#anyone care to explain to me why asahi isn't laying on my chest rn and letting me play with his hair until we both fall asleep?
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Asahi A. || Not-SFW ABCs A Thot’s Thoughts 💦
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|| ao3 version | hq tag | m.lists | main blog ||
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↠ Requested By: The Thirst™ ↠ Reader Gender: Neutral ↠ Content Type: HELLA NSFW ((MINORS, BE GONE!! *Suga side chop’s you into the abyss*)) ↠ Chronology: Post time skip ↠ CWs/TWs: Any applicable warnings can be found before their respective section, tho I’ll throw in a general warning for my particular brand of wordy fuckery as well as extreme amounts of thirst for one Asahi Azumane. ↠ Betas? Where they do that at?? ↠ Total WC: 17.3k~ ((sorry, not sorry lmfaooo))
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…pls, sir, I’m begging you—unchain my gd heart, you’re not even REAL I cannot be down this bad for a 2D anime man, please…
Let me love you, Mister Azumane…
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Here by popular demand—and by that I mean that both myself and @screamin-abt-haikyuu​ really needed this to be a thing that I wrote lmfao… ((Also sorry that it took me so long, girlie! I don’t even have an excuse, I just suck lmao))
Ngl, this is just me being horny on main thirsting over my softest 2D husband for 17k+ words, so that’s a thing. Other than that there isn’t much else to it, as this is p. much what it says on the tin.
To all my fellow Asahi fuckers: come and be fed.
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Aftercare || What they’re like after sex.
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Though Asahi is an absolute pro when it comes to aftercare, it takes him a minute to actually get to it. Given how, ahem, thorough he is during each session this shouldn’t really come as a surprise.
Unless there’s a pressing need, he’s gonna pull you in for a little afterglow cuddle session. Even though you’ve just completed an act that brings you as close to oneness as any two beings can be, he cannot help but to crave the contact. Sex is a very intense and intimate thing for him, and it always leaves this soft and precious man well inside his feelings. He tends to get a bit clingy afterwards, ngl, but it’s so sweet and endearing that I promise you that you won’t mind it at all—in fact you’ll come to crave it just as much as he does after your first session or your money back! That’s the Immy Guarantee™!
His hands will skate along the sweat-dampened skin of your back, tracing nonsensical patterns in the mist there as he tries to will his still pounding heart to sync up with yours. Though he babbles a lot during the act itself, he has a tendency to go silent afterwards; like, even if you’re talking to him he’s more opt to reply with little contented hums and huffs, maybe the occasional word or short sentence. It would probably be a little off-putting if you weren’t so close to one another.
If you’ve gotten to this point in your relationship then you’re well aware of his tendency towards reticence. At the end of the day Asahi’s v. much a thinker; for better or for worse he spends a good portion of his time living in his head, and you know this. Naturally you’re the one person he’s most open/vocal around, but even with you he oftentimes falls back into old habits, if only for the comfort factor of it all. He loves the fact that he can just exist with you, can totally be himself without fear of judgement or unwanted commentary. Even if you don’t always understand his habits, you get him, and really that’s the most important thing.
If you were to ever ask him what he’s thinking during these quiet moments the answer will always be a simple “You.” If you ask him to elaborate because, yanno, that’s hella vague, he’ll just toss you a dreamy little smile before saying, “Us, our future, everything… I want it all and I want it with you.” ((pls, sir, I’m begging you—unchain my gd heart, you’re not even REAL I cannot be down this bad for a 2D anime man, please ;n;))
But back to the HC at hand.
Once he’s caught his breath he’ll leave you swaddled up in blankets with a bottle of water and an after-sex snack of your choosing as he gets the bathroom ready for the cleanup. Depending on what you want, he’s either running a bath—complete with all of the fixings—or getting the shower set up. Either way he’s joining you—yanno, providing you aren’t adamant about bathing alone for whatever reason. If you’ve chosen the bath, be prepared to get a nice rub down while you soak; he’ll also wash your hair (and the rest of you, too) if you want. And please, for the love of all that is good and holy, return the favor. He absolutely adores the way your fingers feel on his sudsy skin, and if you bury them in his wet locks?
He’s gone, past tense, deceased. Here lies Asahi Azumane, cause of death: intense relaxation via the love of his life’s magic fingers.
Tho his hands will be all over you, don’t expect anything to pop off unless you initiate it. He’s really just looking to be close to you at this point, but if you were to express the desire for something a bit more involved he wouldn’t be opposed.
Showers p. much run along the same lines, with the only major change being that you’ll probably get done faster since you don’t have the luxury/comfort of sitting. They do make any potential second rounds easier tho since you don’t have to worry about trying to keep the floor dry—but like also have fun trying to keep your balance lol.
Regardless of whatever you do or do not get up to in the bathroom, you’re getting carried back to your bedroom, no exceptions. Tbh, the only real say you have in the matter is if it’s piggyback, princess, or koala style lol. ((and yes, my dear royal, he can pick you up, because he’s v. big and v. strong and v. fictional more’s the gd pity, and also because these are my HCs and I say so, so there)) He’s gonna plop you down in the chair that you’re now fairly certain he purchased for the sole purpose of giving you somewhere comfortable to sit while he changes the sheets. If you tried out something new during the session, this’ll be the time you discuss it/what you did and did not like/etc.; other than that it’s just general chatter or comfortable silences, it all just depends on the vibes.
Once he’s got that squared away he’s gonna pick you up again and tuck you both between the crisp sheets. He’s definitely the type to use the chill that has yet to be driven away as an excuse for you to curl around one another, the silly man. As if anyone needs an excuse to get cozy with a human teddy bear like himself lol. His preferred positioning is really anything that either leaves you directly on top of him or with him curled up around you, but honestly he isn’t too picky; so as long as you’re close he’s content, so chose whichever configuration suits you best.
No matter how you finally choose to settle down, his steadily deepening breaths and the metronomic beat of his heart will be the thing that lulls you into yet another restful night’s sleep.
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Body Part || Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s.
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On himself it’s probably his shoulders/back—well the whole of his torso, really, but those two areas especially.
For as long as he can remember people have always been annoyingly vocal about their opinions on his appearance, be that good or bad. But regardless of which side of the fence they land on no one can deny the fact that he’s big. Sure he’s v. tall—I personally canon him to top out at 6’3”, but even his canon height of 6’1” is far above the national average—but what’s more, he’s broad. Asahi is just a thick ass boy, with his heavy musculature and those wideset shoulders and broad chest… Smfh, shit don’t make no gd sense, what he doing with all that body??
…right, anyways! Dude’s an absolute unit and a thirst trap besides, and while there are still those out there that find his build to be intimidating, there are even more that, ahem, greatly appreciate the impressive silhouette that he cuts.
The few partners (term used loosely here, as those relationships didn’t amount to much) he’s had as well as the more bold among his admirers have all expressed their admiration of his form as well they should. His broad shoulders, perfectly toned arms, and Greek god-esque torso—good god, his V-cut is dangerous, like that shit should legit be illegal—are all just *chef’s kiss* Beach days/anything else that gets him topless are an absolute blessing that will leave you believing in a higher power if you don’t already because there’s no gd way that a man like that exists purely by happenstance.
As he’s gotten older he’s learned to not put too much stock into the opinions of others, but he has to admit that he doesn’t really mind such talk. Hell, it’s flattering if nothing else—even if it does leave him flustered all to be damned. He’s worked damn hard to obtain and maintain his physique, and while he does this primarily for himself, well…
There’s nothing wrong with others enjoying the fruits of his labor, yeah? Especially if it’s you we’re talking about.
He’s long since developed an appreciation for these parts of his body, but it’s what they do for you specifically that really makes them stand out in his eyes. One of the things that absolutely does it for him is when you snuggle into him for various reasons. Whether you’re seeking comfort after a bad day, looking for a cuddle session, or in need of sleep, you always end up wrapped up in his arms with your head pillowed against his chest. His heartbeat has served as your own personal lullaby far more times than either of you can count, and that just hits with him, like…
For you feel comfortable enough with him to not only share such a gentle, intimate moment, but to also be able to relax enough to fall asleep? That is everything to him. It’s a level of trust and intimacy that he’s never had with a partner before and he just… He falls a little bit deeper for you every time it happens—in fact he almost (definitely) tears up a lil those first few times, ngl lol.
And when he’s inside of you, hips pressed flush and cock buried so deep that neither of you can tell where one ends and the other begins, your hands always make their way to his back. His shoulders serve as anchor and attraction, with the feeling of his muscles bunching and releasing with the rolling snap of each thrust driving you ever closer to the edge as such a display of his raw power is wont to do. The length of his back is always converted into your own personal scratching post when the pleasure becomes too much and you desperately need an outlet for the tension. The sting of your nails biting into his flesh only adds to his pleasure, honestly (as does seeing you go feral for his dick, fuck if he doesn’t absolutely love that shit) so don’t be shy about digging in.
He wears the resulting scratches with a quiet pride; he’s not one to flaunt your bedroom activities to even his closest friends, but if anyone were to see the angry, raised red lines that litter the expanse of his back, well… His replying blush would be well at odds with the little self-satisfied smirk that pulls at his lips. His making you feel so damn good that you’re reduced to such a base, nearly bestial state will always be one of his greatest accomplishments.
Now if it’s your body that we’re talking about then his favorite area’s gotta be the neck.
In the same way you seek your comfort out in his arms/pressed against the beat of his heart, he finds his own when his head is tucked away in the space between your shoulder and jaw. He loves to bury his nose against your soft skin and inhale your scent, cannot get enough of the way you squirm and giggle as he peppers a flurry of kisses (as well as the occasional nip, if he’s feeling especially teasing) to the delicate column. Another thing that he really likes doing is pressing his lips against your pulse point and just lingering? Idk why, I just feel it in my heart that that’s something he does lol. He finds it super comforting for whatever reason; it’s almost as if he’s reminding himself that you’re here with him—safe, sound, and happy.
