The Plot Part 3 (Anthony Bridgerton x Fem!Reader)
anthony bridgerton x fem!reader
third part in a series where his entire family plots to get you two together by the end of the season
warnings: father who is blatantly sexist; she/her pronouns
author: sj
part one / part two / part four
part three coming soon :)
taglist: @lafy-taffy​ @fictional-hooman @navs-bhat​ @littleunstable2022​ 
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You knew you were utterly screwed. The eldest Bridgerton had always had your heart and yet, you knew he would never return your feelings in the same way. The way he had danced with you at the last ball had been enough to know that you would do anything for him. The hold he had over you was overbearing. 
It had been a few days since that fateful ball and you could not get the Viscount from your mind. And little did you know that he had trouble getting you out of his mind as well. 
At first, he thought he was simply concerned for you. He had known you for what felt like forever so he only assumed it was normal for the idea of you and another man to consume his every waking and dreaming thought. However, it was not normal how much rage seemed to fill his body when he thought of your father not caring about what happened to you in the long run. How could he not even take a second to consider your happiness? The sweet girl from across the street who looked, walked, and talked like a living angel? 
Okay, maybe he shouldn’t be thinking of his younger sister’s best friend in that way, comparing her to an angel seemed a bit on the riskier side of that territory. But he would be lying to himself if he did not admit that he thought of you not in a little sister way, but a romantic way. In fact, he thought of you that way many, many times. 
You were currently sitting in your day room as a suitor was droning on and on and on about something to do with his estates. He had not asked you one question yet, only talking to you about himself. You didn’t know how much more you could take of this. As if your mind was read, the door to the day room opened and Benedict came strolling in. 
“Mr. Bridgerton.” You said, standing up from the couch, trying not to sound too relived and excited to see a friendly face. He nodded to you, giving you a small, playful smile and then walked towards your mother. 
“Lady Y/l/n, may I ask Miss Y/l/n to promenade with me and my family?” Your mother looked at you and your eyes practically were pleading with her to say yes. 
“Of course Mr. Bridgerton.” She replied, winking at you. You knew your mother was not happy with what your father was trying to do, but she couldn’t do a thing about it. They had never had a good relationship like Violet and her late husband, in fact, they were one of the only examples of a healthy relationship that you had ever witnessed. 
That is how you found yourself with your arm linked around Benedict’s in the park, strolling leisurely to the lake, towards the boats. The whole Bridgerton clan had decided to come for the stroll, giving you a chance to see them again since you were quite busy with this season’s suitors. 
“So Y/n, how is your suitor hunt going?” Ben asked you. You let out a laugh that sounded more like a sigh. 
“Not very well, if I’m honest. It is just filled with such dreary men. They either are a rake, terrifying, or have the personality of a broom stick.” You responded. Benedict laughed and swatted his arm that your other arm was wrapped around. “That was not very gentleman like of you.”
“Have you ever known me to be a gentleman?” He lowered his eyes towards you. You laughed in response, quickly covering your mouth, and continuing to joke around with each other. 
Anthony watched you two from behind, his eyebrows furrowing at the sound of your shared laughter, wondering what you two could be possibly saying that was so funny. 
“Well don’t you look like you have your pants on a little too tight brother.” Colin said. 
“Whatever are you talking about Colin?” Anthony remarked, not taking his eyes off of you and Ben in front of him.
“Hmmm. I don’t know, maybe the way that you are practically staring holes in the back of Y/n’s head. Why don’t you just court her already instead of pretending that you aren’t interested in her. She would make a great Viscountess and we already love her, which is half the battle in itself.” Colin remarked. Anthony looked to his brother and nodded tightly. 
“I couldn’t give her what she wanted, which is a love match. That would require her actually loving me.” Anthony spoke with a pained face, squinting from the sun. 
“I thought you were smarter brother. If you haven’t seen how she has looked at you since she was young, then I am not sure what to tell you. She adores you. You just have to look.” Colin said, patting him on the back and walking towards Eloise who was waving him over. 
