#answered asks:ooc
reevezs · 6 months
Knowing Your Partner Can Make Writing Together Easier!
repost-y, no reblog-y
Name? Art
Pronouns? she/her/they/whatever you'll pick is fine by me/this barbie can't care less & responds to everything because I'm not the main character here
Communication Preference? IMs for quick exchanges, Discord for chatting with the chosen ones
Muses’ Names? Zach and Eric won't even mention my multimuse since I'm sooo active there
Best Experience? everything I've written here with my partners, improving my writing, all the great people I've met, getting to know many fantastic muses and developing my own... I should probably say rping in general lol
Pet Peeves? cancel culture and banned fcs, too much formatting (bonus points for horrible writing), rpers feeling superior for stupid reasons... my pet peeves list is LONG tbh
Muse Preferences? males, nerds, and grumps. better yet - 3 in 1
Plotting or Winging It? 50:50, I just wanna have a general idea and then wing it
Long or Short Replies? both? medium? I just write until I decide I'm done, squeeze out everything I've got; if it's long it's long, if it's shorter but there's nothing to add - short reply it is, then. I never expect anyone to match the length anyway, I just need something to reply to.
Best Time To Write? used to be evenings, now - mostly mornings. the best answer to this would be "I just write whenever inspiration strikes".
Are You Like Your Muse? yes and no; I always have a few things in common with my muses, some are pretty obvious, others not so much. in general-general, let's say we're both a bit "friendly, not your friend though", and as for Eric - we both ramble a lot.
Tagged by: @myriadxofxmuses
Tagging: I'm tagging all my mutuals, feel tagged! 💙
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skylerb · 11 months
Skyler is so cool. Did you know they actually teach hacking in college? there was a hacking 101 in my college! the tech students would take it (along with like, coding classes haha) bc hacking is obviously not just nefarious, but saves lives too it was so weird to have a friend be like "gotta go to hacking class" xD
//thank you 🙈 haha yes, I love it, I'd love such classes! actually, skyler could have become an ethical hacker (minor in cybersecurity), but why be a hero when you can be a villain.
btw - the IT is slowly taking over, Docs. one more programmer/hacker in the building and instead of saving lives we'll be saving everyone as .py
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thdrkngsk · 7 months
I’d love to read full biographies of all your characters. They are a joy to read. Especially Ian and his sister. Each character is just wow amazing.
//omg how come I never noticed this ask, I'm so sorry! I might add the bios back one day because they're ready and everything, I just took them down for whatever reason. and thank you so much 💙 means a lot!
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reevezs · 2 months
✍ , 😂
about the muse
Favorite thing about writing the muse?
How versatile he is because it's easy to put him in most plots. So is Eric; I appreciate the differences and similarities between them.
Funniest thing that’s ever happened to your muse? 
Zach has had some nice comedic relief moments, including trolling zombies with an RC car or killing one by shoving it into the ocean with his friend (and learning that zombies can't swim). Every awkward moment when he's oblivious someone is flirting with him, too.
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reevezs · 2 months
*16 and 17 for the Munday meme pls?*
Munday Meme
Favourite trope?
All post-apo things, everything post-apo, deadly viruses and zombies. I Am Legend, but the dog doesn't die. Bonding over something traumatic. A character is forced to do something horrible for the right reason, so their moral compass goes crazy.
Least favourite trope?
I don't like writing period things or fantasy, especially if it encourages plots like The Chosen One living under the staircase until everything changes on his 11th birthday or Forbidden Love (✨️This is the skin of a killer, Bella✨️). Or when a character is invincible, stronger or faster than everyone else, just because.
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reevezs · 4 months
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Pinterest tag game The first character, real person, outfit & quote when you open pinterest is your vibe
tagged by: @vxctorx 💙 tagging: @ayakoito , @vienrose , @bewitchingbaker & you
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reevezs · 4 months
22. do you make your rp buddies your friends, or is it strictly writing?
ask the mun meme
let's be friends, sure, we share a hobby already! I used to think that whatever happens in Vegas should stay in Vegas, but I've met many great people and right now it's "whatever comes naturally".
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reevezs · 4 months
12. do you prefer to plot before you start writing or do you prefer seeing the chemistry?
ask the mun meme
I like brainstorming ideas, no matter how detailed or loose they are, but it's my (and your) muse's decision where we go with the replies. I never push my charas in any direction even if I don't like their reaction etc, but I love seeing the chemistry - fuck plans and plotting.
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reevezs · 4 months
4. favorite connection type? (i.e enemies, exes, fwbs, childhood best friends, etc.) 10. best experience you’ve had in a rp? 13. biggest rp pet peeve? 25. favorite thing about the rpc now? 26. least favorite thing about the rpc now? 32. do you prefer 2012 tumblr rp or 2020 tumblr rp?
ask the mun meme
favorite connection type? (i.e enemies, exes, fwbs, childhood best friends, etc.)
