#anson or chris can get it anytime
captainpikeswoman · 2 years
snw fanboy Pike with a popular (kinda celebrity but not really) captain reader? Where Pike is the reader’s biggest fan and he gets to meet them at a starfleet party.
Hope you like it! I enjoyed thinking about this!
Chris meeting you, his idol would include:
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•he’s like an overexcited puppy! Una, Spock and La’an are all witness to the way that their Captain seems to come alive. He’s practically bouncing on the balls of his feet, eyes bright and sparkling!
•and all because of you. All because you’re going to be at the Starfleet gala they’re going to.
•Chris has read every bit of your file, got a copy of every Starfleet poster you’ve ever been on, had listened to all the public Captain’s Logs. In short, he was your number one fan!
•honestly, it’s so much fun for Una, she’s enjoying the way that he’s acting like a schoolboy- blushing, giggling, smoothing out his uniform!
•and then he sees you, his jaw goes slack. His palms are sweaty and the normally confident captain is suddenly a little bit of a clown!
•little does he know that you feel exactly the same! You’re bouncing towards him, excited- you’re his biggest fan!
•you two both greet each other at exactly the same moment, using exactly the same words! You shake hands, a tight clasp, shaking up and down for much longer than strictly necessary! And then you both burst into laughter. And so, the ice is broken
•the two of you spend the rest of the evening tucked into a world of your own, laughing together, sharing drinks, the rest of the world just melted away. It was the start of something very beautiful.
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captainpikeswoman · 2 years
okay okay so how would pike react to u just walking into his livingroom NAKED ? like super random?
I’m making an assumption you’re maybe NOT in a relationship at this point? If that’s not what you had in mind, please do request again! Hope you like it!
You walking into Pike’s living room naked would include:
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•Chris and you were having dinner together, something which was fairly common. The two of you have served together and been friends for a good and long time!
•but finally your resolve has snapped. Chris’s friendly flirting has driven you to the edge of need, and now you’re taking desperate action!
•after one final deep breath you exit the bathroom. Every single centimetre of your body is exposed, and you’re feeling good! Proud, sexy, bold, courageous. You know what you want, and by the stars will you have it!
•when Chris looks up from the counter he’s shocked. His eyes go wide, he drops the fork he was toying with idly, the deafening clatter of it falling on deaf ears.
•your eyes are trained solely on his face, so you watch as it goes bright red. But that flush soon dies away to a more natural hue, and the way his mouth had fallen agape swiftly changes too…
•a huge grin plasters his face! His eyes are sparkling as they drag up and down your naked body. Now this side of you, this vision of you, is more than he ever dared to believe would be possible!
•he starts to laugh after a few eternal moments of just gently staring at you. But it’s not a harsh laugh, it’s a husky one, a breathless one!
•the best thing is though, not once does Chris ask why this is happening. The thought of asking why doesn’t even cross his mind! He’s just so engrossed in you that he goes right along with it. He’s swept away on lust.
•it doesn’t last for long, eventually Chris find his voice again. His swagger is fully returned as cockily he says that he feels overdressed.
•now it’s your turn to blush and rubs your thighs together as you watch as he takes his own top off. Now this, this would be great fun!
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captainpikeswoman · 2 years
Holding Chris’s hand when you think you’re both going to die would include:
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•you don’t even realise that you’ve done it. But you’re both quite literally backed against a wall as a whole host of unfriendly aliens creep closer and neither of you have your weapons…well, instinct kicks in.
•you don’t even look down, your hand just naturally finds his, fits in his. You link your fingers together and you squeeze his hand tight. You’re scared, but you’re there with him- not alone.
•that brings you a bit of comfort. But you’re so wrapped up in what’s happening, that you don’t notice how Chris turns to give you a small smile, he quite likes that at this potentially final moment of your lives, you’ve taken his hand.
•your thumb runs over his thumb, and even as your palm gets sweaty you don’t let go. His hands are surprisingly rough- a few callouses here and there- but then he’s an active, busy man, famously good with his hands: cooking, chopping wood, riding a horse. You’re not surprised. You take in the detail but hardly notice.