And when the world is getting on top of him, when invasive thoughts and insecurities that he’s yet to vanquish in full start to hound him, that little cubby becomes a place of solace and safety for him. It doesn’t matter what your size is in comparison to his, you’re always gonna be his port in any storms that life forces him to weather. He’ll just tuck his head in there, breathe deeply, and wait for the steady beat of your heart to calm him. Sometimes he’ll talk, others he’ll listen to your reassurances, and others still you’ll both lay there silently offering succor and accepting it in turn. In any event, make sure that you play with his hair, it’ll help to relax the both of you.
On the less innocent side of things—dude really likes to mark up your neck.
It’s always the quiet/shy ones that be the biggest freaks lmao. And while Asahi isn’t the most out there when it comes to such things, he has found that he has a bit of a possessive streak on him. Nothing soothes that particular itch quite like seeing the evidence of his pointed attentions speckled across the thin skin there. Everything from hickeys to actual bite marks are fair game, tho the latter will always be done by accident; he does like biting, but not that hard. Friction burns are also a thing that’ll occasionally happen thanks to his face scruff, but he’s usually mindful enough that it isn’t something you have to deal with on the regular.
He gets that this isn’t everybody’s thing, so if you’re opposed he’ll abstain, but if you are down… Best to invest in a lot of scarves and high-necked tops, maybe some concealer too for good measure lol…
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Cum || Anything to do with cum basically…
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CW for talks of unprotected sex. Also cum. Lots and lots of cum talk, tho that’s to be expected considering lol…
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It should first be said that Asahi’s favorite place to cum will always be inside you. Mouth, ass, cunt (if you’re in possession of one)—it’s all good to him. Doing so in a condom isn’t nearly as satisfying a way to finish as it is when he’s hitting it raw, but he understands the safety aspect, and he’ll always respect your boundaries besides. Tho once you do allow him to abandon the wrap…
You’re gonna be in for it for the next month at least.
Dude’s gonna be so drunk off of the feel of your walls wrapping around him without that added layer that he’s not gonna be able to control himself. Expect to be filled up to the brim and beyond with his cum. And he cums a lot. The phrase ‘paint your walls’ was made for this man specifically lol. His loads are thick and almost startlingly white, and there’s always so damn much every damn time… Seriously it shouldn’t be possible for him to produce that much cum that frequently/consistently, and yet…
He loves watching it drip out of you in a viscous stream, your thoroughly fucked-out body—overly-sensitive and still twitching from the lingering vestiges of your last orgasm—pushing it from your quivering hole in steady pulses. If you let him he’ll gladly gather it up on his fingers and push it back in just to watch it come sliding out again, a thing he’ll be hella embarrassed about once the sex fog lifts from his brain. He’s never considered himself overly kinky per se, and honestly this isn’t even that out there, but he’s self-conscious about it either way so please—even if you’re not a fan—don’t tease him about it.
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Dirty Secret || Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs.
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This isn’t a ‘dirty secret’ so much as it’s just embarrassing for him, and thusly he’s determined to take it to his grave, but… He’s an avid pillow humper—or, well, he used to be before you came along.
Dude wasn’t even getting so much as a kiss in high school since half of the people there were terrified of him while the other half didn’t think he was worth pursuing for various bullshit reasons (their loss, I say). Once his college years came around and he finally started dating he wasn’t exactly the type to get too into the physical stuff too quickly. He wanted to make sure that his partner was interested in him as a man and not just in it for his body, yanno?
It took him a long time to be comfortable enough for anything more than some heavy petting, and even then it never really went beyond hand stuff. As a result Asahi’s an absolute fingering god, btw; he can and will reduce to you to a puddle with little more than a few pointed movements of those ridiculously long digits, but I digress, so let’s move on.
So yeah, sex wasn’t really a thing he was having prior to you, albeit by choice, but he still had his needs and that’s where the pillow came in lol. Fairly early on he found that he preferred audios to visual porn, so after grabbing a pillow, he’d queue up a few of those, pop in his earbuds, and get to it. Even with a good amount of lube the act would become uncomfy (not to mention messy) fairly quickly, so he’d usually end up fisting his cock somewhere towards the middle of things. The added buffer gave him something a bit nicer to thrust into while he ground his way to completion. Right before he came he’d always be sure to flip over so as not to ruin the pillow completely—not that it really made much of a difference given how much he leaked even before spilling, but yeah lol.
He was so glad when he was finally able to give up this particular habit if for no other reason than he didn’t have to try to sneak his cum pillow into the wash at o’dark-thirty anymore lmao…
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Experience || How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?
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Tho he has had a few encounters prior to settling down with you, it was nothing too extensive. As I said literally in the last letter, things never really got too far beyond the heavy petting phase.
Aside from fingering/hand jobs and the like, any and all real experience he acquired either through the few bits of visual porn he consumed, over-sharing conversations with The Boys™, or from trial and error with you. This made for some awkward situations here and there, but honestly I think it would be kind of fun helping him learn or fumbling through together if you were just as inexperienced.
As a result his skills are very you-centric (dude can, no lie, take you apart in five minutes or less lol), but it’s just as well as he doesn’t plan on giving you up anytime soon—or ever, really—if he can help it.
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Favorite Position || This goes without saying.
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Brief talk of breeding kinks and implied impregnation attempts, Reader’s gender be damned lol.
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↠ This precious sap is an absolute sucker for missionary.
He knows that it’s v. vanilla of him, but like… it just hits on so many levels. The closeness, the intimacy, his being able to see your every expression, and then there is the whole size kink thing that he’s got going on lmao. Even if you’re of a comparable stature or larger than him it doesn’t really matter; in his eyes you’ll always look so small, sweet, and vulnerable when you’re underneath him like this. Having you desperately holding on to him—arms anchored around his neck and legs wrapped snugly around his hips as you urge him to take you impossibly deeper, with your whimpers, moans, and sighs rising up to soothe his eager ears? Yeah, that shit’s *chef’s kiss*
↠ In a similar vein he loves a good mating press.
Or really any position that allows him to take you nice and deep, but mating presses are especially favored, because again—eye contact. He absolutely lives for watching your face contort under the strain of your bliss. Dilated pupils that eclipse nearly the whole of your irises, the wrinkle of your brow, the way your pretty lips part around pants and words of praise (or if you’re fucked-out enough, the way your tongue lolls out of your mouth, liquid leaking from the corners of lips and eyes both as you succumb to the pleasure that’s wracking your frame), and the light sheen of sweat the covers the whole of your skin…
…needless to say his taking you like this puts him in a mood lol.
He’s not usually one for especially involved dirty talk (intentionally, that is; but with how much he talks during he does it a lot without thinking lol), but the minute he’s got your legs pressed up against your chest absolute filth pours out of his mouth. He’ll swear up and down that he does not have a breeding kink, but his constant promises to fill you up until your body has no choice but to submit and make you even more his says otherwise lmao. He doesn’t even care if it’s actually possible or not, won’t even remember half of what he’s saying once he comes down from his high, but fuck if it isn’t hot as hell in the moment.
↠ Rounding out the top three is literally anything that gets you on top of him.
Doesn’t matter if you’re fully taking the reins or if he’s guiding your hips with gentle, but insistent hands as he thrusts up into you, he loves it all. As you can probably tell by now, he’s v. much into the visual aspect of things. He loves watching the way your body reacts while it’s bouncing on his cock. The way it bobs and sways in time with the combined rolling of your hips is hypnotic to the point where he’s over-stimmed you both on multiple occasion because he just cannot stand to lose that view ((and also because he’s very much into over-stimulation in general, but more on that in ‘K’ 👀))
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Goofy || Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous? Etc.
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Eh, it honestly just depends. As he’s gotten older, Asa’s become comfortable with allowing things to happen as they may. Yes, he greatly values plans and structure if for no other reason than they help to soothe his anxiety, but he’s not so locked into things that deviation will ruin him/send him straight into a panic attack, yanno?
With you especially he’s found that he’s more than comfortable with following your moods, so if you’re looking for a lighter, more carefree romp he’s down. Likewise he’s just as willing to make the sweetest love to you as he is to blow your back out. It all just depends on what it is you’re both looking for.
Now if we’re talking his default setting, he’s more apt to want something sweet and meaningful. As I’ve already established, he sees sex as something sacred; it’s the ultimate form of human connection, and as such he treats it with all due reverence. If left to his own devices, he’ll worship at the altar of your body for as long as you’ll allow him to.
That said he still likes to tease a bit, but it’s always on the lighter side of things when he’s like this. He doesn’t deny you anything for long, but he does like to make you use your words, so expect lots of How do you want me?’s and Tell me what you need, sweetheart’s and the like. He loves seeing you get all flustered as you struggle to form a proper response, it’s just so damn cute to him. But if it ever gets to be too much all you gotta do is give him The Look and he’ll be quick to give you what you need because he’s soft af for you.
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Hair || How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes? Etc.
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The carpet would match the drapes if he bothered to keep it around lol.
Asahi’s a v. well-groomed individual in general, one with a penchant for minimalistic styles and sleek lines. That this translates over in such a way is kinda odd, ngl, but it’s whatever. He doesn’t really grow much body hair and what little there is there is more of a nuisance than anything so he opts to get rid of it. He waxes everything below his neck—and I do mean everything. There’s not one bit of stray hair to be found on this man, do you hear me? ((yes, I’m well aware that this isn’t exactly the norm in Japan, but this is a horny set of HCs so just go with it lol))
That said, he doesn’t mind it if his partner’s not likewise inclined. At the end of the day it’s your body, and you’re free to do with it as you please. He would like it if you kept things neat and trimmed down there, but honestly this boy gets so drunk on you so quickly that he won’t really be fussed by the length of your hair once you get into things.
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Intimacy || How are they during the moment, the romantic aspect…
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Asahi is the ultimate romantic—do not fight me on this, you don’t want this smoke, I promise you lmao.
But seriously, look at this man whom is the embodiment of sweetness and adoration for all things you and try to tell me that he wouldn’t worship you like a devout supplicant.
Yeah, that’s what I fucking thought.
