips. Your teeth graze his lower lip in response. 
He turns you around so you’re facing the desk, now sitting between his legs, his firm chest pressed to your back and buries his nose in your hair. He inhales deeply, a low sound hitting the back of his throat. Your legs are wide open, falling on either side of his, his arm around your stomach strong to keep you upright against him.
The vulnerability crawls in, at your legs spread wide like this, the Professor's body moulding itself to yours, caging you in his arms.
Professor Lucien tugs down the neckline of your top low enough to unveil your breasts, adorned with baby pink velvet that he clearly fancies if his pleased hum is any indication or the curious swipe of his finger against the soft material. He fondles a breast experimentally, just to hear you moan, and pulls it out of the cloth. A roll of your nipple has you arching into him with a whimper, your ass dragging against his crotch. You don’t miss the quick suck of his breath, the helpless buck of his erection into you before he’s back in control. 
The tiny crack in his composure thrills you, makes you want to turn around and roll your hips until you make him come in his pants, until he calls you by name and all the other sweet nicknames you've imagined him saying. You know you can. But you’re not in charge here, you remind yourself. The soft but lethal brush of his fingers on the inside of your thighs help with the reminder. 
“Tell me, Ms. ___, did you select this outfit just for me?” he asks, voice surprisingly even, his breath warm against the shell of your ear. His hand caresses the soft curve of your waist, relaxing you. His hand bunches up your skirt carefully, and you jerk in his grasp when he cups your mound. “Shh. No need to be nervous. I won’t hurt you.” His palm grinds into you and your hips buck away, but you have nowhere to go. “I asked you a question.” 
“Ah, Professor. I...I thought you might like it,” you admit with flaming cheeks. He laughs into your neck, nuzzling it gently. 
“I do. Very thoughtful of you. And convenient,” he purrs and you’re confused for a second. “So you like being a little tease, do you?”
“I-Professor-“ you whimper, struggling harder when he presses firmly on your clit, just for a second. He sighs deeply next to your ear, faux disappointment evident in his exhale. 
“Use your words, Ms ___. Do you enjoy tempting me, testing the limits of my control in every class? Tormenting me with little peeks of the temptress you keep hidden?” 
"No, no..."
"Liar," he breathes, his tone more wicked than angry. "But I'm flattered you went to such lengths just to have an excuse to do this."
As an accompaniment to the disclosure, his finger slips past velvet and slick folds at the same time his other hand covers your mouth, muffling your loud cry at the intrusion. He fingers you deftly, a long finger sliding in and out of your tight heat as you squirm and moan on his lap. “Pretty, pretty girl. You’re so wet already. How often have you thought about this?” 
He plays you like a devoted musician, a tireless conductor to the orchestra of your combined passions. It’s a delicious burn, and you want to share the sheer agony of it with him. The second he slides a finger into your mouth, intent on imitating the one down below, your lips latch onto it. You suck softly, tongue caressing and gliding, his soft groan needy and weak in your ear. Arousal thrums through you harder, the power you have over this extraordinary man making you tremble, giving you strength and ideas.
“Professor –“ you moan and he bites the lobe of your ear, another finger sliding in to torment you.
“I’ve thought about it too, you know. Bending you over my desk, taking you, tasting you, marking you.” His voice is gruff with desire and you moan incoherently as his fingers curl, rubbing your velvety walls roughly. You clutch at his wrist helplessly, tilting your neck and widening your legs to give him more access. All you can do is come apart in his arms, inch by inch, your fingers twitching with the urge to help him get you where you need to be. Once again displaying his ostensible talent for telepathy, his thumb presses down on your swollen nub. "Unraveling you."
You can just barely process his words, the pleasure coiled so tightly it's on the verge of combustion, aided by his thumb working your clit slowly, then furiously as you rock frantically into his hand. Your orgasm bursts with blinding stars behind your eyelids, your body bowing and writhing as if you can barely fit in it, before you go boneless in his arms. “Brilliant. That was beautiful, Ms. ___," he coos, fingers sliding out of you, settling your skirt back in place. Your head tilts back to lean on his shoulder and you watch him lick his fingers clean with a satisfied smile. His erection is hard against your ass, and you want to touch it, spoil him. 
