#any amount of stimuli and she just starts barking at the top of her lungs
plinkcat-gif · 2 years
here's crucru she is my best friends cat and she is extremely stupid. my favourite thing to do is hold her in front of a mirror she looks so confused at her reflection
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SHE LOOKS LIKE SHE WOULD DO THAT AGDJAJAJDJANDNG that is the face of a cat who’s expended all braincells since birth 😭😭
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defiblover27 · 5 years
Head On
Chloe is a cross country runner and often goes on long runs when the sun is setting due to it being cooler.  She is a 20 year old 5 foot 4 with blonde hair and slender build.  When she was lacing up her shoes and putting her hair in a ponytail she had no idea that it was the last time she would perform these actions.  She left her house as the sun was setting and set out on her three mile run.  By the time she was two miles into her run the sun was already set and it was growing dark.  Suddenly a car came over a hill and came speeding towards her.  Before she could jump out of the way she was being thrown by the impact of the car.  She now found herself lying on the concrete in shock.  She tried to move her legs and get up but each movement caused her more pain.  A man who had just arrived home heard the prolonged honking of a car horn and went to investigate.  What he saw when he opened his door was something out of a nightmare.  There was a car crashed into a tree and a woman lying on the road not far from the car.  He called 911 as quickly as he could and begged them to hurry.
He approached the woman who was lying in a puddle of her own blood.  She tried to ask him for help but she could barely make a sound.  Chloe stared at him in fear.  “Please, I don’t want to die, please help me.”  The man was still in shock he tried to reassure her and then went to see if the driver was alright.  There was a 30 year old man behind the wheel and unconscious from the crash.  In a matter of seconds a police officer arrived on scene and first assessed Chloe.  “Ma’am I’m with the police department.  Can you tell me your name and where you are?”  Chloe was still struggling to breathe “Chloe... I.. I don’t know what happened.  Please, save me.”  The police officer could see a large gash in her abdomen and her right leg was bent behind her.  He grabbed the medical bag from his trunk and applied pressure to the wound on her stomach.  All the while his partner was attending to the driver of the vehicle. After banging on the window several times the man awoke. Dazed and confused he stumbled out of the vehicle and dropped a bottle of whiskey. The police officer made sure he wasn't injured before placing him in handcuffs. He was placed in the back of the police car and waited as the two police officers tried to save Chloe.   
Sirens in the distance got louder as an ambulance arrived on scene.  Sara rushed to Chloe and did a preliminary assessment as Dave retrieved all the bags from the back.  “My names Sara, I’m a paramedic, can you tell me how old you are please?”  Sara said in a calm voice.  “20, I’m 20 years old.  Please I don’t want to die.”  Chloe pleaded.  “Don’t worry we are going to help you sweetheart.”  Dave put the bags next to Chloe and retrieved the shears and began cutting away the tank top she was wearing.  He then cut off the athletic shorts to leave her only in a bright pink sports bra and black compression shorts.  Once the leads were attached the monitor whined to life.  Sara started an oxygen mask for Chloe and secured it to her with the green strap.  “We’re going to have to move your leg.  It’s going to hurt so I’m giving you something for the pain.”  Sara placed an IV in her right arm and gave her pain killers directly into the drip.  Sara grabbed her lower leg and Dave kept her hips in place as they slowly straightened it out from behind her.  Chloe screamed in pain as they moved it.  Once it was straight they had to put a orange brace wrapped around her entire leg.  Chloe was still in excruciating pain and the monitors showed an erratic heart rate.  They placed a blue and yellow C-collar around her neck before placing her onto the backboard.  Dave took the two orange blocks and secured her head to the board to make sure she couldn't move at all.The placed her on the gurney and loaded her up in the ambulance.  One of the police officers decided to ride with Sara in the back while the other stayed behind and investigated the accident. 
