#another interpretation is Sam trying to avoid a conversation about the family business by keeping Jess in the room
scoobydoodean · 1 year
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The Smurf's comment was literally right there waiting to be dunked on but instead he got greedy and flew straight into the fucking sun.
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whitewitchdani · 4 years
Laters, Baby: Chapter 11
Read Chapter 10 Here
Word Count: 1579
Pairing: Winchester!Sister x Lucifer
Warnings: language, angst, mentions of blood
A/N: Sorry it’s late but here’s Chapter 11! Let me know what you guys think and if you’d like to be tagged!
Laters, Baby Masterlist
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“What do you mean ‘no’?”
“I’m not going to help you summon Lucifer, Y/N. Not when your plan is to shut out your brothers and submit yourself to him fully.”
You huffed, “I thought you agreed that this was happening for a reason?”
“I do. But this is not the way to go about it. Your family is on the other side of that door and wants to help you. Let them.”
“HA!” You rolled your eyes and began pacing, “Family. That’s rich, Cas. According to Dean I have no family.”
Cas sighed, “Dean did not mean what he said in the way you interpreted it. He’s worried for you Y/N; Lucifer entered your subconscious and he believes he’s using the connection and its effects to manipulate you.” 
You looked at him confused, “How do you know all of that?”
“The Winchesters are my charges; it is my duty to watch over and protect you all. I was coming to speak to you all about Lucifer and I showed up when you awoke. I decided to keep my presence hidden as you took care of family business.”
You sighed, “What am I supposed to do?” You looked down and rubbed your temples; everything from the past hour was giving you a migraine.
“I am not sure. We should bring back your brothers and Bobby so we can discuss it. While this is your life, you are not the only person who it will impact.”
“I know that Cas,” you grimaced and rubbed your forehead; your head was really starting to hurt. “I just want to do what’s best for my brothers, the world, and, well, myself.” 
“I understand. We will figure it out, Y/N. Please, allow me to fetch Sam, Dean, and Bobby. All of us together can determine the best solution.”
You heard what Cas had said but were having a hard time focusing on the angel in front of you, feeling like you couldn’t get your eyes to focus on one spot for too long. It caused the headache to move back to your temples and behind your eyes, and you began holding the sides of your head to try to get it to stop.
Cas tilted his head and walked towards you, “What’s happening? What’s wrong?”
You grimaced, “Ah, I don’t know. My head has been hurting since I woke up and it’s starting to get worse.”
Cas moved right in front of you and lifted your chin with his finger, making you look up at him. When you finally met his gaze, his demeanor immediately shifted at what he saw. He waved his hand at the door and moved the dresser that had been shoved in front of it.
“SAM! DEAN! GET IN HERE!” Castiel bellowed through the newly opened door.
Three pairs of boots could be heard running through the house and up the stairs. When Sam, Dean, and Bobby all arrived in the room, all they saw was your back with Castiel standing in front of you cupping your face.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” asked Dean.
“You need to see this.” 
Cas moved from in front of you to allow the three men to take his place. When they did, they were speechless. It was obvious you were in pain from the expression on your face, but that wasn’t what bothered them. 
It was the trail of blood leaking from your right eye.
“What the hell? Y/N/N are you alright?” Sam moved forward to look more closely at your face.
You took a shaky breath, “My head really hurts, Sammy. What’s happening?” 
Sam brought you into his arms and turned to look at his brother, who in turn looked to Castiel for answers. “Well?”
“The blood isn’t coming from any injury that I can sense. The headache and the bleeding are not caused by any physical ailment. It’s the connection. She’s been away from him for over 24 hours and it must be affecting her more than we originally believed. Lucifer visiting her in her subconscious I’m sure did not improve things.”
“Why were you in here in the first place?” Dean skeptically asked the angel.
“She called for me. She wants me to help her summon Lucifer. Originally, I vetoed that idea without your input, but now I’m not seeing many other options. This connective migraine could subside on its own...”
“Or?” questioned Sam.
“Or it could persist until she is reunited with Lucifer. Possibly get worse.” 