“How do I taste, Professor?” you ask, your smile coy.
The answering look in his eyes is predatory. “Divine.”
Turning to face him completely, you end up straddling his thigh, and the firm pressure of muscle against your sensitive sex sends something electric climbing through your veins. It scrambles your brains for a moment and you have to pull yourself together, allowing him to place a lingering kiss on your lips.
“Professor,” you plead. He looks like...well, like someone who just spent some time with his mouth glued to yours, with messy hair and your favourite lipstick on his mouth. It’s a good look on him. “Professor, tell me what to do.”
“Are you sure?” 
"Please. I want to touch you, please you.” You palm the bulge at his crotch, delighting in the way he hisses. Your mouth quirks up before you continue. “I’ll work hard. I’ll be a good student.” 
Lucien swallows heavily. “Get on your knees.” You’re more obedient than you’ve ever been in your life, slipping off his thigh to kneel between his legs. “Unzip me.” He lifts his hips to help you out, and you’re embarrassed to feel how your mouth waters when you pull his briefs down to slip his cock out, licking your lips at the sight of the glistening tip. 
You look up at him through your lashes, your finger tracing a line down his shaft.
“I've wanted this for so long, Professor,” you whisper before giving a slow lick along his length. And it's way better than the fantasy, you think, pulling the head into your wet mouth, your tongue circling and rubbing. He groans, petting your head gently.
“Alright then. Hands behind your back.” Your eyes fly to him in surprise and he gives you a lascivious smirk. “This isn’t a reward. You’re working for something here, sweetheart. You need to work hard.” You try to nod as best as you can, clasping your hands behind your back. “Good girl. Now put that mouth to good use.” 
Each bob of your head slides his swollen cock deeper into your mouth, your tongue running up and down the stiff length. You find joy in each hiss and grunt you manage to coax out, pleasure in every praise he showers upon you. Your jaw aches but you soldier on, determined to see your unruffled professor break. He looks far from it right now, the vein on his neck popping and his muscles coiled with iron, barely holding onto the leash he keeps himself on.
“Deeper,” he rasps. You try to relax your jaw,   tensing up when his cock brushes the back of your throat. The next slide of your mouth on him is slow, trying to get used to the sensation. Your eyes water and he smiles fondly at the sight of you struggling. “Need some help, baby girl?” You whimper and he reaches over to cup the back of your head, twisting your hair around his hand. He murmurs a warning softly before he snaps his hips into your mouth and you gag, spit running down your chin as he starts fucking your mouth with swift thrusts, cursing and praising you in turns. His eyes glaze over with the force of his pleasure, the breathy sounds escaping him lewd enough to fuel a hundred wet dreams. “Good girl.   Relax your jaw. Yes-yes, just like that. I’ve spent hours thinking about fucking your pretty mouth, you know? It’s better than I ever imagined.”
The sound that leaves his lips when you cup his balls is obscene, and your scalp stings from how tightly he pulls your hair. Your tongue massages the underside of his cock, and you swallow, pulling him deeper. He gasps, a filthy curse escaping and you're going to remember it forever. “I’m – coming.” You brace yourself as he stills deep in your throat and comes in heated spurts. His thrusts get weaker as he keeps coming and you choke as you try to swallow all of it. Lucien pulls out of your mouth, nimble fingers hurriedly pumping the last of his seed out onto your lips and chin instead of inside your occupied mouth.
You’re still coughing when he hands you a glass of water, pulling you up and back onto his lap as you drink gratefully. He wipes your face clean with wet tissues, thorough and gentle, and you lean against him, drained. His fingers massage your scalp tenderly, pulling a content sigh from you.
“Hmm. I believe that’s an A+,” he declares, making you laugh and wack him on the shoulder. He kisses you gently, achingly slow, breath mingling as his face hovers close to yours. His expression is open, affectionate, his eyes soft with love and contentment. Your lips still feel raw when you kiss the underside of his jaw, curling up in the enclosure of his arms with satisfaction seeped into your bones. “Are you okay?” 