Like I said back in ‘G’, he’s all for Love Making™, so it should come as no surprise that he’s v. much into the romance of it all. He’s definitely the type to hold your hands while he fucks you nice and slow and deep, a dopey lil lovesick grin pulling at his lips while his eyes stay fixed on yours. It’ll certainly leave your heart (among other things) aching.
He’s also very into setting a scene. You’ve come home on more than one occasion to find a trail of rose petals (plucked by his very own fingers from a bouquet purchased specifically for this purpose rip to your now stained carpet lmao …he used silk petals every time after that) leading you from the front door to your shared bedroom—a room that has been totally decked out with more flowers, mood lighting, and a ‘let me rearrange your guts, but in a loving and respectful way’ playlist filling the perfumed air.
Is this sappy and cliché? Hell yes.
Does that make it any less endearing? Hell no.
Asahi just has this unwitting charm about himself that keeps the whole storybook romance thing that he’s so given to from feeling disingenuous. With anyone else it would seem uninspired or like they were trying too hard, but with him you know it’s real.
When he’s bearing his heart to you in such a sincere manner, how can you do anything but accept it—accept him—with the same level of unabashed devotion?
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Jack Off || The Masturbation Headcanon™
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He doesn’t really have strong feelings on it one way or another. It’s pleasurable, yes, but at the end of the day it’s more akin to maintenance than anything in his eyes.
Prior to getting with you he was able to get by with a solo session once, maybe twice a week. His sex drive was on the lower end of normal, but given his proclivities it was something that was actually by design. He saw no real point in keeping himself frustrated when he knew he wouldn’t be able to really do much about it, yanno? And even when he was in his former relationships the frequency with which he masturbated didn’t really change, tbh.
Once with you he doesn’t really bother with getting himself off because why would he when he’s got a perfectly beautiful, loving, and very much willing partner right here? Ofc this doesn’t mean that he expects you to perform on command or anything. He’s always v. respectful and mindful of your desires, so if you’re not in the mood for whatever reason he’s more than willing to keep a lid on things. That said he probably still won’t take matters into his own hands (pun very much intended lol), preferring instead to save it all up for you…
…this may have led to you walking with a limp a time or several, but we don’t talk about that lmao…
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Kink || One or more of their kinks.
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There aren’t too many CWs to be found here, but what few there are will be before the applicable section.
Other than that, please mind the titles! If the subject matter is something that doesn’t sit well with you for whatever reason then simply skip over it.
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Asahi doesn’t think of himself as being especially kinky per se, buuut…
Overall he’s naturally on the more vanilla side of things, with his dom streak being the kinkiest thing about him. Could he be convinced to move outside of his comfort zone? Sure. So long as you respect his limits and give him time to do his research he’s willing to at least try most things with/for you.
All that said, here’s a list of what I think to be his top five six kinks in no real order—enjoy~ ;)
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1 || Dom/Sub Dynamics
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CW/TW for the daddy kink I’m sure this man has lmao. I’ve marked those bits off with a ‼ (4 in total) so you can skip over it if you so choose.
Also shades of dumbification on Asahi’s part (yes, it gets that real lol) further in the section.
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↠ Listen, Asahi Azumane is a dom-leaning switch and nothing you say can convince me otherwise.
↠ He’s pretty adaptable as far as doms go, with the exception being him being especially mean.
He just cannot bring himself to mistreat you, even if you’re begging for it, but more on that in ‘N’.
It should also be said that he’s a very reluctant brat tamer lol. Like he can do it, but honestly it’s not his favorite.
A spot of defiance here and there is fine and a bit fun, but when you’re constantly pushing against him just for the sake of it, it gets boring to him tbh, and no small bit frustrating.
We can only ever filter things through the lenses that we collect throughout our lifetime, and well, Asahi has dealt with a lot of bull when it comes to people treating him poorly.
Ofc he knows that’s not what this is about at all, but your constantly going against him runs a bit too closely to memories and past experiences that he’d really rather not be thinking about when he’s trying to be with you like this.
So yeah, I personally think that hard brats should probably miss him as things are bound to go sideways, and sooner rather than later.
↠ His default setting is that of a pleasure dom.
((…am I using this term right? Idk, and I’m too lazy to look it up lol))
What I mean by that is that, when he’s giving in to his more natural urges he’s sweet, but firm, with his only real concern being making you feel as good as possible.
He’s naturally very attentive, caring, and an absolute expert on all things you. That he uses these traits to systematically take you apart in the bedroom shouldn’t come as a surprise, honestly.
He really likes to make you use your words because watching your brain struggle to articulate a request through the sex fog/your flustered state/etc. in real time is just so damn cute to him.
He’s definitely the type to give you all the orgasms that your body can handle—and maybe one or two more beyond that because he’s got a thing for over-stimulation, but I’ve got a whole section dedicated to that so let’s move on.
‼ So about that daddy kink that I mentioned earlier lmao…
Look, I know—I know, but hear me out.
So this is a kink that he will probably never realize he has until you flip that switch.
He will not be the one to insist on or initiate this, but if you were to ever call him Daddy, even jokingly, he’d be… intrigued to say the least.
If it does initially happen in a joking manner and-or outside the bedroom he’ll be going a shade even as he tells you that “–you shouldn’t be starting something you can’t finish, little love” because he’ll be damned if he’s gonna be the only one left flustered.
Though he’s p. sure you were kidding he cannot stop thinking of the way the word rolled off of your tongue, how it sounded so good, so sweet, even with the underlying teasing lilt—and that’s saying nothing of the way those two syllables went straight to his cock, like…
Yeah, needless to say our boy has just unlocked the trophy for a hidden kink lol.
‼ Ngl, he’s not really sure what to do with any of this at first.
He’ll sit on his discovery for a little bit as he tries to come to terms with things, and he’ll definitely do some research (first and foremost to make sure there’s nothing wrong with him lol) and also to learn about the dynamics of the kink and such.
He’ll find that he’s not into things fully—like he’s not really looking to carry the dynamic outside of the bedroom in a full on Daddy/Little type deal.
In fact what he wants hasn’t actually changed. He’s always wanted to take care of you, to make sure your every need and desire is not just met, but given to you in abundance—now he just has a new label he can attach to it.
But even with it all mostly sorted out in his head he’ll be v. reluctant to bring it up to you unless he knows it’s something you’re into.
This is one of those kinks that people are very rarely neutral on, and he never wants to risk making you uncomfortable, esp. over something that’s not a must for him, so unless you broach the subject yourself he more than likely won’t either.
‼ Now if you were to call him this on accident in the bedroom, or better yet with intent, he’ll roll with it beautifully.
He’s already a god-tier dom, but you add this kink in the mix and…
Whew chile, let me tell you.
Dude’ll instantly start calling himself Daddy and he’s gonna make sure you keep doing the same. He may let the occasional slip of his name or an endearment slide if he sees that he’s fucked you dumb, but he’s pretty into the use of the title so don’t expect to get away with it too often.
In general he’ll be even more intent on you using your words because he wants Daddy’s pretty baby to tell him how they feel, what they want and need. Ofc he may not always give you the former, but you’ll always, always get the latter.
‼ This isn’t something that he always indulges in, and will rarely initiate himself. Nine times outta ten you’ll have to flip that switch if you want to get him into that mode, but when you do you’ll instantly become his baby boy/baby doll/baby girl/pretty baby—no exceptions lol.
↠ No matter the flavor of dom, he always makes sure to take good care of his sweetheart.
Before, during, and after the act he always makes sure that you’re feeling good. He absolutely pampers you to hell and back.
He just wants to spoil you rotten, really—tbh, it low-key, high-key gets him off lol.
↠ On the other side of the spectrum we have subby Asahi.
Pillow prince? Pillow prince.
What? He just really likes being coddled, okay?
But he’s not bratty or pushy about things, no he’s the absolute sweetest boy you could ask for.
He’s always asking you to take care of him, to make him feel good… Has really good manners too, saying please and thank you without prompting unless he’s gone nonverbal from the pleasure.
Speaking of which—fuck him or ride him, it’s all good because it’s all you.
However, comma, he really likes it when you ride him—especially if you do it well beyond the point of his orgasm.
But again, there’s a section about that, so let’s move on.
Anyways! He absolutely loves it when you take the reins.
Even when he’s the one being pampered he really gets off on the fact that he’s making you feel good.
The idea of you using him to get yourself off Does Things to him, ngl, so if you tie him up and take what you need… Yeah, it’s game over for him.
He’s also not opposed to the use of titles, so if there’s something you wanna be called just let him know.
↠ If you’re fucking him—be that with your cock or a strap—be prepared for him to turn into a whining, crying mess.
He begs so pretty, you’ll be hard pressed to deny him anything—especially when his eyes get all glassy and his mouth pouts up.
((I swear, even if you’re a dedicated sub like me, this man will turn you into a switch with how damn cute and needy he gets when he drops into subspace.))
He always gets so damn clingy when you’re taking him. Like dude will legit lock his arms around you, bury his face against your neck, and whine as he rolls his hips in time with your thrusts.
Watching him go feral like that is hot ofc, but if you want a bit more agency in things simply tell him to keep his hands to himself. He’s a v. good listener, never mind the fact that he wants to be good for you, so he’ll do his best to comply.
Tying him up is also an option, and one that he’s not at all opposed to, just so ya know.
His cock always gets so damn leaky and twitchy when you’re inside of him. It’s an enticing sight to be sure, but unless you want him to bust fairly quickly resist the urge to stroke him–
–well unless you want to get into that over-stimming we talked about before lol.
Also he’s really good about using his safeword/actions, so you never have to worry about pushing him further than what he’s okay with.
(But be sure to check in with him periodically regardless—that’s what a good and caring dom should always do!)
↠ No matter how things go down be sure to heap on the praise because honey’s most definitely got a praise kink a mile wide which leads me to my next point…
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2 || Praise
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CW for mentions of mirror sex. Yeah, uhh… our boy likes to watch you watching yourself fall apart lol…
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↠ Asahi’s praise kink is off the fucking charts, and it goes both ways.
↠ He is absolutely the most affirming partner you’ll ever have. This is partly due to him being a sex babbler (see ‘V’ for more on that), and partly because he really wants you to know just how good you’re making him feel.
