#any mutuals or folks who with to chat more can dm me for my discord
that--unusual-person · 8 months
in regards to the last few reposts, i’ll be going on a hiatus from tumblr and will try to become more active on my insta/twitter till things clear out
insta: von_unusual
twitter: @thatsunusually
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findroleplay · 2 months
**18+ ⭑ 21+ PREFERRED ⭑ DISCORD ⭑ OC x OC**
Any obsessive freaks in chat? I'm craving twisted romance, unconditional devotion, (mutual) unhealthy obsession, violent possessiveness, and love-drunk stalkers/killers. ⭑ I've got a few concepts I'm really excited about though I'm super open to other ideas as well, or creating something fresh together, as long as it contains characters who want to crawl inside their lover's skin and lick the blood off each other's hands. ⭑ Themes that I'm currently craving and you can expect from me are horror, crime, mystery, violence, stalking, obsession, the occult, supernatural creatures, forbidden relationships, age gaps, etc.
Some of my plot pitches can be found here (https://callingallcreatures.carrd.co/#secret). The ones I'm most excited for at the moment have a ⛥ in their name.
A "quick" rundown of my current preferences and what I offer: I average 2-6 paragraphs though I don't expect my partner to match. Fun and quality over quantity! ⭑ You can expect a few replies a week, more if we're doing rapid fire. ⭑ Third person, past or present tense with a slight preference for the latter. ⭑ OOC chatter, excitement, and feedback are very important to me! Dry texters do not interact (/hj). I love people who can't shut up! ⭑ I'd prefer it if you were comfortable with darker and/or dead dove themes and smut, though this doesn't mean that it's my main focus.
F/NB x M/Masc/NB. For this specific craving, I'm looking to write against masculine tops, be it men, butches, or masc non-binary folk. ⭑ Top does not per se equal dom though! I'm down for no power dynamics, as well as service, pleasure, and/or masochistic tops. ⭑ I myself write and enjoy all kinds of roles, however, I do not usually play subservient characters and I do NOT write masochists. ⭑ I adore playing headstrong outcasts and often lean into more alternative aesthetics and appearances. ⭑ You can expect both "aggressors" and "targets" from me, and most of my characters are at least a little messed up.
Interested? Feel free to DM me and tell me what caught your eye! Maybe share your own preferences, your hard limits, etc. Excited to hear from you soon!
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gothamsaved · 6 months
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To keep this as short as I can — as someone with bad anxiety but a stronger want to start poking Mutuals more, I figured putting something like this out there helps a ton to know who is alright with me being a friendly pest. It’s meant to reassure me people are alright with me kicking their doors in with my muses.
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↳ You’re alright with me sending you *Askmemes as soon as I see they’ve been reblogged along with sending the occasional *Unprompted Ask or *Surprise Short Starter. Sometimes they’ll just be Bruce commenting on ongoing threads — think dash-commentary style. Others are just *IC / OOC Questions. Basically this just gives me permission to be a menace to your inbox without feeling guilty.
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↳ You’re alright with me replying to any *Open Starters I spot, even if we already have one or more threads ongoing. Just a heads up I will aim to keep these short since they’re usually spontaneous threads done for fun. If they happen to get longer? I’m here for it!
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↳ You’re alright with me tagging you in *Dashgames when I do come across them. Along with tag you in *Musings, Aesthetics &&. *Muse Song Posts if they remind me of your muse &&. our interactions.
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↳ Piggy backing off the last point, there are no promises made, but if it’s alright that I make the occasional *Edit through *Gifsets of your muse or our muses dynamic, *Aesthetic Edit Posts or *Web Weavings. Even the occasional *Drawing / Doodle. Chances are, if I’m inspired or invested enough &&. have the time to spare, I do enjoy doing these for close Mutuals!
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↳ You’re alright with me making *Headcanon Posts as our muses dynamics develop through ongoing interactions. This is a recent thing I’m trying to start doing more of, where I make headcanon *Directories for muses on my end to better keep track &&. document HC’s. I heavily value developing bonds between me &&. my writing partners muses so if it is alright with Mutuals that their muse is *mentioned in posts like this?
Please let me know in a comment or DMs! Usually I will ask permission to write these out beforehand.
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↳ You’re alright with me giving you my *Discord so we can talk more OOC to chat or to discuss ideas &&. our current threads / plot possible future ones. I struggle with this, but I would really love to discuss headcanons more when they crop up, along with just getting more used to screeching to partners about how much I loved recent replies. Just a warning is I am a little shy &&. my social battery can vary between extra outgoing to having no energy to respond back, so as long as that’s alright! I am making grabby hands!
