#also the mirror thing sounds so funny i want a cat to do that with
teyums · 1 year
a/n: cats are so funny because they genuinely think they’re doing something nice for you when they drop a mouse at your feet as an offering and it’s actually the opposite. i was watching my cat play with her little toy and it just brought the terrifying memory back to me bc WHY WOULD YOU THINK I WANT THIS? As soon as the idea came i wrote it, Neteyam just seems like the type LMAOO 😭
neteyam x human!reader
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It takes Neteyam quite a while to understand the difference between Na’vi women and human women, especially the difference in what you do and don’t like. But you can’t blame him, you don’t look like his kind, you don’t smell like his kind, hell, you don’t even dress like them.
The Na’vi’s behavior very closely resembles that of a house cat on earth— you’ve noted after studying how Neteyam’s emotions portray themselves through his expressive tail, how his ears dip when he’s angry or perk up when he’s excited, or how he purrs when you finally agree to sitting in his lap instead of your chair while you finish up your work for the day. With the innate behavior of the two creatures mirroring each other almost completely, it’s no surprise that this also heavily factors into what they deem as ‘gifts’ for their favorite human.
Just as housecats will fetch their humans dead animals or rodents as an offering to them, the Na’vi way isn’t too far from that. You hated so much as looking at dead animals, let alone being near them, but when your childhood cat, Loki, used to bring field mice into the home and drop them at the foot of your bed, at least it was small enough for you to scoop into a grocery bag with pinched eyes and a hand over your nose while you fought back the tears of sheer terror.
Most of Neteyam’s catlike nature rendered adorable to you, and while you were more than willing to learn more about the ways of his people, this new custom he’d introduced you to had your heart dropping out of your ass like a brick and your soul exiting your body as if you could do without it. It’s when he shows up to the lab, a dead boar strung over his back with the biggest, toothiest smile you’ve ever seen spread on his lips until a bloodcurdling scream wipes it clean off his expression.
“Oh my God, ‘Teyam, get it away, get it away!” You shrill, so startled you almost tumble out of your desk chair, the hairs on your neck standing straight up as you divert your attention from the animal that’s almost the size of your body, a panicked hand splayed over your rumbling chest and the other extended out, palm towards him.
“What? You don’t like it? Should I have gone with a hexapede (deer) instead?” His brows gather in the center of his forehead when he steps closer and you immediately yelp and scoot back, the metal wheels of your chair screeching against the smooth tile with the effort of your retreat. He’s wholeheartedly confused, because any woman of his kind would find such a gesture as this one beyond thoughtful, and even romantic. Catching one of these things isn’t easy, and a clean kill with an arrow through the heart as to not rupture or damage the meat of the animal is even harder.
“I even skinned it for you!” He urges with a pout.
Your involuntary squeal interrupts his attempt to convince you as you fan your face with your hands, but it seems as if he’s still having trouble understanding.
“Perhaps I should have roasted it as well…” He ponders to himself with a hand pinching his chin, deep in contemplation while he keeps his catch over his shoulder and his eyes cast toward the wall, completely missing the way your trembling hands scramble over your desk for something to launch at him.
He winces at the pitch of your shriek, astounded by how that loud of a sound could come out of such a tiny being. His brows raise before he quickly ducks to dodge the one-subject notebook that flaps past his head in a blur of fluttering paper, and he hurriedly obliges your wishes with a few steps back and a rushed ‘okay, okay!’.
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Likes + Comments + Reblogs are much appreciated 💗
©teyums 2023
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pinksturniolo · 6 months
If I Can’t Have You, No One Can - Part One
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Matt Sturniolo x Fem Reader
Summary: Matt can’t seem to stand the fact that he can’t have you to himself. He knows it’s wrong to want you. After all, you’ve been dating his best friend for the past few months. But he never claimed to be a good guy. And he’s more than willing to show you just what you’ve been missing.
Content warnings (not in every chapter): smut, oral, fingering, raw sex, cheating, unhealthy relationship, obsession, spanking, use of alcohol
word count: 3,887
written in first person pov
Spring 2023
I never liked L.A. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s a nice city. Besides the cost of living being outrageously expensive, the weather was almost always nice and there were a lot of fun things to do. It’s the people that are insufferable. The increasingly large number of influencers and rude celebrities make me want to move away to a small town where nobody knows me, somewhere with a lot of nature and miles of land between you and your neighbor.
I grew up in Pasadena, moving closer to the city after my parents divorced and my mom switched me to a different high school. After I graduated, I got a job in merchandising downtown working for a clothing brand. It was always my dream to work in fashion and I was lucky to be in a spot I wanted.
Working in the fashion industry and living in L.A., I was bound to end up in the circle of today’s social media stars and to be quite honest, there were only a handful of people I actually liked. One of my coworkers, Jackson, became my best friend and he was very outgoing, always dragging me along to influencer parties and events. He had a lot of connections which were good for work but as far as I was concerned, I tried my best not to get involved with anyone on a personal level.
But life has a funny way of throwing you for a loop. Jackson introduced me to Mark who was also in the same line of work we were in. We instantly clicked, the conversation flowing easily. He was attractive, funny and nice. It didn’t take long before we became exclusive and our friends were over the moon, saying how good of a couple we made.
A few months had passed, and I was content. But there was something missing. He was a good boyfriend and treated me well, but I just didn’t feel… passion. I didn’t feel those fireworks. That heart racing, mind bending, butterfly inducing feelings that were portrayed in every romance movie or book you’ve seen or read.
The only person who ever made me feel like that was Matthew Sturniolo.
Matt and his brothers Chris and Nick happened to be really good friends with Mark, and I was introduced to them once me and him started dating. I found them charming, hilarious and some of the nicest influencers I had met so far. Me, Jackson, and Nick became inseparable, hanging out almost every weekend.
Mine and Matt’s friendship started out innocent. He was a little shy at first, but it didn’t take long for him to open up around me and we found that we had many things in common.
Maybe more than I have with Mark.
The more time I spent around him, the more I liked him. And it was rarely ever one on one interactions. Most of the time, we all hung out in a group setting but I found myself looking to him when something was funny or observing his reaction when we were watching a movie, and hanging on to every word he said when he joined in on conversations.
As much as I tried to deny the fact that I had developed a huge crush, I couldn’t help that my mind was constantly filled with thoughts of him.
Thoughts of his smile, his laugh, his eyes. The way he looked in the mirror when he fixed his hair, the way his pinky lifted from the cup whenever he took a sip of his drink. I found myself wandering how well his lips would fit against mine. How his hands would feel on my body, the sound of his voice panting in my ear if he was on top of me-
It was sinful. I felt horrible and disgusting and I’m sure there was a special place in hell reserved for me.
So, I tried to back off as much as I could. Whenever Mark went to the triplet’s house to hang out like we did almost every week, I made some excuse that I didn’t feel good, or I just wanted some alone time. He was a little concerned at first but then stopped questioning it after a while which I was thankful for.
Matt and Nick constantly blew up my phone, asking why I suddenly stopped coming over and I kept my responses as dry as possible. Even Chris called me a couple times, but I ignored it. I felt bad but I knew it was for the best.
 I wanted to respect Mark because even though it pained me to finally admit to myself that I wasn’t in love with him, I did care for him, and I didn’t want to break up. We had only been dating for a few months so obviously we weren’t that serious yet to consider moving in together or even discuss marriage but that didn’t mean that he deserved for his girlfriend to lust over his best friend.
And then one night, when they were all at Top Golf, Jackson called me. I knew I would never hear the end of it if I ignored his call, so reluctantly, I picked up.
“Y/N! Get your bum ass over here, I’m sick of you avoiding us. You’ve had enough alone time. You need to come back to reality.” He scolded.
“Jackson, I’m not avoiding anyone.”
“You sure about that? Cause I could argue there is a certain someone-“
“Y/N. I’m serious. I miss you, everyone misses you.”
“I miss you guys too…”
“Okay, so why can’t you come out?”
“It’s… complicated.” I sighed in frustration, unsure how much longer I could keep dodging the situation without explaining it properly. I had a feeling Jackson knew why. He was my best friend, and best friends always knew.
“Complicated how?” He pressed.
There were a few seconds of silence as I tried to find the right words to say, but I just couldn’t come up with anymore good excuses and I knew I was fucked.
“Well, I’m not hearing any good explanation, so if you’re not at the triplet’s house by the time we get there, I’m literally coming over there and dragging you out of the house myself.”
Yeah, I was fucked.
I walked up the driveway to the entrance of the house, my heart racing and legs feeling like Jello. I really needed to get my shit together. I hadn’t seen Matt in a while, and I found myself extremely nervous as I entered the front door. I walked up the stairs, seeing everyone at the kitchen table. Everyone except Mark and Matt.
I smiled, setting my purse and keys on the table and greeted everyone.
“Mark said he had to finish up some work at the office. Something about a deadline that was coming up soon.” Jackson said, noticing the curious expression on my face.
“Okay…” I replied. That was weird, he’s usually good at communicating with me and I had assumed he had come back with everyone after Top Golf.
Jackson just shrugged, taking another bite of his chicken finger. Once I saw the familiar styrofoam box with red lettering, my jaw dropped and I put a hand over my heart, acting like I was just utterly betrayed.
“Wow, you guys got Cane’s without me?” I asked.
Chris rolled his eyes while Nick gave me a dirty look. “Excuse me, you haven’t been here in fucking 6 months.” He spoke.
“Don’t be dramatic, Nick. It’s been 3 weeks.” I replied.
“I’ll save you my last piece of toast if you promise to stay and watch a movie tonight?” Nick said, giving me puppy dog eyes.
My heart dropped and I gave him a soft smile. “Maybe.” I replied.
“Don’t get your hopes up, it took some threatening just to get her over here.” Jackson added, glaring at me.
“Whatever, you’ll only be breaking Matt’s heart if you don’t stay.” Chris said, looking at me with an expression I couldn’t read.
“What do you mean?” I asked. Did it really matter to Matt that much whether I was here or not?
Chris started to speak but then Nick stomped on his foot which caused him to hunch over in pain. “What the fuck dude?” Chris said, rubbing his hurt foot.  I raised an eyebrow and looked over at Jackson. What the hell is wrong with them?
He simply shrugged again, a small smirk on his face and went back to eating. His nonchalant attitude was starting to bother me. I was definitely having a talk with him later.
“What he means is… Matt misses you. He said you’ve been ignoring his calls. And don’t get me started on that. You have a lot of making up to do.” Nick said, referring to the fact I’ve been ignoring everyone’s calls.
“I know, I’m sorry… Where is Matt anyways?” I asked, looking around.
“He’s in his room if you wanna go talk to him.” Nick replies, and I get nervous again, butterflies starting to form in my stomach.
I nod and walk away, towards Matt’s room.
I had only been in his room a few times and it was usually with Nick or Jackson, never just me and him. It wasn’t even a big deal but for some reason, the thought of being alone in his room with him scared me.
I knocked on his door softly, waiting for his response. After a few moments of silence, I knocked again, calling his name quietly. “Matt?”
He still didn’t answer. I was about to give up when I heard him respond, “Come in.”
I slowly cracked the door and could see it was dark in his room, the only light coming from the TV. I walked in and saw that he was in his bed, submerged under his comforter, only his head peeking out. His hair was a mess, and his eyes were barely open.
“Oh shit, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” I said and started to move back towards the door.
“No no, its okay. I needed to get up anyway.” He rasped, sleep still thick in his voice.
He sat up slightly, moving the blanket down and I tried not to stare because he didn’t have a shirt on, and I was getting a full view of the tattoos on his arm. Even though he had just woken up, he still looked so handsome.
 He pats the spot on the bed next to him, inviting me to sit down. My heart is still beating faster than usual as I sit on the edge of his bed, making sure there was more than enough space between us.
“All that golfing got you tired?” I ask teasingly, smiling at him. He laughs, a sound that I hadn’t realized I had missed so much.
“To be honest, I’ve been tired all the time lately.” He responds, running a hand through his hair.
“Me too.” I say, looking down to my lap. This small talk was killing me.
“Is that why you’ve been declining my calls? You sleeping too much?” He gets straight to the point, and I can feel his eyes on me.
I laugh nervously, unsure how to tell him the real reason I’ve been avoiding him.
“I’ve just been really busy with work. You know how that goes.” I say, hoping he won’t question me further.
He hums and nods his head, as I finally make eye contact with him. “I don’t really believe you… But that’s fine. I just hope it’s not because I’ve done something wrong.”
“No, of course not. It’s not that you’re doing anything wrong…” I reply, stopping before I say anything I regret. You’re just consuming my every thought and desire.
“So, it is something I’m doing then?” he asks, wanting me to clarify.
My words seem to get stuck in my throat as I look at him, unsure how to even answer that. His eyes are burning into mine, making my heart race faster.
“No.” I simply reply, and he raises his brows at my dry response.
“Yes.” I blurt, and his face is now plastered with confusion and hint of amusement as I get flustered, pinching my nose and closing my eyes in frustration.
“Yes?” He asks.