And rest assured, you are absolutely sending him. His head’s not empty tho, and how could it be when it’s so full up on thoughts of you?
He always thinks that you’re the prettiest person to ever ever, but he cannot help but to find you especially striking when you’re coming undone in his arms.
The sight’s so mesmerizing, in fact, that he thinks you should get to see it too.
He has definitely propped you up in his lap a time or several—your back pressed firmly against his (broad, so damn b r o a d, I wanna climb him please) chest, legs tossed over either side of his own, and head firmly fixed towards the mirror before you.
It may be a bit embarrassing at first, having yourself laid bare in such a manner, but all it takes is one look at Asahi to settle the worst of your nerves. The unabashed adoration—love, desire—that is written plain and pure across his face won’t allow for you to feel anything but beautiful in that moment.
Add to that the sweet words he’s whispering in your ear—murmurs of how breathtaking you look all spread open and wanting, and how prettily you fall apart for him, as well as declarations of love and promises to make you feel just as good as you’re making him feel, all spoken between his own sounds of pleasure—and you’ll be falling apart well before either of you expects.
Ofc this isn’t anything new, he’s always like this with you, but it just hits different when you can finally see all that longing and love syruping through both of your eyes in real time.
↠ Naturally Asahi loves to be praised just as much, but dammit if it doesn’t leave him flustered every time.
It’s so funny because words of affirmation are probably his favorite way to receive affection, but at the same time it short circuits him?
Knowing that you think so fondly of him in general turns him to goo, but the minute that shit carries over into the bedroom–
*Asahi.exe has stopped working*
At the start of things he turns SO red, like to the point where it’s actually legitimately concerning—like my guy, please don’t literally pass out on me while you’re balls deep, I don’t want to have to explain this to the EMTs lol.
As he gets more used to the praise he starts to revel in it. He never fully loses that initial burst of shyness that the words bring, but it doesn’t shake him like it used to—most times, anyway.
He still has days where your crooned praise’ll leave him burying his head against you even as he continues to rut away. This mostly happens when he’s in subspace tho.
If it’s a more standard session he’s more apt to take it in stride (rosedusted cheeks notwithstanding), and will more than likely go back and forth with you.
Lots of “Yeah, you think so, pretty?”s and “Glad I’m making you feel good—love taking care of my baby”s and the like.
He’ll also probably turn it back on you with a compliment of his own.
More often than not your bedroom banter pretty much boils down to some “No you” type mess lol.
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3 || Over-Stimulation
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↠ It’s funny because I’ve referred to this section several times, but there isn’t really too much more to be said on the matter.
↠ ((lol, jk, we all know I have way too much to say on the subject))
↠ Asahi’s relationship with over-stimulation started way back in his pillow humping days.
He’d get so into it—or rather so lost in the fantasy that he created in his mind’s eye—that he’d just keep grinding long after he initially came.
Floating on post-orgasmic endorphins, he barely registered that thrumming bit of discomfort that preluded the next round of bliss—in fact he soon came to enjoy it if only because he knew what it always led to.
Even when he would masturbate in a more traditional manner he’d still keep pulling at his spent cock until he wrung at least one more load out of it (tho in actuality he usually would go for three in total; dude really out there cumming that many times in a row and then acting surprised when he’s got the stamina to fuck you for literal hours, smfh…)
↠ But that’s when he’s alone.
↠ With you, over-stimming is one of those things he’s really into, but also really shy about.
Despite the fact that he doesn’t ever actually bring it up to you, you’ll probably figure it out fairly quickly as he has a tendency to do it to himself a lot, which oftentimes means that he does it to you by proxy lol.
Even after he’s made you both cum he’ll just keep rutting away, the cutest little whimpers and whines pushing themselves out of his throat all the while, his eyes fixed on the white that now coats his cock to sit heavy in a thick ring around its base.
Most times he’ll stop himself before things get too uncomfortable for you, but if he’s especially love drunk he’ll keep going at it until he’s hard again unless you stop him, so that’s a thing.
↠ He likewise loves to see you coming to the end of yourself after one too many orgasms have left you brained.
There’s something magical about watching your fucked out body try to figure out if it wants more or if the pleasure has finally and truly entered the realm of too much, your mouth parting around every plea your scatted mind can grasp on to—every one except for that which will truly set you free of this divine torture.
Your feeble hands dig into his sweat-slicked flesh in an attempt to push him away even as your body rocks towards him in a bid for more that is…
Gods, he honestly doesn’t even have words for it, honestly.
He always thinks you’re beyond beautiful in those moments, a pretty little wreck of his own making.
↠ If you’re not into it for yourself he gets that and is more than okay with it!
↠ …but uhhh… He’d greatly appreciate it if you’d oblige him lol.
He’s definitely the type to ask you to fuck him through his orgasms.
Lots of “Please baby, don’t stop—please”s and “Make me cum again”s “Hurts so good”s.
((ugggh—how can one man be so cute and so hot at the same time? For why and for how and for fucking what??))
That said he won’t ask you to keep fucking him past your own comfort, but you do have hands and a mouth and if you were to put them to work he wouldn’t be opposed.
At all.
In fact watching your hands slide along the length of his messy cock—or, gods help him, watching it disappear into the warmth of your mouth—is its own special brand of bliss.
↠ However you get him there, the sight and sound of his writhing and panting through that next orgasm is definitely worth it, so do the thing, guys…
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4 || Cockwarming
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↠ It’s the intimacy for him.
↠ Just having his baby close, bodies pressed flush as you simply enjoy the connection? *chef’s kiss*
↠ This is something that he’s willing to indulge in any time.
Want your cuddles to get a bit more involved while you’re watching a movie, but not so much so that you lose the plot? Back that ass up and let ya boy roll through.
Could be that work and-or school was hellish and draining for you, and all you want to do is feel your man as deeply as possible, but lack the stamina to do too much. It’s all good, climb on and let him hold you for a bit while you vent.
His work is just as demanding, especially at the top of a new season, often eating away at his free time. When the late nights start to pile up, leaving your bodies to cry out for reprieve with a desperation that demands something, anything—just a little, just enough to take the edge off—he’s got you.
Or maybe you’re the one taking care of him. Letting him latch on to whatever bit of you he needs, however he needs to until his breaths turn heavy with contentment.
↠ If you’re not looking for anything more than a cuddle he’s cool with that.
In fact that’s almost always what his own intentions are when he initiates the act himself.
Once he settles into things, he’s v. good about voicing his wants, so if he says he wants you to warm his cock, that’s really all that he’s looking for.
The pair of you have fallen asleep like this dozens of times, ngl. It’s just so damn cozy and comfy and warm and safe—how could you not?
↠ But of course if you are trying to get something started, well…
…he definitely isn’t opposed.
He’s not good at denying you (his teasing streak aside), and that’s saying nothing of the fact that you feel incredible wrapped around his dick. Your body’s always so soft and warm and pliant under his touch—all for him, all his, to do to and with what he pleases…
Soft and sweet tho the act may start out, it’s definitely one of those things that can get him in a Mood fairly easily, so if you’re not looking to get ravished you’re gonna want to make that clear up front lol.
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5 || Mutual Masturbation
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↠ Part of him wonders if this makes him a voyeur, tbh.
↠ Like he’s literally sitting here, cock in hand, as he watches you get off—that’s p. much the definition, right? Or at least close enough to it for his mind to draw a parallel.
But it’s not as if he’s some weirdo creeper-peeper watching you through your window without your knowledge.
And obviously you’re okay with it, more than okay, clearly. He’s sure that you wouldn’t be sat directly across from him otherwise—fingers repeatedly filling your greedy hole, heavily lidded eyes locked on to his, and his name on your lips.
At the end of the day your comfort is the only thing he really has to concern himself with, so if you’re good, he’s great.
↠ Once he gets past his initial awkwardness/out of his own head about it, he finds that he’s hard pressed to look away from you—not that he was really able to do so before.
Even when he turned his eyes away he’d always find them wandering back to the hypnotic display before him.
There’s something magical and almost forbidden about watching you play with yourself, as if he’s collecting knowledge that isn’t his to horde.
It’s a silly notion, he knows, but that’s just the way his brain is sometimes. And it’s not as if it’s ever been enough to keep him from using what he’s learned to pull you apart himself once it’s his turn…
His attentions are laser-focused all the while, roving over the whole of you as he catalogs all of your actions and reactions—from the moves that leaves you bucking desperately into your own hand, to the way your body works its way through its release (so similar to how you fall apart under his care, and yet somehow different), to the softness that slows your movements and tints your words you as you slowly come back to yourself.
For this reason alone it’s a really intense, really intimate activity.
↠ He’s so singular in his concentration that he actually doesn’t even remember that he’s jerking himself off as well lol.
He usually ends up mimicking your speed as his subconscious mind is wishing that he was the one making you feel that good. But knowing that he’s been relegated to a simple observer he can only go through the motions for now.
Tho he looks damn good while he does, lbr.
Skin flushed, bottom lip swollen and ruddy from where he keeps pulling it in between his teeth, and muscles taut and rippling as he exercises every last bit of restraint that his massive frame possesses to keep from pulling you under him so he can love on you right…
↠ Yeah, more often than not he finds himself regretting initiating the act, but also not really because this is the sweetest torture he could ever ask for.
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6 || Thigh Riding/Dry Humping
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↠ I usually like to cap these at five as that’s a nice round number, but I haven’t been able to shake this idea since my hoe ass brain first decided to plague me with it.
↠ This man undoubtedly has god-tier thighs that’re practically made for grinding against, but that’s not even the bit that’s got me so fucked up.
↠ Once he sees how much you love rutting yourself against his thighs it sparks his interest.
Does it really feel that good? I mean obviously it does, given how much you leak all over his leg well before you cum, but… He just doesn’t get it?
But he’d like to.
Despite his best efforts he’s pretty damn obvious about it.
He’ll just keep staring at your thighs with a weird amount of intensity, the light blush that coats his face deepening until he’s flushed from his scalp all the way down to his chest.
So, so cute and so, so obvious—like painfully so lol.
