jyndor · 2 years
I'm sorry but what is Bix anon going on about? You are allowed to be cautiously optimistic about a ship before watching a canon but then be disappointed when you get to actually watch it. They've given us little reason to ship them so far and I highly doubt that they're getting back together after everything that's happened. And I'll take a past relationship that didn't work out over some forced doomed romance that he never got over with bonus fridging.
i wrote a whole thing and then idk deleted it and its gone so anon just know that i agree, and i stg im not trying to be a hater or something im trying to be realistic here, there's no way it ends well at this point. the show has been pointing out how cassian is not emotionally available at this point - i went into more details about a gifset im working on but fuck it im not rewriting it all lol
from the moment we meet cassian he's got visual boundaries between him and all the hotties he's into like it's not a coincidence that this keeps happening, and that the first time we meet bix there's a literal reference to cassian's future (his endgame if you will) by bix's current boyfriend like ??? of course the point is that cassian is isolated, alone and not in a place that he can or is willing to work on that. fuck, his girlfriend on niamos is literally introduced with her in bed and a wall between them LOL like it's not subtle. he looks for connection but isn't willing to do what he needs to do to have a true, whole connection (be honest with himself mainly but also with bix he literally tells her he doesn't want a partner and then it's up to her to enforce their boundaries).
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you can even come at it from a non-rebelcaptain shipping pov: cassian is most himself, most connected with people, when he's being honest with his values and his beliefs. when he's with the rebellion, when he's home. by rogue one, he has collected friends and loved ones who are in the fight with him. he finally is honest with himself about his wants and needs - this is shown on eadu and then later on yavin - and is able to really build a family unit.
if you look at cassian's words to jyn, welcome home, as more than just him giving HER a home, but also him finding that he wants to do more than just isolate himself and fight in the shadows (fighting with a family, in broad daylight), then it makes even more sense that cassian would not always be able to have emotional intimacy in his younger years.
i'm all for him having healthy relationships and i do think he does (headcanon away babyyy, i mean he and melshi's first date is starting a revolution) but i don't think the show is giving us that with bix and cassian. i think for better or for worse she is part of a home that he didn't choose, that he was forced to assimilate into. i don't love that lol i think that's disappointing, but it does work narratively in the context of the show.
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jyndor · 2 years
I’m the Bixcassian anon and it’s no bait. And I’m not saying she and Jyn would be rivals, I’m simply stating that I think Cassian never stopped loving Bix and thought about her on his last moments, what’s the problem on that? I have nothing against Jyn, I think she’s not very interesting but I don’t hate on her. And I think Cassian loved Bix until his last day because she’s the love of his life
lol that's literally just your opinion anon, I'm happy it makes you feel better to think that cassian "you're not the only one who's lost everything" andor is disappointed and heartbroken and experiencing no second chances at love in his last days and last moments. hope that brings you comfort, but also know it's literally just your headcanon. in that it's not based on actual canon but hey I am part of the rogue one fandom, we have all kinds of delusional headcanons so welcome to the club. for instance cassian opens his eyes in the last second so obviously a ship comes and saves them and he notices it and they live.
in all seriousness if you haven't read the rogue one novelization it may actually give you a new appreciation for all of the characters in rogue one because it does a lot of work to make up for what the reshoots likely did to a lot of these characters. the novel was written like years and years ago so it mentions cassian's old backstory but I'm sincerely recommending it for some good character work. I think there are a lot of people in the andor fandom who didn't spend much time in the rogue one fandom and I highly recommend reading the rogue one novels (catalyst, rebel rising even though it's not my favorite it fleshes out saw and jyn's relationship, ofc the novelization) because they're really helpful to understanding the characters a bit better. especially since cassian is so different in andor.
I'm gonna give you some advice on fandom etiquette: telling someone who ships something that their ship is dumb and not as good as your ship is kind of weird. the reason I think you may be baiting me is like first off there's been a dickhead going around harassing queer wlw who ship rebelcaptain and saying things about how melshi is cassian's true love and jyn blows lol WHICH OKAYY i guess we all have hobbies, and also I've been in fandom for a long ass time. ive seen how trolls behave. I didn't grow up in the atla fandom to not be able to smell ship war baiting a mile away.