“Benedict!” Violet called from her little huddle of the youngest two children. Ben looked up and made sure it was okay with you before he walked away. Anthony watched as Lord Grayson, who was standing nearby, spotted you alone and started towards you. Again, Anthony’s feet seemed to move on their own as he quickly came over to you. 
“Miss Y/l/n.” They both said at once, looking from you to each other, Anthony’s jaw clenched. You looked to both of them staring at each other. 
Lord Grayson was probably one of the only men that you had encountered that you could tolerate for longer than one dance. He had come to court you this week and you had a nice chat with him. He would make a great friend, but if you wanted a love match, you were going to need more. 
“Miss Y/l/n, I was wondering if you would join me on a small boat ride.” Anthony asked, making eye contact with you. 
“I would love to. Lord Grayson, did you need something?” You looked to the Lord standing before you. 
“Never mind. I see I have arrived a little too late.” He said, dipping his head as he left. You grabbed Anthony’s arm as he led you to the edge of the water where there was a boat waiting. 
Once you were both in, Anthony started rowing and conversation started to flow. 
“So, have you found anyone you wish to court? I know your mother told me that you were looking to marry this season.” You said, mentally chastising yourself, not sure if you could handle if he said that he had found someone of interest. 
“Not really. I find that if I am to find a wife, my demeanor will probably have to change. At least that is what my mother said, something about that I am too harsh with those around me.” 
“Harsh? You are not harsh Anthony, you have only ever been patient, helpful and kind to me.” You told him earnestly, slightly avoiding his eyes.
“Well, thats different. With you, it is easy to be... well... gentler and more understanding.” You looked up to his and he watched how your eyes shone. They held a look in them that he hasn’t seen in a while, not since he last saw Daphne looking at Simon or his mother looking at his father. 
And that is when Anthony Bridgerton knew he wished to marry you. He knew he was utterly screwed. 
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The Plot Part 2 (Anthony Bridgerton x Fem!Reader)
anthony bridgerton x fem!reader 
second part in what looks to be a several part series where his entire family plots to get you two together by the end of the season
warnings: potential creepy man; awful father who is sexist; she/her pronouns
author: sj
part one / part three / part four
there will be a part three coming soon:)
tags: @lafy-taffy​
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It was the first ball of the season and you were positively terrified. This wasn’t even your first season out but the fact that you were to marry at the end of this one made the stakes so much higher. Currently, your arm was wrapped around Eloise’s as you watched from the wall. You had already danced with a few gentlemen and none of them were memorable. But Eloise’s eyes seemed to be rolling towards her brain more times than you could count which was enough to keep you entertained.
The trio of Bridgerton brothers currently could be found a few feet away from you and Eloise. They were deep in discussion of who knows what when Benedict noticed a gentleman approaching you and Eloise. He seemed to be interested in you and was currently filling his name in on your dance card. He gave a little bow with his hand outstretched and you hesitantly placed yours in his as you let go of Eloise and gave her a tight smile.
As you walked away, Eloise joined the boys and sighed. “Poor Y/n, she hasn’t even been acting like herself. Her smile is gone and all I can think about is what if it never comes back if she’s forced to marry someone she doesn’t like. I mean look at her.” They all glanced to you on the dance floor and watched your tight smile twist into a grimace as the man you were dancing with stepped on your foot.
“I’ll take next dance and give her a break before she's cornered by another man who decides to break her toes.” Benedict said. He walked away towards the dance floor where you were curtsying towards the man in front of you.
“May I have next dance Miss Y/l/n?” Benedict asked extending his hand. Your eyes found his and you give him the first real smile of the night. He grabbed your hand and got ready for the next dance.
“Thank you Benny.” You whispered. “But if you ever call me Miss Y/l/n again I’ll hide all your brushes.” You threatened.