•you’ve finally crossed that final divide between Captain and crew member. Chris has been waiting so long for you to make that jump and see him as a man, and not just your CO. He’s very glad that he has lived long enough to experience that intimacy with you. Just holding hands.
•but then at the last moment, just as the spears of the natives start to get uncomfortably close, you’re both wrapped in the golden glow of transporter.
•the minute you’re back on the ship you realise you’re holding his hand, everyone is staring at where your hands are joined- you’d even materialised onto one pad together.
•and it hit you like a truck- you didn’t want to let go. You looked up at Chris, relief making your eyes water, and you started to sob.
•he let go of your hand then and pulled you into a hug, your fists bunched up his shirt as you cried into his chest, hiding your face, burying yourself in his strong arms. He soothes you, encouraging you to let it out. Chris has got you, and he won’t let you go until you’re both feeling better again.
•he nods at the crew in the room and gets them to leave, you both need privacy now.
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captainpikeswoman · 2 years
“I can’t call you Chris.”
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You’ve been hesitating over this conversation for the last few dates. Captain Pike was everything you’d ever dreamed of in a man, in a future lover: kind, intelligent, amusing. It’s honestly impossible not to fall in love with him almost immediately!
There was, however, one tiny problem. You couldn’t call him Chris. And he’d finally noticed.
As you sat together on the sofa after having cooked, eaten and cleaned up in near perfect synchronicity, it finally clicked for him. You’d been gazing into his eyes, and you’d quietly breathed his name, Christopher.
He chuckled slowly, gently stroking your thigh.
“You can call me Chris if you’d like, I go by that more than Christopher.” He explains, but he’s smiling at you curiously.
You take a deep breath and gently shake your head.
“I can’t call you Chris.” The confession feels heavy. You know it’s his name, the one everyone he’s close to calls him. But you can’t. It lands heavily, like a lead balloon.
“Well why not?” His tone is very curious. But you note there’s no anger, which is a complete relief.
You take a deep breath.
“I have a bad history with a person called Chris. Even now, when I hear your friends call you it…it scares me, panics me. I’ve even cried before because it sent me headlong into a bad memory.” You confess sadly. It’s a huge thing to explain.
As he listens his face displays a myriad of experiences: awakening understanding, sorrow, sympathy, and at last, resolve. His eyes never once leave yours, you know he’s paying close attention to you.
“Oh my dear,” his hands find yours and squeezes them gently. “I wish you’d have said. Though now it all makes sense as to why you call me Captain or Christopher…” he trails off. But with a nod of resolve, he smiles softly at you. “Then please, always call me Christopher, I’ll be your Christopher.” He practically purrs.
You feel like your trauma, your past has now been validated, now seen! You can’t help but squeeze his hands. This could’ve been a problem for him, but Christopher, this sweet and wonderful man, it’s all ok. He’s got you covered, he’s happy to be your Christopher.
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captainpikeswoman · 1 year
okay dont take this one serious but how would pike react to you saying '' i lied, i don't actually like sex. now put your clothes back on i'm going to explain the entire plot of *insert your favourite show/series/movie* to you''
As if this would ever happen…
On the off chance that it did happen, I imagine he’d be a) a little bit sexually frustrated and have a raging hard on the whole time that he’d have to deal with at some point later on, and b) he’d actually be rather amused that you went to the effort to seduce him simply to explain something like this, it’s cute and endearing.
Still, best watch out for revenge. Chris is a bastard, a lovely, lovely bastard.
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captainpikeswoman · 2 years
Need you like water
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He’s the air that you breathe, the joy that you drink, the only promise that gets you through each cold day in space. And right now, as you slowly slink your way round to him, where he’s stood behind the desk in the conference room, you feel so much peace and so much love.
“This feels oddly formal.” He chuckles awkwardly. He’s still got his Captain voice on, but simply by rubbing his face the veneer of Captain slips away. The man you love is returned to you.