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* Please note that interacting with this post also gives you permission to do any of these things right back. If you want me to do only some of these things but not others, please, feel free to comment in the notes or let me know in private.
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↳ Lastly, if you have yet to fill out my *Interest Tracker — I highly urge you to so I know how best to approach you in the future along with what dynamics you’re interested in pursuing! It’s not mandatory but it helps so so much.
The purpose of this post is simply meant to reassure that there is a shared interest in interacting more in the future, mainly for my own anxiety since I do struggle a lot with pushing myself to poke new folks without feeling like I’m being a bit of a bother. It’s usually why I rely heavily on starter calls &&. inbox calls so I have that known permission to toss my muses people’s way.
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countercharmda · 10 months
okay! so, i've mentioned it a couple of times, but i think sometime this week i will be doing some cleanup here. ( expect this around december 1st. ) this will include my inbox, my drafts, my posts, my likes, and my follower count. i will probably also be changing my url to the new one i have saved then! it's gonna be very fun and nifty.
the short of it is that i will be softblocking ( or hardblocking, if preferred ) folks who have not expressed interest in writing ic or chatting ooc. if you just got here and are panicking for xyz reason? worry not! here is my interest tracker if you're a bit too nervous to reach out ooc. this meme is also good, if you would like me to come up with some ideas! ( i will hopefully get to these in a timely manner ). and of course, if this feels too much like an ultimatum or a stressor for you, then you are genuinely more than welcome to softblock ( or hardblock ) me and continue on with your day. please curate your space! NOTE: neither of these are required if we are already talking or plotting ooc!
the long of it...will be under the cut, because i am ultimately feeling a little bit rambly.
i've been trying to figure out how to approach my larger following of people who have not reached out to me, and i think this is a good start. i've only been in this rpc for two months and so much i feel like has happened already, and one of the best things to come from it is watching this turn into...more of a community if that makes sense. i like seeing what all is going on with my mutuals and stuff on the dash. i'm aware this is a very chronically online take, but in my defense i have been...chronically online since i have been a child, and i don't believe in dismissing online friendships. i like having people to send memes to in discord dms and tumblr ims, i like feeling like i can talk to people. as mentioned in m a n y posts on this blog, i'm a chatty guy! this is why i mention that i won't cut a mutual if we're not writing ic, because i think talking ooc is just as important -- if not more, sometimes.
simultaneously, though, i find myself feeling anxious about being overlooked or forgotten. this is an insecurity i've had for my whole life. while i'm more confident nowadays that i am, in fact, the shit, i still don't want to feel this way in a hobby -- and i don't want any of my mutuals to feel this way, either. i think that if i cut my follower count down and shift my priorities in this way, then it'll help lessen this feeling for both parties.
i also want to stress that this is a hobby, and i do not want anyone to feel like they owe me anything ic or ooc. i work a hectic job, i have chores to do, and i might even be going back to college in january. there will always be real life obligations that are more important than writing blorbos on the internet. i will never intentionally make you feel guilty for not having the spoons to reach out to me. if you still uncomfortable with this post or this change, that is completely okay, and i encourage you to softblock ( or hardblock ) me. i want you to feel comfortable enough to have fun!
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Mobile-Friendly Rules (Updated?)
( Updated with a question mark because I think I made mobile rules before but I'm making new ones with snippets from my rules list I think are important! So let's roll this out! )
Mun is 30+, meaning this blog is 21+ only.
Muse =/= Mun and darker themes are not condoned irl.
Basic RP etiquette will be given and thus, expected in kind.
Drama is not tolerated. No callouts, no anon asks 'warning me' about people, and no vague posts. If I see you doing this shit I will soft block without question.
This doubles as an ask blog; you don't need an RP account to poke Vash. However: anon is a privilege and not a right and will be taken away if things escalate.
Blog is decently moderate activity, though I have more spoons some days than others.
I am very selective, but not mutuals only. I give (most) everyone a chance but will not pursue interactions if I feel our writing/characters don't mesh.
Due to a recent incident, I am not interested in interacting with OC-only content/blogs unless they belong to friends. This includes following them or having them follow me. If you have canons, throw them at me first so I can get to know you. I will not budge on this.
I am 100% duplicate-friendly, but assume other Vashes are not unless I am followed first.
Discord is NOT available to people I've just met. And as a warning to people who do want it: I am much easier to speak to/poke in group chat settings over one-on-one.
