#anxiety and depression therapist Summerville
zenzonehealth · 1 year
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On Inauguration Day, Sabrina Wiggins's Newly Released Children’s Book “When My Dad Went To The Hospital” Raced To The Top Of Bestseller Lists With Joey By Jill Biden
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=33948 Sabrina Wiggins's newly released children’s book "When My Dad Went To The Hospital” recounts her own experience dealing with a family tragedy at a young age. This is Wiggins 2nd book, which landed the #1 Hot New Release on Amazon Best Seller list and in multiple bestsellers categories in the United States and Canada, ranking in the Top 5 and Top 10 of sales. “Seeing my book reach the top spot on Amazon serves as a reminder to why I wrote this book in the first place. My dad was shot when I was 9 years old, which left him paralyzed on his right side. Thirty years later, during therapy sessions, everything about that experience resurfaced. What I learned was that I never fully healed or acknowledged how that tragedy affected my life and the people closest to me. Putting pen to paper gave me an outlet that ultimately aided in my healing and my hope is that it will aid other children on their journey as well. Additionally, Wiggins said “I was really inspired by the words of Inaugural poet Amanda Gorman, and her words to the people. "We've braved the belly of beasts. The loss we carry, we have learned that quiet is not always peace. That even as we grieved, we grew and that even as we hurt, we hoped.” Author of “Where Did My Friend Go?” Azmaira H. Maker stated in Psychology Today, "It is critical that we step-up our efforts to help children with the trauma of exposure to gun violence given that being a victim or even a witness of violence results in significant levels of symptoms of trauma, depression, anxiety, anger, and aggression in youth." Christina Reardon wrote in Social Work Today, “Trauma caused by gun violence is so destructive because it affects not only the victims but also their friends, family members, neighborhoods, and communities”. Clinical Social Worker Sara Guglizza shared, “It’s beautiful how [When My Dad Went To The Hospital] gives permission for children to see family members experience different reactions and emotions and demonstrates healthy ways for families to cope. As a therapist I enjoyed seeing how you included counseling as a support when mental health can be a really stigmatized concept." Retired teacher Kathy Floyd stated, “I felt the hurt as I read. What a great way to let others know (especially children) that it is ok to seek help.” ABOUT THE BOOK The young narrator adores her dad, and she enjoys spending summers with him. Her mom and dad do not live in the same house. Serena is a fun and loving daughter who loves to play with her brother Benny and her friends. She always looked forward to her summer vacation. One day, things in her world suddenly changed after her dad was involved in a shooting that put him in the hospital. With her mom, her brother, and sister, she learns the true meaning of family and love—a candid, uplifting story about trauma, grief, love, and courage. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sabrina Wiggins was raised in Summerville, Georgia. After graduating high school, she joined the U.S Navy where she served 4 years on active duty. She is currently employed by the federal government. After starting a nonprofit to empower youth through music with her brother she realized her real love was writing stories for young people that blossomed in her imagination. Sabrina is the author of Off to Washington, which was published in 2018. Sabrina honestly believes in the power of stories to change children's world, especially her grandson Aiden (whom she named her publishing company after). These days Sabrina lives in Maryland with her three-year-old grandson Aiden and plans to keep writing visionary stories for kids and young adults forever. Learning to juggle was Sabrina’s specialty. Daughter in one hand and books in another. With her resilience and guts, she graduated from Strayer University as a young mother, where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Networking with a Minor in Business. While it was a struggle in the beginning having to go on campus for class, Strayer eventually offered a way to help balance home and school life by offering online courses that allowed her to spend more time with her daughter and save on childcare. She later received an Executive Masters of Business Administration (EMBA) from the Naval Postgraduate School. To learn more about the book, visit https://www.littleaidenpress.com. When My Dad Went To The Hospital is now available on Amazon.com (e-book and Paperback) https://www.amazon.com/When-My-Dad-Went-Hospital/dp/1734801425 and (Hardback) https://www.littleaidenpress.com/shop
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katemunsterrr · 7 years
Since it might be long I will add a “read more”...if you read it I appreciate it. If not, it’s cool too. I just need to get this off my chest.
I never realized how much pent-up rage I have towards my dad and step mom...