“It’s not though.” You smile and step into his personal space, you wrap your arms around his shoulders. “It’s just me and you, us two.” You coo at him, making him smile. You always make him smile, even knowing that, it still feels incredibly special when you see those beautiful lips tug into a huge grin.
“I guess I just want to know where we’re heading, you tell me, because I already know how I feel.” He confesses. Oh he’s adorable, blushing bright red, but he’s smiling softly too, letting you dictate the matter. He has hopes, but he’s not going to force you into the route he has picked out in his dreams- you have a choice.
You have no qualms though. You know that Christopher, this glorious man in your arms, is the only one for you.
“Need you like water.” You say, crashing your lips against his. In between soft kisses you keep speaking. “You’re everything my Love, my future and all I want. Starfleet, my career, I care for that, but not as much as I care for you. You come first.” You promise, swearing to him your love and your loyalty in a way that leaves no room for hesitation.
Your confession makes him fall silent. His eyes fill with tears, loving tears, happy tears. He brings a shaky hand to your face, tenderly stroking your temple and cheek.
“At last.” He grins. He’s been waiting for this final commitment, finally, FINALLY, you could love to the next stage of your relationship and move onto the rest of your lives together.
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captainpikeswoman · 2 years
How would Pike react to you asking him to do your hair?
See this is cute! Hope you like it!
Pike doing your hair would include:
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•he’s flattered and he eagerly takes up the challenge! He loves dragging his fingers through your hair, on massaging your scalp- so doing your hair for you…hell yes he wants to do it! He’s an excited man!
•he’s definitely more used to holding a hairbrush so he can spank you with it on your ass…in fact he rather enjoys that- especially if it’s a wooden paddle brush. He’s an expert with those…
•Anyway, Chris is so very gentle as he drags the brush through your hair, he’s downright tender. The bristles never catch at any snags, never tugs or pulls on any knots- he’s a soft, kind man.
•Chris is exceptional at braiding, he can do all sorts- he’s spent years braiding the manes of his horses! He knows how to braid things into your hair, do fancy up-dos or even how to curl or straighten it, he’s a pro!
•and so your hair looks amazing! Every single strand is meticulously placed, smoothed, curled, twisted. You feel like royalty by the time he’s finished with you, and you just can’t wait to show it off!
•you get so many compliments! It becomes a bit of a ‘thing’- everyone wants to see what hairstyle you’re going to have the next time he does it, or if there’s a big event, because somehow, every time is better than the last.
•Chris doesn’t care for the compliments though- he does it because he adores your hair, he loves the intimate time it brings you both, but most of al he loves how it makes you smile.
•he’s completely wrapped round your finger. He’ll do anything you want, all you have to do is ask.
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captainpikeswoman · 2 years
How would pike react to you, just walking up to him, sit on his lap, bury your face in his neck and start cuddling him without saying a word?
I would love to do this! Hope you like it!
Silently seeking affection from Pike would include:
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On Duty:
•if you silently climb into his lap while he’s in the Captain’s chair, while you’re both on duty he’s very surprised!
•but he’ll glare at the crew members until they look away- though actually, they all respect you and him enough to give you privacy anyway.
•he’s not angry- never angry- but he’s very confused and alarmed. This is so unlike you. He tries to talk to you, well whisper, but you don’t respond. You just hold him tighter and bury your face in his neck more.
•he’ll rub your back soothingly as he signs all his work over to Una on his PADD. Him and his Number One are so in sync he sends her a look saying she’s in charge- and she nods. Message received and understood.
•gently he’ll lift you in his arms and walk you off to his ready room so you can both talk without being overheard. He wants to help you.
Off Duty:
•if you just tumble into his arms, wrap yourself around his body when you’re both off duty he just smiles softly. He knows nothing is amiss, otherwise you’d just talk to him. You’re alone after all.
•when you bury your face in his neck he chuckles, and his hands rubs up and down your back gently, maybe even tickling you a bit.
•but this silent affection doesn’t last long, in no time at all he’s rolled you onto your back and his kissing you softly- it doesn’t necessarily turn sexual, but there’s love in it.
