#anti samsie
crookedhalc · 4 years
hi there!!! i saw that you ship joey x susie, but i was wondering why you don't ship samsie? they're my otp and i'm curious on your opinion.
Hello there, anon! Thanks for sending this in, it was a curious and pleasant surprise to log onto! Without judging those that do ship samsie, I’d be happy to go into my reasons on why I don’t.
1. They’d be boring. Of course, this is my opinion that I’ve gathered from characterization of both Susie and Sammy that we’ve been given so far. The only thing that they have in common is their love for music. That’s it. And while they could partake in a few cute activities together to share that passion, such as singing/playing at a lounge, that’s not enough foundation for a relationship to build upon. Personality wise, they would clash. Susie is passionate and was canonly well-like around the studio, but we also know that she has a fire in her and is very emotionally driven. Sammy is serious, grouchy, not very personable nor does he seem to hold interest in anyone around him unless it involves a complaint (see: his understandable annoyance towards Joey). One is logical while the other is emotional – while opposites can attract, they often flat line if there is no deeper connection shared between them. A big reason I ship joesie is because they do have this while samie lacks it: both Joey and Susie are dreamers that are career-focused and extremely passionate in their goals. They will go to great lengths to be sure said dreams are met and are both stubborn with determination. There is more to be shared between joesie: they would be a roller-coaster of taboo/unexpected love, angst, regret and longing. It makes for a more interesting ship.
2. Misogyny. According to the canon batim novel, Dreams Come to Life, Sammy is described as a “product of his time”. This is showcased in two instances: when it is heavily suggested that he is racist towards an angry Thomas (a known poc character) and sexist towards the new head of the animation department, a woman. Susie, unlike Sammy, is a modern thinker. Unlike the vast majority of women in 1920′s - 1930′s America, she is a career woman with self-fulfilling dreams and plans for herself that, at the time, did not involve giving all that up to settle down and stay home with children. If Sammy is truly a product of his time; then like many men in that time period, he would want his lady to give up her career to become a homemaker once married. I can’t see that going over well with Susie.
3. Sammy not warning Susie. In the Employee Handbook guide (considered canon) that was released, we get to see the actual memo Joey sent out to all employees – except Susie – regarding her sudden replacement with Allison Pendle. The memos went out at the start of the morning that very same day, as the words “this afternoon” are used. This means that literally everyone under payroll got this memo, Sammy especially. Susie returned after lunch to see Allison in her booth, talking with Sammy. If there were any romantic feelings between the two of them, wouldn’t Sammy have felt horrible for Susie and pulled her aside to tell her what was going to happen? Instead, it was all business to him and he allowed her to walk blindly into such a heartbreaking and sudden event. As Malice, we even hear Susie call Sammy a “good liar” – probably thinking all of his support was nothing more than blowing smoke as her supervisor and nothing more.
4. Fleeting attraction. Based off a couple of Susie’s tape recordings, we hear her call Sammy “handsome” and/or with a tone that suggests she having a crush on him. It’s widely fanon that this initial, physical attraction was when she was first hired and put under the direction of Sammy via the music department and before her one-on-one lunch date with Joey. There is no mention of Sammy after the luncheon as well as no hints towards she maintaining her physical-based crushed on him or it developing into something more. Everything became “Alice Angel and Joey” for Susie, while Sammy began to focus more on his work as his addiction to the ink grew (as seen in the novel).
5. Susie’s shifted feelings. Unless you’re in denial, Susie’s unexpected attraction to Joey in said tape is obvious. She calls him charming, sounds giddy about getting to have lunch with him, and her tone drastically changing to one more sultry when mentioning he calling her Alice and how much she liked it. From that point onward in the tapes, timeline and discussions with Malice, Susie’s emotional highs and lows start to branch from Joey’s actions and Joey’s alone. This suggests that her initial crush on Sammy was forgotten as she took a greater interest in Joey. 