You can’t hide a smile at his concerned tone, planting a quick kiss on his cheek. He tilts his head to brush his lips at the corner of your mouth, your cheek, your temple. “Mhm. Just tired.” 
“Let’s go home, baby girl. I’ll cook.” 
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oswaldsirius · 5 years
Ooh, you're playing A3? I'd love to hear your opinion on the gameplay, user interface, and overall enjoyment of it after you've had a chance to explore it. I have limited room left on my phone for new apps, and am not convinced that A3 is going to be my cup of tea. TIA 😁
I meant to answer this last weekend and then everything went sideways so I’m going to do it now!
I’ll be honest, I’ve never really played a game like this before. Before I got sucked into Cybird’s Ikemen series last year (omg it really wasn’t that long ago wtf it feels like forever), most of the games on my phone didn’t really go beyond Candy Crush kind of level of involvement. So getting into this one was interesting to say the least!
I didn’t pay much mind to the hype I was seeing on Twitter about it because I wasn’t interested in downloading another game to suck away my time. But it came and I told myself to try it. Clearly forgetting that I have two modes: don’t care about the thing and it is the only thing I care about. That being said, I’m not sure if going in blind helped or hurt me for the beginning but I’ll put a few of my thoughts under the cut!
My ignorance aside, I really didn’t know what to expect going in and I definitely would have done some things differently. I’ve got a bad habit of wanting to get into the meat of games right away and forget that, even though you shouldn’t, if the game offers you that free set of pulls, do it until best boy comes home. But I wanted story so I just kept going and also didn’t really have a best boy since I hadn’t paid attention to anything online.
User Interface
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Colour me mildly confused and overwhelmed when I first logged in and saw so many things (also shush, Itaru, we all know you’re gamer trash but we love you still). The game will give you prompts and tips as you’re going through the prologue and first starting, but as I was playing after I’d tucked into bed I wasn’t the best at retaining and struggled a little.
That aside, once I buckled down it was straight forward enough. Everything is nicely labelled for what it is and the first time you go in, it will give you another explanation of what to do. Easy enough to follow and it all is laid out rather well. Even when you go into any of the menus, everything is still straight forward and easy to figure out where you want to go.
There’s...a lot to do XD. Story, Actors, Plays, Earn Cash are all their own different thing to do. I found it very time consuming to bounce through all of them in the beginning because every time I was almost out of energy, I’d level up and find myself going right back into it to use up my energy again. I actually quit MLQC’s because I got to the point where it felt like too much grinding trying to level up once you hit a certain point but this one at least made it a little more interesting for me in that there were so many bonuses along the way.
Story is exactly that. Main story chapters are here, along with the backstage stories you unlock from different cards, and a couple other types. They flow really well and it’s super easy to find them. I also love that once it’s unlocked you have it and can reread it as many times as you want, no having to go back and replay anything to try to get a scene. 
Actors confused me a little bit just because you’ve got so many things to do with these damn cards. But again it didn’t take long to pick up all the things they wanted from me and it’s just a matter of buckling down and doing the things. 
Plays gives you various ways to level up both your rank and your cards (outside of consuming the weak). It’s obviously slower for the cards because you get a set limit of experience but it also unlocks the backstage stories for characters along with their minichats. Thankfully, I can just let this run with minimal effort because when you level up and suddenly have 200 energy to burn it gets a little tiresome. 
Earn Cash nets you the coins you need to spend to level up your characters. It also will give you some items that are required for training characters. Along with some of the damn cutest interactions between characters I’ve seen yet. And you can’t go wrong with all their cute little chibi avatars.
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Overall Enjoyment
I honestly had no idea what I was getting into with this, but if my rank says anything, I’m in deep. So god damn deep and it hasn’t even been a month.
