nancylou444 · 2 years
I figured it out!
During lockdown Danneel wrote some really bad fan fiction then threw a hissy fit until he agreed to use it for their first production company project.
Promptly forgot about it.
Went to film The Boys.
Woke up one morning to social media and Jared, freaking out over the announcement that his new series was going to premiere next fall.
Chaos ensuses.
The Winchesters is born.
This is mainly on her need to be a part of SPN. He, being the good husband, agreed, not knowing what a shitstorm it was going to become.
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hellhoundsprey · 4 years
debivc78 replied to your photo “vanilla �� coke. (uncensored version) Fuckpig verse on AO3....”
Yesssss. Damn I love your artwork. Still say you need to make at least one chapter of Fuckpig into a comic/graphic novel.
Ngl, I am brooding about doing something along those lines. Like, a FP Bible? That would be so dope :( 💘
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j2madhatters · 5 years
Things that make you wonder
Why does Jared need not one but TWO smaller houses in Austin? Both are fully paid for, no mortgages, and both are small basic homes
I believe those are some of Jared’s rental properties (the first is listed as an apartment under type on realtor.com), but only Jared knows for sure. ;) -Admin D
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lol-jackles · 7 years
Debivc78 is claiming Jensen makes more than Jared. I find that hard to believe.
Jared has 1st billing, is 1st on the call sheet, he has the highest Q score and he’s the one with the mainstream fans.  IF they didn’t go the commie-socialist route (paid the same salary rate, a story they peddle at conventions), then Jared would be paid more for acting alone.  
Jensen directs episodes now and then but he still won’t get paid more in total by year end.  Jensen has been working several years ahead of Jared so his net worth should be higher than Jared’s.
*check out Debivc78*
Aaaaaaand she says the reason why Jensen is paid more is because it’s hush money to keep him from outing himself as gay for Jared. 
So Jensen’s blackmailing CW?  Threatening to out himself if they don’t pony up the dough?  I thought these blackmails go the other way.
Okay.  …  That’s actually a new one.  I don’t even think spn_gossip cooked that one up.
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glass-closet · 7 years
Debivc78′s submission
My “theory” on the J2 kids situation: Jared had the 2 boys, and figured he was done. Jensen had JJ and wanted ONE more. He and D used IVF (because, they don’t “you know”) and accidently came up with twins.
G was pissed because, well she has to keep up with D, AND her PR people told her having another baby would be a great way to get some attention and launch her brand.
So she used her IVF stash to get pregnant and eithe didn’t bother telling Jared or asked him, he said no, but she went and did it anyway.
It explains the awkward announcement on “Live”, the weird pregnancy, the lack of announcement and subsequent post new baby happiness.
Jared has always been a loving hands on dad. Google brings up TONS of pics of him holding and showing off Tom and Shep. But I have yet to see a pic of him holding Odette or even showing her face,
Then the strange faces he made at Seacon during the question “What’s your favorite thing about having kids?” Usually Jared tells a cute story while Jensen sits quietly. This time Jensen told a sweet little story while Jared sat there literally making WTF faces. Check the video: HERE Start watching Jared’s face at the 56:50 mark.
Hello, dear Debi!
I hope you don’t mind that I censored your message to remove the full names of the beards - I don’t want my blog to come up on search when folks look up posts with their names. ;) That’s actually the reason I shorten their names to D and G, if anyone’s ever wondered.
(56:50) Here begins the part you mentioned. I’m not entirely convinced that Jared looks bothered, but maybe a little disappointed by the question. Or perhaps surprised? He gives the ball to Jensen and I think he spends a while thinking about what his answer will be.
Note how he keeps nodding ever so slightly while Jensen tells the story of visiting the aquarium at Dallas? I’m thinking he’s either heard the story or he was present at the time (although he was seen in Seattle that weekend, I’m not sure about the dates). Jensen also managed to share this story without mentioning D being present. Remember how she implied she was there? Yeah... I’m not so sure.
Sorry, I got carried away.
Anyway, I agree that 2+2 was probably the original plan when it comes to the kids. However, I’m not sure G would be nasty enough to get pregnant without consulting Jared first. Maybe I’m a little naïve, but do people actually do that? I’m not saying it’s impossible, of course, but it sounds like a plot twist from a bad soap opera.