6. Alice’s Angel’s wrath. As far as we know, Malice and Sammy leave each other alone in the ink-replicated studio years later. They don’t seem to visit another, don’t talk about each other’s whereabouts or recent activities, and frankly don’t seem to care about each other’s existence at all. Yet, what do we hear a lot of from Malice? Pain and anger regarding Joey. Of course, this is to be expected after what he pulled. But did you pick up on the spike of emotions since she met Joey? Even after she was fired/replaced, Susie’s level of upset towards him and what he did to her screams a girlfriend scorned rather than simply a ticked off employee – as if there had been something more. All of her emotions, both high and low, stem from Joey and not Sammy. I was half expecting Sammy and Malice to interact in some way during BATIM; the fact that they didn’t? It solidified their lack of interest in another in my opinion.
7. Sammy’s “Special One”. During the Hot Topic interview with “ink” Sammy, he was asked many question to which everything was posted publicly on Twitter years ago. When asked about Susie, he said he called her charming smile (Susie used the adjective charming to describe Joey) and voice. Then, in a separate question, he was asked if he has a “special someone” at the studio. Sammy’s reply? He couldn’t recall their name! If he remembers Susie but not this special person … they cannot be the same. According to Sammy in that interview, Susie did not hold any special place in his heart
NOTE: Like I stated above, if you ship samsie? That’s fine! Ship away! This is just my blunt, honest opinion on why I do NOT ship them and see no chemistry at all. Thank you for sending this in!!
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ask--anti-blog · 7 years
Hey! Don't be rude! Sèan's a good guy! I don't really understand why you hate him so much tho
I̷f͞ o͘n̨ly̶ ̵you̸ k͝ne̕w̷ wh̵a̛t͏ he͡ ͝díd ̧ţo ͘m̵e..̛.
( If only you knew what he did to me… )
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Aaaaaa Samsy!!! I just read your tags on my Anti and Dark post and zhfsjgxgjdykd thank you so much aaaa!!! I love you so much ;O; ❤❤❤
!!!! Hi falls!!!!! *runs over and hugs you really warmly* you're so heckin welcome ^•^ you did fricken amazing on it!!! It looks so good!!!! And I love you lots too friend :D I hope you have a nice day!!
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mizukikuramoto · 7 years
Anti/Jack Story: Chapter 1 - The ASG Discord Story of Shenanigans
Ladies and gentleman, fellow followers or protesters of Anti, come on and come all! Fellow users in the anti-support-group came together in one of the many dark corners of the discord channels to devise a beautifully formatted plan that will hopefully not lead to sin! But, before you think of anything else... it will most likely lead to sin. Hopefully not so...
Please sit back and relax as your fellow community kitsune reads you of our creation.
Once upon a time, there was a small glitch by the name of Anti.
He loved the world as he saw it on the Internet. Anti found a man on the Internet particularly... peculiar, and the glitch felt drawn to this peculiar man. “This guy,” he started, the strings of his glitches intertwining in a convoluted tangle of emotions... of anger, “He’s like me, yet he has more attention! I don’t like it.” He growled and looked at his knife, “But, I think I know how to change things... how to steer their attention from him.”
Anti started giggling, his laugh quickly becoming maniacal. He looked at the knife more intently, already getting a plan in his head. “I’ve always been fascinated with how... important the neck is,” he paused, “just like how important he is!” Anti broke into laughter again, his entire being lost a bit of corporeality as it was replaced by static before going back to normal. "And I also know how important is to make a good first impression."
By his will, he submerged himself into his own destruction- his own glitches - which flowed through the infinite space of the Internet to this green-haired, Irish boy's space. He cackled. The boy was sitting in front of the computer and seemed like he was playing a game, "This is going to be easier than I thought." The glitch got closer and closer to the screen, almost touching it, and waited. It didn't take long for the boy, Jack was his name, to leave the room for a minute to take a much needed bathroom break. As Jack left, Anti got closer to the screen, finally touching the screen, seeing it warp as if he could walk through it. Before Anti knew it he was in a physical form, but not fully. He was still glitching and that made him mad; however, he loved his hair and the plugs in his ears though. He saw himself on the reflection on the screen, grinning as he saw that his hair had a dark green hue. "Huh, this is a funny appearance", he said before turning to look straight at the camera. He leaned closer and widened his grin, showing the glimmer of fangs against a pale facade which clattered with a chuckle at the beautiful sight; however, his laughter choked to a halt when the feed of the video bent and morphed with glitches- HIS glitches.
