#anyway I <3 toxic codependency (in media) ok? ok
critter-wizard · 1 month
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you are all I have, you are the eyes that see, the air that breathes, how can I worship anything else?
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fandom-hoarder · 3 years
The thing about the destiel wedding and all the meta and other flurries of fandom renaissance since 15x18 is... like, they could just enjoy themselves and their hivemind over in their corner and not bother anyone? They could take what canon gave them (3 separate finales, to make everyone happy!) and expand on it in fanon, rather than rabidly insisting what they've scoured and pieced together of subtext is TRUEFAX ACTUAL CANON. But instead they're shitting on the cw and spn in reviews, shitting on walker, shitting on jared, "boycotting," purposely making their tags trend on twitter and having embarrassing meltdowns with literal actors from the show and brand accounts and. It's just. So insane. And cringe.
And SAD! Cuz Wincest may be my main, but destiel brought me here (well, first a gen merlin xover brought me, but anyway) and I still have ~feelings~ about it. (My feelings for wincest are stronger, cuz my sam-and-dean feelings are stronger--even when I read destiel I'm super picky about how sam and dean's relationship is portrayed. Even Castiel said they chose each other ffs. And you don't find it often, but I prefer ace Cas.) Even though it's not often written well, canon does say Cas is Dean's best friend, after all. And sometimes I really enjoy the meta and fanart and typical in-joke craziness. (Tbh the "destielection" insanity and "clinton-fucker-misha" was objectively hilarious.)
But also, like, I don't understand the fixation on NEEDING it to be canon and acknowledged by the actors. Y'all weren't gonna get "good rep" from that show, but you can take it anywhere in fanon! Instead, they pay actors on cameo to say shit about dean and cas and act like it's canon; like wtactualf. Embarrassing af. I guess maybe this behavior comes from the same hyper-realism-expectation that makes them clutch their pearls at incest and codependency (wtf show have they been watching). *sigh*
Fucking embarrassing.
The more it goes on, the worse they get, and it's actually affecting my mood. Like sometimes I want to reblog something cute or funny or meta, but I hesitate because I don't want to be associated with them! :( there are SO MANY bad takes. Particularly the ones that are like "cas is the only (good) character/spn sucked before angels/etc" (omg i actually do like castiel as a character but i hated most of the angel plotlines and the growing feeling that that's all spn was now). And normally I'm like, "fuck you i do what i want it's my blog" but right now it's just exhausting. Especially cuz lol all those h*llers and their "w*ncesties dni" shit.
Maybe the passage of time has shined up my rose colored glasses, but I don't think any other fandoms I've been in have been so toxic. There are always shipping wars of some kind, but usually it's more het vs. not-het? Maybe there were also anti-incest rabids, but I don't remember it??? (Maybe anime fandoms are more ok with it in general? Or maybe my lj was just really well-curated lol.)
Granted, I've not been in many non-anime/live action fandoms. And the advent and spore-like growth of social media has made things that much worse and exposed. I shudder to think what the RIFs would've been like if they'd had twitter instead of the [adult swim] forum.
Anywayyyyy i don't think I'm going to tag this... but these are multishipping woes, i guess.
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