“No- fuck, I meant-“ I start and Matt interrupts me, a shit eating grin on his face.
“Yes or no, Y/N?” He says, now enjoying the fact I was making a fool of myself.
“No, Matt. It has nothing to do with you, okay?” I say, getting up from his bed. Lies.
“Now can we go watch a movie before Nick starts throwing a fit?”
A couple hours and three bags of popcorn later, we were all sat on the couch as the credits of Edward Scissorhands roll on the screen. I checked my phone and to my surprise, Mark still hasn’t texted or called. I’m sure he’ll just call me in the morning.
Jackson yawns and stretches his arms out in his seat next to me, announcing it’s time for him to go home. “We’ll talk later, yeah?” He says to me, and I nod as he gives his goodbyes to Matt and Nick. Chris passed out halfway through the movie until me and Nick started spraying whipped cream smiley faces on his forehead, annoying him enough to make him storm off to his room.
Once Jackson is gone, Nick scoots next to me and throws his arm on the back of the couch behind me, giving me a suggestive look.
“Sooo… are you gonna spill the tea? What’s up with you and Mark?” He asks, nudging my shoulder.
I furrow my brows in confusion as his question. “What do you mean?”
I can feel Matt staring at me from his spot across the other side of the couch.
“Well, Mark barely even mentioned you tonight and then he randomly left saying he had to finish up some stuff at work. And I’m guessing he didn’t even tell you because you keep checking your phone like you’re waiting for his call.” Nick says.
“Wow, you’re incredibly observant.” I respond and I hear Matt chuckle.
“I know. Also, that would explain why you’ve been MIA the past few weeks. Are you guys gonna break up or something?” He asks.
I shake my head. “No, it’s not that.”
He raises his eyebrows, waiting for me to elaborate.
“But something is going on with you two?” Nick questions.
I hesitate and look at Matt, an unreadable expression on his face. He’s leaning back on the couch with his arms crossed, his legs spread slightly in his sweatpants. “Please stop beating around the bush, Y/N. We just want to make sure you’re okay.” He speaks.
I sigh, throwing my head back and tucking my hair behind my ears. “Okay. Look, we’re not breaking up. But I’ve just felt different recently… like… I don’t know, like I don’t feel the same way about him like when we first met. Maybe we rushed into things too quickly. He has been working a lot lately and I just feel… lonely.” Empty. Bored. Unsatisfied.
Nick hums in understanding, tilting his head. “See, that makes sense. You guys have zero chemistry. At least that’s what I’ve always thought. Right, Matt?” He says, looking to him.
“Zero.” He replies instantly. His eyes have not left me since we started this conversation, and it makes me want to melt into the couch.
Suddenly, Nick gets a face time call and jumps up. “Shit, I have to take this. But we’re not done with this conversation, okay?” He tells me and I smile at him as he walks off upstairs.
I look at Matt, who now stands up and walks over to me, sitting down and putting his arm on the back of the couch, the same spot Nick had it in just moments earlier.
The way they switched places so quickly had my head spinning and the closeness of him next to me made my heart skip a beat.
“You know, you can sleep here if you want. I’m sure Nick won’t mind if you stay in his room.” He said politely. I smile at him, shaking my head. “It’s okay. I prefer my bed much better, no offense.” I reply and he laughs. “I won’t tell Nick you said that.”
“I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring your calls Matt… I guess my head’s just been a mess.” I tell him, looking to my lap, playing with a loose string on the rip in my jeans.
“It’s cool. You can talk to me anytime you need to though, you know. About anything.” He says ducking his head to try and make eye contact again. I give in, looking at him and his soft expression tugs at my heart strings like I’m a lovesick puppet.
“Thank you.” I reply. “But I don’t know if you wanna get caught up in that. I’ve been a little… frustrated, to say the least.”
His arm flexes behind me, and I see his jaw clench, a curious look now in his eyes.
“Frustrated?” He says and I realize I might have implied something with that statement.
“Uh, I mean, stressed, you know? Like I have all these pent-up emotions.”
Shit. What the fuck was I saying?
Matt is silent, and the way he’s looking at me has my heart beating a million miles a minute, my palms feeling sweaty and my head spinning.
Finally, he says, “Like you need a release, right?” My eyes are still locked on his, floating in a never-ending pool of icy cold blue that makes me feel warm in the palpable tension now filling the room.
“Mhm.” I say, afraid to speak, because I might continue to say incredibly stupid things I’ll regret.
I feel his hand ghost over the back of my neck, which causes chills to run down my spine.
He tilts his head slightly, his eyes travelling down my face, pausing at my lips. “I could help you with that too. If you asked.” He said quietly, almost whispering and looks me in the eyes again, a playful fire burning there and a sly smirk on his lips.
Before I can even process what he said, the next second, Nick comes bounding down the stairs from his room and Matt removes his arm from behind me, clearing his throat.
I jumped up, causing a weird look from Nick. “I-I need to go home. I forgot I have some things to do.” I blurt, going to grab my purse and keys from the table.
He looks back and forth from me to Matt, one eyebrow raised in confusion. “Okay… I guess I’ll see you later?” He asks and I give him a hug before walking to the front door past Matt, avoiding eye contact with him. “For sure. Later!” I say, trying to rush out the door as fast as I can.
Once I open the door and step out, I hear Matt run to catch up and I turn around while he shuts the door behind him.
“Y/N. Wait.” He says.
“Yes?” I ask, my breath coming out in short puffs.
The cool air of spring is blowing, leaves falling from the trees and flowers starting to bloom in the grass.
Matt looks at me in the same way he has all night and I notice he’s hesitating, his mouth opening but no words coming out.
“What?” I say, wondering what he could’ve possibly followed me out of his house for.
“Tell me you don’t feel what I feel.”
“What?” I say again, sounding like a broken record.
He moves closer to me, his body now a few inches from mine and I see his chest rise and fall quickly, his next words coming out breathlessly.
“Tell me you don’t feel something between us. I need to know the real reason why you’ve been ignoring me.”
My heart is pounding at his boldness, and I clutch to the keys in my hand so hard my skin stings with pain. I was not ready to have this conversation and all I could do is freeze as he waits for my response.
“Y/N, tell me you feel nothing. That I’m just a friend to you and nothing more.” He says softly now, reaching his hand out to brush his fingers against my jaw with the lightest touch.
I want to tell him that yes, you’re just a friend and nothing more. That I don’t have any feelings for you and I don’t think about you every moment I wake up and every moment before I go to sleep. That I feel nothing.
But I just can’t. I can’t say or do anything but stare back at him, my eyes surely saying the complete opposite of what I’m thinking.
He closes the gap between us, now grabbing both sides of my face in his hands, brushing his lips against mine. “Tell me you don’t want me.” He breaths, and my knees feel weak as I clutch onto his shirt. “Matt…” Is all I can manage and I’m not doing a very good job of convincing him that I don’t.
He groans at the needy sound in my voice, and I can’t take the tension anymore as I press my lips to his, kissing him. He instantly kisses me back, his grip tightening on my jaw and I’m not even sure how I’m still standing.
He tilts his head, deepening the kiss, our mouths moving in sync and it’s electric. His lips are so soft but firm in the way he leads, and when his tongue glides against mine, I moan lightly from the feeling. His hands now slip to my waist, mine still on his chest.
The kiss is becoming heated as we pant against each other, his fingertips digging into my hips and pulling me even closer to him. I feel his heart racing, the world slipping away like nothing else matters.
He kissed me like he couldn’t breathe, and I was his oxygen.
I wanted more and more, unsure that I will ever stop before a little voice in my head tells me that this is wrong, wrong, wrong. But it feels so fucking good.
No. This is bad.
“No-“ I say, suddenly pushing him away from me, catching my breath.
I shake my head, backing away from him now. “This is bad.”
His cheeks are tinted pink, lips swollen and red, his hair a mess.
“Y/N.” He says, taking a step towards me.
“I can’t, I’m sorry. This shouldn’t have happened.” I responded, stepping further from him. “I have to go.” And I turn away, practically running to my car and slamming the door, taking off before I can change my mind.
As I drive home, the look on Matt’s face replays in my head, and I touch my lips, the feeling of his kiss still there.  
I’ve never felt this strongly before, and as I drive further and further from him, I feel an invisible string tugging on me, willing me to turn around.
It’s a dangerous game to play, whatever we’ve started.
a/n: matts pov and disgusting smut in part two 😁
feedback and thoughts appreciated 💕
@sturniolopepsi @tillies33ssss @whicked-hazlatwhore @riasturns @christhopersturniolo
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cartoon-cass · 6 months
Comprehensive breakdown of MURDER DRONES - Episode 7: Mass Destruction
I saw a breakdown of this episode on youtube and it was just clearly rushed so I want to do this episode justice so here's my comprehensive breakdown.
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New intro, look at them! They look so happy, that is not the case in the episode, to say the least. With how much rubber hosing this animation has I would not be surprised if this was done by Kevin Temmer Tunes with what he learned from amazing digital circus Edit: N was animated by Micah Preciado and Uzi by Zachary Preciado
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Bad day to accidentally grab the wrong uniform, I do wonder where the actual Dr.Chambers was in all this. Wonder if it would have made a difference... probably not.
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Not actually important but having the shadows of the claws that aren't actually there be the thing to interact with the world is fucking cool as hell. This whole scene is a cool twist on an exorcism with robots and science.
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Like look at this, it's a pentagram magnet, a normal pentagram from my basic pop culture understanding it's meant to not only summon a demon but also keep them from leaving the circle. A strong magnet is so smart for this case as it's used to keep Nori in place, I mean it doesn't end up working in the end but it's the thought that counts.
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It took my second watch of this episode to realize why the lights got turned on, it revealed the tentacles and claws but it's sun light, the same stuff that burns the Disassembly Drones and Uzi. It even has the same effect as in the end of Episode 4
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Can I just say how extra it is making the USB a crucifix, I love it. Also I just notice that on the end of the crucifix the detailing is actually in the shape of a USB symbol, the details in this show is amazing, you can see all the love that went in to it.
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This is probably the most terrifying way to hold these robots. I couldn't blame any of the robots for wanting to kill the human good god. Also Yeva playing Tetris, the game has a lot of ties to Russia so wonder if she spoke Russian too, she doesn't speak in this episode and not sure if we'll get more flashback with her so not sure if we will ever find out.
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Not sure why Mitchell stop Yeva from entering the church but I like to think he thought Yeva was like a kid, look at him holding her hand in the scene before, and was trying to keep her save and knew something was off. That being said I'd love to hear what you think is his reasoning, sound off in the comments/reblogs.
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Pulling back we can see Nori, specifically her core, looking at a crucifix comparing it to the USB crucifix in the video to see if it's the one with the patch, it's not, so she goes out for the hunt to see if she can find it.
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Like daughter, like mother, honestly cool little details that lets us know what kind of character Nori is with the very little time we have with her. Drawing made presumably by her of herself as a human cat girl, twice, motor oil cans everywhere, a fricking ninja star, nightcore music, a anime statue that might be a reference to something but I have no clue, also magnets which have been used in the passed like drugs so that's um... something.
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was originally just going to point out the funny little animation errors in this scene, as the paper goes through the Ipod and the crinkled paper is mirrored but then I wanted to check what was on the paper and...
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It's a missing poster of all things? it uses the exact posters used in episode 3 it's probably just reusing assets but I thought it was a cool thing to point out.
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Uzi bleeds blood in these scenes and it's not necessarily mentioned out loud, clearly something AS related, but there might be more to it, or it just looks cool.
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This man is in some serious denial, but credit where credit is due, when "Tessa" tells N to stop he turns around, and when Uzi apologized for not being able to help he immediately apologized for Snapping at her. Also look at Tessa's little pointing, thought it was funny.
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N: "We're not going to hurt you."
I can't blame Uzi for taking this the wrong way, he's clearly telling Tessa off but all Uzi hears is "hurt you", hence why she only parrots that part.
Thad: "Aaand you won't tell me why we're wandering around 'cause...?" Lizzy: "I'm a good friend, and secrets are blackmail. And it's not about football." Thad: "Okay. Does your secret friend want to know about football, or...?"
Anyone else wondering who Lizzy's good friend is? The only 2 characters we know are good friends with Lizzy are Doll and V. It's possible that through everything Doll sent a text to Lizzy asking her to do something but I feel like V just makes more sense. This does assume V made her way away from the sentinels, if I had to guess she's just a core at the moment which might be why she couldn't do it herself, no wings nor weapons as a core, also makes the blackmail line make more sense.
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N: "I deserve this. I deserve this. I deserve this."
Baby girl NO! no you don't, your too hard on your self
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That scream. That cut. *chef's kiss* perfect.
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This scene just shows us why Uzi went towards the church. Also note when she's the most stressed her eye turns yellow so it does seem stress is the deciding factor whether she can be possessed.
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V/AS: You know, you're one of the main reasons... [voice glitching] ...I wanted your team to retain your personalities.
