#anyway . my brief bw and xy hyperfixations are showing akfbekrheh
pyonzzz · 2 years
Please tell me about the fucked up little Pokémon oc siblings
hehe . hehehe . uueehehehe
obligatiry warning for faked suicides , some death , and toxic families
sososo important backstory is most of the siblings story takes place in my fan region , fioreé ( fee-or-eh ) , which is located somewhere to the north of unova !! and in fioreé its . mostly snow . its a very cold region and that part isnt really relevant but i think its very funny and cool ( hehe )
so here is where we meet a pokemon nurse / caretaker named grace , and her explorer husband , fissure . grace and fissure are the sweetest people youll ever meet , and they dont like to battle with their pokemon at all . most of them arent even officially caught in pokeballs , theyre just gentle people who want to live in complete peace with pokemon . grace runs a hospital / daycare out of their home for pokemon , often injured ones that fissure finds while exploring and brings home
they have a child and name them dogwood , and raise dogwood , who we will call dog for short , with their same values of non violence and harmony with pokemon . dog seems disinterested from a young age with continuing the family business , and prefers more academic things , which fissure and grace understand and allow
everything is fine , in dogs eyes , until they turn 7 and their parents have another child — this one named deerwood , who well call deer for short . from birth , deer seemed much more invested with the pokemon surrounding him , and it was clear to dog that their parents seemed to favour deer and his love of pokemon more than they did dog and their academics
this came to a head when one day , a wild , rampaging pokemon comes to the familys home / hospital and scares off most of the pokemon staying there , the only ones remaining being those that belonged to fissure and grace . by this time , dog is 18 and deer is 11 . the pokemon ( a legendary unknown to the kids ) attacks and eventually kills grace and fissure , and instead of fighting the pokemon , the parents sent out their pokemon to take the children to the nearest town to keep them safe
from this point onward , the siblings are nearly left to fend for their own . a friend of their parents gives them an apartment to live in once what happened is learned by the town , but dog has to balance working to pay bills and school with taking care of deer , and deer drops out of school to help out at the local pokecenter
dog refuses to get near any pokemon , even their parents old partners , a stantler and an arcanine , instead releasing them from their pokeballs . the two pokemon occasionally visit the children , mostly deer , until they pass of old age
meanwhile , deer continues to devote himself to caring for pokemon , so one day he can soothe any rampaging pokemon and prevent anyone else from going through what he did
dog was in the top of their classes , but due to their hatred of pokemon and overall antisocial demeanor , they were often bullied in school . they would in turn take this anger out on deer , berating him and such for the smallest things . deer never got mad at dog for it , though , as he view his older sibling as yet another rampaging pokemon to soothe one day
but dog ends up getting scouted by a scientific group , one wanting to understand everything about nature and the world . they ultimately want to return the world to a blank slate , with no humans or pokemon , for the longevity of the planet , even if they use pokemon in the meantime to help in some aspects of their plan . when they tell this to a now 22yr old dog , dog joins immediately , and within a year is promoted all the way up to vice-chairman of team ghast , the underground scientific laboratory
deer learns quickly what his older sibling is doing and absolutely despises it , because it goes against everything their parents taught them . but dog doesnt care about grace and fissure , since " they didnt care about me , either . just like you to kiss their asses as always , deerwood " . dog tries to convince deer repeatedly to join team ghast , but deer refuses and starts making secret plans to leave fioreé to live in peace
but to do this , they have to do something extreme , as dog was the sort of person to be able to track down deer almost immediately if he went anywhere behind dogs back thanks to fissures exploration teachings . so deer , 15yrs old , after months of making plans , fakes his own death with an attempt on his life that hospitalizes him , wherein the doctors and nurses help him escape his toxic older sibling . deer then goes into hiding before flying out to kalos by himself , to live freely with pokemon and never looking back on fioreé . he still has it in his heart that he wants to soothe dogs anger , but he wants to be happy , too , and his parents taught him that it can be dangerous to always protect others and not yourself
dog , meanwhile , takes the " death " of their little brother horribly , blaming themselves and their parents and the world itself for the loss . they devote themselves wholeheartedly to team ghast and their goal to erase all life from the planet . because theyve lost their parents to pokemon, they lost their brother to the pain living creatures cause . if they cant have happiness in this world , nobody can . they eventually become the ruler of team ghast after catching their first pokemon partner , an absol , and defeating the teams leader in a landslide battle .
maybe they reunite . maybe they dont . only tine will tell
now for lighthearted fun facts !! the story of my fan region was also a " fan game " i was planning , which would take place 3 years after deer runs away . 18yr old deer is 6'2" and 25yr old dog is 5'7" . deer is transfem with he / him pronouns and dog is intersex agender with a fem presentation
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