#antimisha what a loser
nancylou444 · 2 months
Misha hopes and prays that he gets a call to be in a SPN movie/reboot/reunion.
Misha hopes and prays to get a call to be background extra 546 on any project
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nancylou444 · 2 months
I hope someone was gonna offer misha a role, but then saw the stuff misha says and just thinks "nah, nevermind"
Oh my darling, you are funny.
Misha is way past the point of being offered anything. Even before all this happened. His career is dead dead dead.
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nancylou444 · 5 months
Misha's so desperate for a job that if they asked him to dress up as a dog and crawl around the Spn set barking and wagging his tail he'd do it.
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There is canon regarding Cass being a dog:
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nancylou444 · 4 months
Mishmash has his own wiki????????
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Acting career? LMAO, all his one shot appearances and Castiel. Activism? Yeah wasting food and annoying people with GishBullshit. General antics? Like coming out as straight. 🤣🤣
Oh wait, it's a "corner of SupeWIki" about him. As if we need further proof that SuperWiki is run by a heller. 😒
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nancylou444 · 1 year
liar liar pants on fire
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Oh really 🤨
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above gifs from the awesome post by the lovely @aborddelimpala 
(misha’s bullshit article)
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nancylou444 · 1 year
Can Misha go more than a few weeks without making his fans crazier than they already are? There was legit no reason to put the attention on himself and a fictional character after what happened yesterday. Also damn dude. Move the fuck on already. The prequel and the failed back door pilots showed that no SPN spin-off will ever work. Except a Bobby and Rufus prequel but I digress. Time to leave Cas in the past.
He has nothing but that ship, my darling.
Gotham Knights was a big turd right from the start.
He knows he got lucky and that Kripke was an idiot to keep him past his initial 'storyline'. He couldn't get another role after Castiel was killed, that's why he begged his buddy Singer to bring him back.
That's why he has photo ops wearing the trenchcoat. That's why all his social media avatars are season 4 Castiel.
Instead of being thankful for the role, he's being an ungrateful asshole.
And he has to keep the hellers entertained, that's the only reason why he keeps saying foolishness like "Cass is gay".
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nancylou444 · 5 months
My darlings, I'm not going to say that you or I have a better chance of being in a SPN reboot/revival than Misha, but 🤣🤣🤣
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nancylou444 · 1 year
Wether you like it or not, hes famous and people look up to him.
Lmao. Show me where anyone apart from terminally deluded Hellers think Misha 'I wear the trench coat to go to the shops' Collins is a famous person people look up to.
I'm not in the U.S. either, but I'd be hard pressed to find anyone I'm acquainted with who's ever heard of him.
Damn right, my darling.
The only ones watching Gotham Knights were HIS 'fans'. Most of the 'fans' of the prequel were hellers waiting for destiel to become canon. Most of the 'fans' wanting Wayward were hellers thinking that destiel would become canon on that show.
Nobody outside of SPN knows who the heck he is.
And if they do, it's because he "accidentally" came out as bi then had to come out as straight.
The meme of the confession is a joke, not the flex THEY think it is.
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nancylou444 · 1 year
March 15, 2015
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It’s my second year anniversary. Yeah. 🎉😁
Anyway, this is regarding mishmash whining about the whoopie cushion scene.  The OP deleted the post. It was screenshots of what he said at Vegas Con 2015.
I have them right here. 
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nancylou444 · 6 months
Probably the fact he's never getting any of it 🤔
Indeed. Especially NOW, my darling.
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nancylou444 · 3 years
Oh my gawd!! I followed the link you had to the road fool clip with Ruth and Rob and mr. trench coat and it is every bit as awful and awkward as everyone says! What a cringe-fest! YIKES! XD Imagine being someone who is interested in cooking/food shows and thinking "Oh this could be good." Then you put it on and immediately start wondering who this random dude is and who are these other people and isn't this supposed to be a food show? LOL! It's legit terrible.
I only watched the first three minutes or so, because I couldn't deal with their whining.
But that's the kind of show that mishmash wanted to do, not about the actual FOOD, but about people chatting about politics and what not.
The food is bought over and we are QUICKLY told what it is, then they got back to talking about themselves. As if the food part was secondary to their conversation.
And he is begging for a second season? 🤣🤣🤣
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nancylou444 · 2 years
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Interesting that Cons without J2 always have ‘props’. 
I guess we are supposed to forget about a certain claim from Mr I Happen to be Straight? 
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nancylou444 · 3 years
hi so i went down a rabbit hole of how horrible misha is and honestly? i hope he gets what’s coming to him because karma is a fucking bitch
Well my darling, his 'career' is a show that nobody can find, an uncredited role in a buddy's film, charging $400 for cameos, a poetry book about peeing on trees.
Oh his wife is divorcing him.
He's aging pretty badly.
Karma is taking care of him, no doubt about that. 😉
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nancylou444 · 3 years
It is honestly embarassing. Misha is an actor (or well, supposed to be one), not a chef or any food critique. Like I seriously don't get what's supposed to be his gimmick in his food show? Like what are people supposed to be hooked by? He has probably no expert knowledge on the food and he isn't particularly funny either. Like he doesn't have a charming personality to somehow justify watching this dude, driving around the US and eating at restaurants. Honestly the entire concept of his series falls appart, if you apply the slightest critical thinking to it.
The original idea of the food show was for MC to talk politics (mainly Trump) with people, but that got rejected.
Now it seems he just eats food and talks about random stuff. I have no interest in the show.
If I want to see a guy visiting restaurants and eating good food, I'll watch Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. Guy Fieri is awesome and he actually talks/knows about FOOD.
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nancylou444 · 2 years
Jared or no Jared, guess who Jensen will never get a matching tattoo with? Stay mad Hellers that Jensen and Misha will never be close and anything more than work friends who only see each other at cons.
Exactly, my darling.
Jensen only deals with mishmash at Cons and sometimes he doesn't even do that.
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nancylou444 · 2 years
Yet another heller
I’m looking through your anti misha what he says tag to see if I can find anything about that time his minions were clamoring about him (allegedly, only because they are notorious for lying/misrepresenting the truth too) saying that Jensen likes destiew now and to go ahead and ask him about it, and I came across this post https://nancylou444.tumblr.com/post/669753143412834304/lmao-misha-trenchcoat-photoops-collins-said and wow did that age badly, remember his comment when the Spn prequel was announced? Lol 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
You mean this one:
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There's also the tweet he made in regards to Harvey's wardrobe:
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And considering ALL his avatars are season 4 Castiel, he isn't letting go of SPN any time soon.
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