#antivegan nonsense
Just read the weirdest thread on my suggestions,
A.V. : Oh so now Cattle is a danger to the planet? Well riddle me THIS "VEGUNS" (they mean like, the U.N. but whatever), Replace All those grazing livestock with a Soy Field Monocrop and what will you have?? 40 years from now, it'll be the same if not W0rse! You want Pesticide drenched, Toxic sludged, Water Draining, Small Rodent killing harvesting PLANT FARMS is that what you want?!
Me: ....im hopin for a hydroponic farm in a gutted out building near the grocery store?
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mickibloo · 5 years
(Sorry in advance for the rather long, disorganized post. This was too much to post on Twitter so I’m typing it up here. There’s not a specific point, it’s mostly just me venting, but absolutely feel free to reblog if you wish!)
Being vegan is an almost exclusively nonvegan world can be extremely exhausting. I know myself and many other animal rights advocates and activists often feel discouraged when we see anti-vegan propaganda get hundreds of thousands of notes on Tumblr or insert itself into the mainstream media (such as the skewed coverage of the Meat the Victims protest where news outlets were lying about the actions of the activists despite hours of livestream footage covering every second of the sit-in). 
We see our loved ones feasting on the remnants of torture and death. We see these products advertised to us everywhere. We are constantly surrounded by grim reminders of how horrible the world is and how many people don’t care and/or refuse to see the truth. It can be so, so draining. I often lay awake at night thinking about how helpless I feel and getting lost in my own anger at how we can let such atrocities continue. This is not made any easier when the people endorsing these industries and defending their actions are your friends and family. It’s one thing to argue with a middle-aged man on Facebook wearing a MAGA hat in his profile picture who is trying to tell you eating meat makes you healthy. It is a different thing entirely when your own loved ones are the ones resorting to pseudoscience or fallacious methods of argumentation - or, even worse, apathy - to continue supporting something that you are completely against with every fiber of your being. There’s a certain kind of hurt I feel when I see an anti-vegan tumblr post on my dashboard. When I scroll up and see it came from a friend, however, it’s like a sword through my heart. I feel hopeless.
No movement that has questioned the status quo has ever been easy for the activists involved. Ever. We are activists and we are challenging some of the most fundamental societal beliefs that people hold onto with vigorous tenacity. That will naturally be accompanied by intense backlash. But just know that you are not alone. Your experiences are not unique, and that your pain is shared by all of us. But that pain is a beautiful thing. It means you care, that you believe in something. We are united by this pain, but that also means we are united by our compassion.
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mickibloo · 4 years
New video!  
 ANTIVEGAN NONSENSE! | Collab with Vegan Gaze!
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