"For FUCK'S SAKE!" he yelled as he saw the glitches getting worse... This wasn't normal, he was supposed to be able to control the glitching!  "WHAT IN THE WORLD-" Anti snapped his head towards the door mid-sentence when he heard the gasp. "What's wrong with the computer?!" yelled Jack, the light-green haired boy, running towards the device and phasing through the Glitch. Anti turned his head in horror, watching as Jack started at the screen... at him. Now he knew where he got his hair from. If anything, Anti would say that he got all of his looks from Jack. ‘Well, this is going to make things a lot harder,’ he thought, annoyed at the blue eyed boy in front of him. Jack stared at the screen as it started to glitch out more. "How the FUCK...?" Anti noticed the screen glitched with how his emotions are. The more frustrated he got, the more warped it go. The more angry he became, the more it turned to static, and when he was about to lose it his maniacal laugh would echo.
Jack was at a loss for words. Had he downloaded a virus by accident? The mere thought of having to resort to delete all of his computer data if the glitching didn't go away made him shudder. Anti couldn't help but chuckle at Jack's resulting confusion, the light-haired man's fervent movement to salvage the video- it was just a video what importance was it to him! - filling him with glee. The instability of his emotions caused the lights to flicker and flash within the room and the computer to writhe from the sudden power surge and through it all he was enjoying it, HE WAS ENJOYING IT... and, suddenly, there he was on the computer screen behind Jack. The warping and glitching of the video stopped almost completely and Jack sighed, relieved... but that only lasted for so long as he noticed the figure behind him. "Who-? What-? How-?" the human started freaking out once again and turned around just to find that the space behind him was... empty. "Who's there?" he looked back at the recording, seeing still the figure in there, now looking at him with a curious look in his green eyes and a horrifying grin. 
"How are you...what are you...." Jack was at an absolute loss for words, staring at Anti with such a fearful gaze that it caused the other to howl with laughter.
" How? Who? T-t-today, Jack." His smirk grew wider when Jack flinched, terrified by his words. "That's right. I know your name." He giggled, glitching for a couple seconds. "I͖͖̝̰̬̹ͅt̶̻̦͉̯̰'̨͔̟̣͙͕̪ş̰ ͉͝n̶̲͉̭ͅị̖̳c̣̭̰̣͔e̖̳͟ ̞̦̗͉̞͓͢t͈̱͙o̵̼͓̳̜͕̲ ̝͉͖̞̦m͉̯̩͇ee̦̖̣̙̩t҉ ̮̦̘̀y̧o͢u̺̙̬̥̝̤.̤̻͈̠͙ͅͅ"
By the way... we made this late at night at around 10pm-ish. It was suppose to be a one-liner game buuuut things happened. We are absolutely going to do this again.
Thank you to Jam ( @staticandglitches ), Kate ( @katesonline ), Brook ( @elephantsaresmall ), Sora ( @acid-green-sky ), and Samsy ( @samsy-99 ) for staying up and playing this ridiculous game with me!
Thank you so much to the @anti-support-group for dealing with our mess last night! I’m sorry to the mods Assbutt and Dream for corralling us around the channels.
Please, dear reader who might possibly have a Discord... join the anti-support-group Discord and meet all of us there. We are all sweet, and we would love to talk to you. Heck, maybe you can join in the story fun.
Have a good day everyone! Stay awesome. 
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the-static-and-i · 5 years
Samsie who’s that...? I don’t really like them n also why are you being,,, why r u antagonizing them?
$ Its um.. thats a.. fuck..
^ Thats some asshole called Anti, the guy who traumatized the shit outta these two and a lot of other people
Eli was one of them, Sav.. he was.. you know what, lets not get into this. That’s a different Anti though honey, and its gonna be okay.
$ Its also kinda part of my nature to be an antagonistic douchebag against my better judgement-
Against everyone’s better judgement..
