#anti tyler x liv
My The Vampire Diaries NOTPs:
1. Damon&Elena
2. Klaus&Caroline
3. Stefan&Katherine
4. Kol&Bonnie
5. Katherine&Elijah
6. Damon&Caroline
7. Damon&Bonnie
8. Damon&Andie
9. Damon&Isobel
10. Damon&Alaric
11. Stefan&Caroline
12. Damon&Rebekah
13. Matt&Rebekah
14. Bonnie&Enzo
15. Klaus&Katherine
16. Klaus&Elena
17. Tyler&Liv
18. Rebekah&Elena
19. Katherine&Elena
20. Silas&Quetsiya
21. Bonnie&Kai
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hufflepuff-ish · 5 years
The Skam 11 questions tag (don’t quote me on this, I just wanted to give this a title lol)
always repost the rules
answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
give 11 questions
tag 11 people
Thank you @hufflepuffsh for tagging me babe x (lowkey would love to know your answers to my questions but don’t want you to be tagged twice lol)
1. Which remake/og sqaud do you think you would personally fit into the most? 
This is such a difficult question, oof. So I’m shy, but I’m also a good listener, and I try to be supportive of my friends, sometimes I’m more with myself between my own shell but I also like loosening up and having fun. I think because of that my answer is Skam NL’s squad (honesly maybe it’s just because I’m biased lol). They’re so accepting and loving, and I feel like their general energy is similar enough to mine (but way cooler), so I think they’d just accept me as I am and they would be easy for me to get along with.
2. What is your favourite remake and why? 
Skam NL. S2 was definitely a journey and I didn’t like all of its aspects, but I just love the dynamics between the characters, the aesthetics, the music choices, the cinematography, and the characters are probably the closest to my heart out of all the remakes.
3. What is objectively the best remake and why?
Probably Druck. They have great actors, they make changes but still keep the main issues of every season, their have great music choices, their social media team is great and that’s just what comes into mind.
4. Opinions on each of the girl squads? 
SKAM NL - where do I even start??? I love each one of them soooooooo much. I love them all together even more. I don't even need anything, just give me scenes of then together and I'll be thrilled. (GIVE US A THIRD SEASON). Each girl is really her own character and they definitely stand out to me when compared to the other remakes.
SKAM ITALIA - I have a complicated relationship the squad. I love them but it feels like I’m watching a group of college girl. Silvia isn't a character that I like too much, though the actress is cute. I like Eleonora, but that's pretty much it. My favorites are probably Eva and Federica (I relate a lot to Fede because of her looks). They have a good dynamic, though not as much as the Italian boy squad. They maybe feel a bit less close in my opinion. Also, the writers always make me feel like Federica is only there to give them information on stuff and make a joke here and there, so if they would have put more thought and effort into her character maybe it’d feel like the squad is more,,, real if you will.
DRUCK - hi, I'm controversial on main. I... don't really care for them as a squad?? They're cute but I don't feel much of a connection to them (as a squad), or to their friendships. No idea why. I do find them interesting as individual characters, though and seeing them happy at the end of s3 was great. I'm definitely excited for s4.
SKAM FRANCE - s4 ruined them for me. I liked Emma in s1, Manon was always nice in my opinion, Daphne was getting on my good side in s3, Alexia has always been one of my favorites in this remake, and Imane is absolutely great. Then their friendship got ruined. But, if I'll ignore s4, they were a squad that I enjoyed watching and I really felt like each girl had her own thing, and that they were more of a group of random girls brought together than the og squad.
SKAM AUSTIN - I honestly love them more than I realize. Their friendship has a lot of growing to do, but I loved the scene when Grace confessed to them about Daniel's brother. Within the squad I probably like Jo's relationships the most, partly because she's my fave and partly because she just has a really loving heart. The other girls aren’t may favorites out of all the remakes but they have a warm corner in my heart.
SKAM ESPANA - They’re my Spanish babies. I love them and they just seem like this cute and cool girl squad. They’re not perfect and there are definitely things to come, no matter who’ll be the main of s3, but they love each other a lot and I think that they’ll grow together as individuals. 
WTFOCK - I'm not the best person to talk about this remake because I missed like half of s1, but whatever. They remind me a bit more of the og squad, and I love the friendships between Hanna and Zoë, and Zoë and Yasmina. I don't really like Luka, I can't really explain why but she doesn't really feel as part of the squad to me, and Amber is just okay. 
5. Favourite hairstyle out of all the remakes? (this includes any hijab styles of the Sanas)
I love Cris with her hair in a low ponytail, and I love the half up hairstyle that Skam NL uses a lot. When it comes to hijabs, so far my favorite was Sana’ s in the og’s s4 when it was a bit loose under her chin because it really fit her well.
