#anti-zionist jewish convert. dont like do not interact
wormonastringtheory · 5 months
people who are completely anti-religion/theology/spirituality need to unpack a lot; destruction of religion can be an sact of cultural genocide. divorcing religion and/or spirituality from culture is nearly impossible and would strip elements of a culture inherently
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determinate-negation · 4 months
i’m a queer convert and ngl i also don’t get this phenomenon, in that ur right that there’s some heavy philosemitism going on, because i’ll talk to other ppl trying to convert/converted and they say they’ve converted bec of the freedom or smthg that you have in judaism or smthg… and maybe it’s bizarre to me because i’m quite religious but it screams “i’ve only ever interacted with reform spaces”. which isn’t necessarily negative but even after they’re conversions they don’t acc try to get to know the landscape of jewishness both contemporary or historical. it’s def an issue and one that is enabled by less traditional (not less egalitarian etc, but traditional in halachic observance) synagogues which don’t rlly emphasize how jewish community at large actually looks like. it’s okay to have an idealized version of something you’re unfamiliar of but it seems that there are people that don’t ever see beyond it even as they go through the process. i also just don’t get why anyone would convert if they’re not doing it for religious reasons…
theres also a lot of people who seem extremely shocked to learn that if youre anti zionist you will probably have to completely be silent on your beliefs or claim to support israel to complete a conversion and idk its just annoying to me that sometimes you can tell someone just has this view of judaism being the unproblematic religion. youre right about the reform stuff for sure. i also cant understand why anyone would convert to something if you dont really believe it, right, and i wasnt raised religious so i cant relate but genuine belief makes sense as a rationale. converting because of its perceived greater freedom/spirituality is westoid christian cope
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