BROTPS. ships are great, of course, but brotps are just chef's kiss. give me dumbass A and dumbass B and I'll love you forever, you can't fuck up a brotp.
best experience you’ve had in a rp?
rping in general - creating a character, meeting other people's great characters and their muns, coming up with ideas we can obsess over... it's such a fun hobby I never get tired of, 10/10, five stars.
13. biggest rp pet peeve?
right now it's me changing and rearranging sentences 100 times and reading everything exactly how it was in my head, only to post it and realize it doesn't make sense & I don't see it until it's on the dash. I'm sorry, it will happen again.
25. favorite thing about the rpc now?
mvps @kit-just-kit and @rcbf4 setting up rp blind dates for me and their mutuals like "your ocs should meet" lol I love that 💙
26. least favorite thing about the rpc now?
cancel culture - always.
32. do you prefer 2012 tumblr rp or 2020 tumblr rp?
there are things I like(d) more and there are things I like(d) less, so 50:50. I'm glad some trends are gone, that's for sure.
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reevezs · 7 months
-If you could tell your muse something, what would it be?
-What are five of your favorite ships? (In the rp community or otherwise)
-Do you write fanfiction, or have you in the past?
If you could tell your muse something, what would it be?
I'd talk to his dog because that's the kind of person I am.
What are five of your favorite ships? (In the rp community or otherwise)
My ships duh!, I love all of them, and I'm excited for each and every single one 💙 ALSO, bestie shoutout time @nikkkiwrites 💙 We've had so much fun with our pairings even when they end tragically lol. 11/10, I love you!
Do you write fanfiction, or have you in the past?
Yeah, one, and it was awful lol. So damn bad.
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reevezs · 7 months
4. What are some of your rp pet peeves?
I know it's a coincidence, but you guys really wanna know what pisses others off, don't you lmao
Weird formatting that makes replies hard to read – I think I always mention this one because, really, it's one of my biggest pet peeves.
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reevezs · 7 months
4. What are some of your rp pet peeves? 15. What sort of muses do you tend to write?
What are some of your rp pet peeves?
For rpc as a whole: banned fcs lists & growing cancel culture. I don't mean rplayers refusing to interact with muses with certain fcs or preferring one over another. I mean blacklists with everyone's sins listed neatly and linked and such.
Probably more than a pet peeve but yeah
What sort of muses do you tend to write?
Nerds who don't really look like nerds, but the second they open their mouth you know & grumps who only act happier around their people.
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reevezs · 7 months
3, 4, 17 for the mun meme : )
Are there any particular aus or plots that you’d really like to write?
Answered here.
What are some of your rp pet peeves?
When "read rules before interacting" doesn't go both ways. I know we follow many blogs and 90% of everyone's rules looks exactly the same, it's also easy to forget those that don't, but it fucking shows when someone hasn't read a single guidelines page in a long time.
Do you prefer winging it or plotting everything out?
Both, it depends on what kinda thread we're writing. I like to have a general idea, get some inspo, but I def don't need or want to plan every move.
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reevezs · 7 months
1.Who has been your favorite muse to play? 3. Are there any particular aus or plots that you’d really like to write? 6. What is your favorite thing about writing your current muse? 18. What makes for a great roleplay partner in your opinion?
Who has been your favorite muse to play?
Skyler, David, Zach & Ria (from ByeNYCfm, but I love her so much and she's kinda an NPC here, as Zach's neighbor/friend, so...).
Are there any particular aus or plots that you’d really like to write?
Everything and anything, because he's still a very young blueberry bean. I like putting him in uncomfortable situations and testing his patience, I'm not sorry.
What is your favorite thing about writing your current muse?
His energy even if it often means the lack thereof lol. Just like Skyler's "write something, then add as many swear words as possible". Here, we've got "write something in as few words as possible".
What makes for a great roleplay partner in your opinion?
If you're as excited about our threads as I am we're good. 💙 Nothing worse than obsessing over a plot/ship/anything when it's not mutual. Let's just say "matching energies".
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reevezs · 7 months
repost, don't reblog.
TAGGED BY: @heartxshaped-bruises thanks! 💙
TAGGING: I'm feeling so lazy today and I wanna tag all my mutuals - CAN I?
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Self-paras on the left, rp replies on the right. I've tried a few and got these 3/5 times, so the site is kinda consistent lol.
I'm your discount Stephen King and I definitely am Art.
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reevezs · 7 months
last song: The Prodigy - Voodoo People
favorite color: turquoise
currently watching: I'll be watching Logan: Wolverine soon
spicy/savory/sweet: all three, in this very order
relationship status: in a relationship
current obsession: still making those fucking gifs, I'm feeling pretty creative in general
tagged by: @crimsontrxcks
tagging: @goodwinxandco , @scinglives , @myrwild , @grcveyacd and you, HELLO, feel tagged
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