#anti muggle sentiment tw
paintedpineleaf · 2 years
TW: menton of JKR and anti-semtism. Also just to clarify, I’m not defending her or her actions, I just want to understand some things.
Okay, so I recently saw this video on tiktok that said JKR was anti-semitic because in the HP series, wizards consider themselves superior to muggles (true) and I think Voldemort’s supporters or pure-bloods consider themselves superior to other wizards/witches. 
The girl likened Voldemort to Hitler, and muggles to Jews. And ig the death-eaters are like nazis and the normal wizard folk like just normal citizens, where if a death-eater or voldemort does anything to a witch or wizard, people care, and if it’s a muggle, nobody cares. something like that, i probably got a couple things wrong. 
I think, theoretically i get that, but can’t the formula be applied to any group of people at all and doesn’t necessarily mean JKR’s being anti-semitic specifically on purpose?
the girl goes on to say that even though the actions of voldemort and the death-eaters are criticized in the books, it’s still anti-semitic because as a non-jewish woman, it isn’t jkr’s place to speak on it
like i could say israeli citizens are the wizards, IDF the death-eaters, non-jewish/Muslim citiziens of Palestine the muggles, and that JKR’s books criticize the actions of israel. can’t i? 
i don’t get how it’s anti-semitic, so idk if someone knows this better than me and knows whatever it is i’m missing, can you please explain better, i don’t get it.
 another point to show she’s anti-semitic is that the goblins work at the wizarding bank. this is because apparently (because i have literally never heard these sentiments in my life other than people speaking out against them, like fighting an imaginary enemy) some people think Jewish people hoard all the wealth in the world. and the goblins in the wizarding universe are symbolic of Jewish people because they have big noses.
Firstly, big noses are an Arab feature, any group of people originating in the SWANA region would have big or hooked noses among other features among them. They’re not actually a Jewish feature. not to mention the whole hoarding wealth thing is an actual sentiment I have heard for Arab people but not for Jewish people.
Second, Goblins are mythical creatures and have since always been greedy creatures and that’s it. Like elves and fairies and gnomes. elves are mischievous and tricky and cunning and kidnap people. fairies are tiny and cowardly and rarely seen. gnomes like to make mess, etc. goblins are similarly mythical creatures that are greedy and like to hoard wealth and that’s it. 
also isn’t like switching what they’ve traditionally symbolized exactly what jkr was doing, like goblins are very good caretakers of money that belongs to other people instead of stealing all their gold and hoarding it, elves are stupid and in the service of people rather than being tricky and kidnapping people?
how is including a specific mythical creature in a book about magical creatures that actually exist anti-semtitic? i don’t get it and i’ve genuinely tried to get it so maybe i have some internal biases due to which i think these correlations don’t work?
Can’t I just say that jkr was making fun of arabs when writing about goblins in a bank? I can basically fit an real world narrative into any box and make it anti-whatever can’t it? why is it specifically anti-semitic? 
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bewareofthorns · 5 years
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“muggles are disgusting and backwards, but they did invent beyblades.” kit pham, probably
emo #1: @zdiggory | emo #2: @k-pham | prep: @swtfcde​ aka ik acceptances havent been posted but im hype for muse 4
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
Marauder’s Era- Delphine Vixen
TW: Death, mentions of child abuse and suicide mention 
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Name: Delphine Maria Antigone Vixen 
Nicknames: Delph 
Birthdate: 4th of September, 1960 
Zodiac Sign: Libra 
Personality Type (MBTI): tbd 
Blood Status: Pureblood 
Nationality: British-Russian 
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Dark brown 
Eyes: Blue 
Height: 1.58
Weight: 68kg 
Body Type: Lithe 
Skin Tone: Caucasian 
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): several marks all over her body by her father’s belt, ‘blood traitor’ written on her collarbone with a knife 
Vixen Manor didn’t have the grandeur of other houses, but it was big enough for the family and live comfortably
Mother: Anastasia Vixen neé Vasiliev 
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Born on 1932, she was the daughter of an extremely wealthy colonel of Stalin’s army and pureblood family from Russia, and she grew up in the doctrine of the USSR and purebloods, though she was never fond of it. Her arranged marriage to the lowly pureblood Christian Vixen was made in order to hide the fact that she was no longer a virgin and soon she became pregnant of triplets in 1960 at the age of 28: Sybil, Alexander and Delphine. Sadly, the triplets contracted meningitis and on April of 1961, her son Alexander succumbed to the sickness and her husband never forgave him for it, and their marriage turned sour and abusive, he often beating her and her daughters. On 1981, after her daughter’s suicide and the other going into hiding, she decided to expose her husband to the Ministry and went into hiding back to her family’s home in Saint Petersburgh, where she lived for the rest of her life until her passing on 2012 of old age at 80.