Anthony observed your face brightening as his brother started to dance with you. He couldn’t help but be a little tiny bit jealous that his brother was who caused that reaction and not himself.
“Perhaps Benedict could court her. They look good together. Maybe they could marry for friendship instead of love.” Eloise stated, glancing towards Colin and Anthony who were watching the pair dancing. She noticed that Anthony tensed at her words. Had she missed something? Was her eldest brother secretly harboring feelings for her friend? This. Is. Perfect.
After the dance you and Benedict made your way back towards the small group and reconvened. Just as you joined the group a hand grabbed your elbow, turning you around.
“Y/n.” Your father. You took a breath as he grabbed you towards him and away from the group. The small Bridgerton group closely observed as the man pulled you away.
“This is Mr. Berclay. He will have your next dance.” You tried to control your face as you looked to the man next to your father. You normally don’t judge people completely based on looks, but the man your father was clearly trying to set you up with was definitely too old for you. And judging by the way he was leering at you, you could assume that intentions were not great and you already felt uncomfortable in his presence. You nodded and curtsied at the terrifying man and lowered your eyes to try to keep the tears in.
Anthony couldn’t believe it. It was like watching a nightmare come to life (and he didn’t know if it was his nightmare or yours...or both). The man your father told you, not asked you, to dance with was looking at you like he was going to eat you alive and he simply could not handle the terror in your eyes. The pure rage towards your father drove him to act without thinking, making his feet carry him towards you and stepping in between you and the man that was making you uncomfortable.
You felt a hand intercept yours that was reaching out towards Mr. Berclay’s outstretched hand and sparks shot through you. You looked up to find none other than the Viscount’s eyes softly looking at you.
“So sorry to interrupt Mr. Y/l/n, but Miss Y/l/n promised me her next dance and it’s about to start.” If you weren’t so tense, your jaw would have dropped to the floor right off your face. Dancing always made you think of Anthony and that first time you really saw him as the man you know now. And to think that you were going to dance with him in public... you could practically hear your younger self squealing with joy.
Your father’s jaw clenched, “Of course Viscount, take her.” Granted, if Anthony would have not had the title of Viscount, you were sure your father would have dismissed him. He waved his hand and Anthony pulled you briskly away by the hand. Once you got a distance away from your father you finally spoke.
“Thank you so much.”
“Don’t thank me. He shouldn’t be doing this to you.” Anthony said gently to you as you both got in position for the next dance.
You took a breath before the dance started, you were getting nervous to dance with Anthony, he was very talented on the floor and you wanted him to see how good you’ve gotten since you first learned.
“You’ve become quite the dancer.” Anthony remarked to you after a minute of dancing. You preened. 
“Thank you. I find it quite easy now, unlike when I was first learning.” You smiled. A grin cracked on his face.
“I do remember those days. I distinctly remember you falling backwards over the couch in the day room once dancing with Benedict.” His grin grew as he recalled the memory. Your cheeks flushed and a nervous giggle came out of your mouth as you looked away from his eyes towards the others on the dance floor.
“If Ben hadn’t made me laugh so hard, I wouldn’t have stumbled back and hit the couch in the first place. Not my finest moment.” You grinned, looking back at him to see him staring right back at you. 
“Well, thats why I stepped in to teach you. I am a much more effective teacher.” Your cheeks warmed as the shared look between you both seemed to grow more intense. You looked away and attempted to clear your head. You could not be getting your hopes up like this.
After a moment of silence, Anthony continued recalling memories and you tried your best to keep your laughter inside, or at least quiet.
“Look at them,” Colin observed. “You’d think he’d hung the stars the way she’s looking at him.”
“I think it’s most telling how Anthony is looking at her.” Violet Bridgerton said, walking up behind the group just in time to hear his comment. She rested her gloved hands onto the backs of Ben and Colin. “I haven’t seen him smile like that since… well, I’m not that sure. They are both glowing.”
“It’s simple really. They are meant to be.” Benedict stated.
