#anyone else out there to flail with during hiatus
la-ermitana · 5 years
Just wanna say thanks for staying active during hiatus and feeding us! I have a request. Can you make a gif set of Teresa getting ready in the beginning of 3x09? She so pretty there! And of jeresa escaping the safe house in 3x02? Do you also have any fics in the works too?
Aww hi anon thank you! Sorry for the late response, work got busy. But I had a low load at work a few weeks ago so I was just trying to entertain myself and hopefully some of you guys! I made a bunch of edits on a day I had nothing to do so those are all scheduled for every (QOTS) Thursday so be on the lookout! Thanks for the requests!
I thought there was that 3x09 set out there already but I didn’t see it. I did it just for you though in case it really doesn’t exist! She really is so pretty there! I love everything about it. Wish I could get her dress and shoes. POSTED!
The 3x02 one is made too and queued up to be posted one of these thursdays. And yes a fic is coming. Hint it’s about my KG and princess peach post awhile back. Just fluff I’m not even sure about yet but we shall see. Queued up as well.
0 notes
airplanned · 3 years
Ned Talks About Fight Scenes
I write a lot of fight scenes, and I consider it something I'm good at.  There are a lot of things to consider when writing a fight scene and they all intersect with each other.  I'm going to talk about three things: Clarity, Emotion, and Flow. 
Clarity is important, because you don't want your reader to stop and say, "Wait, there's another guy?" "Since when did they have an axe?" "I thought they were on the ground?"  "When did they get inside?"  Anything that pulls the reader out of the story disrupts your flow and is bad.  You need things to clip along, so be sure that your choreography makes sense and that you're clear about what's going on.  
The biggest problem I see in fight scenes is when a transition is missed so a character is over here, and then all of a sudden they're over there or facing a different way.  I'm not saying that there needs to be a whole big thing made about the transition, because that will affect your flow and slow you down with excess description, making it feel bloated.  But saying, "He turned around," takes up minimal space and will sometimes save you a lot of grief.  
I think the easiest example to show of this is actually a make-out scene I read ages ago.  (Make-out scenes and fight scenes have a lot in common.) It went something like this: "He came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her shoulder.  She hopped up and wrapped her legs around his waist."  ...   The picture I have in my head is that he’s still behind her, but her legs are folded backward like a ballerina.  This would be easily preventable with a simple "She turned around and..."  
Now, this example is a very close example.  The characters are attentive to every little moment, so a jump into a different position is jarring.  A fight scene example would be if you have a one-on-one duel, and it's emotional and calculating, and your character is very attuned to every movement that their opponent makes.  It's a little different if you have a sweeping battle scene with a horde of hundreds of enemies, like if you're writing an Age of Calamity battle.  Your main character isn't thinking in minute steps, but rather in sweeping moves, so your reader is fine not hearing that your character has turned around, but wouldn't be fine not knowing that your character is suddenly bleeding from dozens of fatal wounds or is half way through a battle with a big monster that actually matters.  So be aware of the scope of your scene, and that will guide you in how detailed you need to be.  (Also keep in mind that you can zoom in, like you fight a big Age of Calamity battle, but then things get more personal when you meet the boss and fight them.)
I know that just saying "don't so this" is not super helpful.  First of all, sometimes something is so clear in your head that you don't even know that your reader isn't following you.  The main solution to that is a beta reader.  A second set of eyes can easily point out these moments.  You can also draw stick figures (it's fun!).  For each sentence, draw where they would be and make sure the change between them makes sense.  
Sometimes, you might have something very complicated in mind.  But if you cant describe it clearly, it's not worth it and it might be worth scaling back.  Killing your darlings happens.
Sometimes, the fight will be a huge mess and our hero will be flailing around, not knowing what's going on or which way is up or when it's going to be over.  But in that case, you can just say that.  Be clear about it.  And then tell us what your POV character does know.  If they're overwhelmed, tell us what they feel.  Adding in emotion can actually be clarifying in explaining to the reader why the character acts the way they do.
Which brings us to
Emotion.  It's important for a lot of reasons.  First of all, if you leave out the emotion completely and have it be straight action the whole time, then your hero looks as if it's no big thing.  This battle is simple and they are a killing machine.  Maybe that's what you want.  But if there's no tension for your character, there won't be any tension in your reader.  If you say that this scene is no sweat, I (the reader) will not be sweating.  But if your character is struggling, if they're fearing, if they're exhausted or hurt, I'm going to worry for them and you automatically have tension.