Father: Christian Vixen 
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Born in 1937, Christian was the only son and heir of the Vixen fortune after his two elder brothers were executed by the Allies after World War II, for they joined the Nazi party and were active role players. He married on 1958 Anastasia Vasiliev as an arragement to cover the scandal that his new bride was not a virgin and soon after the wedding night, his ‘virility’ was proved by impregnating her of triplets no less. In 1960 his three children, Sybil; Alexander and Delphine were born. Sadly, seven months later his son Alexander succumbed to meningitis and he never forgave such ‘sacrilege’ to his wife and condoned his daughters, who he was adamnt on that it was them who caused his death. Overzealous, fascist and highly conservative, he beat often his family and was known in all houses of ill repute and had several bastard children whom his wife never allowed to recognize because she blackmailed him on exposing him to the British Muggle Government, whom they had a strong anti-fascism sentiment. After Delphine ran away on 1974 aged fourteen, he doted on Sybil, who pleased him well enough to make her his heir in exchange of an advantageous match with someone who served the Dark Lord. Sadly, in 1981 Sybil took her own life and he was exposed by his wife. He died days before Voldemort set free the Death Eaters during the Second Wizarding War of syphilis.
Sister: Sybil Vixen 
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Delphine pitied her older sister and how easily she succumbed to their father’s indoctrination and terror. She tried to reach out to her, to no avail 
House: Gryffindor 
Best Class: Defence Against the Dark Arts 
Worst Class: Potions 
Boggart: Her father calling her blood traitor with a belt and wand on his hand 
Riddikulus: Her father dancing and spanking himself with the belt 
Patronus: A weasel 
Patronus Memory: Hearing Bessie laugh for the first time 
Mirror of Erised: Married to Bessie and her mother and sister with her 
Amortentia (what she smells like): sandalwood, blood, watermelon perfume, orchids and fresh cut grass 
Amortentia (what she smells): expensive perfune, dried flowers 
11-18: Hogwarts student 
19-23: Member of the Order of the Phoenix 
24-29: Barmaid at The Three Broomsticks 
30-36: Hit witch 
37-48: Professional hit witch 
49-64: Author
65+: Retiree
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: Her friends, herself (as it should be) and fighting the Death Eaters 
Strengths: Strong dueller, smart, spontaneous, corageous, strong-minded and confident 
Weaknesses: Proud, petty and easy to anger, closed off at first 
Stressed: Around her father 
Calm/Comforted: With Bessie, training, flying on a broom and when singing 
Colors: Red, gold, black and yellow 
Weather: Sunny with a warm breeze 
Hobbies: Singing, training, pissing off death eaters and fashion 
Fashion: she dresses with ‘unladylike’ clothing, using short skirts, revealing shirts and overall bold clothing 
Significant Other/Love Interest: Bessilyn Edwina Quinn  @gaygryffindorgal
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The two of them knew of the other’s existence: Delphi heard of Bessie’s ‘blood traitor’ family and was intrigued by her, and the two of them at first didn’t get on well due to prejudices, but as time passed, they grew on each other and when the war erupted, they confessed their love for the other and promised to find a way to each other no matter what. Then, Delphine went into hiding for a long time, training and deciphering her twin sister’s coded diary and suicide letter, and declared that once the war was over she’d propose to Bessie, and so she did and on June 1984, she went to find Bessie. The two of them reunited and Delphine proposed. They got married in a small parish with their respective family--or what was left of them-- and lived happily in London. 