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The Plot (Anthony Bridgerton x Fem!Reader)
anthony bridgerton x  fem!reader
the one where his entire family plots to get you two together by the end of the season
warnings: awful dad; mentions of potential future abuse; she/her pronouns; scheming lol 
author: sj
part two / part three / part four
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The Bridgertons have practically been your family since you were small, specifically Daphne and Eloise, but none of them were were ever considered your favorite, they simply all were your favorite. And the whole clan adored you. Even Lady Bridgerton who insisted that you call her Violet.
This was your second season out and your father particularly was starting to get serious about your intentions to marry. Your father was never the kindest, viewing you as another child in his house and as a thing he had to get rid of when you hit a certain age, hence why you spent your time at the Bridgerton household to escape him. Which was were you found yourself now. Specifically at dinner.
The sound of silverware scraping and loud chatting filled your ears as you ate with the beloved family. You had only told Eloise before dinner of your father and his intention to marry you off this season. Which is what you and Eloise were discussing at the moment in hushed whispers.
“But I can’t believe he would actually do this! It’s ridiculous and quite disgusting that he would treat you like property.” Eloise huffed.
“What are you talking so fervently about Eloise?” Anthony asked at the head of the table.
“Nothing, brother.” She dismissed, your cheeks heating slightly under his gaze that was looking back and forth between you two. For the past few years, you had been harboring a little crush on the Viscount. After he had helped you learn a specific dance in the day room one morning about four years ago, your mind and body would not release him from its clutches. He seemed to not return your feelings. 
“Eloise, if you are going to speak so passionately then you get to share with the table. I for one would love to hear what has you so angered.” He insisted, cutting the meat on his plate. She looked to you as if to ask if it was alright to explain but you just kept your head down and picked at the food on your plate.
“It is not my matter to discuss.” Eloise spoke, adding a little nod in your direction at her side. 
“Eloise…” Anthony pushed.
“Anthony, if Y/n doesn’t want to discuss it then she downed not have to.” Violet cut in, reading the situation and knowing it was your matter that was attempting to be discussed.
“Y/n, my apologies. It was not my intentions to make you uncomfortable.” Anthony said earnestly, looking at you in the eye. You quickly looked down.
“No! You didn’t make me uncomfortable. I just… well… My father has decided at the end of this season I am to be married. Regardless of my feelings on the topic… and the person.” You said still avoiding eye contact from everyone at the table.
“Oh, Y/n.” Benedict sighed with compassion in his voice.
“I’m so sorry.” Colin said, patting your shoulder affectionately. You took a breath to hold yourself together.
“I’m alright. I promise. There have been others that have gone through this, I’m sure I’ll survive.” You tried to muster up your best smile, looking up to the others. Anthony’s eyes met yours, his hands paused at his plate as you spoke and eyes studied your pitiful half smile. It was obvious to him that you weren’t fine.
“I mean how can he do this?!” Eloise yelled, her silverware clattering to the table. “What if the man he marries you to is AWFUL? What if he hurts you or is old or is demeaning? How can you just be fine?!” She exclaimed.
“It’s because I don’t have a choice.” You quietly admitted. “If I get upset, it’ll do nothing but make me miserable. I’m just hoping somehow I end up with a love match or at least someone nice.”
Hyacinth and Greggory had been quietly watching (for the first time in their lives). They didn’t fully grasp the gravity of the situation but what they did grasp was that you weren’t acting like yourself. Your normal joyful demeanor and the smile that never seemed to leave your face fully, was completely gone. Just by looking at your body language, they could feel the unease rolling off of you.
They were also keeping an eye on Anthony as well. Not once since you had admitted the news did he move his hands from his silverware resting by his plate, knuckles going white with how hard he was squeezing his fists around the metal. They knew of how he normally looked at you, with soft eyes and careful attention. The empty stare he had trained on you now held almost a slight look of concern and anger. 