This quote I think has some interesting implications, I mean it obviously confirms that the DD squad was influence by AS but it might also be why it keeps a bit of the personality of which ever host it's using.
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This scene holy shit, the music, the lighting, the sound design and animation, that's how you do horror! You don't even need detailed gore, in fact most of it is just off screen. like look at the DD's off in the distance one catches the pilot of the helicopter mid air then they fight over it like hungry animals.
Ok so I hit the image limit and it's almost 1 in the morning so I'm gonna go to bed and continue this tomorrow
~to be continued~
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qalijahbydior · 8 months
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Mirrors — Tom Blyth x Actress!reader
a/n: happy birthday to the internet's boyfriend!! LOL HE'S 29 already I FEEL SO YOUNG 😔🤌 anyway i decided to write since i had to post something while my story is still being written. newayz enjoy reading!
warnings : none just pure fluff
Tom has been in love with you the moment he heard you speak, it might be not the softest tone or soothing but there's something that draws him into you. He finds you pretty, hilarious, oddly funny and you give off that 'sunshine energy' He feels giddy when talking to you and do you feel the same thing? You do. You just love it when he laughs to your stories and hype your jokes especially when he listens to you. You two have always been teasing each other and that's what makes your friendship go on.
"Tom, come here! Look what I've found!" You say as you carry the ginger kitten and pat it. He came running to you and was already planning to touch the cat but you pulled it away. "Let me guess, you want to adopt it right?" he said, crossing his arms and tilted his head to the side. "Of course I do but the owner of my apartment specifically said no pets." You frowned at the thought of it. You really wanted to adopt the cat even if you just met him. Tom looked at you, scrutinizing your reaction. He then took the cat and rubbed its throat.
"You adopt it but it goes home to me, how does that sound?" He looked at you and the cat lovingly, his words made your face lit up and squeal at excitement. Him volunteering for the cat to live in his house meant having you over so he thought it was a good idea. "What, really? Are you serious?" you say as your eyes fluttered. You didn't think that he'd also like to take care of the cat that you were holding. "Yeah besides I feel like my house can use a pet since I don't have one." He shrugged, still petting the cat. You clung to his arms and hugged it "Yay! I now have a cat!" you squealed again then he looked at you, smiling.
she's so cute i can adopt a lot of cats if her reaction will be like this everytime he thought to himself
"But, I will name him. That's the condition, alright?" his tone was teasing because he knows that you already have a name for the cat. And you gladly let him name the cat, you nodded. "Alright, you name him." and just by a snap of a finger he already has a name for the cat. "His name is Miku, cute right?" he turned to you then smiled.
if loving this cat means getting even closer to you then i will love him and cherish him because he'll always remind me of you he thought as he was looking at your face, like it was illuminating and he loved it.
As for you, you thought that he's so kind to even offer the cat that you were adopting a roof to live in. Tom has always been nice to you and everything you love, you do, and you liked he liked it all too. As if he's now mirroring you. Everything he does is now a reflection of you.
"Nice choice, it is cute." you thought the name was cute but it had a hidden meaning and he knows. Miku is a japanese name and it means 'beautiful sky' it's name matches the way he looks at you. You're the sunshine and now the cat is the beautiful sky.
"I'll put the cat on my dressing room." you gently tried to get the cat from him but he refuses. "Nuuh, I'll hold him for a while. I'm the Dad after all." he said, a smirk creeping on his face. You furrowed your eyebrows and scrunched your nose as a reaction. "Let me hold him, you get to take him home later." you still tried to get Miku for him but he doesn't budge.
"No, I'll hold him first so he can get used to me." he's still pulling the cat away from you and tou seem to figure out a good way to deal with this and it's by distracting him. "Wait, let's buy something for him real quick. There's a pet shop five blocks away from here. We'll be quick we just need to buy uhhh a collar, wet food for kittens and his very own plate." You smiled as you pat Miku.
You and Tom, both carrying the kitten in your arms, went to the pet shop five blocks from your set. You had come to buy everything the kitten needed, and despite some hesitation by the shopkeeper - who warned you this was a lot of responsibility - you were confident that you could do it. The kitten meowed softly as it was carried away from the safety of his littermates and the familiar surroundings of the pet shop, clearly a bit anxious and unsure of what was to come next.
You and Tom carry the kitten back to the set. The kitten is a bit fussy and wants to explore everything, but eventually settles down in Tom's arms. As the kitten falls asleep, you can't help but marvel at just how cute and adorable it is. You have to admit that the pet shop was right, cats are a lot of work. But it's so worth it when the kitten is snuggled up against your chest, purring softly. It makes all the work feel worth it. You took your phone then took a picture of you, Tom and Miku.
you two will make such good cat parents and you know it.
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You're now sitting at Tom's couch, inside his house as you insisted that you come and feed Miku. This day went on so fast a while ago you're contemplating whether to get Miku or just leave him there but you now have him! Tom is also loving Miku as the cat always clings onto him and purrs on his touch. You asked him if you can stay at his house for a while before you go home and he agreed.
"You know what it's starting to look like you're Miku's owner and not me but either way, it seems like he really likes you." you crossed your legs and picked Miku up to put him on your lap and pet him. "We're his owner, babe. Chill. Besides I used to have a cat that's why he seemed to like me." his words warmed your heart and did he just call you babe...? The thought of the two of you owning a cat is so cute and it just fuels your feelings towards him even more.
"Thank you, really, Tom. I appreciate this so much. I love that you also love Miku." you smiled at him as he was setting up Miku's bed. "Anything for you, pretty girl." He looks at you with love in his eyes, and the butterflies on your stomach felt like they're going to explode. You felt blood rushing through your face, feeling flustered. You just bit your lower lip, stopping yourself from smiling and continued to pet Miku.
Tom has always been like this, he compliments you at the most unexpected moments and it just gets you all red and flustered. You love his compliments and he loves giving it to you. He likes seeing you smile, laugh and jolly because seeing you happy makes him happy too. Your enthusiasm is like a virus once he gets to you. And you also love making him happy, that man's happiness is just simple. You don't know how you make him happy but you just do anything anyway.
Your friendship with him has been a rollercoaster ride, it gets crazy the more that it lasts. You wanted to tell him how you feel towards him but It also scared you, the thought of losing your friendship just because of your feelings towards him scared you.
You always fought the urge to tell him how you felt, so instead of telling him you just express it. Physical touch, words of affirmation and acts of service has always been your love language. You liked being near him, you liked clinging onto him like he's going to disappear anytime.
He now sat down beside you and just looked at you as you were playing with Miku. "Y/N" he called and you turned to him, smiling. "Yeah?" his expression softened as he spoke once again. He looked like he was in deep thought before he spoke. "How come you're not dating anyone? I've never seen you go around and date someone?" he asked, he always thought of that but if ever that you really did it would hurt. Just the thought of you dating another guy that isn't him is already piercing his heart.
"I'm not interested. That's it, I'm not looking for anything because I've already got what I need. I can never ask for more." and that's how you really felt through out your friendship with him. You know that he probably doesn't think of your friendship like you two were tied to each other but it always felt that way.
"But do you like someone right now or I don't know, used to like someone?" he knows that this question might be a risk but he still asked it, desperate for an answer. Like his whole feelings depended on it. You didn't know how to answer the question because you were afraid that he might think that he's the one you're talking about. But you're going to make the most out of it
"Well, there's this friend of mine. He really makes me happy. What's for sure is I like him but I can never tell him what I feel. What if my growing feelings ruin our friendship? I enjoy what we have. I feel like I'm already tied to him but not in a bad way, you get me? This friend has been there for me since we met, and lately I've been feeling that I'm seeing myself through him. Not in a selfish way." you explained and that got him thinking of the things that he's done to you or with you these days, trying to connect the dots and see if it would make sense.
And now, it did make sense. He just now realized that he's mirroring you, too. You two are the reflections of each other
"Y/N, it's me isn't it?" he asked, wanting to confirm his thoughts. You looked down and nodded. He was so happy that It was him and you felt the same. He put Miku aside and held both of your hands, he made you face him. His ocean blue eyes looking at you.
"You know why I stuck with you the moment we met? There's like an invisible force pulling me towards you. Your smile, your laugh, your funny antics had got me. It's just so addicting that I found myself always crawling towards you. You're like a ray of sunshine that wherever you go you lighten up everything." he removed his other hand from your grip and caressed the side of your face, and you finding comfort in it. His words made your heart melt even more. You loved him the same as he's the reason why you laugh and smile.
"I never knew that you saw me like that. I now know why you always tease me and make me laugh. To be honest I feel the same, there's a missing part of me whenever you're away from me even just feets away. There's something lacking when you're not there making me laugh and it has been a routine ever since. Your presence and existence completes me." you gave him a sweet smile then looked down at your hands intertwined.
The butterflies on your stomach felt crazy. His hands holding you, his ocean blue eyes fixated on you and love just filling the room felt right and perfect. He looks at you the way he always looks at you all the time, eyes full of admiration and love. You've always tried to shake off that thought when he looks at you thinking that you're just mistaken or seeing things but now it's all clear. He loves you, likes you, adores you like you're the only thing that's meant to be adored.
And you also tried to hide that look in your eyes but now that got you thinking, did he always see right through me?
The moment feels euphoric for Tom, and he can't contain his excitement as he shares his true feelings with you. He has waited for this moment for so long, and finally, it's here. Tom confesses his love for you, and you can sense the genuine and pure emotion behind his words. Seeing your reaction, he feels beyond happy and satisfied that you now know how he feels. He feels like he has accomplished something special, and the sight of your face only makes the whole experience even sweeter.
The vacancy that sat in my heart, is a space that now you hold.
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decaffedthoughts · 3 months
Kinktober Fic 8
Kinks: mirror sex and breeding kink
Other content: dom minho, sub reader, reader calls minho master, afab reader with no other explicitly gendered language, minho calls reader kitty and kitten
Word count: 1960
a/n: wowie, it's here. Thanks for your patience everyone, as a lil treat you can see I broke my 1k rule. Edit: I didn't post this last week???? My bad y'all, that's wild
It's hard when Minho goes on tour, but you also love watching all the videos of him as people post them online. It's a little less hard and a little more funny when people put captions like "my husband" or "wow my boyfriend did so good tonight" underneath when you know he calls you almost every night. Well, he does when it's night for him after the show. Sometimes it's before or after work, and the occasional lunch break, for you.
Now, it's almost over, just one more day before he'll come walking in your front door and be laying in this bed with you again. It's hard falling asleep without him, but you sleep alright when you do, and even better on weekends like this when you can sleep in and not worry about any alarm or responsibilities. Apparently, you slept so well this time that you missed someone climbing into bed with you. You assume the warmth is one of the cats, you swear they can open doors even if Minho promises they can't, but you proceed to hear a very human noise.
It takes a moment to process, and then when you do your eyes fly open to see Minho already awake and looking at you. Why he's awake when he definitely fell asleep later than you is a question for another time. For now you throw yourself towards him, and he giggles before holding you close.
"Oh my god, I missed you so much. You should have-" You start, muffled in his shoulder.
"I should not have woken you up, I bet you've already been having trouble sleeping as it is."
Caught and called out, you just huff and wiggle closer to him.
"Fuck you, meanie."
"Meanies don't usually fuck you, darling. I have lots of other options."
You blush a little and smack his other shoulder with one hand, secretly delighting in the cackles Minho lets out in response. You can't deny that you haven't missed him like that though, and Minho often gets too hot under the blankets so he wears some light and small clothes, easy access for you.
"Mm, but you're gonna be nice and fuck me today right? Waited so long for you."
Minho sighs and shakes his head at you.
"Wasn't I on the phone helping you two days ago?"
You hum, fake forgetting about that particular moment, like it hasn't played on repeat in your mind since it happened. Minho leans in close to kiss you anyways, and it feels more like home than you've felt the whole time you've been here alone.
One hand holds you by the back of your neck, and the other goes down your body and past your underwear, making you gasp at the forwardness. No time to waste this morning. You retaliate by pulling down his flimsy underwear, slowly stroking and feeling his dick harden in your grasp. You separate your mouths with a little wet noise and giggle as Minho tries to follow.
"Please, Minnie. Just wanna be yours."
Minho tongue licks his lower lip, staring at you, like he's confirming in his mind what you want.
"Gonna let me fill up and mark that pretty pussy?" He asks, like he doesn't already know.
You nod, and Minho seems to have an idea at the same time. You watch, a little confused as he gets up, but see quickly what he's doing when he pushes your floor length mirror to the side of the bed. Sitting up, you direct him so you can both get a good angle when you look. It's close enough and perfectly set so you'll both get good angles of yourself and each other, which makes you wonder just a little if Minho practiced this or if he's just naturally good at it, as he is many other things.
"Out of your clothes, kitty. Lemme see you." Minho orders, still softly.
You don't hesitate to obey, not having the patience for any playing around today, even if it sounds a little fun. Minho stares at you the whole time, standing slightly behind the mirror, waiting. It's fun, knowing that Minho is watching you undress. It may not be the most sexy or appealing action you've ever taken, but you know he's watching and waiting to pounce anyways. It's when you've bent over to take off your sweatpants, his that you actually stole, that Minho does something unexpected and lets you know of his own impatience.