I absolutely loved the story. Every time I ran out of chapters I was distressed because I needed more. So back to the plays I went, maybe spent a few gems if I was desperate enough, and leveled up hard and fast. They do an amazing job of making all these guys so unique and engaging that I had to know more about them. Watching all of them grow and come together and just seeing them succeed was so damn good. I’m finished with the main story now, but I’m constantly going back to read parts again because they’re just so god damn good (Chapter 19 in the first act will remain my favourite because Citron, you loon, I can’t stop laughing). They make these characters believable, their stories just pull you in and you want so much more.
That being said, the grind was god damn real the further I got on. Obviously it gets harder to level up as you go on, I get that, but I was hitting it hard to get more chapters and it was never enough. But even when I was grinding, I didn’t mind it. I had enough cards to cycle through and level up in the various ways that I was still getting new things every time I would practice. I’m at the point now where that isn’t so much the case but I don’t mind it because I just turn it on and let the boys do their thing.
I think the only thing that I haven’t completely enjoyed is the main character’s love obsession with curry. I only really bring it up because it’s slammed home almost every time food is brought up and it seems overdone to me for something that’s supposed to be quirky? I could probably count on one hand the amount of times, when she’s in charge of cooking, she makes something other than curry, even when the guys protest how often she makes it. It only takes one of them saying they don’t mind it and she seems to take it as everyone loves it as much as she does. I get that it’s her ‘quirk’, that she loves it and, I mean, we’ve all got our favourite foods, but when she could happily eat it for every single meal that seems to be pushing it beyond something meant to get a laugh. The one time she got seriously called out on it, she tried to get around it by saying that she was making different types so it should be okay right and that just struck me as completely childish for someone who is responsible for several teenagers. But that’s honestly my only true pet peeve with the game and really it’s just a personal problem.
Overall, I’ve seriously enjoyed this game. Each group brought in it’s own flavour to the story so it never felt like you were going through the same motions as the last and I love all of them so much. I cannot wait for them to give us more content even though I dread the thought of how horribly the fave does not want to come home from the gacha and how that probably won’t change.
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Concert Date
This one is ALMOST 3,000 words. It’s 2,997. So close. But I didn’t want to add three more words XD
Previous MLQC writings: 1, 2, 3, 4
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I stood in the VIP seating section of Kiro’s concert with a small smile on my face as he bounded onto the stage. “How’s everyone doing tonight?” he asked brightly.
Shrieks of excited fans immediately filled the concert hall. Kiro chuckled.
“Glad to hear it. It’s so good to see everyone. Thank you all so much for coming to this performance—”
“I LOVE YOU KIRO!” a fan shouted.
Kiro beamed. “I love you too. I love all of you. I can’t put into words how much it means to me to have support from fans like mine. You’re all always so excited and enthusiastic. For a guy like me, nothing could be better. I’m so thankful to each and every one of you.” He cleared his throat. “Tonight, I’d like to dedicate this performance to my best friend. Without her, I wouldn’t have been able to finish half the songs on the new album. Mostly because she has the most terrifying glare I have ever seen.”
He glanced over at me while the crowd laughed. I glared at him for calling me out. He smiled slightly and winked.
“Alright! Now that that’s out of the way, who’s ready to get—this—started?!”
The amount of noise that filled the venue made me break out my earplugs before the music even started. I jammed them into my ears and covered them with my hair. I could still hear everything, but it was just muffled enough that my ears weren’t aching in protest.
He started to sing. Most of the venue sang along with him. Including me.
Before we met in that convenience store, I’d always been aware of his music, just never been a huge fan. Sure I heard his songs on the radio all the dang time, but I’d never sought it out. Kiki owned basically all of his albums, and she liked to play them during quiet moments in the office too. I knew his songs but I’d never known much about him besides superstar.
Then we ran into each other and I was instantly charmed by him. That was when I started to really be a fan.
Savin was sitting next to me, pretending he wasn’t Kiro’s manager and agent. I liked to pretend I didn’t realize he flirted with me a lot because it would often get an embarrassed rise out of Kiro, but I knew Savin thought I was attractive.