•he’s quite prepared to give you all the affection you need, because he loves it, and he loves you too.
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captainpikeswoman · 2 years
Dear Rosie,
may I please request how Pike (maybe Discovery) would react to his wife hurt but hiding it because she did not want to worry anyone?
Of course! I hope you like it!
Being Pike’s wife and hiding that you’re hurt would include:
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•you just couldn’t bring yourself to seek help for this pain- it would only cause attention, a fuss, and you didn’t want to disturb the running of the ship or add to Chris’s woes as Captain of this incredible but bizarre vessel.
•it’s hard work hiding your pain at first- you have to smile even though there pain, walk and not hunch yourself up, pass off the agony as tiredness. You got great at answering “are you sure you’re ok?” With a response that soon got the other people to leave you alone. You did start to snap at people a bit.
•but Chris does start to feel something is wrong. But everytime he broaches the subject you evade, so he leaves it alone. Perhaps it is just tiredness, as you say it is.
•it’s clear to you by now that hiding your pain was the worst thing to do- it’s been weeks and it’s only gotten worse. You’re moody, tired, sad, miserable. And then finally, it’s too late to hide it- you collapse.
•but you’re found by Tilly, she gets you straight to Medbay- carrying you the whole way. And then she calls Chris, the minute he hears the message he sprints off the bridge. He knew something was up. But he had no idea it was this!
•he gets a full lowdown from the Doctor. This pain you’re in is actually something that could’ve been fixed easily if you’d just come forward at the time, but it’s clear to him that it’s been weeks since it happened and that you’ve been struggling on ever since.
•Chris is so upset to see you like this- you must’ve been hurting for such a long time! For it to get this bad…he feels like a bad husband for not seeing it sooner.
•your doting husband stays at your side as you sleep, holding your hand and answering whatever questions the doctor needs to know.
•and then you wake up, and you’re isn’t a fly met with the sad, upset face with your husband. Immediately you burst into tears! He’s at your side in a shot, holding you gently and wanting to know why you didn’t get help.
•he’s not happy when you explain that you didn’t want to worry anyone. He cries too as he says that you are more important to him than his career. He feels a little betrayed, but your apologies and explanations are enough for him to understand.
•Chris promises he loves you now, loves you still, and that no matter what he always will. But he’s firm in insisting that there are to be no more secrets between you both. You agree.
•Chris climbs onto the narrow bed with you, clinging to you. He’d not want anything bad to ever happen to you, and from this point on he’s definitely going to keep a closer eye on you.
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captainpikeswoman · 2 years
Chris catches you painting your nails would include:
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•he’s just got back from an away mission, and Chris is tired. He loves his young crew, he loves training up the best Starfleet has to offer. But looking after the younglings is exhausting. He’s ready to lay beside you and just recharge.
•and his evening is going to be even better than he imagines. The smell of nail polish hits him the second the doors open and he smiles. It’s a sweet little quirk of his- but he LOVES the smell of nail polish.
•Then he sees you on the sofa, focusing hard as you dab the brush in the paint, wipe off the excess and then stroke the colour across your nail, painting it. There’s such an adorable look of concentration on your face. It warms his heart.
•greeting you quietly he plops down on the sofa beside you, not wanting to ruin your work.
•it’s not until he’s close enough to watch you that he can see what colours and design you’ve gone for this time. You’ve painted your toe nails white and have given them blue French tips, Chris smirks…they’re very pretty indeed!
• and right now you’re doing your finger nails scarlet red. He gulps-it’s sexy watching you work…and the results are delicious too! Scarlet red nails…Chris’s mind immediately goes to questioning how beautiful would your hands look wrapped round his cock now? He shakes his head clear of that thought…sort of.
•Somehow Chris ends up agreeing to let you paint his toe nails. Turns out he enjoys the process immensely as you rub his feet with softening, lavender scented creams. It’s been a long day on the feet for him!
•And you have to confess that he looks good with navy blue toe nails. (It’s you little secret, but he LOVES them and definitely wants it doing again). It soon becomes a cute little ritual for the two of you, and Chris loves it.