You don't hear him, but he steps forward and presses his cock between your legs, letting you feel how hard he is already. You gasp, but let him do it. After a little while, you test the limits and grind your hips back a little into his. When he says nothing and only groans a little in pleasure, you continue.
This isn't what you were expecting, but damn is it hot anyways. What is for sure, is that you have ruined both of your pairs of underwear with how soaked you are. Tragically, Minho seems to have the mental clarity to pull away eventually, and only then do you realize how close you were and how much your legs have begun to shake. You still whine, not wanting the pleasure to stop, even if it was not the most comfortable position by far.
"No. Come sit in front of the mirror kitty, I need to see your face when you cum." Minho says, sitting and spreading his legs to create the perfect space for you.
You don't wait to go to him, though you stumble a little because your legs aren't ready to support movement. It doesn't matter in the end, because you probably won't need them for the rest of the night.
You sit and sigh in relief when you can feel Minho's cock pressing against you again, just wanting him so damn bad. Minho frowns and wiggles a little under you, not satisfied with something yet.
"Actually, hands and knees, face the mirror."
It's another bit that betrays his restlessness. Normally, he would have made you cum another way first, but if it's like this then he's almost guaranteed to be fucking you, and good. He takes off your underwear first, humming when he sees how wet you are. It seems he can't resist either way, and takes two fingers, rubbing up and down and coating his fingers with it. You try not to move, to let him have his way as you know he likes to do but it's fucking difficult.
Minho knows this, and doesn't spend long there. Instead, you soon get a replica of your earlier moment, but better. His cock rubbing between your legs, but so much more sensitive and wet with no layers between you.
Once again, Minho gets the awareness to stop and continue, while you sit there still whining for it, even if you know what comes next will be better. You turn to pout at him, but Minho just clicks his tongue and you settle down a little, not wanting to truly test his patience tonight.
You let out a satisfied hum as you feel his cock sink into you. Despite craving this the whole time Minho has been away, you forgot how good it really felt for him to fill you up like this.
"Fuck, such a perfect pussy for me kitten." Minho groans.
Your heart flutters at the praise, as dirty as it is. You like pleasing him.
"Please, master. Please fuck me, I need it." You beg, unprompted and trying to pretend blatantly showing how needy you are doesn't affect you.
"You need it?" Minho prompts, and chuckles when you simply agree. "Watch yourself take it in the mirror then."
You gasp quietly, having forgotten the mirror was there. Both of you look half a mess in the mirror already, which is a little embarrassing in just how frantic you were. Still, you watch your mouth fall open in the mirror and your eyes half-lid as Minho finally starts pounding into you, just like you asked for.
It's wet and it's loud and it's hot, and you vaguely wonder if anyone around can hear you considering this apartment isn't exactly soundproof. Quickly, that becomes much less of a concern as your brain becomes less able to hold onto thoughts other than those related to your pleasure.
"Ooooh yes, yes, yes." You chant, letting your support off one arm to use two fingers to rub your clit. "Mmph!"
You squeal and you can see Minho's grin as he hits just the right spot. Slowly, slowly, you both get just a little louder and you listen as close as you can to hear every sound Minho lets out.
"You feel so good baby. Such a slut, you must have kept this hole ready for when I came back."
He's not technically wrong, over the last few months you spent many a night laid out on this bed fucking yourself and desperately wishing and imagining it was him. Clearly nothing can compare if he's already made you feel this good, but damn you tried anyways. It helped when he had time and you could listen to him talk you through it.
"I know you did, you called me so many times. Begging me to come back and fill you up. Now I'm here, now I can breed this pussy the way you wanted so badly."
"Oh yes, master please. Want you to breed me, fill me up." You whine, beginning to throw your hips back to meet him, not able to stop yourself any longer.
Minho lets it stand, knowing you're half out of your mind by now, a skill he takes great pride in.
"Good kitty, gonna stuff this pretty cunt."
You're being much louder than you really should be at this time of day on a weekend, but there is nothing in your mind beyond the feeling of Minho's dick and wanting both of you to cum. Thankfully, you both seem to be building very quickly to that point. Minho's grip on you is getting tighter and the slap against your ass has gotten much harder, not that you'll be complaining.
"Please master, cum inside. Want it so bad." You plead, feeling how close you are, and wanting to feel him close after this long.
"Good baby, gonna make you so full."
The last words he gets out before he cums and, the dutiful man he is, keeps fucking you through it even as you know he gets more and more oversensitive. It works, because with just a few more high moans you cum. You keep frantically rubbing your clit, and basely trying to fuck yourself on his cock, like you're trying to take it deeper. Your remaining arm collapses under you, and you find your face pressed into the sheets. When you open your eyes, you look so debauched and borderline scandalous.
You're mildly sweating and flushed down to your chest. Your chest is heaving as you desperately try to get more air in, yet your mouth hangs open as all you can is moan as you cum. Minho shudders as your orgasm ends, yet you squeeze around him a few more times.
He pulls out slowly, making both of you hiss with the overstimulation, slight as it is.
With a short "can I?" Minho pulls out his phone and watches as you clench down and his white, sticky cum starts coming out, filling you as it is.
He puts his phone away and looks at the mess between your legs that he made, grinning.
"Oh no, it all came out. Guess I'll have to try again." He says, not even trying to sound like he feels bad about it.
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qqtxt · 2 years
[🌸] jealousy, jealousy w/ txt
✿ pairing: ot5 x reader / idol!txt / non.idol!you / reader is friends with a couple of the stray kids’ members for each member’s part (don’t ask, i’m about to be a stay and it’s not okay) / curse words, cursing at each other as friendly banters / mentions of food and eating ✿ mini-fics with each member for the same situation / less than 700 words for each member / altogether, word count: 3,071 words (i couldn’t help myself on this one, it simply wrote itself i swear) ✿ when they’re jealous but try not to show it... (yet fail miserably because you can tell) [masterlist 🌸] / other members under the cut! / @kflixnet​ ✨
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[🐰] soobin soobin swears he didn’t mean to intrude with your chat thread. it’s just that he heard you giggling and he wanted to know what was so interesting because if it’s a cute cat or dog video, he’d most definitely want to see (also he gets drawn to the sound of your voice very often). he notices it seems to be messages from... hm... that name looks familiar... regardless, he feels this small twitch in his chest, even if it doesn’t sound logical to feel this way. 
he didn’t realise he was still staring at your direction until you peek up from your phone and turn the cheek, sitting up to align your faces together as you two sat on the sofa side by side. “yes, handsome?”
his mouth opens, and closes when he doesn’t know what to say. what does he say? i think i might be jealous over something or someone i don’t even know the context of? he swallows and tries to muster up a reply, only to widen his eyes when you seem to click in your mind that–”ah, why i was laughing? here, seungmin texted this meme of jyp,” you snicker, showing him the message.
his lips are pursued, gaped with a small ‘o’ as he nods in response, smiling a little after that when he sees how funny you think it is. then his lips press into a thin line as he looks back down on his phone, seeing his wallpaper of your smile mirroring his as beomgyu helped take a photo of the pair of you on a swing; grinning at each other like the sun and moon colliding and soobin can’t help but wonder if he makes–”you’re thinking too much, bin-ah,”
“i didn’t even say anything.”
“you can say quite a lot with that face of yours.”
“...what am i saying, then?”
you use your eyes to point at his wallpaper, well-aware that it’s yours as well. it’s a favourite picture you two have (cue to him asking you which photo of the two of you was your favourite and sparking a two-hour debate, ending only when you can find a photo to agree on to set as your wallpapers). it’s all because soobin was telling you something out of seriousness but it was too funny to be serious, which is why you two were smiling that widely in the photo beomgyu managed to capture; because soobin automatically smiles when you smile.
"nobody makes me smile the way you do.”
“augh, how cheesy.” is the first thing that comes out of soobin’s mouth, out of habit, he can’t stop himself. but soon, that cheesy goodness spreads in his body and it makes him feel warm inside that he can’t hide the smile threatening to show on his face. that makes you smile on cue and remember, it’s a domino effect so now soobin’s a blushing, smiling mess with you mirroring him with a smile just as wide.
tl;dr: poor boy tries to pretend he isn’t jealous and is nonchalant about it, even if in his mind he’s having multiple layers of debate if he should say something, if it’s okay to ask, if it’s appropriate to show he’s possibly jealous. but it all shows on his face based on how he reacts because he can’t control it. would appreciate if you brought it up but honestly, he brings it up without saying anything because it’s all over his face, which you appreciate, too. just an assurance or two would make him all smiles again, to remind him that there really is no one else that makes you feel the way he does.
[🦊] yeonjun yeonjun didn’t mean to eavesdrop (because let’s be real, he’d just blatantly ask you to put on loudspeaker if he wanted to, that’s the kind of trust you two had) but he was headed to the bathroom, only to stand by the doorway of the kitchen when he hears you’re on the phone with–”lix, i’ll beat your ass in mario kart. don’t even pretend like your hand coordinations work with a controller just because you can dance.”
he crosses his arms and leans his head next to the wall, squinting his eyes so hard that maybe–oh, right, he’s not exactly invisible–he straightens his back when he’s captured your attention, fixing that look on his face to a sheepish grin and waves a little... even when he knows he’s not fooling anyone, especially not you.
“ah, i’ll text you when we’re leaving. see you, ass face.”
“where are you going?” yeonjun tries to make sure he doesn’t sound upset, but it’s safe to say he’s not managing well when you chuckle at him like that. “why do i get the feeling that you may be a little jealous?” 
he huffs and uncrosses his arms, already pulling you by the waist to keep you close to him as he narrows his eyes at you, “a little? you’re giving me too much credit here. i think i looked like i could beat someone up if i wanted to.”
“so... you wanna beat up felix because he invited us over to play mario kart?”
“i mean, yeah if it fits–wait, what?”
his expression immediately changes when he processes what you mean, and picking up earlier that you said ‘we’re’ leaving instead of just you. if jealousy was first, inclusiveness was second because yeonjun just loves being with you. sure, he’s all about having your own circle of friends but sometimes, (most of the time) he loves being around you with your friends, too.
“ah... so we are going together?”
“depends. do you still wanna beat–”
“augh, what’re you talking about? we’re all friends, best friends!” he puts a hand over your mouth to stop you from calling him out, even when he already knows whatever he’s thinking isn’t true. he feels you laughing against his hand and allows you to pull his hand from your mouth, so you can reveal to him that pretty smile that numbs him almost instantly, “you know you have nothing to worry about, right?” he feels his heart swooning when you turn his hand, so you can kiss his knuckles, “you’re all i want.”
he tries to press his lips together, so it doesn’t reveal just how hard he’s smiling as he nods... but fails automatically when he lets out a chuckle, happiness taking over his system as he nods again, “yeah, i know.” he moves to grip onto your hand, half-dragging you to the bedroom to–”let’s get ready to kick some asses!”
tl;dr: man’s not jealous because he trusts you with his whole heart but he uses his jealousy as a way to playfully show you how much he loves you. he’s confident in who he is as your lover and partner, but wants you to know that he does care who you go out with and who you interact with because he cares about you. wouldn’t shy from asking directly or use innuendos; would just ask as it is.
[🐯] beomgyu beomgyu’s number one goal in life since he’s met you is to make you laugh. when you’re happy, laugh twice as much. when you’re sad, find a reason to laugh. when you’re mad, he’s trying to ease your nerves with laughter. now... just because he loves hearing you laugh, doesn’t mean he appreciates someone else making you laugh. doesn’t matter who it is; he’ll feel a prick to his chest.
more so now when you’re laughing at your phone, him walking out of the bedroom (as he was taking a nap) to see you on a video call with–he squints his eyes at who’s filling your screen–han jisung. you were laying on your stomach, arm stretched out on top of the arm rest as you two talked leisurely. 
sure, all of you have hung out before but... that doesn’t mean beomgyu doesn’t feel anything. he can pretend all he wants but he knows it’ll only get worse the more he tries to suppress it. he’s talked about it with you before and he does feel secure, but sometimes, the feeling doesn’t last very long that his intrusive thoughts take over.
so instead of heading to the kitchen, he ends up plopping on top of you and effectively squishing you on the sofa. jisung immediately waves and greets–”gyu! hey!”
“sup!” beomgyu waves back and the two boys are now chuckling at your breathless state now that your nearly two meter boyfriend decides to use you as a mattress.
“g-gyu, get off!”
“you’re comfortable,” he snorts, pressing his cheek to the side of your head, resting his weight on you as his chest moulds to your back, legs tangled between yours and he supports your hand holding your phone up.
“how’re you, han?” 
that’s how beomgyu steered the conversation and you accepted your fate. chiming in here and there, until the video call ends with plans to meet up later at han’s dorm with a couple of the other boys. when you end the call, you flop your phone down (not caring if it slides off to the table conveniently next to it) and try to get a glimpse of your boyfriend, “and what was that about, mr. choi?”
