#anxious of not fitting in with the majority of the housemaidens and other vaugardians that get to
aria0fgold · 26 days
I'm thinking about the King now and his love towards Vaugarde. Like, I started thinking more about "Why did the King freeze Vaugarde from the edges first?" Normally, if you were going to inflict a curse on something, you'd start doing it from the inside, which is nearer your spot. But the King started farther from him. And I think, in a way, the King was trying to mimic the Change symbol while still connecting that with the Universe. Like how there's a big outer circle that gets smaller and smaller with only a dot at the center. And the Universe being connected with it too like what Siffrin said during around Act 4, I think?
So the King remembers a part of the Vaugardian culture but what Really made that obvious in a way is that the King believes his goal of freezing Vaugarde in time is Also a form of Change AND HE'S RIGHT! I know that as Mira said, being stuck in time is the opposite of Change but the thing here is that Breaking Traditions is part of the Change belief, which is what Mira also said in passing when explaining about the Change symbols on her clothes. Although for Mirabelle who strongly believes in Change, she thinks of that part being only applicable to uniforms. Which is also right, in a way, but the Change God quest confirms that, whether you Change constantly or remain stagnant doesn't matter, Anything can be a form of Change (even with Siffrin's time loop, the Change God, though angry at them, sees it as a form of Change itself (mainly entertainment though)). So yeah, the King does understand the Vaugardian culture and loves it in place of his love for the Country as something he can be part of.
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