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captainpikeswoman · 2 years
Since you’re in the mood for Pike prompts…. I have a few ideas! Pick whatever you want :)
- Grabby Pike (from subtle, under the table knee grabs, to cupping your ass in the turbolift….)
- Pike asks you round for a first date
- Camping with Pike
- ‘Fresher sex (I’m imagining the ship still has showers like in Enterprise, rather than the sonic showers of TNG)
Ok firstly I am absolutely going to do ALL OF THESE! But for now, here’s one- I hope you like it!
Grabby, needy, touchy Pike would include:
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•he’s quite a physically affectionate man in general…but when you’re in a relationship it gets to be even more- he’s conscious that as Captain the PDA he partakes in should be tasteful. And for the most part, it is.
•sometimes his hand just settles on your lower back as he leans over your workstation to check your work because you’ve asked him to. Or perhaps he’s missed your physical presence so he’s come up with the whole pretence to be close to you.
•at lunchtimes when you’re sat with your lover Chris’s leg is always brushing against yours, and when he’s finished eating one of his hands always slips onto your thigh. He likes to gently squeeze your thigh, slide his fingers up and down your inner leg…all round it’s utterly delicious!
•Chris can’t resist a good hug, or if you’re both looking at the view from the window, watching the stars go by, Chris will wrap and arm round your shoulders and tug you close into his side. And then he’ll rest his head on top of yours. It’s perfect!
•it’s not like Chris needs an excuse to be grabby and want to feel you against him in some way, but if you ever do anything impressive or particularly successful then Chris will just wrap his arms around you from behind- he’ll squeeze you tight and not let go for a long long time.
•when Chris is feeling a little insecure or uncertain he’ll quite literally just pour at you and stick his hands up in the air, making grabby hands at you! Only once you’re sat in his lap does he stop pouting, he buries his head in your neck and breathes deeply, finding calmness in your scent!
•occasionally he’s so needy for you that in a turbo lift, when it’s just the two of you he’ll grab your ass, cup your ass cheeks in his hands and drag you closer to his body. Only when you’re chest to chest, toe to toe, nose to nose will he smile; and then his lips will collide with yours gently. And his hands just squeeze your ass, making you squeal into the kiss, which in turn makes him laugh! He just can’t help it.
•walking down the corridors of the ship Chris will often link fingers with yours and he’ll swing your hand as you walk together. It’s a lovely moment that happens regularly- the crew have gotten quite used to seeing it, and they find it entirely adorable!
•even after a vigorous ‘workout’ where you’ve both been left sweating and glowing in orgasmic bliss, Chris grabs you- you’ve absolutely got to have postcoital cuddles! And kisses! And gentle nose nudges! And giggles! And everything you possibly can do!
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captainpikeswoman · 2 years
Because I’m super sad and upset and I need this more than anything. Loneliness hurts.
Chris catching you crying would include:
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•so many of the crew are on shoreleave, so much work is being undertaken on the ship. And yet you’re not free. Well, that’s a lie- you had the opportunity to leave the ship and do stuff, but you didn’t want to.
•you’ve been feeling low for a while- different sadness snowballing out of control until you find yourself unable to feel whole anymore. You’re just empty and sad, lonely.
•it’s gotten so bad that you don’t often feel like eating, you want to constantly sleep. And sometimes, you really can’t help it, you just burst into tears.
•and this was one of those instances. You’re utterly relieved to find that as the ship is so empty, there’s very few people to see your breakdown. You manage to duck into a quiet corridor and just let it all out.
•the thing with sorrow and loneliness like this is that it’s all consuming. Literally. As you cry all you can hear is your own heart and the deafening silence, all you can feel and focus on is the sob that wants to break free. So you let it.
•and it was that gut wrenching sob that alerted Chris that something wasn’t quite right with someone. He followed the sound, he knew there was a tiny skeleton crew of about 20 on the ship, and all the crew left he knew. So he was doubly concerned, this was someone he knew, someone under his charge.
•when he sees you his heart breaks. You’ve curled into a ball, having slid down the wall.