Victor always thought I was an idiot because he talked about stuff I didn’t know a whole lot about. But if he ever bothered to ask me about subjects I was more knowledgable in, he wouldn’t be so quick to deal out insults to my intelligence. I wasn’t terribly business-savvy was all. But I wasn’t so stupid that I couldn’t tell when Savin was flirting with me. It wasn’t like he was subtle about it. Kiro wasn’t subtle about his flirting either.
And Kiro knew, deep down, that no matter how much his agent flirted with me I only had eyes for Kiro. He pouted when Savin flirted but never threw a fit.
As the concert continued, I glanced at Savin out of the corner of my eye. I wondered if he knew about Kiro’s Evol. Kiro hadn’t directly told me about it yet, but after Victor froze time in the middle of the studio and Kiro wasn’t frozen with it, I knew he had some sort of power.
I suspected it had something to do with his success as an idol. The charm that made everyone fall in love with him. It wasn’t as flashy as Gavin’s power over the wind or as incredibly powerful as Victor’s ability to stop time, but it still made him influential.
And it was lucky that someone as caring as Kiro got a power like that. If someone with the wrong hands could charm anyone into doing anything, that could be catastrophic. Kiro just used it to convince his fans he loved them all and make sure they knew he was genuine when he said it.
Savin probably had no idea.
I went back to watching Kiro.
The stage lights were causing him to sweat. His gold bangs clung to his forehead in places. He’d removed the jacket he’d jumped onto stage wearing, throwing it over the back of the piano to reveal the pale yellow tank top underneath it.
I leaned over to Savin. “Does he wear all that jewelry by choice or because his stylist says so?” I called over the blasting music.
Savin regarded Kiro thoughtfully. “A mixture of both,” he said. “The earrings and ring are all him. Most of his necklaces are his stylist’s idea. Same with the bracelets and every other ring besides the one on his right pointer finger.”
“Cool. Just wondering.”
We went back to watching the concert.
At intermission, we got up and slipped backstage as subtly as we could.
“Miss Chips!” Kiro exclaimed, wiping his sweat off on a towel that he quickly handed to a staff member before rushing to me and throwing his arms around me. “You came!”
“Ew—Kiro you’re all sweaty!” I protested—with a laugh so he knew I wasn’t actually cross with him. He let me go with a pout. I whacked him lightly in the arm with the back of my hand. “And of course I came, silly! I wasn’t going to miss this for the world!”
He laughed and ruffled my hair. “Thanks. I’m really glad you’re here.”
“Well, I’m happy to be here.” I smiled and gave him another hug so he knew I was being genuine.
“Kiro, go change!” Another staff member shouted.
“Oh right!” Kiro said, eyes going wide. He grabbed my hand. “I gotta get out of these sweaty clothes for Act Two but I’ll be right back!”
I smiled. “Of course,” I said. “I’ll be right here.”
He rushed off, fingers clinging to mine for as long as he could before losing contact and breaking into a run. I chuckled and leaned against the wall. Savin had his arms folded.
“I never see him as happy as he is with you,” Savin said.
“Well… sometimes we just need one friend who doesn’t judge us for everything we do. Kiro’s been lucky to not fall out of public favor yet because he’s so charming and kind, but he knows he can be himself with me. If he gets mad, I won’t destroy his career. If he has a breakdown from stress, I’m not going to report it for all the world to see. He can be his private self with me instead of his public performance. So I think it relieves him to be around me.”
Savin hummed in thought. “I’m grateful you two are such good friends.”
“He’s easy to be around.” I shrugged.
“How did you two even meet anyway?”
“Luck,” I said, completely dodging the question. Kiro hadn’t told him about the convenience store? Alright then. I wouldn’t either. “I mean, I’m a producer. I bump into people of various levels of fame for work a lot.”
That was acceptable, right?
Kiro came bounding back to us in a new outfit, this one just a tank top and jeans, completely foregoing a jacket to cover his arms and shoulders. He had a makeup case in his hand and was hastily smearing it over his face to try and stop his skin from being shiny before he started sweating under stage lights again.
“Told you I’d be right back!”
“Yes, you’re very punctual,” I said playfully. “Here. Let me get your forehead. You completely missed a patch.”
“I did?” He complained.
