#anyway <3333 this gruntled me <3333333
scattered-winter · 1 year
well well my keyword for you is: magic system. do you have one and is it hard, soft, something in between??? tell me about it :D. also hope your day has been nice <3<3<3<3<3
I'm pulling from the jaykyle fantasy au that's been gathering dust in my docs for ,, nearly 6 months now lmao!! but I'm super proud of the magic system I built for it and tbh I love it so much I might implement some aspects of it into some og fantasy stories I have because it's sooo <333
it's.....somewhere between hard and soft, I think. like. the system is built around color (like lantern rings), so certain "colors" of magic can do things that other colors can't, but even then there are exceptions. there's some really big, very fundamental, completely unbreakable laws that apply to all magic types, and there are smaller rules that might apply to only a few and that could be bent/worked around if so desired, so I think it's a solid mix between hard and soft <3
every main lantern color is a specific type of magic, but colors can also be combined to make subtypes (kind of like how some firebenders can also redirect lightning in avatar the last airbender).
red = blood magic
orange = alchemy
yellow = mind magic
green = glyph/construct magic
blue = healing magic
indigo = flora/fauna magic
violet = star magic
black = death magic
white = life magic
blood magic at its core is the most powerful when the user draws his own blood, but some groups of blood mages have started using the blood of other people/animals which isn't as effective but its easier to harvest someone else's blood than your own. mind magic basically means that a yellow mage can manipulate someone with hallucinations, visions, or even by tampering with their emotions. green magic creates constructs, and the more powerful green mages can make glyphs that have gravitational/propulsion properties (inspired by these glyphs from rwby). indigo mages can control plants and animals, and each mage usually specializes in one over the other. star magic draws power from the sun and stars, and some mages literally suck the life from the stars to power their magic.
red/orange = blood alchemy
red/yellow = earth magic
red/green = air magic?
red/blue = water magic
red/indigo = fire magic
red/violet = storm magic
red/black = hollow magic (sucking life from living things for spells)
orange/yellow = academia magic (spellbooks, chalk circles, etc)
orange/green = trick magic (illusions)
orange/blue = advanced healing magic (slowing aging, replacing limbs, etc)
orange/indigo = herb potions
orange/violet = constellation magic (star positions)
orange/black = death alchemy
yellow/green = creation magic (creations with minds of their own but no souls)
yellow/blue = soul magic
yellow/indigo = animal magic (channeling animal auras)
yellow/violet = emotion magic
yellow/black = terror magic
green/blue = repair magic
green/indigo = growth magic
green/violet = summoning magic
green/black = dark glyph magic (using your own or other life forces to power glyphs)
blue/indigo = healing magic (specializing in plants/animals)
blue/violet = clairvoyance magic
blue/black = aura magic
indigo/violet = celestial magic (sun and moon)
indigo/black = decay magic
black/white = lazarus magic
I'm still not sure how the main strains of color magic coincide with the combinations, but ideally a red mage would be able to at least dabble in all the red combinations. the rules get kinda bendable on the individual color level, but the overall sphere of magic has some very strict fundamental laws. the biggest and most important: everything has an equal and opposing force. black magic is very powerful and terrifying, but white magic is just as powerful, and they cancel each other out. no spell is completely invincible from other spells, because no matter how many safeguards there are, there will always be something that can counteract.
send me a keyword and I'll tell you something from my brain (aus, ocs, etc) that relates to it
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