#anyway! Jared using Evan as his special effects guinea pig rights!
sochilll · 2 years
October 10 - Scars
Day 9 Day 11 All Days (Prompt list)
“Stop moving.”
“It’s taking so long.” Evan whined.
“Because you won’t stop moving.” Jared snapped. He grabbed Evan’s chin and shoved it upward again.
Evan’s neck felt like it was going to give out. He’d been at this angle, staring at the ceiling for nearly an hour. His tailbone hurt from sitting on the bathroom counter too. But Jared was intently focused on his work, oblivious to Evan’s suffering.
“How much longer?”
“Quit talking.” Jared said, dipping a brush into his red body paint.
Evan groaned until Jared flicked him.
“Okay.” Jared said a few minutes later. “Look at me.”
Evan lowered his head. It hurt. His neck was stiff and sore.
Jared studied him. “It looks pretty good.”
Evan turned around to look in the mirror. Across his neck was a large fake scar. Jared had used a mix of scar wax, body paint, fake blood, and a pack of cheap Halloween makeup. To be fair, he’d done a pretty good job for having no makeup experience. It really did look like Evan’s throat had been slit.
“Wow.” Evan touched the fake gash lightly. “It’s really good.”
“I know. I’m incredible.” Jared picked up the scar wax. “Turn around. I need to add some on your face and do a little bruising.”
Evan sighed but did as he was told. He was only letting Jared do this because they’d signed up to work in a haunted house for a little extra money and Evan certainly wasn’t going to attempt his own makeup.
Jared titled Evan’s face toward the light. He smoothed the wax out on Evan’s cheek with the tip of his finger. Evan closed his eyes because if they were open he just had to stare at Jared’s face and that made him fidgety.
“Oooh. That’s good. I’m so good.” Jared hummed, leaning back.
Evan felt his fingers prodding again, this time near Evan’s eyebrow. Then a brush, cold and wet, running over each spot.
“Open your eyes.”
Evan opened them.
Jared studied him. “It looks good. But you don’t look dead enough.”
He picked up the cheap three-dollar eyeshadow pallet he’d found at Spirit Halloween and rubbed his finger into a gray and then into a light blue.
“Look up.” He instructed.
Evan lifted his chin again.
“No stupid. Just your eyes.” Jared tilted Evan’s head back down and then started smearing the powder under his eyes. His touch was gentler than Evan had been expecting.
“Are we done after this?” Evan asked even though now that he wasn’t craning his neck, he didn’t mind so much.
“Art is never done.” Jared muttered, tilting his head to see if the eye bags were even. “It’s closer.”
He leaned closer and suddenly Evan could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that Jared wasn’t going to kiss him but Jesus Christ did it feel like he was going to for just a split second.
Jared leaned back. “Needs more on the left.” He picked up the pallet again.
Once he was satisfied with Evan’s eyes, he returned to the scars, adding fresh fake blood to “spruce them up.”
Evan groaned and hung his head as Jared reached for the body paint again.
Jared tilted his chin up slightly. “Stay still.” He said softly.
Evan ignored that request. He leaned forward, just a little.
“That’s not staying still.” Jared said, and then he kissed Evan.
Evan pulled Jared closer, which made him realize how close Jared already was. Why was he standing so close in the first place? How did he expect Evan not to try and kiss him?
There was a soft thump that Evan ignored because he was preoccupied with the fact that he was still kissing Jared. Still tugging at his collar and still feeling arms around his waist.
“Work.” Jared said suddenly, pulling back. “We’re-we have work. We have to leave in like five.”
“Right.” Evan looked down and identified the thump he heard as Jared dropping the body paint onto the floor. For some reason that made him feel very satisfied. “So I’m done?”
“You’re done.” Jared patted his knee.
Evan hopped off the counter. He looked at himself in the mirror. He did look dead. Mostly.
“You need to look paler.” Jared commented, grabbing his mask from his desk. He’d lucked out in that department. No makeup for him.
“I don’t know if you know this,” Evan said, slipping his shoes on. “But I do not control the paleness of my skin. Besides, I’m pretty pale already.”
“No you’re not.” Jared looked back at him, grinning. “You’re blushing.” He grabbed Evan’s hand and pulled him to the stairs. “Come on. We’re gonna be late on day one.”
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