I think we haven’t seen baby O’s face because G wants the reveal to be the grand opening of her blog. Yes, I believe she would be nasty enough to do that. She’s been very careful to avoid showing her face and there has to be a real reason for that. Why hide that cute face, when you’re not hiding your other kids?
I think Jared’s clear unenthusiastic attitude towards having another kid could be the extended time he has to devote to bearding now. If it weren’t for the new baby, he could’ve continued living the way he and Jensen did these last two years. Maybe not quite as openly because of Jensen’s twins, but he would’ve managed with less bearding than he does now. I think the dog and pony show is taking a toll on him and he’s just about done with it.
Thank you for sharing your theory, sweet Debi! I hope you have a joyous Easter. :)
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demberly · 7 years
@emilywritesaboutdean @debivc78
Thank you <333
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Always Have Been More Than
Originally posted on AO3 by me. (Redgirl_78 on AO3) There was never a time when Dean and Sam Winchester were not in love. Whatever force in the universe chooses who should be soulmates: God? Fate? Karma? wanted to make sure they were truly together their entire lives. So they were born as brothers. Dean started asking for a sibling as soon as he was able to put words together. His first word was in fact “Sam”. Although at the time Mary and John thought he was saying “Ma'am” instead of mom, so they let it go. The day Mary found out she was pregnant, Dean was waiting for her on the porch when she came home from the doctor. He ran down the steps and jumped into her arms laughing and saying “Thank you, mommy, thank you!” Mary put him down and asked why he was thanking her. Dean rolled his eyes like it was the dumbest thing he’d ever been asked “Cuz you gots my baby!” When Mary told John about it later, he dismissed it by saying Dean must have overheard her on the phone or talking to the neighbor lady about her possible pregnancy. And that was the end of it, for a while. Around the time Mary was starting her second trimester, Dean started talking to her stomach. Not just saying things like “hi baby” but full on conversations as if the baby was talking back. John thought it was odd, but now it was Mary who waved him away saying it was cute that he was so excited about getting a new sibling. When Mary was around 7 months pregnant Dean began climbing into his parents bed every night after they’d gone to sleep. Mary slept facing out because John complained not only did her pregnant belly put off enough heat to bake a pie, but the baby would kick him mercilessly as if it was trying to annoy him intentionally. Dean would lay awake until he heard his dad snoring then tip toe into his parents room, slip into bed next to Mary and proceed to talk to her stomach all night. Sometime before dawn he would go back to his own bed, so he wouldn’t get caught. The nightly visits lasted until Mary started getting up several times a night to use the bathroom, another one of the “joys” of late pregnancy. After that Dean had his “baby talks” during the day. These sessions bothered John for some reason. He told Mary it was weird, and not healthy for Dean to think he was actually holding a conversation with an unborn baby. But again Mary assured him it was fine. It just meant Dean would be close to the new baby, and be a good big brother. How could that be a bad thing? The night before Sam was born, Dean insisted on sleeping with his parents. When John tried to take him to his own room, Dean became very upset. “NO!! My baby needs me! Gots to wake mama up when is time!” “John, I am so tired, and uncomfortable just let him stay” Mary gathered Dean into her arms and sang to him until he fell asleep, hugging her belly. Around 5 AM John was roused from sleep by Dean shaking him and yelling “Daddy Daddy my baby’s coming!” John sat up immediately, confused “Is it time?” “I have no idea why he is saying that! I haven’t had a single … . ” Mary was cut off when a searing pain shot through her lower back. “Ohhhhh, ok, maybe we should get going.” John had just gotten off the phone arranging a sitter for Dean, when Mary came down the stairs with a worried look on her face. Dean trailed behind her, a determined look on his little face. He was insisting on being taken to the hospital with his parents. Even after it was explained by both John and Mary that babies take a very long time to come and Dean would be bored waiting, he would not change his mind. When the babysitter arrived and he realized they were going to leave him at home, the normally sweet, well behaved Dean had an epic meltdown. He wrapped his tiny arms around Mary, pressing his face against her