#any two straight lines reposting someone else's content will eventually intersect
sufficientlylargen · 2 years
The Laws of Tumblr
In the text below, GPT-3 provided everything except the bold list headers, which I gave it.
The three laws of Tumblr:
1. srsly do not spam ur blog with a bunch of garbage 2. no posting personal information or invading others' privacy 3. no reposting someone else's content without their permission
The three laws of robot Tumblr:
1. A robot may not post spam on Tumblr. 2. A robot may not post personal information or invade others' privacy on Tumblr. 3. A robot may not repost someone else's content without their permission on Tumblr.
The three laws of lawless Tumblr:
There are no laws on Tumblr.
The three laws of French Tumblr:
1. Je ne dois pas spammer mon blog avec une tonne de bêtises. 2. Je ne dois pas publier d'informations personnelles ou envahir la vie privée des autres. 3. Je ne dois pas republier le contenu d'autres personnes sans leur permission.
The three laws of geometric Tumblr:
1. A Tumblr blog may not be constructed entirely of spam. 2. No two points of personal information may be closer together than two feet. 3. Any two straight lines reposting someone else's content will eventually intersect.
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