#anti palex
nikkiruncks · 1 year
i feel the way you feel about cheryl and toni, or anti ch*ni as i do for palex 90 percent of the time. they had a lot of potential and with promise, but paige is mean to alex and treats her like shit a lot. "you don't have a future" and how their relationship ending with paige casting her out after taking her in and the whole job thing (alex of course played a role) but paige seemed to be fucking up their relationship a lot sabotoguing and making it about her. it takes two to tango, and alex gets punished for speaking up and standing up for herself. fuck that. no offense.
I love Palex but yeah, in season 7, I didn’t like the way Alex’s departure went. Like with Palex, there was so much potential for them but in s6, with the whole J*sse thing is just…
Also looking back, I kind of wish Paige showed more empathy about Alex being a stripper. Though it’s been a while since I watched s6, but like I feel for Alex. She had such a terrible home life and the fact that she was doing all this for her shitty mom and bf makes me sad.
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dreamwwediva · 5 years
Honestly with this show I don't care for a Piper Alex happy ending and all this season did was reinforce why they're such a shitty ship to me
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maya-matlin · 5 years
13 reasons why & DTNG(s1-9) for the top 5 thing
13 Reasons Why:
1.) Bryce’s “redemption” in season 3 
2.) Ani being the narrator/given a heavy focus/becoming Bryce’s love interest in season 3
3.) Tyler almost shooting up the school and its aftermath (This might be expanded on in season 4 and Tyler could end up facing consequences, but I wish this entire story line had been avoided in the first place.)
4.) The graphic rape and suicide scenes
5.) Alex’s characterization in season 3
DTNG (seasons 1-9): 
1.) Peter Stone (The writers basically set this character up to fail from the start. Not only was he played by a weak actor, but his introduction was taking advantage of and blackmailing a fan favorite character. There was absolutely no work done on screen to show that Peter had matured or had really learned the error of his ways. Instead, Degrassi threw multiple love interests his way hoping that Peter would somehow get his redemption this way. When they weren’t doing that, the writers would try to force us to empathize with Peter by bringing in his uncaring father to reject or misunderstand him in some way, the number one excuse for problematic male characters in fiction. All it led to was Peter being a confusing mess of a character. His personality constantly changed and didn’t really align with anything that came before.)
2.) Liberty’s pregnancy (I really enjoyed parts of Liberty’s pregnancy story line. Both Foolin and especially Turned Out were solid episodes. The problem is, Liberty was never given the focus. JT was. We spent the majority of season 5 seeing how Liberty’s pregnancy was stressing out JT, driving him to steal from his employer, literally resulting in him attempting suicide. Even worse is that Liberty was basically written as an unsympathetic shrew throughout all this. It was clear that we were never meant to sympathize with Liberty. In spite of the fact she was the one carrying their child and was having difficulty accepting help and coming to terms with her pregnancy, the writers didn’t think Liberty’s POV was needed to tell this story and it really hurt her character.)
3.) Alex’s departure (After watching Alex grow as a character for three seasons, it felt like a slap in the face for her to revert back to being a slacker. She was written to be someone Paige should leave behind. I couldn’t care less about Palex’s relationship but I always thought it was terrible that after Alex had been Paige’s primary support system after she flunked out of Banting and was dealing with panic attacks, Paige couldn’t return the favor when Alex needed her most. I realize Paige started out supporting Alex and her plot in 703 was showing how Paige lost patience with Alex due to her lack of direction, but still. Even Marco doesn’t seem to have much empathy for Alex. The fact Paige said the words, “you were better off as a stripper,” to Alex after she was so judgmental about her stripping in the first place because it somehow made Paige feel bad says it all. It sticks out because I can’t name one other character to leave the show on such bad terms during the TNG years. Even worse, because Deanna Casaluce never returned for any cameos or even minis, this is Alex’s last ever appearance.)
4.) Craig/Manny/Ellie (This was one of the ugliest triangles in Degrassi history. I don’t think this triangle brought out the best in any of these characters and in the case of Craig and Ellie especially, stunted their development. It was embarrassing watching Manny (arguably the girl Craig burned the most during the Craig/Ashley/Manny triangle and without a doubt the girl left with the most trust issues over it) fighting Ellie (Ashley’s best friend who was very anti Craig until Cr*llie suddenly became BFFs off screen) over the honor of getting to be with Craig when both girls should have either moved beyond that or never fallen for his BS in the first place. I also feel it was a bad move to put Craig at the center of another triangle a year and a half after he dated both Ashley and Manny at the same time. It was difficult to believe that Craig had much investment in his potential relationships with either girl when all he ever did was lead Ellie on or never defend his relationship with Manny.)
5.) Breaking up Joey and Caitlin to prop Kevin Smith (This story line still doesn’t feel real to me. After all these years I can’t believe that Joey and Caitlin got back together after a decade apart only to split up due to relationship problems that appeared out of thin air. All because the writers decided Kevin Smith guest starring should be the same thing as Kevin Smith coming in and being this wise person that solves everyone’s problems and even attracts Caitlin. It felt like fan fiction, plain and simple.)
Honorable mentions:
Sean’s return + his bizarre season 6 characterization
Bringing in too many new characters in season 8
The college years/keeping old cast members past their expiration date
Snake’s affair with Ms. Hatzilakos
Paige’s affair with Matt
Ellie’s personality change after season 4
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classynipples · 9 years
Piper doesn't deserve Alex, she can go back to Larry and they can be trash together
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chsesteinarchived · 8 years
i love lexicon of love! it was a great episode, but my main problem with palex is, paige is a very superficial (to a point) girl. she cares about her friends and family but doesn’t always come across the best way. she need someone who gets that. alex never did. she always was like... whining that paige cared about other things besides her. i didn’t care at all and shed no tear when they broke up. hopefully zoe and her new girlfriend will be better
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