Second of all, I tend to write more character driven things, and what's the point of the fight scene if it doesn't have some effect on the character or show something about them?  What purpose does it serve in the story?  Maybe it's just to be cool, and that's okay, but don't expect more from it if that's the case.
The other cool thing about including emotion is that if you have a paragraph in the middle of a fight scene where the character is thinking about how hard the fight is or worrying about protecting someone or excited to finally be using a sword again after a long hiatus, then your reader will assume that time is passing while they're thinking, and then when you pull out of that paragraph and back int the action, your character can be in a new place, fighting a new monster.  It's one way to avoid that jarring lack of transition that we talked about earlier.
So returning regularly to your POV character in a fight scene is a good idea.  I tend to do one pass where I just write the choreography (unless some big, climactic emotional moment is the whole point of the scene/story, in which case I'll write that first), then I'll do a second pass inserting some interiority. 
Flow deals with how the scene reads.  You want it to read fast (action packed!) because your character will be thinking fast and things will be moving fast and you want your reader's heart to be beating fast.
You can achieve a lot of this on a micro level with just word and punctuation choices.  1. Commas: a comma is a way to show a pause for breath, so in some cases, misusing commas and using a run-on sentences is your friend.  Lists are also your friend, because you can have this happening and that happening and something else over there and they felt dizzy and tired and yet the list goes on.  
2. Longer sentences tend to pul you forward through the sentence whereas short, choppy sentences have a lot of periods, which are hard pauses.  
3. To Be Verbs slow you down.  A "to be" verb is any conjugation of "to be": was, is, were, are, be, am.  You might have heard this in high school English class and rolled your eyes, and I have strong feelings about how this is not a hard and fast rule that should be used in all situations.  However, to be verbs DO slow you down, and that's not what you want here.  So let's use a test sentence like, "He was running towards the moblin."  The thing about this is that "run" isn't the verb.  "Was" is the verb.  What was he doing?  He was existing.  Which is more exciting: existing or running?  Change this to "He ran towards the moblin," and already that reads faster.  
4. Over-specificity will slow you down too.  There are so many fight scenes out there where I think they're trying not to fall into the trap discussed earlier of being unclear, so they go hard in the other direction and over-specify.  If you want to tell me at the very start that our hero has a sword in his left hand and a dagger in his right, go for it, but I don't want to hear about what anyone's left hand and right hand are doing during the actual fight.  (Unless handedness is a theme or something in your story?) I don't need to know how many degrees they turned to block a blow.  I don't need to know too many adjectives, because each of your adjectives should be hitting me in the face.
There's a lot more I could say about flow.  I do a lot of work with numbers of syllables and length of syllables, which means that certain words won't fit in the sentence I'm working on.  I do a lot with timing the big moments and arranging the white space around paragraphs so that the reader has a pause to go "oh shit!" when I want them to go "oh shit!"  I do a lot of onomatopoeia (sound effects) as shorthand for movement. "ClashClashClash. Boom!"  But I feel like getting into all that will be a bit too much and it's kind of more of a feeling than a science, so I'll stop here.
Good luck!
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bakudekuficlibrary · 6 years
Do you have any fics where BkDk have the their “first time” together?
Hiya! Here’s a mini-list of fics tagged as “First Time”!
40 Works.
Before Midnight by DriftingGlass ( E | 211,528 | 28/28 )
Izuku Midoriya takes the same train to and from school Monday through Friday, morning and night. His only company during these lonesome hours comes in the form of another boy his age—a teen with scarred hands and blood gem eyes, a stranger with ash-blond hair who walks in a shroud of danger and mystery.
“Would you stop with that fucking muttering, idiot?”
And before Izuku can find his footing, his life becomes a full-blown collision course thanks to walking cannonball Katsuki Bakugou.
(And along the way he may have found the missing fuel to his fire).
[Graphic Depictions of Violence | Underage | Implied/Referenced Child Abuse | Emotional/Psychological Abuse | Attempted Sexual Assault]
drag me to the deeps of your heart by halcyonwhispers ( E | 5,945 | 1/1 )
Everyone presents on their 17th birthday, and while Katsuki has already (alpha, big fuckin’ shocker), he awaits his boyfriend’s presentation to finally get over the nonexistent (slight) curiosity over Izuku’s new rank.
He can’t be an alpha, not crybaby, overthinking Deku. Anyways, both his parents are betas, and all that genetic and biology shit says Deku’s bound for that road.