6. Who do you think from og/remakes would have a youtube channel and what would they post about? (not including hei briskeby or lucas rubio’s yt channel)
Liv could totally have a music youtube channel because I feel like that’s realistic to starting musicians these days.
I can see the Italian boy squad having a youtube channel where they post vlogs and pranks lmao.
Sam could totally have a beauty channel where she does hauls and stuff.
Basile would have a youtube channel for pranks and magic tricks (idk why but I can really imagine him doing magic tricks????? lmao)
7. Pick someone you think is underappreciated from og/remakes and explain why you think they should be appreciated more.
Hmmmmmm another difficult question. I’m going to ignore the fact that I’m only supposed to mention one character.
The balloon squad - they’re honestly the most refreshing Muslim representation that I’ve come across because they’re just this bunch of dudes who run a hilarious youtube channel and love to have a good time. I love them SO MUCH and I wish we got an Elias season so we could get to know them better. Highkey my favorite boys from og Skam.
Federica - I probably talked about it enough times but she’s so underappreciated. The actress (Martina) is gorgeous and Federica is a ray of sunshine that the fandom tends to ignore. Also, I want to know how she knows so much about almost everything that’s happening in their school.
Shay - She’s definitely the most underrates Isak. Hopefully s3 will happen and she’ll be the main, so she’ll be more appreciated. Personally, I’m on the fence about how I feel about Shay, but I would watch the hell out of her season and getting more music from her, Marlon and Tyler would be amazing!
8. Favourite outfit/clothing item?
Isa’s green scarf, and honestly, any scarf/coat that the og girl squad wore because they always seemed fluffy, warm, comfortable and had pretty pastel colors.
9. Which character do you think is most similar to you?
Physically, it’s definitley Federica in terms of height and her and Hanna in terms of body size. Aside from that, the characters that I feel I'm most like are Hanna, Martino and s1 og Eva. The three of them are pretty simple, dare I say “””boring”””, and that’s how I see myself, lol. Also, Martino has this keeping things to himself things that he does and I relate to the hell out of that. Hanna has a really soft and nice vibe, which I think can be said about me haha.
10. Do you like the Eva season (season 1)?
Yes! The more remakes I started watching, the more I realized that I actually really like s1 because we get to see the girls becoming friends, and there are a lot of iconic scenes in s1 (Noora dragging William, the girl squad fighting with Chris’ girlfriend) and I learned to appreciate Eva’s journey to becoming her own person.
11. (Insert your own question that you’d like to answer!) Which representation do you think Skam should show other than the existing ones?
I don’t remember if I ever posted about this, but I would LOVE to see a Jewish character in one of the remakes. I think this idea can have so much potential (and I’m part Jewish so I’m biased) because there are really interesting things that could be discussed and shown - anti-Semitism from what I know is becoming more popular again and I’m always waiting to see if one of the remakes (especially Skam France, Skam Austin and Druck) will discuss it, and a Jewish character could have a really interesting relationships with the Sana character and they could have great conversations about the expectation from them and that judgement they get from people inside and outside of their religion.
My 11 questions:
If you could create an ultimate girl squad, who out of the skam universe would be in it and why?
If you could change one thing in each remake, what would it be?
What is one plotline that you wish to see in a remake of your choice? (go wild lol)
Which side character would you want to have their own season?
What do you wish the fandom would appreciate more in each remake? (could be a season, a character, a scene, anything)
If you could create a crossover between the og/one of the remakes and a movie/tv series/book, what would it be?
A crack ship that you wish would happen?
Is there a character that is very different from you/you never thought you would like, but you ended up loving?
What is your favorite friendship? 
Do you read any og/remakes fanfiction and if so, do you have any favorite fanfictions?
Would you have preferred if Skam worked a bit more like Skins did, in terms of every character gets a full episode from their pov instead of an entire season?
I’m tagging: @lonelyfridays , @matteohnah, @feelinsorad, @amystylezz, @eliottlallemant, @xxviii-xi-mcmxcviii, @lil-milkovich, @spockhasfeelingstoo, @miaundalex, @pampammmxum, @vnesshudgens, @promisethestraz but of course only if you want to and if anyone who’s not tagged wants to answer these consider yourself tagged!