swollen, contracting baby bump and refused to let go. Huge hitching sobs racked his tiny body, as he clung to his mother. “Dean, I promise I will bring mommy home. She will be fine.” John spoke softly mistakenly trying to reassure Dean he was not losing his mommy. “Nooooooo … Gotta. . stay. . with. . my . . Sammy… Sammy’ll be ascared… if ’m not there … when he gets borned!” Dean was crying so hard he could barely breathe between words. John and Mary exchanged confused horrified looks. Not only had they not known if the new baby was a boy or a girl, they had still not decided, if it was a boy, what they were going to name him. Samuel had been discussed, but they were leaning towards Henry after John’s father. Mary stroked Dean’s hair “Honey, why are you calling the baby Sammy? You might get a little sister you know.” “No! … This is my Sammy… He’s mine and nobody elses” Dean refused to listen. He hugged Mary even tighter, when suddenly her water broke. Dean stared at the growing puddle of water, his eyes huge. He let go of Mary’s stomach, grabbed her hand and pulled towards the door. “WE NEED TO GO NOW! SAMMY IS IN TROUBLE!” Dean spoke in a voice that eerily sounded much older than his four years. John opened his mouth to object when Mary screamed. A stream of blood was making its way down her leg, falling to the floor in bright red drops. John scooped Mary into his arms and carried her out the door. Not wanting to take any chances, he carefully laid her down in the back seat of the Impala. He was in the drivers seat turning the ignition key before he noticed Dean in the front passenger seat. “DEAN, YOU WERE TOLD…” A blood curdling scream from the back seat stopped John cold. “JOHN HURRY PLEASE, THE BABY IS COMING!!!” Mary was clutching her stomach curled into a ball. The Impala roared to life and the tires screamed for ½ a block as John punched the accelerator to the floor. The hospital was less than 10 minutes away, but it felt like hours. Mary was screaming and crying in such agonizing pain, the sound made John grip the steering wheel until his fingers were white. The gut wrenching thought that he might lose his wife and his child crept into his mind and he immediately wanted to be sick. He fought back the nausea and panic by reaching down deep to his Marine Corps training, to lock his emotions down. The Impala roared into the hospital emergency entrance and John bolted from the car screaming like a mad man for someone to help Mary. Several nurses rolled a gurney out and John carefully placed Mary on it. He tried to go with her but was told she was going straight up to labor and delivery. They would come and get him in the waiting room as soon as they knew anything. John stood staring at the double doors they’d just wheeled Mary through when he felt something warm slip into his hand. “Dean?” John looked down to see Dean standing next to him holding his hand. “I completely forgot you were here son.” Dean looker up at him. His sea green eyes wide with wonder and affection. “It’s ok Daddy” John’s eyes filled with tears, picking Dean up and hugging him so tightly Dean giggled and squealed with joy. “You know what? Daddy is glad you’re here. Lets go find the waiting room, and… start waiting I guess.” The waiting room was, as waiting rooms go, nice. It had soft comfy couches and several reclining chairs. A big screen tv was playing some baseball game, and the magazine rack was stocked with every sports, car, hunting, fishing and otherwise male oriented publication, except “those kind” of course. Even though most men went with their wives into the delivery room these days, there were some who chose not to, or could not due to a complicated delivery. So the waiting room maintained its decidedly male atmosphere. Not long after arriving, a nurse came in and told John that Mary needed a c-section. Evidently the placenta had detached too soon and the baby was not getting any oxygen. Had they waited much longer to come to the hospital things may not have gone well. John shook his head and looked down at Dean, remembering the boy’s sheer panic that there was something wrong and they needed to get to the hospital quickly. How did he know? A cute candy striper brought John some coffee and Dean some cookies and milk, congratulated them on their new arrival and left. They sat in silence for close to half an hour, when all of a sudden Dean stood up and ran for the door. “Sammy! Sammy! Sammy!” Dean was smiling like someone just announced Christmas was now happening twice a year. “Dean get back here!” John started after him but just then the door opened and a nurse wearing scrubs walked in carrying a small bundle. “Mr. Winchester? It’s a boy” John stopped dead in his tracks as the nurse opened the blanket and he saw the tiny face of his new baby son. He