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ririkariyusa12-blog · 7 years
Okee jadi sekarang aku mau bahas tentang klasifikasi organisasi pergerakan nasional berdasarkan periodenya yaa.. semoga bermanfaat :)))))
Pergerakan Nasional
         Organisasi pergerakan yang bersifat etnik di Indonesia merupakan kelompok sosial dalam masyarakat yang berjuang menaikkan martabat bangsa dan membina rasa kebangsaan melalui gerakan sosial, ekonomi, budaya dan politik. Pelopor pembentukan organisasi yang bersifat etnik antara lain :
A.      Budi Utomo (Boedi Oetomo)
Dr. Sutomo dan para mahasiswa stovia
Minggu, 20 mei 1908
Mencapai kemerdekaan indonesia
Sosial, ekonomi, kebudayaan
Pada tanggal 3-5 Oktober 1908, Budi Utomo menyelenggarakan kongresnya yang pertama di Kota Yogyakarta. Hingga diadakannya kongres yang pertama ini, BU telah memiliki tujuh cabang di beberapa kota, yakni Batavia, Bogor, Bandung, Magelang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, dan Ponorogo. Pada kongres di Yogyakarta ini, diangkatlah Raden Adipati Tirtokoesoemo (mantan bupati Karanganyar) sebagai presiden Budi Utomo yang pertama. Semenjak dipimpin oleh Raden Adipati Tirtokoesoemo, banyak anggota baru BU yang bergabung dari kalangan bangsawan dan pejabat kolonial, sehingga banyak anggota muda yang memilih untuk menyingkir
B.      Sarekat Dagang Islam; Sarekat Islam; Partai Sarekat Islam
H. Samanhudi
16 Oktober 1905
Melindungi kepentingan pedagang pribumi dari pedagang Cina, membuat persaingan perdagangan menjadi sehat. Tujuan lain :
1. Membantu anggota-anggota yang mengalami kesulitan dalam bidang usaha
2. Memajukan pengajaran dan semua usaha yang mempercepat naiknya derajat rakyat
3..Memperbaiki pendapat-pendapat yang keliru mengenai agama Islam    .
4. Hidup menurut perintah agama.
Agama, Ekonomi, Sosial (Sementara : Politik)
C.      Muhammadiyah
Kh. Ahmad dahlan
Kampung kauman, yogyakarta, 18 november 1912
Mendukung usaha kh ahmad dahlan untuk memurnikan ajaran islam yang menurut anggapannya, banyak dipengaruhi hal-hal mistik
Agama, pendidikan
Kegiatan ini pada awalnya juga memiliki basis dakwah untuk wanita dan kaum muda berupa pengajian Sidratul Muntaha. Selain itu peran dalam pendidikan diwujudkan dalam pendirian sekolah dasar dan sekolah lanjutan, yang dikenal sebagai Hogere School Moehammadijah dan selanjutnya berganti nama menjadi Kweek School Moehammadijah (sekarang dikenal dengan Madrasah Mu'allimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Pergerakan Nasional**
Fase Radikal merupakan fase pergerakan nasional     dimana dicantumkannya dengan jelas tujuan untuk merdeka.* Fase ini terjadi sekitar tahun 1920 – 1930an.
Dalam fase ini berdiri organisasi organisasi yang     sifatnya melawan (non koperatif) terhadap pemerintahan kolonial,
beberapa organisasi pada fase radikal: Perhimpunan     Indonesia(PI), Partai Komunis Indonesia(PKI), Partai Nasional     Indonesia(PNI), PNI- Baru, dan Partindo.
Fase Radikal merupakan fase pergerakan nasional     dimana dicantumkannya dengan jelas tujuan untuk merdeka.* Fase ini terjadi sekitar tahun 1920 – 1930an.
Dalam fase ini berdiri organisasi organisasi yang     sifatnya melawan (non koperatif) terhadap pemerintahan kolonial,
beberapa organisasi pada fase radikal: Perhimpunan     Indonesia(PI), Partai Komunis Indonesia(PKI), Partai Nasional     Indonesia(PNI), PNI- Baru, dan Partindo.
A.      Perhimpunan Indonesia
Pendiri: Sutan Kesajangan Soripada dan R.M. Noto     Soeroto
1913 Cipto mangunkusumo dan Ki Hajar Dewantara     bergabung sejak itu organisasi ini memasuki ranah politik.
Mantan ketua PI: Iwa Kusumasumantri, M. Nadzir Datuk     Pamoentjak, Soekirman Wirjosandjojo, Moh. Hatta,* Tokoh lainnya: achmad Soebardo, Arnold Manonutu,     Soedibjo Wirjowedojo, sutan sjahrir, Sutomo dll.
