#antimisha his charity
nancylou444 · 3 years
The whole 'musha does charity' brag disgusts me.
He'll use any cause that he thinks will garner support in the moment to beg for 'charity' because that's literally how he creates income for himself.
His company collects the money under the guise of 'charity' then it gives a portion of the collected cash to that charity. The rest is claimed by his business under 'operating costs' and THEN he claims a tax deduction for the pittance he hands over to the actual charity.
What a guy!
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nancylou444 · 3 years
Friend of mine just brought up an interesting question... Whatever happened to Leech's orphanage in Haiti, especially after the earthquake? Don't think he ever mentioned it again, did he? What happened to those kids?
Hmm, your friend brings up an excellent point, my darling.
The earthquake did affect Jacmel, where the orphanage is. But I'm not seeing anything on google regarding the state of it now.
Its instagram hasn't been touched since 2015 (just after I posted the submit on nancy444) Look who they follow 🙄
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They have their own 'shop'. (x) I find this interesting:
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Why have a specific number of children? So at any given time there is ALWAYS ONLY 27 children in the orphanage? That's an odd number. So each children has their own room?
Its facebook page hasn't been touched since 2017. (x)
I'm sure nobody has asked MC about it, because it has nothing to do with THAT ship.
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nancylou444 · 3 years
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This is the equivalent of me having a reblog conversation with @nancyloumm or @nancy-444​ or @nancy444.
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nancylou444 · 4 years
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From Sunday’s Daily News. 
$26 for a tshirt? Holy crap.
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nancylou444 · 4 years
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debivc78 reblogged your photo and added:
The first line of the article … “stopping  apocalypses". Ummm if memory serves (and it does) did feathers not help START the apocalypse? And then at the end his sole contribution was to yell the now infamous "assbutt" and throw a molotov cocktail at an immortal being.
Yeah that article was obviously written by somebody who has only a general idea of what SPN is about and how not ‘important’ Castiel is to the show. 
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Kind of skips over the fact that Castiel was the CAUSE of a few wars. 
The biggest difference between Aziraphale and Castiel is that one is the main character and the other isn’t. But this writer is trying to make them equally important to their shows and that is not the case. 
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nancylou444 · 4 years
Oh, and he's called in jewel, Sam Smith, Alaina huffman, Rachel Miner, one of the British men of letters, can't remember his name? Did I leave anyone out?? Stay far away Jared!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Wow, this is sad. 
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Who’s Hayley Erin?
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Not surprised at all to see Kim and Osric there. 
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nancylou444 · 4 years
The quiz night a Merlin actor hosted last month was way better than this Misha thing sounds. He had members of the Merlin cast on there and Kat Mcnamara and fans were involved. It was all to earn money for an animal charity. That was special because Merlin had been over for years and it was nice to see that these actors still cared about the show and the fans(and it raised money for dogs which was a major bonus).
Katherine was there? Awesome.
She's way better than all of MC's people combined.
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nancylou444 · 4 years
I watched a bit of the livestream between Mishbitch and Michael and a small part of me was thinking “aww, this is kinda cute” (because Michael is genuinely a sweet guy from what I’ve seen) but the rest of me was like *sigh* “must he (Mishbitch) ruin everything he touches?”
I didn’t watch it, mainly because I didn’t want to see MC. I would have seen it if it were only Michael. I love him in Good Omens. 
This was another case of MC using somebody more talented than him, to get extra attention for his ‘charity’ work. 
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nancylou444 · 5 years
Have you seen the Destiel pins Stands are doing? I find them leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
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That description sounds like MC wrote it. And when one copies and pastes their ‘charity’ message, one should make sure it fits the new product. I’m not seeing any shirts on this page. 
Yeah, not interested in this foolishness. $13? Yeah, a ‘portion’ goes to charity. I wonder if the portion is as small as this button. 
He is going to milk every last drop from the sheep in regards to that ship and they are too stupid to realize it.  
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nancylou444 · 5 years
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sweet-sammy-kisses replied to your post: Have you seen the Destiel pins Stands are doing? I...
At this point the only ones who support Stands are the minions and Destiel shippers and when the show ends and Destiel still isn’t canon they know it will be harder to get them to buy stuff. They are feeding their belief that Destiel will go canon to sell products.
