dreaded-omen · 4 years
out of character nerd rambling below
finally getting around to scheming up a very important character for development of the squad.
currently, in the collective of OCs i have, most of them primarily reflect off of the big, blonde bastard man.
Keane serves as his comedic foil and trusted companion (trusted is a very loose term here.) he's so valuable as an anticatalyst to his aggressive, domineering nature that it's basically impossible to split the two apart; hence why they share a blog and most interactions. by doing so, Keane validates Omen's self-established superiority.
Larry ( @sea-lycan ) serves as a more traditional friendship; a trusted confidant for years , but not one that comes into play often. Larry will attempt to support and passively guide omen; a moral compass that lends his aid when appropriate. by doing so, he validates most of his actions.
Gowl takes a less interactive route, but accomplishes one thing: proving to Omen that humans are ultimately just animals, creatures of desire. knowing how Gowl thinks and originated validates Omen's irrational hatred for mortals as a whole.
⁂ She presents a passive breakdown of these traits simply by agreeing with them: to acknowledge what Omen supposedly already knows.
What I've been missing is the character who breaks down these truths by presenting proof. a hero that acts not for his country or nationality, to amend a traumatic past or in pursuit of ultimate glory. someone who is good not because the world supposedly needs them, but because being good is a uniquely human thing.
Trying to decide on a name for this heroic individual. Thinking something with an "oi" sound. Like Lloyd. Or Troi. Or Loyal.
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jagdevsingh01-blog · 7 years
St. John's Wort For Depression Treatment
St. john wort is a herb with yellow flower used as an alternate or natural way for the treatment of depression.  It has been cultivated throughout the world for its medical benefits.
Several studies have proved the beneficial effects of this herb for depression while few are there which contradict.  However, still many studies are going on for finding the actual beneficial outcome of St. john wort.  Also, there has been various research conducted to compare the beneficial effects of this herb to that of Placebos and many other antidepressants. On the basis of several findings, it has been proved that St. john wort may be used to cure mild depression, and its effects are alike to antidepressants.  However, the results were not positive for sever depression. It is not at all recommended to those suffering from the acute sign of depression.
 It is found that St. john wort act as an uptake anticatalyst for serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline, chemicals present in the brain responsible for depression and anxiety.  The studies show that St. john wort is equivalent to many standard antidepressants. 
St. john wort is not an established method to cure depression, so before consuming it you must consult your physician.  It is recommended that upto 900  mg of St. john wort per day is the standard dosage for minimizing signs of mild depression. In compared to antidepressants, this herbal remedy may require upto four weeks to show the outcome.
St. johns wort must not be consumed along with other medication or any other antidepressants. If you are on other medication, first consult your doctor before consuming it.  St. john wort has shown some adverse effects if taken with other medicine.  It enhances the action of other medicine leading to an adverse reaction.
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ask-spidermom · 1 year
It's over, Mysteria, just give up! I think we all know I have you beat. (No, mon araignée. It’s not quite over yet.) What do you even fucking mean? I-
A metallic clunk, followed by electricity crackling. From one side, a high pitched tone.
You'll fucking pay for this.
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ask-spidermom · 5 years
When I was around 12, I was in the hallway outside my homeroom. It was empty. I can’t remember what spurred the thought, but that’s where it clicked into place: nobody was coming to save me. Nobody was going to tell me to stop self-harming. Nobody was going to see me at all. I was going to slip through the cracks and fall, fall, fall.
But things get better, right? God, I’m still trapped here.
Drumming my fingers against the keyboard like it’ll change a thing.
Something is wrong.
Something is wrong.
Something is wrong.
I mean it, I mean it. Can you hear me? Something is very, very wrong.
I don’t mean with my household, with my medications, with my job or my friends.
Where am I?
What’s missing?
When did this happen?
Can you hear me?
Something is
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ask-spidermom · 1 year
Tumblr media
Q: Where were you on the 7th of August in 2019?
A: Something is wrong.
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ask-spidermom · 2 years
act ii, scene ii: the dawning quagmire from yonder horizon breaks
As the university corridors slowly gave way to stitched figments of memory and dream, Ez mentally remarked at the relative calm Amari maintained. Though it clearly wasn't their first time braving the unknown, the labyrinth was unnerving at best.