“augh, that’s mr. handsome to you,” he kisses the side of your head, refusing to get up as his arms snake around your waist, coming between your body and the sofa beneath you. “i have a question,”
“can you please get off first?”
“no, you gotta answer first.”
“ask me. ask me quick before i pass out.”
“hypothetically, if you were single and if han was single–”he tries not to laugh when you immediately respond with han’s probably gonna die alone with that mouth of his”–and let’s say you didn’t meet me. would you two have dated?”
“that’s your golden question? that’s the question you’re willing to suffocate me for?”
“hypothetically, realistically and currently, no. i’ve only got eyes for one man and it’s the same one that’s trying to kill me!”
“augh, i love you too.” he coos, lovingly clinging onto you despite your protests, but with the way he’s smiling at you and peppering kisses to your face, you can’t quite push him off if you wanted to.
tl;dr: could be insecure, could be just playful, or the mix of both, depending on the mood. most of the time, he’s fairly confident in him being a boyfriend and a partner to you but there are moments he’ll feel insecure. he’ll mask that with playfulness and whenever you reassure him, it feels like he had nothing to worry about in the first place; because he trusts you, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t need the reassurance.
[🐿] taehyun taehyun know that this isn’t something he should feel anything about but... he can’t help himself. he’s only human. the great thing about taehyun is that he doesn’t hide whenever he feels this way so... he’ll... just ask.
now is one of those times when he sees you on a video call with chan–the bang chan from stray kids–as you were fiddling with the computer, phone propped to the side and chan seemingly doing his work with tunes and bits and bobs playing in the background. taehyun stands a distance away, remaining hidden from both of your screens as he thinks whether he’ll want to speak about it now or later but it seems like the answer is decided for him when you–”earth to kang taehyun, you there?”
he seems to snap out of reverie, blinking a couple of times at your direction as his eyes grow wide at the attention now on him. chan gives him a wave, with the pixelated voice of hey, tae! then the line gets wonky and you’re ending the call momentarily to direct your attention fully on–”what’re you up to?”
“just... wanted to get some water. you want some?”
“water?” you snort, and taehyun rubs the back of his neck, regretting a bit on how silly that sounds, “yeah?”
“can we go get boba instead? i can call chan to come with? might do him some good to get out of that studio dungeon.”
you watch as he thinks about it and he starts to make his way towards you. kneeling before you. automatically, you turn to face him and you lean forward when he peers up to you with pressed lips. the shift in his gaze makes you a little antsy, using a hand to put on his shoulder, the other reaching up to run through his hair. he tries not to get sidetracked with your touch, having one hand on your knee, the other reaching up to hold your waist lightly.
"could we... just go together? alone?”
through his question, you’re able to pick up on the subtlety of how he’s feeling. you nod with a smile, “of course, handsome.”
“n-not that i don’t like chan or anything, i just–”
“you don’t have to explain yourself,” your hand moves from his hair to press a thumb over his lips. from speaking midway, he seals his lips into a smile; one so... pretty that it makes your heart swoon at how he’s looking at you.
“but... for me to make it clear, you know i only have eyes for you, hm? chan’s just a good friend.”
“of course,” he starts to regain the usual, silly side he has with you, “have you seen this face?” he tilts his head to the side, showing off his side profile that it makes you chuckle. that draws out an instant reaction of getting taehyun to laugh with you the second he sees that pretty smile on your face.
“that is a very nice face.”
“a face that likes looking at you,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your palm hovering next to his cheek. the cheesiness makes the both of you visibly shiver and in the next, you two are brushing it off to get ready to head out for boba. (which taehyun suggests getting one for chan to drop by at his studio on the way back)
tl;dr: taehyun’s pretty secure with who he is, knowing well that you chose to be with him for a reason. however, he’s only human to feel a bit envious when another guy or person has your attention that he truly appreciates. he’s not obsessively jealous but he’ll just acknowledge it as a way to recognise he’s feeling that way and feel better when you acknowledge it, too. with a reassurance and acknowledging how he’s feeling is more than enough to keep him happy.
[🐧] kai in all honesty, kai forgot that you were hanging out with hyunjin and changbin until he scrolled through his social media to see a posting of the three of you hanging out in a cafè. his heart flutters seeing you smile and he loves how happy you look but he’d be a liar to say he didn’t feel a small pinch to his heart seeing you with two other guys. 
he debates if he wants to text you to ask, knowing it’ll be a bit too much to call but the second he’s about to pull up your chat thread, your name pops up on his screen. giddy, he swipes and answers the call with: “hey!”
“hi hun! i was just leaving a cafè and i wanted to drop by with some cakes and coffee–oh my god, guys, get off!” kai chuckles at how you’re quite literally fighting your way to speak to him, knowing the kind of friendship you had the the two guys. if he’s being honest, it’s like you three depicted the sibling squabbles better than him and his two sisters. more so when he can hear his name being called out by said guys in the background, cooing about how they would rather hang out with him than, you know, you. things like these made him feel at ease with how your friends respected your relationship with him, which is why it made him feel conflicted whenever he feels a bit of jealousy.
“as long as i get to see you, that’s all that matters to me.”
“augh, sweet boy. i’ll be right over–okay fuck you, hwang hyunjin! come here!” kai doesn’t have time to respond when the call ends abruptly and he’s reassured you’re on your way over when you snap a pic of your retrieved goods.
a good twenty minutes later, he hears a knock on the door of his dorm. he opens it to reveal you being escorted by two guys who have you in a partial headlock. it’s only until they meet with kai’s amused smile that they let you go, as if they’re doing a transaction trade. after bidding goodbye, you’re now finally at ease to be able to rest. you place your things on the dining table and turn to him with a huff. he fixes your hair and pulls you into a hug, unable to resist the urge to kiss your forehead before he asks: “had a good time?”
“i still don’t know why i hang out with them. it’s like a death wish each time.”
“then hang out with me more.”
“i’m quite literally in your bed at the end of every night.”
“eh, could be improved,” he shrugs, to which you snort and hit his shoulder before diving in to hug him properly. he hums as he has you in his arms, swaying you a little as he rests his cheek atop your head. still, he has the cheek in him to ask: “you only love me, right?” he only gets a smack to the back as an answer, knowing of his playful tone whenever you hear it. but still, you allow for a couple of beats to pass before you softly reassure him: “of course.”
then, you feel his lips to the side of your head, with a murmur of: “good, because i love you.”
tl;dr: this sweet bean loves seeing you with other people even if it’s not with him. though, he does get a bit jealous but he tries to mask it through being caring and asking questions... which ultimately you see through because of how he texts you or speaks to you. even with the way he acts could subtly imply he might feel jealous but he’s able to respect your space and you having your own friends, too. it’s a good mix and balance of both, playful jealousy that kind of reassures you two of your love.
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ssweetiebop · 5 months
Things I would like to see written more, or would write about if I could write featuring Disco Elysium:
- Harrier Du bois is a Innocence ! It would start out very subtly, with Kim catching Harry just seemingly not breathing, of course his first concussion would be that Harry’s heart must’ve just stopped, que panicked moments where Kim shakes Harry awake or semi freaks out whenever he sees Harry napping at work or just sleeping in general, because Harry is just not breathing. (Because it’s stated in game that apparently Innocence’s are said to not even breathe, they just eternal like that.) or maybe Harry just makes one too many predictions that are scarily accurate which really fucks with Kim as he entertains the idea of Harry being an Innocence, like he doesn’t believe it, but it’s a entertaining thought to ponder until Harry’s lungs suddenly glow out of nowhere, maybe Harry doesn’t notice himself or Kim convinced himself it was a trick of the light… just alot of second guesses and whatnot!
- Harry dating (and it’s not Kim) Harry, after finding out about his sexuality and finally coming to terms to it — decides it’s time to head back into the dating scene! Maybe Harry just ASSUMES Kim is taken already because I mean… it’s Kim! Kim is so cool! Of course he has a partner! (He doesn’t.) and Kim is just like wow my lungs are burning with hurt right now. Kim painstakingly supporting Harry but also dying inside hearing about all of Harry’s dates and partner(s). I just want jealous Kim honestly. Or even possessive Kim teehee… like Kim overhearing Harry has a date tonight and before Harry himself can tell him Kim abruptly asks if Harry wants to hang out tonight, wanting Harry to choose him over his date, even sweetening the deal by saying he has alot of plans of *insert literally all of Harry’s favourite activities and also maybe Kim confessing or being willing to let Harry do XYZ for once* Harry of course just blurts out ‘YEAH ILL HANG OHT WITH YOU!!’ Without thinking and is like oh shit I have a date tonight. Oh god. Do I blow my date off or Kim?? Kim realllyy smug when Harry chooses him all while acting innocent. Even “scolding” Harry when Harry admits he choose Kim over his date. Just small moments where Kim feels guilty for sabotaging his dates but also just can’t help it, he keeps purposefully somehow ruining the relationship. Of course he feels really guilty but Harry will forgive him because it led to them finally dating. Maybe Kim takes it too far or EVEM GETS CAUGHT ACTIVELY TRYING TO RUIN HARRY’S DATES and for the smallest second Harry sees Kim as some sort of jerk (sorta rightfully so!) and gets mad at Kim until later he thinks about WHY Kim was doing that.
- Body swap au ! I know there’s already some of body swaps out there, but I want more! Like the idea of Kim hearing Harry’s skills and being like ‘This is what Harry is forced to hear all the time? It’s so noisy…’ and then Harry being like ‘wow it’s so… quiet… I don’t like it! I miss my friends!’ BUT ALSO!!! BUT ALSO!!! People always do Harry and Kim! I want to see some more variety! Hell even just adding Jean to the mix sounds so fun! Jean waking up at Harry and just being absolutely mortified. I think it would be funny if the skills know right away that the person in Harry’s body right now isn’t Harry, and are deathly quiet during those first few minutes when Jean first wakes up Harry’s body, until… let’s say perspective or reaction speed helps Jean stop a mug from falling and Jean goes very still at the sound of their voices. Harry in jeans body… or maybe KIM in Jean’s?! Oh Kim would be absolutely checking himself out in the mirror (and delighted at how he can SEE!!! WITHOUT GLASSES!) before catching himself and scolding himself to be more respectful. And I think we all know how Harry would be in Kim’s body…
- Furry Elysium ! Look… here me out. we all agreed that Harry and Kim have a very dog + cat dynamic — or at the very least it’s fun to draw them as animals! But alas… I have seen almost ZERO fanfics about them as actual animals/animal-like features! I want to explore a world like disco elysium filled with animal hydrids! … do you think Jean would be a horse? Or a bird like his name suggests? Would Harry actually be a dog or would he be something else? I feel like Kim being a cat or cat-like is perfect BUT if you think of another animal Kim would fit lmk!
- THEM AS KIDS !!! BUT, BUT… I want them to turn into kids! How? Idk! The pale did it maybe?! It doesn’t have to make logical sense. Maybe they remember their adults self maybe they don’t. I just want someone to hold Harry when he’s a toddler… he deserves some soft parental love… or Jean waking up as a teenager and being absolutely pissed because of it… MAYBE they all are different ages, Harry a toddler, Kim a little boy, Jean a teenager. Or just the classic one-person-magically-turns-into-a-toddler-and-then-the-remaining-adults-have-to-come-together-to-take-care-of-said-toddler.
- Kid fic OR parent fic I know I just mention kids but this time I want one of them to HAVE a kid. Of course Kim would likely be excluded from this biological wise but adoption works too! I just like the idea of of Harry being a father or Jean awkwardly holding a youngster or Kim looking around to see if he’s alone before cooing at a cute little kid. Harry would have a blast dressing the baby up. Also imagine just Harry walking into work with a baby strapped to him on day and Jean just spits out his coffee like WHAT is HARRY doing with a baby?? And Harry is just like ‘this is my baby! And you’re the godfather… kinda rude of you to not know!’ I read some kid fics and they were so, SO sweet.
- MAGICALLY TURNING INTO AN ANIMAL ! Yes. We are pulling out ALL the classics. It doesn’t have to be a cat but I WILL be using a kitty here. I’m so sorry this one is the longest. I wanted a fic like this for so long so please allow me to ramble my ass off:
They can’t change back… or maybe when they do change back to being a human it’s not their choice! Think of ‘A Whisker Away’ type of situation. Kim waking up as a kitty absolutely terrified and thinking the one person who would be able to tell it’s him would likely be Harry, right?! Like he gets premonition and predictions and insights all the time! Surely Harry will immediately know it’s Kim! …. Harry does not know or find out actually. Harry just immediately scooping Kitty-Kim once he ‘gains it’s trust’ (but really it’s just Kim stuck between indecisiveness of just running back home or not and trying to figure this out on his own because he already trusts Harry!) and Kim allowing himself for ONCE in his life to be held and loved and pampered and cooed at without shame. BUT I also love the idea of this happening to the others too, like Harry immediately using this to get to know what Kim is like behind closed doors, feeling guilty but also just can’t help but still go and try to get adopted by Kim (newsflash, it takes FOREVER for Kim to finally let Kitty-Harry inside his apartment, and even LONGER for Kim to officially adopt Kitty-Harry, (bonus points if Kim is still in/at precinct 57) but then ! Kim wants to introduce Harry to his cat! uh-oh! Kitty-Harry also kinda afraid of Jean’s reaction to Kitty-Harry but going to be nosy anyways and turns out — Jean is a big animal lover! It barely takes any convincing for Jean to decide to adopt Harry. Harry feeling jealous that he doesn’t get this soft side of Jean but also gives Harry a new perspective on Jean overall. Que Kitty-Harry awkwardly being owned by two of his friends and THEN also imagine them both talking about the cat they own and finding out it’s the same kitty and they both feel sorta backstabbed(?) or are like ‘wow my/our cat isn’t loyal…’ Jean as a Kitty sounds very amusing… just hissing and very annoyed that they don’t clock it right away that it’s him! Knocking over mugs to get their attention and whatnot, getting scolded and put in kitty jail.. :( !