And when it doesn’t, the sheep won’t go after Stands and MC, they will cry HOMOPHOBE and go after Jensen. 
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nancylou444 · 4 years
Hayley Erin played on the soap opera, General Hospital(her character was killed off about a year ago). I think after she left that soap opera, she went to the spin off of Pretty Little Liars. Have no idea why she'd be part of that game night or how she would know Misha.
Ah. I guess she's a fan? 😒
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nancylou444 · 5 years
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MISHA COLLINS $119 (Saturday)
I guess the extra $50 goes to Random Acts? Yeah right. 
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nancylou444 · 7 years
Minions are so stupid. Mooshy feeds the Hall H line every year to get publicity for GISHWHES, and he pays for it with funds people donated to Random Acts. Essentially the minons are paying for their own pizza/coffee/donuts and they're too stupid to even realize it. He's not doing it out of the goodness of his heart. He's doing it as a PR stunt. Personally I'm glad that J2 aren't wasting PACK fund money on stupid shit like that.
Right, I remember somebody saying that about the pizza he got them a few years back. Sheep are not that smart, my darling. 
Makes you wonder what else he pays for with THEIR money. So much for him and his charity. 
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nancylou444 · 7 years
Goshwhes actually sounds pretty cool idea but I am not interested in meeting Misha so not for me lol
**snorts** Smart anon. :D
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nancylou444 · 7 years
Can you please explain to me what the hell Gishwshes or whatever the hell it's called is?
**snorts** That’s misha’s charity thing that he does every summer for attention. HERE
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nancylou444 · 8 years
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This was submitted to me:
I’m copying and pasting it here, to make it ‘anon’, and to protect those involved.
Why I hate Misha Collins
I often read your blog because you accept all opinions, even those you don’t agree with. It’s one of the only places I feel that is true. I’m sharing the following story with you because I think it’s important. It’s my truth and it infuriates me how excusatory Misha’s fans are. I can’t be exusatory about him, not anymore. I think you’ll see why after you read this. You don’t have to share it, but I felt like you would…like to know? I guess? Know that you are not imagining things, that your instincts about the man are spot on. If you do share it, I hope you’ll do so behind a read more. I’m sure that the haters (as I mention) will have a quick and visceral reaction. Thankfully my friend, whose story I’m sharing, will never know. I just needed to get it all off my chest.
There are many out there who hate Misha Collins because of Destiel or his obnoxious fans or even simply because he does and says problematic things.
There are many out there who love Misha Collins, because it’s popular to do so right now, because they feel like he “cares” about them personally, because they think that he’s “one of them”…a misfit, an outcast, a weirdo. (All incredibly ironic, considering he doesn’t actually seem to be any of those things; a large segment of the entertainment and media industry routinely portray him as a handsome, articulate, humorous man. For hits? Probably. But they certainly aren’t portraying him as a weird social outcast, now, are they?)
I would wager almost none of these people who profess he’s a “literal angel” actually know Misha Collins. Follow him on twitter? Sure. Paid money to meet him or get a photo at a con where he has additionally been paid a large sum of money to be exactly who you want him to be? Maybe. That thirty-five seconds doesn’t give you enough information to make an informed or accurate depiction of the real man, however. And neither does any random blog of a “hater”.
I hate Misha Collins for none of the reasons stated above. I hate Misha Collins because I have witnessed his treatment of someone I love, and it was dismissive, disdainful, terrible.  We will call her Jane.
Jane worked for Random Acts for a long time, and in that time accomplished some pretty amazing things. Probably some things we’re at least familiar with or maybe even used. Those of you who are going to call me just a “hater”, do the research. The Random Acts staff has almost entirely changed in the past year. Friends, that’s not normal. If it was a great place to work, people would stay. Let’s just say it’s not a coincidence the entire staff is different than it was a year ago. We’re not talking about one or two disgruntled employees; we’re talking about more than a dozen. More than a dozen(!) people left their position in very recent months, but not all of them left without trying to fix things, or trying to make it better.
