#antionio higgins
finnofamerica · 6 years
Secrets - Racetrack Higgins X Reader
This is my first Race fic so he’s probably OOC 
Summary: Race and Y/n are best friends but they both are hiding a secret. 
Word Count: 1589
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    It was common knowledge that you were Race Higgins’ girl. Except you, y’know, weren’t. You were friends, best friends even, but nothing more than that. However, everyone seemed to think something else. It never affected you that much, aside from the boys teasing you constantly. It was your life, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
    As December descended, all anyone found themselves talking about was the Snow Ball. Which of course led to your friends hounding you about going until you finally gave in.
    “Y/n/n, what dress ya’ wearing?” Race would ask nearly every day.
    “I said I’d go, I never said I’d wear a dress.” You’d tell him every time. That wasn’t a lie, despite the blue lace dress that hung in your closet. If he really wanted to know, Smalls had seen the dress, she could tell him anything he wanted to know.
     Finally, the dreaded day of the dance had arrived. Katherine did your hair. You, Kath, and Smalls made your way to the gym where the boys were already waiting. Katherine and Smalls were sure to dazzle the room. Katherine in her sparkly red dress, Smalls in her green long sleeve and black skirt. All eyes were going to be on them for sure.
     Your heart thundered as you neared the gym. You could hear the music pounding from twenty feet away before the boys even came into view.
    Elmer saw you first, excitedly grabbing JoJo and Romeo’s attention. Romeo hit Henry, Henry hit Tommy Boy, Tommy hit Specs, Specs hit Albert, and so on until all eyes were on you girls. Jack approached first, his eyes trained on Katherine, asking for her arm and led her inside. Smalls just beamed, dragging her boys to the dance floor.
    “What are you waiting for?” Albert called to you as you slowly approached him and Race. You gave him a nervous smile.
    “I just don’t wear dresses, it feels weird.” You explained, smoothing out the skirt.
    “There is only one way to ensure a smile,” Albert extended a hand to you, “Let’s go fuck shit up.”
    You gave a laugh as you took his hand letting him lead you inside.
    Each of the boys, bless their hearts, took turns dancing with you and Smalls. Except for Jack, who was glued to Katherine’s side. It was exhausting and you were glad for the refreshments that were provided.
    You and Race were currently dancing to some ridiculous and awful song blasting through the speakers, doing equally ridiculous and awful dance moves. Laughter bubbling between the two of you. Then you caught something peculiar out of the corner of your eye.
    “Race, what color is your tie?” You asked as you were spun back into his arms.
    “Blue.” He shrugged.
    “You matched my dress!” You beamed.
    “Well, I tried. I didn’t know what shade of blue.” He admitted, shrugging again. You pulled him into a tight hug.
    “You’re more than I could’ve ever hoped for.” You whispered into his ear as he pulled you tighter.
    “Only the best for you.” He whispered back, but it was lost under the thumping of the bass. Then the melody changed. A new slow melody played through the speakers. People around you had begun to pair off; held tight in their lover’s arms.
    “May I have this dance?” Race jokingly bowed, extending his hand out to you. Your stomach fluttered as you took his hand.
I need another story Something to get off my chest
    “Of course,” You answered, your left hand resting on his shoulder and your right hand was held in his.
Life gets kinda boring Need something that I can confess
    His hand was warm against your waist. His tongue poking out from between his teeth as he found a steady rhythm. His fingers tapping against the back of your hand as he adjusted his grip.
Til’ all my sleeves are stained red From all the truth I’ve said Come by it honestly I swear
    His eyes trained on your feet for a moment, making sure not to step on you. They were beautiful and blue in the daylight. In the dark they reflected the colors of the flashing lights, changing from blue to red to purple to green to orange in no particular pattern.
Thought you saw me wink, no I’ve been on the brink, so
    You reached with your left hand, smoothing out the furrow in his eyebrows. His eyes locked on to yours, pupils were blown wide from the dark of the room.
Tell me what you want to hear Something that will light those ears Sick of all the insincere I’m gonna give all my secrets away
    “Relax, Race.” You assured. “I trust you.”
    He nodded, taking a breath before spinning you away from him and back.
This time, don’t need another perfect lie Don’t care if critics ever jump in line I’m gonna give all my secrets away
    He smelt like that dumb cologne that he got for Christmas last year, courtesy of your dad. You remembered the suit from your cousin’s wedding a few years ago. Was Race always this warm?