- SWAP AU! Do I really have to go into detail here? I love the idea of a ‘very, very sane’ Harrier du bois and just an absolutely pathetic failure of Kim Kitsuragi in the swap au… shout out to @/Danielcalmdown0 on Twitter for the new perspective/dynamic on this au!! Kim doesn’t own the kineema in this au because they gave it to a more dedicated officer and Kim is just… absolutely heartbroken over it, but also a bit petty and jealous like ‘I WOULDVE TAKEN CARE OF IT THE BESTEST!’ I wish people discussed Jean and Harry’s relationship in this au more though! I like to think in this particular au they would have a bit of a more father-son dynamic?? MAYBE? not necessarily father-son, but something close for sure, just older figure Jean looks up too… (Maybe Harry baby’s or coddles Jean too much in this au and it PISSES Jean off.) would he still be his brooding self?! Let’s just say yes. I think Jean would have a bit of a crush on this Harry, of course he denies it to himself but it’s there, until Kim joins the picture then its pathetic loser vs pathetic loser and Harry wanting them to be friends but it doesn’t really work to much at first… they figure it out later though. IDK! I have a lot of ideas! And a lot of them contradict eachother!
I have alot more ideas. But I been typing for far too long so I’m gonna call it wraps. If you read the entirety of this I love you. AND if you’re a writer… and you get inspired by ANY of these and if you write it?? Please let me know! I would love to read it!
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i-mybrunettelady · 3 months
welcome home, nyra
Summary: Alysannyra makes an attempt at reclaiming her body for herself. Content warnings: Masturbation, Light Masochism Spoilers: Path of Fire Note: Minors DNI. This is Explicit mode. 18+ please. Also implied Trammander!
It’s funny, Nyra sometimes thinks, how she’s faced monsters and dragons and gods, yet it took her years to just sit before a mirror naked. She knows how to find humor in various things now. She always has, in hindsight. She simply did not have the means to make her humor funny to everyone else before. 
Her body is not something she finds funny, though. Her story is far from a fucking joke and it’s all there, on her skin, in every bump, line and burn. It’s in the way she moves, the way she exists in this world. So yeah, maybe the fact that she’s afraid of her own bare reflection is embarrassing and shameful and funny, but the body it shows is very much not. 
Who are you trying to convince, Ainsaph? You’re the only person who will ever laugh at you. 
She kicks her foot in the water and frowns. She knows that, and yet. And yet! Face your enemy and all that shit, but facing yourself is harder than it looks. It’s funny. It’s funny. It’s so hilariously funny she forgets to laugh. Nary a giggle in sight. 
She isn’t flinching, though. That’s good. There isn’t peace when she looks at herself, but there isn’t disgust either. The reminders of what she’s been through aren’t as sharp. That’s good. Little progress is progress too, right? Nyra cringes. Is this how bad she is at being kind to herself? She feels like a little girl, staring up at Forgal all indignant and awkward. Is she being indignant right now? Actually indignant, of all things? 
She buries her face in her hands and laughs. Her life plays before her eyes in all its violent glory, as if she’s dying on the hill of… Manors in Divinity’s Reach, in her own private bathroom, in an estate with her own chapel, and she’s taking her last breaths, wheezing and coughing like an old guy with a lung disease. 
“Take care of yourselves, children,” she croaks aloud, imagining her 12 cats somewhere in the manor, and she knows Aurene can hear her, wherever she is right now. “Your grandpa will pray to Dwayna for you..” 
The image sends her shaking from laughter on the edge of the bathtub, one foot in the fresh smelling water, and she’s the only thing echoing in the whole room and the sound reflects back. She stops laughing one wrong move later as she’s falling in the tub, ass hitting the edge at a weird angle. Suddenly she finds herself doing a half-split above water, with what’s likely a sad, angry bruise on her ass and her shoulders slump forward. 
“For fuck’s sake,” Nyra cackles, straightening herself again. “Wouldn’t be the first ass bruise.” She tilts her body and head to look. The throbbing place looks red. “Yeah, that’s gonna bruise. Great job, Nyra. Great job indeed.”
Admittedly, she does look good like this. The thought startles her. It’s been ages since she last thought of herself as attractive. She knows she is, but it’s different when you hear it from other people and when you think that yourself. She watches the shape and width of her hips, the deceptive softness of her belly, the sheer size of her thighs. Someone should fuck me, she thinks. Hands on my hips, as fast or slow as I want to. 
She sees the curly hairs on the unscarred parts of her legs. When she stands normally again, she follows the line of the scars, from her feet and above, to the messy hairs between her legs that extend to her belly and point toward the scar that stayed after Balthazar severed her spine years ago. She died that day. But she isn’t dead. All she has now is a gnarly, faded line that’s mirrored on her lower back. She isn't flinching. Part of her wants to touch it. 
So she does. She rubs a circle on one random spot, hyperfocused on the intercession between the normal flesh of her fingers and her burned knuckles. It feels like a scar. It feels like death. She can’t say she likes it, but it’s a part of her, the same way her eyes are. 
She takes a deep breath. Her hand stops moving and rests above her cunt, a shiny, white nail in the midst of brown, coarse hair. She raises her gaze to look above that still, to the sagginess and scars on her breasts, the burns on her arms. Her hair, wavy and in disarray, falls on her back. Not half bad, she decides with a strange thrill and pressure under her skin. Not half bad at all.
Nyra slides a free hand up to her areola, and sharply takes a breath in. It feels good, a tease. She loves a good tease. She glides her fingers over the scar on her right breast. Finally, a true Ascalonian, she thinks. I even have charr claw scars now! Maybe the Separatists will stop trying to kill me now. 
No such luck. But a girl can dream, yeah? She cups her breast, feels its weight in her palm. It would’ve been great if Trahearne was there to do this for her. She misses the suction of his mouth around her nipple. But he’s away on business in the Grove, so she must take matters into her own hands. The one positioned on her pubes tugs softly at the hairs there. The sharp pain adds to the physical sensation of having a body. 
What a dream, to not be a physical being. Unfortunately, Nyra’s never had the pleasure. Even before the scars, she was aware she was bigger and stronger than most human girls(and some boys) and that she could take things twice her size in combat. Movement feels good, exertion feels even better; her physicality always informed how she interacted with the world. 
She was fine with it, until Balthazar killed her. She was fine with this hairy, muscular, pale killing machine, that’s now looking less than stellar but it works. She should be dead, yet here she is, feeling her own wetness with her fingers, watching her own face go red with heat. Her fingers should not be able to make full range of motion yet they do. 
Why the fuck should she care if she has scars? She refuses to let her rational mind answer that. This sense of power feels better than anything it could ever provide. It feels as if she has Trahearne on his knees before her, looking up with his one eye, awaiting the chance to just get his mouth on her. 
She digs her nails - manicured and firm, longer than she usually wears them - into the soft skin on the side of her cunt. The scratch feels exquisite, and her fingers inch closer and closer to her wetness yet again. Nyra watches the minimal expressions on her face, eyes set on where the wet sounds of sliding in and out are coming from. The length of the nails doesn’t feel as comfortable as it should, but she likes it. She likes the discomfort. It makes her grunt and breathe heavily. 
She doesn’t question why that is. It’s probably another one of her little idiosyncrasies. Getting off on pain isn’t something a lot of people do, and yet, neither is killing gods and dragons. 
Her free hand comes to grasp her nipple and press it between her thumb and forefinger. She makes a choked noise at the back of her throat. The thumb between her legs digs through the folds - much to Nyra’s small amusement - and finds her clit. It’s a little clumsy, and her hand is weirdly stretched, but she somehow manages to both slide in and out and play with her clit. It’s a talent she’d forgotten she had. 
And it’s good, it hurts a little, but it hurts so well she rests her bruised ass on the cold edge of the bathtub and closes her eyes, to enjoy the process. She has no patience for stopping before she comes, not when she’s riding this power trip, not this time, and she allows the sensation to build and build until it crests. Only sound Nyra makes is a groan at the back of her throat as she slides down to the floor, breathless. She then dares to look at the mirror again. 
The face that stares back is red like a ripe tomato, the fingers sticky and wet before her eyes. She’s shaking a little with the aftershocks, still trying to catch her breath. The scars are still there, glaring from the reflection, but somehow, it doesn’t matter like it used to. The bathroom is quiet and large, too large for Nyra and her reflection only, yet she feels like she’s the gravity in the room, sitting naked on the floor, radiant in the afterglow of an orgasm. 
It’s been a while since he last thought of herself as radiant. 
Welcome home, Nyra. 
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redflagsandbanners · 2 years
#Ronancetober _ Day 3
"This happened then. You -"
"Robin -"
"I mean, listen -"
"Robin, I swear -"
"You're not so different from a wet cat -"
"I will murder you, Buckley, this is it for - Stop laughing, for the love of God!"
Robin bends in half, clutching at her stomach, and it is so very awful of her to be mocking her best friend where she is dripping a little pool of water on the bathroom tiles. Something about the car dying in the middle of the stupid road, something about missing first period, something about getting caught in the storm and something about -
"This is not funny!"
"You kept walking, why did you keep walking?!"
"Shut up. Shut up, shut up, Buckley, my god -"
She tries to swallow down the giggles, she tries to focus on pity and stop laughing at the sight of Nancy Wheeler scowling at the mirror over the sinks while standing defeated. Hair dripping, jacket thrown on the counter (also dripping), sweater clinging on her torso like a foot towel in front of a bathtub, pants and boots squeaking with each shift of her.
"You're gonna get sick, man".
"Well, what the fuck am I supposed to do?"
"Want me to call Steve come get you home to change?"
"As if he'll let me sit on his car like this".
"If he wants to live another day, he shall do so".
Nancy stills, meeting Robin's eyes through the mirror. Sighs a deep, depressed sound, and runs a hand through the wet curls of her hair. Her hand comes back just as wet and by now, she is starting to shudder, rough chills snapping through her spine.
"I'm gonna get sick, man", Nancy repeats and Robin chuckles, going to lean on the counter next to her.
Something bright is glimmering in the deep blue eyes. Nancy glares at the lazy smirk.
"What, what, what is it?"
"I may have a solution".
Dread. This is what Nancy feels when her best friend smirks like this. Her heart is pounding by now and she cannot - she cannot take her eyes away from the glimmer in Robin's eyes. The next shudder has nothing to do with the cold and she - she thinks of Pennhurst, suddenly. Of bad ideas. Of them sticking together through them.
"So tonight was supposed to be the very first football game of the semester but it is raining so, naturally, it got canceled -"
"- meaning my band uniform -"
"No, no. I'll be fine".
"- it ain't gonna be used by anyone today".
"I'm alright, really".
"You're already sniffing, Wheeler".
She groans, an even deeper sound, letting her head hang and letting her soul leave her body, so only a casket of useless bones is left behind.
"Fuck me", she mumbles and Robin chuckles again, the smirk spreading into an excited grin.
"Do I bring it over?"
"If I see you carrying the hat, I will kill you".
"Yes, ma'am", Robin bounces off of the counter and goddamn races out of the bathroom to her locker.
Nancy hangs her head again. Closes her eyes and fights to keep from shuddering even more. Everything needs to go; sweater and undershirt and underwear, pants and socks and boots. A towel is needed. A cup of tea with an obnoxious amount of honey, is needed too. She keeps sniffing and she keeps feels a scratch at the back of her throat and goddamn, goddamn -
The bathroom door slams open. And, suddenly, Robin looks incredibly nervous. Folded green and white clothes are held close to her chest; white shoes held by two fingers. A gym towel is on the girl's shoulder.
Nancy could kiss her right now.
"Listen, calling Steve is probably a better idea anyway. I mean there isn't a lot for you in this school to get you warm right now. You probably need a warm shower or something - "
"Robin. These are enough. Thank you".
"Sure. Sure thing. Here, the towel is clean and everything. Do you want me to go? I can find you a plastic bag for the wet clothes -"
"No, I'll only take a minute. Hold on, we'll go together".
