#anti damon x isobel
My The Vampire Diaries NOTPs:
1. Damon&Elena
2. Klaus&Caroline
3. Stefan&Katherine
4. Kol&Bonnie
5. Katherine&Elijah
6. Damon&Caroline
7. Damon&Bonnie
8. Damon&Andie
9. Damon&Isobel
10. Damon&Alaric
11. Stefan&Caroline
12. Damon&Rebekah
13. Matt&Rebekah
14. Bonnie&Enzo
15. Klaus&Katherine
16. Klaus&Elena
17. Tyler&Liv
18. Rebekah&Elena
19. Katherine&Elena
20. Silas&Quetsiya
21. Bonnie&Kai
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It's weird how everyone says that tvd hates it's female characters. I always looked at tvd/to as representing great feminism. Like all of the female characters have some type of badassery in them. But then I came on here and everyone started saying how tvd treats it's female characters very badly.
Here’s a brief, non-extensive rundown of the treatment of female characters on the show.
Definition of a Mary Sue Character
Abusive relationship with Damon 
+ post relationship he was manipulative, controlling, killed her love ones when she did things he didn’t like etc..
Lost all her morals and a lot of her personality and agency via her relationship with Damon
‘Special Snowflake Syndrome’
Constantly has all her choices made for her
Raped by Damon
Fed on by Damon
Physically harmed by Damon
Emotionally abused by Damon
Didn’t really have any individual storyline after season six
Was never put first in her relationship with Stefan
Was slut-shamed for her best friend over her rape
was never apologized to or got any resolution or closure on the situation (the show just pretended like it never happened.
Made her mom (Liz) BFF’s with her rapist
TVD just stuck two babies in her and Caroline never even had an opinion on it like she just rolled with it
Was kind of treated like shit by Stefan in s6
Is constantly forced to be around her rapist
is called derogatory things like Barbie and Blondie by said rapist
The list is too bloody extensive so here are some links
x x x  x (Skip to tvd) 
For such a badass character she the most disappointing anti-climatic death in history
why is that her agenda (even after rising from hell) was always to get back Stefan? The show couldn’t have her focus on something more important like uh, idk her daughter?
that whole Damon torture scene while she was on her death bed
Was nearly tricked by Klaus into sacrificing herself and dying and when she had the audacity to save herself she was punished by way of Klaus murdering her whole family and hunting her for centuries
Rebekah Mikaelson
Suffered within a pretty abusive relationship with Klaus for centuries
Needlessly murdered
Needlessly murdered
Needlessly murdered
Needlessly died
Raped by Damon
Had her consent and memories compelled away
was used as a pawn and needlessly killed by ripper!stefan
Was turned just cus Damon was bored and wanted a plaything
he never explained anything to her or taught her how to be a vampire he just abandoned her so she went into maniac territory forcing Stefan to kill her
The entire situation involving her death. Enough said.
Like Bonnie and Caroline she’s a real punching bag character 
Created to basically be a plot device
Became one big orgy of special snowflake syndrome and the Mary sue on TO
Her only purpose (and storyline thus far) has been to give birth to and raise the magical miracle baby
Well… you saw what happened to her.
basically just created to be Klaus’ moral pet
to tell him how wonderful he is
even when takin her dying breaths
had no agency
literally created as a love intrest and a love intrest only
A riduculous, poorly written villan that was given zero thought
See Sybil’s bullet point
Died needlessly an intresting, funny poc female who became collateral damage instead of well rounded character
Currently in a relationship with the woman who threatend, catured and enslaved her
Treated like shit by Silas
Was the third wheel in her own love story
Lexi Branson
Was murdered needlessly by Damon
Could have had a storyline outside being Stefan’s best friend
deserved better
Jenna Somers
Died needlessly
Nadia Petrova
Died Needlessly
Sarah Nelson
Didn’t desreve to get caught up in that whole Enzo/Stefan/Damon/Matt drama
Sarah’s mom
Was murdered spitefully by damon out of revenge
Needless murdered
Liv Parker
Was interesting and could have had a better more extensive storyline
was killed needlesly
Jo Parker
See Liv Parker’s bullet point
Penny Ares
Was killed needlessly
Nora Hildegard
Died needlessly
Mary Louise 
Died needlessly
Emily Bennett
They could have presented her as something other than a slave
Was a cool character
Died needlessly
Died for plot
Aimee Bradley
See Sarah’s bullet point
Carol Lockwood
Was murdered spiteully and horrifically by Klaus out of revenge
Had too many scenes in close proximity with damon
Okay she was trifiling but she didn’t have to die
Ayana Bennett
Was Stefan’s way of passing the time while he ignored Caroline and his problems and then died just cus
Greta Martin
Was Klaus’ groupie
Murdered along with her pack spitefully for the sake of revenge
Died so ripper!stefan could make a point
died with her pack
Died cus Klaus was bored
Was a slave
Then a mistress
Lived in agony for thousands of years
Liz Forbes
As said, was made to be friends with her daughter’s rapist. I just wanna reiterate that…
Sophie Deveraux
Mary Porter
Died because of Kol’s paranoia
Do the tvd ladies have some badass-ish moments? Yes. But mostly they are used as plot devices or hangers on for the male hero, the are used and abused to progress the male character’s storyline. TVD and TO’s writing is embedded in misogyny (with the poc females getting it worse) and therefore so are most of the ships.
Further reading:
x x x 
If anyone has anything else to add feel free.
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