Menganjurkan agar semua organisasi pergerakkan     nasional menjadikan konsep Indonesia Merdeka sebagai program utama.*  Sifat     : Sosial -> Politik (menjadi politik tahun 1922)
Aktif dalam organisasi internasional,salah satunya     moh. Hatta dalam Liga perdamaian dunia menuntut kemerdekaan Indonesia.
Azaz PI: kekuatan sendiri, persatuan melawan     Belanda, Indonesia menentukan nasib sendiri.
Menerbitkan majalah _Hindia Putera _dengan     Hatta sebagai pengasuhnya ( sarana penyebaran ide anti-kolonial ) .
B.      Partai Komunis Indonesia
Paham komunis dibawa oleh Sneevliet yang  membentuk ISDV* Berubah nama menjadi partai komunis hindia diketuai     oleh Semaun.
1924 PKH     berubah jadi Partai     Komunis Indonesia.* Alimin dan Muso bergabung dengan PKI.
**Tan Malaka **merupakan guru dan     pemimpin bagi PKI
Infiltrasi kedalam organisasi besar Indonesia (SI)
Semaun dan Darsono mengecam keras sikap rekannya     yang bersikap kooperatif terhadap Belanda.
Melakukan pemogokkan di beberapa daerah di Jawa.     Menyusul tahun 1927 di sumatera barat.
Melakukan teror serta tindakan pemberontakan     terhadap pemerintah kolonial.
C.      Perserikatan Nasional Indonesia
**TOKOH **
-          Ketua : Ir. Soekarno
-          8 Pemimpin :
o   dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
o   Ir. Anwari
o   Mr. Sartono
o   Mr. Iskak
o   Mr. Sunaryo
o   Mr. Budiarto
o   Dr. Samsi
o   Ir. Soekarno
**USAHA **
-          Internal           : menyelenggarakan kursus, mendirikan sekolah, bank,dll.
-          Eksternal         : rapat umum, menerbitkan surat kabar “Persatoean Indonesia” dan “Banteng Priangan “
o   Mencapai Indonesia merdeka
o   berdiri di atas kaki sendiri (self-help) ,
o   nonkooperasi, dan
o   marhaenisme.
o   Pada tahun 1929 PNI diisukan akan memberontak pada tahun
Lalu Belanda menggeledah  Ir. Soekarno, Maskun, Gatot Mangunprojo, Supriadinata ( 4 pemimpin PNI )
o   Soekarno mengeluarkan pledoi “ Indonesia Menggugat “
o   Putusan pengadilan adalah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara kepada Soekarno 4 tahun, Gatot Mangkupraja 2 Tahun, Maskun Sumadireja 1 tahun 8 bulan, dan Supriadinata 1 tahun 8 bulan
D.     Partindo ( Partai Indonesia)
o   Ketua : Sartono
o   Ir.Soekarno, Anwari, Adam Malik, S. K. Trimurti, Oei Tjoe Tat, Moh. Hatta,Gatot Mangkoeprodjo, Assaat,  Siauw Giok Thjan, Wikana, Suwiryo, Amir Sjarifoedin, Yap Thiam Hien.
Meliputi kegiatan social dan ekonomi sebagai pusat,     Mempersiapkan Indonesia merdeka, Mengadakan rapat dan kongres.
Partindo lebih mengandalkan organisasi massa dengan     aksi-aksi masa untuk mencapai kemerdekaan.
Untuk mencapai satu Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia Merdeka dan kemerdekaan akan tercapai apabila seluruh rakyat Indonesia bersatu padu
Ketika Soekarno keluar dari penjara Sukamiskin, beliau ingin menyatukan PNI Baru dan Pertindo dengan berpidato. Soekarno mempertegas konsep marhaenisme yang membuatnya kembali dibuang ke Flores.