Jane was one of those people. Jane spoke to Misha about what it was like, what his infamous “kindness organization” was really perpetuating behind the scenes. Misha didn’t care; and not only did he not care, he refused to recognize the enormity of losing someone like Jane. (Ok that’s my personal bias, but…) Someone with absolutely no motive –Jane had already quit—was trying to help, offering a rare glimpse from someone who had already devoted hundreds of hours of her personal time to accomplish his mission. Someone literally doing his work for him. No recognition for her efforts or years of service would be forthcoming, nor any acknowledgement of the many positive changes and examples of her work ethic and dedication. Believe me, I waited. I waited for him to acknowledge…something. He never did, and I find that ridiculous and unforgiveable.
Needless to say, Jane was devastated when he blew her off. She was disillusioned by a man she had formerly admired, but also by the people she left behind who were apparently so afraid of losing his favor they chose to remain silent rather than step in as member after member left or was forced out of the organization. (I told her she set the bar for character far too high for these people…she called me a cynic. This is our relationship, in a nutshell).
Did Misha dismiss Jane’s story simply because it was easier than listening? Did he receive a sordid tale behind her back from the source of the problems? Likely. But what of the dozens who also left under eerily similar circumstances, both before and after? At what point does he stop and look around and say: Wait. This doesn’t add up. I’m smarter than this. (He is, right?) And more importantly: Why would a person (or multiple people) who had dedicated that much time and energy to build the organization up, do anything to tear it apart? It would be self-defeating, ridiculous, nonsensical.
Jane and Misha spoke one last time, or rather Jane spoke and Misha chose not to respond. She is a beautiful, kind, giving individual, who has lived some of those dire circumstances Random Acts’ talks about in their blog posts and tumblr updates. Some of those dire circumstances Misha himself claims as his own personal history. (Irony.)
Jane still serves others, so at least she hasn’t let this experience sour her completely. It has definitely made her more cautious though, and that evolution has been hard to watch. Jane’s own story is one that would break your heart. She knows depression, anxiety, poverty, and death. She knows the bleak side of life’s cruelty and has faced her own demons. Exasperated, hurt, and confused by Misha’s careless treatment of her, she eventually made the decision to share her personal history with him, one last attempt to reconcile the truth, because no one had afforded her that opportunity before.
He ignored her.
In that random, brutal way life has, Jane would suffer a devastating tragedy shortly after that, one I doubt she ever recovers from, and even though she had been a longtime and faithful employee of this kindness organization, she and her family were patently ignored by them during that extremely difficult time. I don’t know how you can reconcile that, except to conclude these are the actions of petty, vindictive, childish people, people who would sooner be ignorant than cognizant of their own behavior, and would sooner act self-congratulatory than put forth a hand of love and giving. If I were ever face to face with any one of them I would ask: How can you look at yourself in the mirror and continue to pretend? How does every kind thing you promote not haunt you? How do you not recognize your own spiteful segregation and discrimination? How can you ever call yourself kind or good?
I hate Misha Collins, not for any printed reason, or any show related cause, not for any fan activity or problematic tweet. I hate Misha Collins because he is the worst kind of person, the kind who wears two faces, and the private one is the ugliest of all.
Misha treated Jane this way because there was no risk involved. He knows no one “important” would ever believe Jane, not over him, he has too many fans and his voice is too large. He rests comfortably in the knowledge that even if someone like me, small, unknown, and anonymous, shares her story it will be dismissed. The haters will come forward en masse to defend him, to defend Random Acts, and to tear both me and Jane apart. Even though the evidence is there if you look for it.
I hate Misha Collins because he hides behind a veil of benevolence, and doesn’ t have the balls to admit when he is wrong, when he has wronged. He won’t take responsibilities for his (or his organization’s) actions, even when they have done their damnedest to cause harm.
To cause harm.
Think about that. They willfully caused harm to an individual who had never been anything other than an asset to them, and Misha abetted that. Complacency is no defense. He had something good and wonderful, someone who deserved better, someone who has suffered the worst life can hand her, and he chose to give her another lesson in duplicity and faithlessness instead.
So, I hate Misha Collins for Jane. And for all the Jane’s that we will never know.
For ‘anon’ and Jane:
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Take care. xoxoxo
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