#anti aaron yoghurt
tamhrayis · 2 years
Idc what the antis say, I believe in Aaron Yoghurt supremacy.
People who don’t get it, are really stuck somewhere before 2021. The best Eren FOR REAL!!!
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#BuryTheScarfMikasa #BurnTheScarfMikasa
*contains talk about chapter 139, so do not read if you do not want to be spoiled. Heavily anti er*mika. Also, I'll be using Aaron/Ellen, just in case*
Hi Hi !! fellow Mikasa and Rivamika fans, and anyone else who stumbles across this who was gravely disappointed in Mikasa's ending. I've been somewhat of a lurker, and I've enjoyed seeing the fanart, reading the fics, and all the theories and analyses, so thank you to everyone who has shared their content. I don't usually share my thoughts so publicly ('cause I'm always nervous I won't communicate all my emotions properly), but I have this idea and I'd love to share it, and might as well take the opportunity to criticize 139.
My Thoughts On Mikasa's Ending and Her Scarf
After chapter 139, I was thinking about Mikasa's scarf and whether I wanted to continue imagining her in it anymore, e.g. when reading fics or fucking fantasizing lmao. See, the scarf used to be her indicator; it was very much part of her person. And, in the beginning, it represented warmth and comfort. After the traumatic experience of seeing her parents brutally murdered, we can't deny that, in the beginning, that's exactly what Aaron represented for her (warmth, safety, security, and comfort). But, overtime, we've seen how the scarf has come to represent Mikasa's over attachment to Aaron.
Over the series, we see Aaron Yoghurt and Mikasa grow apart, and the infamous line: "I've always hated you, Mikasa" is the final nail in the coffin. In this arc, we see Mikasa's crafted image of Aaron begin to crumble ('cause he's a fucking mass murderer now), and we finally see her take off that scarf. Thus, separating herself from Aaron. And when she finally put it back on to behead Aaron, I had hoped it was one final 'hurrah!'; one last moment to tie to the scarf before burying it. And how fitting would that have been for the very thing that once tied them together to free them both?
But, no. As we all witnessed in the last chapter, the scarf is still wrapped around Mikasa even three years later. We have Ellen Dove's pathetic lines: "Even after I die... I want to be at the front of her mind for a while! Ten years, at least!!!", paired with the final lines: "Thank you for wrapping this scarf around me Ellen."
Now, what the hell does that say to a reader? I get everyone's defensiveness about how it's okay for Mikasa to grieve. But the main issue is Yams' storytelling and how that portrays and reduces Mikasa as a character.
There was this blatant contrast of every single person moving on, doing something with their lives. Then, there is Mikasa, crying at the graveyard of a dead mass murderer. The scarf clings onto her like shackles, not allowing her to be free and live life. Not to mention the fact that in the same chapter, Mikasa was shown to have 'freed' Ymir from her abusive relationship, only to revert to the same behaviour a few panels later.
I'm not gonna go much deeper into it, but we all were able to draw parallels between Ymir-Fritz and Ere*ika, right? It's disturbing, it's alarming, and so very harmful that Yams wasn't even careful with word choice in displaying an abusive relationship. Instead, he painted it in a good light. So, you can see how in her final goodbye just how badly this has framed Mikasa's character. Reducing her to a mourning widow of, once again, a mass murderer.
We, as a collective fandom (rivamikas and anyone who loves Mikasa and was hurt/offended/disgusted by her ending), could stop putting Mikasa in a scarf NOW. As we've all said, that crusty, rusty, musty, dusty, germ-infested, disease-bringing shit needs to die and stay dead. It's time we all say goodbye to it.
A movement of fanarts/fics/any other content of Mikasa burning the scarf, burying it, or simply showing her without the scarf and any other creative thing your mind comes up with. THIS IS A PROTEST of what that thing now represents. Being shackled to a pathetic mass murderer, clinging to a toxic love, living in the past, living for a man and not yourself, and not moving on or being happy. I think it could kind of be a way to allow ourselves and Mikasa to move on from chapter 139; a kind of CATHARSIS. We still stand with Mikasa and everything that is good about her, and will not allow that to be her ending.