E.      PNI Pendidikan / PNI Baru
o   Ketua : Sukemi
o   Penggerak : Moh. Hatta dan Sutan Sjahrir
o   Burhannuddin, Murwoto, dan Bondan
o   Menanamkan kesadaran rakyat atas hak-haknya melalui **PENDIDIKAN **politik
o   Mengurangi dan memberhentikan rapat umum karena dianggap persatean
o   Menerbitkan surat kabar “Daulat Rakyat”
o   Pamflet bertuliskan “Ke Arah Indonesia Merdeka”
o   Melakukan kegiatan penerangan untuk rakyat dan penyuluhan koperasi. Kegiatan-kegiatan PNI Baru tersebut dan ditambah dengan sikapnya yang non-kooperatif.
o   Bung Hatta dan Sutan Sjahrir dibuang ke Boven Digul, Papua
 MASA BERTAHAN ( Masa Moderat atau pergerakan kooperatif )
Pergerakan Nasional
         Gerakan Nasionalisme berupaya menahan diri dan lebih moderat yakni kembali bekerja sama dengan pemerintah kolonial Belanda agar organisasi pergerakan tidak dibubarkan. Tokoh pergerakan Nasional melanjutkan perjuangan melalui volksraad sebagai wadah meraih kemerdekaan.
                     Pada pemerintahan gubernur Jenderal Dirk Fock (1921-1926), organisasi pergerakan dikendalikan dengan aturan yang keras serta membuat peraturan yang menyangkut perjalanan dalam batas-batas Hindia Belanda ntuk mencegah juru bicara suatu partai politik mempromosikan tujuan-tujuannya diluar jawa. Pada masa gubernur B.C de Jonge (1931-1936), peraturan dibuat lebih keras lagi sehingga banyak organisasi pergerakan nasional bersikap radikal terhadap pemerintah kolonial Belanda.Karena sikap radikal menyebabkan banyak kerugian seperti dibuangnya para tokoh nasional akhirnya diambillah sikap yang lebih taktis dan moderat namun tetap bertujuan memerdekakan Indonesia.
Pergerakan nasional semakin sempit karena adanya Vergader Verbond (1933) yaitu peraturan dari pemerintah kolonial belanda yang membatasi ruang gerak kaum aktivis nasional
Larangan untuk mengadakan rapat umum di tempat terbuka.     Jika rapat terbuka tersebut tetap dilaksanakan harus mendapat izin dari     Hoofd Van plaatselijk bestuur.
Jika ingin mengadakan rapat di tempat tertutup harus     mengajukan surat izin kepada Residen sekurang-kurangnya 5 hari sebelum     diadakan rapat. Residen juga memiliki hak untuk melarang rapat tersebut.
Dalam segala rapat ambtenaar (pegawai negeri) atau     pegawai polisi berhak untuk hadir dan orang dilarang membawa senjata
Tokoh pergerakan Nasional meneruskan perjuangan     melalui volksraad.Meskipun di luar volksraad tidak ada aksi     perjuangan, tetapi organisasi-organisasi perjuangan tetap giat melakukan     aktivitas di berbagai bidang dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan     rakyat.
Pada 27 Januari 1930, M.H Thamrin memprakarsai berdirinya     fraksi nasional dalam volksraad dengan ia sendiri sebagai ketuanya dan     Kusumo Utoyo sebagai wakilnya.
Tujuan utamanya adalah meraih kemerdekaan     secepat-cepatnya.
o   Mendesak segera dilakukannya perubahan ketatanegaraan.
o   Menghapus semua perbedaan politik, ekonomi dan pendidikan yang diakibatkan oleh   penjajahan.
o   Menggunakan semua jalan yang sah.
A.      Taman Siswa
Pendiri : Ki Hajar Dewantara
Pendirian : yogyakarta, 3 juli 1922
o   Bersifat non politik
o   Fokus di bidang pendidikan
“pendidikan sebagai sarana yang efektif untuk mewujudkan transformasi sosial dan dapat menjadi resep unggulan untuk memajukan bangsa”
B.      Partai Indonesia Raya
o   Ketua : dr.Sutomo
o   kongres di Surakarta  (24-26 Desember )
o   menyatukan PBI dan Budi Utomo
o   kantor pusat: Surabaya
o   Bergabung pula Serikat Sumatera dan Serikat Celebes
o   Karena menunjukkan sikap yang kooperatif dan moderat maka dapat mendudukkan wakilnya di Volksraad
o   Berfokus di bidang ekonomi
o  Karena tidak melawan terang-terangan
o  Mempengaruhi politik dengan perlahan melalui Volksraad
C.      Gabungan Partai Indonesia (GAPI)
o Didirikan : Mohammad Husni Thamrin 21 Mei 1939
o Partai yang bergabung : Parindra, Gerindo, PSSI, Persatuan Partai  Katolik,
Persatuan Minsahasa, Partai Pasundan.
