#anything 2 make my nerves stop screamin !!!
batz · 2 years
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hi! my names frank and im a 2spirit butch tht draws cartoons!:)
im physically disabled (eds & psuedotumor cerebri/iih) and bc of the chronic pain stemming from that i’m unable to work a stable job. so i rely on commissions to help support myself and get by through the month!
paypal: [email protected] / @frankyerbury
ko-fi: ko-fi.com/franki
more examples of my art!
more commission info/rules!
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poppyknitt · 5 years
The Doctor’s Choice, an Evil Schneep AU
chapter 2 (part 2/3)
TWS: Strangulation, brutal violence, smoking mention, self-harm allusion
Six years. It’d been Six years. Six years, waiting hopelessly for their hero to return. Marvin was sick of this. He had to figure out what happened, especially now that Seán was in the hospital, recovering from that damn demon’s attempt to kill him. Or, so Henrik had told him. So far, Henrik had refused to let anyone visit him, claiming it would be too scarring to their mental health at the moment. He believed him, since he knew it wouldn’t be a pretty sight.
… He’d have to start a journal to keep track of his findings.
(31-10-16 our time)
Entry no. 1
Jack’s in the hospital. Jackie’s still missing. Henrik refuses to talk about either, unless he’s saying I’m not allowed to visit Jack. I don’t trust this. But I have to play my cards as though I’m oblivious until I’m sure that my current theory is correct.
God, I hope it isn’t… I don’t want to have to get into an argument with Henrik. That could ruin our friendship… And it’s already lonely enough, with he and I being the only egos in the house…
I think I’m more terrified of what might happen to me if I have to encounter Anti than anything else. I’m not prepared for that. I barely even know anything about him.
… this would all be so much easier if Jackie was still here… but he’s not. He probably doesn’t even know who Anti is.
Damn it, I’m rambling, aren’t I? I’m gonna have to sign off here, before I waste ten pages on random, panicked gibberish.
~Sincerely, Marvin Reed
(~03-11-16 our time)
Marvin stood before Henrik, his expression full of fury and hatred.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“Oh? Whatever do you mean by that, kleiner spatz? Have I done something wrong?”
“No! Don’t you fucking dare play stupid, you sick fucking bastard! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU FUCKING DID TO JACKIE AND SEÁN!” He yelled, already feeling his voice starting to die from how loud he screamed. That fucking bastard-! He fucking- He knew what he did! He fucking kidnapped Seán and Jackie! He knew he did! He never even tried to fucking hide it! If only Marvin figured it out sooner, maybe… Maybe he could’ve saved Seán… He didn’t even know what he’d done to either of them. He just knew he took them from him. He took his friends. He took them. It was all his fault! Marvin finally had something worth living for in life, and Henrik fucking took them from him! He was going to kill him! He didn’t care what it took. He had to kill Henrik. He- He had to make him regret ever being born! His crimes couldn’t go unpunished! He had to avenge his friends!
“... I see.” Something changed in the doctor’s expression and tone. Something seemed to click. He didn’t know. There was just… an unsettlingly dark undertone to the doctor’s act now.
Before he could process what was happening, a fist slammed into his mask, almost breaking it. He could feel its edges rip into his face, breaking a few bones in the process. He stumbled back, hand flying to his face, as he stared down for a moment or two with a horrified look on his face. As soon as blood began to leak down from the places where it tore into his flesh, he looked up at Henrik, not even flinching or blinking as a few trickles of blood began to run over his eyes.
He gritted his teeth in anger, and summoned his magic. “You stupid piece of shit-! I’ll fucking kill you for what you’ve done!” He spat, and went to tackle Henrik in a fit of pure rage as all the evidence he’d gathered flooded back into his mind at once.
… And yet… nothing happened. At least, not until he registered the immense pain erupting through his gut, as he felt the doctor literally force his fucking hand through the magician’s abdomen. He made a strangled, desperate gasp for air, eyes wider than the full moon during the time of year where the moon is closest to the earth. There was no weapon needed. No knife. No dagger. Nothing. He just ripped through Marvin’s liver with his bare hands.