(he thinks)
SeriesPart 1 of The (Im)Proper Way to an Alpha-Omega Courtship
Honeymoon High by Butterfree ( T | 115,021 | 18/18 )
“OI, FUCKFACE! If you think you’re just going to waltz into this fancy-ass church with your fake as shit smile and your miserable bitch of a wife while my friend is sitting on the street carrying YOUR BABY, then YOU need to step right down here SO I CAN DETONATE YOUR ASS UNTIL NO ONE CAN RECOGNIZE YOUR LYING FACE, YOU DIPSHIT EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING!”
A beat of silence.
And then all hell broke loose.
It started with a ‘SLAP’ resonating from the bride who activated some quirk to maximize the pain that her ex-fiancé felt. A lady near the front fainted, knocking over the table with the wedding cake and a glass swan sculpture. The scattered remains caused the ring bearer to jump up. Her quirk accidentally activated and sent the brides’ maids into the air. A man with half white and half red hair rushed to save the statue, but ended up tripping over a power line which engulfed the room in darkness. It didn’t take long for everyone else in the building to follow.
In the midst of the glory Katsuki felt at the complete chaos, a calloused hand grabbed his sleeve. He was met with wide and curious green eyes. “Excuse me, I’m the groom. Do I know you?”
Fuck. He crashed the wrong wedding.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
Don’t Set Your Drink Down by Crandberrycrush ( E | 79,363+ | 20/21 )
With sudden clarity Izuku realized he had broken the first rule of going out. Never leave your drink unattended.
Not-so-useless Deku by reigncloud ( E | 9,778 | 5/5 )
Katsuki just presses even closer, shoving Deku against the wall. “N-no!” Deku flails a bit, uselessly of course, and futilely tries to push Katsuki away. “Kacchan, don’t get so close!”
“Holy fuck, Deku. Is that what you’re trying to hide?” Katsuki has his thigh between Deku’s legs, and he can feel the other boy’s rock hard dick pressing against him. Deku’s hips jerk forward just a bit in response to the pressure of Katsuki’s body. “Shit, you absolute pervert. You fucking like this, don’t you?”
[Underage | Mildly Dubious Consent]
My Youth Is Yours by lalazee ( E | 2,419 | 1/1 )
“I love you.”“Gay.”“Are we really having this conversation while your dick is - oh.”
addendum: immersed by Ramabear (RyMagnatar) ( E | 2,733 | 1/1 )
After the confession on the beach, things do not cool down between Izuku and Katsuki even after they return to Izuku’s home together.
SeriesPart 4 of standing in awe of death
Panic by iknewaman ( E | 22,725 | 1/1 )
Katsuki’s experienced a load of ‘firsts’ in his lifetime, but his most memortable ones include the firsts he shared with Deku.
springtime of youth by claimedbydaryl ( E | 25,592 | 6/6 )
Now, Katsuki was capable of at least acknowledging that Izuku was his friend, but Izuku doesn’t think Katsuki knows that their rekindled relationship would entail things like talking, and almost-dates, and unsaid feelings.
(Or, the five times Izuku knew he would never forget the innocent sweetness of their childhood friendship despite all that had happened, and the one time Katsuki realised he had not forgotten it too).
addendum: connected by Ramabear (RyMagnatar) ( E | 3,699 | 1/1 )
Katsuki fulfills Izuku’s wish to become closer, become connected.
The first time sets the precedence.
SeriesPart 9 of standing in awe of death
Playgrounds and playing fields by Stars1Are1Metaphors ( E | 16,872 | 1/1 )
It starts as a game. Doctor and nurse, they call it. They’re childhood friends and there isn’t anyone they trust more than each other.
But somewhere down the line Bakugou and Midoriya end up in a very… complicated relationship.
[On Hiatus] synthesis by DriftingGlass ( M | 31,325+ | 6/? )
They didn’t know how it happened, or when a concept so fickle and ridiculous blossomed in the garden of doubts, anger, and pain in which they so frequently visited.
Between scarred hands and bloodied knuckles, unspoken thoughts stirred like petals in springtime rain.
Bakugo was not prepared for the undeniable change spurring between them.
Unfortunately, neither was Midoriya.
Storm Stayed by actualdevil ( E | 4,221 | 1/1 )
Inclement weather leads to finding shelter and reluctantly sharing a bed. Also, Kirishima was supposed to be here, damnit.
Took It Like a Champ by InfiniteTeal ( E | 3,238 | 1/1 )
Midoriya takes it like a champ when Bakugou forces him down to give the most miserable and rudest blow job of his life. He’s the one that leaves Bakugou speechless in the end.