↠ Whether you decide to take pity on him and offer up a ride or make him use his words he’s gonna be reluctant.
Part of it is his size. Even if you’re of similar stature he’s always so careful with how he interacts with you as he’d never be able to forgive himself if he ever hurt you.
Ofc the bulk of this worry is fueled by the last lingering remnants of those voices that hounded him way back when, but it’s nothing that a few well-placed words of reassurance from you can’t fix.
Once he’s gotten over that bit the next hurdle is just general embarrassment.
Coming at things from the other side gives him a whole new appreciation for both you and your relationship.
He has no idea if you also perceive it this way, but for him it’s a very intimate and vulnerable act. He doesn’t know why, but it leaves him feeling exposed, and he’s not entirely sure how he feels about it.
Encouragement is key at this juncture, as well as reminding him about the initial curiosity that led him to this point.
Don’t think that this is you pushing at his boundaries, btw, as that’s not your intent and certainly not the way he takes it. You’re simply helping him to weigh pros against cons; ultimately the decision is his to make and you both know and respect that.
All that said, he loves you and trusts you to take care of him; between that and his curiosity he’ll definitely come around.
↠ So now you’ve finally got him perched on your knee (and I do mean perched as he’s still hesitant to rest the full of his weight on you), what comes next?
↠ The ride of a goddamn lifetime, that’s what.
At first he’s still a bit nervous. He’ll pinch his eyes shut as he sets up a slow glide. You’ll probably have to help him find a rhythm because he’s still too in his head at this point.
You’ll feel him slowly start to relax once your hands find purchase on his hips—an unsurprising development given how soothing he always finds your touch to be.
As he yields, slowly pull him more firmly against you and watch how his demeanor changes.
All those barely there touches were primers, only really serving to make him more sensitive, so by the time he’s grinding against you properly it feels good. Better than that, really–
It’s amazing, and suddenly he gets it.
Once he gets going he gets so into it—like to the point where he’s anchoring his hands to whatever it is you’re sitting on for leverage lol.
You can feel the whole of his impressive length (leaky and hot and hard) sliding along every inch of your thigh, from the bone of your hip all the way down to the ball of your knee and back again, in a desperate pitch.
A litany of needy sounds is falling from his mouth without restraint, and you know that any embarrassment that he felt has long since been forgotten.
↠ If your seat allows for it, he’ll probably end up flattening you against it, with the whole of his massive frame writhing against you in a sinuous wave.
He’s moving as if he’s legitimately fucking you and it’s so damn hot, but that’s not the best part.
No, the best part is the fact that you’re getting an impromptu thigh job.
Those long limbs of his gotta go somewhere, yeah? And as it just so happens the leg that’s nestled between yours is pressed right up against your core.
You can feel the thick muscle there bunching and releasing in time with his desperate ruts, and while the pressure isn’t as steady as what you’d like, that can be easily remedied.
The pair of you end up grinding against each other like two horny teenagers—a thing that you’d probably laugh over if you weren’t so gone yourself.
↠ Given the mess that follows soon after a shower will be required. Don’t be surprised if when Asahi’s ready for round one.
↠ ‘Round one’ because, while what you’d just done felt divine–
↠ “–it doesn’t count, honey—not until I’m buried deep, deep inside my pretty baby…”
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Location || Favorite places to do the do.
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CW for talk of semi-public sex acts. 👀👀👀
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Anywhere within the comfort of your shared home is gonna be at the top of the list (and I do mean anywhere, this boy is not picky at all lol), but a close second is a backroom/storage closet/literally anywhere that’ll offer you enough privacy/space to get down and dirty at an event.
I said it once, and I’ll say it again—it’s always the quiet ones that be the biggest goddamn freaks.
He’s not an exhibitionist by any means, in fact the thought of someone actually catching you two in the act is rattling enough that if he thinks on it too long he’ll legit go soft, but like… Idk, I guess it’s more the urgency and desperation in the act, that driving want that won’t allow for you to wait until you get back home that all but demands to be sated right then and there, that actually does it for him.
We all know that Asahi looks damn good in a suit—and how could he not, between his build and his fashion sense?—but he thinks you look just as stunning in eveningwear. Because of this the two of you are usually late past the point of being fashionable (or excusable for that matter) whenever an event requires you to get all dolled up. As you can imagine this is especially awkward when it’s his own damn fashion shows that you’re late to lmfao. Even when you’re wearing something as casual as a pair of sweats and a tank he finds you beyond beautiful, so when you’re all dressed up, esp. if you’re wearing something he designed?? Yeah, mans finds it physically physically impossible to keep his hands off of you.
Even tho he’ll take you thoroughly before you leave the house (or hotel room, as is more often the case), he’s gonna want you again and again and a-fucking-gain. What? It’s not like you look any less good than you did back home. In fact he’d argue that you look even better now with your hair and clothes just a touch mussed. There’s a slight frizz in your locks that you couldn’t quite tame before leaving, a subtle wrinkle to the material of your ensemble from where it crumpled under his fists not even an hour ago, and he’s trying so hard to be good, he swears it, but eventually all that restraint he’s been practicing is gonna crumble under the weight of his desire for you.
You know he’s finally cracked when he politely extracts the pair of you from whatever conversation you’re currently stuck in with an excuse so transparent that he may as well have told the whole of the venue that he’s about to take you in the back and fuck your soul clean out of your body lmao. Doesn’t help matters that he’ll be damn near dragging you out of the room with this really pinched expression, body slightly hunched over in a (failed) attempt to hide his rapidly growing bulge. He’ll lead you down halls that you’re pretty sure you’re not supposed to be traversing, all the while muttering about how torturous the night has been for him. He’ll try door after door until he finds a space that’ll suit your needs, tho if he’s desperate enough he’s willing to settle for an off-path nook and hands pressed firmly over mouths…
It’s always a bit embarrassing when you both stumble back into the main room on shaky legs looking far less put together than last anyone saw you, but it’s never been a big enough deterrent to keep him from pulling this particular stunt time and again…
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Motivation || What turns them on, gets them going?
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Asahi’s favorite way to receive love is through acts of service. No matter how long you’ve been together it never ceases to amaze him that you not only love him, you care for him. Though the two should go hand-in-hand, life has taught him that that isn’t always the case, unfortunately. There are people in his life that he likes to believe love him on some level, if only because they’re close family members, but the blatant disregard that they’ve shown for his happiness/mental wellbeing over the years… Well, needless to say that he’s since removed these people from his life, choosing to love them from afar instead of keeping them close where they can continue to do him harm.
But this is all getting a bit too heavy, so let us move on.
Anyways, going from such a selfish form of love to having something so pure and boundless and giving with you… Gods. He honestly never thought that he’d be so blessed. As he’s gotten older he’s gotten better at voicing his needs with the expectation of having them heard and respected, but even tho he knows that there’s nothing wrong with doing so it can still leave him feel burdensome from time to time. He knows that’s just his brain being wack, but sometimes it can’t be helped, yanno? When you do things for him unprompted, anticipating his needs in a way that almost feel psychic at times, it really does go a long way with silencing the vicious voices that try to take up residence in his head. Having someone not only know him well enough to have that level of foresight, but also care for him enough to take those extra steps for him?
He’s not crying, you’re crying, hush…
Whenever you do something for him to make his day a little easier/brighter, to make his load lighter, or ‘just because’ it goes right to his heart—and his dick lol. It shouldn’t be too much of a shocker, not when you think of the way he’s wired. He’s a highly emotional being, and when it comes to you it doesn’t take much for all the love he feels for you to slip over from wholesome to hoesome.
In cases like these he usually doesn’t act on it as he almost finds it… not exactly distasteful on his part, but it… idk, kinda feels like it lessens things if he repays your kindness with seeming random horniness. He doesn’t want to you to ever think that he only wants you in that way, never wants you to feel cheap or anything of the like so he makes a vested effort to keep a lid on things. Still, knowing him as well as you do you’ll probably make the connection fairly quickly. If you bring it up to him expect a rapidly spoken, hella stammer-y apology followed by a more in depth explanation once he calms down some. After hearing him out be sure to let him know that there’s nothing to be ashamed of; love and intimacy expresses itself in many forms, and if this is the kind that gets him going, that’s perfectly fine.
This is a rather powerful bit of knowledge, so once you do know try not to abuse it. Ofc that isn’t to say to stop doing stuff for him, but like just don’t make it weird for the guy lol. Express your interest if you’re that way inclined and gauge his willingness in turn (because his being a lil turned on doesn’t mean he’s actually looking to do anything about it, yanno?) and go from there.
All that aside, he’s v. touch sensitive. It’s the feather light touches (esp. if they’re to the back of his neck or over his bear arms) that really get to him. Ofc if you play with his hair he’ll turn to goo in like .5 seconds, tho to be honest this has just a good of a chance of putting him to sleep as it does of turning him on lol. But! If your lips brush against his ear while you’re talking—bonus points for playing on his voice kink and whispering something spicy in your bedroom voice—the warmth of your breath dancing over his skin to give him goosebumps, and forcing him to repress the pleasurable shudder that wants so badly to wrack his frame…
Hells yeah, leggo lmao.
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No || Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs?
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He’s absolutely never gonna degrade you.
Given all that he’s been forced to endure, Asahi places more emphasis on words than the average person. This isn’t to say that those spoken by others affect him as severely as they once did, but rather that he’s v. purposeful on how he wields his own—especially when it comes to you.
Harsh words, even when spoken for a specific purpose and with your consent, are never gonna be something he’s comfortable with directing at you for any reason and at any time, but especially during such an intimate and vulnerable act as sex. He likes to tease, yes, and may even get a little patronizing—“Aww, look at those tears. Can’t you take this cock without crying, pretty baby?”/“Sweet thing’s gone all dumb on my dick.”/etc.—but he’s never gonna be outright mean.
He physically cannot force his lips to part around such cruel words when it comes to you, as in his mind that’s the absolute antithesis of love.
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Oral || Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.
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CW for face fucking, (Reader both giving and receiving), as well as deep throating (Reader giving, tho let it be said now that Asahi will gladly choke on your cock/strap). ((also op kinda losing her shit overall lmfao))
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As much as he enjoys a good blowie, he definitely loves having his face buried between your legs more.