My god, amazing how we got this far It’s like we are chasing all those stars
    You breathed him in, remembering the nights you would walk down to the docks and just lay there just watching the stars.
Who’s driving all those big black cars And every day I see the news All the problems that we could solve
    All the evenings gathered around the television, watching the news with your dad. Arguing about things that are controversial and shouldn’t be.
And when the situation rises Just write it into an album
    And the notebook you kept in your desk drawer. An accumulative list of things that make you happy, pictures of your family.
Send it straight to gold I don’t really like my flow, no, so
    “You look beautiful tonight,” Race said into your ear as he held you close to him.
Tell me what you want to hear Something that will light those ears Sick of all the insincere I’m gonna give all my secrets away
    “Thank you,” You hummed, resting your head on his shoulder. “You look really nice tonight too.”
This time, don’t need another perfect lie Don’t care if the critics ever jump in line I’m gonna give all my secrets away
    “I’m so happy your dad decided to coach baseball all those years ago.” He confessed, “I’m so happy you, and all the others, are in my life. I don’t say that enough.”
Oh, got no reason, got no shame Got no family I can’t blame Just don’t let me disappear I’mma tell you everything
    “I’m happy we found you too.” You warmed with his words.
So tell me what you want to hear Something that’ll light those ears Sick of all the insincere I’m gonna give all my secrets away
    “Don’t tell Al, but you're my favorite.” Race joked in your ear as he swayed with you.
This time, don’t need another perfect lie Don’t care if the critics never jump in line I’m gonna give all my secrets away
    “Hey, Race?”
    “Yeah, babe?”
    “Wanna go home?” You asked, pulling your head off his warm shoulder.
    “What about ‘proper protocol’?” He made air quotes around the words without letting you go.
    “Fuck protocol, My dad trusts us.” You pointed out.
So tell me what you want to hear Something that will light those ears Sick of all the insincere I’m gonna give all my secrets away
    You walked hand in hand across the street lamp light bridge into town. A shiver running down your spine with every breeze that brushed across you.     “Y/n/n, take my jacket.” Race offered, letting go of your hand to offer it to you
    “Race, no, you’ll get cold.” You turned it down, pushing it back toward him.
    “Y/n, please.” He insisted.
    “Antonio, I don't want you to get sick.” You persisted.
    “I’m not giving up ‘til you take it.” He stared you down. You were damn useless against his puppy eyes.
    “Fine,” You too the jacket, sliding it over your shoulders, cursing his eyes under your breath. He just gave you an award-winning victorious smile. He took your hand back in his, twirling you playfully as you continued your walk. Small flakes of snow fluttering around you.
This time, don’t need another perfect line Don’t care if the critics ever jump in line I’m gonna give all my secrets away
    The house was warm and empty when you finally arrived. You could hear your father snoring on the couch as you snuck inside to the kitchen.
    Two mugs of hot apple cider in hand as you snuck up the stairs to your room.
All my secrets away
    Both mugs, now empty, sat on the desk. Your pajamas, an old pair of boxers and one of Al’s old t-shirts, did nothing to block the heat radiating off the boy next to you. You fit perfectly with your head tucked underneath his chin. It was warm and safe next to him as you fought to stay awake. Your hair had been undone and was now splayed out in a mess across the pillow. Race didn’t mind, he just buried his hand in your locks, massaging your scalp, unknowingly aiding in you succumbing to slumber.
    “I love you,” He whispered into your hair, pressing a kiss to your forehead, but you were already asleep.
All my secrets away
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"I'm surprised you even know what that means" for maybe something with David?
There’s a few cuss words in here.
It was a week before Christmas and to say the Newsies Lodging House was a bit chaotic was an understatement. A few of the younger Newsies had heard on the street that if you were bad, you got coal in your stocking so mischief was at an all time high.
It was a rare Saturday where Katherine, Jack, and Davey were all at the house to check up on things and to have a union meeting. The only problem, Race was nowhere to be found.
Looking at Albert, Jack gave him a look “When was the last time you saw him?”
“Saw him this morning at the circulation gate - he gave Wiesel a hard time like he always does.” Albert tilted his head. “Saw him at Jacobi’s for lunch too. Didn’t say anything about missing tonight - he was the one that reminded me.”
Jack looked to Kat and Davey. “Maybe he hasn’t finished selling yet?”
