#anti damebliss
hackedbyawriter · 1 year
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“open hand or closed fist would be fine”
[rated: M for depictions of past intimate partner violence]
"Time, it seemed, was a strange thing, it had a way of softening your sharpest memories, and sharpening even your most beautiful ones."
In which Finn tells Poe what he wanted to tell Rey which then leads to Poe opening up to both of them about his time as a Spice Runner when he was sixteen and how his toxic relationship with Zorii has affected him to this day.
Aka the fic where Sargun depicts Poe and Zorii's relationship with the care it deserves because what she did to him was essentially abuse.
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deafblindshorty · 3 years
A Lego Holiday Special Fix-it
Zorii: (holds mistletoe over Poe's head)
Poe: Thanks, Zorii! (Grabs mistletoe, runs over to Rey and holds the mistletoe over her head)
Rey: (Surprised, but kisses Poe anyway and cuddles with him)
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grayjedireysolo · 4 years
Great read/ summary/ analysis on harassment of reylos.
This goes beyond the ship and even beyond Star Wars. It has insights on cyber bullying and receipts to back it up. Really interesting.
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hackedbyawriter · 1 year
Poe + Zorii || vampire
Massive TW: Intimate Partner Violence in the quotes
The quotes themselves are from a canon novel by Alex Segura (Poe Dameron: Free Fall)
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hackedbyawriter · 1 year
//tw: intimate partner violence
if you guys still ship damebliss after reading this i don't know what to say to you.
once again we'd be having a very different conversation if this was a man doing this to a woman
and once again i don't think many people are ready for it
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bc yes sometimes it does take me having to do the gender swap for it to click for people
i don't care how old you are, or what your gender is, beating up ur partner until their face is "bruised and battered" bc they decide to leave you is never okay
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deafblindshorty · 4 years
Anyone else bothered by the mistletoe kiss? Zorii rejected Poe twice in TROS, did not say one word throughout the entire special, and did not take her helmet off during the kiss (so it doesn't even really count). He may as well have kissed a droid! I know it's to try to convince us that Poe is straight, but 1) if they really wanted to do that, Rey is RIGHT THERE! I know Damerey is wildly unpopular, but it still made better sense than to kiss Zorii. At least Poe and Rey interacted a little bit during the special. And 2) Bisexuality exists! Poe could be bi!
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deafblindshorty · 4 years
Sigh. I really didn’t like that Poe/Zorii moment. Hardly anyone ships those two together, anyway.
On the plus side, it’s not canon anyway. And also, another Damerey parallel: they both kiss their abusers!
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deafblindshorty · 3 years
Hot Take (Gonna get flamed for this, but...)
I'd be okay with Damebliss/Porii (PoexZorii) if it weren't for the fact that the author of Free Fall (and by extension Lucasfilm) made Zorii emotionally and physically abusive towards Poe. I mean, she grew out of it by TROS, but, it'd still be weird to go back to your abuser even if they had redeemed themselves.
I'd also be okay with St*rmpilot if it weren't for the fact that Finn gave Poe hell for being a spice runner ("Poe Dameron. Spice Runner. Runner of Spice. Get your spice!" Really, Mr. Ex-stormtrooper who lied about being in the Resistance and who lied TO the Resistance?) and for telling Poe he's not Leia and leaving him to fix up the Falcon to go after Rey who was kinda busy fighting Kylo Ren.
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