Hyacinth and Greggory shared a look between them that almost said it all. They needed to find a way to get you and Anthony together by the end of the season so you didn’t end up miserable and so you realized your shared feelings for each other. 
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The Plot Part 4 (Anthony Bridgerton x Fem!Reader)
anthony bridgerton x fem!reader 
fourth and final official part in a series where his entire family plots to get you two together by the end of the season
warnings: she/her pronouns; honestly i don’t think there are any
author: sj
part one / part two / part three
taglist: @lafy-taffy @fictional-hooman @navs-bhat @littleunstable2022 @mirandastuckinthe80s @mgmolina2000 @marss-anonymous @wotcherboo @venomsvl @queensgirl718 @ambitionspassionscoffee @iblogtopassthetime @twobluejeans
thank you guys so much for all the love on this series 🥹😭
i will probably write an epilogue so this is the last official part but it’s not completely over :))))
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Anthony was only plagued of thoughts of you and your eyes. Everytime he closed his own, he swore he could see your eyes sparkle with that look of adoration. He didn’t know what he did to deserve that but he knew that he definitely didn’t want that to stop. Or for it to be directed to anyone else, specifically towards any of your suitors.
He needed help. He didn’t admit this often, but when he did, that meant the situation was dire. And it truly was. All he could think about was what was happening at your home and the men that were lined up to take you as their wife. He really, really needed help to win you over. Never in his life did he need someone so badly, much less ever desire someone to be his own and take his last name. 
Eloise would know what to do. You were her best friend after all, if she didn’t have any advice, then he knew he was in trouble. Even though he knew Eloise wouldn’t let it go and would hang it over his head for a while to come, he decided to seek her out in the day room. 
Sure enough, she was sitting with a book propped on her lap, one finger in her mouth, as if she was so deep in thought reading that the world around her didn’t exist. Thank God none of the rest of the family were currently in there. 
“Eloise, I’m afraid I need to ask you something.” Anthony said, jaw tensing as he watched her eyes shoot to his and brows twist in confusion. 
“Well, what is it?” She sighed, shutting her book.
“I don’t know how to say this.” He paused, and Eloise straightened in her chair noticing her brother’s unusual lack of confidence. “Do you think that Y/n and I would be a good match?”
“Of course I do brother. We have all noticed how you two can easily get along and gaze into each other’s eyes, it would be a fool who can’t.” She shrugged, like it was the most obvious thing to think. 
“You wouldn’t think it odd of me if I took interest in her of being my wife, you being her friend and all.”
“Absolutely not. She has been interested in you since we were children, so honestly I would be delighted to see her so happy. Look, I might find this whole courting and finding a match thing exhausting and patronizing, but I think that she deserves to be happy and loved. As long as you don’t break her heart, then I would simply have to make your death look like an accident.” Anthony’s chest filled with hope at Eloise’s words.
“Well noted sister. If I were to do anything of the sort, I might give you pointers on how best to discard of evidence.” He smiled. 
“As if I need pointers.” Eloise scoffed, picking her book back up and opening it to the page she was just reading. 
Anthony arrived later that afternoon to the park where you were currently promenading with your mother. Your mother and you had both needed a break from the men that were infesting the house that were interested in your hand. When Anthony arrived, he noticed you much far ahead than the rest of the Bridgerton’s who were already there taking a stroll themselves. Anthony seamlessly let himself fall instep with the group. 
Hyacinth and Greggory, who were known to be the mischief in the family, quickly decided together that this was their opportunity. They had been watching this mutual pining business happen for a while and decided that it was time for them to take action. They nodded and enacted their plan. 
“Miss Y/l/n, may I take a stroll with you for a few minutes.” Greggory asked you, extending his arm. Your mother smiled at him and promptly let go of your arm and stepping away with a wink. You linked your arm with his and let him lead you. You couldn’t believe how much he was growing up. 
“Of course Mister Bridgerton.” You smiled. He slowly led you away to the grass and towards the shade of a nearby tree. Anthony was watching on, admiring how you smiled at his younger brother. 