Schneep removed his hand from his abdomen, and Marvin stumbled back once more, only to be caught by the throat. The doctor held him up, his hands wrapped tight enough around the magician’s throat to cut off his air flow. He felt his energy draining, as the doctor’s cold, emotionless glare bore into him, and as he effortlessly strangled him.
His vision slowly went black, his mind numb and body screaming at him to breathe until the very last split second before he fell unconscious.
(~17-11-16 our time)
Red. So much red. Everything hurts. I don’t know where I am. I can hear Jackie sobbing in one of the cells on the other side of the hall, but he’s too far away to see him. I tried calling out to him one time, once I was sure he would be able to respond, but all i heard was a really quiet and weak “no”... I don’t think he knew Schneep got me, too… I… should’ve stayed quiet… He probably blames himself for this now. It’s all my fault, isn’t it?
Jackie… Jackie called out to me. I don’t even know how to respond…. I yelled back to him. He started sobbing again. He… He asked if it’s really me. Of course, I had to answer…
He broke down, I can’t see him, but I know if I could, I would break, too. I don’t think I could stand to see my best friend so broken… He’s been here for years… Who knows what Schneep’s done to him… God I hate this… He’s just sobbing and saying I shouldn’t be here, I shouldn’t have to suffer like him, he should’ve been there to stop him from taking me… I kept trying to tell him he isn’t responsible to protect me from my mistakes. He won’t listen. I don’t know what to do…
Marvin woke up, and immediately froze. He was… home. In his bed. He… how..? He could have sworn he was chained up in a cell just last night…
… No, wait… last night… was another experiment… Probably the worst yet… He could swear he felt himself begin dying towards the end… Sure, he wasn’t totally unfamiliar with that feeling anymore, but… Before, it was put to an end. This time the doc decided to let him die…
He sighed heavily, and cleared his head, so he could actually process the world around him. He pushed himself up, but froze, as searing pain ripped through his body. Right. Perpetuated pain. He forgot about that, especially after the self-inflicted cigarette burns that littered his left wrist had stopped hurting a while ago. God, he hadn’t had a smoke in who knows how long… How the hell did he survive that? Eh, whatever. It didn’t matter.
Not wanting to make it any worse for any longer, he let himself fall back onto his mattress.
“Alright, Marv, yeh old fuckin’ sack’a potatoes, how th’ fuckin’ hell d’ya plan teh get ye’self outta ‘is one?” He asked himself out loud, not really caring to mask his accent like he normally did, since he was entirely alone right now, “Ay, no, that won’t work, yeh fuckin’ idiot, yeh’ll still be in pain if yeh use crutches or a wheelchair. Yeh can’ even sit up without havin’ yer nerves screamin’ at’cheh.”
He sighed shakily, and raised his hands to cup around his face in annoyance. Then, something occurred to him.
He remembered the fans all getting excited back before Hen got to him. Something about this new channel, some guy calling himself “Bro Average”, who happened to look a hell of a lot like the egos, and more specifically, Sean himself. He looked over to the nightstand, where he’d left his phone, and shakily lifted his arm, picking it up and unlocking it.
Chase Brody was the guy’s name, and. as he thought, he was definitely an ego.
He knew what he had to do. As soon as he was healed enough to move, he would find the perfect opportunity to introduce himself to the new guy.
He was so relieved.
So happy.
He wasn’t alone anymore.
He wouldn’t have to do this all on his own anymore.
AH HECK, i forgot to update yesterday, sorry guys!
@antis-loyal-puppet @tiny-septic-puppet @phoenix-wint3r @chaoticcrimsonrose @septic-dr-schneep @startschantingpma @insaneangel18-blog @ihaveanunhealthyteaaddiction
@happygamingbubbleswithmemes @sqxxddygremlin @the-editor-is-bored @epicfangirl01 @risingroseakira @alphaqwerty7
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