Chloe was still moaning in pain as the journey to the hospital began.  Sara was doing her best to stabilize her patient and keep her comfortable.  She knew she couldn't give her any more pain killers since she needed to be awake and alert during a trauma accident.  Despite being on an oxygen mask her O2 stats began to drop and she began fading in and out of consciousness.  Sara attempted to keep her awake and put the oxygen mask to the side and began bagging her with the ambu bag.  She squeezed the blue bulb every 3 seconds.  With each hit of air it let out a faint wheezing noise.  Chloe was not completely unconscious and her stats began to drop further.  Sara began to wonder why her O2 stats were still dropping and decided to intubate her.  She grabbed the largynscope from the drawer and opened up her mouth.  She slid the metal blade down her throat and intubated Chloe in a matter of seconds.  She secured it with a blue tube holder.  The police officer sat off to the side waiting for any orders.   “Shit.  She’s in V-fib”  The green line on the monitor started bouncing around as Chloe’s heart went out of normal rythm.  “Take this and squeeze it every three seconds” Sara directed the officer.  Sara took the shears from her pocket and cut away her sports bra revealing her C cup breasts.  She placed her hands inbetween her breasts and started CPR.  Each compression caused her entire body to shake except her leg that was in a brace.  After thirty compressions she placed two orange gel pads on her nude chest and charged the defib unit.  “Charging to 200.  Stand clear.”  The unit whined to life, Sara removed the two paddles and placed them on the gel pads.  The alarm went off indicating it was charged and Sara pressed the button to discharge the paddles.  Chloe shook on the gurney as the electricity coursed through her chest.  The monitor spiked for a second and then returned to V-fib.  Sara set the defib unit to 300 joules and resumed compressions.  Sara knew that a traumatic cardiac arrest with injuries like Chloe were usually fatal.  Once the unit was charged she swung the paddles onto her chest again and shocked her.  Chloe’s chest came off of the gurney a little bit more this time from the increased voltage.  The heart monitor showed asystole as Sara resumed CPR.  The police officer was clearly in shock as he was a rookie and had never seen such a young patient being resused.  He continued to do his task of providing her with air.  Sara pushed a round of epi into Chloe as she tried all she could to save this young girls life.  Each compression caused Chloe’s belly to extend slightly and her breasts to shake.  After another minute of CPR Chloe converted back to V-fib as Sara charged the paddles for the third time.  “Charging to 360, stand clear, shocking” a low thud was heard as Chloe was shocked and bounced on the gurney.  Sara stared at the monitor.  Finally it showed a regular heart rhythm.  “There you go kid.  Stay with us we’re almost there.”  She hung another bag of fluids as the officer continued ventilation.
The ambulance whipped around into the trauma bay as the doors swung open revealing two nurses that were waiting for their arrival.  The loaded up the monitor and the IV and then rolled her out of the ambulance.  The ER department was bustling with noise as they rolled her down the hallway.  They took her into the Trauma unit where the medical was waiting.  “20 year old female struck by a car going at an unknown speed. Laceration to the abdomen and an open fracture on the right leg.  She went into cardiac arrest en route.  Currently responding to pain stimuli.”  Dave informed the team as he removed the straps from the gurney in order to move her to the bed.  “Let’s hook her up to our monitors, lets hang a bag of O neg and get x-ray in here stat.”  Dr Micheal began barking out orders.  His team worked in almost silence as they each knew their own roles. One nurse took over bagging, another removed all of her clothing so she was nude with only her bright pink socks on.  They removed the bloody clothes that remained and threw them into a hazard bag.  Dr. Micheal moved back the bandages they had put on her abdomen to assess the damage.  “Looks like she may have some internal injuries, also concerned about blunt force trauma to the head and chest.”  As the x-ray technician readied himself the rest of the team backed away or put on a vest to protect themselves.  They moved the large machine over the bed and took images of both her chest and leg to get an inside view of the skeletal damage.  In a matter of minutes they put up the images on the light board on the wall.  Her right leg was completely shattered in three places and she had multiple broken ribs.  Dr. Micheal took his stethoscope and listened to Chloe’s lungs and heart.  “Diminished breath sounds on the right side, she has a collapsed lung.  Get me a chest tube kit.”  A nurse ripped open the kit as Dr. Micheal squirted betadine all over the right side of her chest.  He took the scalpel and made the first incision as blood started to rush out of her chest.  He inserted the tube and controlled the bleeding.  A large amount of blood began pouring out of the chest tube and Dr. Micheal immediately knew there was an issue.  “Start the rapid blood transfusion protocol” A nurse hung two more bags of blood as the team watched Chloe deteriorate before their eyes.  The heart monitor began showing an erratic heart rhythm and quickly went into V-fib.  