Like I find myself thinking about them. I will be missing them one minute...and then suddenly I will feel extremely angry towards them because of how they treated me.
When I lived with them in Summerville...about two years ago?? (I’m pretty sure that is right.) ANYWAY!! When I lived with them, they never asked me if I was cool with looking after my little brother--they TOLD me to. I am not cool with that. At all. Especially since they barely gave me a heads up. ((Sometimes I didn’t even KNOW they were gone!)) On multiple occasions my dad would be like “Oh, by the way we are having a date night.” and that was it. Didn’t matter if I had plans talking/playing video games with Jacob and Matt...or if I had homework even. Let me add that Jacob and Matt were (and still are) the only people I socialize with. Beyond that, I had no one.
Sure, I had people my age in my classes...but my anxiety held me back from talking to anyone. So I felt incredibly alone. I had no one my age to talk to...just a kid and 2 teenagers. Sometimes you just want to have an intelligent conversation. You know? It was driving me crazy that I couldn’t talk to Jacob or Matt as often as I wanted because I had to watch my little brother...or had school/school work. It came to a point where I was about to kill myself because I just felt trapped and alone.
One time, while my dad was out of state because of work, my step mom left on a weekend trip with Ninny (step grandma). I didn’t mind watching my little brother because Ninny had cancer, and I wanted my step mom to spend as much time with her as possible. It meant a lot to her. I get it. The ONLY problem was...I was sick as a fucking dog. I had a really high fever and I was on the verge of passing out multiple times. So you can imagine I wasn’t really thinking all that clearly. My only focus was that my little brother was safe, entertained, and fed. When she returned she was pissed off at me because he hadn’t been bathed and didn’t change clothes. But she didn’t even TELL me that she was pissed off at me until I was seeing my therapist...she told my THERAPIST that she was angry with me...but didn’t have the fucking balls to tell me to my face!!
First of all...I wasn’t the ONLY god damn adult in the fucking house. My 18 year old brother was in the house too. He could have fucking helped me out. But okay, be fucking pissed off at me! It is not like I starved the damn kid. He didn’t die. But you’re going to be pissed off at me because I didn’t bathe him for two days...it’s the mother fucking end of the world. Oh my ggggodddd.
And NEWS FLASH: It’s not like she fucking bathes him every day anyway because of her depression. So yeah, okay...Be pissed off at me.
My therapist was like “Well just think about how you would feel if you entrusted your rabbit to someone and they didn’t take good care of her.”
Uhhh....A RABBIT IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM A FUCKING TINY HUMAN!!! I get that my rabbit is my baby...but like...if I asked someone to watch my rabbit for a weekend...and they got real sick--I wouldn’t shove my animal on that person. I would be like “Hey, thanks anyway. Get some rest and get better.” or “I will have someone (like my 18 year old brother) take care of them.” Not only that, I don’t know how to fucking take care of children!! Okay?! I never really grew up around them. On my mom’s side my siblings were close to my age...so like...I never had to deal with small kids unless it was my dad’s time to see me on the weekend. Watching kids is very awkward for me. Like...I don’t know what to do or say.
Look, I am not claiming that I did a good job taking care of my brother. But I did the best I fucking could. The point is:
1) I was fucking sick...and when I get sick...I get reeeeeeallly fucking sick. I turn into this giant baby. 2) My 18 year old brother was in the fucking house and he didn’t do jack shit to help me out, even though he KNEW I was sick as hell. 3) My stepmom didn’t even tell me to my face that she was upset with me. Like grow the fuck up, act like an adult, treat me like a fucking adult, and TELL ME WHAT I DID WRONG!! Don’t fucking wait until I go see my therapist and tell her all about it. THAT IS FUCKING SHITTY AND EMBARRASSING!!!
Ever since that happened my dad and step mom wouldn’t allow me in my room when they were gone so I could watch my brother. ME, A FUCKING ADULT, WAS NOT ALLOWED IN MY ROOM WHILE THEY WERE GONE!!!
Oh, by the way, I wasn’t even allowed to lock my fucking door because it was against the rules!! Like...are you FUCKING KIDDING?!?!
I think I have said enough...there is so much more shit that happened but like...I can’t even right now...I just fucking can’t....
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