Shipping + NSFW
Lewd stuff can be sent/directed at the main blog, but if it starts getting hot and heavy, things will move to the NSFW side blog. Reserved for 21+ folks only.
This blog is multiship and I will not bend on that. Unless cheating/complicated relationships are planned in advance, every ship is it's own thing.
Do not forceship with me. Do not assume a relationship with Vash when the muses have just started interacting. I don’t DM RP OCxCanon, so don’t ask.
Mun chemistry is just as important as muse chemistry when it comes to shipping; if our vibes don't mesh, I won't push for a ship.
My blog is a Plantcest-friendly zone. Shippers and non-shippers are welcome to interact with me without judgement either way. If any posts regarding it come up, they will be appropriately tagged 'plantcest tw' for those who don't want it in their space-- keep in mind, however, that Tumblr does fuck that up sometimes. I will do my best against the spaghetti code. If you message me about this rule to come for my throat, you will be blocked. Just blacklist/block me and move on.
Threading with Sketti
I like doing multiple threads with people, but for my own sake, have to limit it to 3 plotted threads per character. +1 NSFW thread if desired, and crack-y short threads don't count towards the total.
Sometimes if it seems like I've dropped an ongoing thread, my brain has registered the last reply to it as a good place to stop. If you don't agree, feel free to poke me about the thread and I'll reply!
If I feel our muse's introduction thread hasn't hit a good stopping point, I won't plot a new one until it gets there.
If you want a new plotted thread when we have the three already going, we need to come to a consensus on which ongoing thread we can drop.
Obviously everyone has preferences and certain moods for certain topics, and I am not immune to that. I can very much psych myself up for something and forget about other things. Please (nicely) poke me if you feel I've done this and want me to focus our thread again.
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alannahaisling · 3 years
The day I slipped into a Panic and anxiety attack.
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This, this is going to be long winded.
I'm just going to come out and say it. No, I don't want sympathy. This is just me using this particular blog for what it was meant for. A space for me to vent, to be my authentic self. To reflect, to just let things spill out from my mind through my fingers and onto the screen on which you may be reading this.
First things first. The Icons I'll be using here are not rp muns, they are simply my emotions on display. My IRL self as displayed by characters I adore from the Teen Titans fandom.
Ooookay lets get down it.
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I help moderate a stream, have been doing it for a while. I became fast friends with the streamer and pull long hours. Roughly 4-5 hours per stream, unless I have class the next day.
To my knowledge, nobody ever had an issue with me. Save the odd person here or there, that may have disagreed with me, but at least they would tell me to my face, and I would shrug it off and move on. It was as simple as that.
My friend, who I love to death, has on more than one occasion had to reassure me that I was actually doing a good job. I lost count how many times I asked if I needed to improve, or if there were any rough areas that may need to change.
A good chunk of the time, they would just kinda raise their voice, and be like. "Damnit, you're good. You're fine." and then try to cheer me up with silly cat pictures. My ultimate kryptonite.
This friend of mine has worked with me for a few years now, talking about deep heavy personal stuff. They know I am medically diagnosed with ptsd, social anxiety, and have been dealing with depression for years. So they're not a stranger to my triggers and I love them for respecting when I need to just be alone, or only want some quality time one on one for a few hours. You hear that you knucklehead? Yeah you, I know you at least read this shit.
Moving on.
On friday, we had a.. bad night of it. Not even an hour in, after happily gathering folks who wanted to play the chosen game with us that night, someone. Who I will call 2P, dumped a huge paragraph, attacking my character and personality as a mod, in my friends private discord DMS.
2P for months, had been telling me to my face, that they saw me as a best friend, that anything I ever said and or did would be safe to do. You know the whole, you can trust me bit. I blindly trusted, and hind sight maybe I shouldn't have.
Meanwhile the entire time, I apparently had been talked about behind my back, negatively for a while? I don't know.
So we paused the stream, and go into another server that's locked down to a limited set of people and discuss it. Friend is, PISSED, but is trying to not yell, and asks me what we should do about it.
In my head I'm just reeling. I'm asking my friend, if I'm a bad mod, if I've fucked up somewhere, I'm totally confused. I can't concentrate, and there's this choking hurt in my chest. One I know all too well.
The feeling of dread. The feeling that I messed up, that I'm useless, and a fraud.
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My friend is trying hard to make sure I'm okay, by this point they know, this has fucked with my head. In a huge way. 17- going on 18 years of therapy suddenly going down the drain, spiralling out of control.
They Cut the stream short.