•he rushes to you, sliding across the floor on his knees as he comes to a sudden stop. He wraps his arms around you and then has to calm you as you gasp in shock.
•but he soothes you, strokes your hair, coos at you, puts your hand over his heart until your breathing matches his. Only then does he think about getting you somewhere more comfortable.
•he walks you back to his quarters with his arm around your shoulder, and when you’re safely in his room he gets you a drink and some tissues.
•then he waits, you’ll talk when your ready. He’s not going to command it or coax it, but you know what he wants to hear. It starts flowing out of your mouth, and then can’t stop. You cry again as you tell him about the never ending loneliness, how empty you feel and- you break off to sob. His arms wrap round you, you bury yourself in his arms, desperate to feel the weight and warmth of being held. And Chris knows that. So the hugs last a long time.
•he decides then and there that he’s going to keep an eye on you and invite you to join him for the rest of this little leave.
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captainpikeswoman · 2 years
I need a drabble based on this like desperately. Thanks bestie, I understand if you get lost in the picture and kind of forget how to think because I did the same 🤣
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Please can I just sit at his feet and worship him? Please? Please? Please?! (My mind short circuited!) Hope you like it!
Air conditioning drabble:
This was, by far, the best idea you’d ever had. And it was also, by far, the worst idea you’d ever had. But for good or ill, you were now reaping the rewards of the situation you’d deliberately caused…
But it wasn’t your fault, it was Captain Pike’s. His fault for being so damn attractive, for having a uniform that was that tight…and yet that covering. Sometimes you just have to be allowed to see the goods! (As it were.)
And so your plan unfolded. You fiddled around with the environmental controls, turning off the Air conditioning and ramping up the heat- all by just crossing a few cables over and then locking the system so no one else could change it without hacking the system…which would take at least three hours.
Which is exactly where you are now! Three hours into the heating session. The bridge felt like a sauna. Everyone was dripping with sweat, groaning with each movement. It was completely stifling.
And yet, there was a silver lining! Captain Pike had finally unzipped that shirt, giving you more glimpses of that sexy, flushed skin. Watching the way he was talking into his communicator, dealing with the situation you were treated to watching his Adam’s apple bounce. You had to bite your lips- it’s as well it was hot, because you were blushing like mad!
What you hadn’t anticipated however, was that the CCTV would be checked, because this was definitely sabotage and not a computer malfunction. But you didn’t realise anything was amiss until the Captain turned, and caught you checking him out, and he was grinning, grinning like a wolf, like a predator on the prowl.
“Lt. L/N,” he was practically purring at you. “Please join me in my ready room for a moment.” He led the way into the comfortable room.
Captain Pike stood on his side of the table, hands grasping the back of his chair lightly. Your eyes traced his fingertips, up his bulging biceps, towards his broad, finely sculpted chest. At his invitation, you sat down. He remained standing.
“Lt.” He sighed. “I’m prepared to let this act of sabotage go if you’ll just tell me why you did it. Why did you, Y/N,” your heart gave a pulse as he said your first name “ramp up the temperature and turn off the AC?”
You gulp. You know you’re in deep shit now. But even so, you can’t keep your eyes off one droplet of sweat as it trickles down his neck, under the collar of his shirt, down to his vest. You don’t even notice how your mouth has gone dry, you just know you want to lick that bead of sweat.
Chris sees it all. And he laughs.
“Really Y/N.” He leans on the table, slowly pulling the zip down further, revealing more of his sweaty, glowing, toned torso. “If you wanted to see, you could’ve just asked! No need to sabotage the whole ship.”
His words knock a moment of sense into your mind.
“Will you let it slide, just this once? I am sorry, I know I shouldn’t have.” You’re practically begging.
Still he’s beaming though.
“I’ll let it slide, on a condition.” He slides his shirt off and you gulp as his veiny arms, his broad chest is exposed for your hungry eyes. “Join me in the shower. I believe it’s only fair I get to enjoy a show too.”