“Brother. Walk with me will you?” Hyacinth asked him. Anthony looked down to meet her eye. How suspicious. Usually you couldn’t find those two apart, unless they were planning something. Lord help them all. 
He took her arm and walked with her. “Hyacinth. Whatever you have planned, I hope you know that it won’t work.” He said to her with a small smirk. 
“Whatever do you mean? I was just simply wondering how you were doing after the announcement of our dear Y/n’s engagement.” His whole body went rigid. “I know you were quite taken with her, I thought we’d go say congratulations.” His body was mindlessly following his younger sister’s while his ears rung with alarm. How could it be? Was he not just laughing with you on a boat last week? Not that that was love declaration, but he hadn’t seen you even enjoying yourself in the presence of another gentleman, much to his delight. Maybe your father had given you away like a cow. He wanted to wretch. 
His eyes snapped back up to your form as he got closer and could hear your attempted muted giggle as you covered your mouth from something Greggory said. You sure didn’t look upset. How could he have missed such a wonderful lady standing right in front of him his whole life. Regret flashed in his gut. He watched on as you took a step back, boot getting caught on a root in the ground from the tree you were standing next to. 
He leapt into motion, arm untangling from Hyacinth’s and coming to your waist as you fell through the air. He quickly pulled you back up and helped you steady yourself. Time seemed to slow as his eyes were pulled into yours. You felt your world that was spinning seem to halt at just the gaze of his brown eyes. His hands on your waist were so firm but delicate you felt a flush start on your face, reaching down to your chest. 
He pulled away, remembering that you both were indeed in public and he didn’t want to taint your reputation whatsoever. He looked over to Greggory, but found that he wasn’t there.
“Miss Y/l/n.” 
“Please, call me Y/n. You’ve known me long enough, my Lord.”
“Only if you also call me Anthony, Y/n.” You nodded. “I just wanted to say that I am sorry I have been so foolish.” Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion. Anthony felt the words bursting forth and decided to let them fly.
“I have been so utterly foolish. Quite blind if I’m honest. You’ve been around my whole life, but it seems as though I am just now seeing you and I am quite ashamed to admit that. I understand that your hand is spoken for now, but I must admit to you my true feelings before I am unable to. I adore you Y/n Y/l/n. You have been all consuming these last few weeks and I cannot stand to think of you with anyone else. You deserve respect, love, and utter adoration. I could only hope that I could give you that, but I would be lying if I didn’t say I know I would fall short. You are beautiful. I only hope that someday the sun could rival your bright light.” 
If words could strike you dead, you’d be laying in a grave six feet under. You could have cried with the words he admitted. You have been waiting your whole life for this moment. But ‘hand is spoken for’? Did he know something you didn’t?
“I... I am afraid I can barely form a sentence right now. But whatever do you mean my hand is spoken for?”
“Hyacinth said that... That dreadful rat.” He cursed under his breath “Hyacinth told me you were engaged, but looking at the lack of ring on your finger, she was lying. I guess I still haven’t learned my lesson of believing her when she’s obviously up to something.” You giggled, his words still washing over you and making your heart sing. 
“I am not spoken for, but I would be honored if you perhaps would offer. I don’t think I’ve ever heard such a beautiful speech.” You beamed. Anthony’s heart could have burst. If they weren’t so blatantly in public, he would have kissed you. He literally had to clench his hands together just resist the urge to reach out and touch your shining face.
“Don’t worry. An offer from me you shall receive. I shall wait to do it properly until I have the perfect ring, however.” Your face felt like it could shatter like glass if you smiled any larger. You slipped your arm into the crook of his and you both turned to face the rest of the family that was currently trying not to look too interested in your blissful conversation. 
“Do you think they all knew our shared affection for each other?” You asked. 
“I do believe so.” Anthony and you smiled coyly towards the smiling Bridgertons who had all been indeed plotting for your happy ending. 
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