Without anyone asking a nurse already started chest compressions and another readied the defibrillator.  With each compression Chloe’s breasts rocked from side to side and her belly extended.  A nurse put on two new gel pads as they had disposed of the ones Sara had used.  “Charge to 300, everyone prepare to shock”  As the unit sounded off the nurse backed away and Dr. Micheal placed the paddles on her chest.  “Shocking” Chloe jolted off the table momentarily before crashing back down.  V-fib stayed on the monitor as the nurse resumed chest compressions.  Another set of medications were pushed into Chloe’s IV.  Wires and tubes covered Chloe’s naked body as the team did everything they could to save her life.  “Charge again to 360″ the defib unit whined to life, he swung the paddles around “Clear!” he discharged the unit as she shook on the bed.  “Still V-fib start CPR again, push another unit of epi. What’s her down time?” Dr. Micheal commanded the room. “4 minutes” the charge nurse replied as she took down notes on all the resuscitation efforts.  The floor had already become littered with empty medicine boxes and the large amount of blood Chloe had loss.  A strong male doctor took over CPR and each compression made her entire body shake.  The only part of Chloe that didn’t move during the procedures were here head and right leg in the brace.  The defibrillator sounded off again indicating it was charged.  The paddles were placed back on her nude chest and shocked as her bloodied body jumped off the table.  The resus team hated what happened next as Chloe’s heart completely gave out and showed asystole on the monitor.  The screeching of the flat-line sent a chill throughout the room.  A young woman in peak physical condition was covered in blood and wires as her life gave out.  CPR was continued for another 6 minutes without any change in rhythm.  Dr. Micheal took his pen light and shined it into Chloe’s blue eyes.  “Pupils sluggish but still reactive.”  A ultrasound as brought in and used to find any cardiac activity.  The search showed that her heart wasn’t active at all but there was a large amount of blood surrounding it.  “I need a cardiac needle”  A nurse rummaged through the crash cart and gave the large needle to Dr. Micheal.  He placed the needle just between her breasts and directly to her heart.  He slowly pulled back the plunger as the needle filled with blood.  After draining the blood around her heart they push another round of meds and continued CPR.  Chloe had now been in cardiac arrest in the ER for 12 minutes.  “V-fib on the monitor, charge the unit to 360.”  Dr, Micheal placed the paddles once again on Chloe’s chest.  “Clear” Chloe’s arms jerked outward as her shoulders shrugged in with the shock.  “Charge again, all clear” The team backed away, some of them started to lose faith in saving this young girl.  “Shocking”  Chloe jerked again as her left leg slightly came off of the bed.  “Still in V-fib, resume CPR and push adrenaline.”  The team continued their efforts and shocked Chloe another two times.  “V-fib on the monitor, whats our down time?”  Dr. Micheal asked as her ordered his team around.  “19 minutes doctor”.  Thoughts began coursing through Micheal’s head again.  How could something like this happen to such a young girl?  Why is she covered in her own blood and dead on his hospital bed?  He had to push these thoughts aside as he refocused on the task as hand.  The defib unit indicated it was charged once again.  “Come on girl come back to us.”  Time always seemed to move slow during a trauma code.  He placed the paddles on Chloe.  The nurse in charge of ventilations let the bag hang next to her head from the tube.  “Clear”  There was a low thud as the unit discharged and Chloe sprung into the air once again.  Her entire body shook as she crashed back down onto the bed.  The piercing scream of asystole once again filled the room.  A nurse resumed CPR without having to be asked.  Dr. Micheal took his light pen and checked her pupils once again.  Her once glistening blue eyes were now glossed over.  Her right pupil was blown and here eyes were fixed and dilated.  The no longer responded to the light.  It was at this moment Dr. Micheal knew this young woman was truly dead.  He ordered the nurse to stop CPR and took his stethoscope and listened to her chest.  The rest of the team felt for a pulse in her foot, femoral, and carotid artery.  “No pulse, her pupils are fixed and dilated.  She has been down for 22 minutes and has blunt force trauma and large blood loss.  Does anyone object to calling this code?” The room fell silent as they looked down at Chloe. "Time of Death 11:27 pm. Thank you all for your help" Dr. Micheal left the room as two nurses stayed to clean up the code. They detached the several wires from her chest leaving only the electrodes. They weren't allowed to wipe off any blood as the police department had to take photos for the case against the driver. They took off her two pink socks and placed a toe tag on her left big toe. It dangled in front of her small foot. They removed the two orange gel pads from her chest and noticed a dark purple mark in between her breasts from all of the CPR. Finally they draped a white cloth over her nude body which quickly showed the blood soaking through. The monitors were shut off and she was left alone until the police and her parents arrived to discover the terrible news.
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