Friends: tbd 
Rivals: Her sister Sybil, the Death Eaters, Voldemort, Lucius Malfoy 
She sings delightfully, however only Bessie can convince her of even diverting the thought
During her hiding, she learned Jiu-Jitsu and judo 
She was personally trained by Mad-Eye Moody 
She lived in Glasgow under the alias of Kenna McKimmie and used colvaria to turn herself redheaded and with golden eyes so no one would recognise her 
She was eventually a DADA teacher but quitted after Lucius sent some Death Eaters where she was attacked by the Cruciatus Curse. Dumbledore asked her to go elsewhere 
She NEVER trusted Snivellus 
Sirius had a platonic crush on her 
She duelled and exposed Pettigrew thanks to Sybil’s diary and suicide letter 
She knows several bawdy dances due to working as a barmaid in a brothel (I know I deserve horny jail for that lmfao but tHINK ABOUT IT) 
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Pansy Priscilla Parkinson 
FC: Alice Pagani Gen: Golden Trio Hogwarts - Slytherin Blood Status: Pureblood Sexuality: Bisexual, Demiromantic  Occupation: Author (Lily Gardener), investigative Journalist (Lily Gardener), Media darling/punching bag. 
Patronus: Spotted Hyena 
tw; torture, trauma, prejudice, bullying, alcohol
Bio: Pansy Parkinson was a pure blood a witch, a member of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. She began to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1991 and was sorted into Slytherin House. In her fifth year she became a prefect. That same year she became a member of the short-lived Inquisitorial Squad. During her seventh year while Hogwarts was under the control of the Carrow’s she was named Head Girl, and at first did not take the position seriously. She often threatened to rat misbehaving students out to the terrible pair, but threats were often enough to get them to listen. However, as the year dragged on, as more and more students were tortured her pride began to waver. She made it her mission to save as many students as possible, without being caught. The Carrow’s expected her to report misbehavior, so she did -- but only those she thought could handle it -- rarely could they. Pansy spoke up in favour of turning Harry over to Lord Voldemort when the opportunity presented itself. One boy, or everyone in the castle walls. The answer was simple. She left the Great Hall before the Battle of Hogwarts broke out and did not return to the castle to fight.
After the war the Parkinson’s lives were mostly unchanged. They all managed to avoid taking the mark, and were never seen to be associated with Voldemort. Pansy stuck by Draco and Gregory during the trials. Refused to let the world see how it affected her when Gregory lost and was sent to Azkaban. 
In the five years immediately following the war Pansy is disowned and disinherited as a political move by her family due to her refusing to follow their rules. She spends her time drinking, and jumping from one night stand to one night stand, relationship to relationship just to survive. She makes sure the gossip columns see everything. She’s a distraction from the circus of the death eater trials and uses her life falling apart to distract the public while her friends put their lives back together. 
To the world she’s a do nothing socialite, with a small circle of influence who spends her time drinking, shopping, and jumping from relationship to relationship. In private she writes romance novels, and publishes them under a pseudonym. After all, no one would buy a book written by the woman who tried to had over Harry Potter. 
The Parkinson Family
-- What we know:
The Parkinson Family are not Death Eaters. Nowhere is it mentioned Pansy’s mother or father are death eaters or that they had any affiliation with death eaters. That being said however, the Parkinson family are members of the sacred 28, and have been known to express agreement and actively work towards pureblood supremacy.
Example: The only other notable member of the family mentioned throughout canon besides Pansy is Perseus Parkinson who was Minister for Magic from 1726 to 1733.
He attempted to pass a bill making it illegal to marry a Muggle. However, in doing so, he misread the public mood; the wizarding public was tired of anti-Muggle sentiment and wanted peace. Parkinson was therefore voted out during the next election for Minister.
Perseus Parkinson’s attempts to ban mixed marriages though they failed may have inspired Rappaport’s Law introduced by MACUSA president Emily Rappaport some years later.
We also know Perseus was pro-Azkaban, but otherwise know little of his policies or life.
