#any LoZ fic you've read of mine was Beta-ed by the Lord himself XD)
unclemoriarty · 11 months
I prayed three decades of the rosary for the first time in like six months and just... I don't know what to say but I'm glad I did it lol.
I find rosaries so hard to pray, but boy are they rewarding when I get it right. How about you?
woohoo!! that's so awesome to hear, Lofty! it takes a surprisingly large amount of effort to just sit down and pray a repetitive prayer like that, so kudos to you for muscling through it!
i'm fortunate to have grown up in a family where we pray a daily Rosary. since i still live with my parents, it's pretty easy to just continue the tradition when everyone else is doing it.
however, in the times when i've lived on my own, like in college or on vacations, it's just SO HARD. i struggle with feeling connected to God AND have ADHD, so the idea of sitting down for 15 minutes to fight against distractions and focus on someone whose presence i don't feel is difficult, to say the least. but once i do it (or at least pray one decade) it's nice to think that i've gotten a little closer to God, even if i don't feel it :')
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