I'm exhausted, tired, feeling beaten. I just say a few things to 2P and leave their discord server, kick them from my private one, and from the one I made for my streamer friend for the game we play with other people. In addition, also a possible person who may cause me issues, because 2P's probably been shit talking me for a few months now.
Friend is arguing on my behalf, another mutual and their friend, instantly demands to get in call. We'll call them... Uh.. Fuck, Tataru , and Estinien for sake of ease. Tataru is having none of it, they are witnessing my typed anxieties. They are hearing our mutual friend, trying very hard to not just *yell*.
2P is dropping the nasty paragraph in other dms now, belonging to other regulars. It's escalating pretty fast. I am now a villain, and a victim in one role, and 2P is also playing the role of victim because my dearest friend just told 2P Off.
"2P, isn't getting it!" My friend is saying with a calm anger. "2P is just constantly going on and on about how (my name) is bad for the stream." Or something to that effect. "They don't even fucking realize how fucking hurtful they are being."
"You need to stop responding." Tataru is saying. "Just, tell the mother fucker, NO and block 2P on everything."
I guess 2P is quickly realizing that they are losing the fight, so they come into my dms. Shit forgot to block them there. I think in my head, and I see them trying to bring the argument to me. They tell me, that I'm handling the situation all wrong.
I don't even respond. I'm tired. I'm just done. I'm mentally slipping back to the days I was mentally and emotionally abused, and gaslit.
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I block 2P. For my mental health.
Estinien with their calming voice, is outlining streamer etiquette rules. 2P is definitely out of line, as a viewer. If we want, Estinien can pretty much hit up a wider streamer network, and have the name of 2P blacklisted from other communities.
By this point, another regular is talking to my friend asking what is going on. Then another. Slowly, I read through logs my friend has dumped into the 4 person private call.
Then I see it.
"I'll just lie through my teeth to her about why I'm leaving or something. Just don't tell (My name) I said any of this. " In regards to the in game guild My friend and I Co Run.
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Silently mutter to myself. Not that the others can hear me, my headsets broken. "Ah, the other shoe has dropped. 2P's been lying to me the whole time. I've been gaslit all over again. No wonder I feel like I do."
Estinien and Tataru get sleepy and go to bed. My friend stays up as long as they can as I sort my head out, trying to timeline events. I'm given logs, screen shots. 2P's been blocked. I lock down my twitter for a day. I lose 20 hours sleep.
I spent those 20 hours of no sleep, asking and apologizing to regulars if 2P has ever talked to them about me. Most of them say NO, and reassure me I'm a good mod, that I make the stream warm, fun, welcoming and comfortable for all kinds of people.
A good friend of mine, who I will ironically call Angellica, because we call each other sis, and I view myself as Eliza from Hamilton. Once had told me to be careful with 2P from the start, because they had a bad vibe about them, is PISSED off, and yeets them out of an in game group chat. "Fuck em, 2P's a troll."
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I realize, that Angellica literally stood by and chose my happiness. Cause yeah, I thought 2P was someone I could trust. After what happened though, I realized that I had been mistaken and apologized, To Angellica.
Now 2P is going around seeing who still will consider them friends, or are neutral parties. I was made aware of this because one of them, a mature friend actually asked me what 2P was going on about. So I gave them the run down. They were disgusted with 2P's behavior.
Now a days, 2P takes screen shots of anybody on twitter, that has blocked them and smears their names.
2P still doesn't get it.
But I'm moving on from it.
I have screenshots and logs. But I don't ever plan on releasing them publicly.
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So yeah, 2P if you ever come across this, and figure out I'm talking about you, I severed ties with you, because friends don't lie to each other, Friends don't talk behind each others backs, they don't force other good close friends to sit on the *truth* of how you feel. Friends can disagree, and can have different opinions.
But You burned your bridges yourself.
I've always had a three strike ruleset.
One: You lied to my face multiple times.
Two: You pretended to be my friend.
Three: You actively gaslit me, and my friend.
Sooo THAT'S why I cut ties with you. Your behavior after that was just you playing the victim, and none of us 30 plus year olds were just going to sit by and let you have your 20 something year old tantrum.
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I bare you no ill will, and I doubt any of us are going to even blast you in an open space like twitter releasing the logs or screen shots. I'm just noping out of this parasocial relationship because that's all it was. I refuse to be used, as a way for people to get close to and use my friend as they work on their passions and goals.
Adieu 2P , nothing was lost the day I walked away, except all the work my friend did to get me out of my isolated shell. But you know what? They'll just pull me back out, and support me 100% You'll never break us up.
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