“Or he’s at the Racetrack.” Kat suggested. “Maybe there was a hot ticket he just couldn’t resist.”
Jack shook his head. “Betting’s done by 3. He’d be back by now.”
“What do you want to do?” Davey asked, looking at the former leader.
The three were deep in their own thoughts that they didn’t hear the door shut or the person in question entered the room.
“Hey, what’s the conundrum?” Race asked with a grin as everyone looked at him.
"I'm surprised you even know what that means" Davey was overheard as Race shook his head, a cuss word silent on his lips.
“Shuddup Davey!” Race yelled. “Just because you’re the walkin’ mouth doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t know big words.”
Davey’s eyes went wide as he tried to backpedal. “I didn’t mean it like that. Just shocked me, I guess.”
Race nodded, before the whole room exploded trying to figure out where Race had been.
Jack held up a hand as the room fell silent. “Where were you?”
“The Racetrack, Jacobi’s, the Bridge, Brooklyn then back to Manhattan. I had a great day of selling, sweetheart, thanks for asking.” Race gave Jack a cheeky grin before pointing at him. “Why are you so worked up? We don’t have the meeting until 7 anyways and it’s just that time.”
Jack glared at him before taking a deep breath. “Quit being such a smartass, Race. How many times have I been here and you haven’t?”
“Uh ….. not many.” Race looked at his older brother before giving him a hug. “I’m sorry I made you worried. I will try to be here when you’re here but I’m the King of Manhattan and I’ve got places to go, people to see, and littles counting on me.”
Jack hit him over the back of the head with a grin. “Knock it down a few pegs, Racetrack! I can still kick your scrawny ass.”
“Yea yea ….” Race shook his head before taking his normal seat. “You gonna call this meeting to order or are you just gonna stand there and look pretty?”
“Shuddup.” Jack said as a blush rose to his cheeks.
Race fanned himself with a smirk. “Sorry Jackie but you just don’t do it for me.”
“Antonio Higgins, who put a quarter in you?” Jack shrieked, while Davey and Katherine were laughing loudly. The rest of the Newsies all had lost it by that point and we’re in tears from laughing so hard.
Race whistled, giving Jack a look. “Well it wasn’t a quarter so much …..”
Covering his ears so quickly, Jack sang out a tune to drown out his little brother’s words. Katherine wiped tears from her eyes as she looked at Race. “I think you might’ve broken your brother.”
“Nah it’s nothing worse than what he’s done to me in the past.” Race grinned, watching Jack slowly uncover his ears.
“Is Race done talking about whatever he and Spot get up to?” Jack asked, ready to cover his ears once more.
Race nodded, kicking his feet to rest on the table while everyone else calmed and sat down in their usual places. “Besides Jack, whoever said it was Spot that put a quarter in me?”
“As if it would be anyone else.” Jack scoffed, giving him a look.
Race grinned. “Nah, it was Sister Mary Margaret at the church.”
“ANTIONIO HIGGINS!” Davey and Jack both roared while Katherine’s eyes went wide.
Race looked at both of them before bursting out laughing. “Oh my god no!!! No, no, nopeity, no! Get your damn minds outta the gutter!”
Davey and Jack both relaxed before looking at Race. “Then what was it?”
“I went for confession like a good little Catholic boy I am then I talked to them about next week.” Race gave them a look. “Wow, I honestly don’t have anything to say right now.”
The lightbulbs went on for both Davey and Jack as Race’s words sunk in. The two visibly relaxed and the tension in the room escaped.
Quiet descended in the room as Katherine, Jack, Davey and Race all looked at one another before Race started laughing, thinking back on the last 15 minutes. “I can-cannot believe y-you …..”
The other three started laughing as well leaving the younger kids to look at the adults as if they had lost their minds.
Catching his breath, Race wheezed, wiping the tears from his eyes. “Are we all good? Can we start the meeting now that we’re 15 minutes late?”
Jack stood, holding his hand out for Race. “We’re good. Just don’t eat so much sugar next time we have a meeting, got it?”
Saluting him, Race grinned settling in for the meeting. He loved being in the lodging house at night because there was always something going on. Most nights it had to do with the littles but every now and then it had to do with him and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
This one kinda got away from me. I wrote one version, didn’t like it, deleted it and wrote this. I had some fun writing this. Thanks @cutesiewoojin for sending this in!!!
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