“What about Lucifer? If she’s like this, shouldn’t he be feelin’ the hurt downstairs too?” Bobby moved to wipe the blood from your face; it was killing him to see you hurt like this. The Winchester’s were basically his own kids, but he was especially protective of you. 
“Most likely, though I’m sure it’s not to this degree. Lucifer’s human vessel will feel the physical pain but it will be more irritating than anything. The longing is what will affect him the most.”
It was quiet for a few moments as what was happening sunk in. The boys looked at each other in silent conversation both saying the same thing: they had no idea what the fuck to do.
Sam looked down to the shaking form in his arms. Another trail of blood was streaming down your face and it was obvious you were still in pain. He looked to Bobby, “What do we do, Bobby?”
The elder hunter sighed, “Do I look like a devil’s soulmate handbook to you? I have no idea what we should do. Honestly, the only person we should be talking to about this decision is her. This is her life; she’s the one that will have to deal with the pain. It should be her decision, not ours.”
“We can’t let her run off with Lucifer, Bobby. There’s no way he’ll just turn over a new leaf for her. We, we can fix this. We can find a way to put him back in the cage without hurting her.” Dean was pacing at this point.
“That would be inadvisable, Dean. If you were to return Lucifer to his cage in Hell now that the connection has begun, you could very well kill your sister.” Dean ran his fingers through his hair pulling slightly. What the hell were they supposed to do? 
“Wait, I’m starting to feel better.” You emerged from Sam’s arms and walked to stand in the middle of the four men. “The headache is subsiding.”
“You aren’t bleeding anymore either.” Sam pointed out. 
You put your hand up to your eye to see that Sam was right. Whatever just happened was not pleasant, and you would prefer if it didn’t happen again. 
“So what do we do now? What’s our next move?” Dean asked the angel. 
You knew what you thought you should do, but Cas was right, everyone needed to weigh in on this.
The angel sighed, “Truthfully, I am not sure. Part of me believes we should go with Y/N’s original plan to avoid another of these episodes. But the other knows what my brother is capable of and how his mind works; we should come up with a plan. You three should continue hunting as you normally do, I shall look for ideas for what to do next.” With a whoosh, the angel was gone.
“So what? We just go hunting like normal and pray you don’t have another episode in the middle of it? Yeah, that’s a great idea.” Dean scoffed and walked to the window. Like hell he was risking that.
“I’m fine Dean. This is our job and we have to do it. Let’s go downstairs and look for a case. Honestly going on an actual hunt sounds good to me right now, I can’t think about all of this for another second or I’m gonna go insane,” you said with a small laugh.
“I think you already are insane! You’re in no shape to hunt,” yelled Dean.
“I hate to agree with Dean Y/N, but I think he’s right,” said Sam.
You scoffed at your brothers and went to argue with them but were interrupted by Bobby, “I got word of a salt and burn over in Wichita. Should be simple, ‘specially with the three of ya. Go take care of that and see how she does and go from there; ya can’t just stop hunting. You’d go insane and you’d drive me insane by staying here.”
You looked at your brothers pointedly, “Well?” you asked crossing your arms.
Sam looked at Dean expectantly and the eldest Winchester sighed, “Fine. We’ll go on this salt and burn. But I swear on everything that is holy Y/N if you even sniffle during this hunt I’m bringing you back here to Bobby. And you have to tell us if anything hinky or Lucifer-ish happens. Capiche?”
You rolled your eyes but nodded, holding up your three middle fingers, “Scout’s honor.”  
Dean sighed, “Fine, let’s roll out.”
You and Sam left the room to prepare for the hunt while Dean hung back in the bedroom with Bobby. The eldest Winchester sighed once more and ran a hand down his face. This was a bad idea.
“It’ll be alright, boy. If she says she’s fine, then she’s fine. Don’t go all overprotective on your sister or she’ll resent you and then Lucifer will have an even bigger chance of getting her.”
“I hope you’re right Bobby, I really hope you’re right.”
Read Chapter 12 Here
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@lovesamwinchester​ @tomhiddleston-is-mischief​ @loco-latte​ @stuckinsaudi1​ @sugar-nico​ @potato-extra-pot​ @humbledarkness​ @the-fiery-ghost​ @jo-wayward​ @streetghostfighter07​ @millieccino
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