[Underage | Dubious Consent]
Mark Me. Make Me Yours. by decadentbynature ( E | 10,062 | 1/1 )
Midoriya is the only Omega at UA and he’s been hiding it well but there’s one issue that threatens to expose him: his attraction to an Alpha, Bakugo. After being told to give some paperwork to Bakugo, Midoriya lets him into his dorm room and is immediately overwhelmed by his scent. Unable to help himself, he gives in to his urges, only to be discovered by Bakugo but instead of becoming enraged, Bakugo decides to give Midoriya exactly what he wants
[Mildly Dubious Consent Becomes Consensual]
May-December by Disney_Princess_Izuku ( M | 8,291+ | 2/3 )
Midoriya Izuku is quirkless, a single father, and a Beta to boot.
If that’s so, of all the people in the world, just why did Bakugou Katsuki (alpha, a Pro Hero in Training with a great quirk, and eighteen) picked Izuku as the poor recipient for his affections? There were a lot of omegas in Katsuki’s age range that he could pick, so all this attention and attempts on seduction the blond was using on Izuku made zero sense.
He really should have cleared up that childhood crush with Katsuki when he had the chance. Flattered as he was, he really couldn’t accept Katsuki’s… proposals.
Problem was: the interested twitch in Izuku’s pants was telling a different story.
[Age Difference]
Birthday Secrets by DMMegsie ( E | 8,815 | 1/1 )
During their first year, with all the hectic events, birthday celebrations fell to the wayside. However, now in their second year, the class is trying to celebrate everyone’s special date…. except for a certain explosive temper student.
Katsuki Bakugou didn’t really celebrate his birthday through middle school and never told anyone when the date was.
It was only when some of the class realizes that Izuku Midoriya knows, that trouble starts brewing. It also brings the question to mind of: Why does Katsuki hate his birthday in the first place?
SeriesPart 1 of Only Comes Once a Year
Young Blood by Lilith von Beilschmidt (LilithK) ( E | 5,981 | 1/1 )
Bakugou hadn’t gone to class and his mother asks his neighbour, Izuku Midoriya to ask for his due homework. Of course, she doesn’t know about the tense relationship between those two… And neither does Midoriya know about what was Kacchan doing when he came into his room. A little one-shot fanfic, basically a pwp because I wanted them to masturbate each other. That’s it.
Top hero by pixiebob ( E | 2,579 | 1/1 )
He had expected Deku to be sweet and innocent.
Alright, Deku is sweet.
He always smiles at him, he loves to cuddle, and he is just so open with his feelings he can say the cutest things and make Katsuki feel like exploding from embarassement.
But fuck innocent.
Midoriya Izuku is all sloppy kisses, plush lips trailing on neck, breathy laughs, hands under shirt.
I Miss You by kayjscage ( E | 5,618 | 1/1 )
Izuku didn’t think it would be so easy to start repairing a broken friendship, but Katsuki found him very persuasive.
To Mend A Hero by BluKrown ( E | 8,665 | 2/2 )
After being attacked by Shigaraki, Midoriya has been recovering.A week has gone by and Bakugo is obviously concerned about it.
[Underage | Past Rape/Non-Con]
[On Hiatus] When It Isn’t Like It Should Be by gobeyond ( M | 2,461+ | 3/? )
Jesus, what is wrong with this world. How the fuck did Deku end up an alpha and I’m the omega?
Katsuki had always been sure he would present as an alpha and Deku would be an omega. But what happens the results are actually the last thing he was expecting?
you have nothing to hide from me by QueerPinoy ( E | 2,582 | 1/1 )
Midoriya Izuku is ashamed of who he is. Who… they are? Who she is? He’s still not sure but he sure as hell doesn’t want to think about it right now. He pushes his femininity away like it’s a shameful thing, something to stay hidden, keep to himself. Sometimes he slips, lets a gesture through. Once he even painted his nails and kept them on for a whole day – black, an acceptable nail color for a boy going through his teenage angst. But this, the Izuku, he saw looking at himself in the dress he had mail-ordered, is his secret. The dress doesn’t quit him quite right – it drapes where it should be tight, falls too low on his torso, but it’s still precious and he still grins a stilted smile when he looks at himself in the mirror. No one would ever know about this dress. No one would ever know how he felt.
Bakugou Katsuki is the opposite. He could probably be stealth if he wasn’t so bombastic about who he is. He doesn’t even whisper it, doesn’t just tell his friends – he yells it out. “How the fuck am I more of a fuckin’ man than you?” “I’ve got more balls than you without even fucking having any!” He never bothers hiding. He has no shame. Izuku yearns to know what that’s like.