o 3 asas perjuangan :
◦         Hak untuk menentukan diri sendiri
◦         Persatuan partai nasional seluruh bangsa indonesia dengan berdasarkan paham politik, ekonomi, dan sosial.
◦         Persatuan aksi seluruh pergerakan indonesia
o          Kongres pertama : 4 juli 1939
o          Memiliki semboyan Indonesia berparlemen
MENGAPA DISEBUT MODERAT? karena berjuangnya dengan bekerja sama dan secara halus
o Kongres rakyat indonesia : desember 1939 dengan keputusan
◦         Penetapan bendera merah putih sebagai bendera kebangsaan
◦         Lagu indonesia raya sebagai lagu kebangsaan
◦         Peningkatan penggunaan bahasa indonesia bagi semua rakyat indonesia
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ismailsamsi23 · 7 years
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BEBAS MASALAH RESDUNG dengan Rich Berries... . Sekotak hanya RM199 . Didalamnya terkandung buah-buahan ekstrak sejuk perahan pertama yang PREMIUM... Buahan2 terpilih yang mengandungi kandungan ANTI-OKSIDAN TERTINGGI DI DUNIA! . Ekstrak yang didatangkan dari 5 Benua serata dunia dengan TESTIMONI yang MENGAGUMKANN!!! . Baca testimoni kami yang sangat BANYAK di FBPage kami, Rich Berries HQ... . Sebarang pertanyaan atau nak membeli Rich Berries, Sila hubungi Ismail Samsi di talian 011 35057911 ... . Whatsapp boleh, Telegram boleh. pm boleh, sms boleh, call teruss pun boleh... 0122629308 . Khidmat courier disediakan... . Jom makan Rich Berries, rasanya sedap, BUKAN rasa ubat, budak2 pun boleh makan, warga emas pun boleh makan, yang sakit boleh makan, yang sihat pun boleh makan... . . #KesihatanMenyeluruhYangMurahDanMudah #richberriesjohor #jannahimpiankita #iloveislam #wajibkaya #kesatuanhatikejayaanbersama
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crookedhalc · 6 years
Can 👏🏻 we 👏🏻 please 👏🏻 consider 👏🏻 how 👏🏻 Susie 👏🏻 may 👏🏻 of 👏🏻felt 👏🏻 instead 👏🏻 of 👏🏻 just 👏🏻 assuming 👏🏻 she 👏🏻 feels 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 same 👏🏻 as 👏🏻 Sammy 👏🏻 and 👏🏻 throwing 👏🏻 her 👏🏻 with 👏🏻 him 👏🏻 like 👏🏻 shipping 👏🏻 fodder 👏🏻
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ask--anti-blog · 7 years
And someone already explained to you why now you're spicy chicken instead of glitch bitch. We're still tied ;)
I̧ t͟hi͡nk͞ ͠I ͜pref̴er ͢gļi̵tch͝ ͘bi̴t̴ch͏.
( I  think I prefer glitch bitch. )
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ask--anti-blog · 7 years
Yes I do. You're really cool and funny to talk to, why wouldn't I like you?
I͏ ̷k͝įll͠e̵d Jack.̶L҉i̷ke, ̛t̴wic̀e.
( I killed Jack.Like, twice. )
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ask--anti-blog · 7 years
Oh... why so aggressive all of a sudden? The nicknames are because I like you, dude... if you want me to go back to just calling you Anti then I will
Y̴o̡u͡.̷.̨.͠ lik͏e̕ ̧m̷e?̴I m̢e̵an- j̶u͞st ̕ca̷l͠ļ ̢m̴e An̶t̀i.͏
( You… like me?I mean- just call me Anti. )
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ask--anti-blog · 7 years
What if *you* are our favourite ego? huh? would you make an example out of yourself, Glitch Bitch?