From this we gather the family is politically minded and many members were undoubtably involved in the ministry and continued to be throughout much of Wizarding Englands history, and that they would have been seen as death eater sympathizers after the second wizarding war.
– Immediate Family:
Pansy’s father was a highly ranked member of the wizengamot. His mother (Pansy’s grandmother) was of the Fawley family and as such had been a Hufflepuff. This influence led Pansy’s father to be the most doting, outwardly kind and trusting member of Slytherin in his year. However, constant teasing (even if most of it was good natured) about how he had obviously been placed in the wrong house caused him to build a hard exterior, his doting and kind ways only seen by those he cares for such as his wife and child.  
Pansy’s mother (Slytherin) was born into the Burke family, the youngest of four. She spent her early childhood helping her grandfather run the family business, Borgin and Burkes, and learning about every dark artifact that came through the doors. She believes highly in the importance of blood-purity, is rigid, and controlling. She cares for power, and appearances.  
It’s interesting to note that burke in Old English means either “to murder by suffocation, or so as to produce few marks of violence, for the purpose of obtaining a body to be sold for dissection” or “to smother; to conceal, hush up, suppress.” and I feel like that tells you a lot about Pansy’s mother and how she runs not only her life, but her home.
Needless to say Pansy and her mother don’t get along. Pansy is a loud mouth, spoiled, does what she wants, and her father lets her, much to her mother’s dismay. This causes endless tension between them.
– Society:
Due to their involvement in politics and business being considered recent in regards to Wizarding English history, the Parkinson’s in general are viewed a bit like ‘new money’. They’re good to know, but aren’t always invited to everything.
This changed slightly after the first wizarding war when certain Death Eaters who were let go after having claimed to have bene under the imperius curse needed to clean up their reputations. The Parkinson’s were pureblooded, likeminded, and were regarded in a positive light by the majority of the public. They were not only good to know, they were good to be in with – thus families like the Nott’s and Malfoy’s began to take more notice and the Parkinson Family rose through ranks of society.
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
Marauder’s Era- Sybil Vixen
TW: Death, suicide, child abuse, adult themes
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Name: Sybil Irina Ismene Vixen 
Nicknames: Sis, Iri 
Birthdate: 4th of September, 1960 
Zodiac Sign: Libra 
Personality Type (MBTI): ISTJ 
Blood Status: Pureblood 
Nationality: British-Russian 
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Brown with red undertones 
Eyes: Blue-green 
Height: 1.70 
Weight: 70kgs
Body Type: Lithe 
Skin Tone: Caucasian 
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): Stretch marks and marks on her forearms, back and legs of her father’s belt, a dot on her ribs where she was attacked with the Cruciatus Curse by her father 
Vixen Manor didn’t have the grandeur of other houses, but it was big enough for the family and live comfortably 
Mother: Anastasia Vixen neé Vasiliev 
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Born on 1932, she was the daughter of an extremely wealthy colonel of Stalin’s army and pureblood family from Russia, and she grew up in the doctrine of the USSR and purebloods, though she was never fond of it. Her arranged marriage to the lowly pureblood Christian Vixen was made in order to hide the fact that she was no longer a virgin and soon she became pregnant of triplets in 1960 at the age of 28: Sybil, Alexander and Delphine. Sadly, the triplets contracted meningitis and on April of 1961, her son Alexander succumbed to the sickness and her husband never forgave him for it, and their marriage turned sour and abusive, he often beating her and her daughters. On 1981, after her daughter’s suicide and the other going into hiding, she decided to expose her husband to the Ministry and went into hiding back to her family’s home in Saint Petersburgh, where she lived for the rest of her life until her passing on 2012 of old age at 80. 