reached out to take him, then stopped “m-my wife, is she okay?” The nurse hesitated but saw the desperation on John’s face “She’s ok Mr. Winchester. She lost a lot of blood, but we managed to get it under control. They’re taking her to recovery now if you want to see her … ” John pushed past the nurse and out the door before she could finish. “Can I see my Sammy now?” The nurse looked down and found herself staring into twin gems of emerald green. “Please? I’ve been waitn’ so so long” “Of course you can sweetheart. Go sit on the couch over there for me” Dean dashed to the couch and sat with one arm propped up on the arm so he could hold the baby easily. The nurse placed the child in his arms marveling at the tenderness and skill the pre-schooler showed with the newborn, remembering to support his head and holding him firmly yet carefully. Dean leaned in close, grazing the baby’s forehead with his lips, and whispering softly “Still mine Sammy?” As the nurse watched with amazement, Sammy’s eyes popped open, gazing at Dean with an expression of the purest love she’d ever seen. As if these two knew each other, and had known each other for millions of years. Green eyes as deep as the ocean met kaleidoscope eyes of blue, green, brown and gold. The nurse’s eyes suddenly flashed a bright glowing blue, then back to normal. She sat down next to Dean on the couch stroking his hair gently. “Yes Dean, Sammy is still yours. And you are still his. Just as you two have been since the beginning of time” Dean smiled and kissed Sammy again “Mine
Okay I remember reading this awhile ago (I’m sure I reblogged it) but I absolutely freaking LOVED IT. It’s so cute and sweet and 100% believe this is exactly what happened! Thanks darling @debivc78! (And is this a continuation of the story here?)
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omegaqueencas · 8 years
Wincestmas Day 10
March 8th 1985
Dean slammed the door of Bobby’s house, fuming.  He threw his bookbag on the floor, pulled the folded piece of paper out of his pocket, looking at it with a mixture of anger and fear.
Bobby came into the living room drying his hands on a small towel. “What cha got there son?”
“A note.  Teacher says to give it to my parents.  Cn I just give it to you?” Dean bit his bottom lip.  He hoped the note didn’t want a meeting, but knew it probably would.
Bobby took the note, opened it. 
Dear Mr/Mrs Winchester,
We would like to schedule a meeting with you at your earliest convenience to discuss Dean’s behavior.  We are concerned with some statements he has been making in class and hope you will make the time to address this issue and work towards a solution.
Thank you
Mrs. Mercer
Bobby, looked down at Dean “What the Sam Hill did ya do now?”
“Nothin’, ‘s stupid” Dean stood shifting from one foot to the other “Cn I go play with Sammy now?”
“Yeah, go ahead.  The kid’s been miserable all day without ya here anyway” Bobby waved Dean on into the dining room where Sam was sitting in his high chair chewing on a cookie.
As soon as he saw Dean, Sam’s face lit up. “DE!!!  He smiled and wiggled happily.  Holding his chubby arms out to be picked up by his big brother. “ 
“Hey baby boy!  Miss me?” Dean picked Sammy up hugging him tight.  Dean carried the giggling toddler into the living room, sitting him down carefully before joining him to play with the set of blocks.
Bobby sighed.  He knew there was no way he could tell John about this.  Even if he could get ahold of him, pull him off of the job he was on, talk him into coming back for this, what good would it do?  John wouldn’t try to understand why Dean was doing anything, he’d just tell the teacher he’d make sure Dean straightened up, then come back and meter out some overly harsh punishment that would do nothing more than hurt Dean, teaching him nothing. 
Bobby picked up the phone, dialing the school’s number.  “Hello, this is John Winchester, I have a note here from my son’s teacher, and I ‘d like to schedule a meeting with her.  Yes, I’ll hold.” 
The next day Bobby took Dean to school.  Dean could barely contain his laughter as he watched Bobby introduce himself as John Winchester to the teacher.
Bobby was suitably dressed in a pressed suit and tie, another source of great amusement to Dean who’d never seen Bobby in anything but a flannel shirt and trucker’s cap. 
When they got to Dean’s classroom, Bobby told Dean to take Sam and go play with him while he talked to the teacher.  Dean took Sam’s hand and the two of them went off to the classroom play area.
“Thank you for coming in today Mr. Winchester.” Mrs. Mercer shot a withering look at Dean “I’m afraid we have a rather serious situation on our hands.”
“Well, I’m sorry to hear that ma’am” Bobby tried to sound sincere “What exactly did the boy do that’s caused such a ruckus?”