Yóu ҉make҉ an͘ inte͠res̸t̢i͞ng ͟poi̕nt.̨ ̀M͝ỳ ̀a̷ns͘w̡e͏r͟ ̸tơ y̕ou, s̴am͜sy̵-͞9͝9́, i̢s҉ t̶hi̕s̢:̢ y̶ou ҉m͠ad͢e͏ ͞a ̛te̶rrib҉l͏e m̀i҉s̨ta͏ke ͜in ̶ćh͢oosi̧ng ͢me as y̶o̶ur͟ fa͝vor͠i̡tȩ ęgo͢.
( You make an interesting point. My answer to you, samsy-99, is this: you made a terrible mistake in choosing me as your favorite ego. )
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ask--anti-blog · 7 years
Before you make us? Huh... how's the Gravy Beef gonna make us shut up? you cannot silence 16M people... sorry to break it to you
I̢ may̴ ̶not͡ be ̶abl̵e͡ to ͏silen͝ce͝ ̵al͝l ͢16 mil͝li͠o̕n of͢ ̴y̛ơu, bu̴t ͏I ̨c͞an̢ ̢s̀i҉lence ̵an indi̴vidu͠al̡, ͝s҉wee̷t͡ie̵.̢ S̡o watch͠ you͘r ton̷g͜u̡e͘…̀
( I may not be able to silence all 16 million of you, but I can silence an individual, sweetie. So watch your tongue… )
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ask--anti-blog · 7 years
Really? Never a nice nickname? Then you can start now! What a wonderful opportunity, isn't it?
I͞ ̀wi҉l͏l͠ ̷con̡tinu̕e͘ ̛to̵ iro͝n͠i͟ćàlly ̨c͝all͢ ̛yo͘u “͘sw̴e͟et̶ie"̶.͘ ͞
( I will continue to ironically call you "sweetie”. )
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ask--anti-blog · 7 years
Well hello again, spicy chicken. Hope you had a good sleep and that now that you rested you're less grumpy and a little bit more receptive to our compliments
S̴p̸ícy c̢h̨ic͞ke̶n?͢S͏ome of͞ yo̷u̧r ͢nick̸namès ̸I, ̢a̷t ̴the ͝v̡e̡r̴y̛ l͡e̴as̨t̶,̧ ̵u͝nderstan͡d͜.Bu̷t́ whe̢re ̢the̕ ̷fu̵ck ͟di̸d͢ sp̨i̕c͡y ch̵ic̵ke͡n ͞c̕óm̶e̡ ̢fr͟om̵?́
( Spicy chicken?Some of your nicknames I, at the very least, understand.But where the fuck did spicy chicken come from? )
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ask--anti-blog · 7 years
Welp... sadly for you, sweetheart, i have to go now... but I'll be back another time to bother you with kindness... S̶̮̳̣̺̗̣͈e̸̖̭̦̰͝e͏̧̬̰̜̖ ̻̟̪͖̝̩̀͘y͏̩̙̲̺̭ͅo̴̸̜͖̫̟̣̞̤͡ù̶͖̦ ͓̱̣͚̺s̫͔̬̱ò̤̘o̴͎̣͙̺͙͍̙̝n͚͍͖̙̗̹̞.̤͎̠͖̀͜.͚͍̟̠͡͝.͓͍̳̗̖͚́͟ ̢͙̮̥̮̘͝ͅG̡̟̯̙̥L̷̳͇͔̤̭̀͠Į͖͇̟̥̫T̢͔̮͘͜C͓̠̳͍̘̣H̴̡̰̪̦͇ ̷̥̗͈̮͖̹̻B̸̵̗͚̦̻̰̱I̟̺̦͘͜͞T̸̷̬͈̬͖́C҉̗͔̲̗H̤͔̻̼̦͍̝̕
F̷uc̶kìn͏g̸ f́i̷na̵ll̛y͡. G͞oo̷d̨ r͡idḑancè.
( Fucking finally. Good riddance. )
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