SeriesPart 3 of bakubowl
Belatedly by beebuzz ( E | 4,911 | 1/1 )
“It wasn’t a preposterous question. They’d done Things, plenty of things after years of pining and tension abruptly vanished, but never this.”
The boys fumble through their first time together with a lot of uncertainty and a heavy amount of taunting.
SeriesPart 2 of Steadfast
Hero Pants by zubateatscakes ( T | 1,077 | 1/1 )
Rated T for the first part. Katsuki and Izuku are about to do it for the first time, but then Bakugou notices something that completely turns him off.
True Colors by creatiwriter ( E | 4,051 | 1/1 )
Katsuki Bakugo has never been good at showing his true feelings, but that doesn’t stop Izuku Midoriya from trying.
You Talk Too Much by DastardlyDaisy ( E | 3,215 | 1/1 )
Bakugou and Midoriya have a strange relationship
stranger things by failbender ( M | 945 | 1/1 )
They’ve been dating for two months now, but sometimes it’s still strange.
Prompt fill: “You were never just my friend.”
SeriesPart 1 of prompt drabbles!
It Started With An Apple Slice by illu_nii ( E | 8,184 | 1/1 )
Was it for better or for worse? Usually I could tell. But this time, Kacchan wasn’t giving me any hints. Of course his actions toward me lately have been rather concerning for my friends, but to me it was just how Kacchan was. It was normal…
Birthday Surprises by DMMegsie ( E | 8,946 | 1/1 )
It has been two months.
School and the end of a term has really kept both Izuku and Katsuki apart with the exception for brief moments here and there in private.With their budding relationship a secret, and Izuku’s birthday on the horizon, it is only natural they’d want to take things further.
This is a sequel to the fic Birthday Secrets.
SeriesPart 2 of Only Comes Once a Year
Chapter 1 of Love in a Week by anonymousCat ( E | 450 | 1 out of 4 )
A series of one shots for katsudek week.
Learning to live by Luciel (Bananenfisch) ( M | 2,890+ | 3/? )
No man was created equal. Midoriya Izuku learned this harsh reality at the age of eight. It was not the diagnosis that he was quirkless, which shook his life.
No, it was not this diagnosis that destroyed his life. It was something much more serious.
where All Might is Midoriyas father. All is nice and peachy until Midoriya gets sick and they have to deal with the consequences and then Bakugo fucking Katsuki steps into Izukus life and becomes Izukus own special Hero.
[Major Character Death]
Endeavors of the Mind by Kattfish ( M | 22,027+ | 3/? )
Bakugo and Midoriya both struggle with different aspects of their newfound relationship. Katsuki wants to be more open with his affections for Deku, but is hindered by his intimacy issues. Izuku covets Kacchan’s affection, but is too afraid of being overbearing.BakuDeku-centric with mentions of KiriShido and TodoMomo. Yaoi. M/MLemon flavored chapters.
same ol’ mistakes by dekuberry ( M | 483 | 1/1 )
Izuku felt reborn, under a gaze he has never seen before.
Worth the Embarrassment by Zeekcat101 ( E | 2,771 | 1/1 )
Bakugou wants Midoriya to train NOW! Midoriya doesn’t even get to use the bathroom before he’s being dragged away, which ends up being both a curse and a blessing.
Fuckin’ Cleveland Ohio by QueerPinoy ( E | 2,377+ | 1/? )
Katsuki had a stupid, wonderful idea, and, of course, Deku had to suffer through it too.
consent is sexy by The_Potatoe ( M | 300 | 1/1 )
In which Katsuki and Izuku are very in love, and value communication.
Delicate by maiume( T | 554 | 1/1 )
Izuku waited for it for so long, he couldn’t help being anxious.
All Eyes on You by ibreatheakaashi ( M | 4,254+ | 1/? )
“Bakugou!” Uraraka pulls on him, forcing him to trail behind him. He hangs back, getting a clear look of him. He looked the same, same blonde wild hair, unable to be contained- just like him. His piercing red eyes stared directly at him, they were hardening and unmerciful, just as he remembered.
His sleeveless black and grey plaid jacket, showing of his bare arms.They were still muscled, he suspected it was due to Kirishima well being. Underneath his plain white shirt nearly see through, the jeans he wore couldn’t possibly be anymore tighter, hell they looked good.
aspiring ballet dancer Midoriya Izuku dreams of following in his mother’s footsteps, he wants to become the best. when he gets into Julliard, his dreams become true one step at a time. he finds out that his childhood friend Bakugou Katsuki, a talented hip-hop violinst is also attending.he believes he changed. but did he really? or is he the same arrogant boy he met 5 years ago? can they work together and rebuild their friendship, and if so than will he fall to him?