"Sure, sure..." - Robin is fidgety. Why is she fidgety? - "...I'll be right here".
From the stall, Nancy can hear her pacing across the length of the room. It is not like this is the first time they exchange clothes for Robin to be this nervous, but Nancy guesses the uniform is another territory.
It doesn't feel much different than the rest of Robin's clothes. The green pants are incredibly soft against her legs and they're long. She has practiced the way of folding them over around her ankles. Socks and shoes slightly bigger than her own. Shirt brushing thick over her chest, big enough to hide the fact she won't be wearing a bra for the rest of the day.
It smells like cotton and like Robin. It takes her a moment to get the buttons lined up. It takes her another moment to slip the jacket over without messing the decorating pins and chains hanging from the pockets. She sighs in relief as it hangs from her shoulders, buggy and warm and so so comforting. Her fingertips curl around the edges of the sleeves, tugging it in loose fists and, god, it feels like sleeping in Robin's bed.
"Nance, you good in there?"
She has closed her eyes. She has nuzzled her face in the soft collar, breathing in the girl's scent.
Her voice is hoarse. "Yeah. I'm coming out".
On the other side of the door, Robin snorts a laughing sound. "Been waiting for that for a while", she teases and, despite not being able to see her, Nancy rolls her eyes with a smirk of her own.
Robin leans against the wall in front of the stalls, and, even when the girl's motionless weight is supported by the bricks, at the sight of Nancy stepping out of the stall has her stumbling.
Knees wavering and jaw dropping open and cheeks flushing bright red and a strangled sound escaping her throat. At the reaction, Nancy lifts both eyebrows.
"You good?"
Nancy smirks. "Some drool on the side of her mouth, Buckley".
"I'm... Listen. Listen, Wheeler, you - you know you're a gorgeous being of a girl. You know it and this - you look even better in my... I mean -"
Nancy's eyebrows are up to her hairline by now. She is blushing just as much but - but refuses to look away from Robin pressing further against the wall. Clearly affected by what she is seeing. Clearly nervous about it. Clearly unable to hide the emotions from her face.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Nance, I'll - I'll go. I'll go, I don't want you to feel, like, uncomfortable or - or - or, like -"
"Hey, no..." - Nancy frowns and comes closer to press a hand on Robin's arm. The girl jolts at the touch, wide eyes snapping down to find Nancy's own.
"You'd never make me feel uncomfortable".
Robin gulps but doesn't nod. At finding her so overwhelmed, both wonder and fear in her gaze, Nancy feels her chest both tight and loosen.
She jumps forward, wrapping her best friend in the tightest of hugs. Immediately, both arms fly around her too, embracing her right back, and when standing this close, Nancy feels the relief leaking through the girl's shoulders and chasing away the fear.
Against her skin, the uniform rubs comfortingly stiff. Warm. Nancy shudders, heart pounding so fast she is sure Robin can feel it.
On Robin's denim jacket, Nancy whispers, "You like me".
Both arms tighten when Robin starts to tremble.
"You're my best friend".
"But you... you like like me".
"I'm - I'm - Nance, I - "
Nancy presses harder against her shoulder, closes her eyes tight as her heart threatens to jump out of her mouth. "Can I kiss you?"
"Nancy, I - I'm - I don't want this to just be - be, like, just a moment. I don't..." - when Nancy pulls back to look up at her, Robin's breaths catch at her throat - "...I want this to - to be a full thing".
Nancy cannot stop looking at her lips. "Really?"
"I - I - I mean..."
"I want that too. The full thing. Everything. I want it too, Robin".
"You - Really?"
Nancy smiles up at her. Robin exhales a long, overwhelmed blow of air, some tension slacking out of her.
"So... can I kiss you?"
"You can kiss me".
Robin sucks in another breath, nervously licks her lips, and the sight is enough to have Nancy's knees ducking in longing.
When Robin reaches over, smoothing out the collar of the green jacket, her hand is trembling and another blush is raising to her cheeks. Fingers curl softly around the edge of the stiff fabric, tugging Nancy just a bit closer.
They both gulp.
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aztarion · 6 months
HI. 10/11 i actually don't know what route Deva is on💔 fake fan. also 7 and 15 👀
HI JULES!! omg no i dont think i ever mentioned it dont worry im actually not even 100% set on what i have at the moment either BUT lets go on an adventure 🫴
10. If on the Bobby route, did your detective and Bobby kiss? Unwanted or Wanted? How is your detective dealing with this? And how do you think M will react once they find out?
But but but… Dev is my messy chaos child of course she kissed Bobby 🤦‍♀️
its a complicated situation and theres a rat-king tangle of emotions she doesn’t want to even begin to parse through knotting in her chest and stomach after the carnival w Mason and what she overhears from him back at the warehouse. she didn’t particularly DESIRE to kiss Bobby (but the girl lying in bed w her cat and 18 kirbies cackling evilly and choosing whatever’s funniest did shh) but they have a history and hes easy and she has steam to blow off and destructive habits to engage and the devil you know, you know. if there’s one thing about Deva she does not let things go and she will get even after taking the slightest hit to her ego, as shitty as that sounds 😭 zero emotional regulation . so yeah she initiates the kiss 🕴️
she is meh towards bobby in general (thinks hes funny in ‘i hate my job and this nosey ass reporter i used to fw in college adds a little entertainment’ way) but doesn’t regret the kiss in terms of feeling bad with regards to mason. wildly, she went into book 3 with a good relationship with bobby (truly chaotic exes) despite being a huge bitch in book 1 to him so he did NOT bring up the kiss to mason which she had forgot all about until that point. i would say thats when it starts to weigh on her subconscious a little, an uncomfortable niggling that she suppresses with her usual vices and louder simpler thoughts and feelings. im hoping thats not the end of it and that it does get brought up again just to make her squirm hehe
7. What does your detective think of the glimpse of M’s past and their “not guilty” judgment?
dev has an eerie sixth sense for weird shit and a knack for springing into action at pivotal and intense moments, but putting effort into dissecting and finding meaning in these strange situations is not her specialty so she doesnt bother. what she sees hardly makes sense to her at that moment other than the real flesh-and-blood-not-mirror Mason is on his knees in pain so um yeah she fucking shoots the mirror LMAO. crazy ass
later when its mentioned that what was playing out was Masons past, she feels sympathetic for sure — it looked like torture and experimentation to her, plus later when she gets another piece of the puzzle that M purposefully chose to have their memories wiped, she figures thats precisely why. having something like that haunting you, especially for an eternity as a vampire, would for sure fuck you up and she’d do the same.
as for the not guilty verdict, well she barely listened to Falk 😭 but she’d believe it. even if mason went beast mode and killed everyone in that room, it looked like they deserved it to her, and she has off-kilter morals and a twisted sense of justice anyway to put it lightly (capt sung was off the shits on his 8th line of coke with jeremy fragrance and mayor friedman on the day he promoted this woman in law enforcement I can tell u that much . Had to be)
15. What is your detective’s relationship with Rebecca like? If they saw the conversation that she has with M before the end of Book 2, what would they think?
BAD!! oh so so bad. *slaps devas head* this oc can pack so many grudges and let absolutely nothing go, ever . i delve a bit away from canon with her backstory and give an extra L to rebecca to keep secret and feel guilty about — in dev’s early childhood, after rooks death but before her 7th bday, rebecca permitted the agency to wipe a memory from deva which was of an imaginary friend that actually wasn’t imaginary and in fact a supernatural 🏃‍♀️ i go into that a lot more in the fic im writing and what it does to their relationship when dev finds out so ill spare details cuz this is long as hell already.
for the talk with Mason, god im fuzzy on it atm but if i remember right becky stays in her lane 😤 thats another thing that drives dev insane, is Rebecca thinking she can suddenly just involve herself in her personal life because theyre working together now. much too little far too late. rebecca is less than a stranger to her as far as deva is concerned and she is extremely harsh and unforgiving (which if mishka doesnt, i will make come back and bite dev in the ass bc truth be told i do like Rebecca as a character hehe)
thank you jules <33 you have GOT to rb one of these things some day so i can poke and prod about your love triangle menace 😤
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mashiee · 1 year
Arlo headcanons please please please gimme
ok so
i hc that he has 4 older siblings, but was separated from them pretty early on due to [REDACTED] so he was practically alone his whole life, with the occasional step in from valerie
*[REDACTED] is a whole Thing, so send another ask in if you want me to talk about it and go into detail abt my hcs for arlo family/family dynamic(s)
this is very much why he so easily believes her and why he seems so much more adamant about the hierarchy compared to other characters
also why he acts like an only child despite having four older siblings
his sister has tried to reconnect with him but its a work in progress
he collects antique buttons and very much has a hyper fixation on them
yes he is autistic, tbh i probably dont even have to say that
bee allergy, esp hornets
hates wearing shorts outside would rather die than wear them out it feels so weird to him
honestly im not entirely sure what i hc arlos gender. it tends to switch between cismasc and amab demiboy. also sometimes tho its amab nonbinary or agender
also a bit unsure about pronouns. he/him for now but if i end up going for nonbinary or agender later on probably it/its pronouns. or maybe they/them
speaking of being queer he has internalized homophobia (possibly via valerie) so he probably doesnt come out until much later in life
he struggles with allowing himself to be feminine or sometimes even androgynous. was taught growing up that he has to be masculine and strong
its being worked on
plays animal crossing a lot
probably the only video game he plays. aside from maybe like. tetris
probably plays with elaine whether he knows its her or not
gay asexual
says he prefers dogs bc theyre more obedient but in reality he prefers cats
multiple times in a week he'll have moments where he'll suddenly Realize just exactly how Tall. he is
prefers reading over movies/tv/yt/etc. it just isnt as interesting to him. also he prefers things that are physical and that he can feel
acts all superior and shit but in reality hes super self deprecating and thinks he'll never amount to what is expected of him
was deprived of having hobbies and playing as a child so he's very much discovering his inner child as he grows and gets further away from the box he tries to mold into
likes adult coloring books a lot
cant stand repeating sounds it makes him dissociate
derealizes a lot
cant recognize himself in a mirror most of the time so he just. doesnt have them. and when in places that do have them he wont look at them. like if he's in the bathroom he'll look down the entire time he wont look up
same reason why he hates photos
absolutely despises mashed potatoes they are so slimey and disgusting
sometimes i consider hcing him as being 18-19 instead of 17-18 bc like. a lot of autistic children repeat kindergarten for lack of communication/interaction with other children
at the same time tho i feel like valerie wouldnt have allowed that
is a cat person
both in that he prefers cats and also that hes a wet cat
he never actually fights people he just crushes them w his barrier or lets them suffer the backlash from attacking it and then moves on
therefore he is weak asf and has no body strength. mr mans has noodle arms
long eyelashes
like john hes also vampire tier but hes sophisticated whereas john is like... feral vampire
sometimes i hc him as british and having an english accent bc i think its funny
can cook enough to survive but its mediocre
cannot handle ANY amount of spicy
pepper and any form of mint is spicy to him
hates mushrooms
has tried weed exactly two (2) times and has hated it both times
in his words "i felt like a coffee grinder with nothing to grind"
why do you, as a man, feel like you need something to grind? do you want to grind on a man?? is that it?? gay
the first person who convinced him to try it was a combo of rei and kuyo, the second time it was holden
arlo still questions why he did it the second time KNOWING he wouldnt like it
theres a senior chat and arlo got named "Big Daddy" in the chat by holden and he has no idea how to change it and no one will tell him so he just suffers
you would think as a king or whatever hed know how to blackmail ppl to get them to do what he wants but he actually doesnt
people just automatically listen to him so when hes faced with someone who wont, he either broods about it or straight up attacks them. sometimes both
more arlo stuff: arlo sibling info | [REDACTED]
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smileymoth · 10 days
Im also always thinking about how sometimes characters and owners kind of mirror each other unknowingly sometimes.
Easiest example lets talk about Danny lore created when I didnt know anything yet. That would happen. Dannys dad died and his mom moved countries with him for ? reason. (I literally forgot why). He used to be a girl, then was very feminine guy, (now i just say shes nb bc lolz)
Now, my dad fucking dies when im 19, i just killed off dannys dad when i was 11 bc it was the cool thing to do to your ocs. Even knowing that hes supposed to be me. Right. I move cities, not countries, but whatever. Same thing really. Im non binary now. Refused to believe it for 10 years bc "im feminine. That means im a girl" girl words mean nothing shut up. I think dannys gender is sth that always has tagged along with me. Funny enough.
And then like. His pet cat. He used to be a shadow creature that followed him around unknowingly until he materialized into a physical animal that daniel is stuck with wether he likes it or not bc you cant kill him, he can teleport so he will always come back, and he talks to you. And insults you.
12 year old me created a literal allegory for depression without knowing it. I realised it like 2 months ago that hey wait a minute, i know exactly what he sounds like.
So like. Be careful what traits you give your personas/fursonas, because they can easily manifest into a real thing
And like. Now the only thing for me is to wait for when i get famous and well off with money so i could just do what i wanted. Dannys in a band for fucks sake, so im waiting for the day thats gona manifest to my life
Daniel was a deeper part of me before i even knew it and I love her so much she is my best creation yet. I will never tire of him.