Asa’s all about your pleasure—a thing that’s for your sake as much as it is his—so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that he v. much loves to give you that work. And there’s nothing about the process that he doesn’t enjoy.
The cute little sounds you make (that come in a variety of mouthwatering flavors) are especially enticing. The breath hitches and sighs, the way your moans stick in your throat when he hits that one special spot—and don’t even get him started on how pretty you beg for him. Those needy little whines you make when he slows down to a torturously slow pace, his tongue just barely dragging over your heated flesh… You always say his name so sweetly when you’re pushed to the edge of yourself in such a way; doesn’t matter if you’re whimpering it or gritting it out from between clenched teeth—it’s all music to his ears.
And then there’s the needy way you grasp at his hair. Your fingers always end up tangling themselves deeply in his thick locks in an attempt to ground yourself against your mounting pleasure. Sometimes you pull him in closer, humping his face with abandon as you chase down your end, and other times you try to drag him away, your body unable to handle another limb-numbing and mind-melting orgasm.
He’s also really into pushing your legs up to your chest and pinning them there so that he can have his way with you without interference. Watching your feet kick uselessly in his peripheral will never cease to amuse him. Yeah, despite what you may think, dude’s a big gd tease and proud of it. He’s got the bulk, reach, and strength needed to keep you pinned down and he’s certainly not above using any of it against you. He’s also v. much into praising you if for no other reason than to feel the way your body responds to it. There’s nothing quite like having your walls damn near snapping his fingers in two when he tells you how damn sexy it is watching your greedy little hole suck down the prodding digits.
But none of this is to say that he has to be in control all the time. He’s very pro you fucking his face. Please use his mouth/tongue/fingers as you see fit—he lives for that shit. The idea of you using his body to get yourself off is *chef’s kiss* 10/10, would be your personal fucktoy again. And don’t you worry about choking and-or smothering him—he’s a big boy that’s more than capable of taking whatever it is you throw at him. He’s 100% the type to pull your hips flush with his face if he thinks you’re being too shy about things lol. ((he definitely mutters a cute lil “It’s okay baby, take what you need” against you as he does it too—and gdi I am foaming at the mouth))
However it plays out, do not be surprised if he busts while he’s going down on you. Oral really could’ve gone under his list of kinks, but since there was a whole letter for it I decided to cover it here. But trust and believe me when I say he absolutely LOVES this shit, okay? He will legit spend hours with his head between your legs if you let him, and be more than content with grinding his cock against the mattress without ever once putting it in you.
Annnnd because I’m a total slut for this man, let’s talk about the inverse.
Sucking Asahi off can be intimidating, ngl. He’s the CEO of Big Dicks. His cock is long and thick with a nice upwards curve that’s heavenly when he’s fucking you, but can potentially cause an issue when you’re trying to choke him down. He’s well aware of all of this, so he’s more than willing to settle for you taking in as much as you’re comfortable with and using your hands on the rest. But even when you’re doing the bare minimum believe me when I say you’ll still be gagging on him.
Like I said, he’s not the type to force deep throating, but given all the pretty sounds he makes and how sweet he is in general I can guarantee you that you’ll want to at least make the attempt ((#doitforHIM)). It’ll take you a bit to train your throat, but once you do god is it worth it. The first time he feels your throat open up around him he damn near cums on the spot, he definitely sobs a bit—a hard, broken sound that shots straight to your core. Given his size he’s never had a partner that was able (or willing) to take him down to the base like that, so when he finally experiences it it’s safe to say that he ascends lmao. The whole time you’re sucking him off his thoughts are alternating between keeping himself from cumming too soon and keeping himself from proposing lmfao. Boy is shook, sprung, and barely hanging on to his sanity.
And once you get to the point where he can fuck your face? Game fucking over.
He can’t decide if he wants to force his cock down your throat or pull your head in so he usually ends up doing both lol. He lives for the sound of your choking gags in the same way you revel in the guttural sounds that are steadily clawing their way up from his belly and out of his mouth. The closer he gets to his climax, the more vocal he gets. Praise will flow from him in a rapid string, with him telling you how well you take him, how good you’re making him feel, and how you’re such a good little love for letting him use you like this. He definitely begs you to tell him that you want him to cum down your throat despite the fact that you’re in no real position to give him a reply—verbally, anyway. Just look up at him with your dewy, half lidded eyes and he’ll know.
But eventually everything but your name will fade away from his mind. He’ll chant it like a prayer as he continues to chase his release, his movements growing more and more frantic with each thrust, until his entire existence stalls. Have fun trying not to choke as he floods your throat with his thick load lol; it’s gonna spill past your puffed out cheeks to drip down your chin and onto your chest and thighs. If you wanna earn some bonus points don’t waste even a single drop. Put on a show for him as you gather it all up on your fingertips only to clean it off with your clever tongue and he’ll be all to ready to return the favor despite the fact that he cannot currently feel his legs lmao…
((not me going on for nearly an extra 600 words because I want this 2D anime man to use my mouth/throat like a Fleshlight lmfao…))
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Pace || Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.
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I kinda touched on this in ‘G’ and ‘I’, but let’s get into things a bit more, shall we?
If left to his own devices Asahi’s more apt to take things slow. He wants to savor this, to drown you both in the waves of your shared passion and love. And he’s so damn sweet about it too; he’s all about that ‘forehead touches, holding hands, staring deeply into each other’s eyes’ kinda life. He also really likes to keeping you as close as possible so fully expect for him to either damn near flatten you or pull your body up against him. Likewise he loves it when you cling to him—it makes him feel both wanted and needed which in turn leaves his heart full to bursting with affection and yeah… He’ll keep up this languid pace for nearly the whole of the session if you let him, with things only picking up once the end is near.
Also—eye contact.
I know I already said as much, but it really does bear repeating because he’s so damn deft on it. He doesn’t mind it if your eyes flutter closed from time to time, but if they try to stay that way he’s definitely gonna urge you to open them again—“Come on pretty baby, let me see to gorgeous eyes, yeah? Let me see you…”—and when he’s being so damn sincere about it how can you do anything but comply? This man will always leave you feeling SEEN. It’s all very intimate, not to mention intense, so don’t be surprised if one or both of you shed a tear or two from time to time.
But back to pacing.
He’s definitely not opposed taking you hard and fast, but the only time he’ll default to this is when he’s in a Mood™. But ofc if that’s your personal preference he’s more than willing to indulge you more often.
It should be said that however things go, Asahi rarely ever straight out fucks you. Even when you’re having hip-slapping, back clawing sex this man somehow still manages to transform it into love making and it’s just… magic.
He’s magic. ((now if he could only be real *sob-sob*))
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Quickie || Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.
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CW for Asahi sending you a ~naughty video~ *wink-wonk* lol.
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It’s honestly a tossup.
On one hand he loves to take his time and thoroughly love on you, but there’s just something about the desperation behind a quickie that makes his brain vibrate. Your wanting each other so much that you just can’t wait, that you have to have each other right then and there, commitments be damned? Big bet, he’s here for that ish.
Regardless of who initiated it, if you do have a quickie be ready to be wrecked when you both get home—I’m talking throat screamed raw, guts completely rearranged-levels of destroyed. He’s been thinking about your little romp all day, the phantom of your pants against his ear sending shivers down his spine even as his cock twitches to life at the memory of the way your tight little hole had greedily sucked him in only to hold him in its velvet-lined vice. He had to excuse himself to the bathroom on several occasions when he fell a little too deeply into his head and popped a boner, the poor baby lmao.
Definitely rubbed one out during his lunch break and he maaay have sent you a video of the aftermath—his cock, spent and still dripping, resting against one gorgeous, quivering thigh, the other supporting his messy hand. His voice is trembling in that way that says he’s absolutely drained and yet he still has just enough energy to croak out a cute little “Missing you so, so much sweetie. Can’t wait until I see you tonight…” before flipping the camera around and blowing you a kiss and ugggh!! End. Me. Now. He’s so damn cute and sexy and it makes me mad >:(((
After a stunt like that it goes unsaid that you’re just as feral as he is when you see him lmfao. Hell if you wanna flip the switch on him and fuck his brains out he is not at all opposed, btw—he just wants to be with you, the how of it is just details, honestly.
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RIsk || Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.
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If you’re at a point where your sleeping together he definitely trusts you enough to experiment.
That said, even tho there are things that he wants to try he’s a bit hesitant to bring them up. He knows that you won’t judge him no matter what, but try telling his anxiety that :/  Tbh it’s probably gonna be up to you to start this particular line of dialogue. It’s best to come at things with an open and casual approach, making it known that kinks—even those that he’s shy about voicing/thinks are ‘too weird’—are nothing to be embarrassed over.
But despite his reservations about sharing his own, he’s very open, receptive, and willing to try almost anything so please feel free to tell him about yours; it’ll definitely help to loosen his tongue once the conversation gets to flowing.
As far as risk—he’s like a 4/10, his penchant for fucking at events notwithstanding lol. Aside from that, the riskiest thing that he’ll get up to on his own is sending nudes/vids, and even then he has to be in a Mood™ for that. As I said before, the thought of getting caught is like the least sexy thing in the world to him, so anything pertaining to that does nothing for him. Or, well, nothing good, anyway. Outside of that sort of risk, he is game to try something if you’re really adamant about it. At the end of the day he just wants to make his baby happy, and if what you’re asking for won’t leave either of you at a deficit he’s willing to at least try it once. Expect him to do his research tho lol; he’s sorry if that takes some of the intrigue out of it for you, but uncharted waters (not to mention his anxiety) demand preparation.
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Stamina || How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…
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Between having kept up with his old training regimen (because it’s as familiar as it is effective) and his penchant for over-stimming himself, it’s safe to say that he’s got p. good stamina in general. Said stamina definitely carries over into the bedroom—lucky you lol.
Sessions with Asahi aren’t particularly rough (usually), but they’re very involved. He never fails to put his all into making love to you, and that intensity manifests itself physically as well as emotionally. By the end of things you’re both drained, but like in a really, really good way.