Инструкция by Explodocat ( E | 5,422 | 1/1 )
Каччан не так идеален, и в первый раз у него не получается.
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take2intotheshower · 7 years
So after 8 days of enjoying clips and gifs of the finale I got to watch the whole episode last night. This post is largely for @backonorthernshores who was curious to know my first impressions.
I admit to being scared it wouldn’t live up to my massive expectations after having read the fandom’s (largely) enthusiastic reaction. I’d been blown away by 2-21 and I’ve watched that episode 3 times so far. But I’m pleased to say the finale didn’t disappoint at all. And what with the mini-heatwave and my brain churning over what I’d just seen, I didn’t get much sleep. I would now like to apply to join the collective flailing.
First impressions and some of the questions that kept me awake for most of the night:-
1.  Patterson was simply AWESOME!! The biggest-ever threat to the US and she made the NASA bods look like amateurs. And you could tell Director Hirst was super-impressed too. I could see her already lining up Patterson as her future successor. Patterson had her momentary post-Sandstorm breakdown (not surprising given what she’s been through), but she seems to have bounced back by the time of the apartment party. I do hope this kidnapping (if that’s what it was) doesn’t break her spirit.
2.  How worried should we be about the nuked marine life in the Atlantic?
3.  The joy of watching Zapata and Keaton spar off one another. More please. Very proud of Tasha - at death’s door one minute and then fully-functioning and dishing out the sass the next.
4.  Weller proved he really is great at puzzles. First, after his brainwave about the real purpose behind the tattoos, he twigs that Shepherd plans to take down the top tier of the services that very same day and that Sandstorm must have infiltrated COGS too (does Blindspot have a cupboard-full of Aussie actors just waiting to come on and make guest appearances?). Still lolling that the only person he feels he can trust is Keaton - they’ve come a long way too. And as for Weller’s brilliant idea of electrocuting Shepherd to neutralize the beacon.....2 minutes left on the clock and he’s thinking as quickly as Patterson. I was cheering him on at that point. Pity we haven’t seen what Nas does to Shepherd (may she suffer for eternity), but maybe they’ll save that for flashbacks in S3. And bless my little munchkin for his thank you speech back at the NYO - for a man not good with words that was very well done.
5.  Jane may be outclassed as a fighter by Shepherd (I’d like to have seen her training sessions at Sandstorm with Ronda Rousey), but she is one hell of a truck driver. Did she actually see it was Roman before she ploughed into him? Or did she just assume that must be him in the police car? She was going at such a speed that she can’t have glimpsed much before the impact.
6.  Kurt’s “I love you, Jane” admission was a beautiful moment, one of my favourite ever Jeller scenes (*wipes away tears*).
7.  The apartment corridor scene was way shorter than I expected from the mountain of gifs. We’ve been poring over every nuance and expression as if it lasted minutes, when it was all done in seconds. I didn’t even get the chance to keep an eye on Jane’s elusive jacket. I like to think she dropped it for the kiss and that Zapata and Reade exchanged meaningful glances when they spotted it on their way out. But how lovely was Jane’s declaration and Kurt’s response. And yes, that ridiculous camerawork in the sex scene. A travesty. They had better give us more satisfying encounters in S3. At least Pegleg made a miraculous recovery from his wound in time to enjoy the moment.
8.  Old funny Reade is back at last and I hope that’s the last we hear about a new career at Quantico. But what did he mean by his excuse “my boy called”? Is he back with Nikki and her son and I missed it?
9.  I was pre-warned about the 2-year jump, so I wasn’t floundering helplessly in WTF-just-happened shock (although it’s going to require another viewing or three to sink in). So Jane was trying to find herself (or lose herself) and it wasn’t working. The sisters at the retreat (what’s the Buddhist equivalent of a nun?) saw that, and were encouraging her to return home. “I can never go back.” Jane’s reason for running had better be HUGE to be remotely credible. I’m still guessing it’s either a very real threat to her rabbit and/or his loved-ones which she doesn’t believe Jeller are strong enough to deal with together; or some massively disturbing Remi thing re-surfacing that means she can’t trust herself not to do harm. I think she told Kurt enough before she left to stop him coming after her immediately, but not everything.