“Well let me show you,” Mrs. Mercer produced a hand drawn picture, obviously done by a child, showing two male stick figures, a house, what looked to be a dog and a car.  “Your son was asked to draw himself as a grown up.  Then explain about his life.  What he was going to be, where he’d live, and so on.”
Bobby looked at the picture searching for some clue that Dean had done anything wrong.  “I’m afraid I must be missing something here ma’am, I don’t see a problem.”
“Well, Mr. Winchester, when I asked Dean to explain his picture to the class, he said the people were himself and his brother Sam.  That when he grew up he and Sam were going to get married, live in a big house, with a dog, and drive around in the Impala all the time.”  Mrs. Mercer had a smug look on her face “So I’m sure you can see why I was so alarmed.  Something like this is an obvious sign that your son is very disturbed.”
Bobby frowned at the teacher “Maybe you better explain exactly what your problem with this is, because I’m still not seeing it.”
“Mr. Winchester! Surely the idea that your son not only wants to marry another man, but his brother cannot have escaped your notice.  That is a clear indication of a very troubled child.”
Bobby sat for a few moments considering what this woman was saying.  He’d been around long enough to know an intolerant bitch when he saw one.  He also knew, Dean saying he wanted to marry Sam, that didn’t bother him as much as it probably should.  He’d been around those two so much.  Seen how the love they had for each other was so pure.  Like nothing he’d ever seen before. He turned and looked over at the boys, playing together.  Dean was amazing with Sam.  Always patient, letting Sam have any toy he wanted, even if Dean was playing with it first.  Always putting Sam first.  As if that was the reason he was put on earth.   
“Let me ask you something Mrs. Mercer, how long you been a teacher?” Bobby began
Mrs. Mercer huffed “I’ve been teaching over ten years sir, why?”
“I assume to be a teacher, you had to go to college and whatnot, right?”
“Yes, I have a Master’s Degree in education, where are you going with this?”
“Well, I assume somewhere in there you had a psychology class or two?  And in that class, I’m pretty sure they talked about how in early childhood, little girls will say they want to marry their daddy, and little boys will say they want to marry their mom.  So how far removed is it that, since Dean doesn’t have a mom, he’d want to marry the person in his life he feels the most connected to?  Kids his age don’t know what marriage is.  They don’t even know what it means to love someone that way.  All they know is you marry someone and spend your life with them.  Well Dean doesn’t love anyone more than he loves Sam.  So, in his mind, he loves Sam, so he’ll marry him.  What’s wrong with that?” Bobby raised his eyebrows and stared at the shocked teacher.
“Mr. Winchester, I – I well I” Mrs. Mercer stammered
“But then again” Bobby interrupted “If you’re commenting on Dean saying he wants to marry another man, saying that’s something he shouldn’t be saying, well I have an attorney friend who would love nothing more than to slap a lawsuit on this school for suppression of my son’s civil rights.  If he’s gay and he realizes it at five years old, who are you to tell him it’s wrong?”
Mrs. Mercer was frozen in her seat.  She opened her mouth, then snapped it closed. 
“Yeah that’s what I thought” Bobby snorted “So I can assume this issue is resolved, correct?”
“Uh uh, yes? I mean, yes of course.  I’ll be looking forward to seeing Dean back in class tomorrow.” Mrs. Mercer smiled weakly.
“Dean, get Sam and let’s go.” Bobby stood up watching as Dean took Sam’s hand and walked out to the car with him.
Those two? Together? He could see it. 
written by @debivc78
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Debi signed up!
Name: Debi Tumblr: @debivc78 Big or Mini: Big Anything else: How explicit can we be? I know it’s supposed to be Samcentric so assuming Sam POV is ok?
Our final signup from Debi (who squeezed in yesterday just in time). Sam POV is very welcome and explicit is also A-OK as long as it’s appropriately tagged and rated!
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nancylou444 · 3 years
Let's run this through for a minute;
Mary grew up a hunter. Knew all about the supernatural world and helped her family fight it.
John was a Marine veteran who had no clue what was really out there in the dark.
They met and didn't like each other. But after a while they fell in love and got married.
Mary secretly continued to hunt until she had Sam. Although how the hell she got away with leaving her husband and young son all the time is a mystery.