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drrjsb · 7 years
What do you think, we'll see betty in infinity war? But what will happen to bruce and nat? I love brucenat so much tbh. But i am scared because of scarlett's interview. Everyone saying that brucenat is going to die in infinity war. I really want to see them together and happy
Thanks for the questions! I sincerely don’t think we’ll see Betty turn up in Infinity War (or Avengers 4). I dearly love the character and think MCU Betty has not been treated well by Marvel–something that’s all too common with female characters who are primarily love interests in the MCU. I’m really not happy with the fan press spreading false rumors this past spring that Liv Tyler was in the Infinity War cast. These started when a local Edinburg paper ran a story in its business section about the economic impact filming Infinity War was having on the local economy. The writer didn’t know much about the film franchise and was lazy because he apparently Googled a list of people who’d been in Marvel films and just pasted it into the story. I tracked it down and commented on the paper’s page at the time since there was such an uproar in the fan community, and the local paper took the story down. Unfortunately, the rumor had hit bigger papers, and so it goes and goes and goes.  Another reason its not true is Liv Tyler was filming Gunpowder, an historical  mini-series about the Gunpowder Rebellion from April through the summer, so she wasn’t exactly available for IW. Don’t get me wrong, if Betty made an appearance as a strong independent character doing science and kicking ass to help save the universe, I’m all for it, but it’s been over 12 years since the accident and nine since the Battle of Harlem. If Marvel Studios was going to bring her back and pick up the Bruce and Betty relationship, it would have happened already. Realistically, they’ve both moved on. [Shameless plug: If you want my full take on it, read Special Needs: A Bruce and Natasha FanFic, which includes people acting like adults and going on to find their separate bliss.] It’s not impossible for Betty to show up, but it’s highly unlikely and even less likely it would be to start a love triangle. People complain about Bruce and Natasha’s relationship being rushed or “shoehorned” into Age of Ultron, so I can’t imagine there being time for developing a triangle. Just nope.
I don’t think we need to be too concerned about Scarlett’s remarks during the interview for Inside the Actors Studio. At the worst, it’s a wash because she was so ambiguous that anti-Bruce x Natasha shippers can twist what she said. Focus her words: “ONGOING RELATIONSHIP.” She said nothing about it ending. What she did was confirm it was not being erased or ignored. Scarlett confirmed she was working with Mark, presumably on a scene they share, and Mark helped her work through the feelings Scarlett had about her own real life situation. She did not say she felt despair about the characters’ relationship. The fan press has twisted and misinterpreted this and the anti-shippers are gleefully twisting it further to make themselves feel better. DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM. When they see it distresses our community, they smell blood in the water because they want us to feel small and hopeless. Don’t put yourself under their heels, especially when they are making things up in order to keep us down. We know they’re full of lies. Don’t get worked up over it. Put on your poker face because we have the winning hand.
What Scarlett did say is she thought about what had happened to Bruce/Hulk (presumably since AoU) and what had changed with him/them. That change he/they had gone through made her feel bad for him/them AND she could relate to that feeling in her own life. What made her feel that way in her own life? We don’t know, so all we can do is speculate if she thinks she’s changed or her husband or someone else in her life feels less dependable. 
On the other hand, since the interview came out, we do know a little more about what has happened to Bruce and Hulk. Now we know there is reason to feel bad for both of them. Bruce has been put on hold or on “ice” in his subconscious for two plus years while Hulk has been out in the world since we saw him jump out of the pit in Sakovia and take Nat to “finish the job.” Hulk made the call at the end of Age of Ultron to shut off communications with her on the quinjet and fly away. When Bruce wakes up in Thor: Ragnarok, his last memory is of Natasha telling him she adored him and kissing him then putting the mission and saving the world first above both their feelings. They are both heroes first, and I sincerely think Bruce will understand that and not blame Natasha for the unforeseen consequences. He was ready to leave with her and give what they felt for one another a chance. He wasn’t interested in some tryst or one-night stand, he wanted to be with her in a committed relationship. Running was his plan, and his plans included her. It’s clear from her looks, words, and clothing in Civil War that she’s not given up on him either.
When you consider Scarlett’s words in light of this, it’s clear that the characters still have feelings. It’s an “ongoing relationship”. Scarlett feels bad for Bruce (and maybe Hulk), and she connects with that feeling on a personal level. Mark helped her better understand her feelings and work through them as a cathartic part of the creative process. We’re highly likely to see the results of this on the screen. There will be a Cormorant and Tun Pub scene and a reunion of some kind. It could be in Infinity War, but I’m kind of hoping it’s a post-credits scene in Thor: Ragnarok. Either way, I’m pretty sure we’ll know more in a month and a half. We’ll, probably get something along the line of mutual apologies and a feelings check before heading in separate directions to fight Thanos (Don’t you die on me, we have a raincheck on this ongoing relationship! See you on the other side!). I’ve already bought my tickets for 7:30pm, Thursday, November 2nd. Fingers crossed! 
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