#anything I latch onto gets discontinued though so I buy stuff I like in bulk sdjf
itstimetodrew · 2 years
OOOH for the ask meme 25!!! I love seeing what my irls wear for scents but with online friends/mutuals, we never get details like that since I cannot smell people through my screen, so do you have any signature scents or lotions you like???
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I am being smelled.....
But I don't wear actual perfume, just scented soaps/sanitizers. (Not even a candle person smh)
I like fruity and flowery scents though! Apple, melon, citrus, that sort of thing. I just go to B&BW on occasion and have some favorites there. Honestly I really like the """mens""" stuff too (who cares who it's marketed at lol), I'll always pick that over something that's supposed to smell like cupcakes or whatever. Cannot stand dessert scents, it's too much. 😭
Rose scents are hit or miss, sometimes those can be too powerful. But a subdued thing that smells like leaves after a rain storm is wonderful :)
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