#anything for the fatcrab agenda
Im obsessed with Fatcrab. Like so obsessed. Do you have any cute headcanons about them because I’m starved for content?
I can go into heavy detail, AND I WILL! I WILL GO INTO HEAVY DETAIL!
Dude, thank you so much for this ask. I've been pretty quiet on most of my socials as of late just because I was working more on the fic-making side of things, but given any opportunity to talk about Fatcrab I will. A few of these are going to end up in the two Fatcrab wips I have going, but since you asked I'm gonna put them here anyway:
So I HC that they officially get together in the time period between vigilantes and the main series, as a result of one of them ending up in the hospital after a villain attack.
They are NOT married yet. Every time they set a date something terrible happens. First it was the flood, then it was the fire, and then that one guy with the hot sauce quirk spilled hot sauce on Kaniko's dress. (Fatgum was called in to prevent a murder that day.)
They both can cook, but don't usually. Most of their expenses are for takeout. These are two very busy people! They both have very dangerous full time jobs! They do not have time to cook for themselves so they often collapse on the couch together at the end of the day with boxes of take out.
Because they are both busy, they do not have time for kids, at least not yet.
So, they treat Fatgum's sidekicks as their kids for now.
Kaniko hasn't met Kirishima and Tetsutetsu yet cause she's been on a big undercover mission (where I HC she is during the main series), but she knows Tamaki, and while her out-there personality is a bit much for him, he appreciates that she makes Fatgum really happy. (He's still really scared of her + her snippy hands.)
But lets not forget that though Fat and Kaniko are committed to each other, their first priority is always to the bit. They can often be seen making 'title of your sex-tape' style jokes in which they high-five afterwards.
Also they are a nightmare to team-up with. You WILL be subjected with a never ending series of 'yes-ands' until they are both nearly hyperventilating from laughter while they're trying to stake-out a villain.
Eraserhead was subjected to this before they were even dating.
Kaniko and Ms. Joke being in the same room is Aizawa's worst nightmare
Fatgum is the ultimate mattress man, and it is very hard to find a bed big enough for him so Kaniko usually just sleeps on top of him, and Fat barely notices.
Also, remember when Koichi thought that Aizawa was on a date with Kaniko? If you mention that around Fatgum he will give you The Stare™️ and you will feel the chill of death up your spine.
An AU:
So, I had an idea for an au where Kaniko is a villain and Fat is the hero tracking her down (crab related crimes) and every time they meet Kaniko aggressively flirts with him. But! They don’t recognize each other when they’re out of costume because that’s my shit in villain/hero aus, so it's like:
Fat sees Kaniko with her hair down: a pretty woman
Fat sees Kaniko with hair like crabs: KANIKO!?
and kaniko cannot recognize him without the fatgum hoodie:
w/out hoodie: A man I would like to climb 
with hoodie: FATGUM!? 
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