#anyway . the house remained coated in a film of pepsi until the time came to sell it. the new owners are probably Still finding pepsi stain
reminiscing about cleaning grandmas house. grandma had dementia. it was bad. she would never let us clean for her & her house was So Nasty. pepsi all over everything. big mess. ok. so we devise a Plan. in which mom takes her out on the town for a while so dad & i can sneak in and clean. you ever take an elderly woman with dementia and the absolute most godforsaken knees out shopping? it is not a fast process. so we figure we got time. we're cleaning. we're scrubbing the kitchen floor. about halfway done. soapy pepsi water everywhere. whole big production. i just happen to look out the window and i see that stupid goddamn little red car pull up i go THEYRE BACK. my dad thinks im joking bc they been gone maybe 15 minutes no Way are they already back. Theyre Back. water everywhere. i gotta go out & stall while my dad quick pulls that shit together so she doesnt go inside & become enraged. turns out my mom never took her anywhere. she just drove her around until she got so mad they had to come back. i was like Why The Fuck Didnt You Take Her To The Store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Driving Her Around Only Infuriates Her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everybody Knows Driving Around Infuriates Her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was SO mad to this DAY i give my mother shit for that i cannot believe
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