10. So Kurt rolls up like Indiana Jones (did he arrive on a goat with a second for his luggage? did he bring a guide?), and he is trying so hard not to cry. He’s still hurting, there’s pain in his eyes, a little residual anger, confusion, relief, but so much love for her. How can anyone possibly think he might have married anyone other than Jane? “I can’t believe I finally found you.” So he’s been searching for a while, but he only left because Patterson, Reade and Zapata went missing and the box sent him to Jane. I think his search has been weeks rather than months, but that Jane has been gone for much longer. Surely the “kidnapper” wouldn’t have wanted to hold them captive for any appreciable length of time, so Weller must have had some clue to at least what part of the world to look in. Otherwise he might more logically have started in South Africa. So perhaps he flies directly to the Himalayas and then puts the word out for news of his beautiful tattooed wifey, maybe offering a reward. The sweet young sister who lets Kurt in isn’t overly-surprised at his appearance, nor does she see this big bear of a man as a threat. Do the sisters already know that he’s Jane’s husband and that he intends no harm, either to them or to their guest? It would seem so. Jane must have shared some of her story with them, and I think they betrayed her exact location as soon as they heard of his search.
11. “We think they’ve been kidnapped”. Jane’s immediate thought is that it’s Roman behind it - the threat to her rabbit she thought she’d averted by running? The “we” suggests to me that Director Hirst and Weller have been working together on figuring out what’s happened to his team and that Hirst has given Weller leave to find Jane to unlock the secret of the box. Who else would/could he consult with? Keaton? Rich? I do hope he didn’t feel it necessary to resign from the NYO. It can’t have been easy to take out Reade or Zapata (and Patterson is more formidable than she looks), so if it’s Roman he is probably not acting alone. Kurt is genuinely worried. What an agonising journey it must have been for him - with the added worry of what he might find at the end of it.
Whatever all this is about, I do NOT want to see loads of short black and white flashbacks cutting in and out of the narrative in Season 3. I think we deserve proper fleshed-out scenes explaining why Jane left and the manner of it, and what happened to Weller and the NYO between the abduction of Patterson, Reade and Zapata and Kurt’s reunion with wifey. It also goes without saying that we require full detailed scenes of Jeller’s wedding/engagement (whichever) that shows the exchange of those rings, and some of their domestic life together prior to the EVENT.
If NBC stick to their 2016 schedule, most of you will get to find out in September, while my country will probably be kept biting its nails in frustration until mid-November again, playing catch-up during your lengthy winter hiatus. It’s going to be a long long wait.      
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tinkdw · 7 years
Anyone ready for some wild SPN season 12 speculation?
OK DISCLAIMER: this is just my opinion and I know nothing more than anyone else OK and I’m more than happy to be proved wrong or have lots and lots of opinions on this, please do, its just fun and I wanted to write down my thoughts as I flailed about this a lot today, lets be honest :)
Foreshadowing points through the season and Speculation under the cut.
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He is allowing himself to start forgiving himself for his ‘monstrous’/supernatural past. Ie. His speech to Magda, his looking after Ellie and his interactions with Mary (who blames herself, not Sam for what happened to him) show that Sam is not to blame for his mother’s actions that led to his demon blood / Lucifer arc and for his ‘father’s’ actions (here replace ‘father’ with HITLER re: Ellie and LUCIFER re: Sam).  Then we have Eileen: foreshadowing / call back to 11x04: something more, with a hunter, someone who understands the life...
He is learning to forgive himself and will eventually accept that Lucifer is not his fault (probably aided by Lucifer dying - that arc being closed. Not necessarily this season, but this will close this for Sam and Chuck I would love for that story arc to be over). Similarly I also see a real supernatural/human reconciliation within Sam as part of this forgiveness/acceptance with all the magical foreshadowing very strong this season with the good witch / bad witch vibes and Sam’s past and present use of magic himself. Witch!Sam kinda has to happen? Like, SOON please?
In theory as foreshadowed since the very beginning of the season Mary (who represents Sam and Dean’s past) should choose Heaven while the boys are OK with this, symbolising that they are putting the past behind them and moving forwards.
Mary is going to have to make a choice soon and LBR either way it’s going to suck. She has a confrontation with Dean? I can only imagine how much this is going to move Dean’s arc along (I’m so ready for this!). She needs to realise the MOL are monsters, not hunters and reconcile with the boys. She kind of really needs to go back to Heaven (and I think still wants to really). She still doesn't fit or belong either with the boys or the BMOL. Even if she did eventually where’s she going to go? Buy a condo in Lawrence, pop in on the boys from time to time? Maybe if they feel bad for killing her off but, narrative wise she should go. She represents the boys’ past and she has to die for them to move forwards unless they want some kind of reconciliation of past and future arc. Really she is a plot device for the boys so as much as I want her to be her own character, she's not really been written as such, she aids the boys’ growth and season arc so, I’m just going to leave it here that most of what I care about is this *please don't hate me*.