Are we supposed to believe John told Dean and not Sam all about he and Mary's early relationship? Wouldn't Sam actually know more given the year he spent hunting with the Campbells? For that matter from what we've seen John and Mary had a shit marriage. He drank and even left her at one point. She hid her entire past from him while continuing to hunt. Again how the fuck did she even get out to do it?
Yeah this prequel sounds like it has about as much chance of making it as any of the other failed spin off attempts did (Wayward anyone?).
SPN is over. Let it go.
Exactly, that's all the backstory we NEED to know about Mary and John.
This prequel will, most likely, retcon every thing we learned in SPN.
Dabb and Singer gave us enough retcon IN the show.
In The Beginning:
MARY: I wanna get out. This job, this life, I hate it. I want a family, I wanna be safe. You know the worst thing I can think of? The very worst thing? Is for my children to be raised into this like I was. No, I won't let it happen.
Song Remains the Same:
MARY: I don't do that anymore. I have a normal life now. You have to go.
And yet:
Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox:
MARY: I’m retiring. Well, officially I’m already retired. I’m just tying up a few loose ends.
She's pregnant with Dean in SRtS, and she no longer hunts, but she comes out of 'retirement' when he is a year old to "tie up loose ends"? Wouldn't she have tied up those loose ends before marrying John?
And I don't see her putting a baby seat in the car she uses in the CtLoAF flashbacks. And how does she hide her weapons from John?
Yes, Soulless Sam was with Grandpa Campbell and the cousins, so you would think he would know more about that side of the family.
JOHN didn't know Mary's past, so how would Dean be able to narrate something that JOHN doesn't know?
This prequel makes no sense.
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j2madhatters · 5 years
Documents from Jensen’s home sale. From Travis County public records.
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(I removed the legal docs as I’m not comfortable with them being posted here.)
This Sandra Sterling Trust appears to be either new or unused till now as Jensen’s house is the only record it’s associated with in the county records:
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I think this is a wait and see situation as it may turn out to be something that was done for tax purposes or perhaps to raise capital/collateral for whatever they’re going to do with The Fairview B&B they purchased this year. -Admin D
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glass-closet · 8 years
Debivc78′s submission
OH MY CHUCK! When you talked about J2 serenading each other with those songs it made me want to scream it to everyone!
LISTEN TO THE LYRICS!!  You will NEVER EVER doubt how Jensen and Jared feel about each other!!!
Jared to Jensen:
Oceans apart day after day And I slowly go insane  I hear your voice on the line But it doesn’t stop the pain
If I see you next to never How can we say forever
Wherever you go Whatever you do I will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takes Or how my heart breaks I will be right here waiting for you
I took for granted, all the times That I thought would last somehow I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can’t get near you now
Oh, can’t you see it baby You’ve got me going crazy
Wherever you go Whatever you do I will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takes Or how my heart breaks I will be right here waiting for you
I wonder how we can survive This romance But in the end if I’m with you I’ll take the chance
Oh, can’t you see it baby You’ve got me going crazy
Wherever you go Whatever you do I will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takes Or how my heart breaks I will be right here waiting for you Waiting for you
Jared wasn’t as established in the entertainment industry as Jensen when Supernatural started. So the studio pressuring him to keep J2 quiet, while not an easy decision, was one Jared made because he felt he had no choice.  Now 12 yrs later he’s stuck, and it’s tearing him apart.  Jensen’s love is the only thing keeping him together, and this song says it all.  Jared’s not giving up, he’s waiting this thing out, no matter what.
Now, Jensen To Jared:
Look into my eyes, You will see What you mean to me Search your heart, Search your soul And when you find me there, you’ll search no more
Don’t tell me it’s not worth tryin’ for You can’t tell me it’s not worth dyin’ for You know it’s true Everything I do, I do it for you
Look into your heart, You will find There’s nothin’ there to hide Take me as I am, Take my life I would give it all, I would sacrifice
Don’t tell me it’s not worth fightin’ for I can’t help it, there’s nothin’ I want more You know it’s true Everything I do, I do it for you
There’s no love Like your love And no other Could give more love There’s nowhere Unless you’re there All the time, All the way, yeah
Look into your heart, baby
Oh your can’t tell me it’s not worth tryin’ for I can’t help it there’s nothin’ I want more Yeah, I would fight for you, I lie for you <———- (HELLO!!!) Walk the wire for you, yeah, I’d die for you
You know it’s true Everything I do, I do it for you
Holy shit!  It’s well known that Jensen HATES having to beard.  He never wanted it, and if he could I am sure he’d take out a full page ad in Variety announcing he and Jared are together.  This song just gives me so much faith that it’s only a matter of time.