A slight static haze overtook their surroundings, before receding. In front of them was a rocky clearing, surrounded by low bushes. At the far end, the rock and brush gave way to a sudden cliff face. The static remained in their peripherals. They turned their gaze, though there was a strange inertia that seemed to drag their eyes back to the center of the clearing.
"Is this place like, familiar to you?" Ez asked.
Amari paused, "Not really."
"I think I've seen it before. It's the- the what's it called! The cliff."
"From that movie with the big guy?" Ez continued, "... The Princess Bride!"
"Oh, uh… I haven't…" they felt Amari suddenly tense.
A figure manifested in the clearing. Ez's heart ached- it was Woodie. A part of it, at least. The figment flickered.
"Get out! Leave me the fuck alone!" it repeated, over and over. "Get out, get out!"
Ez stepped closer and the figment raised its voice. Their body screamed to keep their distance as they continued to near it.
"... Woods?"
Ez flinched as it raised its hand to hit them, I voluntarily bracing as they waited for it to land.
It didn't.
The figment flickered again, then repeated its cries to leave them. It raised its hand again, then snapped in reverse.
Ez's lips pulled into a tight frown and they whispered, "I'm not going."
Woodie's chorus seemed to grow more pleading.
"I'm not going. I'm not going. Not until you're safe." Their voice trembled, but they remained by the figments side. "... Please let us through."
It flickered one last time, then dissipated.
Ez turned, their eyes breaking freely from the clearing. Behind Amari was pure static, which slowly filled with nonsensical scenery. A door lurched open within it.
They sighed in relief.
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ask-spidermom · 2 years
Ez looked into the hallway ahead, a vertigo-inducing tangle of stairs and corridors that seemed to shift as your eyes wandered across it. They just had to find their way to the center.
A small, orange safety cone sat by the thick double doors into the hall, below a hastily edited sign that said 'Library is closed due to the current circumstances. Sorry for any inconvenience.'
They pushed onwards, into the labyrinth.
What room are we looking for? A voice (their voice) asked from within.
They answered: I don’t know. I want to find Woodie, before anything. So probably the library?
The library. Simple enough.
Around the corner was another hallway, this one with a slight incline. The odd, textured linoleum felt familiar, though their eyes refused to bring it into focus. White light filtered in through a door on the left side of the hall, past rows of lockers that seemed to flutter muted red to blue, though nowhere between. Ez stopped, though they felt the world around them slowly spin the way it did when one had twirled in a circle for too long.
In their chest, a quiet dissonance buzzed.
We should go back, the voice (their voice?) said. After a pause, it continued: You need to take me back.
Ez turned, breathing. The hallway refocused, and they found themself outside the doorway they’d begun at.
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ask-spidermom · 2 years
Dark Water pt. 3
Ez winced. Their exacto knife had slipped slightly and sliced their finger. Though it wasn’t deep, blood began to well from the cut with unexpected speed.
“Are you okay?” Pax asked, looking up from her pile of card stock and stickers.
“Yeah, I just need a bandaid. Can you ring Pumpkin in for me?”
A few drops of blood spilled on the paper.
Pax didn’t move. She fixed her eyes on the blood, breathing slowly, as if trying to ground herself.
“Oh. Sorry, I’ll-”
“It’s fine.” she spoke, low and sharp. “You always act like I’m going to lose it and maul you.”
Ez wrapped their hand around their finger to try to slow down the bleeding, “I’m sorry.”
She tensed, and her grin widened.
“You don’t have to pity me, okay? I deserve to be alone, after what I did. Do you have any idea how many people died because of me?”
“Paxxer, it wasn’t your fault.”
“It doesn’t matter!” Pax growled, “It doesn’t matter if I wanted to do it, if I wasn’t able to control myself. I’m…”
Her breaths quickened. Ez could practically see the thoughts whirling around in her head, each one too fast and loud to argue with. Her teeth were bared and tightly clenched.
She lunged.
Ez watched the ensuing carnage from afar, nauseated but unable to look away. They felt Mysteria’s presence.
“Are you ready yet, mon araignée?”
“... For what?”