“That’s what happens when you don’t use a mirror,” Savin remarked. I took the makeup and sponge applicator from his hands and started filling in the spots Kiro missed.
“Hold still—you’re like a squirmy puppy!” I chided. He froze under my fingers, eyes wide. “Thank you!”
He gave me a sheepish smile. I smiled back. Gosh this man was adorable.
I made quick work of his makeup and then we were being pulled in different directions. Savin was pulling me back to our seats and the other staff was pulling Kiro back toward the stage. Someone handed him an energy drink.
“Oh that’s not gonna be good,” I muttered as a door swung shut, cutting off my field of vision.
We retook our seats just in time for Kiro to jump back onstage with all the energy of a sunlit tornado. “Aaand we’re back!” he called.
Fans screamed. Savin and I chuckled.
“Hey Savin.”
“I bet you a bottle of soda that Kiro has a massive sugar crash right after the show.”
Savin chuckled. “You’re on. We’ll go visit after the show and see how he is.”
I laughed.
Kiro stopped entertaining the crowd with his sense of humor and went back to his songs. He started it with one of his most popular love songs from his first-ever album. The crowd sang along enthusiastically. Out of the corner of my eye, Savin scrunched his eyebrows and looked down at his phone.
“What is it?” I asked.
“This wasn’t on the original setlist,” he said.
At that moment, Kiro looked over at me. His smile grew wider—but I had no idea how he could even see me past the stage lights—and he shot me a wink. The image of his wink on the two jumbotrons flanking the stage made the fans scream.
No one but me knew who he was looking at.
I sang along for the whole rest of the concert with the all of the other fans and then followed Savin backstage once again when it was over. We were told once it was over, Kiro went right to the dressing room and hadn’t emerged yet. He’d done two encores in order to finish the setlist after inserting his old love song and I didn’t blame him for being exhausted.
I followed a staff member to his dressing room—that had a big star on the door.
Knocking gently, I called, “Kiro? You in there?”
Rustling preceded Kiro opening the door. “Miss Chips,” he greeted softly. His hair was a sweaty mess and his eyelids were drooping. “C’mere.” He pulled me into his arms and planted his nose in my hair. “‘M tired.”
“I know. But you did so well. I’m so proud of you.”
“Can I go to sleep now?”
“Yeah. We’ll load you up in the car and then you can sleep all you want,” I replied.
Savin nodded to me.
“C’n you… stay?” Kiro mumbled.
“Of course. I’ll stay with you as long as you want.”
He smiled into my hair. I felt it rather than saw it. He leaned heavily on me as I followed Savin to the back of the venue and into the car. Kiro draped himself over my lap and almost immediately passed out.
Savin got in the driver’s seat.
“He’s out,” I said.
“Just tell me what kind of soda you want,” he joked, starting the car.
I played with Kiro’s hair on the drive back to his villa, twisting it around my fingers, eyelids drooping myself. It was late and concerts were draining.
When we got back to his place, we roused Kiro, but I doubted he was actually awake. He walked back to his room while still relying on me for guidance and support, but he didn’t speak. I imagined it was like when I got my wisdom teeth out—at some point I’d walked from the surgery table to the recovery room table, but I don’t remember it at all due to the anesthetic. I figured Kiro’s post-concert exhaustion was similar.
Once I got Kiro all tucked in, I returned to the front of the house. Savin was waiting for me.
“C’mon. I’ll drive you home,” he said.
“Thanks,” I said.
“Shall we pick up a soda on the way?”
“Nah. I just wanna go home and get some sleep. We’ll take a rain check. Next time we see each other you can grab me a soda.”
We went and got back in the car. Savin started it and then paused while he pulled his seatbelt on.
I glanced at him. “Something wrong?” I asked.
He shook his head. “No. Nothing,” he replied. Clicking his seatbelt into place, we started to drive off. I supplied the address of my apartment building and then settled into silence, perfectly content to let the classical music radio station fill the time between Kiro’s house and my building.
Savin, apparently, was not.
“You and Kiro seem close.”