Head over to You Tube and listen to these songs!!!
Hello, dear Deb!
What could I possibly add to this? The romance is strong with the J’s. No matter how tricky the game gets, I’m sure they still end up sleeping in the same bed, pillow-talking. I think these songs probably carry a lot of meaning for them and in a moment of bravery, they revealed this to the fans. I mean, WOW. And Jared even did a repeat performance at Nashville this year!
Yeah, yeah. We get the message, but keep on airing the signals anyway - we love it! Thank you for the submission, sweetie! I hope you have a great day.
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demberly · 8 years
Thank you for thinking of me with the promo! :)
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Hi, I know it's the 5th but this is the first I've heard of this and I'd like to sign up.
That’s fine, you’re within the deadline! You will need to visit our submissions page (here) and send us a message including your name, whether you have Tumblr or LJ and what your username is on each or either platform, whether you are planning to write a mini (5k+) or a big (15k+) bang, and an email address that you’re happy for us to use to contact you. You don’t have to absolutely commit to a mini/big until January 19, when we’ll be expecting rough drafts from all participants; right now it’s just to give us an idea of what people are planning.
Hopefully that all makes sense!
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winmance · 6 years
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De-an" Sam sing-songs from the other side of the bed "De-an"
"Sam, I’m reading"
"You’ve been reading for hours" Sam complains "Don’t you want to spend some quality time with me?"
Sam’s foot slides over Dean's bare chest, gently tracing over his skin until every single one of his hairs are standing up. Any other time, Dean would have thrown the book away and been on Sam in less time than it took to say it.
But he promised dad he would read this God damn book a week ago now, and he’s still on the first page, thanks to Sam and his crazy sex drive.
"We had sex two hours ago" He points out, softly caressing Sam’s legs. "I don’t bother you this much when you’re doing your homework"
"I knooow" Sam complains "But I want you"
Sam lets his foot travel a little further down till he reaches Dean’s cock, stroking it slowly.
"I'll be good afterwards, I promise"
Sam is doing his best version of puppy eyes, his feet moving slowly over Dean's groin until he’s almost completely hard from nothing else but the feeling of Sam’s foot and his pretty little eyes.
"Fuck - ok, but you gotta help me finish my book after!"
He doesn’t even wait for an answer, simply throws the book on the floor and slides between Sam’s already spread legs, his feet circling his waist right away.
"You’re such a little slut sometimes, I swear" He says, kissing Sam as hard as he can.
It’s messy and hot, Sam’s fingers sliding in Dean’s hair, bringing him closer and closer to him until Dean’s erection is pressing against his welcoming ass.
No matter how many times they do it, Dean never gets tired of how good it is. Of how tight Sam is. How perfect.
He won’t have the time to finish the book before dad comes back, not when Sam is beginning him to fuck him every two hours.
He doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal, through. The book was a theory about children who absorbed power after drinking demon’s blood. They would become so strong that they would bring on the Apocalypse, the final war between demons and angels. It sounds interesting, and Dean gets why their dad told him to read it, but the guy who wrote it is a crazy dude named Chuck who still lives in his mother's basement, so Dean doesn’t put a lot of faith in it.
"If we die because of the Apocalypse, it will be your fault" He sighs, sliding off to lay next to Sam
"I promise I won’t let you die"
"Yeah? And how are you gonna do that, pretty boy?"
"Well," Sam says, resting his head on Dean’s chest "I will burn every single thing that comes near you. Monster or human"
"But if you kill humans, that makes you a monster" Dean points out
"Maybe" Sam says "But you'll stay with me, right? Even if I’m a monster?"
Dean smiles, pulling Sam closer to his chest before dropping a kiss on his hair.
"I would stay with you even if you were the king of hell itself"
Beta by @debivc78
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nancylou444 · 3 years
How about a pioneer in the LGTBQ movement.
From 1977 - Edith Bunker's cousin Liz and her girlfriend Veronica.
Bonus Canon LGBTQ+ Character of the Day:
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Liz and Veronica (All in the Family)
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