And, sure, include Levi (preferably, holding her neck as he kisses the living daylights out of her, kissing her bare neck, and perhaps even a little conversation about the scarf). BUT, REMEMBER, THIS IS MAINLY FOR MIKASA, AND ALL THE WOMEN SHE REPRESENTS.
If you feel as passionately about this as I do, then include the hashtag #BuryTheScarfMikasa or #BurnTheScarfMikasa to all your future posts of Mikasa without her scarf. (I'd like to think 'Bury' is more gentle, while 'Burn' indicates rage lol)
(also, to note: I'm looking at post war and cottage core fanarts and a lot of you guys are already doing this! Guess I might be late to the party. If so, then I'd like to ask any of the artists and anyone in general: how much were you considering Mikasa's scarf when drawing/writing her? And what will you do now after reading 139 and this? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Also I'd also like to ask that you please reblog this to spread the word. Thank you for reading :)
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thelarrative-blog · 7 years
//buscandoelparaiso(.)tumblr(.)com/post/156696055863/veteranlarrie-shoutout-to-all-the-larries-who This is so funny, like this is the state of larrie right right now. That Louis tweeted Harry happy birthday and they are trying to make it like Larry came out or something. Like, Louis still has a son you ding dongs. All us non-larries are still very very right and always will be. It's sad that a bday tweet causes them to react that way, because it's literally all they have and they know that.
What's going to happen:
TMZ is now getting ready to unveil their "LesbiansLoveLouis is right about everything on all the blogs and sites she set up to bully a mother on, Louis thinks she's brilliant and is her biggest fan" post that they've been sitting on for over 5 weeks.
Aaron Butterfield gets called in to do his first actual journalism job for anyone ever for Vanity Fair where we learn Louis and Harry's favorite sexual positions (having their asses eaten while they think about Larries graphically describing it to their followers).There are 250 collectible editions of the couple photo together of Louis and Harry shot doing all the things that they were hostage forced to do with women in the last 7 years (skiing, eating yoghurt, drinking coffee) on the front so that Larries can collect all 250.
The 90 sex tapes of Briana that Lapelosa once had an Anon tell her existed will be released by Louis's team as he is a rampant sexual exploiter and TMZ will run a story about how Briana is a slut because slut shaming women is the only PR narrative Louis knows exists because Louis literally hates women and therefore it proves she’s an unreliable determiner of who the real father of her children is.
Louis goes to court for more custody and the judge is all "omg I've seen the sex tapes, I order a DNA test at your dentist's on Nut Tree road pharmacy ASAP!"
The father is revealed to be Briana's step father. The DNA test also comes back showing the mother is Briana's real mother. 
Briana is exposed as having been an exploited vulnerable drug addicted woman Louis used as a plot device in his PR coming out and whose family he forced into having a baby he could use to help promote his single and collectible Vanity Fair covers in order to make him as famous as his husband Harry Styles.
Everything the Larries ever said has come true and Louis is investigated by the FBI for birth certificate fraud and by DCFS and the police for forcing a family to have a baby he could exploit for birthday cakes in promo interviews, Briana is given sympathy by the press for essentially being a victim of Louis's machinations and tonnes of sweats by every sweat company, Larries rejoice because Louis and Harry get headline TMZ articles every week trying to keep up with all their revelations as fraudsters and baby exploiters, but at least the Antis will all be totally wrong and Louis and Harry will tweet each other openly on their birthdays.
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Okay but imagine a Harley-Quinn-Level Burning of the Scarf. How cathartic would that be?
Text below says:
Soon enough I was back on my feet. Ready to embrace the fierce goddess within.
And Id very much like that for Mikasa. Just look at her !
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Drag me to death, like a lit cigarette Took my last breath, like the smoke from my lips...
You strike the match, burn me out so fast Look what we had, now it's turned to ash
And now I'm laughin' through my tears I'm cryin' through my fear But baby, if I had to choose The joke's on you
(Joke's On You by Charlotte Lawrence played when Harley Quinn blows up Ace Chemicals where her and the joker's toxic love first bloomed. Pretty fitting for another toxic relationship huh Ere*mika)
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