“Well, I don't imagine he has many other friends.” I shrugged. “He’s always touring or writing new songs or being swamped by fans. It’s sad but natural that he should cling to the one friendship he has that really isn’t work-related.”
Savin opened his mouth to say something, but didn’t get the chance because I cut him off.
“Humans are aggressively social creatures by nature—it’s how we survive. Taking care of each other, forming bonds. I mean—humans bond with Roombas for goodness’ sake! We want to care for the people around us. Kiro doesn’t get that chance as often as a non-celebrity would. And then I come along and I’m kind and relatively calm and offering unconditional friendship. Of course he’d grab that like a life-preserver ring and hang on as tight as he could.”
Savin sighed. “I suppose you’re right. Do you think there’s something I can do about—”
“No and I don’t think you should try,” I interrupted vehemently. “You may be his manager but you don’t have to manage every single aspect of his life. You could loosen up a bit and give him leave to make more friends but you absolutely should not try to force anything.”
“Alright. You’re right.”
“Thanks.” Sometimes it was nice to hear that I was right when I spent half of my professional life listening to Victor tell me I was always wrong. I glanced out the window and watched the landscape pass.
“You really love him, don’t you?” Savin asked.
“Who, Kiro?” Given my mind had drifted to Victor for a moment I had to make sure I hadn’t mentioned any of it out loud and changed the subject of the conversation.
I felt my ears burn and knew I must have been going red—thank goodness we were driving in the dark of late-night.
“Well, I, uh…”
“It’s okay. You can tell me.”
“I, uh, I do love him—I know that much. But I don’t know if I love him… romantically. We’ve kinda been dancing around that for a while and… we haven’t really had many chances to explore the nature of our relationship in that regard. I’d do anything for him that I could within my power and I really just want to see him happy more than anything.”
Savin cleared his throat. “… Right,” he said, clearly unsure of how to respond to that.
I sighed and went back to watching the landscape fly by out the window. “He may act a lot like a boy but he’s a good man,” I added thoughtfully.
“Yeah that first problem when all the other hackers were in the room was too easy,” Kiro remarked while we were hanging out at his house. I was writing a show proposal to report to Victor and Kiro was doing… something. He had a laptop open too but he typed a lot faster than I did and I couldn’t see his screen. He could have been hacking—he could have been writing a new song. I had no idea. I felt like songwriting was more of a spiral-bound notebook thing.
“You call that ‘easy’?” I asked, looking up from my screen in confusion. “Really?”
He snickered. “Oh yeah. I’ve broken codes waaay harder than that over breakfast.
“What? It’s true.” He smiled at me—that bright, pleasant smile that made everyone’s problems feel like they were melting away.
“So. You said your mentor gave you the name Kiro. Was this the same mentor who passed the mantle of Key onto you? Or did you have a superstar mentor and a hacker mentor?”
That made him laugh. “It was the same mentor. He gave me Kiro. To be honest I don’t really remember what my name was before that. It’s been so long and, really, it doesn’t matter anymore. I am who I am and Kiro is a big part of that,” he said thoughtfully. It was one of those moments of profound maturity where the playful Kiro took a backseat to show off that he really was an incredibly wise, intelligent guy.
We’d had that conversation not long after the summit, hanging out at his place. It really solidified for me that he was an extremely complex person and a good one on top of that.
Savin dropped me off at my apartment building and waved as I ducked inside. By the time I got up to my unit, he’d driven off.
Exhausted—since concerts lasted forever and getting out of one was a whole time commitment in itself due to traffic—I took a shower, put on my pajamas, and fell right to sleep.
I don’t remember any of the dreams I had. To me, my sleep felt dreamless. A long expanse of healing blackness that ended with a loud vibration of my phone against the mug on my bedside table. Grumbling to myself, I cursed last-night-me for setting my phone so it was pressed against the ceramic mug.
I smacked around on my bedside until I found my phone. The buzzing wasn’t an alarm. It was my day off.
It was a text.
Kiro: Thanks for everything last night, Miss Chips. You really are the best <3
I smiled.
Me: You’re welcome, Kiro. It’s my pleasure :-)
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