Father: Christian Vixen 
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Born in 1937, Christian was the only son and heir of the Vixen fortune after his two elder brothers were executed by the Allies after World War II, for they joined the Nazi party and were active role players. He married on 1958 Anastasia Vasiliev as an arragement to cover the scandal that his new bride was not a virgin and soon after the wedding night, his ‘virility’ was proved by impregnating her of triplets no less. In 1960 his three children, Sybil; Alexander and Delphine were born. Sadly, seven months later his son Alexander succumbed to meningitis and he never forgave such ‘sacrilege’ to his wife and condoned his daughters, who he was adamnt on that it was them who caused his death. Overzealous, fascist and highly conservative, he beat often his family and was known in all houses of ill repute and had several bastard children whom his wife never allowed to recognize because she blackmailed him on exposing him to the British Muggle Government, whom they had a strong anti-fascism sentiment. After Delphine ran away on 1974 aged fourteen, he doted on Sybil, who pleased him well enough to make her his heir in exchange of an advantageous match with someone who served the Dark Lord. Sadly, in 1981 Sybil took her own life and he was exposed by his wife. He died days before Voldemort set free the Death Eaters during the Second Wizarding War of syphilis. 
Sister: Delphine Vixen 
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Sybil never quite understood her younger sister; what was the point of contradicting father? The two of them duelled and she tried to be a big sister, but to no avail. They were reconnecting when Sybil took her own life. 
House: Slytherin 
Best Class: Potions 
Worst Class: History of Magic 
Boggart: Her father calling her a traitor with belt in hand 
Riddikulus: She never conquered her boggart 
Patronus: Incorporeal 
Patronus Memory: Kissing Valeria for the first time 
Mirror of Erised: Married to Valeria and a life without war 
Amortentia (what she smells like): Blood, wood, coconut perfume and cigarrette smoke 
Amortentia (what she smells): Basil, oregano, cilantro 
11-18: Hogwarts student 
19-21: Death Eater 
+21: Deceased
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: Her legacy, her family and pleasing her father 
Strengths: Cunning, fast learner and loyal to the bone 
Weaknesses: Easy to manipulate and indoctrinate, weak-minded 
Stressed: Around her father 
Calm/Comforted: In Valeria’s arms 
Colors: Green, grey, black and blue 
Weather: Cloudy with a slight breeze 
Hobbies: Duelling, reading and playing the viola-- she composed Beloved Valeria in honour of her first and only love 
Fashion: She dresses elegantly and according to her status 
Significant Other/Love Interest: Valentina De Valerio @camillejeaneshphm
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Sybil was always aware of Valentina’s presence, however, they did not start their romance till seventh year where they found out they had many things in common and fell in love. After graduating and the war started, both made plans for when this was over and Sybil declared her love by saying “The only true, genuine thing I have in my life now is the love I bear for you in my heart. I love you, Val, and I do not wish to be parted from you again’. But soon her father found out and betrothed her to Peter Pettigrew per Voldemort’s request. On the 26th of October 1981 Sybil and Valentina saw each other for the last time in an abandoned hut where Sybil declared that she did not wish to marry Peter at all and she was the one who she loved and wanted to marry. She promised to find her again and make things right, but soon Peter confessed to Sybil his crimes and she realised it was time to get out. Bellatrix found out and with Voldemort they planned to Imperio her into killing herself. Sybil knew that she wouldn’t get out of it alive and wrote a goodbye letter and grabbed a muggle pistol and took her own life in her comfort meadow, leaving her family and girlfriend devastated. 
Friends: Augustus McNair @gaygryffindorgal
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The two of them bonded over many things and soon became fast friends. He was the only person Sybil confessed about her plan to marry and elope with Valeria to Sicily. Sadly, before they could redeem themselves, the war took them. 
Rivals: Her sister Delphine, the Marauders, Bellatrix Lestrange neé Black 
Trivia: The Sybil Lives AU 
She duels Bellatrix and barely escapes with her life, arriving at Augustus’s house where she confesses everything that’s been planned and she heals in a span of three weeks. 
After Augustus dies, she builds up a resistance and openly supports Dumbledore and the Oder of the Phoenix and fights Voldemort. 
She reads everything about the Dark Arts so she can understand the mindset better and trains spies to infiltrate and destroy the Death Eaters from within, taking inspiration on the WWII spy network SOE, attacking and killing Voldemort’s forces. 
She takes no chances and marries Valeria after the war and the two of them settle at Wales. 
She bravely battles at the Battle of Hogwarts alonsgide her wife and both make it out alive. 
They live the rest of their lives in tranquility and peace. 
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