Does it surprise you that I put these two together? If you follow me it shouldn't ;)
Foreshadowing for Cas:  Cas says in the past he wouldn't have hesitated to kill the nephilim. Now he's unsure.  THE THINGS THEY’VE SHARED HAVE CHANGED HIM. Is still unsure of where he belongs.
Foreshadowing for Dean: He loses his memories (relevant to what I foreshadow for Cas). He reveals so much this season that he is NOT performing!Dean. He is finally allowing himself to feel that he deserves better ie. from Mary, from Sam’s lies and from Cas’s absence. He is finally putting himself, not necessarily first, but not last anymore either.He is growing (through Amara and Mary particularly this year). 12x12: He is upset that he is the one who led Cas to fall/change/be lying there dying. He blames himself. Since end of season 7 he has repressed his feelings for Cas and while doing so these feelings have grown over time, organically, from crush to pining to Chuck knows what, now entering season 12 as basically, husbands. Dean’s POV towards Cas is entirely evolved from, say, season 8 (relevant to my foreshadowing too).
Speculation for Cas: is going to be ‘restored to factory settings’ / brainwashed.
He will be restored to pre season 4 Cas by the Angels to ‘power him up’ v the nephilim. Narratively it fits, but also fits with Misha explaining pre season airing how Cas is back to season 4 Cas - which we have seen nothing really that might relate to this up until now. This also particularly fits IF Cas is absent in part or all of 12x20/21/22, where hopefully we will get ALL THE PINING! / WORRIED! DEAN. 
Speculation for Dean: During this time, we know he will face Mary in some sort of confrontation (which is thematically him confronting his past self). Dean will textually acknowledge that he has had a facade in place, mostly to protect Sam but also for himself due to his upbringing and the past, that performing!Dean EXISTS and that there is another side to him. This is also entirely relevant to his feelings towards Cas as well as so much else.
So... together:
Dean will have to get Cas out of the brainwashing like the crypt scene but this is 4 years on from the crypt scene and they both have grown so much. It also fits into Cas’s ‘belonging’ arc, if he can break the programming / brainwashing. Also remembering that he couldn't expel Lucifer in season 11 because he just didn’t believe that Dean (and Sam) really cared about him and was depressed, had PTSD and felt unworthy.
Crypt Scene + Attempted Expelling Lucifer Scene...
insert *I’m you but stronger* meme ;)
This is NOW the time for the proper crypt scene as it was supposed to be. 
Its all building to that for me. Sigh *true loves kiss*. Basically this:
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Thank you @super-sootica :)
Aside from this.
Cas represents the light mirror to Lucifer: the fallen angel who loves Humanity v the fallen angel who hates Humanity.
It should therefore really be Cas who ends up defeating Lucifer, potentially alongside Crowley (and the boys, as they’re our protagonists) because, well, Cas/Crowley mirrors.
It also wouldn't surprise me if Crowley died in this, if he is to die, this is the way to go, as a mirror for Cas and to allow Cas/Dean to happen due to his place in their love chevron, though I am not sold completely on this as Crowley is more than capable of staying alive for the narrative and Mark reasons. Also Mark P saying we will really hate Lucifer? Yeah. Probably as he kills Crowley. OK it could be Mary but I would be pissed if so, thats not her narrative, she has to choose Heaven, not get killed.
So, this is my opinion based on what we have seen so far BUT 12x19 hasn't happened yet and that is going to be the key in all this. The rest I kind of don't see really how it will go another way but if this foreshadowing of memory loss etc doesn't come to pass then an entirely different scenario is most likely to be played out in relation to Dean/Cas, basically I see an unambiguous or extremely close to it confirmation of feelings from Cas at season end, followed by non-reciprocation from Dean (not flat out rejection, just not textually reciprocated and ambiguous enough to hurt) and a subsequent separation, probably Cas feeling rejected in hiatus.
Dean/Cas is always a mine field though because it doesn't just rely on the narrative, clearly, or they’d have been together long ago, but also on TPTB / network decisions so... ??
Anyway, please do feel free to add / disagree! Thanks everyone who listened to be babbling on about this today and for your thoughts :) @floralmotif @k-vichan @whyjm
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