His refractory period is on the longer side, but it’s just as well given how long a session tends to last with him. He’d rather draw things out in one extended round that starts with you cumming on his tongue and ends with your fucked-out body twitching around his cock a long while later.
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Toy || Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?
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Any toys he owns is at your behest.
It’s not that he has anything against them, it’s just… Well, he’s always been hella shy—not to mention kinda awkward—about such things, so the thought of ordering toys (or gods fucking forbid going into a sex shop to buy some) was a big ol’ N O P E for him lol. Once you come along he’s more open to the idea of exploring in this arena; he’s game to try p. much anything so long as it won’t hurt either of you too much. He’s okay with having a little pain to go along with the pleasure, but once it goes past a certain point it stops being fun for him and turns deeply concerning (blame his anxiety, he certainly does).
But yeah, if you want to introduce some toys into your sessions he’s definitely game! Since he has literally no experience, inducting him is gonna be a fun time for you both. Just strip him down, lay him back—maybe even bind his arms and legs if you’re feeling particularly saucy—break out the lube and get to work.
((…no thoughts outside of a tied down, whiny Asahi, tears streaming down his cheeks as he struggles against his bindings.
Neither of you know if he’s trying to get away from the vibe that you’re running along the underside of his weeping cock or if he’s pushing in for more, but unless he uses his safeword you won’t be stopping anytime soon. He knows this of course, is counting on it, really. It feels good—so good, almost too good, honestly, and he cannot stop himself from babbling on about how it’s “–t-too much, baby, I can’t cum again, yu-you gotta stop!” despite that being the absolute last thing he wants.
Meanwhile you’re getting addicted to the sight of him like this. Everything—from his sweat curled locks to flush that stains his skin to the way he writhes and whines and whimpers for you—is just so damn delicious you cannot help but to want more and more and more even as you drink it all in. You’re a lush for him, always, but there’s something particularly intoxicating about having him completely at your mercy like this that makes you ravenous. And your greed, bottomless thing that it is, will certainly have its due…))
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Unfair || How much they like to tease.
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I’m gonna say something that’s controversial and yet so brave (and also true):
Asahi Azumane is a huge fucking tease. No, I do not take criticism, critiques, or question.
I’ve touched on/alluded to this several times at this point, but let’s get more into it, shall we?
Initially his teasing isn’t intentional. He’s so damn shy about intimacy at the start of things that he ends up breaking off interactions right when they’re getting especially good. It’s hard to feel anything other than a warm sort of affection (albeit tinged with just a hint of longing-fueled frustration) when you take in his glowing cheeks as he stutters out something about not wanting to take things too fast. Once he gets past all that it’s a lack of experience that sees him pulling up short, and once that’s gained he has come to find that he quite likes the way you whine and writhe and pout when you get all needy for him.
He doesn’t have the heart to deny you for too long, luckily, but then again his definition of ‘too long’ may not match yours lol. As far as he’s concerned time is an illusion when you’re together like this, a construct of a society that could very well crumble and burn all around you and he’d be none the wiser. Because of this he can drag things out as long as you’re willing to allow him to, tho the moment you make it known that it’s too much he’ll be quick to give in.
Still, given the fact that he’s more often than not the flustered one, he really loves turning things on you. He definitely likes to make you tell him what you want, and if he’s feeling especially saucy he’ll make you get very specific. When he gets in a mood like this just asking him to touch you won’t fly; you better tell him exactly where and how or else he’ll ghost his fingers over your outline, his nose prodding as your neck in between kisses to the delicate column as he urges you to “Tell me then, pretty baby—tell me what you want, what you need, and you know I’ll give it to you. Just say the words and I’ll make you feel so, so good…”
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Volume || How loud they are, what sounds they make?
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He’s about average when it comes to volume, but only once he gets comfortable enough to let his voice out.
Having lived in a house with too thin walls he learned fairly early on to keep a lid on things, and living in a dorm shortly thereafter reinforced this behavior. Still, he’s incapable of being completely quiet, he’s just not built that way, so he’d often have to muffle himself with his free hand. Once he started getting a bit more physical with his exs he loosened up a bit, but it isn’t until he’s with you that he finally starts to feel comfortable enough to really let go.
And oh, but he’s a vocal little thing.
Literally any sound that a man can make while in the throes of passion has escaped Asahi at least once lol. Depending on what side of the spectrum he’s falling on at a given moment he can go from whimpering and whining so, so sweetly to these deep, guttural moans that you’ll feel echoing through the whole of you to settle in your core.
On top of all of that he’s a sex babbler. He was super self-conscious about that at the start of things, mostly because once he comes back to himself he has absolutely no idea what it is he’s said (tho he’s positive that it must’ve been embarrassing as hell), but once you make it know that you not only don’t mind the deluge, but find it extremely hot, well…
Once he gets going, there’s really no stopping him. Praise, praise, praise—so much damn praise, and declarations of love, and every other thing that his sex addled brain can think to spew at you. Loves to tell you how good you’re making him feel, and will damn near die on the spot if you return the favor. The closer he gets to the end, however, the more his vocabulary shrinks. His sentences become less articulate, his lexicon more limited, until he’s reduced to little more than your name and sounds of pleasure and honestly hearing him fall apart in such a way is one of the sexiest things you’ll ever have the pleasure of witnessing.
But don’t get it twisted—if you think he’s gonna be the only one babbling away you are so very, very wrong.
Dude’s gonna make sure you’re just as if not more vocal than he is. If he gets in a Mood he’s definitely the type to make you say “I’m your good girl/boy/baby” while he’s hammering his cock into you—preferably while he’s got you in a mating press or really any position that allows him to see the way you manage to fluster at the words while also damn near drooling over the way he’s fucking you. He’s also one of those people that’ll ask you a question while he’s balls deep and fully expect a legit answer. How articulate he’ll want said answer to be will solely depend on how ‘mean’ he’s feeling at the time, so if you’ve been getting at him a little too much for his liking lately expect him to get downright petty lol.
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Wild Card || Get a random headcanon (and ficlet) of my choice.
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CW for unprotected and semi-public sex as well as what probably amounts to an overuse of pet names (i.e. pretty baby, sweetie, honey, etc.). Also low-key exhibitionism, but not really since neither of you actually want to get caught, but it is a distinct possibility and that’s kinda hot lol. Also, also—a mildly dom-ish Asahi because that’s just how I do things lol.
Also, also, also—cum play? Maybe??? Asahi ends up finishing in his pocket square; obviously he can return it to its original spot, and neither of you want to risk someone finding the v. identifiable cloth so the only real safe place to store it is in your underwear—or so his thinking goes lmao…
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Thinking about Mister Azumane absolutely wrecking me in some back hall at an event now haunts my every waking hour, so here—have whatever the fuck this is lol. Dk how good/coherent it is as I’m sleepy af and still have to format this beast of a post so… Yeah *shrugs*
I’ll probably end up editing it at some point, but for now (hopefully) enjoy…
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↠ Just imagine getting all dolled up to go to one of Asahi’s shows.
He doesn’t know you’re coming, as prior scheduling conflicts had initially meant that you wouldn’t be able to attend, but through a combination of overtime and favors cashed in you were just able to make it.
Everything—from your chosen ensemble, to the way you style your hair, to the fragrance you dab against your pulse point—is meant to entice.
Eyes will certainly be on you, but there’s only one pair that you’re concerned with.
↠ When he sees you all of the effort you put in instantly becomes worth it.
Asahi’s eyes damn near bug out of his skull when he spies you across the way. The casual mien that you’ve adopted only adds to your charm, lending you an almost untouchable air.
He excuses himself from the model whose skirt he’d been hemming, passing off the work to a seamstress in favor of rushing over to gather you in his arms.
He can’t keep his hands to himself any more than he can stop the words of praise that are falling from his lips. Still he manages to keep his touch PG, if only just.
↠ He seems to be especially taken with the cut of your outfit.
You would almost call it vanity, given that it is one of his designs, but the look in his eye is far too intense for that.
There’s something darker there—something primal, hungry.
It’s almost as if he wants to eat you alive and dammit if you won’t let him.
Work has kept you apart for the better part of a month now and you’re just as starved for his affection as he is for yours.
↠ The kiss he lays on you is a needy thing that lasts just a touch too long to be appropriate, but if anyone’s bothered by it they’re kind enough to keep it to themselves.
He sends you on your way then as he still has work to do before things get underway–
“But I promise you the moment I’m free…”
He leaves the sentence hanging, not that it needs a conclusion when it’s punctuated with another hot, drawn out kiss.
↠ There’s a near palpable tension between the pair of you for the entire night, one loaded with promises that Asahi’s yet to make good on—well until he does…
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“Wasn’t expecting to see you here tonight, pretty baby—wasn’t expecting to see you until Monday night, really. Such a sweet surprise deserves an even sweeter reward, don’t you think?”
Even as he poses the question, Asahi delivers. Fingers that feel like firebrands slide between your layers with an expert’s precision to glide over your sodden flesh. Gathering up a portion of your liquid arousal, he brushes teasingly over your most sensitive spot before finally touching you properly, and it’s good—so, so good—but now’s hardly the time to bask.
“H-have to be quick,” you remind him. “Someone could se-ahh~”
Your moan scales up into something high and breathy at the feeling of one of his long, thick fingers pressing into you. Asahi mumbles something about you being tight at nearly the same moment, the words praise and a curse both. Having gone so long without, even this much feels like an intrusion, albeit one you desperately crave. Though your mind knows that you not only can, but have taken more with less prep, your body’s having a hard time remembering that. Still the slight burn is exquisite and you find yourself grinding against his hand.
“Don’t worry, sweetie—I’m gonna get you off, honey, and I’m gonna do it quick…”
Suddenly the body at your back is siding down-down-down and taking your underwear with it. Your personal axis is thrown off twice in quick succession soon after, with the first time being when Asahi spins you so that you’re facing him, the speed and force of the action leaving you mildly disoriented, and before you can even begin to get your bearings you’re being hefted off of the ground by a pair of strong arms. You squawk at this, hands scrambling for purchase and balance both against the head that is now between your legs. From this close you can feel Asahi’s replying laughter ghosting over your core and the feeling leaves you twitching in his grasp, which in turn sees him cursing lowly.