“The rapture. Our rapture. To bring us to the new world.”
They could see Mysteria in front of them, now. She seemed almost flustered, “It may seem cruel, love, but all of this… I need to free your second self, trapped underneath your- your composure, your ego- trapped underneath these people who claim to love you. That powerful, beautiful being. It’s going to save us.”
“What are you talking about?” Ez’s voice wavered.
“At first I thought- well, you have no patron, you bow only to yourself. A-And why… I know. I know, you have to save us. Burn away the wicked. Deliver the faithful.”
Something began to build inside them as she spoke.
The darkness was overtaken by blinding light. Mysteria was wreathed in a fiery sunset. Screams echoed from somewhere afar; voices begging for forgiveness.
They felt sick with rage.
“Is that what this was for?” They trembled.
“You see now. All of this, it-it was my display of devotion for you, mon ange. For us. For the new world.” She smiled softly, “And isn’t it beautiful? This is all I ever wanted. And you… You’re going to make it happen.”
“Are you fucking stupid?”
She looked confused, then angry. Anger thrummed through their veins.
“I’m not your fucking messiah, you daft bitch! I’m not your fucking toy. I’m not your angel, I’m not your anything. You are nothing to me.” Ez spat.
Their arms flexed and power built in their chest. They were going to end this.
Suddenly, a crack echoed through the space- something like the churning of mechanical parts.
They screamed as a visceral pain overtook them, as if being ripped in two.
“... I was afraid it would come to this.” Mysteria sighed.
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ask-spidermom · 1 year
kay I'm gonna head out to kill mysteria soon. does anybody have anything to say just in case I don't make it
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ask-spidermom · 2 years
apparently olivia bought some scrapped tech on the black market and thinks it's probably from oscorp <- waiting on harry for confirmation
so that's an update. a related update? no fucking idea.
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ask-spidermom · 2 years
fie woman (Harry's mom) ! wherefore art thou sighing while the world has largely wept? away from eyes a-prying, solemn secrets kept... reveal to me what now is hidden, and be so niceys too, else the life on earth is ridden by our enemy's horrid rue
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ask-spidermom · 2 years
@ask-spiderglass hiii amari. uhhh would you be on board with helping me with something? it's like, hero-work technically.
usually working through an unreal labyrinth is a breeze for me, but I think there's something messing with me rn and it might help to have someone... help me stay grounded, I guess?
I'm asking you because you're the most qualified <3
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ask-spidermom · 2 years
my phone is dying but im outside a gas station in sooke can someone PLEASE pick me up it's called on the run THAMKS
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ask-spidermom · 2 years
Dark Water pt. 2
Ez snuggled deeper under their covers, trying to push away their unease. After a couple restless moments, they pulled their phone from underneath the pillow. They typed in their passcode, muted clicks coming from the number pad.
Their dash was quiet, mostly hour-old memes and news articles. There was a new message in the activity tab.
Followed by a blurred out photo. Ez tapped it, revealing an image of them, laying in bed with the soft glow of their phone screen.
It's me.
Hi Rebecca please don't torment me with golden freddy he actually does scare me. tbanks
Look up.
no I'll see a scary ! tjanks
Fucking hell. Next one, then. I'll get you.
The room cut to impregnable darkness.
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ask-spidermom · 2 years
Dark Water pt. 1
Sterling was slumped down in a chair, to which he was tied to with thick rope. Mysteria slipped from the darkness and caressed his head, before roughly pulling it up by the hair.
"It's your fault, you know." She cooed.
His face was streaked with half-dried tears, blood and bile.
Ez took a shaky breath and shook their head. How could they have known? From the haze in their brother's eyes, they could see a kind of recognition spark.
The pit in their stomach grew.
"You were stupid. You forced her hand. Now, look what happened."
"That's not true." They whispered, feeling the urge to cry grow nearly insurmountable.
"You can't keep dodging responsibility forever, mon petit morveux…" She frowned, dropping Sterling's head.
A scream of rage ripped from their throat.
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ask-spidermom · 1 year
bye Mysteria (I bound her to another dimension. She's their problem now.)
anyway I'm gonna tske a fjxking NAp ouhh so sleepy
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