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you-aremy-sunshine · 2 years
ten things i hate about you ☆ bonus ☆ - b.b.
summary: you have met this man once in your life, at a bar after you passed out. and the second time you meet him it definitely is less pleasant. thankfully you never ever have to see him again. except now you are forced on a plane with him to the mediterranean because the tickets are non-refundable. fuck this.
pairing: bucky barnes x reader, natasha romanoff x reader
warnings: cursing, maybe?
a/n: GUYS😭😭 i'm literally leaving all y'all DRY. i am deeply sorry i just have like NO inspiration. (cuz like i get inspo from my life but i have no fucking action rn guys💀) ANYWAYS i hope u like it cuz its all ur getting until like a week or 2 from now🤭🫶
also i meant to post this after i finished the series but i wanted to give y'all smth
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top five insults by barnes and y/l/n
number one
you could hear the buzz of the hair clipper coming from the bungalow bathroom. the sound stopped abruptly, and bucky walked out. you looked up from your book to see bucky putting his fancy clippers away into his suitcase.
“i just love what you did to your hair,” you exclaimed, “how did you get it to come out of your nose like that?” you mocked innocence, trying to hold back laughter.
“very funny, y/n…” he said, mocking you, while walking back into the bathroom to inspect his nose.
number two
you adjusted the cotton sundress you had on in front of the mirror, trying to get it to fit properly. the part holding your boobs up didn’t sit properly and the straps were too big.
“at this point you should just take the mirror with you,” bucky remarked.
“honestly, i think you’re just jealous that you look like a ‘before’ picture and i look like an ‘after picture’,” you spun around to face him, arms crossed agaisnt your torso.
you turned back around and found a way to make the dress feel comfortable.
“okay, i got to agree that was a good one,” he laughed, his eyes drifting over your outfit.
number three
“oh my god, bucky look,” you signaled towards a book, “10 ways to help your everyday life this is perfect for your pathetic life,” you flashed him a wide grin.
he picked it up, inspected it, but you could tell he was trying to fight a smile.
“hmm,” he said, thoughtfully, “don’t worry about me, sweetheart, worry about that hideous wardrobe.”
“i know you love it, i saw the way you were eyeing my sundress the other day,” you hit his arm, snickering.
he nodded in response to your reply, a sneaky grin lingering.
number four
the two of you were emptying the dishwasher of the bungalow, you were drying the plates and bowls, and bucky was putting them away.
“this isn’t dry enough, y/n,” bucky insisted, flipping the mug over, while watching the extra water drip out of it, “you left some water in here.”
“do it yourself then,” you said, rolling your eyes at him.
“you’re just adorable, y/n!” bucky said, laughing to himself a bit, “you’re just like my cat, stupid and fiesty for no reason.” he began to cackle.
“aww! and you’re just like a clown, no hidden reason behind that,” you smiled up at him mischievously.
number five
you were spending your downtime standing by the kitchen counters, checking your phone. bucky was standing next to you, baking a small batch of muffins.
“literally every guy i get matched with on this stupid app is mediocre,” you said scrolling through a dating app, “i hate online dating.”
“oh honey, im so sorry for you,” bucky said, faking pity, “all those guys are just way too out of your league. you have miles and miles to go before you reach mediocre!” as he said that he crouched down to your height.
“shut the fuck up barnes,” you said pushing his face away from you.
he let out a loud cackle, pleased with your response.
hope u liked it cuz its all i got rn🙂🙂
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🔮Twisted Wonderland Theory Guess 🔮
“🤔 Is MC/Yuu is descendants of ‘Balance Keeper’? Or Alice from series ‘Alice Comedies’?”
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Never thought we are going to follow MC/Yuu's journey to Episode 07 Diasomnia soon. Probably the main story will began on winter seasons. Suddenly I want to discuss about the MC/Yuu, along other Yuu from Twst comic and Twst novel. We already know a two main character that resemble as MC/Yuu (Not official yet),Enma Yuuken (Comic) and Kuroki Yuuya(Novel). Since it's school of boys, means the MC is a male, while in the game the MC gender is neutral. Can be male or female. Same like other games too.
Even MC/Yuu doesn't have a magic skills in Twisted Wonderland, MC has a unknown ability that can read predict what will happen on those students. Sort of a dimension psychic mind to see subject past and presence. Also, MC is the first person who met Mickey Mouse in the mirror. Dire Crowley did gave MC "Ghost Camera" in Prologue, a camera that is able to take a picture of anything possessing a soul. Sounds very similar how we make a moving pictures to make a animation short film in 90s. In scene old Disney "Alice in Wonderland" at “Alice Comedies”.
I did realize something of MC's ability "Time sight" of Future, Past, and presence. It is similar ability of Master Yen Sid, The Balance Keeper. Yen Sid is also can see someone's past like MC's did see Villains Past in different parallel. It could possibly MC is Yen Sid's Descendants. Why you ask? MC and Yen Sid almost similar, they're not in Heroes or Villains side. More like Tritagonist or Rebel. A person who knows which path they must follow and will seek the truth in knowledge. Plus, remember when the magic dark mirror in Prologue Can't see the colors of MC's souls due ceremony NRC? That is why MC is resemble of "Balance", between light and dark like Yen Sid. So, MC souls color is grey. Even the students see MC more like Cheeky and Blunt. No matter MC doesn't have a magic, but MC did have a secret talent That no one can have. Now let's talk about Connection MC with Grim. Grim's name is from story fairy tale. We maybe think Grim is similar with Stitch, but actually he remind me of Julius the Cat from "Alice Comedies". His mischievous, helper, and comedic is similar with Julius.
Only thing something connection to this, MC resemble as Alice and Grim as Julius. Alice met Julius the Cat in Cartoon land when Alice done visit Mr."WD" in his animation workshop. Julius always accompany Alice wherever she goes to seek new adventure she never see before. Same how Grim will always accompany MC to seek if there's a chance to return to real world while help Grim to graduate in Night Raven College with others too.
I do believe that Dire Crowley and Ambrose could it be Yen Sid "Apprentice". Both of them had same level mastery magician, Ambrose with Light Magic and Crowley with Dark Magic. While Yen Sin both light and magic, Balance Magic. I got feeling that Ambrose approach to Dire Crowley more like his "Kouhei/Junior", while Ambrose is Crowley "Senpai/Senior" (if it's true). One thing I suspicious on Crowley is, Crowley could be doing this Overblot situation is following the original Villains role story by choosing students that is already Have Villains heritage magic. Like Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, Vil, Idia and Malleus when everyone is in Coffin due ceremony Dark Mirror. Grim could be part Crowley's plan too or it just Crowley himself pretend he didn't know anything. Ambrose actually knows what's going Due VDC last year in Episode 05 Pomefiore. Which means Ambrose can predict future like Merlin. For Crowley, he could be resemble "The Phantom Blot", character from "House of Mouse" and monster in "Epic Mickey". Since who else knows about "Blot" thing?
Last is connection with Mickey Mouse, we know that Mickey as iconic mascot of Disney. Funny of my thoughts that Ambrose and Crowley remind me of Mickey and Oswald the Lucky rabbit. While Grim as Julius the Cat. In Epic Mickey, Oswald feel jealous and annoying that his "father"-Loves Mickey the most, same goes to Toon people who always remember him than Oswald. Same goes Crowley is sick that people more support to RSA and Ambrose than NRC and himself.
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Do you have any random spooky month headcanons you want to share? This is an excuse to go on a rant about any sort of spooky month stuff that's been rattiling in your brain.
my brainrot is strong and I rlly like your headcanons so jhdskfhg
Firstly - thank you omg
Second! I have a bunch of headcanons but unfortunately my brain has decided to dump them all into a box and put them on a shelf I can't reach, so I'm just going to ramble about whatever
People almost never talk about Streber having technical know-how and I'm mad about that
Like the camera mirror is so clever, how long did that take to plan? How'd he come up with it?? Did he make the cape himself or did he get someone else to do it???
Also talked about this with @interdimensionalvoid a bit but I love the idea that Streber hates being babied, he is independent and wants to be scene as such
Another reason it sucks for him to be down an arm lmao
I don't want this to entirely be about Streber soo headcanon lightning round:
Radford is actually colorblind and his glasses are color corrective. Them resembling 3D glasses is just a funny coincidence
I keep flip-flopping between Dexter adopting cats as a buffer if he goes without work for a while vs him having one cat that he absolutely adores and would never harm because both sound really good
Rick is acquainted with most of the town bc of his job hopping
Also if Rick's in the mood for it he tells really good jokes
Frank has low empathy and is v selfish
He does genuinely care for Skid and Pump tho, and still cares for his old friend group (even if the only one he sees nowadays is Lila if he's lucky)
Also yes I'm not over the idea of them all being friends there is so much p o t e n t i a l
Jaune has ADHD and her husband has autism. Ross has... something, haven't figured it out yet
As an addendum to the above, all the Hatz are neurodivergent
The cult broke the thieves out of jail when they broke Bob out of jail, as a "yeah why not, they could be useful" thing. They gave the two an amulet to keep track of them and Fat Thief wears it under his sweater, not knowing he really shouldn't
They tried to pawn it off but the pawn shop just would not accept it for some reason
Dexter's funky eye is genetic and also a lazy eye. Both his glasses and goggles are prescription and even though it's technically fixed he still wears them
The Hobomen are army deserters. They probably could have found a job in town, but being hobos was more enticing
Shotty once tried to teach John's daughter how to use a shotgun and John nearly capped him for it
Speaking of her, she's friends with Robert's little sister! They're a Skid and Pump-esque duo and frequently get into Mischief
I have more but I'm still struggling to reach the box!! I'm open to headcanon dumping anytime though, just ask :>
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pop-punklouis · 2 years
Hi babe 💗
(I'm answering both of yours in this one) it's fine! I figured you'd be resting up from the trip, I just wanted you to have a message anyways! I hope you managed to get in some nice relaxed time.
Oh yes. We form a good chunk of ourselves when we're young through observation. You grow up and you can see the ways in which you often mirror your parents, it's crazy.
I get that though. Somedays when I wanna read I get through like a few pages and I fall asleep. Or I'm just not in the mental space to read even though reading is my absolute fav thing to do. Maybe you'll find a better time to read if you wanted to, someday, y'know?
Ahhh okay this is a reminder to send pictures of your cats! One of them is a Persian-angora mix and the other is a lil tuxedo cat. They are lowkey enemies even though it's much better than it used to be but you're never gonna catch them becoming friends :((
Stop I love supernatural/paranormal stuff! It's endlessly fascinating to me and I honestly should be delving into it deeper but I often feel like I've too many things I wanna do and too little time. Those are all such cool interests! Umm I love love love psychology. Quite passionate about writing, I suppose. Spirituality. Ooh and space!!
Second ask: thank youuu I mostly just plan on pulling my fic together and maybe reading!
Ahh I've always wanted to play the guitar! Even had bought one but never got around to it rip. Cross stitching, that's pretty cool!! Used to cross stitch a tiny bit. And I kinda wish I had gotten like, art classes of some sort bc I do paint but I've zero training and I'd love some. If I could sketch?? I'd be untouchable. And learning any musical instrument really.
Today's question: what is a very fond memory of yours?
Have a wonderful day love xx
HIIIII i just woke up. i pulled an all nighter last night to finish some orders for my shop so i didn’t go to sleep until 5 AM 💀
but! yes, fic used to be a big part of my fandom experience when i was younger so i miss it sometimes yk the nostalgia of it all. wishing you all the best with pulling your fic together 🤍🥺
both of my indoor cats are enemies so i completely get that dynamic lmao but my younger cat likes to bully my older cat more than anything else rip your cats sound so pretty though 💕 here are mine as promised!! (elvis, jagger, dorian, keanu) 🌼
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i’m so glad we share that same love for the supernatural/paranormal. it’s just an endless pit of knowledge and intrigue. i can never get enough of it. oooo psychology is a good one. if i had taken one more psych course in undergrad i would’ve minored in psychology which is funny bc all i did was take those classes as electives bc i was interested in them. what’s your favorite interest in psychology? criminal psychology and abnormal psychology are two of mine 👁 and spiritually and space!!!!! yes i also love both of those as well. i used to be a huge space buff when i was younger ✨
playing an instrument takes so much dedication and motivation. two things i did not have growing up lmao i love that you bought a guitar but never played it. very big me energy djdkdkd i had to sell my keyboard bc of the same exact reason years ago. painting would be a dream to be talented in. any type of art actually, but yeah painting would be super cool. the power one holds with a paintbrush astonishes me sometimes ❤️‍🩹
hmmm i think one of my fondest memories is when i went to my first concert. 10 years old going to see hannah montana and the jonas brothers. it’s what turned me on to music and live music as a whole. never stopped breathing it since then 👐🏼 how about you? what’s one of your fondest memories? x
hope you have a great tuesday, love!! 🔮
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