“Fuck, baby—I wish you could see how pretty you are down here. Can’t believe I’ve gone so long without it…”
He wastes no time getting to work after that. With the way he’s positioned he should be considered the captive, but you’re not under any illusions as to who has who trapped. When he gets like this—all determined and fierce and feral—you’re absolutely powerless against him. With his hot, wet mouth working you over with such a clear dedication to your undoing there’s nothing to be done but to sit back and receive his care.
“Close, Asa—‘m so close…”
“Already?” he starts, lips pulling away from you with a lewd sounding smack. “Is it that good, honey?”
You nod your head hard and fast. “Yes~ Please don’t stop. Want your mouth, wanna come for you…”
“____, gods… Okay, okay—I’ll give you what you want, sweetheart, promise. Just hold on, ‘kay?”
His words turn out to be a warning rather than a bid for patience, you soon find, as the hand that had been helping to keep you anchored leaves your thigh; the rhythmic bob of its connecting shoulder that starts up afterwards tells you that he’s chasing his own pleasure even as he drives you headlong into your own. A little flicker of undue jealousy flares in your gut at that. It should be your hand—or your mouth, or better still, your tight little hole—that’s making him feel good–
But can you really begrudge him anything when he’s pulling you apart like this?
His technique isn’t lessened for the speed, if anything the urgency only serves to add an extra layer of excitement to it all. That said, neither of you have any desire to actually be caught so you do your part to bring you to your ends. Your hips rut against his mouth as much as your positioning will allow for, barely subdued whimpers and moans pouring from your lips all the while. Meanwhile Asahi’s just as vocal, with even the least sound he makes hitting you like body blow. The pair of you are caught in a feedback loop of pure pleasure, one that can only be broken by that all-consuming, ultimate culmination.
Unsurprisingly it’s you that falls first.
You grit out something that’s supposed to be his name, though you can’t quite manage to get all of the syllables out, but apparently what little you do manage is enough to drag your man over the edge after you. He cums with a choked growl that peters out into a contented sigh as you both lean as heavily against one another as you dare. Though the hall that you’ve claimed for your little romp is out of the way, it’s still in a public space; time is against you, and the longer you dawdle, the greater the chance of discovery. This is why Asahi is quick to set you both to rights—well, as soon as you’re able to (mostly) stand under your own power anyway.
Thankfully you don’t look too worse for wear, all things considered. Sure your hair’s not as pristine as it had been, and there may be a glow to your eyes that wasn’t there before, and–
Oh who are you kidding? Everyone’s gonna know exactly what the pair of you have been up to.
An embarrassing prospect, but one you’ve long since made peace with.  At least this time both of your outfits made it through the ordeal unscathed, the odd wrinkle notwithstanding.
Once enough blood returns to your brain to once again allow for rational thought, you’re worried that Asahi has made a mess of his suit’s pants, but some fortunately quick thinking on his part saw his pocket square taking the brunt of things. Unfortunately he cannot return the now sullied cloth to its former home and the distinct pattern makes it far too identifiable to just toss–
“But I think I have a solution, love—if you’re willing to indulge me?”
The feeling of damp silk contouring to your most intimate areas is shiver-inducing, the knowing looks that your man tosses you nearly enough to bring you to your knees…
It’s another unspoken promise made, one’s who fulfillment you are most certainly to looking forward to.
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X-Ray || How they look with their clothes off.
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Though I already gushed about this way back in ‘B’ there will never not be a time when I’m not ready so say so much more on the subject lol.
As I’ve well established at this point, dude’s got a gd body on him, and said body’s fit as hell. He’s made sure to keep in shape, so he hasn’t lost any definition over the years—hell, if anything he’s probably gained some. While his arms and torso are points of pride for him, his legs aren’t to be slept on– Well unless you’re like literally sleeping on them thicc ass thighs lmao. This god-tier lap pillow is always on offer, btw, and a scalp message comes standard with each use! But anyways!! His legs are long, toned, and they look especially pretty when they’re wrapped around your waist, just sayin’ 😏
Aside from all that he’s just planes and planes of lightly toasted skin. Idk why, but I just really feel in my heart of hearts that he tans SO easily, and in the summer he’ll get those cute lil sun freckles too, and not just on his face either. Arms, hands, shoulders, hell even his legs—anywhere that gets enough sunlight will eventually start sprouting the things and it’s just really fucking adorable… Also! His hair lightens a bit in the summer. It’s not super noticeable outside of the sun for the most part, but he does pick up some natural highlights; they’re only about half a shade to a shade lighter, just enough to add an extra touch of dimension to his already beautiful locks.
He doesn’t really have any noteworthy scars, but I do see him as being the type to have a little ink. Ofc tattoos are still a bit of a controversial topic in Japan, but it seems like so long as they’re not somewhere super exposed they’re not too much of a problem. It also helps matters that he’s his own boss (I personally canon him as starting up his own label in his late twenties) and he works in a field where self-expression is highly celebrated no matter what form it takes.
Being the creative that he is, he really appreciates the artistry that goes into it all. He’s definitely the type to design his own tattoos, and he’ll draw up some for you too, if you’re that way inclined. As for what he’d get… I can see him wanting at least one traditional, fully colored piece—maybe a koi with some lotus blossoms?
Also, blackwork. He just thinks it looks super elegant; for that piece he’d probably go for something geometric with super clean lines. Location-wise they’d probably be on his back and upper arms—maaaybe his chest too, but that’s probably just wishful thinking on my part. ((but seriously tho, just think how hot it’d be if wore a kinda loose button up and he does that thing that guys do where they leave an absolutely unnecessary amount of buttons undone and you occasionally catch a peek at the ink on his pec—god.)) It’s a pain, having to cover them up when he goes out to onsens and the like, but it’s worth it, he thinks.
Alsooo—being the big ol’ sentimental softie that he is, he definitely gets a crow. That one’d probably be really simplistic, just an outline of the bird’s silhouette, and he’d probably have it placed behind his ear or something lol. A more daring position, true, but since he likes to wear his hair down it isn’t as readily visible as you’d think. He may or may not try to talk his former teammates into getting matching crow tattoos with varying results lol.
…bonus HC time? Bonus HC time.
The ones most enthusiastic about the prospect are Suga, Noya, Tanaka, Hinata, and (to the great surprise of literally everyone) Kiyoko. Daichi and Yachi are a bit reluctant—the latter because she’s afraid that she’ll get staph infection or something equally terrible (and unlikely) and die, the former because he’s afraid that his grandma will disown him if she ever found out (also he’s low-key afraid of needles lmao); they both cave once they find out that Kiyoko did the thing. Ennoshita bows out as he doesn’t think it’s becoming of a medical professional, while Tsukki initially says no just because he doesn’t want one (tho eventually Yams and the tangerine wear him down lol). Kags gets one just because he doesn’t want to feel left out, which is generally the reason why the rest eventually agree.
They even get their old sensei in on the action. I definitely canon Keishin as having some ink, so he was an easy sale, but everyone was ~shook~ when their mild mannered advisor agreed just as readily. Turns out he already has a pretty sizable piece hidden away on his back—I’m thinking some sort of traditional styled shoulder piece that maaay wrap around onto his chest as well? 👀👀 Sir, I am looking respectfully, I swear—that he absolutely adores so getting a tiny lil crow is nothing.
((ngl, the idea of Takeda with ink is Doing Something to me and fuck—did I just accidentally make myself thirsty for him too?? Ah well, HCs for another day, I suppose…))
So in conclusion—Asahi’s a thick, pretty boy, with some pretty ink. That’s all I’ve got, folks. Thanks for listening lol…
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Yearning || How high is their sex drive?
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Eh, I’d say it’s about average these days, tho it is worth noting that he’s content to follow your lead on this. If you want him more often he’s more than willing to oblige you, and likewise if your sex drive is on the lower side he’s cool with that too.
At the end of the day sex for him, while obviously very enjoyable, is just another way for him to express his love for you, but it’s certainly not the only way, yanno? In fact his main love language isn’t even touch, but rather quality time.  The accompanying activity is ultimately immaterial in his eyes, he just wants to spend as much time with you as possible because on top of loving you, he genuinely likes you. Before you were lovers you were friends, and that particular bond has only grown stronger and deeper over the years, so it’s not surprising that he enjoys your company so much. Because of this he’s as likely to do a puzzle with you as he is to blow your back it—it really all just depends on what you want lol.
That said, the pendulum does indeed swing both ways, so if you’ve been apart for an extended amount of time he will get… needy to say the least.
It’s usually his work that’s the main culprit of time theft. Fashion shows and various events see him hopping cities/countries a fair bit, especially at the height of new seasons, and unless you work with him you cannot always accompany him. You both do your best to keep one another sated with texts and phone calls and video chats, but you know that these are little more than stopgaps—a traveler’s substitution, that while valiant in its efforts, will never compare to having your lover wrapped up in your arms.
It’d be in your best interest to take the next couple of days off when you know he’s due back because you won’t be leaving your home for at least that long—hell, you’ll barely be leaving your bedroom if he has his way…
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ZZZ || How quickly they fall asleep afterwards.
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It honestly depends on how rested he was before the session.
If it’s like a midday romp he’ll probably be ready for a nap, but it’s not so pressing a need that he’s gonna pass out. But if it’s at the end of a long day he’s p. much out once he’s gotten you squared away. He’s also been known to knock out on you during your post sex cuddles lol. It’s always one of those really light dozes tho—ya know the kind, where you’re like technically asleep, but still weirdly aware of everything that’s going on around you. And if it’s a situation where his sleep’s been broken (because sometimes the thirst is just that real, let’s be honest lol) he’ll be out like a light soon after, not that he was ever really fully awake in the first place.
All that said, he knows the importance of aftercare, so he always makes sure to provide it to you in some capacity, even if that just amounts to him snuggling the fuck outta you until you both succumb to sleep’s siren call.
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© notepadsandtealeaves, 2022 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol…
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