You’re nodding before he even finishes speaking, and the two of you can’t get to the nearest shower fast enough! It’s a steamy dream that’s come true!
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captainpikeswoman · 2 years
Plz i just wanne be held by Pike. i just wanne hear him say that its gonna be okay :( Could u please write a scenario about Pike holding and comforting his s/o? Thank youuuuu
Of course, I hope you like it! Sometimes we all just need to be held by Pike.
Pike comforting you:
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It has been a terrible day for you, bad right from the off: you woke up late, the computer having seemingly disengaged your alarm clock. You got stuck in a broken down turbo lift, adding to your lateness to shift- your missed breakfast and worked through lunch to make up for it! And then, you found yourself the victim of a prank…on any other day you might’ve found the whole being tarred with glue, and then being covered in hot pink glitter funny. But not today. No.
You finished your shift then and there- your department head signed off on you leaving a little early. You’d made up on any missed work already.
So you made your way back to your quarters, or rather yours and Chris’s, as you’d moved in with him a few weeks ago. What you hadn’t noticed as you were holding your breath, trying to keep the tears at bay, was that you were leaving a huge trail of glitter along the corridor.
And it was that exact trail of hot pink, shining glitter that Chris was following with a bemused smile just half an hour later. When he sees it disappear into your shared quarters his magnificent eyebrows almost disappeared into his hairline.
This could mean only a number of things: you’d gone trigger happy with some glitter, or you’d been caught in some sort of prank…and as he’d been reading a report about a glittery prank just five minutes ago, he opted to believe you were the unfortunate soul who got glittered…got glittered good.
So Chris already had an expectation that things weren’t going to be wonderfully happy when he got inside the rooms. But what really broke his heart was that you were sobbing, crying your little heart out. Chris could see from your wet hair and painfully scrubbed looking skin, that you’d had a shower. Yet he could also see that there was still some glitter in your hair, patches on your skin, that evidently would not clean off.
You’re wearing one of his shirts- one he only usually sees you in when you’re having a very very bad day. And he just crumbles.
He collapses onto the sofa beside you, pulling you into his arms. And you just melt against him, you climb into his lap, sitting on his strong thighs as your fingers curl into his shirt. You don’t care that you’re getting his shirt wet, you don’t care that you’re slobbering over him or that whatever you’re trying to say is unintelligible.
Chris holds you. He can tell you need him just to be there. So he rubs his hands up and down your back, warming you, soothing you.
“Chris!” You hiccup his name. Your eyes are stinging, your throat is burning and your lungs feel as if they’re not inflating fully with each breath. “Chris today has been horrible.”
He gently shushes you, holding you tight in his warm arms. “I know my Love, I’ve got you now. It’s all ok again.” He promises.
Chris knows that for the rest of the night you absolutely need all the tlc (tender loving care) he has. Fortunately Chris has buckets of love and tenderness for you. And tonight, he’ll give you as much as you need- starting with another shower with him, he’s got to get that glitter off you; and then he’ll cook you dinner. But there’s no rush.
His hands keep stroking you gently, fingertips rubbing nonsense shapes into your skin. There’s definitely no rush, not tonight.
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captainpikeswoman · 2 years
Chris: She’s the most perfect woman, I’m so in love with her. (He sighs dreamily and stares over at me as I hiss at Spock when he tries to take flapjacks out of my hands.)
Una: (low-key terrified and amused and quite prepared with her phaser on stun should Spock not back off and I have to resort to physical violence to keep MY flapjacks.) Yeah, real winner there Chris. She’s perfect.
Chris: (sighing dreamily and leaning his chin on his hand.) Yeah. Perfection.
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captainpikeswoman · 2 years
Y/N: I can’t continue to sleep in this bed with the man who single handedly ruined my life.
Chris: I didn’t intentionally ruin your life, and I’m going to make you pancakes tomorrow ok? Just please don’t leave the bed, you know I can’t sleep without you!
Y/N: well I can’t sleep without pancakes! (Gets up, wrapped in all the covers and ready to spend the night on the sofa.)
Chris: (sighs)….midnight snack?
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