I'm not trying to argue about b*xcassian because who cares what i have to say about them since I don't like their dynamic as a ship in the show. lol go find some fellow shippers to talk about how bland jyn is and how much, despite all evidence to the contrary, cassian has no interest in her.
it's one thing to go to someone and say "hey let's talk about x ship we disagree on and what you don't like" but don't be shocked that people might think you're a troll when you come at them with a ship they've explained that they don't like and also saying their otp doesn't actually mean anything lol
luckily this stuff just makes me laugh but no anon, I have no way of knowing you're sincere. you go on anon and you forfeit the right to be shocked when people don't take you at your word on things. that's the trade off for being able to communicate anonymously.
anyway I live on trolly anons so if you are trolling please feed me seymour feed me now, if you are sincere do just try to avoid doing this to other people in the future because some people find it hurtful.
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jyndor · 2 years
When they announced Bix as Cassian’s love interest you seemed actually very excited about them, even thinking about ship names. What changed now? Why are you an anti?
"an anti" lol anon fyi I hate this term I find it so dumb and brainless like anti-what anti-WHAT, the whole transition to just saying "an anti" instead of anti-thing is like so indicative of evaporating critical thinking skills tbh I hate it and can't wait for it to die off like all things do
yeah I watched the show and don't like their dynamic? I love their chemistry, I love their friendship and I respect and value their history, but I also clearly see that they will not have a happy, healthy relationship? and I like that in a ship I'm sorry I just do.
I said from the beginning, when we found out that she's his ex and there's like an on and off dynamic, that I cannot stand on-and-off relationships. personally for me I find them very uncomfortable and upsetting - I don't need to explain why, it's a personal thing and this one I'm keeping for myself. I would have liked better for them.
hey maybe they'll actually grow and give more of what the other needs and have a healthy relationship before the inevitable loss comes - that's always been my other concern, because in the end cassian HAS to lose everything, it's in the film he says it, and while there are other ways for him to lose everything... I just have trust issues - fridging is a thing for a reason.
so my friend, I love their friendship but I watched the show and don't love how things have played out for them so far. could change, but idk the show makes it kind of clear that they can't really be who they need to be to make it work together.
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jyndor · 2 years
I did have many relationships in my life and it’s not an excuse to treat Cassian like he’s s saint! He’s not a good boyfriend to Bix and it’s tiring to see people doing everything they can to excuse men’s actions while ignoring woman. I don’t hate him, I just think he should be hold accountable but fandom seems to pretend he did nothing! Cassian would never be good enough for Bix and he should have treated her way better than he did because nobody ever loved him the way she did.
lol btw I know you're trolling and full of shit but to be fair it was petty and wrong of me to say you haven't had relationships. not because I care about your feelings but because I don't want to demean or hurt anyone who might have seen that. you are an anon and therefore forfeit your rights to me taking you at your word for literally anything 😂
like also not for nothing the reason why I was excited to ship them and then felt disappointed when I found out about their on-and-off shit is because I don't think their romantic relationship was good for either of them LONG TERM. this is why I am generally meh about like first loves being the One True Love because first off that is such a ridiculous concept in general, but also because people learn from relationships they've had. cassian and bix are exes, they are exes for a reason. AND bix has boundaries that she tries very hard to maintain in their friendship - which sometimes cassian seems to struggle with, but also I get the vibe that perhaps HE is the one who pulls away more, doesn't stay when she wants him to, isn't interested in a partner, etc. that means they have conflicting goals and desires. It doesn't make him a Bad Person, although it does mean that he's made mistakes with their relationship.
that is literally why I don't ship them in a "they should be together" way. I'm more irritated about the way that her arc in s1 seems to be about propelling cassian's story than anything about her own story, which includes her literal torture by the empire. I'm confused why you're blaming a fictional character instead of the writers of the show who decided to treat her so poorly.
but I mean again I don't take anything you're saying seriously because anons don't get the benefit of the doubt from me.
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